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Is artificial one harmful? Is artificial tanning harmful to health: myths and truth. Composition of synthetic clothing

In children's institutions, artificial lighting is widely used, not only in the evening, but also in the morning and daytime, especially in the autumn-winter period of the year. Therefore, for the protection of children’s vision, the issue of so-called combined lighting, i.e. additional inclusion artificial lighting to the natural.
Unfortunately, the issue of additional automatic inclusion of artificial lighting is still not sufficiently developed in the hygienic literature. For now, this depends solely on the individual attitude of educators, among whom there is still a widespread opinion that mixed lighting is harmful, and they prefer to study even in semi-darkness.
This is very harmful for a child’s eye, since its adaptation to low light is accompanied by excessive strain on the accommodative apparatus of the eyes. If repeated frequently, this may be one of the reasons for vision deterioration. Meanwhile, studies, although limited, show that mixed lighting is harmless. You just need to take care that with mixed lighting you don’t feel two completely separate light streams.
In order to avoid subjectivity in turning on additional artificial lighting, the best and most promising solution is to install a photoelectric relay that automatically turns on artificial lighting when the level drops. natural light at the point of the room farthest from the window, below 150-200 lux.
New artificial lighting standards give preference to fluorescent lamps. And this is no coincidence, because the latter, in force physical features create more opportunities to improve lighting conditions. This is facilitated by the low brightness of fluorescent lamps, the presence of soft, even light, and a more favorable spectrum of light.
True, the good qualities of fluorescent lamps are revealed only when a sufficient level of illumination is created, the recommended lamps are used and the rational design of their equipment is used. Unfortunately, these requirements are not always met, which leads to discredit good looking lighting. You can still hear statements about the “harm” of fluorescent lamps. In reality it's big research material to study the influence fluorescent lighting on the performance and state of visual functions in different conditions (kindergarten, schools, production), on the contrary, indicates a more favorable effect of fluorescent lamps compared to incandescent lamps. When organizing artificial lighting in children's institutions, we must not forget that it is necessary not only to ensure a normal level of illumination, but also to create good quality lighting, protect the eyes of children and the teacher from possible glare. This is especially important at high levels of illumination if high-power lamps are used. The use of open lamps not protected by fittings is completely unacceptable. This is unacceptable even when illuminated by fluorescent lamps, although their brightness is many times less than the brightness of incandescent lamps. Open lamps are blinding, and if you work for a long time in such lighting, this causes a decrease in visual functions. Very bright open light sources (high power lamps—150, 200 watt2) or more can even lead to unpleasant sensations in the eyes.
To provide good conditions lighting, the type of luminaire is decisive, i.e. the light source with fittings, and correct scheme its placement indoors.
The type of luminaire is determined by the distribution luminous flux between the upper and lower hemispheres. Lamps used for lighting children's institutions are classified as diffused light lamps. They can be of two types: 1) uniformly diffused light distribution, when at least 50% of the total flux is emitted into each hemisphere (closed lucetta and milk ball type); 2) predominantly reflected light distribution, when the main flux is directed towards the ceiling and top part walls (from 60 to 90%) and is reflected from them down to the workplaces. This type of lamps includes ring lamps (SK-300), which are most preferable for children's institutions.
The SK-300 lamp consists of 5 shielding metal rings, 3 brackets, a housing with a metal electric chuck 4-27 and a rod with a ceiling rosette. The lower ring is covered with silicate milk glass. The lamp is covered with white enamel paint. This lamp is the best incandescent lamp currently available. It is lightweight, easy to use, accessible for dust removal, does not contribute to heat concentration due to the free circulation of air between the rings and, therefore, does not affect the deterioration of the microclimate in the room.
Please remember that these fixtures are only designed for a 300-watt bulb. If a lamp of lower power is used, they immediately lose their favorable qualities. This is explained by the fact that a lamp of lower power will protrude above the upper ring and, therefore, have a very unpleasant glare effect.
Incandescent lamps. When illuminated by incandescent lamps, the normalized level of illumination (100 lux) in a group room with an area of ​​62 m2 is provided by 6 SK-300 lamps. In the case of using milk balls, the number of electric points should be increased to 8. Uniform lighting is created by placing lamps in two rows of three (SK-300 lamps) or four (milk balls) in each row: the distance from the outer and interior walls up to the rows of lamps 1.5 m, and between two rows - 3.0 m.
Fluorescent lamps. Lighting with fluorescent lamps, as already noted, has a number of advantages over incandescent lamps. It allows you to create greater visual comfort - high levels illumination with lower power consumption and a more favorable brightness ratio in the field of vision of children in the absence of direct and reflected glare.
Recommended as a light source for illuminating playrooms in nurseries and kindergartens. fluorescent lamps white (LB) or dark white (LTB) light, which have the most beneficial effect on visual functions.
To illuminate children's institutions with fluorescent lamps, diffused light lamps should be used. We can recommend lamps such as SHOD (school, general lighting, diffuse), pendant, open at the top, with shielding metal bars and an organic glass diffuser. It is designed for two fluorescent lamps of 40 or 30 W. Fluorescent is also recommended ceiling lamp diffused light (LPR 240), designed for two forty-watt lamps. When equipping a group room in a kindergarten to create a standardized illumination level of 200 lux, the total electrical power should be 900 W and, therefore, the specific electrical power, i.e. the number of watts per 1 sq. m of floor area - 15 W/m2. The lamps are placed along the ceiling in two rows or in the shape of the letter P.
The conditions of natural and artificial lighting should be paid to Special attention when talking with parents, taking as a basis the recommendations given for child care institutions. In the family, as a rule, little attention is paid to this. You can often see children looking at or coloring pictures, embroidering, reading, drawing, playing music, not only in the most uncomfortable position, but also in dark places in the room and even with their backs to the light. To create coziness, the windows are covered with beautiful curtains that do not allow light to pass through. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend that parents, if possible, allocate the brightest part of the room to the child for his games and some mandatory activities. Parents should ensure that enough water enters the room sunlight.
It can also be observed that in the evening hours children are engaged in work related to the participation of vision, with general lighting rooms with decorative lamps, which naturally do not correspond hygienic requirements. And at home it is very important that children, when performing visual work, even during the game, they used local lighting. It is best to use “school” type lamps for this. They are equipped with opaque lampshades and have a wide light output aimed at workplace; they use relatively low power electric lamps from 60 to 75 watts.

