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What can replace rice vinegar in rolls and sushi? Can a regular one replace it? Rice vinegar at home, recipe, application

Japanese cuisine is increasingly winning the hearts of the Slavs. Many lovers of sushi and rolls visit restaurants that serve these dishes from time to time, while others prepare delicious snacks at home. Nowadays there is no shortage of anything - in supermarkets it is easy to find the necessary ingredients for sushi - rice, vinegar, nori and other Japanese “stuff”. But what to do if you start preparing rolls or sushi and find that there is no rice vinegar in the house? I wish I could replace it! But with what? Maybe you can do it yourself?

What is rice vinegar?

This is a traditional Japanese seasoning that is used on almost every table, giving dishes a pleasant soft sweet and sour taste. It is made from varieties of glutinous rice grains. In general, there are at least three varieties of rice vinegar; they differ not only in color, but also in the degree of richness of taste.

How to replace rice vinegar at home?

If you can’t find Japanese seasoning in the store, you can get out of the situation by using the products you have at home. Let's look at a few options that can help you out in this situation.

1. If there is grape vinegar in the house, then the problem can be considered solved. Even the most notorious gourmet will not always notice the substitution. So, take 80 ml of grape vinegar, pour it into an enamel bowl, turn on the lowest heat. Add sugar (6 tablespoons) and salt (2 level teaspoons) to the liquid. Stir the marinade while heating until the ingredients are completely dissolved, but do not let the liquid come to a boil. After cooling, the product can be used.

2. We will consider the second option, which can help out a cook in the absence of a traditional Japanese marinade. Pour 30 ml of boiling water into a glass, dissolve 3 tsp in it. sugar and 2 tsp. salt. When the liquid has cooled slightly, pour in 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and stir the marinade.

3. If you have soy sauce and ordinary vinegar with an acid concentration of 6%, then mix both ingredients, taking 25 ml of each. Add 10 g of granulated sugar to the liquid and dissolve it.

4. If you have absolutely nothing at hand except lemon, then that’s not a big deal. Squeeze 40 ml of citrus juice, dilute with the same amount of warm water, add 10 g of sugar and 5 g of salt, dissolve the bulk ingredients well.

As you can see, you can replace vinegar with available ingredients and do it very simply, but if you prepare sushi and rolls often, then why not make a natural Japanese rice marinade for future use? Want to know his recipe?

Rice vinegar - cooking at home

Ingredients that we will need: round rice - 200 g; water (it is better to take boiled and cooled water) – 250 ml; dry yeast (on the tip of a knife); granulated sugar – 100 g.

So, you will need a glass container into which you should pour water and place the rice grains there. Leave it to steep in the room for 4 hours, then move the bowl to the refrigerator for another 12 hours. During this time, the rice will give up all its astringents and delicate aroma to the water. In this case, the liquid will lose transparency. After waiting the required time, strain the infusion through a clean cloth. As a result, you should drain about 250 ml of rice water. If it is a little less, just add the required amount of water.

Now we need to build a water bath and put our future rice vinegar in it to simmer, adding granulated sugar to it. After the water boils in the lower bowl, set for 20 minutes, stir the rice broth until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. After 20 minutes, remove the liquid from the heat and leave to cool. When the broth has cooled completely, pour it into a clean jar and add yeast. Then the container must be covered with a layer of gauze.

The fermentation process will take place within 6-7 days; the participation of a cook will not be needed here for now. After a week, check if there are no more air bubbles on the surface of the liquid, then fermentation is completely completed. Cover the jar with a lid and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. After the specified time, the rice vinegar must be filtered and brought to a boil. When it cools down, the product is ready to eat.

Now you have no questions left regarding what to replace rice vinegar with at home, because there are actually many options. But to avoid such problems, you should prepare homemade rice vinegar. Even if it takes a lot of time, you will have a natural product at your disposal, and you won’t have to pay dearly for it. Believe me, no one can tell the difference between homemade sushi rice substitute and store-bought sauce.

Traditional dishes of Japanese cuisine appeared on our tables not so long ago, but in such a short time they managed to fall in love with many. Some people prefer to visit restaurants, immersing themselves in the atmosphere of Japanese traditions, while others like to prepare sushi and rolls themselves in their kitchen.

An indispensable component of these overseas dishes is rice vinegar. Sometimes it is difficult to find it in the nearest supermarket due to its high cost, but this is not a reason to refuse dinner. This ingredient is very easy to prepare yourself or replace with other products.

