home · Measurements · Secrets of caring for a wooden door: extending its service life. How to effectively and quickly clean upholstered and other furniture in the house? How to clean wood

Secrets of caring for a wooden door: extending its service life. How to effectively and quickly clean upholstered and other furniture in the house? How to clean wood

A wooden cutting board is an environmentally friendly and convenient kitchen tool...

However, it has one drawback - it quickly takes on an “unpresentable” appearance: it gets dirty and scratches from knives remain on its surface

Despite the widespread use in modern kitchens cutting boards made of silicone, glass and plastic, wooden boards are not going to lose ground, remaining as popular as they were several centuries ago.

Due to the porous structure of wood, a wooden board, after cutting food on it, absorbs their juice. The point is not only and not so much the smell that permeates the board after cutting meat or fish.

Microscopic particles of food remaining on the surface of the cutting board serve as an excellent breeding ground for microbes and bacteria that represent real threat for people's health. There are many known cases of food poisoning, the cause of which is poor cleaning of a wooden cutting board after use.

Cleaning the cutting board
The most common way to clean a wooden cutting board is to wash it thoroughly. hot water using dishwashing detergents.

Attention! Do not submerge or soak wooden cutting boards in water. This will encourage bacteria to grow and the wood will crack when it dries.

It would seem that what could be done wrong here? However, many people make the mistake of wiping a washed cutting board dry with a kitchen towel, thereby transferring germs and bacteria onto the board.

Give it up bad habit! After washing and rinsing the cutting board, leave it to dry in vertical position without wiping it with a dish sponge or a kitchen towel.
If the board needs to be dry immediately, wipe it with a paper towel.

Disinfection of a wooden board
Most effective method disinfection - soaking a cutting board in a detergent containing chlorine. Do not overdo it with chlorine-containing liquid! For 5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of the product will be enough.
After 30 minutes, the board should be removed from the disinfectant solution, rinsed thoroughly and left to dry in an upright position.

You can prepare a safer solution for disinfection, using baking soda. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 0.5 liters of hot water and wet the surface of the board with the resulting mixture. After leaving for 5-10 minutes, the board must be thoroughly rinsed and left to dry.

Can use hydrogen peroxide instead of soda, in this case, to prepare a cleaning solution for 0.5 liters of water, you will need 2 teaspoons of peroxide.

Perfectly disinfects, cleans and removes unpleasant odors from the surface of the cutting board. regular lemon, or rather his half. After wiping the board with half a lemon, leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry thoroughly.
Similar Table vinegar also has an antibacterial effect.

To sanitize, wipe down your cutting board after each use with white vinegar, which is effective against E. coli, salmonella and staph.
Apply it with paper towel. For ease of use, keep a spray bottle filled with vinegar in your kitchen.

A wooden cutting board that is heavily scratched or cracked cannot be used for further use. The best thing to do with such a board is to get rid of it and buy a new one instead.
But if the damage to the surface layer of the board is minor, the board can still serve.

Lemon and salt. Simple and cheap way how to clean a wooden cutting board

Keeping cutting boards clean is an integral part of maintaining kitchen hygiene, since the entire cooking process takes place on the cutting boards. Therefore, if boards are used unhygienically, there is a high risk of spreading harmful bacteria, such as salmonella or E. coli. But not everything is so bad, because when regular cleaning, infection food products and the spread of harmful bacteria is easily avoided.

Baking soda and water. Another way is to How to get rid of bacteria on a kitchen board.
In order to get rid of dirt on a wooden cutting board, you can use such a simple, and most importantly - accessible to everyone, tool as baking soda. Dilute 1 tsp. soda in 0.5 l. hot water and spray the resulting mixture all over the board, leave for a while, then wash it thoroughly in the usual way. Instead of soda, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (the proportions for preparing the solution are similar to the first option).

Cleaning powders are not the best option
Some housewives use various cleaning powders to clean wooden cutting boards. It's best to refrain from doing this.
Despite the fact that they effectively remove various odors and dirt from almost any surface, it is highly not recommended to use such substances for cleaning kitchen utensils, especially wooden cutting boards - powder particles may remain on their surface and, upon further use, end up in the food you prepare.
It probably goes without saying that this poses a threat to the health of all members of your family.

