home · On a note · Decorating the exterior walls of the house with wood. Materials for cladding wooden houses - main types. How to decorate the outside of a wooden house

Decorating the exterior walls of the house with wood. Materials for cladding wooden houses - main types. How to decorate the outside of a wooden house

You need to approach the issue of cladding a wooden house carefully, having carefully planned and thought through the entire process at the stage of developing a private building project. This priority is due to the fact that not only the presentability of the facade, but also the resistance of the building to various external influences (temperature changes, humidity, wind and harsh solar radiation) will depend on the quality of the finishing.

The modern market of construction and finishing materials is able to offer a wide range of products of various types and price categories. Often a person who has recently decided to furnish his new home has many difficulties associated with the correct choice of cladding for a wooden house. Therefore, it is important to know the basic parameters that finishing materials must comply with.

Selection of finishing material

Modern construction technologies provide us with a fairly large range of finishing materials that meet all the necessary requirements. However, each of these materials has its own characteristics in terms of how decorative design home, and directly functional characteristics. It should be noted that, due to their specific nature, not all are suitable for finishing wooden buildings. existing materials. Let's consider the most optimal options sheathing.

Wooden lining

Wood lining allows you to preserve the natural and natural look home, significantly improving its external design and functional characteristics. It is a flat board that is easily mounted and joined to adjacent ones in the longitudinal direction using special spikes.

On a note! This material has absolute environmental cleanliness, high strength, and also provides an excellent level of thermal and acoustic insulation.

The main disadvantage of wooden lining is its relative vulnerability to insects and rodents. This problem is partially solved by treating the surface with special protective equipment. The second disadvantage of the material is fading, so a house with this finish should be painted approximately every three years.

GOST 8242-88. Profile parts made of wood and wood materials for construction. Specifications. File for download.

Block house

In fact, a block house is a type of wooden lining. It is made only from coniferous trees. The main difference between this finish is the shape of its elements - this material imitates cylindrical logs. Inner surface The block house is flat, which simplifies the installation process using the tongue-and-groove technology. Unlike ordinary wooden lining, the block house has best performance protection from weather conditions and insects. However, it should be noted that the price of this material is significantly higher, which, of course, is its main disadvantage.

finishing the facade of a wooden house with a block house

Vinyl siding

This material has excellent resistance to high positive temperatures. It practically does not deform and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion. In addition to this vinyl siding easy to care for, easy to clean and does not need to be repainted periodically. The available color range is so wide that anyone can choose a shade to their liking. Vinyl panels can be installed not only using self-tapping screws, but also using regular nails.

Vinyl siding - specifications

But even such a functional material has its drawbacks. It is intended for use in countries with temperate and warm climates, so it does not tolerate extreme cold well. The strength of the material is also low; vinyl panels require quite careful handling. In addition, when choosing this type of siding, keep in mind that when exposed to direct sunlight, the panels dark shades After a couple of years they can noticeably burn out.

Metal siding

This finishing material, in comparison with vinyl, does not have a number of key disadvantages. First of all, it is much more protected from fading in the sun. This allows you to safely use siding in darker colors without the risk of getting a faded facade on the sunny side of the house in two or three years. Moreover, even with very low temperatures the metal does not lose its strength and wear resistance.

There are three main disadvantages of metal siding:

  • susceptibility to corrosion in case of violation of the outer protective layer;
  • vulnerability to impact loads and the possibility of profile deformation;
  • high coefficient of thermal conductivity (metal quickly heats up and cools down).

PVC panels

Panels made of polyvinyl chloride are identical in characteristics to vinyl siding, since they represent one of its varieties. However, in terms of creating original design solutions PVC elements give builders more ample opportunities. Such panels allow you to create high-quality imitation of stone, brick and marble surfaces, and are also easily combined with standard vinyl siding, which allows you to give building facades a unique and exclusive look.

Preparatory work

The main part of the preparation for the process of insulation and cladding of a wooden building consists of sanitization its walls with the help of special chemical substances designed to protect wood from fungal infection, harmful insects and rodents. In addition, it is mandatory to lay a special vapor barrier layer between the internal walls and the external thermal insulation layer.

As a rule, it is:

  • polyethylene;
  • aluminium foil;
  • bitumen roofing felt;
  • vapor barrier made of special materials.

The most optimal price/quality ratio is polyethylene, since it can significantly reduce the financial costs of covering a house.

Installing a vapor barrier involves maintaining a small air gap between it and the wall of the building. Therefore, if the walls are flat on the outside, before laying the film, a frame should be built on them from slats about 3 centimeters thick, nailing them in increments of about half a meter. After this, special ventilation holes must be made in the slats in all four directions and proceed directly to the installation of the vapor barrier. The film is nailed to the slats or round logs of the wall with nails or a construction stapler with an overlap at intervals of about 15 centimeters. Upon completion of this stage, the joints and placement of fasteners must be sealed with special construction tape.

