home · Measurements · Green manure for potatoes in the fall. Selection and planting of green manure for potatoes. Autumn work on the site

Green manure for potatoes in the fall. Selection and planting of green manure for potatoes. Autumn work on the site

Experienced gardeners They know that every year crops need to be planted in new places. How to get the most abundant harvest and cause minimal damage to the land? Use green manure! Let's look at this issue in more detail.

What are green manures and what are they for?

Green manure can completely replace chemical fertilizers and fertilizers. Green manure includes plants or mixtures thereof that are grown for consumption. For example, rye, rapeseed, mustard, oats, etc.

This organic fertilizer is rich in minerals and nutrients, can give the earth maximum nutrients, significantly accelerate plant growth, and can increase soil productivity.

Benefit and effectiveness

The effectiveness and benefits of green manure allow gardeners to solve a lot of different problems:

What green manures are suitable for potatoes?

We have already figured out that green manures are plants planted in the soil to further enrich it. What crops are suitable for these purposes, and more specifically for potatoes:

  • Cruciferous vegetables: rapeseed, turnip, radish, mustard;
  • Legumes: chickpeas, peas, sweet clover, clover, etc.;
  • Cereals: oats, barley, rye, corn, wheat.

The choice of a specific plant depends on the landowner himself. It is only important to remember that before planting potatoes, various legumes are most often used.

Green manure to increase yield

To increase potato yields, it is necessary to enrich the soil with useful substances, and especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Legumes are also suitable for this.

But, in addition to increasing productivity, they allow the potato root system to develop as quickly as possible.

What does this give? The root crops will be healthy, uniform, they will ripen quickly, and will have a pleasant taste. Depending on the type of land, for a more abundant harvest it is worth using:

When determining the season for cutting legumes with their further use as green manure, it is worth knowing that they produce the maximum amount of greenery during their flowering. And the greatest amount of useful and nutrients accumulates in them during the formation of pods.

Rapeseed – ideal source phosphorus. It has long roots that grow deep into the ground, also extracting sulfur from it. Together, these substances are most effectively absorbed by the future harvest.

Important! To maximize productivity, you need to be careful about the acidity of the soil. And even if potatoes, as a crop, are not very demanding on this indicator, the result will still be much better. So, if Ph is much higher than normal, then you will have to use phacelia.

Which green manures should not be used

Sunflower is the first “enemy” of potatoes in terms of green manure. This “gluttonous” crop extracts maximum nutrients from the soil, it becomes very coarse and rots very slowly.

Wheat and rye enrich the soil with nitrogen and also cope with most types of weeds, but it “tempts” Colorado potato beetle. Therefore, it should also not be planted before planting potatoes.

Features of growing green manure: how to add to the soil, and how to choose

Knowing which green manure to use and which not to use is not enough. You need to know how to grow them correctly. This process is usually divided into several stages:

  1. Sowing crops. Green manure is planted in small trenches no more than 8 cm deep;
  2. Growing. The process lasts about 1-2 months;
  3. Bevel. Produced when the plants reach a height of 30-35 cm;
  4. Distribution of mowed crops on the soil.

When growing green manure, it is worth remembering that they also need to be alternated. For example, if oats were sown last year, then mustard or legumes should be planted this year.

Important! You should not allow green manure to grow too much. If they give color, then it will no longer be possible to use them as fertilizer.

How to choose

You need to choose green manure taking into account the type of soil, time of their growth, type, and culture. It is worth considering the amount of substances they contain and their effect on the earth.

You can sow the above crops for the winter without mowing them. Then the crops will retain snow and have a beneficial effect on the soil, preventing it from freezing.

Therefore, you can choose almost any green manure. They can be combined - planted side by side. This will renew the land and increase its future productivity.

Which green manures are suitable

Let's look at the main green manures that gardeners use before planting potatoes.


The most popular crop used as soil fertilizing before planting potatoes. It can be applied to the soil a month after planting and mowing.

Lupine roots grow deeply into the soil, but do not “pull” out useful microelements and substances that are in its upper layers.


