home · Appliances · Substrate under the laminate (cork, coniferous and others). Which one to choose and how to install it? Laminate underlay 5 6 mm

Substrate under the laminate (cork, coniferous and others). Which one to choose and how to install it? Laminate underlay 5 6 mm

The choice of underlay for a laminate floor is one step that gets very little attention when it really needs to be taken care of. What do you know about the thickness of the substrate under the laminate? What should she be?

Often such a question leads to a stupor. Some don't know what to say. Others are guided only basic principles: for lamellas with a thickness of 7 mm, the substrate is 2 mm, for 8-9 mm - 3 mm, 10 and more - 4 - 10 mm. These are very standard indicators and should not be taken seriously. Let's try to understand in more detail the question of what should be the thickness of the substrate for the laminate.

Choice of substrate thickness

Rule 1 Optimal Thickness should be between 2 and 5 mm. Here it is also very important to take into account the material, strength, thickness of the lamellas, as well as the curvature of the draft base;

Rule 2 If you choose cork, buy sheets of 2-3 mm. Your choice is polyethylene foam? Take a closer look at 5 mm samples, because over time the material sags a lot, which affects the quality of the entire flooring and its service life.

Rule 3 More thick layer used in rooms where additional heat and sound insulation is required.

! Never lay material in several layers for the purpose. The point is that such soft flooring will lead to an increase in the bending in the lamellas. Each time you step on the floor, the load will increase and the comb may break.

What should be the substrate for the best soundproofing properties? Many argue that the thicker the better. Truth be told, stack more standard sizes Not recommended. A more resilient material will compress under any pressure. Assume that the permitted height difference is about 2-3 mm per 1 square meter, then the total play can reach 3-4 mm. This is the limiting value, taking into account the side joints of the flooring. By increasing the size, you increase the risk of broken joints.

But, it all depends not only on technical indicators, and from the material:

  • Foamed polyethylene and isolon. These are the cheapest options for layers. They are not afraid of moisture, and are also endowed with soundproofing properties. At the same time, mounting them is quite simple and easy. Here the thickness does not affect the properties in any way;
  • polystyrene. It is created using aluminum foil. The cost of the layer is very high, but the benefits are many. In addition, the coating fills the entire space between the rough base and the lamellas, is not afraid of moisture or mold;
  • cork. This option is not pressed at all. Such a layer has only a positive effect on the sound and heat insulation of the entire room.

So, the substrate for a 2 mm laminate is the so-called necessary minimum, which is able to compensate only the most minor irregularities of the rough base within 2 mm x 2 mm.

As a rule, this is a foamed version, in the structure of which there are sealed air chambers, providing excellent resistance to moisture, as well as sufficiently tolerant sound and heat insulation.

Such layers are very popular due to their low cost. The pluses include the fact that they are not infected with either fungi or bacteria, and also do not provide much interest to insects or rodents. But, it is worth noting negative side: sheets do not retain their shape well, sag over time and are afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

! In some cases, such material is also equipped with a layer of aluminum foil or a protective metallized film.

If you're looking for a really reliable 2mm layer, check out the Silent System underlay from the Norwegian company ALLOC. It is characterized by increased soundproofing properties, a dense surface and a porous structure. Recently, the Norwegian company ALLOC has begun to produce laminate with an already glued substrate (Original, Original Trend and Domestic).

The best option is a 3 mm laminate underlay. It immediately solves several main problems:

  1. Finally smooths out the unevenness of the base;
  2. becomes a shock absorber between the coating and the screed;
  3. dampens the impact noise that occurs when walking.

Under such a layer, it is necessary to additionally lay a plastic film (0.2 mm).

A good example of such a layer is Isoplaat. The material has high mechanical strength, thanks to which it can withstand pressures up to 20 t/sq.m. at the joints. At the same time, due to its porosity, it is light and rather soft, which means that it quickly smoothes out any defects.

If the board is sufficiently dense and thick (8-10 mm), then underlay for laminate 10 mm used as an option for leveling surface irregularities, because the impact of the load in the place of the gap can lead to breakage of the locks.

In truth, last option practically not used, as it does not justify itself. BUT, in the case of installation in a room with low traffic, its use is very helpful.

