home · Measurements · Thermal insulation based on stone wool. TechnoNIKOL - insulation made of stone (basalt) wool How to insulate a house with TechnoNIKOL stone wool

Thermal insulation based on stone wool. TechnoNIKOL - insulation made of stone (basalt) wool How to insulate a house with TechnoNIKOL stone wool

In a wide variety insulation materials Difficult for the average consumer to understand. Each of them has its own purpose, technical characteristics and and features. Many professionals prefer Rocklight mineral wool from the Technonikol brand. Let's consider its technical characteristics and consumer reviews after use.

Thermal insulation TechnoNIKOL

On Russian market TechnoNIKOL has long gained popularity wide choice and quality thermal insulation materials. Range of products stone wool produced on the basis of basalt rocks. Basalt fibers are extracted by melting mineral rocks. As a result of production, a very dense and durable material, having low thermal conductivity.

Currently, there are a huge number of different types of materials. Most thermal insulation materials are intended not only as thermal insulators. They also have soundproofing properties and help protect structures from destructive influences. The company tries to produce the highest quality product lines.

Techno produces universal types suitable for various working situations in the construction sector. These include Rocklight insulation.

Features of insulation and its scope of application

Rocklight refers to universal types insulation, therefore widely used in civil and industrial construction. They are made from natural and environmentally friendly raw materials. In him not contained harmful impurities and it is subjected to high temperatures during the production process. When molten, the rock is pulled into thin fibers. They help form slabs with the addition of a binder component.

IN finished form wool slabs contain 98% air. It moves unevenly between the fibers. Rocklight has high performance properties, which ensures its durability. Due to its properties, it is actively used in different areas construction:

Rocklight can be used to insulate horizontal and vertical surfaces. The material is economical in construction, which is also important in carrying out various insulation works.

Rocklight stone wool TechnoNIKOL: technical characteristics

Non-combustible slabs are produced in thicknesses of 50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm. The material is made from thin threads rocks. Most popular and versatile TechnoNIKOL Rocklight insulation 1200x600x50 mm is considered. Basalt slabs have certain properties:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.039 W/m*C;
  • density - 30–37 kg/m3;
  • vapor permeability - 0.3 Mg/m h Pa;
  • maximum compressibility no more than 30%;
  • flammability level - NG.

One of the attractive qualities is that the insulation in Rocklight slabs does not shrink several years after use. They are quite dense, so after fixing they do not settle or sag. At correct execution works the material does not retain moisture, but allows it to pass through itself to the outside. This prevents condensation from accumulating on the surface, which is very important when insulating. metal structures. They for a long time will not rust. This basalt base does not attract rodents. After insulation, mold or fungi do not form on the surface.

Main disadvantages

The main disadvantage of such insulation is the ability to partially absorb moisture falling on the surface. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out insulation work using hydro- or vapor barrier. The disadvantages include low strength and density. Such properties make it very good material for use in frame structures. In such cases, it will not be subjected to heavy loads.

High cost is another drawback of TechnoNIKOL insulation. Many other materials will be cheaper.

Compared to Rockwool insulation, TechnoNIKOL loses a little in quality. The Rockwool company specializes in producing a small range of products. The European manufacturer produces only stone and mineral wool. It is produced using the most advanced technologies. The entire product line is absolutely safe and does not harm human health or the environment.

TechnoNIKOL Rocklight: reviews

Thanks to reviews from customers who have used TechnoNIKOL insulation in construction, you can have an idea of ​​their characteristics and evaluate the quality of the product.

I really liked the material. We bought it to insulate external walls and roofs. Universal insulation and is especially good at roofing work. Everything was done easily and simply. The slabs are easy to lay between the rafters. After installation, they expand themselves and occupy the required position. It was a pleasure to work with such material.