Rice vinegar is used to prepare all kinds of sauces and dressings, for vegetable and fish dishes. This unique product with a piquant sourness and light aroma not only gives dishes an incredible taste, but also replenishes the reserve of important amino acids, improves digestion and alkalizes the body.

How to replace rice vinegar: recipes from available products

The specific flavor notes of rice vinegar can be replaced with other vinegars and seasonings if desired. If you try really hard, even gourmets won’t be able to notice the substitution. In addition, wine, apple and other vinegars are more budget-friendly ingredients.

Grape vinegar dressing

  • Combine sugar (6 tbsp), salt (2 tsp), red grape vinegar (8 tbsp).
  • Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and place over low heat.
  • Heat and stir the solution until all ingredients are dissolved.
  • Do not bring the liquid to a boil under any circumstances.
  • Cool and use as rice vinegar.

On a note! Grape vinegar often causes allergic reactions and stomach irritation, so if you are prone to food allergies and high stomach acidity, it is better to use other alternative substitutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Seasoning

  • You will need hot water (3 tbsp), sugar (2 tsp), salt (1 tsp), apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp).
  • Combine all ingredients in a glass and stir them thoroughly.
  • Once the salt and sugar have completely dissolved, the vinegar will be ready for use.

Dressing based on soy sauce and table vinegar

  • Take 25 mg table vinegar (6%), 25 g soy sauce and 10 g sugar.
  • Dissolve the ingredients and add to the dish instead of rice vinegar.

Lemon juice dressing

  • Pour warm water (4 tbsp), lemon juice (4 tbsp), sugar (2 tsp), salt (1 tsp) into any container.
  • Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.
  • If the salt does not dissolve well, the mixture can be slightly heated on a gas stove.

Dressing with nori seaweed

  • Take two sheets of nori and grind them with a blender until you have a powder.
  • Mix 5 tbsp. l. any vinegar you have with 1 tsp. salt and 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Heat the mixture until completely dissolved.
  • Add nori to the resulting dressing and stir everything well.

Important! Only nori seaweed is suitable for this dressing; kelp will give the food a bitter aftertaste.

Homemade rice vinegar

If you love Japanese cuisine so much that you often start making sushi yourself, you shouldn’t spoil the uniqueness of the recipes with substitutes for rice vinegar. It’s quite easy to prepare, and the cost will be much less than the store-bought version.

To prepare vinegar you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200-250 g short grain rice
  • 250 mg boiled water
  • 1/3 tsp. dry yeast
  • 100 g sugar (4 tbsp)

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the rice in a glass bowl or tray.
  2. Add water to the rice and let this mixture sit for about 4 hours.
  3. Then place the bowl of rice in the refrigerator for 12 hours, preferably overnight.
  4. In the morning, place the rice in a sieve lined with a clean cloth and remove the liquid. You should have exactly 250 mg. If it turns out less, bring the volume of liquid to the original amount.
  5. Place the rice infusion in a water bath, add sugar to it.
  6. When the water under the rice syrup boils, set it aside for 20 minutes and then remove it from the heat.
  7. Cool the rice water, pour it into a glass jar and add yeast to it.
  8. Cover the jar with gauze and leave the rice syrup for a week to allow the fermentation process to take place.
  9. After bubbles stop appearing on the surface, leave the syrup for another 25-30 days.
  10. After this time, strain the rice syrup and boil.
  11. After cooling, you will get natural rice vinegar.

On a note! The syrup usually turns out a little cloudy, but this is easy to fix. While boiling, add the beaten egg white to the syrup, then strain the liquid again.

What should not be substituted for rice vinegar or how not to spoil sushi?

Experienced sushi chefs strongly do not recommend using balsamic vinegar as a substitute. Its recipe involves the use of herbs, which can distort the taste of rice and dishes made from it. As a result, instead of light sourness, you get a bouquet of herbs.

Also, you should not use 9% table vinegar to prepare substitutes for rice vinegar. This will add excess acidity and a strong acetic acid flavor to the dish.

Most people are skeptical about rice vinegar substitutes, believing that they spoil the taste of sushi. But sushi experts refute this point of view. Skillful preparation of rice vinegar analogues and their correct use will give your dishes a real taste of Japanese cuisine.

Over the past decade, rice vinegar has gained widespread popularity in international cuisine. Today, this type of vinegar, the most common in Asia, is increasingly used in the preparation of European dishes.


