home · Installation · How to protect your dacha from theft. How to protect your apartment from thieves. We install a secure door

How to protect your dacha from theft. How to protect your apartment from thieves. We install a secure door

How to turn Vacation home, into an impregnable fortress? There is an answer to this question. This article describes three classic, but very effective ways secure your beloved home, as well as several cheap, but very cunning methods of protection.

As usually happens, a person arrives at his dacha, and the rooms are in disarray, the window is broken, the lock on the door is broken, his favorite electric stove, TV, dishes, tools and gardening equipment are missing. In some cases, they even cut and pull out the wires. Dacha thieves do not disdain anything, which is a shame!

Remember! As a rule, they climb into places where it is easy to climb, and quietly and unnoticed, otherwise the risk of being caught greatly increases. Therefore, determine what the weakest points in the house are, as a rule, these are windows and doors. So they need to be strengthened so as not to leave a single chance for the thief!

Method No. 1 Strengthen a wooden front door

If your door is wooden, it can be strengthened using fairly simple methods.
Cover it with steel sheet or tin, protect the lock by installing a steel plate. You can strengthen the box with iron corners.

If you want to give the box extra strength, drill a hole in the end and hammer in 10mm metal pins. After such changes, a thief will no longer be able to snatch your box with a crowbar.

“But it should be taken into account that due to the increasing weight of the door, the hinges may sag, which will lead to sagging and problems with opening and closing. If the loops are weak, then change them to more powerful ones.”

Method No. 2 Steel doors

It is not necessary to install a very expensive door to your dacha external finishing. The main thing is not appearance, A protective functions. Here's a look at the models steel doors economical, they are usually often used in dachas.

When choosing a door, remember that:

The steel sheet of the door should be no thinner than 2mm, otherwise it can be opened with a kitchen knife.

Install a door that opens only outward. So that it cannot be knocked inside.

You need to install two complex locks, with different mechanisms.

A professional burglar understands well how difficult it is to open such metal doors with modern mortise locks.

To hack iron door using a force method, which is correctly installed, it is necessary to cut it out with an autogenous gun, and this requires time, equipment, and besides, there will be so many sparks and noise that the entire dacha village will wake up. It is unlikely that an attacker will take such a risk.

Method No. 3 Install bars or shutters on the windows.

For a summer resident, the most pleasant quality of the grilles is that in the summer you can sleep with open window and don’t think that someone is sneaking into your room.

Today, many options do not limit our choice. They can be made in any style and fit harmoniously into the architecture of any home.
But don't forget the rules fire safety! You need to make at least one grille that can be opened.
The cheapest ways:

Using LEDs instead of alarms.

Hanging a sign with the inscription “the house is guarded by private security”, at first glance, is a simple, but very practical method, since no one will be able to check such information and will not take risks.

One of the latest inventions, traps with marking paint. Objects are used that the thief will definitely covet, and as soon as he picks them up, the object explodes in a cloud of paint. It has a very strong psychological effect; realizing that he has remained marked, the attacker immediately disappears.

Dummy video camera. Equipping with a video surveillance system is, of course, a very reliable method of protection, but also very expensive. It’s easier to hang up signs with the inscription and picture “Attention! Video surveillance is underway” and install two or three dummies of video cameras. A special impression can be achieved if the camera dummies are disguised, but in such a way that the attacker will definitely notice that they were trying to hide them.

Other methods:

Services of a security organization, an effective but expensive method.

Cottage insurance and country property, one of the most common types of insurance. You should always take this issue very seriously and carefully study the insurance company and insurance conditions.

In order not to overpay premiums, insure only those valuables that could potentially be stolen. Draw up a separate insurance contract not only for the building but also for the property (lawn mower, heater...) and indicate the prices of each unit.

Install a loud alarm. Who would climb into a house that makes noise throughout the entire neighborhood? As a rule, this has a very strong psychological impact and the attacker will immediately disappear. Installing a branded alarm system is not cheap, but for your dacha you can easily make it yourself.

The main thing is not to use illegal security methods and not cause harm to offenders. It’s better to leave a bowl of water over the door frame, and the thief will appreciate your joke with humor.