It needs to be sown in the fall, after the potato harvest. This plant is not afraid of low temperatures, and it grows well on almost any soil, and to great depths.

Rye also “leaves” useful material in the upper layers of the soil, and do not allow them to come out during watering.


Mustard is also not afraid of frost, and can even be sown several times a year. Mustard sprouts quite quickly, so it is important to keep an eye on it, having time to cut the greens without allowing flowers to form.

Mustard can protect the soil from the Colorado potato beetle and wild crops, and its roots saturate the soil with useful microelements. Allows you to saturate the soil with potassium as much as possible.


Oats are planted in spring or autumn (September). Greens can be mowed after 40 days after sowing. The culture protects the soil from the germination of weeds, as well as some pests.


Legume is an annual early-ripening crop. It is maximally absorbed by the soil after decomposition, which makes it possible to saturate it with various useful organic elements and humus.

Beneficial bacteria contained in pea tubers allow the maximum concentration of air and nitrogen to accumulate in the soil. They are concentrated deep in the soil - near the roots of the plant.


Fast-growing mouse peas, which have a short growing season. Vetch is often planted next to other green manures: rye, ryegrass, mustard, rapeseed, and oats.

After the roots of the plant rot, nitrogen from the lower layers of the soil moves up and saturates the potato roots. When planting vetch with other green manure, you can achieve the optimal composition of humus in the soil.

Sweet clover

Grows in any soil, in almost any weather and climatic conditions. It has a powerful root system that allows you to saturate the soil with nitrogen and air. This eliminates the need to dig up the top layer of soil.

Sweet clover is used as an extract green method soil fertilizers (after mowing the plant, the roots are embedded in the ground), since its roots are much more useful for the normal germination of potatoes in the lower layers of the soil.


In just 2 months of growth it can increase 4-5 times in terms of tops growth. Radish prevents weeds from developing, especially creeping weeds and wheatgrass. It also cleanses the fertile soil of pests and germs.

Which green manures to plant in spring, which in summer, and which in autumn

Green manures are planted in spring, autumn and summer. Each option has its own subtleties. Let's look at them in more detail.

We sow in the spring

Suitable for spring sowing: phacelia, oats, mustard, etc. They are planted about a month before sowing potatoes. Before planting potatoes, these green manures must be cut off and wait another 14 days.

Then the plants are removed from the ground with a flat cutter or any other agricultural tool used for these purposes and distributed evenly over the site. Such fertilizers act as mulch.

We sow in summer

In summer, green manure is sown only when the soil becomes as depleted as possible. So, in June you can plant vetch, and at the end of summer - mustard. This sequence of planting can completely restore the “strength” of the earth in just one season.

We sow in the fall

During this period of the year the best option sowing will be August-October. Gardeners most often prefer rye and oats. As soon as the plants grow, they need to be cut and left on the site.

During the winter they will rot and give up all the necessary nutrients to the earth. And then you can plant potatoes, and the use of other fertilizers is not required.

Types for potatoes

Let's look at green manure for potatoes, based on their specific crops.



As we have already figured out, vetch is an early ripening plant that is best used together with other fertilizers. Vetch accumulates nitrogen in its tubers, and after rotting it saturates the upper layers of the soil with it.

Sweet clover

Unpretentious to the soil, resistant to weather and climatic conditions. After cutting it, there is no need to dig up the soil, since root system plants accumulates a large number of nitrogen and air.



Radish tops grow very quickly - 1-2 months. It clears the fertile soil layer of weeds, prevents pests from settling, rot and bacteria from developing. Planting requires soft soil.



Grows well in moist soil and is frost-resistant. Allows you to create a loose fertile layer of soil with optimal moisture conductivity. Its effectiveness can be increased by planting vetch or peas nearby.


“Orphan” of the earth, which allows you to improve the health of potato fruits, ridding them of pests and microbes. It has abundant green mass, which quickly decomposes and feeds the soil.

Phacelia - green manure?

Phacelia is a universal green manure for potatoes. If potatoes are planted in the spring, when the earth has not yet warmed up, then beneficial features phacelia will come in handy. Optimal time for its planting - early spring, when the snow has just melted from the ground.

