home · On a note · Ideas for decorating a room using paper butterflies. Butterflies for interior decor (52 photos): original ideas and examples Butterflies on the wall, what to glue on

Ideas for decorating a room using paper butterflies. Butterflies for interior decor (52 photos): original ideas and examples Butterflies on the wall, what to glue on

To change or even update the appearance of your home, it is not at all necessary to carry out renovations. People with a creative approach can change the perception of a room using materials at hand, for example, making butterflies for the wall with their own hands. From school, children are taught to make decorations in the form of panels. Therefore, changing the usual appearance of the walls is not difficult.

What is the decoration like?

This decoration looks like an applique, or rather a panel made of paper. Not only the final result, but also the visual perception of the room depends on the method of making the decor. Imagine a whirlwind of flying colorful butterflies on the wall. Such decoration will attract charging visitors and please the eye. The panel, made of rigid cardboard, is not only durable, but can also have any shape. Butterflies, made of fiber paper, are attached in the middle and flap their wings from any air movement.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the form of the application. You can search for templates and stencils on the Internet, and then move on to searching for colors. Wall decor with butterflies should be bright so as not to blend in with the decor of the room.

Ready-made samples are usually primitive and uncomplicated. The advantage of homemade decor is the ability to create voluminous applications. You need to prepare a layout of the future composition in any program, and then use it to develop templates of different sizes.

Advice! It’s not worth chasing a lot of curves and ruffles on the wings. Subsequently, all these elements will have to be cut out with scissors. You should also avoid symmetry, that is, mirror reflection of the wings. One of them may be slightly larger. This will add dynamism to the final application.

Once you select the format and quantity, you can print stencils in different sizes. The blank must be placed on a sheet of cardboard and cut along the contour.

Related article: 10 secrets for the correct placement of a painting on the wall

General picture

The general shape of the picture can be any. An image of a whirlwind, a scattering of butterflies that will be combined with a pattern on wallpaper, plaster or other finishing material. Another option for placing decor in the interior is the flight of butterflies from one side of the room to another or their distribution in groups. The formed plan must first be fixed on paper, and then the templates must be transferred to the wall with a pencil. The lines need to be made not bold so that later they do not catch the eye.

Material selection

You can make stencils from paper, cardboard, film, fabric. Let's consider each of the options.


It’s the easiest way to make a panel from multi-colored paper. Moreover, this is the cheapest decor option. This material can be replaced with glossy paper from a magazine you read. The resulting butterflies can be arranged by color into an overall picture.

Important! A fully glued decoration will not protrude above the wall level. Butterflies that are attached at a distant distance will flutter their wings when the air moves.


Such decoration is more difficult to make, but it is more reliable. Cardboard quickly takes any shape and retains it for a long time. You can make the wings curved or rounded. You just need to wet the cardboard and bend it with a weight. After drying, it will take any shape. Due to the large weight, it will be more difficult to attach such a panel.


Thick or self-adhesive vinyl film makes great colorful stencils. Glossy butterflies will not only sparkle, but also shimmer in the room. The manufacturing process is the same as in the case of thin cardboard. Self-adhesive film does not require additional fastening at all, and the usual colored film is fixed to the wall with glue.

Advice! In order for the butterfly to twitch its wings, you need to secure only the central part of the workpiece.


To decorate walls with plain liquid wallpaper, drapery, or any base that is soft to the touch, you can use fabric. Such butterflies will fit into the interior and even improve the design. It is better to attach them completely with glue. To create a three-dimensional decor, you need to dilute PVA glue with water. Very thin fabric can be wetted, stencils cut out, and then allowed to dry in the desired shape.

Related article: Interesting options for plasterboard ceilings: levels and lighting

We fix the decoration

It's not enough to just make a panel. It is also necessary to securely fasten it to the wall:


PVA or wallpaper glue should be used if the stencil is made of paper. You just need to not overdo it with the quantity.


You can use fasteners with beautiful heads and small pearls. The pin will fit quickly into wooden lining, cork, and drywall. You can do things differently with wallpaper. You need to use pliers or pliers to bend the tip of the pin 90 degrees, and then push the butterfly under the wallpaper. For greater reliability, you can attach the pin with Moment glue.


A stencil is attached to one side, and the other is attached to the wall. The only negative is that if the foam breaks, it will be difficult to remove the remaining part of the decor.


