home · Measurements · Soundproofing of building materials. Soundproofing walls in an apartment using modern materials: types and self-installation. Work options

Soundproofing of building materials. Soundproofing walls in an apartment using modern materials: types and self-installation. Work options

Moisture negatively affects all structural elements of the building. If you do not take care of protection from it, the reliability and durability of structures will suffer greatly. Modern waterproofing materials will help protect foundations, walls, roofs and other elements of buildings from moisture, increasing their service life.

The modern market of waterproofing materials offers them in a wide range. Dividing them into types will help determine the optimal type. The most popular following types products:

The most important parameters of waterproofing materials

If you decide to buy waterproofing, when choosing it you should take into account the following parameters:

  • purpose – different kinds materials can be intended for roofing, sealing seams, protecting floors, walls, foundations and other building elements from moisture;
  • biological resistance - for some structures it is important that the waterproofing resists the effects of fungi, bacteria and various microorganisms;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences– some materials are intended for direct contact with environment, others need additional protection;
  • long service life - waterproofing should perfectly maintain its parameters throughout for long years;
  • waterproof - the material should not allow water and vapor to pass through, this mandatory requirement when choosing it;
  • vapor permeability - for some structures it is important that moisture can penetrate through the material in one direction, which is especially important when arranging the roof;
  • water resistance – waterproofing must retain its characteristics even with prolonged exposure to water;
  • resistance to mechanical damage - the material must maintain the integrity of its own structure even under high loads on its surface.

The Slavdom company offers modern waterproofing at a reasonable price. Our catalog contains products from such well-known brands:

  • Baumit;
  • TechnoNIKOL TM;
  • KEMA;
  • PEREL;
  • Delta;
  • JUTA;
  • weber.vetonit;
  • Icopal and others.

Materials are supplied from Germany, Poland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and other European countries. We also present products from domestic manufacturers, which are in no way inferior in quality, but are more affordable.

All products are distinguished by high quality workmanship and a long service life. You can get acquainted with the wide range of products on the website or visit one of our offices. They are advantageously located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. We deliver throughout the entire territory Russian Federation. Waterproofing materials can be obtained in all cities of the country. Call! Our specialists will help you determine the optimal type of products specifically for your purposes!

IN big apartment It’s not a sin to go all out, making thermal insulation and providing protection from noise according to all the rules. However, what about a small area where every centimeter is precious? Thin sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in an apartment is an option that will save your living space!

Soundproofing principles – how is noise measured?

In multi-storey panel houses noise can turn into a real disaster. Sometimes neighbors don’t necessarily need to play music loudly or drill holes at midnight - even ordinary conversation can penetrate the walls and prevent us from concentrating on our business or relaxing. Only high-quality sound insulation can help with this disaster.

However, almost all materials suitable for this purpose have a considerable thickness, and, moreover, if you want to achieve a really good effect, you need to make multi-layer sound insulation from different materials.

The point is in the nature of sound waves - when overcoming materials of different structures, sound loses its strength. In addition, the very origin of sound can be different - airborne noise, as you may have guessed, reaches us through the air, shock and structural noise can overcome walls and ceilings or reach our ear using water pipes.

As you know, sound strength is measured in decibels - dB. An ordinary human whisper has a force of 20 dB, while doctors consider noises in the range of 30-40 dB quite comfortable for our perception. City dwellers often don’t even hear the computer rustling or the refrigerator humming quietly - they just get used to such sounds. However, at 60 dB, even a person accustomed to noise begins to experience discomfort.

In the fight against noise, humanity has come up with two types: the first type absorbs and scatters sound waves, the second type reflects them and prevents vibration. When decorating a room with soundproofing, it is important to choose at least one material from each group, in which case the result will be truly significant.

The ability to absorb sounds is determined by the absorption coefficient, which is measured in the range from 0 to 1. For example, classical building materials, due to their dense structure, have a low coefficient: for brick this value is only 0.05, for wood it is slightly higher - 0.15. The closer the material is to unity, the higher its quality. The most modern materials boast an absorption coefficient of 0.5 to 0.9. Monolithic materials, as a rule, do not absorb sound well, but granular, fibrous and cellular materials cope with this task very well.

The thinnest soundproofing of walls in an apartment - when there is little space

Only living in small apartment, you can realize the value of every centimeter of living space. If you look at it, insulation and soundproofing measures can really “eat up” a decent piece of an apartment - these very few centimeters on each side are ultimately not enough to squeeze a refrigerator or washing machine into a corner or place a desk comfortably.

How to make multi-layer sound insulation and at the same time save the necessary centimeters? In this situation, only careful selection of especially thin materials will save you. Let us warn you in advance - this option can be considered a compromise, but not the best.