Clean your wooden cutting board from time to time
Rub it lightly with fine sandpaper to keep the surface smooth, especially if there are food particles or uneven surfaces.

Restoring the cutting board. We will use sandpaper, salt, lemon and sunflower oil heated in a water bath.

The cutting board is a breeding ground for bacteria. What to do?

Bacterial contamination test for cutting boards

Which cutting board should you choose?

Key points:

  1. For different types food, you need to use different cutting boards. This way you can avoid food poisoning when cooking. meat products and you won't have to constantly wash the same board when cooking.
  2. Hot water and dishwashing soap are essential helpers for daily washing cutting boards.
  3. Once a week, thoroughly disinfect all cutting boards.


  1. Some food odors, such as garlic, onions and fish, are difficult to avoid. Dip paper napkin into pure lemon juice or take a lemon wedge and rub the surface - your cutting boards will smell like citrusy freshness!
  2. Rub the board with coarse salt or baking soda to remove strong odors. Leave the substance on the board for 2 - 3 minutes, then wipe the treated surface. Rinse cutting board and dry.
  3. Bacteria die without moisture. Store the board in a dry place away from food and any other contaminants. Store your board upright when not in use.

Preventing food contamination

Who wants to suffer from food poisoning? Follow these simple tips to avoid such problems:

  • Buy hard acrylic or rubber boards as they are the most hygienic to use (these are the boards commonly used in restaurants).
  • Wooden boards should be disinfected regularly and kept as clean as possible.
  • It is convenient to have several boards for different types of food. You should have at least two of them: one for raw meat and fish, another for vegetables, bread and any other food that can be eaten raw.
  • Buy colored sets of cutting boards or label the boards yourself, this will make it much easier to distinguish them by purpose.
  • Throw away any cutting boards that have cracks, large scratches, or obvious signs of dirt. Like all kitchen utensils, cutting boards have an expiration date and it is important to dispose of them promptly to maintain kitchen hygiene and cleanliness.

Processing cutting boards

Most wooden cutting boards are made from hardwoods such as teak, although bamboo cutting boards are also quite common. Any type of wood should be treated to prevent stains and keep food odors and bacteria from lingering on the surface.

Use an oil that can be used multiple times, e.g. edible mineral oil. It is safe and will fill the pores of the wood well. Another name is liquid paraffin, edible petroleum jelly.
Rub the oil onto the board and let it soak into the wood. Wipe off excess oil with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat this process at least once a month.

Attention! Do not use vegetable oil for processing cutting boards. Such oil will go rancid and cause bad smell.

After mineral oil, apply beeswax, it will make the surface of the board waterproof, which will protect the wood from wear and tear and extend its service life. Reheat in microwave oven in a microwave safe container, 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) beeswax with 1 cup (240 ml) mineral oil for about 45 seconds. Apply warm wax on a cutting board.
Based on materials from www.cleanipedia.com, ru.wikihow.com

Wooden kitchen cutting boards have many advantages compared to their plastic and ceramic counterparts.
Products do not slip on their surface, allowing you to cut them much more confidently and quickly.
In addition, dense wood, in addition to its environmental friendliness, is also famous for its durability, so wooden boards last much longer than their other analogues.

But wooden cutting boards have their drawbacks. The main ones are the ability of wood to absorb odors and change its appearance for the worse. In order for the board to last longer, it is necessary to properly care for it.
I hope now you know how to do it :o)....

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Cutting boards are needed in every kitchen. We cut all products on them, from vegetables to hard cheeses. We don't always have a separate board for each food group, and fruits and raw meats may be cut on the same board. And although the board is washed after each use, the result is not flawless. Regular soap and detergent are not as effective as they should be. After a few years of use, the board almost completely fails. But don't rush to throw it away until you try it. original ways cleaning.