The term "su" in Japan means "vinegar rice." This product originated in China more than two thousand years ago. It appeared in Japan around 4-3 centuries BC. There, rice vinegar was incredibly expensive, so it was popular only among the privileged strata of society. It appeared in the kitchens of common people around the 16th century.

At first, “su” was used as a seasoning for rice. Over time, the use of rice vinegar expanded and it began to be used in the preparation of the Japanese national dish - sushi. Initially, to prepare sushi, small pieces of raw fish were cut, salted and mixed with rice. After a certain time, the fish secreted enzymes, under the influence of which the rice produced lactic acid. That, in turn, contributed to the process of preservation of pressed fish. Such a natural “marinade” not only gave the dish a special soft and slightly sour taste, but also allowed it not to spoil for a long time. This process of fermented milk fermentation took a long time - from two months to a year. Therefore, in the 17th century, a new recipe for making sushi appeared, which was based on the use of rice vinegar. Thanks to this product, the duration of sushi preparation has not only been significantly reduced, but also the taste has been significantly enriched.

Making Rice Vinegar

Typically, rice vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented rice.

Today there are three varieties of “su”: white, black and red.

Black sou is based on a mixture of glutinous and long-grain rice varieties, to which barley, wheat and rice husks are added. This mixture undergoes double fermentation, after which it is infused for seven months. The resulting vinegar is dark in color, thick and with a rich taste, which, depending on the preferences of the manufacturer, varies from sweet to stronger.

The preparation of red rice vinegar occurs by fermenting red yeast rice, that is, rice that has been pre-treated with red yeast. Its aroma and taste are distinguished by fruity and tart-sweet shades.

White vinegar is made from glutinous rice and has the mildest flavor. In its subtlety and tenderness, white rice vinegar surpassed even the famous French white wine vinegar.

By the way, despite the complexity of preparing rice vinegar, it can be made at home. The main condition is to use high-quality rice. To prepare, rinse 300 grams of rice in cold water, place in a ceramic or glass bowl and add 1.2 liters of water. Place the dishes in a warm place for about 4-5 hours, and then move them to a cold place for several days. After a few days, strain the rice, add 900 g of sugar to the resulting liquid, mix well until it is completely dissolved and place the solution in a steam bath for half an hour. Remove from heat and let cool, then pour it into a two-liter jar and add a third of a tablespoon of yeast. Leave the vinegar to ferment for a week, then pour it into a wine container, cover the top with gauze and leave it to ferment for another month. Just before use, the resulting rice vinegar can be filtered again and poured into small containers.

Uses of rice vinegar

"Su" is ideal as a seasoning. It is often used for marinating various seafood and is included in many sauces. They are great for dressing salads and all kinds of fish and meat dishes.

In general, the use of rice vinegar depends on its type. Black sous, for example, is ideal for eating with meat and preparing stews. Red sous is often seasoned in soups, noodles and seafood dishes, while white vinegar is suitable for preparing sashimi and sushi, for marinating fish and is an indispensable ingredient in oriental sunomono salad dressing. Also, using white “su”, deep fat is prepared for frying seafood.

Composition and benefits of rice vinegar

The use of rice vinegar is not limited to cooking. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Japanese scientists have discovered that “su” contains a number of amino acids important for the body - histidine, leucine, valine, lysine, phenylalanine, isoleucine and alginine.

In addition, as in any yeast fermentation product, “su” contains minerals and vitamins, in particular calcium, phosphorus and potassium. This dressing, which is very popular in the East, helps improve digestion and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Today, the market is replete with all sorts of unnatural products and fakes, so you need to be careful when buying rice vinegar. Do not neglect to carefully study the packaging and carefully read what ingredients the product is made of. Surrogate rice vinegar contains a large number of chemical additives harmful to the body.

In addition, people suffering from gastritis, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and kidney disease should not get carried away with rice vinegar.

Japanese cuisine is very popular these days. Having lunch or dinner with sushi or rolls has become the order of the day. There is a joke that making sushi at home is not only a fun activity, but also “budget-saving” and “health-saving”, so let’s pay a little attention to an important component when making sushi - dressing for rice, rolls and sushi.

Why do you need rice dressing? It gives sushi not only the necessary taste, but also increases the stickiness, so it will not fall apart.

Since no salt is added to rice during cooking, sushi rice dressing contains both salt and sugar. Vinegar plays the main role in seasoning rice. Rice vinegar can be found in specialized departments of stores where they sell other sushi ingredients. But what should you do if you still couldn’t buy rice vinegar? What can replace it?

