home · Networks · Laying mosaic tiles on the floor. How to lay mosaics with your own hands on the walls in the kitchen. Which glue to choose

Laying mosaic tiles on the floor. How to lay mosaics with your own hands on the walls in the kitchen. Which glue to choose

Laying mosaics is such an old way of decorating rooms that it was used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. But despite this, these days it is still relevant and even in demand; such decoration, as a rule, is usually found in good hotels and apartments with modern renovation. This process is labor-intensive, therefore expensive, and therefore fashionable. But if you have your head and hands in the right place, you can study a number of videos and written materials, which are now in abundance on the Internet, on styling technology and complete this process yourself, saving a lot of money.

Laying mosaics with your own hands: sequence of actions

Mosaic is a space for imagination

Before you start laying the mosaic directly, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work so that later you don’t have to pick up the fallen tiles from the floor and be annoyed that so much effort, time and money was wasted.

Preparatory stage

The first thing you need to remember and follow is temperature regime When carrying out work, it must be kept in the room from minus 5 to plus thirty. Ceramic tile mosaic (in separate pieces) is used for tiling only on flat surfaces and is laid in the same way as regular straight tiles:

  • the surface is prepared;
  • cleaned, sanded, dried;
  • a large number of shallow holes are made on the surface;
  • reinforcing mesh with glue to the wall with dowels;
  • Apply tile adhesive to the holes made with a spatula;
  • leave in this state for a day to harden;
  • We smear each tile with water and apply it to the surface, pressing tightly.

Unusual bathroom design

It should be noted that with the advent of mesh mosaics, ordinary mosaics are used extremely rarely for decorating bathrooms.

Mesh laying technology

The first unshakable rule for laying anything on a wall, including mosaics: it (the wall) must be cleaned, sanded and dried. Then you must take all measurements on the surface that you are going to cover with mosaics, because the sheets are square and it will not be possible to cut them with a free line during the process. Therefore, in the area cleared under the tile, we mark a grid of nine sheets. You need to start laying the sheets from the center of the surface, since most likely the mosaic mesh will have to be cut along the edges and so that this is not so noticeable, it is better to move the trimmed parts to the edge of the walls.

For direct laying on the grid, we need to remember to stock up special solution, which is made from the same material that the mosaic is made from. Make sure that the mosaic sheets do not slip on this raw material. Then, using a spatula, apply this solution evenly to the wall, removing excess. Using a trowel, place the tile on the mortar so that the entire back side is in the mortar.

Before you start laying, you need to make sure the walls are even. When laying mosaics, just like tiles, the requirements for surface evenness are increased. You can check the evenness of the walls with a long strip, rub it with chalk and press it against the wall, the places where the chalk has not imprinted are depressions, they need to be sealed with plaster.

Make sure the surface is level

You can try on a mosaic pattern on the wall so that it fits without distortion in the following way: attach the sheets, attach them to the wall with tape and take approximate measurements, you can mark them on the wall with a pencil. Then you need to apply tile adhesive to the wall. Watch a video on how to tile a cast-iron bathtub with mosaics on a mesh:

How to apply tile adhesive

The process of applying tile adhesive is divided into two stages. We apply the first layer as a base and leave it to dry for a day. Then we begin the main part of the work of applying glue, already during the laying of the tiles. Apply a second layer of glue and “comb” it with a notched trowel. You need to apply it to such a volume of the area that you have time to attach all the sheets in 15 minutes, because it is during this time that the glue will set and it will no longer be possible to attach them.

Do not remove excess glue with metal spatulas, as this may damage the surface of the design. It is also worth applying glue to each tile for best quality gluing. You need to apply the sheets of paper to yourself in the marked place. For better adhesion to the wall, it is better to “roll” each sheet with a rubber roller. The glue dries completely in 30 minutes. After this, wet the surface with water large quantities so that the paper covering gets wet and can be easily removed. Then, after at least a day, you need to grout the joints using a special grout mixture.