1. Salt and lemon

This method works very well for cleaning wooden cutting boards. Scatter coarse salt on the board, and then begin to rub it with half a lemon, squeezing the fruit so that the juice begins to stand out. Rub until a gray liquid forms on the board. After the salt has dissolved, simply rinse off the remaining mixture with water and wipe the surface dry.

2. Lemon juice

If you don’t have fresh lemon on hand, you can change the recipe with salt by simply adding lemon juice from a bottle. Wipe the board with the slurry using a hard sponge. If the dirt is very strong, leave the mixture of salt and juice for a couple of hours. In this case, you need to make the mixture thick enough, and there should be more salt in it.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is great for getting rid of stains. You can use it in pure form or dilute with water in proportions 1:1. Vinegar not only cleans the board, but also kills bacteria. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and add to the board each time you use it. Then wipe with hydrogen peroxide, and after that simply rinse the surface with running water.

4. Bleach

Bleach is the most the best remedy for cleaning plastic boards. Fill the sink with hot water and add half a cup of liquid bleach or bleach. Leave the board in the sink for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly soapy water to remove traces of chemicals.

5. Baking soda

If your board starts to smell bad, try getting rid of the smell with a paste of water and baking soda. Make a thick paste on the board and leave it for a while. Rinse off the baking soda and dry the board with a towel. The unpleasant odor should disappear.

6. Vaseline

Wooden boards should not be left in water for a long time, as this will cause them to become covered with unsightly stains. And although they do not interfere with the use of the board, it will no longer be possible to display it in a prominent place. Simply rub the stain on the board with Vaseline and leave for 12 hours. Once the Vaseline is absorbed, wipe off any remaining residue and wash the board. The stains should disappear.

7. Toothpaste

If the board has become rough over time, you can polish it with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste. Just choose your pasta white, not gel. Wipe the surface along the grain of the wood. Then wipe the board with a damp cloth and dry.

8. Grated apples or potatoes

Another effective way Eliminate unpleasant odor by covering the board with grated apple or potato gruel. Leave the paste for 10-15 minutes and then simply rinse with water. The smell will be much better.

9. Microwave

Boards small size can be disinfected in the microwave. The method is not suitable for thin plastic. Do not leave the board in the oven for more than one minute. You can pre-wipe the board with soapy water and lemon.

10. Laundry soap

Be sure to lather the board with thick foam after cutting raw meat on it. It is better to immediately apply foam, and only then wash off traces of blood with water. Wipe down the board immediately after cutting to prevent stains from penetrating deep into the wood grain.

11. Steel sponge

In the most advanced cases, you will have to contact mechanically cleaning The steel wool actually removes a thin layer of wood, removing the stain. You shouldn’t resort to this method too often, but with some stains you can’t do without it.

12. White spirit

If the stain is too stubborn, soak a steel wool pad in a solution of white spirit and scrub thoroughly. After this, you need to thoroughly wash off the chemical with soapy water. Dry the board on outdoors so that the vapors completely evaporate.

13. Vegetable oil

Another way to polish scratched boards. Mix 3/4 part oil with 1/4 part vinegar and polish the board. It should become smooth.

Any of these tips will make cleaning your kitchen much easier. Try everything and choose the best one!

If previously wooden floors were a necessity, now they are a luxury, especially in the bathhouse. How to clean a wooden floor from dirt so as to keep this luxury in excellent condition for a long time, the information in this article will help you.

Types of wooden floors

The most common types of wood for flooring are coniferous trees, such as spruce, pine. Alder and fir are less common. And a very expensive pleasure - oak.

Important! For a home where people do not wear shoes, coniferous covering options are most often chosen; they do not have the same strength as oak, but proper care will last a long time.

So, we decided on the tree. Floors made from this material have their own names based on the size and type of boards. Namely:

  • Parquet;
  • Plank floor.

Important! Parquet is a flooring made of small boards of equal size, tightly nailed to each other. A plank floor consists of larger boards, which are not always the same in size and therefore caring for such a floor has its own nuances.

That is, if you know how to clean parquet from dirt and how to properly care for it, this does not mean at all that caring for a floor made from a larger board should be the same.

How to care for plank floors?