All soundproofing materials By type of structure can be divided into:

  • Soft - have the highest sound absorption coefficient from 0.7 to 0.95. However, the thickness of such materials is not suitable for owners of small spaces - a layer of the same mineral wool should be at least 5 cm, while in a multilayer structure space should be given air gap and drywall, which will hide the material underneath.
  • Semi-rigid - such materials have a lower sound absorption coefficient (up to 0.75), but are also less thick. Essentially, this is the same soft type of material, but has undergone additional processing– pressing. Finished slabs are used to cover the premises.
  • Hard - these materials cannot boast an absorption coefficient higher than 0.5, and even then in the case of relatively thick materials. However, the thickness of most rigid materials is just what is needed for high-quality sound insulation.

Thin materials - the golden mean of sound insulation

With the help of thin materials you can achieve the golden mean of sound insulation - you will save living space and at the same time rid yourself of extraneous noise. Of course, the loudest sounds in this case will still disturb the silence, but it’s not every day that neighbors start repairs or quarrel.

The thinnest materials include the following:

  1. Compound Green Glue– a viscous substance that is used in combination with plasterboard or other finishing material. The substance is applied to the back side of the slabs in a random pattern, and the slabs are attached to the wall. As the compound hardens, it reflects and cuts off sound waves. Together with slabs maximum thickness the structure will reach only 50 mm.
  2. Loaded vinyl or sound block– with a material thickness of only 2.5 mm, the membrane has quite a considerable weight, which is explained by the presence of mineral particles of barite and aragonite in the vinyl composition.
  3. Membrane Tecsound– with a standard thickness of 3.6 mm, the membrane has high sound insulation qualities. It is also appreciated for its ease of installation. The main component, aragonite, is bound by a small amount of polymers, which give the material such flexibility.
  4. Soundproofing lining for wallpaper– foamed polyethylene, which is wrapped on both sides with paper using thermal lamination. The substrate has a very small thickness, which, however, is enough to smooth out small surface defects. The substrate is used as a secondary insulation and sound insulator - the maximum sound that this material can suppress is only 20 dB (human whisper).

No matter how much manufacturers praise their offers, not a single experienced craftsman will advise you to take just one thing. We combine and combine again - this is the key to successful sound insulation! For example, Green Glu goes well with more rigid substrates: vinyl-loaded plasterboard, Texound.

The soundproofing lining under the wallpaper, which is quite obvious, is glued to the finished hard surface - the same drywall. By itself, this material is ineffective, but it should not be neglected. If your walls are so thick that they themselves hold back extraneous sounds, then such a lining will be enough.

Subtle sound insulation of walls is also possible using a material donated by nature - a sheet of pressed balsa wood chips. Only 3 cm is replaced by a ten-centimeter pine beam. One layer of cork can insulate you from noise up to 50 dB (normal conversation volume). In combination with other materials, harder or vice versa softer, you will provide good protection from noise. In addition, you can be sure that the cork will adequately withstand exposure to moisture and will not become moldy.

Whatever material you choose, first carefully analyze where the noise is heard the loudest. Perhaps this is due to cracks or cracks that allow sounds to pass through. Very often, after soundproofing the through hole for the socket (as happens in panel houses) and other cracks, residents notice a significant reduction in background noise. So the problem may lie in the little things!

Peace and quiet - this is the dream of every resident of an apartment building or a house located near a noisy highway. Fortunately, soundproofing materials, combined with their proper use, will help get rid of all kinds of noise. This is what we will talk about - how to properly apply sound insulation.

Often, by noise, many people mean only one type of sound - airborne. These are sounds that come to us from the outside: cars passing, children screaming in the yard, dogs barking, a construction site nearby. However, there is also an impact type of noise (driving nails into a wall, the notorious drilling in the neighborhood, rearranging furniture) and structural noise - in this case, sounds are transmitted directly through the structure of the building, the elements of which are joined rigidly and without the use of soundproofing pads.

A person feels comfortable with sound vibrations within 25 decibels, Although sanitary standards They slightly overestimate this norm - up to 30 dB at night and up to 40 dB during the day. Of course, each person has his own standards of perception - some calmly tolerate all 60 dB, however large quantity decibel can make you seriously nervous.

This is why sound insulation was invented - its task is to reflect noise and not allow it to pass through walls and other obstacles into your living environment. It’s good for those who have thick walls - they themselves perfectly reflect sound vibrations. However, this is unlikely to apply to most panel houses and new buildings. In addition to sound insulation, there is also sound absorption - the ability of materials to absorb sound waves. Most granular, fibrous or cellular materials have just this ability.