Rice vinegar is usually replaced with white wine vinegar, grape vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or, at worst, table vinegar. Here you need to choose the right proportions so as not to spoil the taste of the rice.

You can try ready-made recipes and then adjust the amount of ingredients to taste.

Rice Vinegar Dressing Recipe


  • rice vinegar – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe


  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Recipe with grape vinegar


  • grape vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Recipe with table vinegar


  • table vinegar 6% - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 20 g.


Boil everything and stir until completely dissolved. Add to rice while warm. And if you have prepared the dressing for future use, store it in the refrigerator and reheat it before use.

Rice vinegar recipe

You can make your own rice vinegar if you wish. If you have time and desire.


  • sugar;
  • yeast;
  • egg white.


Pour water over the rice and leave to steep overnight. The next day we decant the water and add about 180 g sugar. Place the dishes in a water bath and stir until the sugar dissolves, cook for about twenty minutes. Cool, pour into a jar and add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. The fermentation process will take about a week. When the bubbles disappear completely, pour into a clean jar. We insist for a month.

After a month, strain the mixture. Boil with beaten raw egg white (for cleaning), and strain again.

This is such a long way, but real homemade rice vinegar will always be at your service.

With this dressing you can prepare both classic and more complex ones.

Rice vinegar was first prepared more than two thousand years ago in China. In the 3-4 centuries BC, it appeared in Japan, from where it began to spread to other countries of the world. It was used as a seasoning for rice and was very expensive, so it was only available to the nobility. Since the 16th century, the sauce began to spread to the masses.

In Japan, its history is inextricably linked with sushi. According to traditions, they were prepared as follows: the fish was cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and mixed with rice. Under the action of enzymes, the cereal released lactic acid. She canned the whole mass, gave it a sour taste and allowed the sushi to be stored for up to a year.

Rice sauce has a milder flavor than other types of vinegars. Its popularity is explained not only by its mild taste, but also by its antibacterial properties.

Rice Vinegar Recipe

Making it yourself is not easy, however, the result will please even gourmets. The taste of the homemade sauce almost perfectly replicates the taste of the original.

  1. First you need to soak the rice in a sealed container for 4 hours, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain everything through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze.
  3. For 250 ml of rice water, add 0.5 cups of sugar, stir it thoroughly until dissolved.
  4. Next, cook the mixture for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool and pour into a jar.
  5. Add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days.
  6. When the bubbles completely disappear, you need to pour the mixture into a new clean jar and let it brew for another month.
  7. After the expiration date, the mixture must be strained again and boiled before pouring into vessels. You can add beaten egg whites before boiling to remove any cloudiness.
  8. Strain and bottle.
  9. How to replace rice vinegar

  10. For 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar, take a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar. Place on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves. The mixture should not boil. Cool.
  11. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1.5 tablespoons of hot water. Wait until the salt and sugar dissolve. Then you can add the mixture to the rice.
  12. Mix 50 ml of 6% ordinary vinegar, 50 ml of soy sauce, 20 g of sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Instead of the usual one, you can use a white wine or apple equivalent.
  13. Squeeze lemon juice and add a little sugar to it.
  14. Some people are concerned that alternative recipes may ruin the taste of the finished sushi. If you do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and salt, the difference will not be noticeable.

    Making sushi

    To prepare sushi with rice vinegar, follow these rules:

  • shrimp – 20 pcs.;
  • avocado – ? PC.;
  • cucumber - ? PC.;
  • wasabi – 3g.
    • water – 20 ml;
    • apple cider vinegar – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
    • salt – 0.25 teaspoon;
    • lemon juice – 0.25 teaspoon.
    • pickled ginger;
    • sticks.
    • How to cook rice for rolls

      Having purchased everything you need, we start cooking. You need to start with rice. Those who make their own sushi for the first time are wondering how to prepare sushi rice. In fact, rolls are prepared not only from special varieties of rice, but also from ordinary long or round rice, from which we often prepare classic pilaf, porridges, soups, etc. Boil it in the usual way. Those. First, rinse the rice well, about 5-6 times, so that the water becomes clean and transparent, then pour it into boiling water, which should be 2 times more (that is, two cups of boiling water per glass of rice). Cook until tender for 10-15 minutes over low heat, do not add salt.