A huge advantage of this plant is its ability to make the soil loose and provide deep layers optimal quantity air. This is exactly what is necessary for the proper development of potato fruits.

In addition to saturating the soil with useful microelements, phacelia will help get rid of wireworms. Especially if it is planted together with wheat and rye, which attract this pest.

Planting potatoes after green manure

Immediately after cutting the green manure, you can begin planting potatoes. Moreover, after such preliminary fertilizing of the soil, it can be deepened into the soil by only 6-8 cm, which somewhat simplifies the work.

You can plant mustard between the potato beds - it will loosen the soil, prevent the development of weeds, and also support optimal humidity. As soon as the green manure bush becomes the same size as the potato bush, it is cut off.

Green manure is not just a “whim” of gardeners, but also an opportunity to increase soil productivity several times, achieve the fastest development of fruits and improve their quality.

Receiving problem good harvest always sharp. This is especially true for crops whose cultivation technology is quite labor-intensive. There are quite a lot of solutions to this problem today, but zealous owners make their choice in favor of the most environmentally friendly ones, because vegetables from their garden should not only be tasty, but also safe. Planting green manure in spring - here The best way for getting great harvest potatoes.

The best green manure for potatoes

As you know, green manures are technical plants that can increase the level of soil fertility and improve its quality. They can be sown both in autumn and spring, before it is time to plant the main crop. When green manure grows, but does not yet begin to bloom, they are buried in the ground, where they will decompose, releasing useful substances into the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. In using green manure, as in any other matter, there are also subtleties. Firstly, it is necessary to choose the right time for planting them, and, consequently, subsequent incorporation into the soil. Young green manure harvested before flowering decomposes much faster, releasing more useful substances into the soil. Secondly, it is necessary to accurately determine required amount green manure. If there are too few of them, the soil will not be enriched enough. An excess of green manure will lead to the fact that they will not decompose in the ground, but will turn sour. Thirdly, for each crop it is necessary to choose the type of green manure that contains the maximum amount of substances needed by this particular crop.

For the full development and ripening of potatoes, the soil must have sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus content. Legumes can enrich the soil with these elements as much as possible: alfalfa, vetch, peas, lupine and sweet clover. It is these green manures that will the best fertilizer for potatoes. The effect of legumes is in many ways similar to the effect of cow manure, with only one difference: they decompose much faster and much less is needed.

Planting potatoes after green manure

It is necessary to sow the area in early spring, when the ice crust leaves the soil surface and its upper (30-50 mm) layer thaws. For one hundred square meters of land you will need no more than 2 kg of green manure. Any cold-resistant green manure is suitable for sowing, for example, fodder peas, mustard, phacelia and oats. When the time comes to plant potatoes, these plants will already have time to grow the required amount of greenery. When there are a couple of weeks left before planting potatoes, green manure must be incorporated into the soil: plowed to a depth of 60-80 mm on heavy soils, or 120-160 mm on light soils. It is necessary to seal green manure before they begin to bloom, and even more so until seeds begin to form on them. If it is not possible to plow the area, then green manure can be embedded in the soil in another way - cut at a depth of 20-30 mm using a flat cutter or hoe and left in the garden bed. After waiting a few weeks, you can start planting work. Planting potatoes after green manure differs from the usual way at a shallower depth of embedding it into the soil. Potatoes should be planted after green manure no deeper than 50-60 mm. It will be convenient to plant it in shallow grooves made with a flat cutter, and plant mustard between the rows, which will do several useful things at once: it will loosen the soil, retain the necessary moisture in it, prevent weeds from developing and repel pests. When the potato and mustard bushes grow to the same size, the mustard should be cut down so that it does not oppress the potatoes.

It’s no secret that to increase productivity, taste qualities To grow potatoes, gardeners use all means available to them. Some use growth stimulants, some heavily fertilize the soil. However, most simple solution is planting in particular.

The gardener is armed with more than just mustard

Many people use clover, the seeds of which you can collect yourself.