Selection of thermal insulation material

After successful completion of all preparatory work you can begin to create a thermal insulation layer of the sheathing. Due to the specificity of a material such as wood, optimal choice will be the use of slabs mineral wool. However, various options are possible.

Table No. 1. Materials for insulating the facade of a wooden house.


- excellent thermal insulation performance;
- ease of installation;
- protection from pests.
- poor air permeability, which leads to wood rotting;
- not fire resistant;
- is not an environmentally friendly material.

- excellent thermal insulation;
- resistant to fire;
- protected from the influence of microbes and pests.
- vapor-tight, poorly ventilated.
- difficult to cut and install.

- well ventilated;
- retains heat perfectly;
- easy to install;
- environmentally friendly;
- resistant to fire.
The ingress of moisture if the installation technology is violated leads to a sharp decrease in insulating properties.

It should be noted that polystyrene foam and penoplex are used for insulation wooden houses extremely rare, so it is recommended to opt for mineral wool.

Features of the process of thermal and waterproofing of wooden houses

A wooden frame made of vertically nailed boards is mounted on top of the previously installed vapor barrier layer. It is optimal to use a board 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick. It is necessary to arrange the frame elements in such a way that the distance between them is less than the width mineral slabs by 2 centimeters. This will allow for a tighter fit. insulating material without the use of additional fasteners.

The next stage of cladding a wooden house is the installation waterproofing film on top of the insulation layer. Pay attention to the correct orientation of the film in relation to the mineral wool blocks: the rough surface should be directed towards the insulation, and the smooth surface should be directed outwards. As at the stage of work on installing a vapor barrier, fastening occurs using a construction stapler with an overlap, followed by gluing the staples and joints with tape.

When the waterproofing is installed, it is necessary to nail another layer of boards on top of the previously created frame, on which the external finishing elements will be placed at the final stage. The recommended wood thickness is 4 cm with a width of 5 cm.

Carrying out external finishing works

External work is the final stage of finishing a house, which requires special care and a thorough approach. Not only the aesthetics of the facade, but also the functionality of the previously created insulating layers will largely depend on the quality of installation of the external cladding elements.

Installation of block house and wooden lining

The process of securing wooden lining is carried out as follows.

Table No. 2. Cladding the facade with clapboard.

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions

Having prepared and cut the boards to the required length, they are mounted on the frame. Sheathing should be done in the direction from bottom to top, from the corner of the building.

The starting board is installed and nailed (or fixed with special fasteners), with the tenon facing down. It must be positioned strictly parallel to the ground, so a level must be used to check the result. If everything is done correctly, you can proceed to the next step. Otherwise, the board must first be leveled.

The next board is inserted into the groove of the previous one. In order for the boards to fit tightly together, the top one needs to be hammered into the groove of the bottom one using a special wooden hammer.

After joining the boards, the second one is fixed to the frame in the same way as the first.

All subsequent boards are attached using a similar algorithm.

After installation is completed, you need to start decorating the corners of the building. To do this, two boards are vertically attached to them so that one overlaps the other. Window trims are designed in the same way.

Installation of vinyl and metal siding

A general scenario for installing vinyl siding includes:

  • installation on the frame of the starting bar;
  • installation of corners and H-shaped connecting strips;
  • fastening and installation of siding panels;
  • installation finish bar and fixation of the final tier.

The starting strip is fixed around the entire perimeter of the building or that part of it that will be sheathed with vinyl. Since the plank will be covered from above by a row of panels, there are no special requirements for it: you can use connections from scraps and even a strip of a different color. The initial stage is the most important, so it is worth approaching it thoroughly, because it will be quite difficult to correct the slightest imbalance in the event of an error.

  1. First, a nail is driven in at the corner of the outer frame of the building below and a thread is pulled along the wall, which should be used as a guide in the future. Note that the distance from the ground to the thread should be equal to the width of the starting strip.
  2. Next, having secured the thread at the second corner, it is placed in correct position using a level. The result should be a straight line strictly parallel to the ground.
  3. Using chalk or a pencil, draw a straight line, for which the thread is used as a guide. It will mark the place where the starting strip will be fixed.
  4. The plank is attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.

We draw your attention to the fact that you need to check the correct installation of the panels with a level as often as possible. It is advisable to do this before starting the installation of every third row of siding.

Fastening the vertical corner strips must begin before installing the main panels, since it is in them that all rows of siding are installed. When starting this stage of finishing work, you should know some features this process.

