home · Other · Features of using insulation from TechnoNIKOL. Thermal insulation based on stone wool Which TechnoNIKOL stone wool should be used to insulate external walls

Features of using insulation from TechnoNIKOL. Thermal insulation based on stone wool Which TechnoNIKOL stone wool should be used to insulate external walls

Mineral wool insulation under the TechnoNIKOL brand has been occupying a leading position in the industry for many years. domestic market building materials.

The key characteristic of TechnoNIKOL mineral wool, which distinguishes it from other competitors, is maximum resistance to deformation under the influence of external influences, which is achieved by adding special binding impurities to the composition of the mineral wool.

Resistance to deformation, which is a prerequisite for long-term effective operation of the thermal insulation layer, coupled with the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient that mineral wool has, makes Technonikol one the best insulation materials existing today.

1 Types of insulation from TechnoNIKOL

The most popular product from Technonikol is basalt wool Rocklight and, which is produced in the form of slabs measuring 100 * 50, or 120 * 60 centimeters. Mineral wool Rocklight differs from other models in its minimal weight and complete fire resistance.

As numerous reviews indicate, Rocklight slabs are the best option for mineral insulation for high-quality thermal insulation of private houses.

Technolight is another type of mineral wool, specifications which differ from Rocklight slabs in their greater density, as a result of which it is better suited for insulating places where the slabs may be subject to external loads, for example, for thermal insulation pitched roofs, attic floors, attics, or frame walls.

Technovent and Technoblock, as well, are slabs with even greater density, and with a wide variety of possible product thicknesses (from 40 to 200 mm). They are used for insulation of facades and external walls buildings, and such slabs are perfect for siding.

Technoflor is basalt wool, whose slabs have the highest density among all Technicol products, which is 99-121 kg/m3, depending on their thickness. This product is ideal option for floor insulation, consumer reviews indicate that thermal insulation properties Technoflora is comparable to Rocklight slabs, but their resistance to external pressure is much higher.

1.1 Spheres applications

Technicol basalt wool is the optimal thermal insulation material for cladding any surfaces that do not experience strong external mechanical loads:

  • Floors between floors;
  • Pitched roofs;
  • Ceilings like;
  • Ventilated building facades;
  • External insulation of walls followed by application of a layer of protective and decorative plaster mortar;
  • Insulation of hollow walls and interior partitions at the construction stage;
  • Insulation of floors, including “warm floor” systems;
  • Ventilation ducts and shafts;
  • Industrial equipment (not even a competitor here).

Row performance characteristics, such as: elasticity, minimum weight, maximum fiber density, determine the presence of mineral wool not only thermal insulation properties, but also the ability to suppress external noise, which makes this insulation an ideal option for houses located within densely populated or industrial areas of the city.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool has the ability to take its original shape after any short-term compressive loads, which the insulation experiences everywhere during operation.

In addition to thermal insulation properties, mineral wool, due to special water-repellent impregnations, also acquires hydrophobic properties, which make it impervious to the effects of any liquids.

In practice, this is useful because mineral wool, even with high dampness air, will effectively protect walls from moisture and prevent their blooming, which is the main cause of most allergic diseases.

Moreover, immunity to dampness significantly increases the service life of the wool itself and, since the insulation that is impregnated big amount moisture, very quickly loses its technical characteristics, as a result of which its thermal insulation properties deteriorate, structure and density are lost and fibers are destroyed.

1.2 Production technology

The technology for the direct formation of basalt fibers in different types of Technikol mineral wool is identical, only the quantity and variety of impurities added to the raw material, which determine the technical characteristics of the final product, differ.

The raw materials used for the production of Technikol insulation are basalt rocks. The company's engineers carefully monitor the material used, since the quality of mineral wool is strongly influenced by its initial properties, such as fractional composition, humidity and chemical elements contained in rocks.

Direct smelting of basalt rocks is carried out in special blast furnaces, the temperature of which reaches 1500 degrees. The entire melting process is fully automated; computer equipment monitors the progress of melting, stopping the process when the melt reaches the required consistency and viscosity.

Next, the straightened basalt rocks fall into a centrifuge, in which, under the influence of strong centrifugal forces, the melt is not divided individual fibers, blown by compressors into the fiber depositing chamber. In the chamber, various chemical impurities are added to the raw material, improving the technical characteristics of mineral wool.