These materials include soft, semi-rigid and hard. Soft sound absorbers are made from fiberglass or mineral wool, as well as felt and ordinary wool. These include pumice and vermiculite - the so-called porous aggregates. Semi-rigid materials include slabs made from fiberglass or mineral wool, as well as materials with a cellular structure, for example, polyurethane foam. By the way, their sound absorption coefficient is slightly higher than that of soft ones, but their specific gravity is greater.

The easiest way to deal with airborne noise is porous and fibrous materials, which can be mounted both outside and inside the building. In addition, they have another property - thermal insulation, so their use is doubly beneficial. Impact noise can also be “clogged” with materials with a cellular structure closed type, laying them around the perimeter of the walls and ceiling. But structural noise is a more significant problem, because materials must be laid during the construction stage.

To soundproof structural noise, it is recommended to use as the main element in the construction of structures. soundproofing panels. Panels are available in different trademarks, such as FonStar, Sonoplat, Quiet, SoundGuard and others. The choice is yours. We can only recommend the products of the Ticho Group in terms of price-quality ratio. .

Vibroacoustic sealant is used when filling joints in the construction of a floating floor, cladding and frame partitions. The material provides a high degree of vibration insulation, does not cause metal corrosion, and has good adhesion to the majority building materials, such as brick, concrete, ceramics, wood. The hardened sealant is odorless, but when working with it, ensure good ventilation and avoid contact with skin and eyes.

Silica fiber gaskets are a lesser-known material that is used for soundproofing rooms with high fire safety requirements. This material is safe for humans and non-flammable. It is important to note that the presence of one type of sound insulation does not guarantee peace and tranquility in your home or apartment - you need to skillfully arrange these materials to achieve a truly significant effect.

Protective materials of this kind are characterized by such an indicator as the sound insulation index, measured in dB. The second indicator is the degree of sound absorption, which is measured from 0 to 1. The closer this degree is to unity, the better material. As already mentioned, thick walls themselves protect the comfort of our home from extraneous sounds. However, increasing the massiveness of walls and ceilings is a task too difficult for the average person, and also ineffective.

The most acceptable method of sound insulation in this case is to create a multi-layer structure from hard, cellular and soft materials, which can be done with your own hands from popular building materials.

In most cases, drywall is a rigid material - its thickness is optimal for interior works, when it is important to preserve as much living space as possible. Drywall acts as a soundproofing material, while the layer soft material takes care of sound absorption. As already mentioned, these include glass wool, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and other cellular formations. For effective sound absorption, the layer of material in a multilayer structure must be at least 50 mm and constitute at least half of the entire structure.

The task of soundproofing floors, as well as in the house, is performed by an acoustic ceiling - also a multilayer structure that reduces the energy of sound vibrations and absorbs them. To do this, it is necessary to create an air space between the ceiling itself and the ceiling area - it is filled with compressed mineral or fiberglass slabs.

After all, there is cheaper polyethylene foam! Quite often, laminate flooring manufacturers offer it along with their products. Polyethylene foam is used both for soundproofing floor coverings and floating floors, and for sealing joints. It is resistant to almost all solvents, has good contact with cement and other finishing materials. However, when humidifying a space filled with polyethylene foam, good conditions for mold colonies. In addition, prolonged loads lead to a loss of material thickness (up to ¾ of the original value), which in turn leads to a loss of sound insulation properties.

Composite material, consisting of two layers polyethylene film and expanded polystyrene granules, is an improved version of the use of polyethylene. Upper layer provides protection against moisture penetration into the structure. The bottom film allows air and steam into the space between the films, but from there they escape through the seams. This ventilation prevents the accumulation of moisture and the formation of mold. The composite material does not deform and lasts quite a long time - from 20 years. When laying, the use of adhesives is not required.

The cork rubber backing consists of granules of cork and rubber. This material perfectly dampens vibration household appliances and other devices. Such a substrate can be effectively laid under both elastic and rigid floor coverings: linoleum, parquet, laminate, tiles. However, the cork rubber coating needs additional protection from moisture, since it serves as a medium for the occurrence and development of mold.

To ensure a good level of comfort, both in life and work, it is very important to create a pleasant sound environment. To solve this problem use soundproofing materials. On construction market they are represented very widely. You can choose a solution based on any parameters: location of application, cost, amount of work, etc. Moreover, in a number of materials, sound insulation is combined with thermal insulation or waterproofing, which is very convenient.

Soundproofing materials

You can install soundproofing walls yourself, although it is better to contact teams that specialize in this. Also, given that sound insulation work requires rather messy processes, you should try to install sound insulation at the stage of preparing the room for finishing.