  1. The corner bar should be located at a height of 0.5-0.7 cm from the ground. This is done so that during thermal expansion the plank does not rest against the foundation and does not become deformed.
  2. The corner must be secured with self-tapping screws from top to bottom. Please note that the first fastener is made at the top point of the hole, and all subsequent fasteners are made in the center. This approach makes it possible to ensure that the sheathing material expands only downwards and to the sides.
  3. The bottom edge of the vertical corner strip must be cut to the width of the starting strip. The goal, as in previous cases, is the same - to avoid the consequences of expansion of the material when heated.

Final result

The flexibility of the corners of vinyl and metal siding makes it easy to use these materials in the process of finishing blunt and sharp corners buildings. To cover an obtuse corner, the profile is pressed down, and when working with an acute corner, it is narrowed.

Installation and fastening of the H-profile, which is used for horizontal joining of sheathing elements, is similar to the process of installing corner strips. In this case, it is necessary to comply important rule: starting bars should be adjacent to the profile, and not vice versa. In addition, when covering with siding, you can do without the H-profile altogether if you arrange the strips overlapping.

The process of installing rows of siding panels occurs according to the following algorithm.

  1. The first strip is inserted into the grooves of the corner or H-profile, after which it is snapped into the starting lock.
  2. Fastening to the frame should be done using self-tapping screws exactly in the center of the nail holes. Remember that you cannot screw the siding tightly; you need to leave free space for thermal expansion.
  3. All subsequent tiers, except the top one, are mounted in the same way.

At the final stage of wall cladding, the top plank is mounted, after which the distance from it to the lock of the penultimate tier is measured. Next, the finishing panel is bent so that its width corresponds to the measured distance, and inserted into the lock.

The process of external cladding with PVC panels is essentially similar to the installation of siding trim discussed above. It uses an identical system of locks and clutches, which may vary only slightly depending on the manufacturer of materials.

Let's hope that our instructions and tips for finishing wooden houses helped you clarify the understanding of the features of this process and made it easier to implement your plans and creative ideas.

Video - Siding a wooden house


How to sheathe wooden house outside and can it be done inexpensively? The main task is the correct choice of materials. It is important that the finish is not only attractive and reflects the personal preferences of the home owner, but also is easy to install, increases the thermal insulation of the building and costs a reasonable amount.

We will look at the most popular materials for cladding the facade of wooden buildings, their advantages, as well as photos of the result of finishing houses using them.

Why does a house need exterior decoration? There are several answers here:

    • The main thing that is expected from the cladding of a house is to increase its attractiveness. The variety of finishing and building materials allows you to realize even the most unusual ideas façade finishing;

House facade

  • The need to protect the structure from insects and small rodents. The attack of bugs and mice leads to premature damage to the wood, loss of its decent appearance and the strength of the building itself. Reliable finishing of the facade will protect the walls of the house from pests and will not allow them to get inside;
  • The need for protection from external atmospheric influences. A damp environment on wood from constant rain and snow promotes rotting processes. Of course, the outside walls of a house can be treated with various types of antiseptics, but their cost is quite high, and regular treatment of facades becomes expensive;
  • Exterior finishing of a wooden house using modern materials increases the level of sound insulation. This makes staying inside the building comfortable and contributes to better quality rest;
  • Thermal protection function performed by good cladding external walls, helps to better maintain heat in the house in cold weather, and cool air temperature in hot weather;
  • Finishing materials for cladding houses are mostly fire-resistant, which helps solve an important function - protecting a wooden structure from fire.

Materials for the exterior decoration of wooden houses are fire resistant and increase the thermal insulation of the building

Types of Finish Classifications

The finishing of the facades of wooden buildings is divided into two classifications - according to the method of installation and type of construction.

  1. Finish installation method:
  • Dry;

Work with materials that do not require priming, gluing or other types of installation using water-based compounds. This installation includes covering the house with siding, block house, panels, etc. Fastening to the walls of the building is carried out using dowels, nails, screws, etc.;

Dry installation method

  • Wet;

Finishing materials that require the use of various compositions, – clinker tile cladding, building plastering, etc. This type of installation has a nuance - Finishing work can be carried out at temperatures down to -5°C.

  1. Facade construction type:
  • Ventilated;

The design involves maintaining a ventilated gap between the building wall and the material being mounted. The gap provides protection to the walls from condensation, fungi and mold. In addition, when installing a ventilated facade, it is possible to install a layer of insulation on the outside of the building (thereby preserving the area of ​​the interior).

Scheme of layer-by-layer ventilated structure

  • No ventilation.

Material exterior finishing It is attached to the walls without gaps, which requires installation of a layer of insulation from inside the building.

Experienced specialists for wooden houses recommend a ventilated design option to reduce the likelihood of accumulation excess moisture on the walls. This way you can make the house itself much warmer due to the presence of an air gap.

