home · On a note · Dandelions in the country struggle. Getting rid of dandelions is not a problem, just a couple of practical tips. How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

Dandelions in the country struggle. Getting rid of dandelions is not a problem, just a couple of practical tips. How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

This article discusses chemical (dandelion herbicides) and mechanical methods of controlling one of the most harmful weeds.

Many site participants are faced with the fact that by May their plot is completely overgrown with dandelions. Dandelion is a very insidious weed: just one flower is enough for it to gradually spread throughout the entire lawn. Its seeds scatter well over long distances and germinate on any uncovered piece of land, which is why there are so many of them. But it is difficult to remove these weeds. The reason for this is their roots: very powerful (they can reach thirty centimeters), but more fragile than those of other plants, so they are difficult to completely remove from the soil. What's left can easily grow into a new weed. But enough of the horror stories. If we want to successfully fight unwanted plants, we need to act!


One of the simplest ways to get rid of a dandelion is to dig it up. But this must be done before the weeds begin to bloom, and so that not a trace remains of the root. To do this, you need to water the place where the weed grows: it is much easier to extract the dandelion root from damp soil. The soil can also be loosened if the root does not give in.

Sold in stores special tools, designed for digging up dandelions and other weeds. They will help you fight this stubborn weed more successfully!

If the weeds have already spread throughout the entire area, this method of fighting dandelions will be too long and tedious. You can try cutting off only the top part of the plant once a week without touching the root. By repeating this procedure five times, you can kill the root in this way.

Dandelion is a weed that is difficult to remove from the site.

Dandelion herbicides

Sometimes all means are good for controlling weeds, especially when they interfere with the cultivation of crops and simply spoil appearance site - for participants the site is very important. Therefore, chemicals, or, more precisely, herbicides, can be used. This is a cruel thing because it kills all the plants. But there are also drugs with selective action. It is not necessary to use harsh herbicides for dandelions - you can use ordinary vinegar to remove them. Moreover, the higher the concentration acetic acid, the more effective the weed control will be.

By evaporation, you can increase the percentage of acidity in table vinegar.

Chemicals should be used in the fall: the fact is that it is at this time of year that the plant prepares for wintering, and nutrients from the top they go to the root. If you poison a plant, the herbicides will go straight to the root. For this reason, it is better not to mow the lawn and the dandelions on it a few days before the operation; it is better to do it after.

Another “drug” to combat dandelion: salt. If you sprinkle salt on a flower, after a while only a dark spot remains in this place. But do not overdo it with salt: it can also affect useful plants. It needs to be applied pointwise.

It's better to prevent it in time

A good method of controlling dandelions on the lawn is to prevent their appearance. You need to properly care for your lawn. There should not be any bald spots on it: as we have already said, dandelion is a weed that grows quickly and easily in unprotected soil. Once a week it needs to be mowed (6-8 cm). You can do this in a variety of ways, or you can do it yourself. Weeds will not appear if there is enough moisture and nutrients in the soil.

A thick layer of turf also prevents dandelions from appearing on the site.

Aesthetics are important, but for a time you can sacrifice the neatness of your lawn in order to fight the weed with all your horticultural strength. Leave clipped grass and leaves on your lawn; they will form a great protective barrier. Using this natural mulch material will prevent weeds from germinating.

If no methods of struggle have helped, it is worth looking at the problem differently. After all, the second name of this plant is “dandelion officinalis”, and its beneficial features opened back in Ancient China. And in this sense, the dandelion certainly cannot be called a weed!