There are several types of noise that can be grouped into two groups:

  • Airborne noise. These are sounds that are carried through the air: screams, conversation, laughter, music. Such noise comes from neighbors through small gaps and cracks in walls and ceilings, as well as through open windows;
  • Impact noise. These are sounds that are carried across hard floors and walls. Otherwise, impact noise is also called vibration. Such sounds are especially annoying and unpleasant: drilling a hammer drill; subwoofer; doors slamming; stomp; jumping.

To measure airborne or impact noise you will need special equipment. There are various models of such devices: from professional expensive ones to household ones with quite affordable price up to 2000 rub. Regardless of the cost, the operating principle of noise measuring devices is the same. Converting vibrations of the trapping membrane into electricity. The greater the amplitude of the oscillations, the more amperes are generated. The final data is displayed on the board.

Noise Level Determination Device

According to SNiPs, the acceptable noise level in the daytime (from 7:00 to 23:00) is residential buildings is considered to be 40 decibels (dB), which is comparable in volume to a normal conversation.

The upper noise threshold for this time should not exceed 55 dB, which is comparable to the volume level typewriter or lightly slapping your palm on the table. At night in residential buildings, the upper sound threshold is legally set at 40 dB, but the recommended noise level is 20-25 dB (the volume of a whisper).

Often these requirements are unattainable. And often not because of someone’s malicious intent, but because of the features of the house: thin walls, thin partitions, through holes For electrical boxes and sockets, and much more. If vibration and noise insulation in the house does not meet the desired level, then the best solution There will be installation of special soundproofing structures or materials.

Materials for sound insulation must be selected based on how high-quality sound insulation of the walls is required. Preference, other things being equal, is usually given to those materials with a higher sound insulation index. The sound insulation coefficient, sound insulation index or impact noise reduction index is a qualitative indicator that reflects how many dB the impact noise transmitted along walls and ceilings will be reduced.

Sound insulation materials

Soundproofing materials come in the following types:

  • soundproofing acoustic sealant;
  • soundproofing polyurethane foam boards;
  • soundproofing underlays for floor coverings;
  • soundproofing panels for floors;
  • sound-absorbing linoleum;
  • soundproofing tape for damping vibrations;
  • soundproofing sealant;
  • soundproofing foam;
  • non-flammable sound-absorbing mineral wool slabs;
  • soundproofing panels;
  • self-adhesive roll material from impact noise based on bitumen;
  • soundproofing mats for floating floors;
  • soundproofing base for floating floors;
  • vibration-damping and sound-absorbing mastic;
  • sprayed liquid sound insulation based on cellulose;
  • soundproofing foam;
  • cork backings.

Let's look at some of them:


A mixture of granules of elastic material, rubber additive and binder on acrylic base. This soundproofing material is designed specifically to create a dampening base for floating floors. Does its job perfectly. Best material for rooms of complex shape. Shumoplast is also indispensable when working in large rooms.

Impact noise reduction index from 24 to 32 dB


  • allows you to avoid laying a waterproofing layer;
  • shrinkage no more than 5% under a load of 5 kPa;
  • allows local unevenness of the floor surface up to 15 mm;
  • long service life;
  • does not lose soundproofing properties during operation;
  • simplicity and high speed application;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • It takes time to dry (about a day).

Soundproofing foam

It is a specially shaped foamed polyurethane. The material is used when sound insulation and sound absorption of both noise penetrating into the room and emanating from it is required. Foam rubber is glued to the walls and ceilings of rooms, recording studios, and cinemas to create better acoustics. You can also create special mobile soundproofing panels from soundproofing foam. Acoustic foam rubber is mounted on the surface using glue. Some manufacturers have back side The material is self-adhesive film.


  • installed in an open way;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • effective material.


  • requires careful operation;
  • melts when burned, producing toxic smoke;
  • destroyed by heat and ultraviolet radiation.

Soundproofing foam


Soundproofing material made using mineral based. Roll sound insulation with high mass density and... The thickness of the material (4 mm) allows it to be used for walls and ceilings.

Impact noise reduction index up to 28 dB


  • rot resistance;
  • flexibility and elasticity;
  • easy and simple to install;
  • does not change noise insulation properties during operation;
  • low-flammable material, self-extinguishing.


  • Quite inexpensive sound insulation;
  • When installed on concrete, it requires a mandatory substrate.


Acoustic decorative board Audek

Soundproofing panels are perforated. Combine good sound insulation and decorative finishing. The outside is covered with natural veneer, the color of which can be chosen based on the requirements of the design project. The slabs are designed primarily to absorb sound from inside the room. Installation of soundproofing walls Audek is carried out very quickly.

Sound absorption coefficient up to 0.95


  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency
  • ease of installation.


  • high price.