      How to prepare vinegar for rolls

      You can season the rice only after it has cooled completely. It is not necessary to use special vinegar to soak rice. You can easily prepare a vinegar-based dressing for rolls yourself. To do this, you need to mix the specified amount of water, vinegar, sugar, salt and lemon juice in one container, mix well until the grains of sugar and salt dissolve. Then pour this dressing into the rice and mix with your hands or a spoon. You can first pour in half the dressing, stir and taste the rice, you also need to look at its consistency, it should not be “liquid”, but on the contrary, it is better if it is sticky.

      How to make rolls at home

      To prepare homemade rolls, place a sheet of nori on a board or bamboo mat, smooth side down. If you bought large sheets, cut them in half or into three parts. Then, with wet hands, take the seasoned rice and spread it over the surface of the nori, leaving a small gap (about 0.5-1 cm) on both sides. Place a thin strip of wasabi in the middle of the rice. By the way, you can buy wasabi powder (it must be diluted in equal quantities with water) or ready-made, liquid in tubes.

      Preparing shrimp rolls

      Now you need to start filling. Mainly used for sushi are eel, red fish, special omelette, crab sticks, etc. We will tell you how to prepare shrimp rolls. As a vegetable supplement, take avocado and cucumber. Peel the avocado and cut into thin long strips. You don’t have to peel the cucumber if its skin is not bitter; you can also cut it into thin strips.

      Place avocado and cucumber in the middle.

      Peel the shrimp (by the way, provided that they are boiled, raw ones must be boiled first), place on top of the cucumbers.

      Now, probably, the most crucial moment is to roll the roll. It is best if you do this with a bamboo mat. First, connect the ends with your hands, and then lift the edge of the mat and roll the roll with gentle movements; you can press it lightly with the mat. If you don't have such a mat, you can use parchment, foil or even a towel, in a word, you can adapt.

      Don't be alarmed if the roll doesn't turn out perfectly round at first. Small irregularities do not affect the taste. And in order to learn something, you need to practice properly. Make rolls at home more often, and then you will be able to quickly roll very neat round rolls.

      Cut the finished shrimp roll into 4-6 pieces. This must be done with a wet, sharp knife, otherwise the rice will smear on the nori and the rolls will not look very neat.

      The rolls should be served immediately after preparation. The serving must be supplemented with pickled ginger (it cleanses the mouth), wasabi (Japanese mustard is designed to kill microbes that may be contained in seafood) and soy sauce, which goes well with rice and emphasizes its taste. They eat rolls or sushi with special chopsticks.


      How to prepare rice vinegar for sushi and rolls

      Rice vinegar is very popular in Asian, Japanese, and Chinese cuisines. This vinegar gives dishes a very interesting and piquant taste. You can easily make sushi rice vinegar yourself at home. Most often, this vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented rice. Now we will look at the preparation of rice vinegar for sushi, made from fermented rice.

      Rice vinegar for sushi: beneficial properties

      As everyone knows very well, sushi is now very popular among connoisseurs of delicious food. That is why many gourmets prepare this dish themselves, at home, trying to surprise and feed guests and relatives. But not everyone knows how to combine all the necessary ingredients correctly and does not always add something that you just can’t do without. Rice vinegar for sushi is just such an ingredient.

      In addition to its taste, rice vinegar is very beneficial for the entire body. This product contains amino acids and other beneficial substances that help increase the body's resistance to disease. Also, rice vinegar is a powerful antibacterial substance.

      How to make rice vinegar at home

    • You need to first soak the rice in boiled cold water for 4 hours.
    • When the rice has steeped, strain it through cheesecloth, cover the resulting liquid with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
    • The next morning you need to add sugar to this liquid; for a cup of such rice water you need 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir thoroughly.
    • Next, you will need a double boiler, if you don’t have one, a water bath will do, you should heat this mixture in it for about an hour, and in a double boiler for 20 minutes, then cool and pour into any container except metal.
    • Add half a teaspoon of fresh yeast, stir well and do not cover with a lid, but rather secure with gauze so that the future vinegar can “breathe”.
    • Place it in a warm place and stir once a day, as soon as bubbles stop appearing in the liquid, the vinegar is ready.
    • Before pouring vinegar into a bottle, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and boiled.
    • At the same time, it is not rice vinegar that is added to the finished rice for sushi, but a vinegar seasoning prepared on its basis (for 2 cups of dry rice):

    • 3 tbsp. l. rice vinegar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1/2 tbsp. l. salt.
    • Mix everything thoroughly.