How and with what to rub

Grouting of sheets can be carried out no earlier than one day after they are laid. Before applying grouting material to the mosaic, remove excess glue with a wet paper-based sponge. Then, using a spatula, distribute the grout over an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters. Use a smoothing iron to remove the excess strictly diagonally, without using force. The grout takes about 20 minutes to dry, after drying it will darken. When the grout has dried thoroughly, the surface can be polished with a soft cloth.

Use a sponge to remove excess grout

How to lay out a mosaic pattern from broken tiles

This kind repair work- it's practically art. Therefore, you will have to start your work with a sketch. Laying this kind of mosaic, especially if you want to lay out a design, is a very meticulous and labor-intensive job.

Use broken tiles as a base

A cardboard template is printed to the actual size of the mosaic that you are going to lay out. Each piece of the pattern is selected according to color and texture, then laid out on a template, and only after finishing work on the template is the mosaic transferred to the surface. The main advantages of creating a pattern from broken tiles:

Laying mosaics from broken tiles in a chaotic manner: t The technology is quite simple, but in order to look impressive you need to follow a couple of rules:

  1. Broken pieces should differ in size from each other in at least 20% of cases.
  2. should contrast, that is, the tile pieces that lie next to each other in the installation should differ in color.

The more different colors the tiles you use, the brighter it will be final result. If you prefer a calm mosaic palette, then you need to use different shades of the same color.

You can make any drawing

The laying technology is the same as with a chaotic order, but a sketch of the design on paper is first used.

The installation process itself is relevant for all types of installation methods (that is, for both chaotic and patterned installation). Actually, the process itself is no different from laying a mesh mosaic, with the only difference being that you do not need to take clear measurements along the mesh. A thick ball of tile adhesive is applied to the cleaned wall, and pieces of broken tiles are pressed on top.

Use a spatula when working

The wall, as in other installation options, must be dry and even. After the glue has dried, we rub the seams as described above. An important point is that the tile pieces should not be of different widths (heights), otherwise the process of grouting the joints will become considerably more complicated.

  1. The scarf is cut with a tile cutter. If you don’t have this tool, you can beat the tiles into pieces with a regular hammer, wrapping the tiles in a rag to prevent the fragments from flying to the sides.
  2. Laying any surface starts from the center.
  3. The thickest tiles and the most thick layer glue.
  4. The raw materials for grouting are selected to match the pattern or neutral color.
  5. If the drawing will be placed on a wall, the sketch must be transferred directly to the wall surface.
  6. Each individual piece is coated with glue.

Photo gallery: design ideas for ceramic and glass tiles

Video: tiling the shower cabin

Video: how to line a pool

Mosaic tiles can add sophistication and originality to even the most unprepossessing and conservative interior. This material has gained popularity among consumers and is in demand along with other facing materials. Mosaic installation work is more expensive and significantly increases the renovation budget. With the advent of mini-tiles on the grid, the installation technology has become simpler, and you can implement your planned design project on your own.

Mosaic tiles: advantages of installation

Mosaic tiles are a popular type facing material, widely used for decorating bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools, kitchens, living rooms and facades. The mosaic represents decorative compositions from many small glass, ceramic, mica elements. All parts are fastened on an elastic mesh, forming a flexible finishing material.

Installation mosaic tiles- modern, original and stylish solution interior design, allowing you to realize different design ideas. Before making the final choice in favor of mosaic, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the cladding:

  1. Small tiles are made from materials that are resistant to high humidity And temperature fluctuations. High wear resistance allows the use of mosaic decor in public places.
  2. Mosaic finishing has similar characteristics to tile cladding: strength and durability. The aesthetic and attractive appearance of the product is maintained for a long time.
  3. Possibility of installation on surfaces of different configurations: round niches and bath screens. The mosaic panel is easy to cut into pieces the desired shape- this simplifies installation in hard-to-reach places.
  4. A large assortment of mosaics allows you to create any decorative panel, interesting pattern or ornament.

