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Laying tiles without seams or what experts say. Tiles without seams: how to lay tiles without seams, arguments against opponents of tile seams

The popularity of tiling is due to the sufficient speed of tiling and the ideal surface of the tile. Today, impeccably smooth edges and matching sizes of expensive imported tiles, porcelain stoneware and lithoceramics make it possible to obtain a flawless surface using seamless installation. Laying tiles without seams is only possible with ideal surface without defects. Today, craftsmen work using materials with evenly cut edges, exactly matching in size, and practically not subject to expansion and freezing.

How does seamless technology differ from conventional tile laying?

Tiles - universal piece construction finishing material, which gives an impeccable finish to the floors and walls. The advantages of tiled finishing were appreciated by ancient builders, using it in the decoration of temples, palaces and houses of the nobility. For this we used:

  • flat pebbles;
  • cut shell rock;
  • lump marble;
  • granite slabs;
  • layers of decorative ornamental stone;
  • hand made ceramic tiles.

These same analogues are still used today. But in those days it was difficult to make tiles of the ideal size and shape that would match down to the millimeter. It was not easy to cut stone, so no one introduced seamless technology. But the ancient buildings still impress with their quality of cut stone fitting and marble processing.

To decorate the bathroom and kitchen, they recently used ordinary ceramic tiles, which tend to expand due to the nature of the clay in the base. I had to leave wide seams due to the expansion of the tile.

We also had to take into account the fact that tiles from one pack did not always exactly match in size, not to mention mismatched tiles or tiles from different batches. This had to be taken into account in external and interior decoration using ceramic tiles no seams.

Less susceptible to such expansion modern materials- porcelain stoneware and lithoceramics. They have a denser texture and sufficient hardness, a specially processed edge for a perfect fit. High-quality tiles today match in size, but this does not exclude minimal seams and the use of grout or sealant.

Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the purchased material is suitable for end-to-end installation, judging by the edge. For the technology of laying tiles without seams, the edges must be prepared, that is, rectified. This installation saves time and greatly simplifies the work, but is possible on a perfectly smooth surface. Flawless monolithic surface- This is a tile without seams.

Properties of lithoceramics and porcelain stoneware

1. Lithoceramics - natural material, slice natural marble on top of a ceramic base. It is lighter than marble, but heavier than ceramic tiles, the thickness does not exceed 1 cm. The tiles are produced in Spain, they are cheaper than natural stone, but have the same decorative properties, ideal for the seamless method. It is hard and wear-resistant, resistant to impacts, scratches and other mechanical influences.

As you know, Spanish marble is famous all over the world for its great color scheme, ideal for cladding:

  • floors;
  • walls;
  • steps;
  • terraces and paths near the porch.

Lithoceramics has 3 standards - with small defects covered with grout, an economy version with minor chips on chamfers and corners, as well as luxury tiles. The latter variety is usually suitable for laying tiles without seams. Lithoceramics are produced with and without chamfers, that is, seamless.

2. Experts classify porcelain stoneware as the most durable finishing material of artificial origin, which in many other respects is superior to tiles and other finishes. Modern technologies allow you to recreate a drawing of any natural material. It's environmentally friendly pure material high-temperature firing based on clay with mineral additives.

This facing material is uniform throughout the entire tile layer and is superior in hardness to some types of marble and granite. Porcelain tiles are produced with an even cut at the edges, so they are often used for laying tiles without seams. It has 1 drawback - it is difficult to cut when laying due to high hardness, especially when you need to chip off a strip of 1-2 cm. It is possible to choose the surface of porcelain stoneware, depending on the design tasks.

Porcelain tiles do not have such an indicator as water absorption, therefore they do not expand when temperatures fluctuate. Due to its high frost resistance, it is used for external cladding:

  • foundation,
  • porch,
  • steps.

For finishing interior spaces Porcelain stoneware is used much more often. High strength and resistance to solvents allows the use of porcelain stoneware for rooms with aggressive environments. Its aesthetic possibilities are endless, especially for patterned and mosaic displays. All this is possible due to the fact that the tiles are produced:

  • different shapes and sizes;
  • in a wide range of colors;
  • with or without a printed pattern;
  • homogeneous structure and interspersed with different colors.