Audek panels


Soundproofing material made from coniferous wood. It suppresses noise well and provides a heat-insulating effect. Can be used as sound insulation under plaster.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.


  • high price.


Mineral wool

A natural material based on basalt, also called stone wool. Possesses high density. The manufacturing technology is similar to glass wool. Soundproofing materials of this type combine sound insulation and thermal insulation well.

Impact noise reduction index up to 30 dB


  • withstands temperatures up to 550˚C;
  • does not contain formaldehyde resins;
  • does not require lathing during installation;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • resistant to shrinkage;


  • absorbs moisture and requires mandatory waterproofing.

Mineral wool

Soundproofing membrane

Fine sound insulation made from natural mineral matter and a binder polymer. Soundproofing film can be used on all types of surfaces to which it is attached with glue.

Impact noise reduction index up to 22 dB


  • operating temperature range from -60˚С to +180;
  • high tear resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • does not break when bent down to -20˚С;


  • high price.

Soundproofing membrane

Soundproofing plaster

Effective with a thickness of at least 2 cm


  • speeds up the repair process;
  • levels the walls;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • wide operating temperature range.


  • ineffective at suppressing external noise;
  • the need to apply several layers
  • high price.

Soundproofing plaster


Two-layer material produced in rolls. It consists of a non-woven fabric - a base and a bitumen layer. Excellent vibration and noise insulation. This fine sound insulation, due to its good noise-absorbing properties and resistance to compression, can be used even with frameless (a method when metallic profile is not displayed, but gypsum boards are attached directly to the wall).

Impact noise reduction index up to 27 dB


  • combines soundproofing and waterproofing properties;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durability.


  • high price.



Natural material made from extruded cork chips. Retains sound and heat very well. Available in the form of sheets, panels, rolls, etc.

Impact noise reduction index for material thickness 3 mm - 18 dB


  • ease of installation;
  • does not absorb liquid;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • decorative;
  • retains not only sound well, but also heat;
  • efficiency.


  • Care is required during installation, as the material may tear;
  • high price.



Roll material, a combination of foamed polyethylene foam and a bitumen layer.

Impact noise reduction index up to 23 dB


  • combines waterproofing and soundproofing properties;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • operating temperature range from -25˚С to +85˚С;
  • durability;
  • low cost.


  • not identified.


Specialized types of sound insulation

There are many types of soundproofing materials. Some of them are used exclusively in construction and decoration, while others are universal.

A separate section is dedicated to car sound insulation. Materials that are used on car bodies can also be used in construction.

For example, automotive vibration dampening mastic is perfect if you need to reduce the volume of a tin roof and corrugated sheet metal shed walls. The mastic is applied using a brush or, if the consistency allows, a spray gun. It dries quickly and dampens noise and vibration quite well.

Another good decision soundproofing in the apartment, which is borrowed from automotive world– vibration damping materials such as Vibroplast or similar. Sheet and roll materials are made on a bitumen basis, akin to Shumaizol or Zvukoisol. Important difference the fact that Vibroplast is self-adhesive. It is very easy to install - you just need to peel it off protective layer and press the sheet to the insulated surface. Convenient solution for vibration isolation of small areas. For example, this can be used to improve a balcony door.

To create a practically soundproof house, it will not be enough to use only one of the materials listed. Each element of the structure will have its own appropriate and effective solutions. It is best if a combination of several materials is used: for vibration absorption, sound insulation and sound absorption.

First you need to consider the benefits of high-quality sound insulation. Sound-absorbing materials should ideally provide:

  • the opportunity to relax and unwind;
  • absence of extraneous sounds that interfere with concentration on a specific activity;
  • full sleep.

It is impossible to achieve complete 100% noise isolation, and besides, there is no such need for this. It is enough to reduce extraneous sounds to a level where they do not cause irritation and do not interfere with proper rest. Sound insulation materials will cope with this task perfectly.

It is known that noise is the sound vibrations of air. They are capable of influencing a person, most often negatively.

Sounds that cause irritation include:

  • loud conversations behind the wall of neighbors in the apartment;
  • sounds of power tools during construction and repair work;
  • activities of household appliances;
  • extraneous noise from the street;
  • operation of communication systems;
  • many other actions that are unpleasant for our hearing.

Sound insulation materials that can be used to ensure high-quality sound insulation of walls and partitions in a new building or a residential building built long ago are varied. These include polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool and cork. You will learn about them in this article.

Polystyrene foam is a modern product for soundproofing an apartment or house. This is a foamed plastic gas-filled mass of white color.

Its main volume is occupied by gas, the density of which is much lower than the density of the polymer - the main raw material of the product. This is due to the high heat and sound insulation properties of polystyrene foam.