With the coming summer season Thefts of summer residents' property have become more frequent. There are legal and not so legal ways to combat this annual scourge.

Often, summer residents do not rely on the police and defend their houses and plots themselves. As a result, the most inventive people annually sit in the dock, and the assurances of summer residents that they were only protecting their property are not recognized by the court.

Special forces for the dacha

Chairman of the Volgograd gardening partnership"Energetik" Dmitry Titov created a security unit that maintains order in the entrusted territory. Methods of combating dacha thieves are on the verge and beyond the law. Opposite the dacha administration there is a cage where those caught red-handed are put until the police arrive. Everyone caught is obliged to eat what they have collected. And thieves are dipped into the river at any time of the year - be it summer or winter.

From a legal point of view, such protection almost entirely falls under the provisions of laws. The Constitution is being violated - Article 22, which states that everyone has the right to freedom and personal integrity. In our country, arrest, detention and detention are possible only by court decision.

Bathing and force-feeding thieves are nothing compared to other methods of protection. Thus, the court sentenced a 60-year-old Cherepovets resident to six years in prison, who fired a gun at an 18-year-old thief who tried to enter his summer cottage.

As the investigation established, the pensioner wanted to kill the thief, but this did not work out: a young man with a serious wound (the shot was made from a shotgun with buckshot) was able to get to the road, where the driver of a random car picked him up and took him to the hospital. The victim had one lung removed and was granted disability.

When examining the thief's personal belongings, the police found a set of master keys and other things that clearly indicated why he went to the dachas. Later he himself admitted his craft. At the trial, the pensioner did not admit his guilt. However, he is now serving time.

Queen of dacha crime

This is what investigators call theft: half of all suburban criminal statistics are accounted for by this type of criminal activity. They carry everything. From houses and outbuildings - food, dishes, household and agricultural equipment. From the plots - everything that grows, from carrots to berry bushes and young trees. A friend of mine, having missed two summer months due to illness, arrived at the dacha only closer to autumn. There she saw a clearing of pits. They took away everything that could be dug up.

In the early 90s, one of the methods of protection was poisoned food and drink. Vodka with rat poison and pickles, where saltpeter was generously poured in instead of salt, were often used by summer residents, stupefied by endless thefts. But all the poisoners received long sentences. For several years now, not a single such case has been recorded.

Fighting for your good is more beneficial for life and health using legal methods. Where to start?

If the theft happened a long time ago, you can run to the police, but it is not necessary. This is a waste of time. But if something was stolen no more than a week ago, then traces can still be found. Try to find a local police officer or call 02 (from a mobile phone dial 112). Although, as practice shows, it is best to go to the local police station yourself.

The main thing there is not to succumb to persuasion that busy police officers have no time. And you must definitely receive a tear-off coupon indicating that the theft statement has been accepted in full form.

According to the law, a criminal case can be initiated if the amount of the stolen goods was at least 1,200 rubles. Anything below this amount is considered an administrative violation. Anything higher is a criminal offence.

Security is a personal matter

Is it possible to independently protect yourself from possible dacha misfortunes without overdoing it? After all, it happens that some owner will cook for country thief a tripwire with a grenade or will start shooting at the boys stealing apples. The result is criminal punishment for exceeding the limits of self-defense.

In spring and summer, residents of cooperatives can organize night shifts themselves. Both neighbors and migrants can be invited to act as watchmen. But in order to truly sleep peacefully, the police recommend that summer residents enter into agreements with private security companies. The contract must necessarily stipulate financial responsibility for the entrusted object. Before signing it, you must check the private security company's license.

Most cheap option for small dacha cooperatives - the residents themselves are on duty alternately according to the schedule: one house - one night. To do this, you need to walk at night, especially in the morning, with your dog, yours or someone else’s. At the same time, as police say, the size of the animal does not matter. A survey of thieves conducted in different prisons - what stops you - gave one result: having a dog, even a lapdog or a dachshund, stops you.

There must be light in the village at night - even 1-2 lanterns at different ends of the village will save the situation. Installing dummy video cameras gives remarkable results. They blink their red eyes, buzz and turn around. Nobody knows that no recording is made. And these dummies are quite inexpensive.