And lastly, do not think that the thickness can save the entire flooring or hide all the flaws. For a while, yes, but not forever.

The thickness of the substrate under the laminate: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 mm. What should be the thickness of the substrate?

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When installing laminate flooring in your home, it is important to properly lay the underlay. It is necessary to know that the substrate is a material that is installed between the base of the floor (most often: a concrete screed) and the floor covering, in this case, a laminate.

All functions of the substrate depend on the interaction with these two surfaces. The material and thickness of the substrate under the laminate are of key importance, since too thin (from 2 mm) will not provide heat and sound insulation and protection from moisture, and too thick (7-10 mm or more) can cause the floor to begin to fail, sag or otherwise be deformed in some places.

The choice of thickness is also influenced by the structure of the material that is decided to be used. For different types materials have their own limitations, recommendations for laying, maximum loads and other factors.

It is worth considering the following questions:

  • what is the function of the substrate?
  • What materials and at what thicknesses are best suited for a certain type of floor?
  • what should be done for maximum protection and comfort in the house, using the substrate?

Functions and characteristics

Underlayment is usually installed to protect the floor. Like other materials, laminate cannot be used forever, and its incorrect installation can significantly reduce the resource of use. Therefore than better substrate the longer the laminate lasts. As written above: the thickness of the material and installation conditions determine how comfortable it will be to live in a house or work in an office.

Functionally, an underlay under the laminate is used to isolate the impact negative character, as well as to ensure good ventilation and uniformity of the floor surface.

Several directions of isolation are defined:

  1. Noise isolation and sound absorption;
  2. Thermal insulation that determines energy efficiency;
  3. Hydro and vapor barrier.

Noise isolation is one of the most important reasons for installing a high-quality substrate under flooring especially in multi-story residential buildings. Modern developers do not always guarantee high-quality soundproof floors by installing thin (thickness - 2-3 mm) substrates. Therefore, the noise-absorbing properties of the floor affect the level of comfort in the house: the sounds of steps, furniture rearrangements, conversations, music, and other sounds.

Thermal insulation is one of critical factors energy efficiency of the house, as it not only maintains a stable temperature level, but affects heat consumption. Good thermal insulation allows you to save huge amounts of money for a long time. Therefore, installing a good underlay pays off. In addition, residents of a well-insulated home are much less at risk of disease and live in comfortable conditions all year round, especially in winter.

Waterproofing has 2 positive features. Firstly, good insulation from moisture, the penetration of condensate, and its occurrence under the floor. This increases the life of the laminate. Moisture, penetrating into the cracks or joints of the floor elements, causes swelling, deformation of individual sections, destruction, and so on. Secondly, good waterproofing maintains a stable microclimate in residential premises, which allows creating comfortable conditions for a person, as well as reducing the risk negative influence on his health.

Good ventilation of the substrate is very important. This also has its benefits. Such a substrate is safer for health, allows you to maintain the properties of the laminate and its own qualities with changes in humidity. Ventilation directly depends on the material and its thickness.

In addition to insulation factors, the degree of leveling (smoothing) of the floor surface is also important. It should be understood that the thickness of the substrate and the degree of load on it directly affect how even the floor will be and how long the laminate slabs will last. Therefore, this is one of the most important functions of the substrate associated with the performance properties of the laminate.

It is easy to determine the main characteristics of the substrate, according to which it is chosen for installation under the laminate.

  1. The service life of the material depends on the conditions of use. Artificial or natural materials, depending on the thickness, environmental humidity, loads and temperature conditions, have a different operational resource;
  2. Interaction with warm and cold materials is a characteristic showing how long a material can retain properties when sharing With different types surfaces (concrete, laminate, intermediate layers).
  3. Format and ease of installation. The cost of its laying, as well as the full functioning, depends on the type of substrate material. Great importance has the form of a substrate (sheets, rolls or plates). The cost, complexity and installation time also depend on it.

How to choose material

The standard classification of materials divides the substrates into several types: natural, artificial and combined.

Among natural materials determine:

  • coniferous;
  • suberic.

Advantages of natural materials: environmental friendliness, good ventilation, durability. Cork products have definitely better elasticity and even with a thickness of 4-5 mm show good leveling results. This material is usually supplied in rolls, in the form of compressed oak chips, with the addition of a film.