Dandelions have a very powerful tap root, reaching a length of 25 cm. And removing it completely is not so easy, since it is fragile and is more likely to break. Subsequently, new weeds will grow from the remaining piece of root. The simplest and safe way, which does not require you financial investments– digging up flowers by the roots. Or cut it down aboveground part dandelions once a week, after five such treatments the plants will begin to die. An excellent way to combat annoying ones is regular table salt. Sprinkle it on the central part of the flower, after some time the weed will die, and in its place will remain brown spot. When sprinkling salt, be extremely careful not to spill it on healthy crops. Otherwise, plants that were close to the weeds will follow them. Purchase a tool from a specialized store, the main objective which is the removal of dandelions and other weeds. The tool is a large V-shaped screw made of blades. With this device it will not be difficult to get rid of dandelions on a plot of land. You just need to immerse it in the ground with the weed and press the button, after which the dandelion will be removed from the soil along with the root. If the use of the listed mechanical methods is impractical due to the fact that the weeds have already grown quite strongly or the area land plot is very high, you can resort to extreme measures - the use of insecticides and chemicals to eliminate dandelions. Before using this or that drug, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them, follow safety rules: do not inhale the vapors of the chemical mixture, use gloves, if it gets into your eyes, rinse them and seek help from a doctor.

According to some gardeners, bright yellow dandelion flowers look very organic on the surface of a rich green lawn. However, most lawn owners are still of the opinion that the lawn should be evenly and uniformly sown with specially bred grass, and the appearance of weeds, such as dandelions, on it is unacceptable.

The pride of a huge number of gardeners is rightfully their lawn. It's not that easy to keep it up perfect condition, promptly trimming fast-growing grass, mercilessly destroying weeds and masking the resulting bald spots by seeding lawn grass to the appropriate areas. A plant such as a dandelion can be especially annoying to a lawn owner: if its seeds were brought onto the lawn once, it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

How to deal with dandelions: a mechanical method of getting rid of weeds on the lawn

To a person who has never encountered this scourge, it may seem that no problem exists: it is enough to mow the grass on the lawn in a timely manner, and then the sunny yellow dandelions will not be discordant with the main green background. Unfortunately, this weed grows very quickly, and you can miss the moment when the dandelion flowers turn into fluffy white hemispheres, the seeds from which will be blown throughout your entire area by the first breath of wind.

You can get rid of dandelions on your lawn by destroying each plant. mechanically. To do this, it is not enough to simply pull the weed out of the ground: the dandelion has a very long - 20-25 cm - and at the same time fragile root, and if even a small part of it remains in the ground, the dandelion’s amazing ability to regenerate will very soon turn the remaining root into a full-fledged one. mature plant. Thus, each specimen of dandelion on your lawn must first be thoroughly dug up, and only then removed from the ground. The bald spots left in the lawn after this should be sown with the seeds of the lawn grass you usually use.

Getting rid of dandelions on the lawn using chemicals

Many gardeners use the achievements of the modern chemical industry to control weeds in their areas. For dandelions, for example, Roundup and Lontrel-300 are especially effective, but regular vinegar, well evaporated to increase the concentration of acetic acid, which is poisonous to this weed plant. The best time to get rid of dandelions from your lawn is in early fall.

A couple of days before chemical treatment do not mow the lawn; Do not do this for about a week after you have treated all the weeds. Apply the preparation you have chosen to the dandelions pointwise - it is most convenient to do this with a soft bristle brush. Over the next week after chemical treatment, the substance gradually moves through the plant from its foliage to root system, which causes its complete death. After removing the wilted weeds from the soil, reseed the resulting “bald spots” in the lawn with grass.

Many gardeners know that it is almost impossible to get rid of such a common perennial plant as dandelion. Its seeds are carried by the wind; they only need to fall on a light wet soil to germinate. Hoeing also does not give the desired results, because if even a small piece of root remains in the ground, next year your garden will again be dotted with yellow flowers.

Because of its vitality, the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site worries many. After all, even if a flower has dried up, seeds may fall off from it, which will make themselves known next year. Frosts do not frighten them; they can germinate in compost heap, provided they weren't buried too deeply. Therefore, many gardeners and gardeners have already come to terms with this scourge and are not trying to look for new methods on how to get rid of dandelions on the site. People simply periodically dig through the bushes that appear, trying to notice them before they bloom. But in many cases, part of the root remains in the ground, and the next year the area is again covered with a yellow carpet.