Technical characteristics and properties of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is produced both domestically and foreign manufacturers. The Knauf Corporation produces it using a non-press method from foamed polystyrene. Each cell is composed of dense cells, and each cell contains 98% air and 2% polystyrene.

If you need foam plastic, then as an example you can use products that are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. A fire retardant is added to the composition, so this material:

  • does not burn;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • not afraid of exposure to microorganisms;
  • has a high service life.

Polystyrene foam is one of the most popular materials for insulating partitions in apartments. First of all, this is due to his physical and chemical properties, safety and operational characteristics.

The table below describes the main parameters.

Thanks to modern technologies and equipment, it is currently possible to produce foam plastic of various mechanical strength, density, and resistance to all kinds of influences. Products made from it are safe for humans, therefore they are widely used in the food industry; goods and products intended for our nutrition are packaged in it.

Polystyrene foam is widely used in other industries and has the following advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and aging;
  • microorganisms cannot influence it;
  • it's easy to work with, it cuts hand saw or with a knife;
  • easily glues with other materials intended for partitions and walls in an apartment or outside the house;
  • easy to install.

Polystyrene foam is a waterproof material, but at the same time it has a high level of breathability. The temperature in which it is located is not capable of exerting negative impact on the properties of the material. For example, when temperature indicator 90 degrees Celsius foam will not change its properties over a long period.

Many developers, when choosing materials for sound insulation in a residential area, choose foam plastic. First of all, it is necessary to note its operational and technical properties:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, due to which the air is evenly distributed inside the material.
  2. Durability. Subject to all operating conditions, the foam will last a long time. Even over time, it is not able to change its properties.
  3. Resistance to various damages - weak acids, alkalis, moisture. It is important that the material is chemically neutral.

The industry produces GOST 15588-86 foam grades listed in the table.

And the indicators for physical and mechanical properties must comply with GOST standards, which are indicated in the table below.

In order to install polystyrene foam on the wall, use special glue or a dowel with a wide head.

Let's consider the first option. Some experts prefer dry mixtures to cement based, which are distinguished by their durability, reliability and high level adhesion.

But you can also use aerosol polyurethane types in your work. The laying technology consists of the following stages:

  1. The slabs are laid on starting bar, which is fixed around the perimeter of the surface being treated. This is done using dowels, the pitch is 300-400 mm.
  2. The surface must be clean, free of dust and dirt.
  3. Dissolve the glue. The packaging contains precise instructions: cold water pour in the mixture and stir using a construction mixer. Then the composition is left for 5 minutes to mature and mixed again.
  4. Using a spatula, glue is applied to the slabs, spreading it evenly around the perimeter and with a few slaps in the middle.
  5. The foam is placed on the bar and pressed firmly in the places where the glue is located.
  6. Care must be taken to ensure that the slab does not become distorted. You can control this process using a level. Inaccuracies are corrected by lightly tapping the plate with your hand or a hammer. But don't forget to do it through wooden block so as not to destroy the foam.
  7. The slabs are laid horizontally from below. The next row is already performed in a checkerboard pattern, so that a bandage of joints is formed.
  8. The seams are filled with glue, and any excess is removed using a spatula. Next, the glue is allowed to dry, sometimes it takes 2-3 days.

The second option makes it possible to fix the foam using a special dowel. It has a wide cap, which makes its contact with the surface significantly increased and it reliably presses the slab against the wall. A hole of the required depth is drilled in the wall using a hammer drill. There should be 5 such holes per sheet - in the corners and in the middle.

The dowel should sink into the foam and not protrude from it. Otherwise, when puttingty you will have to waste a lot of material. Just don’t press too hard, otherwise the foam will crack.

Sometimes, for reliability, professionals stick polystyrene foam onto the wall and secure each sheet with dowels. This method is common in cases where the wall surface is uneven. Then the glue is applied in the corners and in the center of the slab. The foam is then pressed onto the base. And then at the same points it is attracted by plastic dowels - “fungi”, adjusting the evenness of the sheet along the plane and fixing it in a given position.

Many experts believe that polystyrene foam is better suited for soundproofing partitions and walls. It is easy to install, does not require any special skills, is easy to cut with a knife and lasts a long time.

Before we begin a descriptive description of expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to distinguish between it and polystyrene foam. There is an opinion that this is the same sound-absorbing material, since the composition is identical - air and styrene (hydrogen + carbon).

So, the differences between expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam are as follows:

  1. Different manufacturing technologies - the first is produced by dry steam treatment, the second by melting polystyrene foam granules.
  2. Differences in the characteristics of production methods.