Care for a wooden floor is based on how it is processed, what type of appearance.

Cleaning unpainted floors

How to clean old wooden floors? Before washing a wooden floor from dirt, it is necessary to carry out preliminary work, namely, to remove debris and dust.

Important! Dust must be removed very carefully, preferably with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If you do not do this right away, then later you will never remove what is clogged at the joints of the boards. It may come to the point that you will have to change the sex prematurely, and this is not a cheap pleasure.

After you have removed the garbage, you need to inspect for stains. Let's give them Special attention, because different types Contaminants are also removed from wooden floors in different ways.

Black stains from shoes

Baking soda will help you. Apply dry baking soda to the stain and scrub with a dishwashing sponge. Wipe off any remaining stains with ammonia.

Sticky stains

When choosing how to clean a wooden floor from dirt that sticks to the surface, first remove the stickiness with ammonia. Then, carefully remove the remaining sticky substance with a spatula. After this, work with soda and a sponge in the same way as in the first case with the black spots. Remove any remaining baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Urine stains

You are not insured against this phenomenon if your home has Small child or pets. Urine tends to penetrate deeply and destroy the structure of the coating.

Important! Remove such stains immediately, do not wait for them to dry!

To solve the problem, how to clean a wooden floor from dirt if there is urine on it:

  1. First, remove the liquid itself with a dry cloth.
  2. Then, gently scrub the stained area with dish soap.
  3. Finally, wipe with ammonia.

Once you've dealt with the stains on your flooring, move on to cleaning the entire floor. There are several most common options for how and with what to clean a wooden floor from dirt when it is not painted.

Lime and sand

If you are not lazy and you have the opportunity to obtain these two components without difficulty, then do the following:

  1. Mix 50 g of lime and 150 g of sand.
  2. Add the mixture to 4 liters of water.
  3. Wash the floor with this solution using a soft brush.

Important! This method will not only clean the flooring from dirt, but also disinfect it.


Dissolve half a standard package of baking soda in 4 liters of warm water and wash the floors with the solution using a brush.

Vinegar and ammonia

Just 2 tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount ammonia 5 liters of water will help you get rid of impurities and make your wood covering perfectly clean.

Washing painted floors

A painted floor differs from an unpainted one in that it is much easier to clean. All dirt that accumulates on the coating is not absorbed into the wood due to the monolithic layer of paint. There is no need to say much here:

  • Stains can be removed with conventional household chemicals, such as washing powder or dishwashing detergent;
  • You can wash the floor with clean warm water, adding 2 tbsp to a bucket of water to be sure. l. vinegar.

This is more than enough to maintain your painted wood flooring. Bigger problem There is no problem with how to clean a wooden floor from dirt.

How to clean dirt from a wooden floor after renovation?

Let's talk about the broom again. After repairs, a lot of debris of various origins remains. You will never discover stubborn dirt and stains on your decking until you sweep and vacuum the floor.

After completing the procedures with a broom and vacuum cleaner, you will probably find stains from paint, plaster, wallpaper glue and other repair paraphernalia. How to clean wooden floors from such dirt? There is an answer.

You need to use special chemical compositions, which are sold in “Everything for Repair” stores, there is no other choice. They will once and for all remove all traces of repair from the coating and you will never return to this issue again. Until the next renovation.

Methods from the people

If you still don’t want to use chemicals, try several traditional methods, which are outlined below. They do not guarantee a 100% result, but they can help if the pollution is not very intense.

You need:

  1. Take sandpaper and very carefully rub the floors where the paint has stuck, being careful not to touch the coating.
  2. Brush off any remaining lime or plaster.
  3. Dilute 200 ml of gasoline or kerosene in a bucket of warm water and wash your flooring with this solution.

Important! Don't be afraid of the smell, you can wash the floor afterwards with water and vinegar and all the smell will go away.

Parquet care

How to wash parquet flooring from dirt while maintaining its exquisite appearance is not an easy task, but the coating is not simple, but very expensive. First, let's talk about protecting parquet flooring from damage.