      That's all! With this rice vinegar, the taste of your sushi will be simply incredible, since you prepared it with love yourself!

      Making your own rolls at home

      Choosing ingredients for rolls

      What do you need to know to make rolls at home? First of all, you need to choose the right products for this dish. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when choosing ingredients.

      What kind of rice is best to use?

      A special variety of Nishiki is used to prepare sushi. These are round, starchy grains that acquire a sticky consistency after cooking.

      But it’s not always possible to buy Nishiki in our stores, so when choosing rice for rolls, give preference to the round-grain type.

      Wasabi – paste or powder

      Wasabi sauce, or Japanese horseradish, comes in two types - seyo and sawa. The most common is wasabi seyo. It is cheaper and therefore more accessible than sava.

      It is best to buy powdered wasabi, which you just need to mix with water to the desired consistency. This way you will be sure that you have purchased a truly natural product without additional chemicals in the composition.

      What is rice vinegar used for?

      It is optimal to cook sushi with real Japanese rice vinegar. It's just perfect for flavoring and adding extra flavor.

      How to choose the right nori

      Nori is made from red edible seaweed. These leaves are divided into grades A, B and C. Grade A nori is considered the highest quality, it has a pleasant characteristic aroma and a strong elastic leaf structure.

      What is good about ginger and its properties?

      Choosing soy sauce

      Well, what kind of rolls and sushi can there be without spicy soy sauce? This product gives the dish a special rich taste, juiciness and softness. In addition, it is very beneficial for health. It is important to eat natural sauce, which is prepared by natural fermentation of soybeans and wheat.

      Pay attention to the composition stated on the soy sauce label. Only soy, wheat, salt, vinegar and sugar (sometimes garlic) should be present.

      The subtleties of making rolls at home

      To make delicious rolls with your own hands, you need to have some skills in this matter and know some subtleties. Our article is designed to help you understand the features of the process of preparing delicious rolls with a variety of fillings!

      Cooking rice correctly

      Well-cooked sushi rice is the basis of a real Japanese dish. It is better to take cereals with round, short grains.

      So, we start by rinsing the rice in cold water until that cherished moment when it becomes crystal clear. As practice shows, this should be done about 7-10 times. Then we remove all the husks and floating grains.

      Place the rice in a thick-walled pan, fill with cold water in a ratio of 1.5 parts water to 1 part cereal, cover with a lid. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then turn the burner to low and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the product brew for the same amount of time. There is no need to open the lid!

      Making real rice dressing

      We bring to your attention two of the most popular recipes for seasoning sushi rice:

    • Rice vinegar dressing. It’s not at all difficult to make a dressing for your rolls from rice vinegar and salt and sugar. For this you need 4 tbsp. Combine spoons of vinegar with two teaspoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt. Then the mixture should be heated over low heat so that the components dissolve in the vinegar. Sprinkle the warm mixture generously over the rice.
    • Apple cider vinegar dressing. Many housewives ask whether it is possible to use apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar, which is not always available, to make rolls at home? Of course you can! True, this deviation will slightly change the taste of the finished dish. So, heat 50 ml of 6% apple cider vinegar over low heat to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, add a tablespoon of water, 70 g. sugar and one and a half dessert spoons of salt. Mix thoroughly and remove from heat. Now the gas station is ready!
    • How to wrap rolls

      It is advisable to have a bamboo mat in your roll kit at home. This is a small mat that makes the process of rolling sushi much easier.

      Our assistant is a bamboo mat

      Place the sheet of nori on the mat with the matte side facing up. The shiny part of the sheet should be in contact with the surface of the mat. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water, take a handful of rice, distribute it in an even layer of 0.5 - 0.7 cm over the surface of the nori. You need to leave strips about a centimeter wide on the top and bottom edges. Then add the filling according to the recipe. It could be fish, cheese, cucumbers, avocados, seafood.

      At the same time, grab the edge of the mat with the edge of the seaweed and begin to roll it into a tight cylinder. A correctly formed roll should be sufficiently elastic, the filling in it should hold firmly and not fall out. Cut the sausage into two parts, and then divide each half into three more pieces of the same size using a clean, sharp knife soaked in water.

      How to wrap rolls inside out

      Some types of rolls are prepared by folding them with the rice facing out. These are dishes with fillings from several components, for example, Caesar or Philadelphia.

