home · On a note · How to water dandelions to prevent them from growing. How to quickly and easily get rid of dandelions in your garden forever. Damage from dandelions on the site

How to water dandelions to prevent them from growing. How to quickly and easily get rid of dandelions in your garden forever. Damage from dandelions on the site

How to get rid of dandelions on the lawn forever?

No matter how diligently you care for your lawn, you still won’t be able to protect it from the appearance of dandelions, because weed seeds are carried by the wind and grow wherever they land. But there are several ways to get rid of already grown stubborn plants once and for all. For your attention the most effective methods and a video of their application on the site.

Mechanical removal of dandelions

There are three surefire ways to get rid of weeds mechanically:

  • Manual digging. If you have a couple of hours of time left, you can use the simplest, but effective method– digging up dandelions with roots. To work, you will need a special spatula with an oblong narrow handle - ordinary tool It won’t work here, because the root of the plant goes deep into the soil, and you can simply cut it with a regular cutting. To make the digging process easier, water the lawn first.

Important! By cutting rather than completely digging up the dandelion root, you do not remove the weed, but help it reproduce.

  • Burning out. Not good safe method, requiring maximum accuracy, but effective. To remove weeds, you will need a torch: consistently point the device at the dandelions and burn them out. Please note that there is a risk of damaging the rest of the lawn vegetation.
  • Blocking light. Dandelions need large quantities sun rays, so if you cover them with dark cardboard for several days and completely deprive them of light, they will die.

Removing a Dandelion by the Root

Home remedies for dandelions

If mechanical methods If you don't like it, pay attention to less radical home methods:

  • Vinegar – Spray onto leaves and stems. You can also pull the weeds out of the ground a little and pour vinegar into the holes to damage the roots.
  • Boiling water – water the weeds with boiling water 3-4 times a day until they die.
  • Salt - cut the dandelions to the very root and sprinkle thickly with regular table salt. There should be at least one tablespoon of salt per weed.

Remove dandelions before they produce seeds.

  • Hydrochloric acid - use a kitchen syringe to apply the concentrated product along the entire length of the dandelion. Within 5-10 minutes they should turn brown - this indicates the beginning of the process of plant death.

Advice. Among the chemicals, the most effective in the fight against dandelions is considered to be a herbicide, but it can only be used spot-on, applied directly to the leaves of the weeds, so as not to destroy the lawn grass.

So, we have many different ways to get rid of dandelions on the lawn once and for all. All of them have been tested in practice and are effective, but remember that you need to fight weeds before they become covered with fluff, so that the seeds do not scatter throughout the area and ruin all your efforts.

How to get rid of dandelion on the lawn: video

Bright yellow meadows of blooming dandelions begin to delight the eye with the onset of the first truly warm days. These plants are quite unpretentious, their high survival rate is ensured by amazing ability feel equally good above the surface of the ground and below it. The root of plants is significant in length and can reach a quarter of a meter; extracting it entirely from the soil is not an easy task, the fragile structure will most likely break, and young plants will quickly appear from the root fragments remaining in the ground. Ripe seeds with gusts light summer breezes can spread tens of meters around, it is possible that your garden or lawn will become the landing site for them. suburban area. It is from this moment that problems begin for amateur gardeners - dandelion grass is perceived by them in most cases as a weed.

Removing weeds, how to remove dandelion roots

The easiest way to get rid of several plants is to remove them mechanically.

To simplify the process as much as possible, you should first thoroughly moisten the area where the weeds grow - the ground will become softer, and the chance of uprooting the plant, or most of it, will increase significantly. The soil around the plant should be dug up; for this you can use a special shovel purchased at a gardening store, or you can also use improvised means: a knife or screwdriver.

Then you should grab the entire plant as tightly as possible and try to lift it in a vertical direction. You should not make sudden movements - the root will break off immediately. If you feel that the root can be pulled out of the ground, continue to slowly pull the entire bush up; if you cannot do this, you will need to loosen the soil more thoroughly.

You can also use a special weed extractor

or a rake for removing plants.