The formation of a solid web of fibers occurs on the conveyor line, after which the carpet is pressed, giving the fabric the required thickness. The carpet itself is created from several layers of fibers oriented in different directions towards each other, which improves the strength and elasticity of the finished product boards.

After forming and pressing, the fabric enters a heat treatment unit, where the fibers are heated to a temperature of 300 degrees, at which the binding polymers that connect the individual fibers to each other are activated.

2 Advantages over competitors

Traditional strengths Technikol mineral wool insulation materials are:

  1. Minimum thermal conductivity as in .

Stone wool acquires high thermal insulation properties due to the presence of free space between numerous fibers, in which air is retained. Therefore, mineral wool insulation is most effective where the slabs are not subjected to prolonged compressive loads, as a result of which the fibers become compressed and lose their properties.

  1. Fire safety.

Stone wool, as evidenced by reviews, is not afraid of an increase in ambient temperature up to 1000 degrees, which is equal to the temperature that occurs during a fire inside a building. You can be sure that such insulation will not catch fire even under direct exposure to fire.

  1. Resistant to deformation.

Depending on the features specific type, the insulation may have the ability to return to its original dimensions after external loads, or be completely resistant to deformation due to its high compressive strength.

  1. Vapor conductivity.

The fibrous structure of mineral wool allows this insulation to “breathe”, which in a positive way affects the maintenance optimal microclimate indoors. At the same time, the thermal insulation properties of the material itself do not deteriorate.

  1. Hydrophobicity.

Quality mineral wool insulation, for example Technicol Rocklight, are almost completely resistant to liquids.

  1. Sound absorption.

The ability of mineral wool to soundproof is explained by the fact that its structure consists of tiny fibers located at a random distance from each other. Sound waves passing through such fibers are repeatedly reflected from them, and, losing their strength, are attenuated. At the same time, noise insulation is effective against sounds at any frequency.

  1. Organic resistance.

Mineral wool does not mold, does not rot or decompose, and rodents and other small animals do not grow in it.

  1. Easy to process and install.

Such insulation can be cut without any problems with an ordinary stationery knife, and the light weight and size of the slabs allow you to lay them yourself, without the need for outside help.

When constructing residential buildings and public buildings in megacities, where the noise level is very high, as well as in places where winter is a long season with sub-zero temperatures, the issue of sound and heat insulation becomes very acute.

Stone wool copes well with these problems. One of its best manufacturers is the TechnoNIKOL company.

How is it produced?

The TechnoNIKOL brand is widely known for the quality of its products for the construction segment, in particular mineral insulation. It has long occupied one of the leading positions on the market. Stone wool uses in great demand, because thanks modern methods The manufactured product has many wonderful properties.

In our own scientific and technical center, they conduct an in-depth analysis of the properties of raw materials, study technological processes and opportunities finished products, implement Newest technologies, effective methods production.

Mountains, mainly basalt rocks, are used for production. Since indicators such as rock composition, impurities contained, and humidity are important for the quality of the final product, the company carefully monitors the raw materials.

The production of cotton wool occurs in several stages.

First, the raw material is placed in a special device - a furnace, where it is melted at a temperature reaching 1500 ° C. Automation monitors the melting process, and when the mass reaches the desired consistency and viscosity, it sends it to another device - a centrifuge.

In it, strong centrifugal forces act on the mass, and it disintegrates into individual fibers. At this stage, resins are added to the centrifuge, which act as synthetic binders.

The fibers are then transferred by air flow into a special chamber for cooling. Various impurities are added in the chamber, the purpose of which is to improve the technical characteristics of the resulting product. The fibers are formed into a kind of carpet, which is fed to the conveyor line.

A carpet contains several layers of fibers, which are arranged in no particular order in relation to each other.

This arrangement will help increase the strength and elasticity of the manufactured material.

The carpet is pressed and formed into a fabric. It is fed into the heat treatment chamber. When heated to 300° C, polymerization of the added substances occurs. Maintaining high temperatures is important, since the strength of the material depends on it.

On final stage slabs are cut from canvas the desired shape and size.

Where is it used?

Stone wool has a fairly wide range of applications. A large assortment products allows you to select the right material. Performing the function of heat and sound insulation, insulation can protect structures from destructive influences.

Cotton wool is produced in rolls and slabs and comes in different densities, so it can be used both externally and for internal areas objects. The choice of material depends on:

  • places where it will be installed;
  • climatic features of the area;
  • thermal losses of the object.