It is also worth noting that other plants can be used as green manure herbs:

  • rye;
  • peas;

All of the listed species are perfect for fertilizing a site and enriching it with useful substances.

About green manure

It's time to mow the mustard.

The plant is a widely used spice, which is known to most as culinary seasoning . However, culture has many other benefits and uses.

In the middle zone, the plant has long been used as a fertilizer. The spice perfectly nourishes the soil, cleanses it of infections and pests.

It is worth noting that there are several types of seasoning, but in latitudes Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova The white subspecies is mainly grown.

White mustard

Sinaris alba – white mustard has the ability to remove phosphates from the soil, which are difficult to dissolve, and also accumulate these phosphates.

Mustard quickly gains plant mass and displaces weeds.

At the same time, the entire green part of the plant contains a significant part of the nitrogen, which implies that the crop belongs to the class of green manure. The culture is maximally adapted not only to the southern climate - grows and develops well in middle lane temperate climate. It is worth noting that the lack of control over its reproduction can create problems, since the seasoning is able to develop independently and turns into a weed.

Blooming mustard

Nitrogen and phosphorus content, beneficial properties

Gardeners and vegetable gardeners, as a rule, use the spice to enrich the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus substances.

After digging, all the useful elements accumulated in the tops pass into the soil.

The green part placed in the soil contributes to the nutrition of garden and garden crops during the most vulnerable period of development. We can highlight the main plant properties :

  • preventing weed growth;
  • improvement of soil structure;
  • leaching obstacle;
  • use as mulch;
  • honey plant;
  • growth stimulator for garden and vegetable crops.

The optimal mixture would be a mixture of green manure: oats, mustard, etc.

Due to excessive development and growth of green manure prevents weed growth, improves soil structure , prevents leaching due to the fact that it can retain nitrogen. Dry stems can also serve as a mulch cover and protect plantings from frost.

Among other things, flower stalks attract bees, and this promotes pollination.. During the active phase, the spice acts as a protection against insects and fungal spores and stimulates the growth phase.

Growing green manure

Propagating the crop is quite easy, so even the most inexperienced gardener can grow the plant.

Green manure grows equally well on any type of soil and tolerates any climatic conditions as well as possible.

It is characteristic that, contrary to popular belief, the plant is being planted, and not sown. To do this, rows are broken up and the seeds are placed deep, maintaining a distance of about fifteen centimeters. The distance between rows should be twenty centimeters.

Features of planting

Mustard seeds cost about half as much as phacelia.

It should be noted that after planting, you can ignore the beds for about 20 days, since germination is at a very high level.

You don’t have to worry about late frosts due to high frost resistance– five degrees below zero, while the green mass is minimally damaged. If created for planting comfortable conditions, then over time, straggly bushes appear.

At the same time, you should not place the grains very deep, as this can slow down germination.. Seed material is placed at a depth of one and a half centimeters on sandstones and one centimeter on clay. The first shoots can be expected after a week.

Mustard planting dates

If mustard will subsequently be used as a fertilizer, it should be planted in the spring - in April.

Spring planting of mustard.

It is necessary to wait until the average temperature regime air will settle within ten degrees and plant. Raw materials for fertilizer will be ready in 7 weeks. It is worth remembering that it is adjacent to cabbage, radishes, radishes, salads and other cruciferous species, so such crops should not be planted in place of mustard.

Autumn landing

In autumn, green manure is planted after harvesting potatoes or cereals. Thus, the site is updated.

When planting in autumn, seedlings will appear in the spring, as soon as the ground warms up.

In addition, planting can be done in the fall and left for the winter, so that the bushes sprout in the spring. The main danger is timing error. The seeds are embedded in cold, loose soil and left in a dormant state until spring. It is important not to cause the material to freeze, so it is recommended to increase the planting depth.

Among other things, the depth is increased for another reason. In the spring melt water erode the upper soil layers and can wash out the seeds.

Proper planting of green manure after potatoes and fertilizer

  1. As soon as the potatoes have been harvested, you need to clear the garden of weeds, remaining dry tops and other debris.