The disadvantages of mosaic finishing include:

  • high cost of material;
  • more complex installation compared to laying conventional ceramic tiles;
  • High-quality mosaic installation requires careful preparation of the base.

The advantages of tiling with mosaic tiles outweigh its disadvantages. It is better to entrust laying a wall or panel of small mosaics to a professional. In order not to overpay for the work of an experienced craftsman, you can select a small accent area and lay out a strip of mosaic yourself.

Features of different types of mosaic tiles

Based on the materials of manufacture, they distinguish the following types mosaics:

  1. Stone. The tiles are made from quartz, marble, granite, slate or travertine. This material is highly durable, so it is used not only for finishing walls, but also for floors. Stone mosaic has a natural aesthetic, gives the room special style. Some manufacturers offer exclusive collections from malachite or agate.
  2. Glass. Excellent for covering surfaces exposed to moisture. However, the material is less resistant to impacts and scratches, so it is not recommended for laying on floors or finishing tabletops. Glass mosaics with a translucent structure must be attached with special glue.
  3. Ceramic. An expensive material suitable for finishing any area of ​​the house. The mosaic is covered with a glossy glaze or remains matte. Laying ceramic mini-tiles allows you to get a textured non-slip surface. Ceramics are resistant to mechanical damage and abrasive detergent compositions.

Based on the method of application, a distinction is made between mosaic on paper and on stack. The first option is that the front side of the tile is covered with a paper base. After installation, the paper is removed.

The second option - the mosaic elements on the reverse side are connected by a mesh, which is applied to the adhesive solution. This mosaic is easier to install.

The mesh for mosaic tiles can be different types. The most durable and easy to install are polyurethane. They adhere securely to the mosaic and are suitable for installation in damp environments. More cheap option- products on gauze mesh. Their use is possible in rooms with low traffic. In high traffic areas, tiles on a fabric backing will quickly become loose and may fall off.

Important! Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the mesh is firmly attached to the mini-tile. Even with sagging, the mosaic should not “move away” from the base. When laying a defective product, problems may arise - the mosaic will not lie evenly and the pattern may move.

Base requirements

The mosaic is laid on a flat, smooth base. If this requirement is neglected, then the flexible mesh fabric will repeat all the protrusions and the result will be “embossed”.

Surface preparation before installation involves performing the following activities:

  1. Check the evenness of the coating. Minor differences in the coating can be corrected using the thickness of the glue. However, this method does not always work. Optimally - pre-plaster and surface grouting. If there are significant differences in the base, it is better to level it using sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard.
  2. Clean the surface. Before installing mosaic tiles, it is necessary to remove dirt and dust. The remaining plaster after grouting should be collected with a vacuum cleaner, and the coating should be wiped with a clean rag.
  3. Prime the base - this will improve the adhesive characteristics of the materials and completely rid the surface of dust. Deep penetration formulations are optimal for the job.

Choosing adhesive for laying mosaic tiles

To perform installation, you need to choose the right adhesive for mosaic tiles. Three types are acceptable adhesive composition:

  • dispersive one-component;
  • cement-based adhesive of rigid or elastic composition;
  • reactive adhesive solution consisting of 2 components (base and hardener).

When purchasing glue, you need to take into account the type of mosaic tile, the nature of the surface and the room. Recommendations for choosing an adhesive composition based on the tile material:

  1. Ceramic products - white cement glue, gray. For facing a deformable or non-absorbent base, an elastic composition must be used, for finishing a stable mineral base Any will do tile adhesive.
  2. A natural stone. Marble is sensitive to moisture and can change color with prolonged contact, so this mosaic is fixed with a quick-hardening cement composition or reactive glue.
  3. Glass mosaic. Required condition - White color adhesive solution. This can be a cement or polyurethane composition. To finish a swimming pool, bathtub or shower stall, you need to add a plasticizer (liquid latex) to the glue. This component will provide necessary waterproofing grounds. Finishing can be done using epoxy glue.