Mark, Kharkov

A few years ago we bought our house. After a very cold winter, the walls became covered with dampness and then mold. Immediately with the arrival of spring, we began to think about insulation. Among the wide variety of insulation materials, it was difficult to navigate the choice. We chose Rocklite and did not regret it later. After a while I had to replace it finishing coat on one of the walls. After dismantling the wall, the insulation was in excellent condition after several years of use.

Mikhail, Yaroslavl

Insulated the roof pitched type after which I came to the conclusion that Rocklight is the most suitable for this work perfect option. The installation procedure takes very little time and effort. Dense slabs with a width of 50 and 100 mm do not deform or slip, which is very important when performing work. I recommend everyone to use this insulation when insulating pitched roofs.

  • High thermal insulation properties - air accumulates between the basalt fibers, which serves as a natural barrier against heat loss, allowing good savings on utility bills.
  • Comfort and ease of use - working with basalt insulation is easy due to its flexibility and high performance. Even a non-professional can handle the job without any problems.
  • High strength and durability – even after many years of use stone wool does not lose its initial characteristics, calmly withstanding significant loads.
  • Excellent level of safety - basalt insulation contains natural components, there are no health hazards chemical substances.
  • Fire resistance - this thermal insulation material melts at a temperature of more than 1100 degrees, which makes it an excellent barrier to the spread of a fire.

Sales of TechnoNIKOL stone wool

In the online store "KSK24" you can familiarize yourself with a wide range of thermal insulation materials according to affordable prices. High quality available basalt insulation TechnoNIKOL, which is valued by professionals in the field of repair and construction work.

The company carries out wholesale and retail sales, delivering goods throughout Moscow and the region, as well as to other regions of the Russian Federation.

TechnoNIKOL is one of the leaders in the stone (basalt) wool market.

This is the largest Russian corporation producing this type thermal insulation at our own 6 factories located from Ryazan to Khabarovsk: 1. TECHNO plant, Ryazan, 2. Bazalit plant - DV, Khabarovsk, 3. TECHNO plant, Zainsk, 4. JSC "AKSI", Chelyabinsk, 5. TECHNO plant, Cherkassy , 6. TECHNO plant, Yurga.

Such a wide geography of plants allows TechnoNIKOL to play a significant role in the entire Russian market of stone (basalt) wool.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool insulation

About company

The company has its own Research Center, which expands the range of TechnoNIKOL stone (basalt) wool and improves the properties of existing products. For example, this center developed ESBE technology. When producing stone wool using this technology, a system of electrodes operates around the injection nozzles, which creates a weak charge on microscopic drops of the binder. This ensures the stability of the particle size of the air-droplet mixture and its uniformity. In this way, the thermal insulation fibers are processed more evenly and completely.

TechnoNIKOL produces thermal insulation for insulating buildings and structures, as well as fire protection and technical insulation based on stone (basalt) wool.

TechnoNIKOL presents several brands to the market.

All technical insulation and fire protection is called: TechnoNIKOL. General building insulation is represented by the following brands:

  1. Techno,
  2. Basolite,
  3. AXI;
  4. Heatroll.
  5. A separate brand represents lightweight stone (basalt) wool Rocklight. But at its core, it is an economical option for Techno light stone wool.


All thermal insulation of the TechnoNIKOL company based on stone (basalt) wool is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. The thermal conductivity at 25 °C for all products of this company is in the range of 0.035 - 0.042 W/(m °C).

The most famous and popular thermal insulation brand of the TechnoNIKOL company is Techno stone (basalt) wool.

A wide range of Techno stone wool allows you to insulate almost any structure of any residential or production premises. Unless the insulation of the foundation cannot be done with stone wool.

Various brands of Technolight allow you to insulate and soundproof attics, frame partitions, floors when laying insulation between joists, and attic floors.

Technolight, like Technoblock, can be used as an internal thermal insulation layer in a ventilation facade with two-layer insulation. Technoblock is also used for heat and sound insulation layered masonry, frame walls.