Materials for exterior finishing of a wooden house

The most popular materials today for decorating the exterior walls of wooden houses are:

  • Siding – metal and vinyl;
  • Block house;
  • Imitation of timber;
  • Brick;
  • Clinker thermal panels;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Facade paint.

Important! Whatever type of finishing you choose, before installing the material, the walls of the house must be cleaned and treated with special antiseptic compounds. In addition, if the structure is made of logs or timber, it is additionally required to caulk along the entire perimeter using jute or flax fiber.

Log building in front facade works undergoes careful caulking


Most often, metal or vinyl siding is used to decorate wooden houses. If the likelihood of a fire in a particular structure is considered increased, it is recommended to cover it with concrete siding.

  • quick installation;
  • protection of house walls from mechanical damage;
  • many colors and textures;
  • ease of care;
  • metal siding does not burn;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • provides increased level thermal protection of the building;
  • protects walls from moisture;
  • fastened with a gap - allows the wood to “breathe”;
  • it is cheap.

Siding can be installed on the external walls of a building at any time of the year. The installation process itself is quite simple and does not require experience in such work.

Block house

This material is popular among those who seek to give the appearance of their building a “original Russian” look, reminiscent wooden huts. A block house is wooden boards, smooth on one side and convex on the other (reminiscent of a log).

Advantages of the material:

  • visual appeal of the building facade;
  • simple installation of material;
  • increasing the level of thermal insulation and noise insulation;
  • long service life;
  • excellent camouflage of wall defects.

However, along with the advantages of finishing with a block house, there are also disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to impregnate the wooden parts with an antiseptic solution;
  • the price is higher compared to siding;
  • increased fire hazard.

Attractive appearance wooden house covered with a block house

Imitation of timber

In fact, this material is a type of wooden lining. Especially for outdoor work, boards with a thickness of at least 2 centimeters are produced. Finishing facades with imitation timber has the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to hide external wall defects;
  • quick lining;
  • increases thermal insulation;
  • long service life;
  • does not require experience in installing such materials.

Disadvantages of imitation timber:

  • The need for regular treatment with compounds;
  • High fire hazard.

Exterior view of a wooden house, the cladding of which used imitation timber


Brick cladding for a wooden house is an aesthetic finish that is better than many budget options:

  • increasing the thermal insulation of the building;
  • strength and reliability of the material;
  • long service life;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • low level of moisture absorption.

The disadvantages of brick include the labor-intensive finishing process, the need to strengthen the foundation (brick is a fairly heavy material), as well as the high cost of such cladding, taking into account the purchase of everything necessary.

The process of exterior finishing of an old wooden house using bricks

Clinker thermal panels

Covering a wooden house with clinker thermal panels is at the peak of popularity due to the advantages of the material - low cost, quick installation and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Additional functions of the clinker panel for exterior decoration of the house:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • durability of the material;
  • ease of care;
  • low vapor permeability and moisture absorption;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to solar radiation.

The process of installing clinker thermal panels on the lathing on the facade of a wooden house

Porcelain tiles

A porcelain stoneware slab containing clay, dyes, kaolin, feldspar and quartz sand, is also excellent material for cladding wooden facades.

Advantages of the material:

  • high strength properties;
  • fire resistance;
  • large selection of textures and colors;
  • possibility of dry and wet installation;
  • excellent resistance to low temperatures and solar radiation.

Exterior finishing of a wooden house with porcelain stoneware slabs metal sheathing


The facades of wooden buildings are sometimes simply painted. Painting has the following advantages as a finish:

  • protection of the external walls of the house from atmospheric influences;
  • ...from the temperature difference;
  • ...from fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Facade painting process

In order for the paint to really perform these functions, it is worth choosing the right paint composition. Among others, the following are used for finishing the facades of wooden houses:

  • water-borne compounds – polyvinyl acetate;
  • acrylic emulsions;
  • oil-acrylate and oil-alkyd;
  • various kinds of varnishes and azures;
  • other compositions.

Each of these types of paints has its own distinctive features and degree protective properties, therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the specific characteristics of the composition.


So, we looked at how to cover the outside of a wooden house. Finishing the facade is a difficult and painstaking process that requires the right choice material and compliance with the technology for its installation. Usually external cladding executed after interior work in room. You can find out about options for finishing the interior of wooden houses from

Exterior decoration solves several problems at once. This is a change or improvement in design, increased heat conservation, protection of load-bearing structures from external factors, and an increase in the service life of the building.
Wood especially needs finishing, as it does not withstand destructive atmospheric and biological influences well. Therefore, it would not be amiss to talk about what materials are used in our time for cladding wooden houses.