Important! When tiling a pool or bathtub, it is necessary to allow the glue to sit for at least two weeks after laying the mosaic. After this period, the container can be filled with water. Finishing work must be carried out at an air temperature of at least +5°C.

Step-by-step mosaic installation technology

Marking the base to be coated

You must first make a “dry” layout of the mosaic and mark the base. This is necessary to accurately determine the location of the elements and ensure color matching. If the layout step is missed, then during the work process it may turn out that the batch contains a canvas of a different color or format.

Having laid out the intended design on the surface, parts of the tile must be secured with tape and the canvases must be numbered - this will facilitate further assembly of the ornament. Following the completed layout, a sketch is created. When developing a drawing of mosaic tiles, you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. It is advisable to lay out the picture from the most illuminated area or from the center of the image. The tiles will have to be cut, so the pieces of the tiles should be located along the edges or in internal corners- in inconspicuous parts.
  2. If there are external corners, the layout of the pattern begins with them. The priority element for starting work is any decorative element of the room: a panel, a mirror, a niche.

After laying out, numbering and creating a detailed sketch, the mosaic sheets must be carefully folded back into the boxes. On the wall or floor, you need to mark the boundaries of the location of the mosaic canvas - a laser ruler is ideal for this.

Preparing tools and mixing glue

The set of tools for installing mosaic tiles includes:

  • moisture-resistant primer with antifungal effect;
  • adhesive composition;
  • grout;
  • rubberized spatula for leveling and pressing down slabs;
  • notched spatula;
  • roller for priming the surface;
  • construction mixer for uniform mixing of glue;
  • container for preparing glue.

Mixing is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, you must adhere to some rules:

  • First, water is poured into the container, and then the dry mixture is added;
  • the solution is mixed twice with an interval of 5 minutes;
  • the duration of one kneading with a mixer is 1 minute at medium speed; Increasing the mixing speed and time may result in thinning of the adhesive.

Laying finishing material

Sequence of laying mosaic tiles:

  1. Apply the adhesive solution to the prepared surface with a notched trowel - grooves should form. At one time you need to cover an area that can be covered within half an hour.
  2. Attach the mosaic sheet to the base with the mesh down and press slightly. To distribute the glue evenly, the surface can be rolled with a roller. It is necessary to ensure that the distance between the squares remains the same, and that the glue does not penetrate onto the front part of the mosaic. To keep the gaps between the elements at the same level, you need to use crosses.
  3. Carefully remove the film and leave the glue to dry for one or two days. Excess adhesive solution must be removed half an hour after fixing the mosaic - it will be difficult to clean the tiles later.

Important! You cannot walk on freshly laid tiles. Loads are allowed only after the mosaic has completely dried and fixed.

Grouting mosaic joints

Grouting order:

  1. Prepare grout mixture, following the instructions on the package.
  2. To make it easier to clean the tiles from traces of grout, it is advisable to pre-treat the surface with protective sprays. After 20-30 minutes you can start rubbing the seams.
  3. Use a spatula to scoop up the grout and use wide movements, moving diagonally, to fill the seams. The spatula should be pressed down slightly so that the grout is slightly below the level of the mosaic.
  4. The solution must be slightly moistened so that it is saturated with water and does not crack. You can use a damp sponge or a small spray bottle to water the flowers.
  5. After 20 minutes, when the solution has hardened a little, the excess mixture must be removed by running a damp, hard sponge over the coating. The remaining cement dust can be removed with a 5% sulfuric acid solution.
  6. Rinse the mosaic with clean water.

Advice. Marble mosaic requires special care when rubbing joints. The stone has pores into which the solution can penetrate and change the color of the tile.

  1. It is advisable to periodically treat the mosaic coating in the bathroom with special fungicidal agents. This must be done if the ventilation does not cope with its task. High humidity can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls.
  2. For cleaning, it is advisable to choose gel-like detergents without abrasive components.
  3. Contaminated areas of the panel can be wiped with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water. When finished, rinse with water and wipe dry.
  4. The mosaic surface should not be rubbed with oils, phosphoric acid or wax.