Watch a video about how you can remove weeds physically:

We fight weeds with the help of special preparations - herbicides

Of course, the use of herbicides is extreme case, When physical methods struggles will not bring the desired result. There are options when even avid opponents of using chemicals This kind of people agree to change their view on solving the problem - in most cases, the lack of result is explained by the fact that the roots break off at the moment of physical extraction of the plants and soon produce new growth.

Not only drugs that are sold in specialized stores can be used as herbicides. For example, you can get the effect by using food vinegar- the acid contained in it can also act as a herbicide. Naturally, for greater effectiveness, the use of a higher concentration of acid will be required.

To combat dandelions, it is best to wait until the beginning of autumn. In this period perennial actively accumulates in the roots nutrients- its leaves die off during the winter, the roots, after wintering, should have the power to give life to a fresh bush. Naturally, herbicides applied to the leaves during this period will move much more actively to the roots and kill them.

Before starting treatment, you should stop mowing the lawns - the more surface of the dandelion leaves are treated, the greater the effect the procedure will have. After treatment, you should also not mow the lawns for 3-5 days - during this time the herbicides will reach the roots of the plants.

Watch a video on how to use herbicides correctly:

What preventive measures can be taken

Of course, it is quite difficult to fight weeds when they have taken over the entire lawn area. A more rational way is systematic, competent lawn care; strong grass itself will be able to resist the growth of dandelions.

Among the measures that are not at all difficult to take in advance, the following should be remembered:

  • It is not recommended to remove cut grass from the lawn - it will act as mulch and create an obstacle to the germination of weeds,
  • It is recommended to mow the lawn to a height of 5 to 8 cm, the soil will be more protected from dandelion seeds, it will be more difficult for sprouted seeds to take root in it, young shoots will be suppressed, there will not be enough light for their development,
  • Experts recommend carefully monitoring the quality of the lawn; if areas with “bald spots” appear, it is necessary to sow them with grass.

But all these recommendations are addressed to those who really cannot tolerate the presence of weeds on the site; most people still consider the yellow dandelion against the background of bright green spring greenery to be a kind of symbol of the beginning of summer; fight against a plant that does not bring you much concern not at all necessary.

Dandelions - benefits and harm

Dandelion is a plant, all parts of which are considered edible.

In addition, from each hectare of a flowering field of dandelions, bees collect about 50 kg of aromatic, healing honey.

medicinal properties

Before you get rid of dandelions in your area, read about the benefits you can get from these plants. ethnoscience refers them to medicinal plants, capable of saving a person from various kinds of ailments.

The leaves and roots of the plant contain a fairly large amount of:

  • vitamins B2 and C,
  • nicotinic acid,
  • choline,
  • potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Dandelion leaves are a tasty medicine that will help get rid of scurvy, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, gall bladder and kidneys, and help normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

With the help of potions prepared according to folk recipes from dandelion leaves:

  • treat severe cough
  • remove sand and stones from the kidneys and gall bladder,
  • relieve inflammatory processes and intoxication resulting from poisoning, swelling of various origins.

The leaves and roots of the plant are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and arthrosis; they will also help if the patient needs to increase appetite.

Tall medicinal properties The juice of the plant is different, it tones and strengthens the human body, helps treat tuberculosis, viral diseases and oncological. Dentists recommend as aid use decoctions and infusions of dandelion in the treatment of periodontal disease, as well as for the prevention of tooth decay.

how to make dandelion juice

The plant is harvested for juice when the dandelion blooms, in late May-early June. First, the collected raw materials are washed well, then soaked for half an hour in cold water- this is enough for the plants to get rid of the bitter taste.

After grinding the plant, add a little water and squeeze out the juice. Before taking, the juice can be mixed with oatmeal broth and a spoonful of honey; to obtain a therapeutic effect, you should take from 1/4 cup to 1 cup of this mixture daily. Preserve dandelion juice with vodka or medical alcohol.

dandelion wine

When it comes to the culinary qualities of the plant, one is reminded of Ray Bradbury’s famous work “Dandelion Wine,” which mentioned a recipe for a fantastic drink, summer, captured and sealed in bottles, capable of storing information about all the events that occurred during its preparation.