It is better to attach origami to threads. You need to hang the butterflies from a cornice or directly to the ceiling using thin, colorless fishing lines. This solution will create a volumetric design of the room.

4 master classes

Paper master class


  • wallpaper trimmings;
  • paper for making templates;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil, scissors.

First you need to print and cut out stencils of different sizes to make the result more realistic. Then attach the silhouette to the cardboard, trace it and cut it out. You need to prepare as many copies as possible.

The next step is to apply glue to the bends and attach them to the wall. The middle is pressed with a fingernail, and then the edges are bent. It is advisable to achieve an effect in the interior where large butterflies fly in one direction, and attach smaller ones along the edges a little further from the main flock.

Master class from vinyl records


  • records;
  • chalk;
  • templates;
  • scissors.

To make a blank, you need to mark the middle of the template on the plate and outline the outline with white chalk. Then put a foil baking sheet and a plate on top. Place a baking sheet in an oven heated to 400 degrees, wait until the plate begins to deform and remove it. This takes approximately 45 seconds. Next you need to cut out the butterfly with scissors. Gently, but quickly.

Important! Vinyl cools quickly. You may have to reheat the plate several times.

Clay master class

You need to make the blanks with a baking mold and make four holes in the middle. Bend the wings at different angles, then arrange the butterflies in the baking pan. The clay should be in the oven for 15 minutes.

Important! When the temperature is high, the wings will straighten out a little.

If the resulting holes are not large enough, you can enlarge them with a knife. The edges should then be sanded with sandpaper. If desired, the figures can be decorated. Punch the thread through the holes crosswise and tie a knot. Pass a push pin through it and attach the butterfly to the wall.

Master class from book pages


  • Old book;
  • branches, beads, decorative pearls, shells;
  • wire hangers;
  • glue, scissors;
  • string and pencil.

First you need to attach the stencil to a page of paper and cut out two wings. The branches of the bushes should be cleared of leaves and soaked. The rods will become softer and will not break when bent. The wire hanger should be bent into a ring and wrapped with rods. After the wreath has dried, you need to secure the rods with hot glue.

The body of the butterfly is made of beads, beads, pearls, which are strung on string and attached to each other using hot glue. Then you should glue the “body” in the paper. The fluttering effect will be created by slightly bent wings. All that remains is to attach the butterfly to the wreath.


Making butterflies with your own hands will take a lot of time, perseverance and different ideas. But such decor will bring bright emotions into your life. Moreover, you can decorate any apartment decoration with such an applique.

Modular origami - butterfly (2 videos)

Interior design options with butterflies (39 photos)

To create a unique interior, different options are used today. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material, are an original way to enliven an empty wall.

The renovation is complete, the furniture is in place, new curtains are already hanging, but something is missing to complete the look of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall are a creative idea that will definitely attract attention.

Creating such decor will require a minimum of material and free time. Even if there is no suitable paper at home, it is sold in any office supply department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for realizing the idea. This is what the conversation will be about.

DIY butterflies on the wall

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They are used to decorate photo and painting frames, chandeliers and floor lamps, mirrors, and ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And this is not just a beautiful element of decoration: according to the laws of Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Their appearance in the bedroom will add new colors to marital relationships, bring back slightly faded feelings, and rekindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

Different materials are used to make bright moths:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Rough cardboard.
  3. Vinyl records.
  4. Starched fabric.
  5. Thin metal (beer cans, Coca-Cola cans).

The sizes of the floating beauties can also be different, and different shapes and colors are also allowed. The embodiment of an idea depends on imagination and available material.

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a rapid whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

For what style are such decorations acceptable?

Decorating a wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any interior style:

  • rural Provence;
  • abounding in high-tech technology;
  • ascetic modernity;
  • stingy minimalism;
  • noble classics.

The main thing is that the miniature applications harmonize in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just don’t make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls; they will simply blend into the background and be almost invisible.

The following combinations would be ideal:

  1. green or red moths on a beige wall;
  2. black or dark brown on a white or gray background;
  3. combination of bright blue and bright red on a pink wall.

Preparing for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies for the wall. You can look up photos of ideas on the Internet, just in case your own imagination doesn’t suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to a stationery or arts and crafts store.

Moths of the desired shape and size are drawn on paper or vinyl film using a stencil. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will be varied. When choosing a mounting method, you need to consider some points:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next renovation, then you can use glue to attach them;
  • if the apartment owner is not sure that the butterflies will last long, it is better to secure them with pins or small buttons.