Mosaic tiles in the interior: photo ideas

Decorating the fireplace screen with silver mosaic. The surface shimmers and shimmers under the glare of fire, creating the illusion of movement.

Cladding the walls and ceiling in the bathroom is a common method of decorating the “wet” area of ​​an apartment or house.

Mosaics have increasingly begun to be used to decorate a work apron in the kitchen. This solution adds sophistication and respectability to the traditional interior.

Mosaic table top - bright accent in the interior of a kitchen, living room or bathroom.

Laying mosaic tiles: video

Currently, it is becoming fashionable to decorate rooms with ceramic tiles in the form of a mosaic. This kind of decoration looks fresh and original. So if you're following fashion trends and don’t be afraid of something new or are you just planning a bathroom or kitchen renovation

Or maybe you are setting up a hammam, then you should definitely pay attention to laying the mosaic.

I think you already understand that today we will figure out how to properly lay mosaics.

Mosaic laying technique

Before you begin laying any type of mosaic, the surface should be thoroughly processed - cleaned of foreign debris, sanded and dried. The temperature in the room (and when working outside, also outside) when laying mosaics should be between 5-30 degrees Celsius.

To achieve the most accurate result of laying the mosaic, during preparatory work on the surface, you should outline the area on which the mosaic will be applied. It is necessary to take measurements of three sheets of mosaic and apply the resulting dimensions to the surface in the form of a pattern in vertical and horizontal plane so that in the end there is a grid.

Thus, you will divide the wall into several sectors, each of which has an area of ​​9 mosaic sheets.

Mosaic laying technology

When choosing a solution for laying mosaics, you should take into account the material from which the mosaic is made. Yes, for styling glass mosaic It will be better if you use a white solution, otherwise the coating will quite possibly acquire an undesirable shade.

Carefully read the instructions included with the solution you choose. Make sure that the mosaic sheets themselves do not slip on the solution. The solution should be applied to the wall with the flat edge of a spatula, making sure that the coating area does not exceed nine sheets in size. Remove excess with the serrated (teeth at least 3 mm) side of the spatula and use it to level the solution. If the solution is immediately applied to the entire surface, an unwanted film will form, so it is better not to rush.

The sheets are laid out on the solution with the paper base facing up.

In order to achieve uniform distribution of the solution over the sheet, you need to run a special rubber spatula over the mosaic several times (you cannot use a metal spatula).

The distance between the mosaic sheets must be maintained as much as possible, so the seams will be even and uniform.

When you finish laying the second sector of the mosaic, return to the first and gently blot the paper surface with a damp sponge so that the paper peels off slightly from the surface.

Be extremely careful as the glue is not yet dry.

Removing the paper layer from the mosaic must begin from the upper corner, slowly and as close to the surface as possible, move diagonally to the lower opposite corner.

As soon as you remove the layer of paper, straighten the seams and remove excess glue, otherwise it will be very difficult to do this procedure later, when it dries.

Continue laying subsequent sections of the mosaic in the same way. After installation, the glue usually takes a day to dry. It is through this gap that grout can be applied to the tiles.

Note: For laying Mosaico Oro mosaic (golden mosaic), the recommendations given above are suitable, but keep in mind that it is somewhat thicker, and to work with it it will be better to use a notched trowel with larger teeth.

Laying the mosaic on the mesh is done as follows. Using a rubber trowel, press down on the sheet so that the fiberglass mesh located on back side mosaic, evenly pressed into the adhesive solution.

The seams separating the sheets should be located at the same distance between the segments. After cladding, apply grout no earlier than 24 hours later.

Be sure to read the instructions included with the grout you purchased, and only then start working. Before applying the composition to the mosaic, you should use a wet sponge (for paper-based mosaics) to get rid of excess glue on the surface. One application of grout should not exceed an area of ​​more than two square meters. m.