According to installation technology, materials for cladding the facades of wooden houses are divided into two groups: wet and suspended cladding. The first includes those for the installation of which building mixtures are used - concrete, plaster, cement-based adhesives.
Wall-mounted cladding is mounted using hardware on a frame fixed to the walls.

Wet cladding materials

These include facade plaster, brick or tile cladding - all these types of exterior finishing require the use of dry mixtures diluted with water.

  • Plaster is not the best facing material for a wooden house, but acceptable. In former times, such houses were plastered with clay compounds and then whitewashed.
    This method is sometimes used today as it is very affordable and budget-friendly. But more often they use ready-made plaster mixtures based on mineral or acrylic base, which are applied to the walls over lathing or reinforcing mesh.

For reference. Mineral plaster based on Portland cement, it is more durable, but does not have a wide choice of colors. Acrylic plaster without repair it will last less, but it allows you to choose different colour and surface texture and does not interfere with the air exchange of wooden walls.

  • Facing brick. Going through different types cladding of a wooden house, you can choose brick only if such finishing was provided for at the stage of design and construction of the foundation, since it creates a decent load on the foundation and the soils located underneath it.
    And for light wooden buildings, the foundation is usually not the most powerful. As for the advantages and disadvantages of brick cladding, the first certainly include reducing the risk of fire in a wooden house, improving its thermal insulation, reliable protection from external aggressive factors and giving the building a respectable appearance.
    The disadvantages are the enormous complexity of the process and the high price of both the material itself and its installation.

Note! Carrying out facing masonry, it is necessary to retreat from the wall or the insulation attached to it by at least 4-5 cm. The resulting gap is needed to ensure natural ventilation of wooden walls, removal of water vapor and condensate. Masonry must be done using metal mortgages, tying it to the main walls.

  • Facing tiles. There are many varieties of it. The raw material for it is clay (clinker, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware) or cement-sand mixture(artificial stone) with various additives that affect strength, frost resistance and appearance.
    Externally, these facing materials for wooden houses can imitate brick, wood, natural stone various breeds. The method of installing tiles is gluing onto a pre-leveled surface.
    Leveling can be done with plaster or sheet materials, for example, cement-bonded particle boards. In the latter case, the finishing is considered combined, since the DSP is mounted on the frame with an indentation from load-bearing walls.

Materials for curtain cladding

Curtain facades, regardless of the materials used, are easier and faster to install than wet ones. At the same time, they make it possible to insulate a building, improve its sound insulation and performance characteristics, and give it any desired look.
For wooden buildings, this type of finishing is more preferable, since it eliminates contact of wood with moisture during installation, does not interfere with free air exchange, and allows long years forget about maintaining the façade in good condition.

Many homeowners are also attracted by the opportunity to clad the house with their own hands and save on finishing work, while the device wet facades does not tolerate amateurish approach.

  • Plastic cladding materials for wooden houses are vinyl siding and PVC panels, which are also considered a type of siding, but have a different shape and greater thickness. Polyvinyl chloride is a synthetic product characterized by high resistance to moisture and aggressive environments, frost resistance, and fire safety. The panels made from it are very light in weight, so they do not create a significant load on the foundation.
    They are easy to install, do not require maintenance during operation, and in case of damage, individual panels can be quickly replaced without dismantling the entire cladding.

For reference. PVC panels with decorative surface imitating brick, natural stone, granite, etc., is called basement siding. But they are also widely used for complete finishing of facades. Due to their greater thickness than conventional siding, they are better able to resist mechanical damage.

  • Thermal panels. These are perhaps the most popular materials for cladding a wooden house.
    Consisting of sheets of polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene with a decorative front surface of clinker tiles or marble chips, they are an excellent insulation material. Their use significantly simplifies and reduces the time of work on thermal insulation and cladding of buildings, since instead of two operations only one is performed.
    The surface they create, thanks to the original connection of thermal panels, is devoid of joints; outwardly it looks exactly the same as brick or stone cladding, but at the same time has the best heat and soundproofing properties, lighter weight, weathering resistant.

  • Facade panels based on OSB and SML. Externally they are very similar to thermal panels, but they front side made of brick-like tiles or artificial stone, glued not to polyurethane, but to oriented stranded or glass-magnesite sheets.
    By choosing this material, you get high-quality finishing tiling at home, but at the same time avoiding labor-intensive “wet” work. The installation instructions for the panels provide for their fastening to the vertically located frame guides with self-tapping screws into the tile seams and their subsequent sealing.

  • Block house. It will appeal to those who want to preserve all the advantages of a wooden house and protect it from external influences.
    This material consists of panels made of dried and impregnated wood with special compounds, the inner side of which is flat, and the outer side is made in the form of a rounded log. The elements are connected to each other according to the lining principle - using a tongue-and-groove system on the side faces.