People buy artificial Christmas trees for a number of reasons: allergies to tree pollen, ease of cleaning, the presence of a firefighter in the family who scares everyone with stories about fire-hazardous live spruce trees. But are artificial Christmas trees safe and harmless?

It's a difficult question. To begin to answer this, you need to understand what the tree is made of, which is usually a synthetic plastic called polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is also used to make pipes, children's toys, medical devices and interior decoration cars. American Christmas Tree Association - non-profit organization, which educates about live and artificial Christmas trees, says the material is “not dangerous” and “not harmful.” But many experts are willing to argue otherwise. Partly because PVC is a heat-resistant substance that can use metals such as lead, tin and barium as stabilizers. As a result, a 2004 study even found significant amounts of lead in artificial Christmas trees.

In addition, the gases emitted by PVC, known as volatile organic compounds, can cause irritation to the eyes, lungs and nasal mucosa.

Sometimes PVC may contain phthalates, which are known to disrupt the endocrine system.

But the main thing about this problem is that you never know what exactly your Christmas tree is made of. In addition, some of the potentially present substances may not have passed through laboratory research on their effect on the human body. AND hazardous substances may be considered harmless. Insufficient control over the production of artificial fir trees allows the possibility of other substances being included in their composition. chemical substances.

But is there any point in being afraid of the unobtrusive presence of not the most beneficial chemicals in the Christmas tree? Experts believe that contact with lead, even in small quantities, does not bode well for the reproductive system and blood pressure, and in children can lead to a decrease in IQ. By the way, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that there is no safe level of lead at all.

However, you can protect yourself. Items made from PVC highlight greatest number harmful gases upon first contact with air, so when purchasing a new artificial Christmas tree, give it a chance to “ventilate” by placing it outside for several hours or even days. The longer it stays outside, the less harm it will cause you.

And do not store it for the rest of your life - as it ages, PVC begins to emit harmful substances. Artificial Christmas trees should be replaced at least once every 9 years.