Excess grout should be removed diagonally using a rubber trowel. The grout dries within 10-20 minutes depending on the room temperature. If the work is done correctly, the grout of the mosaic joints will darken.

Remove any remaining excess grout with a dampened sponge.

Clean using diagonal movements. When cleaning, do not apply any force, otherwise you risk removing the grout from the joints.

When the need arises, you can use acid-based products for cleaning, but after cleaning you should definitely rinse the surface of the mosaic with water.

Glass mosaic cutting

There are the following methods for cutting glass mosaics:

  • Using scissors or a knife, you can cut strips from paper or mesh;
  • Using special mosaic tongs, cut one segment at a time;
  • Using a cutting machine equipped with a ten-centimeter diamond blade, cut along the mosaic sheets. Using this method, you need to mark the cutting line with a pencil and gradually deepen the cut with a diamond disc. If you intend to cut the sheet at one time, you risk splitting the coating.

Mosaic care

Mosaic of any type is quite unpretentious in care and does not require the use of expensive specific cleaning products. Clean with normal cleaning products. If the mosaic is heavily soiled, use low-acid cleaning products, following the instructions for use.

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Modern mosaic consists of many small cubes, fixed on a special mesh in a single sheet. The mesh can be easily cut and ready-made mosaic tiles can be glued to the surface. In addition, such tiles has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • noble and neat appearance;
  • high impact resistance and resistance to abrasive cleaning agents;
  • ease of care;
  • a wide range of mosaic tiles allows you to create unique designs of any shade;
  • Easily placed on any flat or curved surface.


Depending on the material, decorative mosaics for walls come in several types:

  1. Ceramic.
  2. It is a regular tiled rectangular or square tile, but much smaller in size. The texture of such a mosaic can be different: glazed, heterogeneous, or covered with a network of cracks. The palette of shades of such mosaics is very diverse, and manufacturers also offer tile options with a mixture of several colors. Usually ceramic tiles used to decorate the walls of a bath, kitchen or swimming pool.

  3. Mirror.
  4. Small pieces of mirrors with processed edges are combined into a single panel, which visually expands the space, adding more and more light and air to a darkened room. In addition, mirror tiles perfectly help hide unevenness and defects in the walls.

  5. From smalt.
  6. It consists of pieces of specially processed and heated to high temperature glass Thanks to this treatment, smalt acquires high impact resistance, frost resistance, wear resistance and the ability to beautifully refract light. Each piece of smalt has a slightly different shade from the other piece, which allows you to create original panels.

  7. Venetian glass.
  8. The mosaic cladding, consisting of Venetian glass, is very durable and strong, and the endless variety of shades due to the addition of certain substances allows you to assemble entire works of art. Walls, floors, surfaces of fireplaces and furniture are decorated with such mosaics.

  9. Made from natural stone.
  10. This tile consists of pieces natural stone: marble, jasper, tuff or sandstone. Most often, this type of mosaic is used when decorating floors or garden paths.

  11. Made from artificial granite.
  12. Pieces of such a mosaic are obtained by mixing broken glass with granite or marble. Due to the manufacturing technology, the mosaic seems to flicker, shimmering with light from within. Since tiles are very reliable and durable, they are used to cover not only the walls of rooms, but also floors and stairs.

Laying mosaics on the wall with your own hands. How to glue it correctly?

How to lay a mosaic on a wall? Before laying a mosaic on the wall with your own hands, you must, in addition to the tile itself, purchase the following materials and tools:

  • epoxy glue or latex-based glue (if the mosaic will be used in rooms with high humidity);
  • a spatula with teeth about 0.5 cm, wire cutters, a knife, a rubber mallet, a wooden block, a hard rubber ironing press, a sponge for wetting with water, a trowel;
  • tile grout matching the color of the mosaic.
  1. Surface preparation.
  2. The surface on which the work will be carried out facing works, thoroughly clean any loose plaster, old paint, wallpaper and dirt. If there are recesses on the wall, they must be puttied. Finish the walls with coarse sandpaper.