The recipe for dandelion wine used in practice allows you to get a rather original product that tastes like champagne,

it actually retains the amazing aroma of a summer lawn, and its color resembles the gold of the sun's rays.

dandelion in cooking

All parts of the plant are edible:

  • from washed and roasted roots you can prepare a drink reminiscent of coffee,
  • the roots can also be consumed boiled or added to stir-fries,
  • stew with vegetables
  • flowers can also be boiled and stewed,
  • Young leaves are used to prepare salads and decorate sandwiches.

If you want to improve your body in the spring, the easiest way to do this is by eating a salad of dandelions, lettuce, onions and other greens that appear in the beds. The most delicious and almost bitter-free leaves can be obtained if they are collected before flowering begins.

If necessary, remove the bitterness - the leaves can be boiled.

How to properly harvest leaves

If you decide to use dandelions for cooking, then you will have to pick the leaves from them in such a way as not to damage the root. If you don’t want dandelions to crowd out cultivated plants, then you should pluck not only the leaves, but also pull out the roots of the plant as much as possible.

It will still germinate, even from small fragments remaining in the ground, but the growth process will be slowed down, in addition, plucked flowers will not produce seeds, i.e. the spread of dandelions throughout the area will not be too intense.

Getting ready to clean up the front lawn ideal condition and completely exterminate all weeds on it, weigh what is more useful - the ideal green mass of grass or a harmonious natural combination of yellow and bright green shades for living nature.

In order to limit the growth of weeds, you should pick off the faded caps - in this case there will be no fluff with seeds. But there will always be raw materials at hand for preparing decoctions that help in the treatment of many diseases.

We should not forget that nature is very wise, everything that it gives to a person can potentially become useful for him.

Watch a video about the role of wild herbs in nature:

Weeds that sprout from seeds and perennials make life difficult for all summer residents. How to get rid of dandelions on the site, forever making it easier to work in the beds and develop cultivated plants?

There are several ways to deal with uninvited guests, including:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals that inhibit or completely stop weed growth;
  • regular digging and weeding of the garden and flower beds;
  • using special root removers for dandelions.

Growing on roadsides, on city lawns and vacant lots, that is, everywhere, dandelion is rhizomatous perennial with powerful underground part and a basal rosette of green lanceolate leaves, which are one of the first to appear from under the snow and disappear only with the arrival of winter.

The danger of dandelion as a weed lies in its easy spread and rapid takeover of territory.

The first flowering occurs in mid-spring, then the plant can bloom up to 2–3 times, scattering hundreds of seeds throughout the surrounding area on light, flying umbrellas. Dandelions are very tenacious, they sprout well and take root in the most unfavorable conditions. But it is not easy to remove the plant because of its branched, strong rhizome.

How to deal with dandelions on garden plot, in garden beds and? The choice of method depends on where the weeds have settled and how many there are.

Fighting dandelions in the garden

For weeds, there is no difference between a vacant lot and a bed planted with tomatoes, squash or garden strawberries. Best time to assess the situation - early spring, when the foliage of dandelions is just gaining strength and the buds have not yet opened.

If there are few dandelions, you can get by with a lot. in simple ways. Compliance with agricultural technology is one of the most right paths fight against dandelions:

  1. The beds that are to be sown or planted with cultivated plants must be dug deeply, simultaneously selecting weeds down to small fragments of rhizomes.
  2. The emerging shoots are weeded out, the soil is regularly loosened so that the seeds that fall into the ground cannot hatch and take root.

Clean soil in garden beds risks becoming covered again with a carpet of dandelions if you ignore the row spacing and garden paths. Due to the density of the soil, it is difficult to weed out weeds on them, but loosening them with a hoe, hoe or hoe is quite possible. If you treat risk areas without waiting for flowering, dandelions do not reproduce, and existing plants quickly weaken.

In the fall, the beds are dug up again. Do the same with tree trunk circles under fruit trees and shrubs, perennial ornamental crops, as well as flower beds where annuals were fragrant in the summer.

How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

Perennial turf in a lawn or garden should not be dug up; hand weeding is also ineffective here.

An attempt to manually remove the weed will inevitably lead to the breaking of the rhizome, which will soon begin to recover, or damage to cultivated plants in the neighborhood.