Technovent — optimal solution for insulation of ventilated facade systems.

TechnoNIKOL Corporation began its development with production roofing systems. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the assortment of Techno stone (basalt) wool includes a wide range of “roofs” - special slabs for flat roofing.

Techno roofs are represented by the following brands:

These brands are popular among builders who lay roofs on large shopping centers, car showrooms, multi-story residential buildings. And due to their specific nature, they are in little demand by private consumers.

Technosandwich slabs are intended for companies involved in the production of sandwich panels, as well as concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels. Stone wool slabs from the Technosandwich series are also not intended for use in private housing construction.

The same cannot be said about stone wool from the Technofas series. Wet thin film system plaster facade popular both among professional builders and private owners.

TechnoNIKOL has a wide range of these products:

  1. Technofas,
  2. Technofas L,
  3. Technofas Extra,
  4. Technofas Effect.

The Techno line also includes special products for heat and sound insulation of floating floors and heated floors. This is a Technoflor stone slab. It is also more popular among professional builders.

TechnoNIKOL has in its assortment a special plate that has high sound-absorbing properties. This is Technoacoustic stone (basalt) wool.

The Basalit brand is not represented in such a wide range as Techno.

Basalite Sandwich is used in the manufacture of wall and roofing three-layer panels with metal facings.

Brands of stone (basalt) wool of the Basalit PT series are used for thermal insulation of roof structures in coverings made of reinforced concrete or metal profiled flooring.

Basalite mats MP 75 are used for insulation of heating networks and industrial pipelines. These mats do not have a binder, so they can be used on objects with high temperatures.

Basalit L-50 and Baalit L-75 can also be used by private owners for these purposes. But these plates have greater density, greater strength and reliability. Accordingly, the price of Basalit L-50 is higher than that of Basalit L-30. And Basalit L-75 is even higher. Special purpose for Basalit L-50 and L-75 slabs - use as a lower thermal insulation layer in ventilated facades with two-layer insulation. Basalite L-75 is also intended for insulation in three-layer walls.

The AKSI brand is represented by three main types of thermal insulation materials.

AXI Roofs are most often used for insulation flat roofs. However, they can also be used to insulate building envelopes.

AKSI tufted mats do not have a binder that burns out when high temperatures. Therefore, they are indispensable for insulating surfaces with temperatures from -180 to +700 C.

These 2 types of AKSI stone (basalt) wool are intended for professional builders: AKSI P-75 and P-125 slabs are used for heat and sound insulation in non-load-bearing structures frame type, as well as for thermal insulation industrial equipment, when the temperature of the insulated surface is in the range from -60 to +400 C.

Private owners using AKSI P-75 and P-125 can insulate pitched roofs, walls, floors and ceilings with joists.

The product of the TechnoNIKOL company - Teploroll - deserves special attention.

Until recently, only manufacturers of insulation based on glass staple fiber (glass wool) could boast of producing rolled thermal insulation material for private housing construction. But with the advent of Heatroll, the Izover, Ursa, and Knauf mats had a worthy competitor.

Of course, rolls based on stone (basalt) wool do not have such high compressibility as glass wool. And the savings on transportation will not be as significant as in the case of mats made of glass staple fiber. And in all other respects, Teploroll is in no way inferior to glass wool rolls. Heatroll is also intended for professional builder, and for the private owner.

Heatroll is the optimal solution for heat and sound insulation of various vertical, horizontal and inclined non-loaded structures: attics, ceilings, partitions, frame walls and floors with joists.

Mineral wool insulation in the family of thermal insulation materials accounts for the lion's share of 80%. At the same time, obtained from rocks such as dolomite, basalt or diabase, it differs high quality, harmlessness and long service life. The fibrous structure formed from molten drops is used primarily in critical structures that are subject to increased reliability requirements. Flexible and universal material, which is buy stone wool can be used to isolate any building structures, communication systems, for curtain facades and other objects whose surface temperature does not exceed + 700°C.