  3. Applying glue.
  4. Apply the adhesive evenly onto the wall using a notched trowel. You need to cover as much surface with glue as you can lay tiles in 10 minutes (drying time for the glue). You don’t have to apply glue to mosaic tiles, however, experts still recommend treating the mosaic as well for better adhesion of the cladding.

  5. Gluing tiles.
  6. How to glue a mosaic on a wall? Begin laying the mosaic tiles with the paper side facing out. After this, press firmly on the tile with an ironing press. If excess glue comes through the gaps, it must be removed with a damp cloth.

    Here's a video about laying mosaics on a wall.

  7. Marking.
  8. After the first fragment of the mosaic is glued to the wall, it is necessary to mark the wall according to the level. To prevent the sheets of tiles from moving downwards from the level during the drying process, it is necessary to make a double gap under them in advance using special cross-spacers.

    Check the level of the entire sheet of tile. If it deviates, carefully correct it using wooden block by lightly hitting it with a rubber mallet.

  9. Removing paper and glue residue.
  10. 15-20 minutes after the glue has dried, remove the paper from the top surface of the mosaic. To peel the paper off easily, you need to wet it with a wet sponge. The paper will come away from the tile well after it is completely saturated with water. Use a knife to cut off any excess glue.

  11. Grouting gaps.
  12. After the tiles have completely dried (after about 24-30 hours), it is necessary to remove all cross-spacers from the gaps. Then, using a grout float at a 300 angle, apply the grout diagonally to the mosaic tile and forcefully move it over the surface a couple of times, trying to fill the gap as tightly as possible. Do the grouting first large area to determine the adhesion of the solution.

    This is done in order to have time to clean the tiles from the hardening grout in time, otherwise it can grab very tightly and it will be much more difficult to remove it. Scrub the dried mortar at a right angle with a float, then wipe with a damp sponge and polish with a dry cloth.

  13. Applying sealant.
  14. In order to extend the durability of mosaic tiles and protect gaps from moisture penetration, apply a small layer of sealant or a special protective coating to the seams between mosaic tiles.

Making a room luxurious will not be difficult if you use mosaic tiles as decoration. Even a novice master can lay it, all you have to do is remember the sequence and carefully complete the entire installation process.

Why do hired tilers charge much more for tiling walls with mosaics than for laying regular tiles? Really DIY mosaic installation- is this a task from the world of fantasy?

Maybe you shouldn’t tackle mosaic tiles yourself? We decided to deal with gluing the mosaic ourselves. Because we are sure that if you prepare well, you can cope with almost any task in the plan.

Do-it-yourself mosaic tile laying technology

For the sake of objectivity, we note that working with a mosaic on your own for the first time is quite difficult. When designing, we assigned the role of mosaic decorative element along with borders and decors. Therefore, we cannot act as real experts, but we still have some experience.

First, let's figure out what is the difference between the technology of laying mosaics and ordinary tiles.

A special type of tile requires a special tile adhesive. In general, of course, you can glue the mosaic with regular glue. But the consistency of ordinary cement-sand tile adhesive is a little liquid for mosaics. If the glue is mixed thicker, the overdried mixture will not hold the mosaic firmly. In addition, if the mosaic is made of glass, then the aggressive composition of the glue can damage front side tiles

The consistency of this solution is much thicker, and is more reminiscent of “country sour cream” or even dough. Due to the denser state of aggregation glue, mosaic tiles during gluing do not fall at different angles from a light touch, and if necessary, you can confidently adjust the position of each tile.

Not all tile adhesive manufacturers yet offer mosaic compositions. But the products of such famous manufacturers like Ceresit or Knauf are easy to find in any city. We enjoyed Ceresit adhesives and EK, which in appearance were practically no different from each other. Except that the EC contained a little more lumps and a slightly darker color when dry, although there are ready-made compositions, but significantly more expensive in price.