    At the mustard planting site, you need to dig up the soil and remove the roots of the weeds.

  2. Using a rake you need to level the soil. If the area is large, you can use harrows or other equipment.

    After harrowing, use a rake to make shallow furrows.

  3. After this, you can sow the seeds. Long funnels are made using a hoe or special equipment. Grains are placed deep into the funnels, maintaining a distance


    But it is also worth remembering that green manure is constantly need hydration, since dry stems hinder the decomposition process and do not contribute to the rapid nutrition of the soil. If the area has not been cultivated for a long time, the land, as a rule, becomes poorer , therefore, along with mustard, it is advisable to introduce compost with earthworms which multiply quickly. It must be remembered that mustard alone cannot solve all problems, so an integrated approach should be taken.

To get a good potato harvest, you need to monitor the condition of the soil and fertilize it on time. Modern industry produces large quantities for these purposes. chemical fertilizers, only after their use the crop will no longer be environmentally friendly and safe. In order to enrich the soil with useful substances and increase its fertility, but at the same time not conflict with the environment, it is necessary to sow green manure together between the rows of potatoes on the plot.

Green manures belong to natural fertilizers. After planting, the soil is plowed, as a result of which the green mass ends up in the soil. There it begins to decompose, resulting in the release of useful micro- and macroelements.

Over the course of a season, you can significantly increase the supply of humus in the top layer of soil.

Besides upper layer will be enriched with such elements necessary for potatoes as:

  • potassium
  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus, etc.

Necessary control the volume of growing greenery, because if there is a lot of it, then it will no longer be decomposition, but souring of the plowed vegetation. This can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Green manure not only fertilizes the soil and fills it with necessary nutrients. They also help get rid of the most common diseases and pests that affect potatoes.

How to prepare the soil

Green manure, like any crop, requires preliminary preparation soil before planting. After harvesting, the ground is leveled using a rake or other tool, nitroammophoska(at the rate of 10 liters per hundred square meters).

If the soil acidity is high, you can add a little lime. Very dry soil must be watered before planting green manure. For these purposes, it is better to use a shower head. Only after this can you proceed directly to sowing the seeds and planting them.

How to deposit

The time for sowing green manure is selected depending on the purpose for which they are brought to the site. If the plants are intended to repel pests, then you can sow the seeds right in the aisles. In this case, you will need to periodically cut them to prevent the seeds from ripening.

Sowing of green manure in the spring is carried out immediately after the snow has melted.

They must be quite cold-hardy, since by the time the potatoes are planted, these plants are already cut. Autumn sowing involves treating the soil and enriching it with useful microelements for the next season. All necessary measures carried out after the crop has been harvested and the area is completely free.

Why apply in the spring?

When sowing green manure in spring, potatoes will gradually receive nutrients from their decomposition throughout the entire growth period.

Sowing is done immediately as soon as the snow melts and the earth begins to warm up. Crops must be cold-resistant.

In spring it is very good to sow plants such as:

  • mustard;
  • rape;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • phacelia.

You can also use green manure, which will grow at the same time as potatoes, enrich the soil and repel pests.

They may be:

  • leguminous plants;
  • calendula;
  • nasturtium.

Is it possible to plant in the fall?

If it was not possible to fertilize the soil in the spring, then it is quite possible to do it in the fall, thereby taking care of the future harvest.

Autumn sowing of green manure will not only fertilize the land, but also suppress weeds, help saturate the soil with oxygen, reduce the number of pests.

When calculating the timing of sowing, you need to think about the fact that before the onset of frost, the crops must have time not only to sprout, but also to grow. Otherwise, they cannot be used as fertilizers.

Most often, the following plants are used as autumn green manure for potatoes:

  • mustard;
  • radish;
  • oats;
  • alfalfa;
  • phacelia;
  • rape.

At the same time, it is especially appreciated white mustard, since it is she who tends to grow quickly even with low temperatures. But subsequently you don’t have to mow the oats, but plant potatoes directly in them. In this case, the dried plant will serve as mulch and protect the crop from negative impact external environment.