If you are determined to destroy all the dandelion flowers by hand, then you will have to be patient and arm yourself with a shovel. The root of this flower is quite long, but at the same time it is fragile. Therefore, it is important to carefully remove it entirely from the ground, making sure that not a piece remains in the soil. But often dandelions sprout in tile joints or barely noticeable cracks in the asphalt surface. It will not be possible to dig up a root in such a place, so simply cut the flower as low as possible and cover the cut with table salt.

Removing dandelions by hand can take several seasons. By the way, it is better to simply burn all dug up flowers - this is the only way to prevent the seeds from spreading throughout the area. But if you want to know how to get rid of dandelions on your site in a shorter time with minimal costs labor, then spare no expense on special herbicides. Carefully consider their choice. After all, general-action preparations destroy absolutely all plants, so they can treat the soil before planting the main crops or after harvesting.

But the herbicides electoral action affect only certain crops for which they were intended. If you are interested in how to get rid of dandelions on your property during the middle of the season, then ask a specialized store for drugs that only affect this perennial. They can be applied even if all the crops have already sprouted on your site - most of them special means should not affect. They successfully destroy both above-ground and underground parts of the dandelion, but they are not able to cope with the seeds. Therefore, next year you will still find several copies.

But if you want to find a way to get rid of dandelions without industrial chemicals, then try using a regular one. Wet all the plants you find with it. But don't expect that you can get rid of dandelions even with the most effective means. Their seeds will still be carried from neighboring plots or fields. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the vegetable garden or garden and periodically pull out the emerging rosettes of leaves.

Dandelion is a herbaceous perennial plant, top part which dies off with the onset of cold weather. The root continues to live, only to be thrown away in the spring. new socket green leaves with long tubular peduncles.

Dandelion seeds are carried by the wind. To germinate, they only need to land on any open piece of ground. And it doesn’t matter whether anything grows there or not, as long as there is just moist soil and roots can take root.

This plant is unusually tenacious - even the smallest pruning of the root is enough to grow a rosette of leaves. Mown peduncles with flowers dry out, but manage to become seeded. Even when placed in a compost heap, dandelion flowers can produce seeds if they are not buried deep enough.

Is it possible to get rid of this scourge, or will only the total destruction of all the greenery in the garden help? Most methods of controlling dandelions in garden plots come down to weeding and preventive measures, inhibiting the spread of this weed.

Weeding can be mechanical or manual, and chemical - using herbicides. Manual involves removing roots while digging the soil and deliberately digging up individual specimens throughout the season. Here you need to act very carefully in order to select the whole rhizomes, without breaks or residues. The slightest mistake a gardener can nullify all his work - cutting the root into pieces will not lead to the death of the plant, but to its reproduction.

The main root of a dandelion is a tap root, going deep into the soil and, at the same time, being quite fragile. Therefore, to dig out long-growing old rhizomes from dense soil, it is better to use long narrow scoops or special devices.

If the dandelion has grown on a path or lawn, which is undesirable to dig up, you can use regular table salt to get rid of it. To do this, the weed is cut as low as possible at the root, and the base is thickly covered with this same salt. But, using this method, one must remember that this “treat” is not at all useful to the surrounding plants and soil inhabitants. If you apply too much of it, you can end up with yellow bald spots on your lawn for a long time.

When there are too many dandelions, the area is treated with special chemicals– herbicides. They come in both general and selective action.

The first, such as Tornado, Lontrel or Roundup, destroy all plants in a row. You just need to dilute the preparations and water the clogged area either before planting the main crop, or in the fall - after harvesting. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that drops of the solution do not fall on the leaves. fruit trees and bushes.

The second ones, these include Sniper, Lintur, Killex, have a detrimental effect only on certain weeds, which they are intended to destroy. But their effect lasts for several days.