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawn up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the butterflies’ location on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from the plan, which may well happen while gluing the elements.

Moths made of colored paper

This is the most common decoration option, which requires colored paper. You can use a computer program to create a sketch. Buying paper will not hit the family budget, which is an important factor.

There will be no problems attaching the paper to the wall, since it is light, and the thin wings of butterflies will flutter at the slightest movement of air. If the presence of moths on the wall begins to bother you, they can be removed at any time without receiving material damage or damaging the wallpaper.

By placing butterflies near a lighting fixture, you can create a beautiful three-dimensional effect

Bright, shiny butterflies are obtained from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are coated with acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! Compositions with fluorescent paint look no less tempting.

Advice! When fixing butterflies to the wall, you should fix only their middle, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Wall composition of colored butterflies of different sizes and shapes

Composition of fabric and painted butterflies

If the room is decorated with liquid wallpaper, decorating with butterflies on the wall is an ideal solution, but it is better to choose fabric as a material. Any variegated or plain rags that are likely to be found in any home will do. It is better to use PVA for fastening.

To prevent the edges of the fabric from fraying or fraying, and to make the fabric more rigid, it is recommended to first soak it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Painted moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • a stencil made from plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent paint;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Using a stencil, the main design is applied to the wall with acrylic paint, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, the hovering moths will flicker mysteriously.

Advice! You need to prepare several identical stencils and secure them to the wall with masking tape. The stencil should be removed only after the paint has dried, otherwise it may run down the wall and ruin the finish. For the same reason, paint cannot be applied in a thick layer.

Wall panel of bright butterflies on a beautiful turquoise background

The bright pages of the magazine will be used to make butterflies, the number of which is determined by the size of the frame - there should not be too few figures, but they should not be sculpted too thickly either.

First, a background is made, for which a sheet of colored paper is used or the base is simply painted with acrylic paint. You can attach the elements of the composition with PVA glue or double-sided tape. It is better if the butterflies do not fit tightly to the base, but rise slightly above it. To achieve this effect, you need to place small fragments of foam rubber under the tape. The finished panel is placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

Beautiful painting of butterflies in pastel colors

To create a luxurious room design, it is recommended to use several techniques at once that will combine with each other and make the room harmonious:

  • One wall is decorated with a composition of butterflies.
  • A panel is hung on the opposite wall.
  • They attach the moths to a fishing line or colorless thread and hang this origami on a chandelier.

DIY multi-colored butterflies will replace a chandelier

Butterflies go well with flowers, small bird figures, bees and ladybugs. If pins are used, they should be decorative (beads, beads). To attach to wallpaper, the sharp end of the pin is bent 90° and driven under the paper covering. Butterflies seem to float in the air.

Any ideas are suitable for such creativity, but patience is also required. The reward for perseverance and diligence will be the unique decoration of the room.

The beauty of the apartment is the most important thing, since it is the small various details that make it more attractive and cozy. A good option for decorating a living space would be a DIY butterfly panel. Butterflies are considered the most fashionable trend of the latest season, and regardless of the time of year, a panel of butterflies will look perfect.

Butterflies are called winged flowers and therefore they will be an excellent addition to any interior. A panel of butterflies on the wall adds airiness and lightness to the room, and also fills it with charm. And according to popular beliefs, moths, whether alive or artificial, can become a symbol of good luck, joy, love and luck. That is why it is far from surprising that on the walls of many houses you can see panels with paper butterflies and more.

Making a panel of butterflies with your own hands is not that difficult; once you start, it will immediately become clear that this is a simple and entertaining process.

For such work, you do not need professional skills or attending a meeting such as a master class, but just scissors, glue and the desire to create.

It is important to note that making such a panel will help not only to create a beautiful picture with your own hands, but also to have a pleasant emotional rest, since psychologists recommend just such a pastime to relieve stress.

The composition of butterflies is mainly made on plain walls. For example, you can place a family of butterflies on a plain decorated wall.

Flocks of butterflies can be located in different directions and groups, and such butterfly paintings as:

  • Vortex;
  • Heart;
  • Spirals;
  • Chaotic order.