  • Wood-composite panels are cladding materials for a wooden house that have all the advantages natural wood, but without their shortcomings. Made from a mixture of wood chips and thermoplastic polymers, they have an ideal surface, do not absorb moisture, do not burn, are not subject to rotting, mold and insect damage.

  • Fiber cement panels. Made from cement, cellulose fiber and various synthetic and mineral additives, they are an environmentally friendly material with the highest performance characteristics. These are non-flammability, impact strength, resistance to mechanical damage, durability, inertness towards aggressive environments, etc.

Common to all these types of finishing is the installation method - on a system of guide profiles, ensuring a ventilated gap between the wall and the cladding. For each type of panel, a different frame is installed, the design of which depends on the dimensions, shape and weight of the cladding. This is explained in more detail in the video.


The article does not describe all the options for cladding wooden houses. In addition, in our time, new products periodically appear on the construction markets that amaze consumers with their high quality, practicality and, best of all, a fairly reasonable cost compared to traditional materials.

When choosing materials that will be used for cladding a wooden house, you should carefully analyze the wide list of offers available on the modern market. construction market. This issue requires a mandatory solution, regardless of whether your house is at the design stage or the goal is to improve the technical characteristics of an old building.

Finishing of a new log house should be done only after the walls have completely settled. This may take at least a year and a half.

Advantages of exterior finishing

Finishing a new, newly built or old house is necessary to give the design some positive options that will also perform decorative functions:

  • Protection from adverse influences environment. The load-bearing walls of the building are a direct protector of the premises from temperature changes, precipitation and the effects of destructive ultraviolet rays. Thus, the decoration of street walls has a positive effect on the duration of operation and the preservation of the main protective functions wooden structures.
  • Wood materials are susceptible to the formation of mold, mildew and harmful insects that destroy the structure. To improve the characteristics of fibers that increase resistance to these pests, it is necessary to perform antiseptic impregnation of the walls. Properly performed work will increase the period of wood's resistance to these factors.
  • Increasing the sound and heat insulation characteristics of the facade. This is achieved by using insulation that can create high-quality protection against the penetration of cold air, as well as street noise.

The main advantage of wooden buildings is the ability of the walls to “breathe”; therefore, when choosing materials, this important factor should be taken into account. When deciding on a specific type, you should take into account all the points and create a ventilated facade or choose the appropriate “breathable” finishing material.

Selection of finishing material

External protection of wooden walls depends on the type of house structure. In addition, the financial capabilities of the owner of the building should be taken into account. Depending on the choice of the appropriate material, its cost may vary significantly.

It is important to know

Despite the fact that some finishing materials used for exterior finishing are similar to those used for interior decoration, there are several peculiarities when performing work using them.

Eurolining, block house, imitation of natural wood timber

At first glance, it seems pointless to use these materials to apply to a house made of rounded logs. But it is worth noting that such finishing will increase thermal insulation characteristics. It is important to remember that before starting work, natural wood materials must be treated with an antiseptic.


  • Preserves or gives distinctive clear shapes of the structure with imitation of rounded logs, timber or other natural material;
  • Acts as an additional thermal insulation material;
  • Easy to install.


Plastic siding, block house, ship timber

Vinyl, acrylic materials from which external finishing is carried out, appeared significantly recently, but have already proven themselves with positive side. On this moment manufacturers offer wide choose different textures And color ranges, allowing you to create facades that are impressive in appearance.


  • Not subject to rotting;
  • With proper installation, the service life of such facades is 40 - 50 years;
  • Easy to use (you can wash it with water pressure from a garden hose);
  • Light weight structure.


  • Lovers classical types finishing compare the facades of residential buildings finished with these materials with the buildings of shops or industrial organizations

useful in work

During installation, the deformation of the panels depending on the ambient temperature should be taken into account.

Metal siding, block house, ship timber

An outer wall covered with metal products harmoniously combines with any other type of finishing material. The panels have positive characteristics, characteristic of vinyl, have protective film, preventing metal from corrosion. Upon closer examination, the façade is distinguished by increased gloss, which is not characteristic of plastic. Additionally, it is worth noting that the metal is insensitive to temperature changes in the surrounding air. The main disadvantage of using metal products should be called mandatory use waterproofing. In the autumn-spring period, a significant amount of condensate forms on the inside of the facade, which can contribute to the appearance of outer surface walls of fungus or mold.

Facing brick

The advantages inherent in this type of finishing material have been known for a long time. Depending on customer requirements, there is a wide selection of standard facing bricks, corrugated or colored. For its production, clay is used with the use of modifying additives, which increase the positive characteristics of the material.