The process of laying mosaics with your own hands

Let's move on to the actual process of gluing the mosaic. As already noted, we used mosaics only to make decorative stripes. Therefore, first of all, and only then, we took up the mosaic. To do this, we made a template of the required width from scraps of drywall and used it to measure the exact distance between the tiles for the future mosaic.

Unexpectedly, we encountered one problem along the way: the thickness of mosaic and ordinary tiles differs by more than two times: 3 mm and 7 mm, respectively. Therefore, it was necessary to apply a larger amount of mosaic glue, somewhere around a centimeter.

We can say for sure that in the absence of experience, a thin mosaic on an impressive layer of tile adhesive behaves uncontrollably - it unsuccessfully sinks where it is not necessary, which is why the operation has to be repeated, removing the entire sheet. It is very, very difficult to clean the mosaic from excess glue, due to the fact that the tiles are small and there are a lot of seams between them.

The most successful solution, in our opinion, was to start applying glue in two stages: first, one layer of glue approximately half the entire future thickness of the glue, and after it has completely dried, apply a second layer of glue, combing the surface with a notched trowel, and then lay our mosaic on it .

How to apply glue correctly when laying tile mosaics with your own hands

To minimize difficulties when covering walls tiles, it is necessary to ensure even application of the tile adhesive. This statement is even more relevant for mosaics. Therefore, for the convenience of applying the first layer of glue, we have prepared templates for alignment. There are many other options, but we settled on these. We have selected the depth empirically on a small area.

The next day, when the first layer has dried thoroughly, we proceed to the main stage. First we apply tile adhesive, and then use a notched trowel to level the adhesive. Main secret success - uniform application, and accordingly “combing”, of a layer of tile adhesive.

Then we apply a sheet of mosaic and smooth it, slightly pressing it. It should be taken into account important point when laying mosaic tiles, you can correct the sheet with mosaic only to the depth; up, down, right or left is very difficult and sometimes impossible. We have only one operation - recessing or smoothing, after which excess glue comes out through the mesh in small balls.

If the mosaic is large and not very thick, 2-3 mm thick, then it tends to slide down during leveling. Therefore, before applying, make a double gap from below, then gradually under own weight the entire sheet will fall down and fall into place.

Among other things, when laying mosaics over a large area, the problem arises - how to keep the vertical and horizontal seams even, because you cannot put a level on each tile. For a successful result, you need some guidelines not only horizontally and vertically, but also in “depth”. First, we suggest laying out the mosaic on the corners, and then moving towards each other. Or think over a system of guidelines, based on which, as the area covered with mosaics grows, you can control the horizontality of its laying.

For mosaic, as well as for any tile, there is a requirement to remove excess tile adhesive from the surface of the tile during installation, since after the mortar has completely dried, it will be almost impossible to remove dried adhesive without damaging the edge of the tile. But the difficulty of performing this procedure in the case of mosaics is associated with big amount seams between elements.

An even more unpleasant feature is that during the removal of excess glue, some elements of the already laid mosaic may move. This happens due to the fact that on fresh tile adhesive the mosaic “floats”. To successfully install mosaics with your own hands, you need exact dosage glue and, of course, Smooth surface. You also need a notched trowel with a finer pitch.

While the glue is still wet, you can remove the excess with a wooden ice cream stick or any other handy tool. The main thing is not to try to use metal spatulas or screwdrivers. Under our independent work with mosaic tiles we used several homemade devices. Perhaps there are some professional solutions, but no one forbade showing ingenuity in such a delicate matter.

Once again, it is worth noting that working with tile mosaic involves the development of special skills that are difficult to describe. But these skills cannot be classified as unrealistically difficult. In some places it is even a little easier to glue a mosaic: for example, in hard-to-reach places, or, for example, you can change the gaps between the mosaic elements by stretching the canvas with tiles, thereby adjusting the cladding area to the size of the mosaic.

To sum up the story about mosaics, we can say that the level of difficulty in mastering this decorative material Purely individual. And you can only determine your love or dislike for mosaics by trying DIY mosaic installation, which is what we did.