Tip: If you want to use a beautiful and highly durable material, then before laying tiles without seams, pay attention to these materials.

Attention: When installing any type of tile seamlessly, it is important to read the instructions included with your purchase. Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations - construction adhesive or mixtures, tools for cutting and laying, grout or sealant, etc.

Advantages of seamless installation:

  • a uniform, seamless surface is the most attractive, including colored or patterned ones;
  • the surface is the most hygienic because it does not accumulate dirt and mold, simplifying maintenance;
  • a quick installation process that does not require concern about maintaining equal spacing on the seams.

Among the disadvantages is the inappropriateness of seamless installation in places of seismic activity, in new houses with shrinkage. The tile may fall off and the surface may become deformed. A seamless surface requires a minimum gap with grout of the same color as the tile.

Do not lay tiles on a wet or dirty surface. You can only use a completely dry, level and clean base, where all defects have been previously filled with putty. Concrete screed with a self-leveling mixture is an ideal base for seamless laying of tiles on the floor.

Patterned seamless tile laying

Today, many installation schemes have been developed tile coverings, but they are not always suitable for seamless installation. This is because it is the seams that form the periodically repeating pattern. Seamless floor tiles create exquisite patterns - due to the contrasting colors of porcelain stoneware, marble and other facing materials.

As is known, on large area For flooring, it is not recommended to lay plain tiles throughout the room; this creates a feeling of emptiness. Therefore they use different types styling:

  • chess;
  • ladder;
  • mosaic;
  • squares or circles;
  • herringbone;
  • frame around the perimeter and a rosette in the center;
  • in rows, etc.

Complex mosaic patterns and rosettes when laying porcelain tiles on the floor without seams look great, but installation and precise adjustment when cutting can only be done by professionals. They develop a complex pattern on a computer, select materials by color and cut the tiles with an accuracy of 1 mm using waterjet cutting in the workshops.

Tip: Use branded porcelain tile cutting services offered by specialists. It is enough to order a colored rosette 1-3 meters in diameter, laid in a square, and then continue with the usual installation.

In the same way, you can lay tiles on the wall without seams, but here the illusion of “seamlessness” is created by precise adherence to horizontal and vertical rows and the matching color of the grout with the tile.

Attention: Only a perfectly cut edge is suitable for seamless technology to achieve a monolithic effect. Each piece of coverage must be correct geometry, uniform size, with minimal error.

For walls without seams, suitable tiles with an evenly cut edge without a chamfer, rectified, are suitable. That is, the cut must be perpendicular to the surface, without gaps, roundings, chips or defects. It costs more, but there is no rejection. Rectification is carried out after firing the tiles:

  • matte;
  • glazed;
  • structured;
  • polished.

Not every tool will handle porcelain tiles, and a regular tile cutter is only suitable for ceramic tiles. For hard tiles, you need a waterjet cutting machine that does not chip.

How to choose finishing material?

Tiles are selected not only according to your preferences, but also according to their purpose - slippery polished tiles are not suitable for the bathroom, but only for the hall. It is also undesirable to choose for the kitchen slippery tiles, only rough, so as not to accidentally slip with hot water. Silicone and epoxy grout are used to fill the joints, silicone sealant or seal.

The size of the tiles is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the area - it is desirable that a certain number of tiles fit into the perimeter of the area without cutting. If a few centimeters are missing, they can be hidden under the plinth and border, but it is difficult to cut off the extra 1-2 cm from porcelain tiles. When purchasing, always check the lot number to ensure multiple packages match. This is the only way to guarantee consistency in shade and size.

Porcelain tiles, like any tile, are always purchased with a reserve, taking into account:

  • detection of defects in packaging;
  • part of the tile may deteriorate when cutting;
  • adjustment will be required.