How to choose

The key criterion when choosing green manure for potatoes is general state soil. It should be loose, with enough minerals, free from pests and diseases.

Unfortunately, one type of plant is often not able to solve all problems. For this purpose they use combinations of several plants.

In order to increase soil fertility and its fertilizers, they are planted in the place where potatoes grow. legumes. They relieve gardeners from the need to use fertilizers of inorganic origin and saturate the soil with all the necessary microelements.

Helps well in controlling pests (wireworms, late blight) mustard or rapeseed. But to repel the Colorado potato beetle, it is good to plant flax.

Green manure will also help cope with major weeds. To do this, you should sow on the site buckwheat, nasturtium, radish, clover, alfalfa.

Which green manure is best for potatoes?

It cannot be said that any particular green manure is better suited for potatoes than others. Each plant performs its own function, so it is best to combine them when sowing and make a mixture.

However, there is a universal option - phacelia. It is frost-resistant, quickly gains green mass and is able to provide the soil with good air permeability. That is why this plant has gained immense popularity among gardeners.

Is it possible to plant if the soil is infected with pests or fungus?

Potatoes should never be planted in contaminated or diseased soil. Before planting, such an area needs to be treat. DO NOT rush and resort to chemical treatment. Green manure can come to the rescue.

Natural healers can include:

  • oilseed radish;
  • white mustard;
  • rapeseed;
  • rape.

These plants not only heal the soil, but also get rid of pests that are in it. In particularly infected areas, seedlings can be left between the rows. Thus, phytosanitary workers will do their job throughout the season.

Types for potatoes


Legumes are rightfully considered one of the the best green manures, which have the ability to saturate the soil with useful microelements.

It is worth paying attention to Vika. This is a climbing annual that not only prevents soil erosion, but also significantly improves its structure. Has proven itself well on neutral soils.

A plant like sweet clover can not only improve the soil structure on the site, but also help in the fight against nematodes and wireworms. Thanks to its powerful and branched root system, it has the ability to extract useful substances from the very depths of the earth.

It is best to plant in the fall and leave the plant for the winter. This way the maximum effect will be achieved.


Cruciferous vegetables are used not only as a natural fertilizer, but also as soil treatment agent. They help in the fight against viruses and pests.

Most common in this group white mustard. It has the ability not only to quickly increase green mass, but also to loosen the soil and improve its structure. After mowing, it acts as an excellent fertilizer, and during the growth process it protects the area from weeds.

Deserves no less attention oilseed radish. Thanks to its powerful roots, the plant loosens the soil well, promotes moisture retention, destroys pathogens, and fights fungal diseases well. Has the ability to suppress weeds. When decomposed, it forms a large amount of nutrients.


They are used very successfully as green manures. cereal crops.

Attracts the attention of gardeners thanks to its cheap seed material and undemanding to the soil. When decomposed, it forms a large amount of organic fertilizers, but cannot fix nitrogen in the soil.

If used as a green fertilizer oats, then you can replace 200 kg of manure on one hundred square meters with one harvest. This plant can improve the structure of the soil, helps in the fight against weeds, nematodes, fungal diseases, scab, and root rot.

Can phacelia be green manure?

Phacelia has very short gestation period. The plant loosens the soil well, during decomposition it enriches it with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and is capable of inhibiting the growth of weeds.

Thanks to these properties, the plant is widely used as green manure. It tolerates frost quite well, which makes it possible to get several harvests per season. Green mass can also be used as animal feed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Green manure is called green manure among gardeners. This is not without reason: these plants, when plowed into the ground, act like manure, peat or others organic fertilizers. When they decompose, a mass of useful micro- and macroelements are formed, which are so necessary for the full growth and development of potatoes.

Some green manures can not only fertilize, but also treat the soil, and also repel the most common types of pests.

Sunflower should not be used as green manure for potatoes. During the growth process, this plant itself consumes a lot of nutrients, and its coarsened trunk decomposes very slowly.

Negative sides There is probably no use of such fertilizers. Except that the process of growing them requires some material costs and investments own strength, labor. And the growth process takes some time, so you need to be patient and wait until the green mass grows.