  • Increased sound insulation;
  • High structural strength;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • High frost resistance.


  • Finishing a wooden facade with brick is impossible without an additional foundation on which the main external structure will be located. It can be called significant drawback this option for cladding a wooden facade.

The durability of brickwork depends on a properly executed foundation.

Fake diamond

Wooden facade, finished artificial stone differs from natural material in significantly lighter construction. It has significant advantages associated with the absence of the need to build a foundation. In addition, there is an option that allows you to purchase some elements with the necessary curves for finishing window and door slopes.


  • Optimal combination with all finishing materials;
  • High-quality and durable construction will transform the appearance of absolutely any building.


  • High complexity of installation;
  • High cost of materials and work.

Finishing with porcelain tiles

Finishing with ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware is one of the most expensive types of work, both in terms of the cost of the material and in terms of the installation process.


  • Wide selection of colors, shades and sizes of tiles;
  • Immunity to temperature changes and atmospheric phenomena;
  • Increased fire resistance;
  • Resistance to mechanical stress.


  • The main disadvantage of the material is high price, since it is necessary to add the frame of a ventilated facade to the cost of the tiles.

Methods of applying finishing materials

There are three types of finishing work, differing in the method of application:

  • Wet finish. The materials are attached to the facade using a special adhesive solution. Its significant disadvantage is the property of wood to absorb moisture from the solution, which over time leads to the falling off of materials.
  • Dry finishing works. In this case, the finishing material is attached to a special frame created at the preliminary stage. It is this external structure that is called a ventilated facade.
  • Construction decorative facade on a separate foundation. It is practiced when lining a wooden house with decorative bricks.

Houses made of wood are the most environmentally friendly and original buildings. In this regard, when purchasing or building their own homes, many people prefer wooden buildings. Experienced builders say: in order for a house made of natural materials to delight its residents for many years, it must be sheathed on the outside. What material is best for sheathing? wooden walls?

Why cover the outside of a wooden house with something?

A new wooden building always looks good and attractive, so doubts arise about the need to decorate its outside. However, wood is a material exposed to many negative factors: moisture, high and low temperatures, direct sunlight. From dampness it begins to rot, in wooden structures Insects appear, the wood dries out, cracks, and burns out.

  • Insulates housing. Finishing external walls creates an additional thermal insulation layer.
  • Prevents the accumulation of dampness in the living space. At correct selection material and technology, the cladding does not allow moisture to pass through the walls and does not prevent it from leaving the building.
  • Stops the destruction of a structure. Certain types of siding strengthen older homes and extend their lifespan.
  • Improves the appearance of the home. Cladding refreshes the building and makes it more modern.
  • Creates additional sound insulation.
  • Protects wooden structure from fire. Most coating materials external parts houses are treated with special fire retardants or made of non-combustible materials.

Types of exterior decoration of wooden houses: pros and cons

Modern materials for house cladding make it possible not only to protect and renovate the building, but also to decorate the façade of the building. However, when choosing suitable option finishing it is necessary to take into account that Various types sheathing has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider the most popular materials for the exterior decoration of wooden houses.

Natural wood materials

Natural wood attracts consumers due to its environmental friendliness. The most popular materials:

  • Imitation of timber. It is a prefabricated flat beam with smooth surface. There are ridges and grooves on the sides for a strong grip. WITH inside Recesses are made to allow the structure to be mounted on a special frame.
  • Block house. Made in the form of boards with a semicircular surface. It is connected according to the tongue-and-groove principle. More durable than timber. Coniferous trees are most often used to make it.
  • Planken. It has the shape of boards, beveled or rounded at the edges. Mounted using special fasteners.
  • Planed board. Much cheaper than previous natural cladding options.

Advantages of materials:

  • made from various types of wood;
  • do not create significant weighting of the foundation;
  • non-toxic;
  • easy to install;
  • retain heat in the house and do not interfere with ventilation;
  • provide additional sound insulation;
  • resistant to mechanical damage.

However, wood cladding there are a number of disadvantages:

  • easily ignites without additional processing;
  • becomes damp when exposed to humidity;
  • not enough quality material has natural flaws;
  • additional structures are required for installation;
  • the tree is exposed to insects;
  • The cladding requires annual maintenance.