If you plan to use color mosaic installation, then before laying tiles without seams, at the purchasing stage, ask the hardware store about the remnants from other batches. It is quite possible that we will be able to find excellent material for an outlet or panel, and you can save a lot. Prices for leftovers are reduced by up to 40%, but these must be suitable rectified tiles of the same size. But you shouldn’t buy leftovers from another batch; most likely, you won’t be able to match the tiles exactly by color and texture, with the exception of black or white.

Seamless floor tile laying technology

If you don’t know how to glue tiles without seams, then you should carefully study all the intricacies of the process. The technology of seamless laying of tile materials does not imply the absence of seams as such. But a correctly laid layer of tiles with correctly selected grout guarantees a smooth, uniform surface.

Tip: When laying a pattern, it is recommended to dry lay the tiles on any surface to evaluate visually. There may be more interesting option. It is laid in this order, observing the rows and exact alignment of the seams. If the surface is homogeneous, preliminary laying is not necessary, but it is worth checking that the shade of the tiles from different packages matches. If the difference is noticeable, but replacement is not possible, then darker porcelain tiles are laid around the perimeter of the baseboard.

Prepared in advance horizontal surface floors or vertical walls - a guarantee of impeccable installation. The tiles are laid using suitable glue or mortar that is recommended for laying tiles. Seamless installation is only possible on a perfectly flat surface. The more evenly prepared working surface and the smaller the “drifts” of glue, the more flawless and monolithic the laid surface will be.

Rectified tiles (without chamfer) will have to be laid as closely as possible to each other in order to minimize the seam between the tiles. Choose a tile standard size and shapes - square or rectangular. A notched trowel is used to apply the adhesive base. Use a rubber hammer to adjust each piece of masonry.

The tile should be wiped off from factory dust and the back part should be moistened before laying if the adhesive requires it. It is important to rely not on your experience in laying tiles, but on recommendations on cladding technology with the selected material. The choice of adhesive or solution affects the quality of the seamless installation.

A two-component binder solution is prepared in small quantities (for a row or two). The recommended glue should not be applied in excess so that it bleeds through the edges after pressing. It should be enough for full application, and experience is required. There should be no excess air under the tiles, so it is recommended to use a notched trowel. The adhesive is applied to the tiles little by little, spreading evenly with a notched trowel, which is held at an angle. After 3-4 tiles optimal quantity glue will already be obvious.

They begin laying from a corner distant from the door, bringing the rows closer to the entrance. The tile is applied with glue to the wall or floor and pressed lightly. Tap with a rubber hammer until the fragment fits perfectly. Using a level, check the horizontal lengthwise and crosswise. Next, complete the first row in the same order.

The second row must be butt-joined with exact seams matching, so the first row is important, which will become the standard. Lay the rest of the tiles in the same way, checking the horizontal position. Remains of glue that appears on the seams are immediately removed with a rag. When the glue has dried (the period is indicated in the instructions on the package), close the minimum gaps at the seams with a grout of a matching color using a spatula. Excess is wiped off with a damp sponge.

Attention: Although the floor tiles are laid from a distant corner, for some reasons they do it in a different order. To move around the room, use plywood boards to walk on. Sheets of plywood must be removed and made sure that the laid tiles have not moved. On the walls, tiles are laid from the baseboard in portions until the glue sets.

After the first row, the seams should exactly match the previous installation, and it is better to leave a little gap under the baseboard. If during the work a slight curvature of the walls is discovered, then with a small gap near the wall this will not affect the quality of the finish. With an ideal perimeter of the room, the floor tiles are laid flush against the wall.

If the number of tiles does not match in length and you have to cut them, then better styling do it in such a way that a number of cut fragments go under furniture or plumbing equipment. IN small bathroom sometimes it makes sense to lay it away from the door or corner under the bathroom to hide the cut tiles and leave an unfinished row and cover with mortar.

High-quality seamless porcelain tile flooring looks like a continuous surface, but this does not exclude the use of a patterned laying method. For seamless installation facade tiles the same technology is used, but you can use clinker tiles, marbled porcelain tiles, a natural stone and others facing materials. Watch the video about the intricacies of laying tiles without seams:



Without chamfer;

Dark color.