Lintur is a systemic substance that penetrates the leaves and stems of dandelion. The symptoms of its “work” become noticeable after a week or a week and a half, and the weeds die completely after about a month. Its main advantage is that it does not affect most cultivated plants and can be applied directly to plantings. In addition, Lintur is odorless and easily dissolves in water. Before treating with this type of herbicide, the lawn should not be mowed in advance so that the dandelion leaves have time to grow and can take up a sufficient amount of the solution.

Sniper, unlike other drugs, is intended for targeted use. It is applied to dandelion leaves using a special applicator available on the bottle. The herbicide is absorbed by the plant and spreads to all its organs, right down to the roots. It completely destroys both aboveground and underground parts of dandelions. The only thing that is not affected by it is the seeds, which retain their viability even after treatment.

Opponents of the use of herbicides in their garden can be suggested to use ordinary table vinegar, which is used to moisten unwanted plants. But here we must keep in mind that 5% acetic acid will not be enough - a higher concentration is required.

When starting to fight dandelions, you should first of all be aware that it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of them. Both birds and the wind will sooner or later bring seeds to the site again. Therefore, the main task will be to prevent dandelions from becoming infested and gradually reduce their numbers.

A good measure that can curb the spread of dandelions is to mow them regularly. But it must be kept in mind that cut flowers must be immediately removed from the lawn, destroyed, or placed deep in the compost heap. If this is not done, the mown dandelions will bloom and produce seeds that will scatter throughout the garden in the same way as if the flower stalks continued to grow in their places.

You need to mow as often as possible - at least twice a week. Otherwise, new buds have time to grow and bloom on already trimmed weeds. The same thing happens if the cut is made too high. The purpose of mowing is not only to destroy flower stalks, but also to weaken the roots of plants, which are gradually depleted from the need to constantly grow new green leaves.

Dandelions are not bad flowers, they look beautiful on lawns while they are in bloom, but their seeds can fly very long distances and there is nothing you can do about it. To finally get rid of these plants, you will have to try very hard.

1. Take vinegar, boil it for 1 minute, cool slightly and pour into a spray bottle. Boiling vinegar makes it more concentrated, after which it can be used as a weed killer.

2. Boil a large number of water and pour boiling water over the dandelions. This will destroy them.

3. Sprinkle a large amount of salt in areas where dandelions grow. Do not apply it to any areas where there are no dandelions.

4. You can take 1 glass of salt and 2 glasses of water, dilute the salt in water and pour saline solution plants.

5. Water your lawn or lawn a lot, but rarely. Other weeds will grow large roots and choke out the dandelions.

6. Cover the dandelions tightly with film or a tarp. Dandelions will not be able to grow under them and will die.

7. Dig up the dandelions by the roots. The roots of these plants are very long and can reach 25 cm. If you manage to dig up the root completely, the plant will no longer grow in this place.

8. Spread corn gluten meal over lawns or dandelion areas. This substance is natural and absolutely harmless to children and pets.

Corn gluten meal will reliably rid your garden of dandelions within 5-6 weeks. After this time, processing the garden with flour will have to be repeated.

9. Use special small tools to dig up dandelions. This will help prevent bald spots from appearing on the lawn, which usually happens after using a shovel.

The perennial plant dandelion is widespread in middle lane Russia. This weed often appears in our summer cottages. Once on moist soil, wind-blown seeds quickly germinate and take root. Moreover, if you try to get rid of “uninvited guests” using a hoe or shovel, you can damage the roots, thereby causing new life many other dandelions (develop from small pieces of damaged roots).

Dandelion seeds that have fallen to the ground are not afraid of severe frosts; they will not decompose and will not lose their viability even in upper layers compost heap.