To provide external thermal insulation, use cotton wool with a higher density. It protects facades, roofing, and basement.

In other areas, basalt wool with a lower density is used.

There is a difference between technical and industrial insulation. The first is needed when there is a very high probability high temperatures– above 900° C.

Basalt insulation is used for:

  • insulation on any structure or building - it can be installed horizontally, vertically, obliquely;
  • insulation on plaster;
  • thermal insulation of a suspended ventilated facade;
  • internal insulation of enclosing structures;
  • in sandwich panel systems, concrete panels;

  • thermal insulation of the lower layer of roofing structures;
  • insulation of attics, attic floors, frame walls;
  • thermal insulation in the ceilings and walls of baths and saunas;
  • insulation in water supply and chimney structures, steam and ventilation devices, in ovens.

Insulation is widely used in various industries: metallurgical, chemical and others.

Types and characteristics

The brand produces different types cotton wool suitable for different conditions. Each type has its own technical characteristics. Since wool varies in hardness and density and, accordingly, in areas of application, the characteristics can differ significantly for different types.

Soft cotton wool, made of thin fibers with a lot of air space between them, it is used to insulate frame walls, ventilated facades and other surfaces that will not be subject to heavy loads.

Medium hard wool has a higher density than soft. Its use is advisable to insulate ventilated facades, ventilation ducts, where there may be high-speed flows. It can be used in the same cases as soft. But since its price is higher, this will increase the cost of work.

Tough used for surfaces experiencing heavy loads. For example, it is needed to insulate a wall before reinforcement, or to insulate a floor when pouring it with a warm screed.

Interesting foil version. During installation, the side with foil faces the inside of the room and reflects heat, preventing it from escaping outside, which provides the effect double thermal insulation. Foil coating can be either one-sided or double-sided. Foil cotton wool is practically universal material, it can be used for a wide range of jobs.

There are also cylindrical insulation materials specially created for pipes. Their use is justified for pipes with a diameter greater than 5 cm.

Cotton wool is produced in rolls, slabs, or in the form of a shapeless mass. To apply this mass, pneumatic equipment is required.

Among the many materials, insulation is deservedly popular. "Master Technoblock", as it has excellent characteristics. It is produced in slabs, the dimensions of which can be 1200x600x30 mm or 1200x600x100 mm; There are other configurations as well. This is quite an expensive material, but its quality justifies the price.

Its advantages:

  • is waterproof;
  • is a breathable material;
  • it has a long service life;
  • not subject to ignition;
  • has sufficient density;
  • it is easy to install;
  • it copes well with the functions of heat and sound insulation;
  • rodents and insects do not grow in it.

The material exists in three types, which differ in density.

U "Technoblock Standard" it is 40-50 kg/m3. When loaded, it compresses by 10%.

"Optima"– denser material – 60 kg/m3. Its compression is 8%. It has a remarkable property: its shape is completely restored after load.

The densest - "Technoblock Prof" with a compression of 5% and a density of 65-79 kg/m3.

In domestic construction, Technoblock Standard is often used. When building housing, it is used as a central layer in layered masonry, they are insulated frame walls, facades, basements, attics, garages. It is easy to cut with scissors or a knife and is easy to install.

It gives a good thermal insulation effect, absorbs noise, does not react with chemicals, and does not absorb moisture. He is not afraid of the effects of microorganisms and rodents.

This insulation is not flammable, but its optimal temperatures are from -60 to +200 ° C. It has a very long service life, which significantly exceeds 50 years. Technical characteristics are maintained throughout the entire period of operation.

Before laying the insulation, the surface must be cleaned and a frame for laying thermal insulation must be mounted on it. Adhesive composition should be applied both to the wall and to the insulation. Waterproofing is usually applied on top of the insulation, and plaster is applied to it.

Also often used "Technolight". The line is also available in three versions depending on density, and is also produced in slabs with variations in size.

"Technolight" is used for structures that do not experience large external loads, since the density of these insulation materials is less than "Technoblock". For example, “Technolight Extra” has a density of 30-36 kg/m3. However, the quality does not suffer; the insulation has remarkable properties and it won't cost much.