Technical characteristics and properties of polystyrene foam

This product is as well known in construction as polystyrene foam. Many people choose expanded polystyrene because it has:

  1. High strength - the material never crumbles, bending resistance is 5-6 times higher than polystyrene foam. That is why it is better to use it in places that are sometimes subject to mechanical stress, for example, for partitions in an apartment.
  2. High sound insulation rate due to the presence of many voids in the polymer.
  3. The density is several times higher than the parameters of foam plastic, so its weight is greater.

Expanded polystyrene is a material whose characteristics in some cases exceed those of foam plastic. Despite this, the latter polymer is recommended for use in cases with light loads, where the use of expensive materials is not required.

In accordance with GOST 30244-94, the fire hazard of untreated polystyrene foam has a flammability class of G4. This means that its ignition can occur from:

  • match flame;
  • blowtorch;
  • autogenous welding sparks.

The material stores energy from the heat source, spreads the fire, and initiates flame intensification. The fire safety indicator depends on the additives used in the production of the material. Temperature ignition is determined by certification class.

Ordinary polystyrene foam (G4) reaches 1200 °C in a short time, and having special additives (fire retardants) in its composition, it reduces the combustion temperature and corresponds to the G1 flammability class.

When polystyrene foam burns, it produces toxic smoke. In ordinary material, it is 36 times larger in volume than wood, in particular, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen bromide and other substances are released. And depending on the impurities that are part of the polystyrene foam, the smoke acquires varying intensity and degree of release of harmful substances.

Products made of expanded polystyrene with flammability class G4 are not allowed for use in construction. Only modified special additives material. It is called self-extinguishing and has a flammability class of G1. Domestic producers it is marked with the letter “C” (PSB-S).

To ensure high-quality sound insulation of partitions in rooms, it is recommended to pay attention to a polymer whose thickness is 2-3 cm. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that as the thickness increases, the sound insulating qualities will increase. Before purchasing, break off a piece of material; if at the break site it has granules in the shape of regular polyhedra, then the polymer is of high quality.

Consider in the table below the dimensions, volume and weight of polystyrene foam sheets produced by Knauf Corporation:

Expanded polystyrene boards are considered one of the most affordable sound insulators on the construction market. They can withstand loads of 6 t/m2, are easy to install and durable.

Polyurethane foam

Soundproofing materials include materials such as polyurethane foam. This is a type of plastic with a cellular foam structure. The composition of the material is dominated by gaseous substance, the content of which varies from 85% to 90% of the total mass. The polymer consists of many thousands of cells, each of which is isolated from the others.

There are two types of polyurethane foam:

  1. Foam rubber is an elastic type of polymer, the density of which reaches from 5-35% per 1 m 3.
  2. Rigid polyurethane foam, available in more than thirty grades (suitable for insulating indoor partitions).

The characteristics of rigid polyurethane foam used for soundproofing walls and partitions in rooms include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight;
  • high level of strength;
  • no need to use fastening elements;
  • high anti-corrosion protection metal structures;
  • there are no cold bridges in this polymer;
  • insulation can take different forms;
  • Confirmed environmental friendliness - in accordance with hygienic standards, it can be used in the refrigerator for food.

Spraying of polymer is possible on many materials (which is where its versatility is demonstrated) - on wood, glass surface, metal and other coatings. In this case, the surface configuration does not matter. An important point is the resistance of the polymer to acid and the possibility of use in soil.

When working with polyurethane foam, you must remember that it is not desirable for direct impact sun rays.

The durability of polyurethane foam is 25-30 years, subject to the rules of use. The excellent climate-resistant parameters of the material have been confirmed, in particular its resistance to moisture. According to the flammability class, it belongs to categories G1-G4. The polymer contains fire retardants that prevent the spread of fire.

When exposed to open flame, the material tends to burn. But in its deep layers the flame does not spread. This is explained by the cellular structure of the material and the fact that it contains trichlorethyl phosphate, a fire retardant. Therefore, this material of flammability groups G1 and G2 is allowed to be used in kindergartens and school institutions.

Polyurethane foam is also resistant to microorganisms and rotting processes.

The physical properties of this material can be considered in the following table.

The popularity of this building material is explained by the fact that specialists have the opportunity to obtain it directly at the site of use. Liquid products, when mixed in certain proportions, create chemical reaction with simultaneous foaming. Which is sometimes very convenient and physically justified during construction processes.

Just remember that working with polyurethane foam requires specialized equipment and personal protective equipment.

If you are interested in information about polyurethane foam and all its properties, then more detailed information can be found in the article “”

Basalt wool

Sound-absorbing materials include mineral wool, known as basalt wool. It is used for soundproofing walls, decorative partitions and ceilings in an apartment. Products made from it are supplied in the form of slabs or rolls.