The harmful effects of synthetics on the body are much wider than is commonly believed. Impaired heat exchange is just the tip of the iceberg; problems with the skin and even the nervous system can arise. Compound
Clothing made from synthetic fabrics became a real breakthrough in the 20th century, taking away a large market share from natural fabrics. Such clothes have another significant plus - practicality in use. Synthetics, as a rule, do not wrinkle, are easier to care for and store, and are more durable compared to natural fabrics. Synthetic fibers are synthesized from petroleum, coal and natural products, recalls Tatyana Sysoeva, Ph.D. medical sciences, dermatovenerologist at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center.
They have been used in clothing production for more than 50 years; the most popular materials are: polyester, polyamide, acrylic, elastane, nylon.
Sysoeva explains: synthetic fabrics in most cases do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, air circulation is disrupted, thermoregulation suffers, and the person sweats more.
A favorable environment for the growth of bacteria is formed, especially in summer. This threatens with infectious skin lesions: folliculitis, pityriasis versicolor, inguinal epidermophytosis Tatyana SysoevaCandidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center
Dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences Leila Roz also notes that synthetic clothing often causes allergic reactions - rash, redness, itching and irritation of the skin, especially in people with atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Due to intense sweating, it appears bad smell, which is difficult to “wash”.
Allergic reactions can also be caused by low-quality toxic paints, which are used in the production of cheap clothes. In addition, according to the head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol, hygienist Andrei Mosov, some materials can release some toxic substances under clothing - monomers of synthetic fibers.
The physical properties of even the most modern synthetic materials, such as moisture absorption, breathability and electrostatic properties, are strikingly different from those of natural materials. This is why synthetic materials, especially as the first layer of clothing, are undesirableAndrey MosovHead of expert direction of NP Roskontrol, hygienist At the same time, according to Tatyana Sysoeva, due to the fact that synthetic fabric does not absorb moisture well, which means sweat does not evaporate and causes fabric to stick, increasing the time and area of ​​contact with the skin, which increases the risk of developing dermatitis.
As Maya Belousova, a cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist at the multidisciplinary medical center “Clinic No. 1”, notes, a violation of thermoregulation may well lead to overheating of the body in the heat, up to and including heat stroke. In summer, tight synthetic clothing is a direct path to heat illness. Today, this is the name given to various health disorders due to overheating, including the well-known heatstroke, agrees with colleague Andrei Mosov.
Also, according to Mosov, a violation of the air-heat balance of a person who experiences discomfort all day long, worsens mood, causes stress, can cause many psychosomatic diseases and even lead to more serious problems with health.
You've probably noticed a crackling, tingling sparkle when you take off synthetic clothes - this is static electricity, which can also have a bad effect on the nerve endings of the skin, which leads to general irritability, fatigue and problems with sleep Leila Roz, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatocosmetologist
The expert also does not recommend sleeping on synthetic bedding; this, among other things, “increases the risk of attacks in patients with bronchial asthma and allergic reactions.
Natural fabrics also have disadvantages: they are difficult to wash and iron, and they are less practical. However, today a fairly large volume of production is occupied by mixed fabrics containing natural and synthetic fibers simultaneously. Dermatocosmetologist Alena Chernookova believes that this allows you to combine the environmental friendliness and hygiene of natural fabrics with the practicality of synthetic ones, and there is nothing wrong with wearing such things. It is the properties of such fabrics that destroy the myth about the dangers of all synthetic clothing.
The optimal content of synthetics in clothing is from 5% to 15%. This amount will protect you from allergic reactions, infectious and fungal diseases Alena ChernookovaDermatocosmetologist
According to Leila Roz, it is always necessary to take into account that there is quality materials and their not very high quality analogues. For example, quality fabrics for good sportswear include breathable fibers, they have micro-holes that allow air to pass through to the surface of the skin and allow moisture to escape without letting it back in. In addition, in these clothes you will not get wet in the rain. The expert is also sure that it is quite possible to choose things from natural ingredients with the addition of synthetic materials, but in a ratio of no more than 50% synthetic fibers.
Not only the fabric, but also the design of clothing and other wardrobe items can be hazardous to health.