How not to protect your dacha

1 In the village of Gritsovskoy Tula region A repeat offender tried to break into someone else's house. However, he was prevented from doing this by a homemade explosive device installed by the owner of the dacha for uninvited guests. The thief died from numerous wounds. Now the demolition owner is awaiting sentencing for causing death by negligence. He faces up to three years in prison.

2 The current carried through the fence and gate caused paralysis in an elderly thief in the Ogorodnik holiday village in the Smolensk region. At the request of the dacha owner, the current was carried out by a village electrician. The surviving robber is now accused of stealing someone else's property - a crime of medium gravity. But the pensioner’s crime is more serious, as is the punishment for committing it - imprisonment for up to two years.

3 The last case of poisoning of thieves was in Ruza, near Moscow, in 1998, when a family left vodka poisoned with arsenic on the table of their country veranda. Three people were poisoned - the thief and his accomplice did not drink the bottle on the spot, but took it home. The owner of the dacha received 12 years and is still serving his sentence.

4 A crossbow on the property of a family from the Novosibirsk region turned out to be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Under Article 109 of the Criminal Code, causing death by negligence, the head of the Bykhovsky family received three years in prison. A neighbor in the village died who came to the man with bills, not noticing that the neighbors had left in the morning. The deceased carelessly pulled the door handle and received an arrow in the eye.

Non-punishable ways invented by summer residents:

Pensioner-dacha resident Valitov from Naberezhnye Chelny went unpunished. He dug and disguised a hole in front of the threshold of the dacha, into which the thief fell and broke his leg. As the police said, this does not threaten a criminal offense: it is difficult to prove that the hole was dug on purpose.

A pensioner from Arkhangelsk, leaving for the city, hangs an effigy of a hanged man in a noose from the ceiling on the veranda of her house. No one has visited her for two years now.

A summer resident from Bryansk, having built brick house, made a doorway in an unconventional location and painted the door to look like bricks. And in the traditional place, he hung a fake steel door directly on the masonry. It is a complete illusion that it is opening. The thieves have already tried to knock it out - to no avail.

A mechanic from the Oryol region invented a timer that turns on the table lamp for a couple of hours. The system works all year round. There have been no thefts since then.

Viktor Kuleshov, retired military man, Zhodino village:

In winter, I ask a friend from a neighboring village to trample paths through the snow to the gate and house.

Nikitin family, Omsk:

We installed a car alarm, volume sensors near the windows and a siren under the visor. Checked: with the siren screaming at the entire cooperative, there are no people willing to even come close.

Criminal articles that summer residents need to know

Article 109. Causing death by negligence is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years or imprisonment for the same term.

Article 114. Infliction of grievous or moderate harm to health by exceeding the limits of necessary defense or by exceeding the measures necessary to detain the person who committed the crime. The term is up to two years in prison.

Article 115. Intentional infliction of minor harm to health, causing short-term health disorder. Fine - from 50 to 100 minimum wage, or compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or work for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of two to four months.

Article 116. Battering or committing other violent acts that caused physical pain, but did not entail consequences. A fine of up to one hundred minimum wages, or work for a period of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

Article 130. Insult, that is, humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form. A fine of up to 100 minimum wages, or compulsory work for up to 120 hours, or corrective labor for up to six months.

Article 167. Intentional destruction or damage to property. If these acts caused significant damage, they are punishable by a fine in the amount of 50 to 100 minimum wages. Maximum - imprisonment up to two years.

It's unlikely to be found Garden community or a dacha cooperative, where they would not encounter this problem. Is it possible to reliably secure your country house, mothballed for the winter, how and with what?

Queen of dacha crime

This is what investigators call theft: half of all suburban criminal statistics are accounted for by this type of criminal activity. They carry everything. From houses and outbuildings - food, dishes, household and agricultural equipment. From the plots - everything that grows, from carrots to berry bushes and young trees. A friend of mine, having missed two summer months due to illness, arrived at the dacha only closer to autumn. There she saw a clearing of pits. They took away everything that could be dug up.

In the early 90s, one of the methods of protection was poisoned food and drink. Vodka with rat poison and pickles, where saltpeter was generously poured in instead of salt, were often used by summer residents, stupefied by endless thefts. But all the poisoners received long sentences. For several years now, not a single such case has been recorded.