Basic properties

Compared to other similar products, the insulation has a number of characteristic features, among which:

1. Fire resistance maintained throughout the entire service life. Maximum temperature, at which the material retains its properties, reaches +1000°C. In many buildings, insulation is used as passive protection against fire, which is especially important when insulating boilers, fireplaces, and stoves. The material is assigned the flammability category NG.
2. Sound absorption level.
3. Thermal conductivity coefficient indicates thermal resistance and depends on the thickness of the layer. For comparison, a 10 cm sample with a density of 100 kg/m3 is taken, which should have the same properties as sand-lime brick size 200 cm, clay - 117 cm, and wooden block 25.5 cm thick. Its value varies within 00.034 W/m*K.034 and is slightly inferior to similar indicators of fiberglass.
4. Vapor permeability determines the level of humidity in the building.
5. The service life of high-quality insulation materials should be at least 40-50 years.
6. The amount of shrinkage is responsible for the formation of “cold bridges” and the smaller it is, the greater the likelihood of preservation geometric parameters material.
7. Resistance to destructive microorganisms.
8. Easy to install. Soft samples can be cut out with a knife, and dense ones can be cut with a saw.

Expert advice:

If the insulation layer is subjected to vibration or constant vertical loads, then the settlement will be significant. If you buy loose stone wool, over time it can clump into clumps and turn into dust, and its installation will be very expensive.

The assortment includes various stone wool price which depends on many nuances, but mainly on the level of quality and branding.

Competent choice of insulation

In the ranking of stone wool manufacturers, the leadership belongs to the Danish company ROCKWOOL (service life - 35 years), the Finnish manufacturer Paroc and the domestic company TechnoNikol. The top three are followed by products from URSA (30 years), KNAUF (35 years) and ISOVER (40 years).

Soft insulating samples PAROC UNS have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.039 W/m*K. They are recommended for use on objects that are not subject to mechanical loads, for example, when constructing frames, insulating walls, constructing cardboard partitions, etc.

PAROC FAS boards are used in “wet” plastering systems. Modified insulation materials, known as FAL-1, FAB-3, which have high bending strength and are indispensable when installed on curved surfaces. The FAB-3 material, with a thickness of only 30 mm, fits perfectly into door and window openings.

Stone wool is selected depending on the application, for example:

  • for a sloping roof, the density of the material should be 30-40 kg/m3, the best option is considered PAROC insulation(PARK);
  • samples with a parameter of 50 kg/m3 are selected as insulation for walls;
  • external walls are protected with a 10 cm layer. Density indicator of wool PAROC WAS 25t; equal to 80 kg/m3;
  • For residential attics and when laying floors, it is recommended to buy 15 cm PAROC EXTRA products with an indicator of 40 kg/m3;
  • Finnish has universal properties stone wool price which is in ideal proportion to its quality.

As for the domestic products of TechnoNikol, made from raw materials of the gabbro-basalt group, in its family There are several types of insulation, in particular:

  • Technolight slabs are designed for structures without load;
  • technofas is an indispensable component of plastering systems;
  • Technovent is used for ventilated structures;
  • Technoruf is recommended for use when insulating mastic or roll roofs.

The presence of water-repellent elements in Techno products gives the cotton wool a water-repellent ability, which allows it to be used in swimming pools, baths, etc.

The best stone wool, capable of withstanding high operating temperatures, is Rockwool and Knauf insulation (+500 ° C), followed by Ursa (+400 ° C) and Isover (+300 ° C) closes the list. In this case, all materials except Ursa cotton wool(+850° C), retain their structure and shape when heated above + 1000° C. All products are represented by mats and slabs, and Knauf and Rockwool additionally produce insulation in the form of cylinders. The most affordable materials are considered to be Izover and Ursa, and the most high price from expensive and high-quality Rockwool material.