When using green manure for potatoes, you can not only increase the productivity of the plot, but also grow an environmentally friendly product. After all, natural fertilizers are absolutely safe for human body, which cannot be said about chemical analogues.

Despite its popularity, potatoes are considered a very difficult plant to grow. Required for culture fertile soil, rich in nutritional components. Before planting root crops, the soil must be carefully prepared. It is best to use manure, but today there is another, no less effective method. The essence of it is in growing green manure. Let us dwell in more detail on the choice of green fertilizers for potatoes, and also consider the features of their planting.

What green manures are suitable for potatoes?

For potatoes excellent predecessors will be plants of the legume family. Thanks to them, the earth is saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus. You can also plant cereal crops. They also perfectly protect the soil from drought and saturate it with vitamins.

If you plant rye and wheat in the fall, then for the winter you create reliable protection for the earth from freezing. It makes the soil structure better, but the amount of nitrogen released is less.


This is a cold-resistant fertilizer that can be applied to the ground several times a season. At the mustard fast germination, so it is important to have time to mow the green mass before the first flowers form.

Mustard is reliable protection from wireworms and weeds. The roots of a green plant saturate the soil with organic substances, as a result of which it is possible to compensate for the lack of potassium. But how to plant mustard to fertilize the soil is indicated.



An annual legume crop that is so loved by gardeners due to its precocity. Peas are well absorbed by the soil after decomposition. Thanks to it, it is possible to saturate the soil with humus and organic matter. And here is how peas are sowed in open ground, and how to do all the work yourself is indicated.

The accumulation of nitrogen from the air is carried out thanks to nodule bacteria, which are concentrated on the roots of peas.


This is the mouse pea, which is a fast-growing crop. It has a short growing season. In addition, vetch can be grown together with other green manure plants. Rye, rapeseed, mustard, oats and ryegrass will be excellent companions. Vetch is a leguminous plant. Nitrogen accumulates in the nodules of the root system. When the roots rot, nitrogen passes into the top layer, and from there it saturates the root crops. If you plant vetch together with other green manures, it will allow you to get optimal composition humus, which is formed after the decomposition of green biomass.

Sweet clover

For this plant, you do not need to select soil and growing conditions, since sweet clover is an unpretentious green manure. Due to the powerful root system, nitrogen accumulation occurs as quickly as its saturation in the soil. Thus, there is no need to dig up the fertile layer after removing the stems. The soil will remain loose without cultivation. Sweet clover is used as an escape method green fertilizer(embedding the roots into the soil after mowing the plant), because its root system is much more useful for potatoes than the above-ground part.


It will also be useful to learn how the Hurricane weed control product is used:

Which ones to plant in spring and autumn

If you plant green manure for potatoes in the spring, then this should be done in April and no later than 2-3 weeks before planting the root crops. This condition is extremely important to observe, since in 3 weeks the plant must have time to rot and give the earth all the necessary nutritional components. Find out which weed killer is best at.

The process of planting green manure in beds.

When growing green manure in the spring, you need to make sure that they do not produce seeds. If this happens, the seeds will become a bait for the spread of weeds and will only cause harm. For spring sowing, you can choose the following green manures: fodder peas, mustard, phacelia and oats.

In the video - green manure for spring:

Concerning autumn planting green manure, then it is preferable to spring. This is due to the fact that during the winter the green manure will be able to release as many nutrients as possible to the soil, thereby increasing the potato yield.

Autumn planting of green manure will improve the soil structure, prevent the formation of weeds and repel pests.

In addition, in the spring, when the movement of melt water is observed, it is possible to prevent the ground from erosion, weathering and overheating sun rays. Green manures such as alfalfa, vetch, peas, lupine and sweet clover are excellent for autumn planting.

How to sow correctly

Before sowing green manure, the soil must be loosened. Then the plants will be able to fully develop and produce the required amount of green mass. Green manure should be sown 1.5 months before the cold weather sets in. If planting is done in the fall, then September is suitable.