Fighting for your good is more beneficial for life and health using legal methods. Where to start?

If the theft happened a long time ago, you can run to the police, but it is not necessary. This is a waste of time. But if something was stolen no more than a week ago, then traces can still be found. Try to find a local police officer or call 02 (from a mobile phone dial 112). Although, as practice shows, it is best to go to the local police station yourself.

The main thing there is not to succumb to persuasion that busy police officers have no time. And you must definitely receive a tear-off coupon indicating that the theft statement has been accepted in full form.

According to the law, a criminal case can be initiated if the amount of the stolen goods was at least 1,200 rubles. Anything below this amount is considered an administrative violation. Anything higher is a criminal offence.

Security is a personal matter

Is it possible to independently protect yourself from possible dacha misfortunes without overdoing it? After all, it happens that some owner will prepare a tripwire with a grenade for a dacha thief or start shooting at the boys stealing apples. The result is criminal punishment for exceeding the limits of self-defense.

In spring and summer, residents of cooperatives can organize night shifts themselves. Both neighbors and migrants can be invited to act as watchmen. But in order to truly sleep peacefully, the police recommend that summer residents enter into agreements with private security companies. The contract must necessarily stipulate financial responsibility for the entrusted object. Before signing it, you must check the private security company's license.

The cheapest option for small dacha cooperatives is for the residents themselves to be on duty one at a time according to a schedule: one house - one night. To do this, you need to walk at night, especially in the morning, with your dog, yours or someone else’s. At the same time, as police say, the size of the animal does not matter. A survey of thieves conducted in different prisons - what stops you - gave one result: having a dog, even a lapdog or a dachshund, stops you.

There must be light in the village at night - even 1-2 lanterns at different ends of the village will save the situation. Installing dummy video cameras gives remarkable results. They blink their red eyes, buzz and turn around. Nobody knows that no recording is made. And these dummies are quite inexpensive.

How not to protect your dacha

1. In the village of Gritsovskaya, Tula Region, a repeat offender tried to break into someone else’s house. However, he was prevented from doing this by a homemade explosive device installed by the owner of the dacha for uninvited guests. The thief died from numerous wounds. Now the demolition owner is awaiting sentencing for causing death by negligence. He faces up to three years in prison.

2. The current carried through the fence and gate caused paralysis in an elderly thief in the Ogorodnik holiday village in the Smolensk region. At the request of the dacha owner, the current was carried out by a village electrician. The surviving robber is now accused of stealing someone else's property - a crime of medium gravity. But the pensioner’s crime is more serious, as is the punishment for committing it - imprisonment for up to two years.

3. The last case of poisoning of thieves was in Ruza, near Moscow, in 1998, when a family left vodka poisoned with arsenic on the table of their country veranda. Three people were poisoned - the thief and his accomplice did not drink the bottle on the spot, but took it home. The owner of the dacha received 12 years and is still serving his sentence.

4. A crossbow on the property of a family from the Novosibirsk region turned out to be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Under Article 109 of the Criminal Code, causing death by negligence, the head of the Bykhovsky family received three years in prison. A neighbor in the village died who came to the man with bills, not noticing that the neighbors had left in the morning. The deceased carelessly pulled the door handle and received an arrow in the eye.

Criminal articles that summer residents need to know

Article 109. Causing death by negligence is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years or imprisonment for the same term.

Article 114. Infliction of grievous or moderate harm to health by exceeding the limits of necessary defense or by exceeding the measures necessary to detain the person who committed the crime. The term is up to two years in prison.

Article 115. Intentional infliction of minor harm to health, causing short-term health disorder. Fine - from 50 to 100 minimum wages, or compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or work for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of two to four months.

Article 116. Battering or committing other violent acts that caused physical pain, but did not entail consequences. A fine of up to one hundred minimum wages, or work for a period of 120 to 180 hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

Article 130. Insult, that is, humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form. A fine of up to 100 minimum wages, or compulsory work for up to 120 hours, or corrective labor for up to six months.

Article 167. Intentional destruction or damage to property. If these acts caused significant damage, they are punishable by a fine in the amount of 50 to 100 minimum wages. Maximum - imprisonment up to two years.