      Let's start folding. To prevent rice grains from sticking to the surface of the bamboo mat, wrap it with stretch film. We place a sheet of nori on top, as we already know, with the shiny part down. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water and place a handful of rice on the seaweed, spreading it over the entire surface in an even, fairly thin layer. We wait a few minutes until the sheet gets wet and sticks firmly to the rice grains.

      Now, holding the edges of the nori with your fingers, with a smooth movement we turn our structure over with the back side up. Place the filling on the sheet and roll up the roll, picking up the mat along with the nori with your fingers. The outside of the workpiece can be sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or flying fish roe. It is necessary to cut the finished products with a sharp knife, generously moistened with the same water from the bowl.

      Now, knowing some tricks and secrets about the process of making rolls, you can easily make them. There are many recipes for making rolls at home.

      Famous Philadelphia rolls

      The most common Japanese dish has the American name Philadelphia, due to the cheese used in the recipe. Philadelphia rolls are quite easy to make at home. You just need to have a certain set of products and desire.

    • sushi rice – 0.5 kg;
    • nori leaves – 6 pcs.;
    • rice vinegar – 60 g;
    • salmon fillet – 350 g;
    • Philadelphia cheese - 200 g;
    • salt – 25 g;
    • sugar – 10 g;
    • water – 2.5 tbsp.;
    • avocado.
    • Also in your arsenal you should have:

    • bamboo napkin;
    • cling film;
    • wasabi;
    • pickled ginger;
    • soy sauce;
    • wooden sticks.
    • We spread the rice prepared according to the technology in a thin layer on a sheet of seaweed, carefully turn the nori over, put cream cheese, slices of cucumber and avocado on top. Raise the near edge of the mat at the same time as the sheet of seaweed and cover the filling, then smoothly roll the mat.
    • Lay thinly sliced ​​salmon fillets in an even layer on a bamboo carpet. We wrap our roll in this layer of fish.
    • Using a sharp knife dipped in acidified water, cut the workpiece into portions.
    • Place the rolls on a plate and garnish with wasabi and ginger. Serve soy sauce separately in a gravy boat.
    • Homemade baked rolls

      We already have an idea of ​​how to make Philadelphia rolls. Did you know that sushi can be baked and even fried?

    • round rice – 300 g;
    • nori leaves – 4 pcs.;
    • cream cheese – 100 g;
    • rice vinegar – 20 ml;
    • cheese sauce – 25 g;
    • mustard sauce – 30 g;
    • mussels – 200 g.
    • Place the cooked rice on a sheet of nori and roll it into a tube. Chop the mussels with a knife, add mustard and cheese sauce. On top of each roll we place a spoonful of mussel filling and a square of cheese. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the baking sheet with the food and bake for 10 minutes until lightly browned.

      Delicious hot rolls

      Hot rolls or, as they are also called, Tempura, have a very original taste. Moreover, if you practice, your dish will turn out no worse than a restaurant one!

      To prepare hot rolls at home, you need the following products:

    • sushi rice – 0.4 kg;
    • cream cheese – 200 g;
    • eel – 200 g;
    • salmon or salmon fillet (lightly salted) – 250 g;
    • fresh cucumber;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • nori sheet;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • Tobiko.
    • Place cooked rice on a sheet of nori, leveling it over the entire surface. Coat it well with cream cheese, sprinkle tobiko on top, lay out strips of fish and cucumber. Roll the roll using a bamboo mat.
    • Next, prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour. Dip the finished roll into it, roll it well in breadcrumbs and place it in a frying pan heated with sunflower oil.
    • Cut the roll fried on all sides into 5 pieces.
    • Preparing rolls with crab sticks

      Usually salted and smoked fish, cucumbers and avocados, cheese, mussels, and shrimp are placed in sushi. But crab sticks are also used as an inexpensive and tasty filling. The dish with them turns out tender and juicy. Rolls with crab sticks can be prepared according to the recipe below.

    • nori seaweed;
    • sushi rice – 100 g;
    • rice vinegar – 35 g;
    • crab sticks – 3 pcs.;
    • soft cream cheese – 50 g;
    • fresh cucumber;
    • salt – 8 g;
    • sugar – 10 g.
    • Sprinkle the rice, laid out in an even layer on the surface of the nori, with dressing. Place cream cheese, sliced ​​fresh cucumbers and strips of crab sticks on top. Using a bamboo mat, roll the roll tighter and cut the workpiece into pieces 3–4 cm wide.