Siding: wood, vinyl, metal

Siding is long plates of various materials that are tightly attached using a special profile. Each element has holes for fastenings and latches that connect the plates to each other. Several types of siding are used to decorate houses: vinyl, metal, wood. The table shows their brief characteristics:

Type of claddingDescriptionGeneral advantages of sidingPositive sidesGeneral disadvantages of sidingNegative sides
VinylMade from PVC
  • does not create a load on the foundation of the house;
  • easy to install;
  • not susceptible to rotting or insects
  • low cost;
  • rests on a regular slatted frame
  • does not release moisture from the building;
  • additional structures are required for fastening;
  • fades in direct sunlight;
  • does not insulate the building;
  • poor sound insulation
becomes brittle at sub-zero temperatures
MetalGalvanized steel or aluminum stripsdoes not lose its characteristics at low temperatureseasily deformed under mechanical stress
WoodyBoards made of pressed wood fibers bonded with cement
  • panels can be painted in different colors;
  • attractive appearance
Requires a reinforced frame

Clinker thermal panel

Clinker thermal panels consist of two parts - insulation and clinker tiles, held together special glue. The panels are fastened together using grooves and ridges. The material has many positive qualities:

  • simultaneously decorates and insulates the building;
  • easy to install;
  • does not burden the structure;
  • vapor permeable, which prevents moisture accumulation on wooden walls;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • retains its qualities for more than 40 years;
  • resistant to fungi and bacteria;
  • not subject to mechanical damage;
  • fire resistant;
  • does not allow external noise to pass through.

The main disadvantages of clinker thermal panels are high cost and the need for additional grouting. Special construction mixtures are used for grouting.

Facing brick

Facing brick is an affordable and easy-to-work material. Advantages of cladding:

  • strengthens the walls of an old house;
  • externally corrects buildings built in violation of the rules of architectural geometry;
  • creates thermal insulation;
  • does not allow or absorb moisture;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • creates good sound insulation;
  • does not require additional care for a long time;
  • incombustible.

However brickwork creates a large load on the foundation of the building. Before carrying out work, you need to calculate whether the foundation of the house will support the weight of the cladding.

Profiled sheet

Profiled sheet is an inexpensive and easy-to-use material. It is made of galvanized steel. Special decorative profiled sheets are used for cladding the house. Advantages of the material:

  • high installation speed;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of care.

However, the profiled sheet also has a number of disadvantages:

  • does not insulate the house;
  • does not release moisture, so it is necessary to leave a ventilated space between the walls and the sheathing;
  • bends under mechanical influence and does not return to its previous shape;
  • does not protect against extraneous noise.

Wooden and plastic lining

Lining is a cheap facing material that can transform the facade of a wooden structure. On modern market The lining is presented in two types - wooden and plastic. Wood material has all the advantages of natural cladding:

  • vapor permeability;
  • thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • sound insulation and soundproofing;
  • strength.

However, in order to wooden lining served for a long time, it must be treated with substances that repel insects and increase moisture resistance. To enhance fire resistance, the application of fire retardants will be required. The lining also requires painting and varnishing. Some manufacturers sell already processed material, but this increases its cost.

Plastic cladding does not attract insects and does not rot. It is lightweight, so there is no need to worry about weighing down load-bearing walls. It is easy to care for, there is no need for additional processing. However, plastic does not retain heat and does not provide sound insulation or vapor permeability. In case of fire, the material does not burn, but releases toxic fumes.

Finishing external corners and facade decoration

To finish the outer corners, use a material similar to the entire cladding. You need to think about how the corners of the house will look at the stage of choosing cladding, since the correctly selected material will decorate the entire facade.

The construction market offers many additional structures to close corners. The corners are decorated at the final stage of cladding the house. Wooden covering issued vertical bars, which are attached to the profile with an overlap and interlock according to the “tongue and groove” principle. The corners of the clapboard trim are closed in the same way.

Siding cladding also has special corner strips, attached to the sheathing. Clinker panel sold as a set with corner elements. As you can see in the photo, due to the grooves, they are tightly attached to other structures and create the effect of integrity.

In order to decorate the facade, you can trim the corners with a material that differs in shade from the walls. The difference in colors will add extra neatness and decor to your home. Color accent can also be made on window trim. The finishing of window openings must match the color of the corners of the building.

What to choose?

What is the best exterior coating for your home? The answer depends on many factors:

  • Financial opportunities. Cladding, corrugated sheets and siding are relatively cheap.
  • Sheathing purposes. If cladding is needed to radically change the appearance of the facade, a material that is significantly different from wood is used. Brick is ideal for preventing building collapse.
  • The need for wall insulation. The use of thermal panels will save the owner from additional costs for thermal insulation.
  • Features of the structure. For houses with rich architecture, corrugated sheets cannot be used outside. Buildings with weak foundations will not survive if they are covered with bricks.
  • The desire to preserve the originality of the home. If the owner loves buildings made of wood, he should clad the house with natural materials.
  • House locations. It is better to sheathe a building next to a noisy road with soundproofing materials: block house, clinker thermal panels, clapboard.
  • Opportunities to care for the façade. Siding, brick, thermal panels, and corrugated sheets are easy to maintain.

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