Non-punishable methods of defense

The best thing to do is insure your home. (This is only 2 - 4% of the cost of the dacha.) It will help against thieves and arson. Many also insure property. These are the same percentages, but you sleep peacefully.

Install security and fire alarm displayed on the security console or use the services of a private security company.

For less wealthy citizens, we can advise the following.

Unite with your neighbors. Chip in for security with dogs. It is also necessary to have mobile phone to contact the police. You can establish a certain duty regime at the sites, but this kind of activity requires a fairly well-developed and streamlined organization of the process with the possibility of quickly replacing the “duty” watchman - the owner, as well as measures of influence for negligent team members. Collective works will take less time and increase inspection intervals garden plot. By the way, it would be useful to know the cell phone numbers of your neighbors and periodically check with them about the state of affairs in the holiday village.

Make sure you have a strong fence around your garden area. Just for fun, try climbing your fence yourself.

The locks on the gates and on the house are better not padlocks (because then it is immediately clear whether the owners are there), but mortise ones. It’s even better to put overhead on the doors to the house - so that it’s more difficult to get to their mechanism from the street. And install strong bars on the windows.

Find a family that needs housing. Let them live at your dacha, and at the same time protect it. But in this case, you must also document an agreement on maintaining order, cleanliness, etc. To avoid troubles with the emigration service, be sure to check that your guests have work and residence permits. Among other things, you can get some material benefit, at least in minimum sizes, if some, at least symbolic, payment for accommodation is provided. It should be remembered that for the profit received from renting out premises, you also have to pay tax.

You can create the effect of abandonment. It’s as if no one has lived in the house for a long time, either in winter or in summer, and there is absolutely nothing to catch there. To do this, board up the windows and doors.

You can, on the contrary, create the effect of the presence of the owners. Don’t be lazy, even in winter, to check out your property and trample the paths. Ask your neighbors not to forget too

But some gardeners are already so desperate to resist the regular attacks of homeless people that they leave the door unlocked especially for them. food and a note, they say, live, feel at home, but do not forget that you are a guest.

There are often cases when other people's dachas became shelters for drunkards, homeless people and migrant workers. Guests lit stoves or lit fires, and as a result, houses burned down. The safety tip in this case is simple: do not leave matches, lighters and electric heating devices in the house during the winter!

Hide out of sight or take away for the winter all the things that you would be sorry to lose. It would be nice to have a second bottom in your country “box”: an inconspicuous underground floor, a false wall or ceiling, where you can temporarily move your grandmother’s rare samovar, a brand new set gardening tools And all the rest. It would be advisable to take it out of the dacha and wooden furniture, because Aborigines are usually extremely lazy people, and, instead of going for firewood, they may well use for kindling what happens to be in their immediate vicinity. Where will they sleep? - you may ask in bewilderment. “Children of nature” will prefer to sleep on your floor all winter, but they will not get up to get firewood, especially from a hangover, but will throw “flammable” property into the stove. Therefore, do not leave containers with gasoline, kerosene, paints, etc. at the dacha. etc. - all this can be used for kindling, and then in the spring you are almost guaranteed to find a bunch of black coals instead of a cheerful house.

Country houses predominantly wooden, therefore, have an increased fire hazard. The installation of metal gratings, in addition to the not-so-rosy checkered sky landscape, can also serve the inhabitants of the house badly: if there is a fire, it will be difficult to leave the house. The best option There will be installation of metal shutters on hinges with built-in locks (at least one for each floor), making it possible to use the window opening for emergency exit. Grille installers attach them to regular self-tapping screws without grinding down the edges on the heads. With such an amateurish approach, it will not be difficult for attackers to take a Phillips screwdriver or wrench and unscrew them. The door should be installed in such a way that it can be opened both from the outside and from the inside, and it should swing open only outwards (if it jams, there will be a greater chance of knocking it out and getting out of the burning house).

According to police data, it is new buildings that are favorite place crooks to commit thefts. As a rule, apartments in such buildings are not yet fully occupied, the neighbors have not yet gotten to know each other, the residents are just bringing in their personal belongings, and they are in no hurry to install an alarm system. To protect your property, you should know how to protect your apartment from thieves.