Wall tiles look better if they are:



With fine texture.


Try not to buy discontinued tiles on sale. Saving on cost will result in even greater expenses if you only need a few pieces to finish covering a wall or floor.

I adhere to established views on the design of bathrooms and toilets, so I recommend buying tiles of the same color scheme. The darker one will go to bottom half walls and under the ceiling, and the light one will become the main background of the bathroom. You can emphasize your individuality with decor from the same collection as all the tiles.

Beveled or seamless tiles

IN seamless tiles there are no chamfers along the edges, so it can be placed in a joint to get flat surface no seams. I categorically do not recommend using this method of installation on plasterboard walls due to the relatively low strength and warm floors due to constant temperature changes.


Reliable, high-quality and durable laying of tiles without seams is only possible on a very flat and very durable surface. In our case it is concrete screed or a wall plastered with a cement-sand mixture.

However, tiles without a chamfer can be laid traditional way- with seams. In this case, it can be used on warm floors, plasterboard or other surfaces. At the same time, the technology for laying tiles with a chamfer or seamless is the same in both cases.


Carefully match the color of the grout to the color of the tiles without chamfers, press it into the seams and grout flush with the tiles. This way you will have a surface that has seams but looks seamless.

How to lay out tiles correctly

Before purchasing tiles for floors and walls, you need to calculate their quantity. At first glance, this is as simple as shelling pears: you need to measure the length and width of the floor (the width and height of each wall), multiply them together and get the area. Then, in the store, find out the surface area of ​​one tile, divide the previously calculated data by it and get the number of tiles.

You'll be lucky if you can fit a whole number of them on the wall or floor. But this happens very rarely. Usually, either a small piece is missing, or the same small piece will be superfluous and needs to be trimmed. The bathroom will only have a beautiful and aesthetic appearance if the cut of the tile is more than half its length. To properly lay out the tiles, I recommend doing the following:

1) lay out the tiles from the wall and see how many whole tiles fit;

2) remove the last tile and move the remaining ones to the middle;

3) the outer tiles will need to be trimmed before laying, but appearance will not suffer from this.

I do the same thing when only one whole tile is placed on a section of the wall. I trim it so that it fits exactly halfway across the surface. The picture shows what my styling option looks like, as well as trimming along the edges on one or both sides.

And a few more drawings for comparison, what my pruning method looks like and others.


When using my cutting method, tile consumption increases by 10%, which is about 2-3 m2 for a bathroom with an area of ​​about 6 m2.

Floor tiles are laid out in exactly the same way. But here there is an opportunity to save money due to the fact that the bathtub, shower cabin and cabinet with washbasin can cover small aesthetic flaws.

How to lay tiles correctly

When I talk about how to lay tiles correctly, I mean that the work of leveling the walls and floor has already been completed. I always start laying tiles on the floor and when I'm done I move on to the walls. Other masters do the opposite - they start with the walls, and lay them on the floor at the end. But in this case there are several nuances:

Be sure to use a guide whose thickness is equal to the thickness floor tiles and a layer of glue;

Slipping a floor tile under a wall tile at the joints means pressing on its edge, and you will get a slight slope towards the walls along the entire perimeter, where moisture will accumulate;

Due to the tilt of the new tiles the seam size increases;

If you made a mistake in calculating the thickness of the adhesive layer and floor tiles, you will have to trim the bottom row.

After the floor tiles are laid, and the seams are grouted and embroidered, I make sure to cover the floor plastic film, which I fix masking tape. This will protect the surface from contamination when laying tiles on the wall.

Stages of laying tiles

I always lay floor tiles starting from the far corner. For work I use:

Trowel (trowel);

Comb spatula with a tooth height of 5 mm;

Water level;

Crosses 1.5 mm thick;

I apply the glue to the floor with a trowel, then use a comb spatula to level it and remove the excess. I place the tile on top, lightly press it in the center and level it. To do this, lightly tap the wooden handle of the trowel on the side that is higher. I lay the next tile in the same way, trying to maintain the distance between them within 1.5 mm.