If the background for placing butterflies is colored, then the butterflies themselves should be bright, but not in the same tone as the wallpaper, otherwise they will merge and will not be visible. Before work, you should definitely sketch out a sketch according to which it will be carried out, and to be more precise, on the wall itself, using chalk, you should make notes on the location of the butterflies, so that after making them you do not waste additional time on marking.

What material should you choose for a panel with butterflies?

A stencil for butterflies on the wall can be made from cardboard or plain paper, and it can be the remains of boxes or simply unnecessary materials left over from previous works. Thickened stationery film and fabric would also be a good option.

Ideas for making paper butterflies are the most optimal and simple, since it is easy to handle, so there will be no problems with such a process as cutting out templates, regardless of their shape and dimensions.

Also, paper stencils can be very easily given symmetry. Paper has another big advantage, and that is the availability of this material, since it is sold in many stores and at a fairly reasonable price.

It is important to remember that making stencils from cardboard will allow you to use them much longer than from paper, since it is denser and stronger:

  1. Cardboard perfectly retains its given shape, but cutting out a butterfly will require a lot of effort.
  2. The result of a long and labor-intensive process will be a strong, durable stencil from which you can cut out a huge number of butterflies for room decoration.

Quilling is a method of decorating a room that does not require stencils, because it is prepared directly on the panel without preliminary preparations.

Thickened film can be stronger and more attractive than cardboard; it is simple and easy to work with. A wide variety of butterflies are cut out of the film, regardless of their type, and they are attached using ordinary glue, and even a glue stick can be used for this.

In order to create a beautiful original picture or, in other words, a panel of butterflies, you should use a combination of glossy and matte films, and if you place them at a certain slope, then a 3D effect is quite possible.

If you purchase already prepared film stencils, then small squares of adhesive fabric are attached to them at the factory, and to decorate the wall with them you just need to remove the protective layer.

A moth system is sometimes created as one fluttering wing, but it all depends on exactly how the wings are curved, how the light falls on them, and even what shade they are. It would seem like such little things, but they can become an important point when decorating a room with your own hands. Some novice designers install butterflies so that they catch a draft in the room and thereby come to life, which delights everyone who watches it.

How to make a panel with paper butterflies (video)

How to attach butterfly panel ideas to walls

You can install ready-made stencils on the wall in various ways, since it all depends on the personal preferences of the decorator. In particular, the pannoquilling butterfly is attached with glue, and for other types of decoration you can use pins and polystyrene foam. Glue is considered an ideal way to create panels on the wall, but it is important not to overdo the dosage so as not to spoil the look with the remains of material peeking out from under the base of the butterflies.

Pins can be used in cases where the canvas on which the panel is attached is made of soft material, since the pin will need to be driven into the wall so deeply that wind currents do not tear them out and carry them around the room, which may be far from safe.

Not many people know that you can decorate a wall with butterflies using foam plastic.

Fixing occurs by gluing pieces of foam onto the moth, after which its reverse side is coated and applied to the wall. Thus, you can make the panel more voluminous than simply fixing it on the wallpaper. It is important to know that only lightweight structures can be fixed using foam plastic.

How to make a butterfly panel step by step

Before you start cutting out butterflies, you should choose a specific design, which will be an important component of the applique. To select, you need to carefully examine the wall on which the panel will be located, and also evaluate the scale of its location. Naturally, if the wall is wide, then you can make the most voluminous drawing, but in small rooms you should not overdo it with such decor, as it will put pressure on the psyche and is unlikely to help you relax.

After this, you should move on to developing the decor of the butterfly, choosing color and material.

It is worth remembering that this panel should become the brightest and most memorable spot on the wall, but it should not violate the overall harmony and atmosphere.

It all depends on the space, on nearby interior items, and also on how large the composition will be.

Creating a panel of butterflies (video)

The creation of templates or cutting out moths in another way should be done using a stationery knife. The shapes of the moths must remain symmetrical for the picture to be truly gorgeous. The last step is to attach the moths to the wall using the previously described methods.

Examples of butterfly panels (photo)

There is always the opportunity to decorate the space. DIY bright butterflies on the wall are a simple and stylish solution for wall decoration. The manufacturing process will interest and delight both adults and very young designers.

Frozen beauty

There are a great many options for decorating walls, but why exactly do fluttering butterflies in the interior occupy a leading position. Here it is appropriate to recall the associations that moths evoke. Most often I remember summer, joy, love and wonderful transformation. Decorating the walls with butterflies will allow you to experience these positive emotions over and over again.