1. Changing the standard door in the apartment - take care of this in advance

You should inform the builders in advance of your desire to change the door. Since they don’t know, they most often install fiberboard doors.

When buying a door, pay attention to the following requirements to them: the door should open outward, because if it opens inward, a thief can easily knock them out.

  • Mandatory presence of hidden loops.
  • Doors must be at least 6-10 cm thick.
  • The box must contain anti-removal pins.
  • The door frame must be strong enough and must be attached to the wall using metal pins at least 100 mm thick and 15 cm long.

2. Installing another entrance door is an easy way to protect your apartment from thieves

The second entrance door will not only keep your home warm and quiet, but will also increase the security of your home. In terms of its strength, it can be much less, because thieves, having opened the strong first door, are unlikely to make noise again to break into the second.

3. Changing locks is a mandatory step in security

Quite often, developers save on everything they can, including door locks. The same type of locks that are installed on the doors of each apartment multi-storey building, cannot cause admiration, which is what a burglar needs. That is why, when moving into your new property, be sure to change the door locks. Moreover, we recommend installing several locks on the door at once and different designs at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm from each other.

4. Installing anti-burglary fittings on windows and balconies - an additional method of protection

Builders, when putting a finished project into operation, equip it with simple plastic windows, which a thief can open with a regular screwdriver. In order to strengthen windows, you should:

  • Make sure to install mechanical anti-burglary handles.
  • It would not be superfluous to install armored film.
  • Install electromagnetic motion sensors.
  • If you live on the ground floor, you can install grilles or shutters.

5. A metal grate on the site will protect you from robbery

Such a part is installed only together with its neighbors staircase. And, despite the fact that firefighters and sanitary services against such innovation, statistics indicate the opposite: thieves break into a space that is fenced with a common grille much less often.

6.When leaving home, always close the door behind you.

If the door is only slammed, thieves can easily open the deadbolt using a regular piece of plastic.

7. While in the apartment, remove the key from the lock

Thanks to this, you can prevent a situation in which an attacker, using special devices, will be able to open the door from the outside at night when you are sleeping.

8. Sticker “The object is under protection” - simple but effective!

This option, of course, will not stop real professionals in their field, but it will completely protect your home from attacks by any riffraff.

9. Installing a safe in an apartment is an effective way to protect your savings

The safe must be very heavy and weigh at least 70 kg. Only then will thieves not be able to take it with them. If you decide to hide your valuables in a wall, in a book, in clothing pockets, or under parquet, then burglars will definitely find them.

For example, the victim Nikolai, after he was robbed, told the opera that he hid his “hard-earned” money in a can of home-made canned food. The thieves, having ransacked the entire apartment, apparently got hungry, so they took away all the preserved food with them. Among the stolen items was a 3-liter jar with a surprise.

A similar story was told by one young family of entrepreneurs who kept their money, set aside for a rainy day, in jars of lecho, jam and cucumbers. To prevent the money from spoiling, the head of the family placed it in special bags for freezing food. It was they who attracted the attention of criminals.

10. Alarm

This security method really works!

At the moment, the alarm system is the most reliable and in an effective way protecting the apartment from thieves. average cost such equipment will cost the homeowner only 25 thousand rubles, and in the absence of an MGTS line - approximately 35 thousand rubles. The client is also charged a monthly subscription fee of 300 rubles. If there is a telephone line cost of installing an alarm system one-room apartment, on average, is 15 thousand rubles, in a two-room apartment - 18 thousand rubles, in a three-room apartment - 24 thousand rubles.

Considering that people who purchased real estate in a new building have already spent money on moving, repairs, and also have to pay monthly mortgage payments, it is not surprising that a professional security system the owners are not particularly perplexed.

Thus, today there are a huge number of ways to protect your home from burglars, options for every taste and any financial capabilities. And here there is no need to waste time on trifles, since we are talking about the price of the safety of your own property.

How to check if your apartment is being watched?

Before breaking into an apartment, burglars should make sure that the owners are rarely there.

Be alert to frequent erroneous calls on home phone or into the intercom.

To check whether residents are at home, swindlers often place cookies under the door mat, stick a thread to the door, and much more. If you notice anything like this, especially scratches on the lock, be sure to call the police. Perhaps you are not the first to contact them with such a statement.