Disadvantages of cork materials: reduced waterproofing properties, poor resistance to fungal and bacterial penetration. In turn, coniferous material is too hard and not elastic enough, since its thickness is 5-7 mm.

Notable artificial materials:

  • Polypropylene (foam structure or foil).
  • Styrofoam.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Polyethylene or foam.

The advantages of these materials are that they can be used for any conditions, have excellent water-repellent and heat-insulating characteristics. The most popular in use are polystyrene foam or polypropylene. A 2 - 3 mm thick laminate underlay made of these materials will provide not only the necessary insulation, but also a high leveling factor.

Flaws artificial materials are insufficient environmental friendliness, poor ventilation. Therefore, moisture that gets into cracks or damaged surfaces can remain in the substrate for a long time, which will sooner or later lead to damage to the laminate.

Fiberglass is another a good option to create durable and protected floors. Fairly environmentally friendly. Usually used for 5 mm substrate.

If we talk about polyethylene and foam, then they are not used separately for the substrate. But the plastic film sometimes serves as an additional waterproofing, and the foam can be included in the combined materials.

Combined and integrated substrates

Polypropylene and expanded polystyrene are sometimes combined to form durable material With good properties isolation.

Integrated underlays are usually considered to be additional layers of insulation on laminate boards. Such a laminate can be installed directly on concrete or with an additional layer of insulation, such as plastic sheeting. In this case, laying is carried out according to the recommendation of the laminate manufacturer.

Specialists and amateurs define some popular materials.

Cork products are considered the best, although they are quite expensive.

"Parkolag", "Tuplex" - effective sound insulators. Supplied in rolls, they isolate moisture well, suitable for 4-5 mm substrates.

Coniferous "Isoplat" 5 mm thick is suitable for the highest class laminate (33), absorbs up to 20% moisture without changing its structure. Loses to cork materials in elasticity.

Professional extruded polystyrene foam, for example, Arbiton, is durable, does not bend under heavy loads, and vapor barrier is quite good.

Sheet polystyrene "Teplon" is a good sound and heat insulator. Does not tolerate large long-term loads.

Rolled foil polyethylene foam, such as Isolon, is durable. One of the best heat and moisture insulators.

Optimum substrate thickness

The thickness of the substrate is usually 2 to 10 mm. It directly depends on the loads, type of material and other conditions of use. What thickness is optimal? It should be taken into account that for different heights lamellas (boards or laminate tiles) choose the appropriate materials. Typically, the thickness of the substrate is about a third of the thickness of the laminate itself.

Most thin layer- 2 mm. It is used for laminate with a thickness of 7 mm. Sound and heat insulation in this case may not be enough, but the minimum necessary water resistance is provided. The evenness of the floor directly depends on the evenness of the base. concrete screed. Foamed polypropylene or expanded polystyrene is used as a 2 mm substrate.

The 3 mm thick laminate underlay is the most the best option. Firstly, it provides a fairly even floor, and secondly, it better protects against noise, moisture and heat leakage. It is recommended to use cork material with a polyethylene ball at the bottom or two-layer polyethylene with a foam polystyrene ball.

For a 4 mm layer, cork material with bitumen or rubber is suitable.

The substrate for a 5 mm laminate can be made of fiberglass or a combination. Fiberglass has excellent sound and heat insulation, but it is preferable to use it for heavy-duty laminate (class 33) or composite boards.

Installation under laminate

Installation consists of several stages:

  • Creating an even screed. Repeat this process if necessary.
  • Thorough cleaning of household waste.
  • Laying polyethylene film for additional waterproofing. It is made in an even layer with an overlap (capture of about 3 mm), fastening with sanitary tape.

  • Laying sheets or rolls of substrate. A checkerboard pattern is used with an offset of half the length of the sheets. You can fix them double sided tape, but the use of glue or nails is strictly prohibited.

  • The joints are insulated with adhesive tape (polystyrene foam) or in another way, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. The elements of the substrate must fit snugly against each other and against the walls, but without deformation.

  • Next comes the laying of the laminate. It is important that the joints of the laminate and the substrate elements do not match. Sometimes diagonal placement is used for this.