You can use a ready-made set of stickers to decorate your walls with butterflies. It is also possible to make exclusive butterflies with your own hands. A wall can be decorated with a pair of graceful bloodworms or a whole composition, for example, a heart of winged beauties. To decorate the interior with your own hands, you will need simple materials, patience and limitless imagination.

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • old vinyl records;
  • textile;
  • paints;
  • polymer clay.

The simplest and easiest to make are paper butterflies for the wall. This kind of work is easy to do even for a beginner, and children will be delighted to manipulate the bright paper. Decorative butterflies in the interior are a bright element that you can make with your own hands. Below are techniques on how to cut and how to decorate the winged beauty.

DIY butterflies on the wall (video)

Bright paper crafts

So, how to make a butterfly out of paper. To make a fluttering beauty from this raw material, no expensive materials are required. The paper can be any kind. Required:

  • a set of colored paper;
  • white paper (it can be colored with felt-tip pens or paints);
  • wallpaper;
  • wrapping paper;
  • colored foil (solid base required).


  1. To make it you need a butterfly stencil. Such diagrams and templates can be found in books, children's coloring books, or drawn with your own hands. The stencil must be dense, so it is better to make it on cardboard.
  2. When the stencil is ready, the design is transferred to paper. All that remains is to know how to cut a butterfly out of paper with your own hands correctly. The cutting is done strictly along the contour.

Volumetric paper figurine

For work you will need the same colored or any other paper. You can use the same templates. A voluminous paper butterfly will require blanks of 3 different sizes.


  1. Using the template, the drawing is transferred to paper. There should be 3 such blanks. The first remains the original size. The second decreases by 0.5 cm, and the third by 1 cm.
  2. When 3 different templates are ready, they are glued together. The matryoshka principle works here: the largest template is glued onto a template reduced by 0.5 cm. What happens is attached to a template reduced by 1 cm.

The templates are glued together in the center, along the fold. To make the wings elastic, they are folded up.

With such paper masterpieces you can decorate a pastel-colored wall, a framed photo, or a panel. The panel of paper beauties looks especially great. The shapes can be different: intricate vortices, hearts, spirals, etc. The panel can decorate the entire wall or a small part of it, for example, the head of a bed in the bedroom.

A great design idea would be to decorate a framed photo with paper butterflies.

Paper crafts can decorate a window or chandelier. An excellent option would be to decorate with paper crafts and a photo of the family above the cradle of a small child.

Cardboard crafts and drawings on the wall using a template or stencil

The technology for making cardboard is exactly the same as for paper crafts. A distinctive feature of cardboard butterflies is their strength and durability. They will not be torn off the wall by a gust of wind, they do not wrinkle and hold their shape well, looking great as a panel or a photo in a frame.

Tip: to make the cardboard craft look like the real thing, you can bend the wings up. This will create the impression of a wing flapping.

When creating a drawing, it is better to choose a light shade as the background. To complete this you will need a stencil. You can use cardboard templates as a basis.

Drawings can be made in two ways:

  1. If a stencil is used for the drawing, then the paint can be applied immediately. Holding the stencil firmly, use a brush or sponge to fill the surface with paints. To make the stencil hold more firmly, you can glue it. It’s good if each drawing has its own blank, this will help avoid mixing paints and unwanted extra stripes and prints.
  2. When using a template to apply a design, you should first trace the outline of the moth on the wall. The template is attached to the wall, and an outline is drawn along it with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Now the space inside the resulting image on the wall is filled with paints.

For drawing it is better to use acrylic or water-based paints. An interesting solution would be to use fluorescent paints. This way the drawing will flicker in a dark room, giving the picture life.

How to make 3D butterflies on the wall (video)

Vinyl moths

At first glance, it seems that making a wall panel from a vinyl record is not easy, but this is not at all the case.

Necessary materials:

  • vinyl record;
  • crayons or pencils of light and dark colors;
  • drawing template;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. The sticker on the plate will be the central part of the design. Use a light chalk on vinyl and a dark chalk on a paper sticker to apply a stencil according to the template.
  2. Then you need to heat the record so that the vinyl becomes soft and pliable. Place a plate in a well-heated oven (350-400°C) on foil or parchment. As soon as the vinyl begins to deform (45-50 seconds), the record is taken out.
  3. It is better to hold the edges of the plate with paper or cloth so as not to get burned. The design is cut out with sharp scissors.
  4. When the shape is cut out, its edges are folded upward.