Laying tiles on the wall

I always start laying out the first row from the bottom. In this case, the floor is already ready and serves as a level. I lay the tiles immediately around the entire perimeter of the room. Thanks to this, the seams of each subsequent row always match at the corner joints.

For your information

By the time I lay out the last tile of the row around the perimeter, the glue under the first one will have time to set. So I don't have to wait to start laying out the second and subsequent rows that rest on the bottom ones.

Alignment by level

Be sure to put crosses between the tiles, two on each side, closer to the corners. If the tile does not rest against the cross, I knock it down by lightly tapping the end with the handle of a trowel. This way I get a seam that is the same along its entire length.


Tapping both on the surface of the tile and on its end (edge) should be done very carefully and without effort. Otherwise, it will either move the neighboring one, or become warped and become at an angle.

I check the horizontalness of each new tile with a water level. Moreover, I place it on the surface alternately diagonally and parallel to all edges. With the same level I control the adjacent tile so that it is not higher than the previous one.


Press the first tile a little harder. Each subsequent one is slightly weaker, and then by lightly tapping on its surface, bring it to the same level as the previous one, which will be the control.

Lay all the floor tiles in this way, right up to the doors. When this stage is completed, you need to give some time for the glue to set. I recommend waiting at least a day, then the solution will dry well and you can walk on the tiles.

Cleaning seams

After two rows of tiles are laid, I clean the grout. To do this, I use a plastic wedge, which I run along the fresh seam several times and remove any remaining glue. Why clean them? So that later grout mixture filled the entire space evenly, and the seam looked beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. I always remove excess adhesive after installing two rows of floor tiles.

If you forgot or didn’t have time before the glue dried, it doesn’t matter. You can use a regular stationery knife, a piece of blade from a hacksaw for metal, or special tool. True, in this case, cleaning the seams will take a lot of time and effort.


To clean the seams as efficiently as possible, turn the wedge inserted between the tiles slightly so that its edges are adjacent to the ends. You need to move the wedge along the seams easily and without tension.

Grouting joints

The next stage is grouting. Before you do it, you need to make sure that the seams are clean. Then the grout mixture will fill the space between the tiles and squeeze out all the air.

For grouting, cement-based mixtures are used, epoxy resins and polyurethane. Which one to choose is up to you. I recommend using Ceresit grout. This is a relatively inexpensive mixture with a huge range of colors that fills joints well and is easy to clean from tiles.

For your information

Grouts based on epoxy resins and polyurethane are more resistant to moisture, but their price is significantly higher than traditional mixtures. Their main area of ​​application is seams on facades and in production premises with constant exposure to aggressive factors.

Required tools and materials:

Dry grout mixture;

Water or synthetic latex;

Container for diluting grout;

Rubber spatula;

Jointing to form seams.

Grouting order

First, the dry mixture is diluted with water or latex in accordance with the instructions on the package until smooth. Then you can do one of the following:

Apply grout to the tile joint;

Take a small amount of mixture onto a spatula.

I usually scoop the grout onto a spatula and press it into the joint space with diagonal movements.


Go over each seam with a putty knife on which the grout has been applied two or three times. Don’t be afraid to stain the tiles with the grout mixture; they will wash off easily.

About 30-40 minutes after grouting, I begin to form the seams. As mentioned earlier, I use a regular antenna cable as a connector. white. With a distance between the tiles of 1.5-2 mm, its diameter is optimal for creating an even, beautiful, slightly recessed seam of a semicircular profile.

Another method of jointing is to rub the seams with a damp sponge for washing cars. In this case, the seam is not quite semicircular. The main nuance when grouting with a sponge is to try to press it evenly over the entire surface.

Cleaning tiles

After grouting and grouting, I wait at least 5-6 hours for the grout mixture to harden well. The next step is cleaning the tiles. This can be done in two ways:

Dry rags;

With a wet cloth.

I prefer to wipe the remaining grout dry, then you can clearly see the places where there are still stains.