A table in which the manufacturer enters everything usually helps you choose the right option. required characteristics materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insulation from TechnoNIKOL is a very popular product, as it is easy to use and has unique technical characteristics:

  • provides high level heat and sound insulation;
  • has low thermal conductivity, which helps retain heat in the room in winter and prevents overheating in summer;
  • does not obstruct the passage of air, the “breathable” structure will ensure an optimal indoor climate;
  • has hydrophobic properties, protects walls from moisture and the appearance of mold and mildew;

  • resistant to deformation (stone wool has a specific feature: returning to its original shape after short-term compression);
  • does not shrink;
  • very durable;
  • chemically neutral, does not interact with other substances;
  • provides a high level of fire safety, since the melting point of basalt fibers is more than 1000 ° C;
  • tolerates not only high, but also very low temperatures;

  • It has a light weight, can be cut using a regular knife, so installation can be done with your own hands;
  • not subject to rotting and decomposition, rodents and other pests will not grow in it;
  • has a long service life - the manufacturer guarantees 50 years of service;
  • reduces consumption and costs of electricity and heat for heating during the cold season;
  • has a very reasonable price.
  • the plates cannot be bent, otherwise they will break;
  • when heated above 600° C, the material can emit substances into the environment that are harmful to the human body (however, in reality you are unlikely to encounter such temperatures when it comes to using insulation for residential or domestic buildings).

3804 07/27/2019 5 min.

Stone wool is one of the most popular insulation materials from the mineral wool category. Gabbro-basalt rocks are used for manufacturing, and the resulting product has found active use in the field of construction. Used to obtain high-quality heat and sound insulation layer. On modern construction market TechnoNIKOL basalt wool is considered the most common.


When producing insulation, specialists use rocks, or rather gabbro-basalt raw materials. Thus, the resulting heat insulator is not affected by fire. The fibers can only melt smoothly when they are affected by a temperature of 1000 degrees. Thanks to this property, TechnoNIKOL mineral wool began to be used to protect houses from destruction and deformation in a fire.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL stone wool:

Detailed description

Before purchasing TechnoNIKOL stone wool, you need to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics in more detail.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

This stone criterion may vary depending on the type of material. Be within the range of 0.034 to 0.047 W/m*S. Thus, it becomes clear that 10 cm of insulation can preserve thermal energy as good as 38 cm of timber or 140 cm of brick.

In the photo - thermal conductivity stone wool technoNIKOL:

The insulation process using TechnoNIKOL wool is carried out in 1-2 layers.

Density of slabs

This characteristic of the material is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient. If we consider the material Rocklight and Technolight, then its density is 30-40 kg/m3, but the material Technoflor, which is used to insulate the floor under the screed, this figure is 81-185 kg/m3.

Degree of vapor permeability

This characteristic is also one of the main ones. The lighter the material, the better its vapor permeability. Consequently, the microclimate in the house will be comfortable for living.

In addition, insulation with high vapor permeability rates has a longer service life. This is due to the fact that water molecules do not retain steam on their surface for long. Since TechnoNIKOL wool consists of 99% air, it allows steam to pass through perfectly. The degree of permeability of the material will be 0.3−0.6 mg/(m.h.Pa).

Degree of water absorption and fire-resistant properties

Since specialists used various additives in the production of TechnoNIKOL stone wool, the resulting material can perfectly retain moisture. The water absorption level of the heat insulator will be 1-2%.

Because mineral slabs TechnoNIKOL – non-flammable material, then it is advisable to use them for thermal insulation in those houses where there is a high risk of fire. TechnoNIKOL slabs are not combustible, and the melting process occurs only at a temperature of 1000 degrees.

If a fire occurs, TechnoNIKOL stone wool will be able to delay the spread of the flame for some time. Moreover, it protects against fire and other materials that are less resistant to fire. But what is the thermal conductivity of mineral wool and how is it determined. information from this will help you understand

The video shows the technical characteristics of TechnoNIKOL stone wool:

Life time

The service life of TechnoNIKOL mineral wool is quite long even under unfavorable conditions. The minimum service life is 50 years. This result is achieved due to the fact that the material has excellent characteristics. Basalt fibers do not rot or corrode. In addition, rodents are not scary for them. But the service life of the material can only be increased if it is installed correctly. So during installation you must take care of hydro and vapor barrier.

But the video from this article will help you understand how basalt wool differs from mineral wool and what is better to choose for your construction project:


Today TechnoNIKOL mineral wool is presented in a wide range, which allows developers to choose the most successful option under certain operating conditions.