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site if the shovel and hoe are left out of use? There are several simple folk ways. To remove dandelions use:

  • table salt;
  • boiling water;
  • vinegar essence.

Aggressive compounds applied to the base of the rhizome kill the growing point, lead to inhibition of the weed and its death. Salt is used in dry form or in the form of a concentrated solution. In all cases, means of control:

  • act directly on the selected instance;
  • do not affect nearby vegetation;
  • do not change soil fertility.

Except positive aspects, in application traditional methods There are also disadvantages to the struggle. For large specimens, root system which can reach 20–30 cm in length, household products Doesn't work too much.

Fighting dandelions with a root remover

It is much more difficult to cope with dandelions than in the garden:

  • on lawns;
  • if almost the entire area of ​​the flower beds is occupied by overgrown perennials;
  • The ground in the garden is under turf.

This is where a targeted device for removing dandelions will come in handy, so as not to cause serious damage to the grass, or targeted herbicides or folk remedies.

On lawns and other areas with perennial turf, root removers of various designs provide real help.

The sharpened edge of the tool easily penetrates even through a layer of turf, cuts the soil around the rhizome and easily removes the plant along with the underground part. The holes left on the lawn after using dandelion repellent are small and quickly overgrow, especially if they are filled in and the area is watered generously.

Do the same in the garden. The root remover is a lifesaver in flower beds with densely growing plants.

Using herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Before you fight dandelions on your lawn and garden using herbicides, you need to make sure that crop plants and lawn grasses will not be harmed by the chemicals.

Manual weeding or the use of mechanical devices is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Another thing is the use of modern chemical compounds, inhibiting weeds. Herbicides are indispensable if dandelions have taken over the area and it is simply impossible to deal with them manually.

The range of available drugs suitable for controlling dandelions in the garden includes the following drugs:

  • killing all types of green plants that are exposed to the sprayed liquid;
  • selective action, destroying only cereals or rhizomatous weeds.

Broad-spectrum products, for example, Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller and other drugs, will rid the garden not only of dandelions, but also of wheatgrass, sow thistle and other annoying plants, which can be extremely problematic to remove by other means. However, the effect of such herbicides does not end immediately after spraying. For a few more weeks, the composition suppresses everything that grows in the neighborhood. This applies to both seedlings and seedlings planted in beds. Therefore, large-scale chemical weeding is carried out:

  • pre-covering cultural plantings and the soil underneath them;
  • in early spring, long before planting vegetables, flowers or other useful plants;
  • in the fall, when everything useful is removed from the beds.

Broad-spectrum herbicides that kill all vegetation are used on wasteland, for example, after purchasing a new plot.

Specialized compounds act selectively. But when purchasing this or that product, you need to remember that the wheatgrass chemical will not necessarily help get rid of dandelions, but it can kill them.

Before you get rid of dandelions from your area forever, you need to choose the most useful drug, read the instructions and follow them, without exceeding the permitted dosages.

You can destroy dandelions in beds with potatoes, garden strawberries or on the lawn in front of your house by using the herbicide Lontrel-300D, which also suppresses the growth of sow thistle, perennial sorrel and other weeds. Compositions have been developed especially for lawns that do not affect the growth of cereals, but in a few hours suppress the development of dandelions, meadow chamomile, plantain, and thistle.

When using chemicals, you must use personal protective equipment and, until the solution dries, protect the treated areas from visiting pets and family members.

Herbicides kill aboveground part dandelion and its rhizomes, but cannot affect the seeds. Therefore, it is important to carry out all treatments before the weed fades and the flying seeds ripen on the heads. Plants torn out of the ground are placed in compost, sprinkled with soil, since the seeds can ripen here too.

How to deal with dandelions in the country if it was not possible to prevent the spread of dandelions? In this case, you will have to remember about regular weeding. Dandelion seeds begin to peck as soon as the soil warms up to 10–15 degrees. While the seedlings are small and the roots are weak, removing dandelions by hand is not difficult. Loosening the beds will help in the future.