Polymer clay and salt dough

Polymer clay and salt dough are ideal for working with children. Such non-paper butterflies in the interior can decorate a wall or create additional decor for individual items.

Necessary materials:

  • polymer clay or salt dough;
  • butterfly dough mold;
  • thread or pin for fastening.

Working with such materials is easy and simple. The figures are cut out using a mold. In the center of the figures, 4 holes are made with a needle. The wings are folded upward and the workpiece goes into the oven. Bake the crafts for about 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 220°C.

Important! High temperatures may cause butterfly wings to straighten a little. And if the products should have an embossed pattern, then it is done before baking.

A thread or ribbon is threaded through the holes in the center. A tight knot is tied at the back. If you plan to mount the butterflies on the wall, then a pin or button is pierced through this node.

The product is ready! All that remains is to give it brightness and originality with the help of paints.

Beautiful and bright moths on the wall with your own hands can be made from the simplest materials at hand. The process requires concentration and patience, but the result will delight and awaken the kindest emotions.

Many people often have the idea of ​​changing the appearance of their apartment or at least refreshing it without putting a lot of effort into it. Usually this means at least cosmetic repairs.

However, in order to give the room an updated look, without carrying out grueling, expensive repair work, you should approach this issue creatively.

It would be nice to remember one wonderful way of decoration - creating a decorative panel. And in this case, a simple option for decorating walls with butterflies can come to the rescue, for which templates or stencils are used.

If you put in a little effort and effort, then, undoubtedly, ordinary walls will have a stunning look and the room will take on a completely different, fabulous look.

To do this, you need to study the basic methods of decorating walls. What's so amazing about the decoration? This is an applique, or more precisely, a DIY panel of butterflies on the wall. To make it, a variety of materials are used. Later it is mounted on walls in elegant compositions.

How to make a butterfly stencil with your own hands? To make small butterflies on the walls, there are different options for using materials for cutting out butterflies of different sizes, and based on these parameters, the final appearance of the decoration will depend. Anyone can make paper butterfly templates with their own hands to decorate the interior..

The more you try, the more impressive you will make an impression on everyone who sees such an application. That's why choose the appropriate decor, and then attach the butterflies to the wall. Imagine that on the wall, for example, many openwork butterflies scatter from the center. All of them are of different sizes and colors, twirling in a round dance and vibrating with their wings.

Undoubtedly, this will attract attention and delight, although the butterflies will not be dried, but made from scrap materials.

Important! Butterflies should be highlighted against the background of the wall, and for this it is better to make them bright. This way they will not blend into the interior.

To decorate the wall, butterflies of various sizes, shapes and colors, cut along the contour from paper - the most suitable material - are suitable. The implementation of such an enchanting spectacle will depend on many factors, the main one being sketch quality and accuracy.

The pattern of openwork butterflies for cutting out of paper should be cut out very carefully.

DIY butterflies on the wall, photo

What to pay attention to when creating butterflies

Firstly, you need to decide on the form. If you don’t have your own ideas on this issue, you can look for suggestions on the Internet. There will definitely be templates and stencils for cutting, as well as examples of finished work. You can also watch the creation of such a panel in the video:

Secondly, you need choose color future butterflies. After all, the design of any apartment is individual, so it is so important to take time to select the appropriate color option for the future decor of the butterfly on the wall. Use the most successful color combinations, then the decor will best fit into the room and will be in harmony with all the elements.

The shape deserves special attention. Today, ready-made multi-colored butterflies are offered in the form of stickers. They can be ordered at any store. They come in a wide variety of colors, as well as simple and intricate shapes. But we are looking at decorations that are made independently, so for beginners it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic recommendations.

Butterfly stencil on the wall - diagram, photo

At the initial stage, you should create a sketch of butterflies for cutting. Using a program that draws or edits images can help with this. Subsequently, based on the sketch, butterfly stencils are made for cutting out in different sizes from the appropriate material. Templates can be made without even using a computer.

You just need to take a pencil in your hands and create sketches on plain paper or tracing paper - the outlines of butterflies and then cut them out.

Advice! The best option is not to use strict symmetry. And for this you should try not to mirror the wings. It is best to depict them slightly different in size - literally just a little.