This thermal insulation material is presented in the form of lightweight hydrophobized basalt slabs. Experts used resin to attach the fibers. The material is not subject to combustion and moisture, and is used to provide heat and sound insulation for structures that are concentrated at different slopes.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Rocklight stone wool:

This version of stone wool is in great demand for low-rise construction. The cost is 1300 rubles per m3.


This material is presented in the form of long slabs that are rolled into a roll. In addition to the advantages inherent in mineral wool, Teploroll perfectly protects the house from noise. The material is used to insulate roofs, attics, and floors in residential buildings.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Teploroll stone wool:

The cost is 1600 rubles per m3.


The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Technoacoustic stone wool:

These boards have excellent moisture and fire resistance properties. The popularity of stone wool is that it has excellent soundproofing qualities. Technoacoustic can be used when arranging residential and non-residential buildings.

Mono can be used to create sound insulation in cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. The cost is 3000 rubles per m3.


This material is non-flammable and has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. The base is basalt wool with a low phenol content. The material is used to construct the middle layer in layered walls.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL stone wool Technoblock for fire protection:

The cost is 1800 rubles per m3.


This type of mineral wool is also non-flammable. It is used for thermal insulation of house facades for further finishing with plaster. It perfectly absorbs materials that are used for finishing cladding. The cost is 60,000 rubles per m3.

The photo shows TechnoNIKOL Technofas stone wool for plaster:

But what technical characteristics of Isover mineral wool exist and what they are are described in this

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It will also be interesting to know what it is. For those who want to know more about the exact materials, it is worth reading the contents of the article.

Stone wool, one of the varieties of mineral wool, is perfect for insulating a house and any room in it. With the help of our advice, you can choose the right material, make high-quality installation and take care of its long service life.

Stone wool: what is it made from?

Cotton wool is made from rocks of basalt, marl or metamorphic origin. Basalt rocks are considered the best component. However, the quality will be determined by the acidity, which must be controlled by carbonate additives. The higher the acidity, the stronger and more durable the cotton wool.

Stone wool insulation: what is it made of? Stone wool also contains a binder that holds the fibers together. The most well-known substances are synthetic. They contain phenol-formaldehyde resins and various impurities that make the material waterproof.

On modern production Stone insulation is made from a special component - “Pele's hair”, or glass fiber. The technology of stone wool for its production consists of a number of stages, the main of which is the separation of the rock into fibers.

Characteristics and indicators of stone wool

The material has several important properties, indispensable for repairs or construction.

  • Thermal insulation. Insulation of walls with stone wool - great way to protect yourself from the cold in winter and from the heat in summer. The temperature in the room will be constantly regulated. The effectiveness of this property depends on the components in the composition. It turned out that stone wool for wall insulation is the right solution.
  • Does not ignite. Even at temperatures above 1000˚C, stone wool does not ignite. Therefore it refers to safe materials, and, moreover, protects other flammable parts of the house, preventing the spread of fire. Although binders evaporate already at 200˚C.
  • Permanent form. Thanks to this characteristic, cotton wool can withstand mechanical stress. This allows you to use stone wool for floors that are constantly under load. Efficiency depends on the binder chosen.
  • Soundproofing. Will give simple protection from street or neighbor noise, since fibers interfere with the propagation of sounds.
  • Waterproof. Excess moisture indoors it comes out without getting into the cotton wool. This property helps maintain optimal humidity. And no matter how humid the air is, stone wool always remains dry, and mold and other nasty things do not grow on it.
  • Environmental friendliness. During production and operation environment not subject to negative influence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mineral wool for insulation has the following advantages:

  • Non-flammable;
  • Waterproof;
  • Stone wool - insulation for walls - has a wide operating temperature range;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Safe during installation and operation;
  • Good heat and sound insulation;
  • It is easier to insulate anything with stone wool than with other materials.


  • Insulating walls with cotton wool is a costly undertaking. Don't expect to buy cheap cotton wool. Low prices they say that it contains many impurities and low-quality materials.
  • Dust. The process of insulating the walls of a house with stone wool is accompanied by a copious amount of dust, especially if it is not handled carefully. For protection, it is advisable to take a respirator, although a regular mask from a pharmacy will do.

Stone wool: application

Cotton wool insulation is used in the construction of baths, saunas, swimming pools, and when laying communications, wells and air ducts. It is even placed in the foundations of houses.

Depending on where the insulation will be used and what load it will bear, it is divided into classes:

  • Soft. Suitable for laying wells and ventilated walls.
  • Semi-rigid. Suitable for walls in multi-storey buildings, for thermal insulation of pipes.
  • Hard. Used in foundations, floors.