  • Each new sheet of substrate at the joints is covered with a new layer of laminate until the entire floor is covered.

After the work has been carried out, the service life and evenness of the laminate, as well as: the thermal, soundproofing and moisture-repellent properties of the floor, will depend on the thoroughness of these steps.

A high-quality underlay is a guarantee of comfort and a long service life of the floor, which should become a good support for all residents of the house.

Sheet substrate Solid, 5 mm thick, for laminate and parquet board

When laying laminate or parquet, you definitely need an underlay, but how do you choose an underlay when there is so much variety on the market? The substrate differs from each other not only in color and shape, there are many more characteristics by which they evaluate which substrate to use under the laminate. Let's look at a few real examples, which you may encounter when choosing a substrate for flooring.

If you have Vacation home and you are done water heating floor, then the substrate must have high thermal conductivity. Not every lining has these properties, so when choosing, check out its characteristics before buying. Also, if possible, it should have waterproofing properties, so that excess moisture, evaporating from concrete, did not cause damage to the floor covering. If you have a similar situation, a self-leveling or concrete floor with water heating, use the Finnish underlay Tuplex.

If you live in an apartment high-rise building, and neighbors from below often visit you, complaining about loud stomping, then your substrate under a laminate or parquet should have high noise-absorbing properties.

Often you may encounter a situation where you need to increase the thickness of the coating by a few millimeters, but there is no way to increase the base of the floor in height. In this case, you can adjust the height of the floor with the lining. There are several thicknesses of the substrate 2, 3 and 5 mm, with their help it is possible to adjust the insignificant thickness of the coating.

If you need to increase the thickness of the coating, use the Solid 5 mm underlay. This is one of the few universal underlays that can be laid under laminate and parquet boards. It is made of dense polystyrene, which allows it not to lose its shock-absorbing properties even after long years services. Sheet underlay Solid, allows you to compensate for small unevenness of the floor and can be applied to any floor coverings made of laminate or parquet, on any floor bases. Also, it reduces the noise level, and its thermal insulation properties, will keep your floor warm when laying on cold concrete base. Durability, heat and noise isolation make this underlay in some situations, simply irreplaceable.

These are the most popular situations that you may encounter when laying a coating, of course, there are other criteria by which the lining is chosen, but for each case, the choice of the substrate must be considered individually. Our online store has the largest selection of linings in Moscow, and if you have a non-standard situation, call us and consult before buying a lining. Do not experiment on yourself, do not test the fate of your gender, call and get advice professional managers our store.

Online store "Repair 3000" offers wide choose styling materials floor covering from laminated board. The substrate for the laminate is bought to provide heat and sound insulation. The range includes rolled products according to low prices with optimum performance.

The advantages of the proposed materials:

  • high wear resistance;
  • high-quality alignment of the base;
  • low moisture absorption;
  • good insulating characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

The product is conveniently packaged and comes in rolls.

Types of substrate for laminate

Buyers are offered polymer and cork backing. The first is made of polyethylene foam, is inexpensive, characterized by strength, low moisture absorption. The second is made from natural cork, characterized by increased elasticity and resistance to deformation. The material does not rot even under conditions high humidity. It effectively absorbs noise and vibration.

To buy a laminate underlay with delivery to an object in Moscow and the region, as well as other regions, contact the online store at the specified phone number or leave a request on the website.

The substrate under the laminate is necessary to perform many functions, the main of which are:

  • Protection of the lower stabilization layer of laminated panels from negative impacts and laminate in general;
  • Increasing the level of sound insulation of the floor covering;
  • waterproofing properties. Necessary in order to protect the laminate and its internal structure from the harmful effects of moisture;
  • Thermal insulation properties (when choosing a good and high-quality substrate, heat loss through the floor will be minimal);
  • Leveling the subfloor, reducing the load on the locking system of laminated panels.

Laminate floors, regardless of their quality and cost, will not tolerate defects and irregularities of the rough base quite well. Manufacturers note that the maximum possible height difference for laying laminate is no more than 2-2.5 mm. per 1 sq.m. In most cases, it is necessary to mount the laminate on a bedding substrate, the thickness of which is from 2 to 5 mm (if the subfloor is even and has slight deviations).