That's all. Separately, I will talk about how to cut holes for fittings in tiles water pipes, seal seams with silicone, install faucets, sanitaryware and more.

Seamless tiling is becoming increasingly popular. There continues to be debate as to whether seams are necessary when laying ceramics.

This article is devoted to this issue and seamless installation technology.

Why are stitches needed?

Traditionally, tilers make identical joints between the tiles, which are then sealed with grout. The same thickness of the seam can be achieved using plastic crosses.

What purpose do the seams serve?

3 arguments for opponents of tile joints

  • Dirt and dust collect at the joints, and over time, mold may appear due to humidity.

    This problem can be overcome by choosing grout of suitable colors. For grouting floor tiles, it is better to choose a gray color.

  • Additional expenses. High-quality grouting costs money, and over time the joints may need to be restored.
  • Grouting joints takes time and practical skills. When laying tiles, you need to make sure that the joints are clean and free of glue. Otherwise, grouting will not help, and the seams will be dirty and sloppy.

Seamless installation has pros and cons, so you need to make a decision depending on the characteristics of the base, the quality of the tile and your wishes.

When laying without seams does not make sense:

  • Cheap products are used. Cheap ceramics have differences in size, so you still won’t get a beautiful seamless installation.
  • If you are laying tiles outdoors. On the street high humidity, temperature changes and atmospheric phenomena affect the tiles. The ceramics will play, its size will change, so seamless styling will not be durable.
  • You should not use seamless installation if you are installing the tiles on a heated floor.

What you need for seamless styling

  • Large format quality tiles. Most often used for seamless styling. Porcelain stoneware has a moisture absorption of 0.05%, excellent frost resistance and strength characteristics. The popular size is 600x600, without seams flooring will appear monolithic.
  • Prepared base. The base must be perfectly level: a difference of 3-5 mm will lead to distortion, and seamless installation will emphasize unevenness.


For clinker, spacer crosses are used for seams; the seam thickness can be from 4 to 10 mm. This value should be taken into account when calculating.

Which tile to choose

Laying technology

Preparing the base

The base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, grease or oil stains. Differences greater than 1 mm are excluded. A perfectly flat surface can be achieved through the use of self-leveling mixtures. Such mixtures help remove even millimeters of difference.

The base must be strong; a concrete screed is best. If you decide to lay it on a wooden floor, you need to make sure the strength of the base.

It should not spring back, because this will cause deformation of the cladding. Best option– fill the reinforcing mesh over the wooden floor.

And although the tiles are laid, it will not be possible to create a high-quality seamless masonry.

Large format porcelain tiles are used: 600x600. This minimizes the number of joints and seams. The tiles must have cut ends.

  • Before starting work, markings are carried out. You need to decide what the installation will be.
  • The glue is applied to the floor, the thickness of the layer is adjusted with a notched trowel, which will remove excess.
  • Place the first piece. Next tile adjust as closely as possible to the already laid tiles. Make sure that there are no voids under the tiles, and that the thickness of the adhesive complies with the manufacturer’s recommendations.


If there are voids under the tiles or a large thickness of glue, the cladding will not be durable. The glue will shrink over time, causing the cladding to fall down. Seamless and even cladding will no longer be possible, and under pressure, tiles with a void underneath may crack.

Tile work will not be complete without trimming. It is more convenient to cut straight strips with a tile cutter.

  • Make sure that there is no glue left between the tiles.
  • Check the plane with a building level or rule. You can correct the position of the tiles with a rubber hammer.

    This problem can be overcome by choosing grout of suitable colors. For grouting floor tiles, it is better to choose a gray color.

  • A perfect fit of the tiles is impossible; there will be a 1 mm seam. He's rubbing himself epoxy grout, which is chosen to match the tone of the ceramics. It masks the seam, so that the effect of a monolithic surface is achieved.

Bottom line
Seamless installation - installation of tiles with a seam of up to 1 mm. Large format porcelain tiles are best suited for this purpose. The base must be carefully prepared; it must be perfectly level.

By applying the tips from the article, you can achieve excellent results.