Significantly reduce the population weeds mulching or using a film covering the entire area of ​​the ridges helps, except for the places where tomatoes, zucchini or other useful crops are planted. This solution will be especially useful when growing strawberries.

Dandelion is a herbaceous perennial plant, top part which dies off with the onset of cold weather. The root continues to live, only to be thrown away in the spring. new socket green leaves with long tubular peduncles.

Dandelion seeds are carried by the wind. To germinate, they only need to land on any open piece of ground. And it doesn’t matter whether anything grows there or not, there would only be wet soil, and you can take root.

This plant is unusually tenacious - even the smallest pruning of the root is enough to grow a rosette of leaves. Mown peduncles with flowers dry out, but manage to become seeded. Even placed in compost heap, dandelion flowers can produce seeds if they are not buried deep enough.

Is it possible to get rid of this scourge, or will only the total destruction of all the greenery in the garden help? Most methods of controlling dandelions in garden plots come down to weeding and preventive measures, inhibiting the spread of this weed.

Weeding can be mechanical or manual, and chemical - using herbicides. Manual involves removing roots while digging the soil and deliberately digging up individual specimens throughout the season. Here you need to act very carefully in order to select the whole rhizomes, without breaks or residues. The slightest mistake a gardener can nullify all his work - cutting the root into pieces will not lead to the death of the plant, but to its reproduction.

The main root of a dandelion is a tap root, going deep into the soil and, at the same time, being quite fragile. Therefore, to dig out long-growing old rhizomes from dense soil, it is better to use long narrow scoops or special devices.

If the dandelion has grown on a path or lawn, which is undesirable to dig up, you can use regular table salt to get rid of it. To do this, the weed is cut as low as possible at the root, and the base is thickly covered with this same salt. But, using this method, one must remember that this “treat” is not at all useful to the surrounding plants and soil inhabitants. If you apply too much of it, you can end up with yellow bald spots on your lawn for a long time.

When there are too many dandelions, the area is treated with special chemicals– herbicides. They come in both general and selective action.

The first, such as Tornado, Lontrel or Roundup, destroy all plants in a row. You just need to dilute the preparations and water the clogged area either before planting the main crop, or in the fall - after harvesting. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that drops of the solution do not fall on the leaves. fruit trees and bushes.

The second ones, these include Sniper, Lintur, Killex, have a detrimental effect only on certain weeds, which they are intended to destroy. But their effect lasts for several days.

Lintur is a systemic substance that penetrates the leaves and stems of dandelion. The symptoms of its “work” become noticeable after a week or a week and a half, and the weeds die completely after about a month. Its main advantage is that it does not affect most cultivated plants and can be applied directly to plantings. In addition, Lintur is odorless and easily dissolves in water. Before treating with this type of herbicide, the lawn should not be mowed in advance so that the dandelion leaves have time to grow and can take up a sufficient amount of the solution.

Sniper, unlike other drugs, is intended for targeted use. It is applied to dandelion leaves using a special applicator available on the bottle. The herbicide is absorbed by the plant and spreads to all its organs, right down to the roots. It completely destroys both aboveground and underground parts of dandelions. The only thing that is not affected by it is the seeds, which retain their viability even after treatment.

Opponents of the use of herbicides in their garden can be suggested to use ordinary table vinegar, which is used to moisten unwanted plants. But here we must keep in mind that 5% acetic acid will not be enough - a higher concentration is required.

When starting to fight dandelions, you should first of all be aware that it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of them. Both birds and the wind will sooner or later bring seeds to the site again. Therefore, the main task will be to prevent dandelions from becoming infested and gradually reduce their numbers.

A good measure that can curb the spread of dandelions is to mow them regularly. But it must be kept in mind that cut flowers must be immediately removed from the lawn, destroyed, or placed deep in the compost heap. If this is not done, the mown dandelions will bloom and produce seeds that will scatter throughout the garden in the same way as if the flower stalks continued to grow in their places.

You need to mow as often as possible - at least twice a week. Otherwise, new buds have time to grow and bloom on already trimmed weeds. The same thing happens if the cut is made too high. The purpose of mowing is not only to destroy flower stalks, but also to weaken the roots of plants, which are gradually depleted from the need to constantly grow new green leaves.