Watch the video on how to secure your apartment.

You can read about other additional means of protecting your home and apartment in our following articles.

At all times, the desire of some people to enrich themselves at the expense of others has been and remains driving force criminal world. One of the most common ways to make money is theft. Nowadays, questions about how to protect an apartment from thieves, what measures to take to protect a private home from them, or what means to protect property at the dacha during your absence are more relevant than ever.

In our article we have collected the most common available methods protecting apartments and houses from thieves and robbers. Not only the methods that are used for this purpose will be listed here, but their main advantages and disadvantages will also be noted. The authors of the article hope that the information provided will be not only informative for you, but also as useful as possible, allowing you to maximize the safety of your home from intruders.

Protecting your home and apartment from burglars: which method to choose

The methods of protecting houses and apartments from thieves presented in our review can be formally divided into two groups. The first of them consists of those techniques and means of protecting a home from burglars that do not require outside intervention. Looking ahead, we immediately note that this category has one important drawback. We are talking about a reduced degree of reliability. Even if all these techniques are less expensive, the low level of security relegates them to the background.

As for the second category, it includes methods of protecting apartments from burglars, involving the intervention of professionally trained specialists, including employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (rapid response team). At relatively higher costs (although they are not always so), this option for protecting apartments, private and country houses from thieves, ensures almost one hundred percent security of your movable and immovable property.

So, let's move on directly to the description of the main methods that are practiced in order to secure an apartment or house from thieves. All the pros and cons of each of the listed methods will be noted separately.

Order security for your home and apartment right now

How to protect an apartment or house from thieves and robbers on your own

Basic ways to protect houses and apartments from thieves on our own can also be divided into two groups, namely the use of special technical means and the manifestation of ingenuity. We list the most common techniques that answer the question of how to secure a house from thieves on your own and relate to both groups:

  • Installation of bars on windows. This method is the most effective for protecting private houses and apartments from robbers. lower floors. However, here it is necessary to take into account that only gratings welded to the pins with a cross-section of rods of at least 12 mm will become truly reliable.
  • Reservation of windows with special shockproof film. This option is quite reliable, but relatively expensive, for protecting apartments and houses from burglars.
  • Internal handles on windows with keys. Such a system significantly complicates the task of robbers, although, as in the previous case, it is not cheap.
  • A video peephole that allows you not only to view the area near the entrance to an apartment or house, from which the device provides protection, but also to make video recordings when a motion sensor is triggered.
  • Dog. This old and proven way to protect your home or apartment from thieves is complemented by the opportunity to make yourself a reliable and devoted friend. An alternative is to use a bell that imitates a dog barking. Although he won’t greet you home from work with his tail wagging, he can to some extent help protect your apartment or house from thieves.
  • Creating a “presence effect” for the hosts. Here you can show your imagination the most in various ways. Lights on, music playing, a mannequin in the light of a flashlight - all these means can help secure your home or apartment. However for professional robbers Most of these methods do not present any obstacle. Moreover, they can reveal the absence of the owners and attract the attention of experienced thieves.

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Professional protection of an apartment or house from thieves and robbers

Repeated cases of robberies and break-ins prove that the most reliable and stable way to protect apartments, private cottages or country houses from thieves is the security services of a private security company. Among them, video surveillance and alarm systems have become the most common. Let us immediately emphasize that we are not talking about independently installed equipment, but about systems specially designed by specialists. At the same time, the most reliable of these means of protecting apartments and houses from thieves are those that transmit a signal to the remote control for the departure of the State Investigation Bureau. Judge for yourself whether the signal received on the mobile phone of an elderly pensioner will have a big effect when a physically trained, and possibly armed, robber enters his apartment...

If a video surveillance camera, a trip sensor or another type of alarm system used to protect your home or apartment from thieves transmits a danger signal to the central control panel of the private security company, the arrival of armed guards in special uniforms will not only help neutralize the intruders. This will completely discourage them and their “business colleagues” from making repeated attempts to check the protection of your house or apartment. And, although such methods of ensuring the safety of houses and apartments from burglars are more expensive, their effectiveness fully compensates for your expenses!

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