Thanks to this, decorative butterflies on the wall will be more voluminous and dynamic. A the applique will look great, regardless of the method of attachment to the surface. But you shouldn’t bend it too much, because the wings should be moderately different from each other.

Stencils of simple butterflies for wall decor, photo

Once the butterfly drawing is ready for cutting, you can move on to the next steps.

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future decorative element, the number of butterflies, as well as the method of securing them. Then you can modify the image and make it in several sizes, and then print it. You can also draw everything completely by hand if you don’t have a printer and cut it out.

After this, we make a butterfly stencil for cutting. It won’t be so difficult to do this if you put the printout on a sheet of cardboard - and the outline of the butterfly is ready for cutting.

The printed butterfly silhouette is first trimmed along the outer edge, only then can you proceed to the internal holes and cut them out where necessary using thin nail scissors or a special knife.

Butterfly stencils for the wall made of paper - photo of the cutting process

To decorate walls with butterfly decor, you can also use an option such as origami. You will not need to spend energy on drawing the silhouette of a butterfly for cutting out of paper, but will only have to learn the ability to assemble origami.

Important! You should not achieve the grace of a butterfly by increasing the number of folds or frills on the wings: openwork butterflies look more airy.

Further cutting with scissors or a paper cutter will be meticulous and the many details will quickly tire you.

In fact, creating such elements is not very difficult. There are quite a lot of ready-made training videos on the Internet on how to make butterflies on the wall, and also lessons on making origami. Here is one of them:

Features of fastening elements

When you have already cut out the moths using a stencil, you can begin to create a pattern on the planned surface. It is worth initially looking at various options on the Internet if your imagination has exhausted itself.

Most often, if a person decides to create such an element of room decor, he already has his own assumptions about the location of the pattern itself on the plane. The most popular are images of a vortex, a growing flow, the arrangement of blanks in a chaotic order, in the form of creating a decorative pattern, and so on.

Important! By attaching butterflies to the wall, you can highlight the boundaries between certain areas in the room.

The main thing is to observe the correct placement of the moths and do everything possible to prevent them from getting into the wallpaper pattern.

Original decor - butterflies on the wall, photo

For colored wallpapers (with ornaments and a repeating, pronounced pattern), it is preferable to make the butterflies monochromatic (black or snow-white coloring is ideal); for monochromatic wallpapers, the palette can be expanded and silhouettes of butterflies can be cut out from bright rich flowers.

When the workpieces are cut and prepared, you can begin to attach it. Before you start doing this, you should recreate your idea on paper to understand how good it will look after implementation. Next, you need to mark with a pencil on the wall the places where the butterflies will be located.

All marks should not be made boldly, so that later the butterflies can be removed without leaving marks on the walls.

To attach these elements to the wall, you can use glue, pins, or hang them on a strong thread.

DIY wall decor with butterflies, photo


When decorating the interior with butterflies created by yourself, you can choose different bases for this:

  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • vinyl film;
  • paper.

You should choose any of them based on the complexity of the picture you have in mind. Paper is the most accessible base of all listed, plus it is the easiest to cut out blanks from. White sheets can be colored to create colorful butterflies.

However the disadvantage of this material is that it is fragile. It can be selected if you want to attach butterflies for a short time.

Cardboard is a stronger base. You can choose double-sided and create plain blanks. Butterflies made from vinyl films look beautiful. This decoration will delight the eye with its bright colors and glossy surface.

To create a “warmer” look, you should give preference to fabric, but they won’t be able to stick to anything except glue.

If you prefer the vinyl version, you should fix the butterflies in the middle of the body, so that at the slightest air flow they begin to move their wings. Then the spectacle will be simply amazing.

When choosing rigid cardboard for making butterflies, if you try hard enough, you can give them different shapes. In addition, such applications will please the eye for a long time and will not lose their unusual three-dimensional 3D shape.

Anyone who wants to make voluminous paper butterflies with their own hands will be satisfied with the result. Although this method of changing the interior is not easy and takes a lot of time, the emotions that you will receive after completing the work will be truly unforgettable.

Read about how you can make your own: no less original decor, which can be successfully supplemented with paper butterflies.

The process of creating such an application is very exciting and is guaranteed to make your room original without any renovation work.

See a selection of photos of interiors decorated with artificial butterflies - an incredibly beautiful sight.