      Original Caesar roll

      Do you think that only seaweed leaves are used to make rolls? You are wrong! This dish can even be prepared with pita bread! And a homemade Caesar roll recipe will tell you how to do it correctly.

    • thin pita bread;
    • chicken fillet – 300 g;
    • mayonnaise – 150 g;
    • hard cheese – 100 g;
    • loaf - 2 slices;
    • garlic – 3 cloves;
    • salad;
    • tomato;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt, ground pepper.
    • Fry chicken fillet cut into thin strips in sunflower oil until light golden brown.
    • Divide the pita bread into four parts, grease each with a sauce made from mayonnaise and garlic.
    • Sprinkle with grated cheese, add lettuce leaves and thinly sliced ​​tomato.
    • Cut the loaf evenly into cubes and fry in a frying pan until crispy. We place it there, on the pita bread.
    • Place the chicken on top and roll the sheets of pita bread into tubes. It turns out a rich and nutritious Caesar roll!
    • Let us sit down at the table, take wooden chopsticks in our hands and, with a peaceful and joyful face, try an exquisite oriental dish, homemade with our own hands! Enjoy your meal!

      How to replace rice vinegar

      Photo gallery: How to replace rice vinegar

      Sushi and rolls are part of our daily life. Now you no longer have to go to a restaurant to try these Japanese dishes. All ingredients can be bought in the store. Homemade rolls and sushi are no worse than those you can taste in restaurants. But the necessary products, for example, rice vinegar, may not always be at hand. The Land of Soviets will tell you what to replace rice vinegar with.

      Rice vinegar is one of the main ingredients in Japanese cuisine.. Rice vinegar originally originated in China, from where it was brought to Japan. In Japan, rice vinegar used to be available only to the privileged. It was only a few centuries later that ordinary people could also use rice vinegar for cooking.

      In Japan, rice vinegar is very popular not only due to its mild taste, but also because of its antibacterial properties. If the Japanese menu constantly includes raw fish, then it should be made as safe as possible for further consumption. This is precisely why the Japanese constantly use rice vinegar to make rolls and sushi.

      Rice vinegar for sushi is not always found on the store shelf. Therefore, we have to look for a way out of the situation and replace rice vinegar with something else. So what can you replace rice vinegar with?

      Naturally, rice vinegar can be replaced with other vinegar. will suit you apple, wine or regular. But the thing is that rice vinegar has a very mild taste, so try not to overdo it with regular vinegar, otherwise you will ruin your sushi or rolls.

      There are several recipes you can use to replace rice vinegar. Try to take 4 tbsp. l. grape vinegar, add 1 tsp. salt and 3 tsp. Sahara. Place the mixture on the fire and cook until the salt and sugar dissolve. Please note that the vinegar should not boil.

      Another option to replace rice vinegar. You can mix 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt and 1.5 tbsp. l. hot water. Mix all ingredients and wait until sugar and salt dissolve.

      How to make rice vinegar

      This option for replacing rice vinegar is also possible: take 50 ml regular table vinegar (6%), 20 g sugar and 50 ml soy sauce. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. By the way, you can also use apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar for this recipe.

      If you are afraid that your substitution of rice vinegar will in any way affect the taste of the sushi, then you are mistaken. The main thing is add the vinegar you prepared in smaller proportions. But here everything depends only on your taste.

      It is also worth considering that there are other options for replacing rice vinegar. Cooked sushi rice can be soaked in lemon juice diluted in water with a little sugar. With such impregnation, you may not even notice the difference in taste.

      By the way, Rice vinegar can also be made at home. Of course, it will take a little fiddling, but the result will be worth it. So, let's tell you how to make rice vinegar. You will need sugar, yeast, white short grain rice, egg white and a piece of cotton cloth or gauze. First, soak the rice for 4 hours in a covered bowl. Then refrigerate the rice overnight. Strain the rice, but do not squeeze it. For every glass (250 ml) of rice water, add 3/4 of the same glass of sugar. Mix the sugar well until it is completely dissolved. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, pour the mixture into a jar.

      For 1 liter of mixture, add 1/4 tbsp. l. yeast. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days. The bubbles should completely disappear. Then pour the mixture into another clean jar and let it steep for a month. Then strain the mixture and boil it before bottling.

      Because homemade rice vinegar is cloudy, it can be cleaned. To do this, just add beaten egg white before boiling. Then strain the mixture and you can bottle it.

      How to make sushi vinegar