Let's look at the main methods of getting rid of dandelions in the garden:

  1. Mechanical method. Dandelion has a long and very fragile root that is damaged at the slightest force. This should not be allowed, otherwise you will not get rid of the weed. Therefore, you will have to dig up, and not pull out, the plant along with all the roots. Burn the dug up plants or place them deep, deep in the compost heap. Where it is impossible to dig up a dandelion, carefully cut the weed at the root and pour table salt into the cut of the remaining stem.
  2. The following herbicides have shown high effectiveness against dandelions: Roundup, Tornado, Lontrel, Lintur, Sniper, Killex. Be careful not to let the product come into contact with nearby cultivated plants. This is especially true for the first 3 drugs. For gentle application, use a soft brush.
  3. Regular table vinegar (preferably a higher concentration, 9% or higher) is also quite effective in controlling these weeds. Moisten unwanted plants thoroughly with it.
  4. Regular mowing of dandelions will prevent them from becoming overgrown. For the same purpose, you can regularly cut off their upper parts.

To prevent the germination of dandelion seeds on summer cottage some gardeners regularly mow and mulch the grass garden plot, trying to get rid of most of the “bald patches”. Indeed, not all wind-blown seeds will be able to germinate through such protection. However, it is worth remembering that everything has a downside. For example, snails and slugs with this approach will definitely not keep you waiting long.

A good solution would be to form a hedge around the perimeter of the plots, which will prevent most seeds from entering the area.

Many gardeners know that it is almost impossible to get rid of such a common perennial plant as dandelion. Its seeds are carried by the wind; they only need to fall on slightly moist soil to germinate. Hoeing also does not give the desired results, because if even a small piece of root remains in the ground, next year your garden will again be dotted with yellow flowers.

Because of its vitality, the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site worries many. After all, even if a flower has dried up, seeds may fall off from it, which will make themselves known next year. They are not afraid of frost; they can germinate in a compost heap, provided that they are not buried too deeply. Therefore, many gardeners and gardeners have already come to terms with this scourge and are not trying to look for new methods on how to get rid of dandelions on the site. People simply periodically dig through the bushes that appear, trying to notice them before they bloom. But in many cases, part of the root remains in the ground, and the next year the area is again covered with a yellow carpet.

If you are determined to destroy all the dandelion flowers by hand, then you will have to be patient and arm yourself with a shovel. The root of this flower is quite long, but at the same time it is fragile. Therefore, it is important to carefully remove it entirely from the ground, making sure that not a piece remains in the soil. But often dandelions grow in tile joints or barely noticeable cracks in the asphalt surface. It will not be possible to dig up a root in such a place, so simply cut the flower as low as possible and cover the cut with table salt.

Removing dandelions by hand can take several seasons. By the way, it is better to simply burn all dug up flowers - this is the only way to prevent the seeds from spreading throughout the area. But if you want to learn how to get rid of dandelions on your site in a shorter time with minimal labor, then spare no expense on special herbicides. Carefully consider their choice. After all, general-action preparations destroy absolutely all plants, so they can treat the soil before planting the main crops or after harvesting.

But selective herbicides only affect certain crops for which they were intended. If you are interested in how to get rid of dandelions on your property during the middle of the season, then ask a specialized store for drugs that only affect this perennial plant. They can be applied even if all the crops have already sprouted on your site - most of them should not be affected by special means. They successfully destroy both above-ground and underground parts of the dandelion, but they are not able to cope with the seeds. Therefore, next year you will still find several copies.

But if you want to find a way to get rid of dandelions without industrial chemicals, then try using regular table vinegar. Moisten all the plants you find with it. But don't expect that you can get rid of dandelions even with the most effective remedies. Their seeds will still be carried from neighboring plots or fields. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the vegetable garden or garden and periodically pull out the emerging rosettes of leaves.

Ways to control dandelions.

Dandelion is a very pretty plant with beautiful yellow flowers. This plant reproduces using seeds attached to parachutes. Despite small sizes, dandelion roots grow well, and the seeds also fly long distances.

This plant is very tenacious. Many gardeners mow down flowers and place them in a compost pile. If the flower stalks are not deeply buried, then even in this heap, seeds appear after a while. And as the fertilizer is distributed, these seeds are spread throughout the entire area.

Methods for controlling dandelions:

  • Weeding
  • Herbicides
  • Traditional methods

Herbicides can be considered the most effective, but most often they also affect cultivated plants. That is why processing is carried out in the fall after harvesting. At this time, you should not worry about the safety of the crops and the cleanliness of the leaves. Such drugs include Tornado, Roundal.