As soon as you have such a floor in your home, be prepared to cherish it like a jewel:

  • Often parquet floors are not covered protective layer, but they only rub, so you just need to rub them regularly and don’t forget about it;
  • When entering the room, there must be a mat for wiping your feet - parquet does not tolerate dust and sand;
  • try to remove stains from the flooring as soon as they appear, using the same methods intended for caring for unpainted floors;
  • if your parquet is varnished, do not use dry cleaning agents under any circumstances: wipe off stains only with acetone or solvent - methods for caring for unpainted floors are not suitable here;
  • the varnish coating must be periodically rubbed with polish;
  • vacuum the flooring every day;
  • Monitor the air humidity - your home should not be too dry and too humid, maintain the right balance.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning will take more or less time, depending on how long you have ignored the need for cleaning and how neglected your floor is now. Based on this, the means by which you can wash the parquet from dirt will also vary.


  1. Stains on unvarnished parquet can be removed using the methods described above to remove dirt from unpainted floors.
  2. If you have stains on the varnish, then solvent-based products will help you. Or just solvents.
  3. Spots on laminated coating Chemicals that can dissolve grease and dirt can be carefully removed.

How to clean dirt from parquet if you have difficult stains? Traditional methods, unfortunately, do not give good results in this matter, but the chemical industry has all the means to ensure that your parquet sparkles with cleanliness. Choose the right products from a brand you trust. Please note that the packaging is marked “for parquet”.

Wet cleaning

Let's start cleaning the floor. You need to remove debris and dust with a vacuum cleaner, then wash the flooring with a soft, well-wrung out mop. Add to water special remedy for cleaning parquet, which can be bought at any household chemical store.

Important! After wet cleaning The coating must be wiped dry. Any parquet cannot withstand excessive moisture and quickly deteriorates if you leave water on it after washing.

Final stage

After you have brought your parquet into proper shape, all that remains is to do a very important final step, thanks to which your coating will be for a long time tell you “thank you.” Namely, apply a protective coating.

How are wooden doors washed so that they retain their properties for a long time and shine with cleanliness? This question worries all owners who have an installed wooden door.

A wooden door is environmentally friendly, durable, reliable and fits any room design. Therefore, there are wooden doors in almost every apartment, house, and office.

Cleaning products can vary and range from expensive to traditional ones. The choice is yours as to which detergent to wash a wooden door with, the main thing is to avoid strong chemicals(they can ruin the surface of a wooden door).

A large list of detergents that are used to wash wooden doors:

1. Folk remedies:

  • Acetone or white spirit;
  • Table vinegar;
  • Ammonia;
  • Lemon essence;
  • Clay;
  • Raw potatoes.

2. Household chemicals:

  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Silit;
  • Domestos;
  • Schumann;
  • Profit.

Steps to solve the problem yourself

In order to wash a wooden door with your own hands, and do it quickly and efficiently, you need to perform the following list of actions:

  1. Wipe the door with a damp cloth;
  2. After this, apply the selected detergent on the entire surface of the door;
  3. Wipe complex stains more intensively;
  4. Wait five minutes;
  5. Remove foam and remaining moisture from a wooden door; you can use a towel or a special cloth.

These steps will clean any wooden door, but if you still have stains, then you should seek the advice of professionals. And in order to be sure to remove all stains and dirt, contact the EKS company, which will clean your apartment quickly and efficiently.

  • You should not use abrasive powders when washing doors, they can damage the surfaces;
  • When you soap a wooden door with any means, it is best to wait 5 minutes (and this is the maximum);
  • Buy a polish based on natural beeswax; this product will help keep your wooden door clean and shiny;
  • If the stain is greasy and old, you can use regular potatoes. Cut the vegetable into two parts, apply the cut to the stain, and wait a little. After this, be sure to wipe the door dry, the stain will definitely go away;
  • The prepared solution will help remove grease from wooden doors: 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia + 1/2 liter of warm water. Gently wipe the stain with this solution, it is guaranteed to do the job;
  • For removing difficult spots, a solution of mixed clay with vinegar (in equal proportions) can help.

By following the advice of professionals, you can easily understand how to clean wooden doors.