Is there any harm to health during installation?

Many inexperienced builders often confuse stone wool and glass wool, although in fact they are two different materials, belonging to a single class of mineral wool. Because of this, a common myth has arisen that stone wool, like glass wool, is also harmful to health, damaging the eyes and lungs. But this is just a delusion.

The point here is its special structure. The insulation is stone fiber bound with formaldehyde resins; they do not collapse and do not spread harmful substances. Therefore, we confidently declare that this construction material absolutely safe.

How to choose stone wool?

Before purchasing stone wool, you need to find out the amount of material needed and calculate the load that will be placed on the insulation.

We have already said that the prices are high, but you can still save money. The cost will be influenced by the following factors:

  • Density of wool;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Binder category and rock;
  • The presence of another layer of coating;
  • Quantity purchased.

When purchasing, be sure to look at the instructions; they usually indicate the scope of use of stone wool and its technical characteristics. The most trusted companies are Ursa (URSA), TechnoNIKOL and Rockwool. The last company is located in Denmark; insulating materials from this country - the highest quality, since strict certification bodies work there.

When choosing, check with the seller how the fibers are arranged: horizontally, vertically or in a chaotic order. The first two types prevent the material from deforming, and the latter provides good heat and sound insulation.

Depending on the density, stone wool is usually divided into categories. Stone wool: wall slabs:

  • Brand P-75. Suitable for horizontal internal surfaces, on which there is no load, for insulating pipelines.
  • Insulation for walls is wool grade P-125. Suitable for both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is ideal for insulating ceilings, floors and the inside of walls.
  • PZh-175. Stone insulation for walls made of metal profiled sheets or reinforced concrete.
  • Insulation wool PPZh-200. The hardest stone wool. This type is used in engineering buildings, protecting them from fire.

Which mineral wool is best for wall insulation?

Insulating a house with stone wool begins with choosing a manufacturer.

Rockwool "ROCKWOOL" is popular both in the domestic and foreign markets. It has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Good level of strength;
  • Mineral wool for wall insulation lasts from 15 years;
  • The fibers are arranged in a chaotic manner;
  • Helps save electricity, as the manufacturer claims;
  • An additional layer that increases moisture resistance.

Stone wool "TechnoNIKOL".

  • Produced only on the basis of basalt rocks;
  • Additional layer for noise reduction;
  • Light weight, making work easier.

Insulation for walls stone wool "URSA":

  • Special packaging will make it easy to transport and work with the material;
  • Does not contain formaldehyde resins, therefore it is recommended for schools, hospitals, etc.

Buying a truly high-quality product can sometimes be difficult. Therefore, you need to know some important points.

  • Pay attention to where and how the cotton wool is stored. Most often, it is stored in its original packaging and wrapped in shrink film. Make sure there are no holes or cuts on the packaging. Vata should not be on outdoors, but under a canopy.
  • If stone wool is packaged in cardboard boxes (they usually contain expensive insulation materials), then its storage location must be protected from moisture. Even after getting a little wet it will be unusable.
  • Purchase goods only from trusted sellers. Give preference to those stores that are located closer to you - this will reduce the cost of delivery.

Installation of stone wool

Before properly insulating a wall with mineral wool, you need to determine where the work will be carried out. After all, insulating the walls of a house with cotton wool will look different in each area. One technology is used on the facades, and a completely different one on the attics.

Balcony and loggia

Effective insulation of a house with stone wool directly depends on high-quality surface preparation. Therefore, it is logical to briefly talk about it.

  • Remove all excess debris from the loggia. Make the necessary measurements, calculating the amount of mineral wool. Assess the load on the floor.
  • Next comes the glazing of the balcony. Here it is better to give preference plastic windows. Seal all cracks in frames and fencing polyurethane foam. This will greatly protect the balcony from moisture and cold.
  • Waterproofing is the next step. Protective means(roll or coating) must first be applied to the floor and ceiling. But wall protection is also desirable.