There are a lot non-standard ways weed control. Folk recipes have always been popular because of their low cost.

Traditional methods:

  • Salt. It is necessary to sprinkle regular table salt around the weed. After this, watering is carried out. If the roots of the plant are close to the surface, the weed will soon die.
  • Vinegar. To carry out the treatment you will need a sprayer. You need to put a little vinegar in it and sprinkle the dandelions. The acid burns the above-ground part and reaches the roots. It is necessary that the vinegar does not get on vegetable crops.
  • Alcohol. This method is of course difficult for our gardeners to use, since alcohol is used for other purposes. It is necessary to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and precisely water all the weeds. The solution burns the roots and the plant dies.
  • Blowtorch. A strange method, but many gardeners claim that it works great. Each weed needs to be heated for a few seconds.
  • Feed corn. This is a waste product from grain production. It is necessary to sprinkle a little feed grain under each weed.
  • Mulching. This is one of the safest and effective ways. Vegetable crops are grown on dark film. Due to the lack of light, weeds and other crops do not grow.

There are several options for weed removal tools. Each summer resident will be able to choose the method that suits him.

Review of Dandelion Root Removal Tools:

  • Fork. This is a device with two teeth that penetrates deep into the ground. With its help you can quickly remove roots.
  • Mulcher. Interesting and unusual instrument, which will be needed not only for removing dandelions. It is a device with curved and curved teeth. Only 4 teeth.
  • Rake. Special rakes are used to remove weed roots that grow deep into the soil. This is not an ordinary rake in shape. It is necessary to immerse them deep into the ground and rotate them 180 degrees. Then remove the rake from the soil. A very effective tool that works purposefully.

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo Tool - root remover for dandelions: photo

Many summer residents believe that the most effective method The fight against dandelions is to dig them up. And indeed it is. You must try to ensure that not a single piece of root remains in the soil. Since this weed germinates well, a whole rosette will grow from a 1 cm root.

Ways to destroy dandelions on the lawn:

  • Boiling water. This method is very similar to burning out weeds with a lamp. In this case, it is necessary to water the weed with boiling water. This is a targeted method, you should try not to touch vegetable crops.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at a hardware store. Wear gloves and a respirator. Wear glasses to prevent acid from getting into your eyes. Using a syringe, apply a little product to the dandelion. In a few seconds it will darken and die.
  • Packages. Cover each weed with a dark bag. It is necessary to secure the bags to the soil. Due to lack of light, the plant will die.
  • Lawnmower. If dandelions grow on the lawn, mow it more often. Don't let dandelions ripen. It is necessary to cut the flowers before the seeds appear. Otherwise, they will again spread throughout the entire area.

Of course, using herbicides is quite dangerous. After all, they have a bad effect not only on weeds, but also on vegetable crops.

Review of dandelion control products:

  • Lintur. This is a new generation herbicide that fights exclusively against weeds. If it gets on the lawn there will be no bald spots. The product is practically harmless to the lawn. Processing required in early spring when the dandelions have just risen. Or in the fall, after the entire harvest has been harvested.
  • Lontrel 300. Also an excellent product that is relatively safe in relation to vegetable crops. It is also worth treating with a vein or in the fall. The most interesting thing is that when it gets on leaves and flowers, the substance penetrates deep into the roots and destroys them.
  • Sniper. An excellent product that can be applied precisely. This is the main difficulty. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the soil with a solution of vodka in early spring, and after the emergence of dandelions, treat it with a herbicide.
  • Fundazol, Ferazim. These chemicals should be applied in the fall, after harvesting. The processing is not spot-on, but continuous. Next year in the spring, fertilize with compost and minerals. These chemicals kill moss, rot and weeds.

Despite their beautiful flowers and harmless appearance, dandelions are quite aggressive weeds that can cause significant damage to crops.

VIDEO: Removing dandelions