When choosing a substrate, you need to consider its three main characteristics:

  1. Density. The heavier the material, the greater its density. The most dense substrates are not flexible, but they do not deform under severe mechanical stress. At the same time, such models are practically not able to level the rough base. Less dense models are great for leveling the base.
  2. Substrate material. Laminate underlay can be made from natural (softwood, cork, etc.) and artificial materials (foamed or foiled polypropylene, expanded polystyrene, a combination of foam and polyethylene, etc.).
  3. Thickness. The substrate for the laminate can be the most different thickness. Generally for standard installation of laminate flooring in residential areas regular sizes models are used, the thickness of which does not exceed 4-5 millimeters. But everything will depend on the laying conditions, the characteristics of the substrate, the operating conditions.

If the laying of the flooring is carried out in a residential area, then the determining moment when choosing the thickness of the substrate will be. Certainly, if the thickness of the laminate is 7-8 millimeters (i.e. the thinnest models), then the substrate under the laminate with a thickness of 5 mm is absolutely not suitable for it.

The five millimeter substrate will become great option for thick, high-strength and durable laminate, the thickness of which is 10-12 millimeters (or a little more). As a rule, these are models of wear resistance class 32-33, which at home can last more than 20-30 years. That is why, if it is planned to install just such a laminate in an apartment or house, it is recommended to choose a substrate of the appropriate quality, which can last for several decades without losing its main functions.

At the same time, every self-respecting laminate manufacturer must indicate in the instructions for their products the type and recommended thickness of the substrate. In most cases, modern manufacturers it is recommended to use a substrate with a thickness of more than 4 millimeters in the case of c, which will be subjected to serious stress during operation, so it has high strength and high density characteristics. The selected substrate must correspond to it in terms of performance.

What materials is the 5 mm thick substrate made of?

In stores now it is unlikely to find soft models of the substrate with a thickness of more than 3 millimeters. The thing is that soft substrate materials will be crushed during operation, caking, so their thickness gradually decreases. This, in turn, leads to the fact that a void begins to form in the space between the substrate and the laminate. And the larger the size of this void, the worse it will be for the flooring. Therefore, soft models for laminate should have a slight thickness - just no more than 3-3.5 millimeters.

On modern market you can find a five-millimeter substrate of the following types:

  • Cork models. As a rule, cork substrate materials have a thickness of no more than 3-4 millimeters, which is due to the characteristics of the cork. At the same time, bitumen-cork substrates can boast of a greater thickness, which are distinguished by high density and solid strength characteristics - their thickness is just about 5 mm.
  • Combined models. In the production process of combined specialized substrates, various components (polypropylene, polyethylene, urethane, etc.) can be used in different proportions, so the substrate for this type of laminate can have different density and, accordingly, thickness.
  • extruded polystyrene. The thickness of the sheet substrate made of extruded polystyrene varies between 4-6 millimeters.
  • Coniferous models (or made from wood fibers / waste from the woodworking industry). The thickness of such a substrate is 3-7 mm (depending on the model and manufacturer). If you plan to use just such a substrate, then it is recommended to choose from models whose thickness does not exceed 4-5 millimeters.

Is it possible to level the rough base with a 5 mm thick underlay?

Thin underlay models are recommended for use in cases where the subfloor is perfectly flat and does not have any flaws, irregularities and defects. In that case, if there are minor defects on the rough base, the size of which is within acceptable limits, then a substrate under the laminate with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm is recommended. For more severe irregularities, it is recommended to work on leveling the base, and not to buy a thicker substrate.

At the same time, in case of serious unevenness of the subfloor, it is allowed to use thick substrates if they have the following characteristics: high density, the material does not wrinkle during operation and does not cake, does not lose its main performance characteristics over a long period.

Expensive and high-quality models have similar characteristics. coniferous substrates, as well as substrates of their cork and extruded polystyrene foam, which are made in the form of sheets. Of course, this type of underlay should be used if recommended by the laminate manufacturer, or where the characteristics of the laminate floor and the operating conditions of the flooring require it. But in order to just level the rough base, using thick underlay models is not the best and correct solution. And categorically do not put thick models under a thin laminate.