Only now can you proceed directly to installation. Insulation with mineral wool slabs occurs as follows:

  1. The first step is to make the sheathing. It is most often made of wood (less often - of metal). Optimal thickness timber - 1 cm more than that of a stone wool slab. The dimensions of the cells in the grid should be about a centimeter smaller than a piece of insulation.
  2. Insulation for walls is wool: installation goes from top to bottom: first the ceiling, then the walls and the floor. The ceiling needs denser mineral wool; regular mineral wool is suitable for walls and floors.
  3. Special glue is applied to the plate and it is placed in place in the cell. Before doing this, do not forget to clean the surface from dirt and remove any uneven surfaces.
  4. You can press the slab tightly and evenly using plywood. suitable size. Thermal insulation: stone wool is the best material for this.
  5. The last stage is vapor barrier using penofol (it is sometimes replaced with ordinary polyethylene).

Stone wool for attic walls

After you have installed the rafters and laid the roof on them, you can begin insulating the house with cotton wool. But first you need to create a layer of waterproofing. It will not allow water to get on mineral wool and wooden structures. The best material for this purpose - ordinary polyethylene. Fastening is carried out with a stapler.

If the waterproofing layer extends over the entire surface of the roof (up to the ridge), then the insulation can only be laid up to the attic ceiling. This is done only to save money. High-quality repair implies insulation of the entire roof.

When laying stone wool, the most successful option is when the width of the roof beams is equal to the width of the slab. In this case, they are simply placed between them, attached to a stapler. Additional reliability will be provided by slatted sheathing or rope mesh laid underneath. All resulting cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam, and the sheathing (if it is made of wood) is treated with an antiseptic. Stone wool insulates wall slabs perfectly.

The last layer is the vapor barrier. As suitable material Many builders choose glassine - it is cheap and performs its functions perfectly. It is attached to the rafters with a stapler; it is advisable to cover the attachment points with tape.

Insulation of external walls with stone wool

In the process of insulating a house, the question often arises: is it better to insulate the walls from the outside or from the inside? There are both disadvantages and positives to each option. For the first option they are:

  • High protection from cold, noise, sun and wind;
  • Will not allow the walls to freeze, because... moisture is released. For the same reason, mold and mildew do not form on structures;
  • The area of ​​the room inside will not decrease;
  • It becomes possible to choose any interior design, and also, if necessary, its changes.

Having convinced ourselves of the advantages of this method, we insulate stone walls Houses. The traditional installation method looks simple: the first insulating layer is mineral wool. medium density(75 kg/m³), it covers wall unevenness; the second layer is cotton wool high density(from 125 kg/m³), its role is to create a smooth and rigid wall surface, because this will make it easier following works by finishing.

In total, wool for insulating walls from the outside should be a layer of 15 cm. The most best option- when the thermal insulation is between load-bearing wall and external cladding.

In practice, you can insulate a house with stone wool from the outside according to the following plan.

  1. The first step is to prepare the surface. Remove any unevenness from the walls and apply a layer of plaster. Sometimes it makes sense to apply a couple of layers.
  2. Next comes the installation of metal guides; they are secured above the base of the building using anchor bolts.
  3. How to properly insulate a wall with mineral wool? The first layer is installed heat-insulating material(the second one follows immediately). On back side Glue is applied to the slab and it is pressed against the wall. According to the same scheme, all external wall insulation is carried out using stone wool.
  4. Help protect the material from deformation metal corners, which are attached to the external slopes.
  5. Place on top of the layer facing brick, the seams are sealed with plaster.

We looked at the first installation method, called a ventilated facade. There is a second way to insulate walls with stone wool.

The second method is called “wet”. The technology is only slightly different from the previous one. Stone wool: wall insulation:

Both of these methods insulate the house equally well.

Once you have insulated the walls with stone wool from the outside, you need to take care of some important things.

A layer of thermal insulation will increase the thickness of the walls by about 15-20 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to lengthen the slopes, ebbs and window sills so that weather conditions do not spoil the material.

If you decide to lay more than two layers of mineral wool, then this is a bad idea. The more layers, the more air pockets between them. And they lead to a deterioration in thermal insulation properties.

Insulation of walls from the inside with stone wool

Insulation with stone wool from the inside is much faster and cheaper, and even novice builders can easily cope with this task. However, work can only be done in a room where there is no high humidity air. The advantages of insulating walls from the inside are as follows:

  • Low cost and labor intensive.
  • You can put insulation not only on the entire building, but also on individual rooms in which you will live. It's quite economical.
  • It is permissible to work at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions.

Insulating a house with mineral wool can begin with a calculation required quantity mineral wool. There is a special formula for this. Wall area (m²), multiplied by the thickness of the mineral wool (mm) and divided by the volume of the package. That is, if the area is 15, thickness is 100, volume is 0.432, then you will need about three and a half packages.