Every year, many people prefer to buy artificial Christmas trees rather than real ones. This is due to a practical outlook on life - buy once and use it for a hundred years, as well as for reasons of protecting nature. Polymer products are not inferior in beauty to living Christmas trees. But experts say artificial Christmas trees may be harmful to your health.

What types of artificial Christmas trees are there?

All artificial Christmas tree models are prefabricated products. The most convenient is the hinged model. The trunk is divided into 3-4 sections, to which the branches are attached. Do not buy an artificial beauty that is too tall and fluffy if you plan to place it in a small apartment. It is better to give preference to a Christmas tree from 1.5 to 1.8 m. Also, make sure that the Christmas tree has a metal stand, it will provide good stability.

Are artificial Christmas trees harmful?

Many manufacturers add flavorings to artificial Christmas trees that imitate the smell of pine needles. Often, in addition to notes of pine, there is also the smell of plastic or chemicals. This is especially felt if the tree is near heat (fireplace, radiator). Such odors can be harmful to your health, especially harmful to the health of your child. Before purchasing, it is better to ask the seller for a quality certificate.

One of the specialists from the National Environmental Center explains that most products in Ukraine do not meet quality standards. The longer the Christmas tree is in the house, the greater the likelihood of poisoning.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree

If you decide to purchase an artificial beauty, pay attention to the following:

1. The most popular sizes of Christmas trees are 1.8, 2 and 2.15. It all depends on the size of the room.

2. Christmas trees from China (low quality) have specific smell. It’s better not to buy such trees!

3. Needles can be of two types. In the first case, it is impregnated paper (the tree looks fluffier, but it is short-lived and will last no more than 3 years). It is better that the Christmas tree is made of fire-resistant plastic and synthetic fibers.

4. Before purchasing, check the Christmas tree for quality. To do this, run your hand along the soft needles against the “growth” of the needles, and tug on the hard ones. Bend and straighten the branches, they should move easily and not crunch. The needles should not be deformed; if they bend without much strain, you are being sold a quality product.

5. Nice Christmas trees are made from polymers with the addition of substances that prevent fire. When purchasing a Christmas tree made from paper pine needles, it is better to refrain from using electric garlands - they are highly flammable.

It’s up to you to choose an artificial Christmas tree or still give preference to a natural beauty. Choose wisely to celebrate New Year not only fun, but also safe.

The production of artificial Christmas trees uses polyvinyl chloride, which can pose a health hazard. This substance is especially harmful for the male body. This conclusion was reached by scientists from Canada's Simon Fraser University.

One of the materials used in the production of artificial Christmas trees is PVC - polyvinyl chloride. This is a toxic substance that can emit vapors that irritate the mucous membrane respiratory tract. But the harm of artificial Christmas trees is not limited to this.

It is worth mentioning individual additives that are used to increase fire safety. In particular, manufacturers use tin, lead or barium phthalates for this purpose. These connections have this side effect as the ability to provide Negative influence on "men's health".

At high concentrations of these substances in the air, a decrease in male strength may be observed. According to professor at the Canadian University Bruce Lanfear, phthalates lead to a decrease in the level of testosterone concentration in the male body, which can lead over time to the development of infertility.

It is for this reason that the professor advises against using artificial Christmas trees. Such a product cannot be called safe, and this is especially true for harmful influence on the health of the male body.

The influence of barium, lead and tin phthalates is not limited to their negative impact on " male strength" With gradual accumulation in the body, phthalates begin to have a toxic effect on other organs. In particular, they impair the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and have harmful effects on the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems. In addition, lead, barium and tin phthalates can lead to the development of cancer and also provoke bronchial asthma.

But the harm from these toxic substances used in the production of artificial trees can be minimized. To do this, experts advise that after purchasing such a spruce, do not rush to bring it into the house, but keep it in the fresh air for some time.

For example, an artificial Christmas tree can be placed on the balcony for a week. During this time, some of the harmful phthalates will evaporate and negative impact such spruce will decrease significantly. But the safest option would be to use natural spruce to celebrate the New Year. Pine is also suitable for this purpose. Therefore, if you plan to install a New Year tree indoors, then experts advise abandoning the artificial tree and choosing a natural forest beauty.