The table below shows the types of components and technical specifications.

This material has many advantages, among which thermal insulation stands out. This quality is confirmed by the low thermal conductivity coefficient; heat loss is the lowest of all heat insulators. In addition to the above qualities, there are a number of advantages:

  1. The material does not collapse when exposed to an aggressive environment or chemical substances. Basalt wool does not externally change its appearance and does not lose its qualities. She is not afraid of fungi and microorganisms.
  2. The durability of the material is guaranteed by the manufacturer; it reaches 30-40 years. True, experts say that it is possible to add a couple of decades to this period. Its fibers are short in length and are randomly located in basalt wool. And this ensures high mechanical characteristics over many years of operation.
  3. The structure of the material is not afraid of vibrations.
  4. Basalt wool tolerates ultraviolet radiation better than others.
  5. Temperature changes do not affect the technical characteristics of the material.
  6. Basalt wool perfectly absorbs extraneous noise, loud and harsh sounds.

The table shows the sound absorption coefficients of some building materials.

The use of high-quality mineral wool cannot be guaranteed reliable sound insulation, since the material is an integral element of a noise-absorbing structure, the construction of which requires taking into account proven techniques.

Mineral wool slabs with a synthetic binder are manufactured according to GOST 9573-96 and have the dimensions shown in the table.

The physical and mechanical properties of the material must correspond to the following characteristics.

Products are marked according to GOST 25880 with mandatory indication of release time and symbol. Each package is marked with a “Keep away from moisture” sign. GOST 14192. Basalt wool is a non-flammable material, so when heated it does not release toxins or other harmful substances. An equally important indicator is the smoke-generating ability of basalt, which does not emit smoke. It is installed quite simply - the slab is laid between the profiles and holds perfectly. You can also secure it with cement-based glue, as in the cases described above with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.

Many people believe that basalt wool is harmful to health. This is debatable. It does not emit odors, its properties are similar natural stone basalt. True, phenol and formaldehyde resins are used as binders, but if the necessary standards and requirements were observed during the production of the material, harmful substances remain in a bound state. Therefore, we can state the fact that basalt wool is harmless to human health and the environment.

An excellent option to solve the problem of sound insulation is to cover the walls with cork.

This coating is environmentally friendly pure materials, since the material has natural composition. Cork is able to retain heat, is reliable and durable. An equally important advantage is the aesthetic appearance.

Cork is commercially available in two types:

  1. Soundproofing panels.
  2. Rolls (film).

To attach it to the walls you must use adhesive composition. Internal structure The material is represented by a huge number of tiny bubbles that perfectly retain heat inside. In addition, this structure helps to improve the acoustic picture in the rooms.

Soundproofing panels have the following characteristics:

  • a light weight - light material, does not sink in water;
  • elasticity – even after rendering high pressure, the panel returns back to its original shape;
  • tightness - due to the presence of tree bark in the composition, the material becomes impenetrable to substances in liquid and gaseous states;
  • high water resistance;
  • hypoallergenic - the stove does not absorb dust, therefore it is not capable of provoking allergic reactions;
  • fire resistance - it does not contribute to the spread of fire, in addition, when ignited, it does not release toxins, which is confirmed SNiP 23-03-2003;
  • the internal structure of the slab provides excellent soundproofing properties, so its use will ensure peace and quiet in the house;
  • durability due to the unique structure of soundproofing boards and their qualities - elasticity and elasticity. Even after a long period of time, the material will not lose its original properties.

Cork is a natural product connecting link in which it is made of polyurethane. The thickness of the slab depends on the type - varies from 0.6 to 1.2 mm. It is recommended to protect the material from prolonged exposure to sunlight. The ability of cork to dampen vibrations provides a significant reduction in noise in the room where it is used.

Soundproofing a room using cork - great option for new buildings that do not require the use of special materials to ensure noise insulation. Cork can be used for walls, ceilings and decorative partitions, as evidenced by numerous reviews from experts.

The characteristics of this material can be found in the table.

For a more detailed explanation, we studied this material and described our observations and research in the article “”

If you choose sound-absorbing materials for walls, decorative partitions or ceilings in a new building, then you need to rely not only on the performance properties or advantages of a particular polymer, it is also recommended to pay attention to the technical properties of the product. The presented table includes a comparison of all materials considered in technical terms. To carry out the analogy, the following indicators were used: density, thermal conductivity, porosity, durability, operating temperature. Taking into account each of these parameters, you will make the right choice in favor of one product or another. Technical properties of soundproofing materials

So, all of the listed soundproofing materials can demonstrate their qualities only in a correctly assembled structure. They are distinguished by high parameters for each indicator, which determines the popularity of their use.