Do-it-yourself insulation of walls with stone wool is carried out in several stages. General scheme insulated wall may look something like this: first comes bearing wall, behind it is a layer of vapor barrier, then thermal insulation, and another vapor barrier layer, at the end is the interior trim.

Stone wool for interior walls Suitable for medium density (look for values ​​around 100 kg/m³). Such mineral wool will increase the thickness of the wall by 8-10 cm. Take this into account when carrying out repair work. You can insulate a small room with mineral wool in one day.

One of the methods for implementing the above plan uses relatively simple technology. Stone wool: installation:

  1. Created strong support from metal hangers and profiles. You can put foam tape under it to improve the thermal insulation in the room. If you plan to create two layers of mineral wool, then another additional frame will be required.
  2. Then comes the vapor barrier. If polyethylene was chosen as the material, then between the wall you need to leave a small air chamber. It can be attached either with tape or glue.
  3. Stone wool insulation is placed inside each section of the frame.
  4. Then again there is a layer of vapor barrier. This time it is better to attach it directly to metal profile self-tapping screws.
  5. Plasterboard is placed on top and interior finishing is done.

Stone wool on interior walls, like stone wool on exterior walls, perfectly protects against unnecessary noise. This is especially useful in those houses that are located near roads.

Foundation insulation

Bathhouses usually need foundation insulation, so let’s talk about them first. Why is it necessary to insulate the foundation?

  • Due to the difference in temperature inside and outside, condensation forms, damaging the base of the bathhouse. Insulation helps to cope with this problem.
  • Thermal insulation will reduce the amount of wood needed for kindling.
  • Stone wool can protect against some mechanical damage.

It is better to insulate with mineral wool on the outside of the base, because in this way the foundation will be better protected, and therefore will last longer. The installation technology shown below is suitable for strip foundations. Insulation with mineral wool:

  1. Free the base from the ground. To do this, dig a trench with a depth of one and a half meters and a width of 50 cm.
  2. Afterwards sand is placed and the foundation is coated with bitumen.
  3. Then the insulation is installed. Its thickness is at least 20 cm. Seal the resulting seams with foam. At the corners of the bathhouse, a layer of mineral wool is 1.5 thick. Working with stone wool is easy here.
  4. Stone wool needs additional protection from brick wall(thickness - from 25 cm), which is placed around the perimeter. There will be a blind area at the top.

A few rules and notes for quality work.

How to choose and apply glue to mineral wool

Without correct selection and the use of glue, the insulation may sag, ceasing to act effectively. Stone wool - pretty unusual material, and not every adhesive is capable of providing high-quality adhesion to the wall.

The highest adhesion will be ensured polymer cement compositions. They are sold as a dry mixture similar to cement. There are several well-known brands: “EK THERMEX”, “ERESIT CT190”, “ERESIT CT180”.

Following the instructions on the package, dilute the mixture with water and mix well (repeat after 5 minutes). The solution will retain its adhesive properties for 2 hours.

On flat surface Apply the solution evenly to the walls so that you get 7-8 glue circles. We also apply glue to the back side of the cotton wool (closer to the edges); the surface should be covered with the composition more than half. It is also better to coat the joints. The glue hardens for some time, so it is possible to lay the slab correctly. Attaching stone wool to a wall is simple.

Sometimes, for greater reliability, additional fastening may be required. They can help here anchor bolts or slats fixed to the sheathing.

  • High thermal insulation properties - air accumulates between the basalt fibers, which serves as a natural barrier against heat loss, allowing good savings on utility bills.
  • Comfort and ease of use - working with basalt insulation is easy due to its flexibility and high performance. Even a non-professional can handle the job without any problems.
  • High strength and durability - even after many years of use, stone wool does not lose its initial characteristics, easily withstanding significant loads.
  • Excellent level of safety - basalt insulation contains natural components, there are no health hazards chemical substances.
  • Fire resistance - this thermal insulation material melts at a temperature of more than 1100 degrees, which makes it an excellent barrier to the spread of a fire.

Sales of TechnoNIKOL stone wool

In the online store "KSK24" you can get acquainted with a wide range of thermal insulation materials By affordable prices. We have high-quality TechnoNIKOL basalt insulation, which is valued by professionals in the field of repair and construction work.

The company carries out wholesale and retail sales, delivering goods throughout Moscow and the region, as well as to other regions of the Russian Federation.