home · Lighting · See what “59 (number)” is in other dictionaries. Armed with a magnifying glass, you can observe the weaving of threads, the structure and color of individual fibers and other little things that are not visible from a distance. Positive qualities: Energy. Love of freedom. Ability to manage. Progress

See what “59 (number)” is in other dictionaries. Armed with a magnifying glass, you can observe the weaving of threads, the structure and color of individual fibers and other little things that are not visible from a distance. Positive qualities: Energy. Love of freedom. Ability to manage. Progress


Imagine a skyscraper with endless staircases, flights, floors, levels - this is all our life!

We scurry along it up and down, right and left, forward and backward, sometimes we mark time, sometimes we sit down to rest..., in any case, we go through our own path, which is not similar to the path of a neighbor, matchmaker, brother, friend... about each of these you could write a whole treatise on your journey.

Even numbers that are identical at first glance can differ significantly in their inner essence and influence!

For clarity, I will give an example of a staircase that leads from the first floor to the second, where the number “10” represents the “zero” step, or the landing in front of the “flight of stairs” that leads from the 1st “floor” of two-digit numbers (10 – 19) to 2nd “floor” (20 – 29).

The qualities of "10/1" are:

is a maximalist with strength, will and charisma. This is an uncompromising “young warrior” who has come to conquer the world, but he lacks battle experience and endurance. This is a leader who has a long way to go to climb to the top of 19/1 glory.

The idea of ​​evolution is that the “Unit,” rising up the digital ladder, would absorb the skill of each number at each step:

“11/2” – find a common language with people.

“12/3” – express yourself creatively.

“13/4” – to be systematic and practical.

“14/5” – be flexible and open to change.

“15/6” – love your neighbor and be responsible.

“16/7” – to be wise, to understand yourself and the world.

“17/8” – control yourself and conquer any heights of reality.

“18/9” – love people and be a great humanitarian.

“19/1” – to serve all humanity.

“19/1” is a “Unit” that has already climbed to the “ninth step” and is one step away from the 2nd floor at the top of the “Units” series. This is an “experienced warrior” who has gone through countless battles of his “I”.

A warrior who understands that a lost battle is not a lost war. A warrior who is worthy to become an emperor!
He is wise, strong, brave and forgiving. He doesn't get into trouble unless it's necessary. He knows how to foresee the course and outcome of events. He knows how to love, forgive and appreciate.

Therefore, people who, for example, were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month and are united by a total “Unit” will differ from each other, sometimes in a significant way.

The same can be said about other numbers.

Compare, for example, “50” and “59”, which together form the “Five”.
If you are interested, try to think about it for yourself... and in addition to your conclusions, read the note about the number “59”:



NUMBER “59” - part - 2

Five and Nine, Nine and Five - what could this numerical combination mean?

One of the basic rules of numerology is the rule of reducing any complex number to a prime number by summing its individual digits.

For what? I'll explain with an example. Imagine a carpet hanging on the wall a few meters away from you. What do you see when you look at it?

Yes, the general composition: the main motif, ornament, color scheme.

If you get closer, you will notice details and fragments.

Armed with a magnifying glass, you can observe the weaving of threads, the structure and color of individual fibers and other little things that are not visible from a distance.

The same with complex numbers.

To reveal the general meaning of the number, we reduce it to the base value (the general appearance of the carpet). To understand the main details, we pay attention to the intermediate results.

Finally, to see the weaving of the individual “strands,” we analyze the individual digits that represent the original number.

So, let's return to the number “59” and perform the following arithmetic operations:

59= 5+9= !14= 1+4= 5


KARMIC NUMBER “!14” is the number of neglect of discipline.

Hard work, responsibility and stability turn into rebellion, carelessness and the desire to avoid responsibility at all costs.

This number implies that you may have abused freedom in the past, both at the expense of others and at the expense of your own development.

This is the number of a rebellious, free spirit who knows no limits to his passion for adventure, risk, escape from responsibility, frivolity, and the desire for sensual pleasures. People with this number usually exhibit the negative traits of number 5.

Number 14

teaches flexibility, the ability to adapt to changing living conditions, and giving up the desire to control everything and everyone. You will comprehend the Law of Change, similar to moving on a roller coaster.

No matter how bad things are, you cannot succeed with the number 14 if you try to achieve freedom in a destructive way. This path brings loss, illness, and in the worst case, death.

The success of overcoming this debt lies in moderation, mental and emotional stability, which allows you to follow the right course through an endless series of changes.

You must learn to maintain structure, order, flexibility, and adaptability in your life.

The SUBTLE INFLUENCE OF THE NUMBERS “5” and “9” is also felt.

Therefore, when analyzing the number “59”, we consider the positive and negative meanings of all numbers participating in this “dance”: 1, 4, 5, 9, 14.


Positive qualities: Courage. Strength of will. Determination. Bravery. Initiative. Swiftness. Ability to lead. Energy. Independence. Strong beliefs. Masculinity. Originality. Individuality. Creative thinking. Ingenuity.

Negative qualities: Selfishness. "Know-it-all." Boastfulness. Impulsiveness. Stubbornness. Self-will. Tendency to command. Jumping from talkativeness to isolation. Authoritarianism. Cynicism. Aggressiveness.


Positive qualities: Creation. Form and order. Concentration. Methodical. Practicality. Determination. Diligence. Good manners. Honoring material values.

Negative qualities: Rigidity. Stubbornness. Slowness. Hypocrisy. Lack of imagination. Pettiness. Excessive seriousness. Tendency to argue. Conservative. Fear of change.


Positive qualities: Energy. Love of freedom. Ability to manage. Progressiveness. Quick thinking. Love of life. Curiosity. Resourcefulness. Versatility. A penchant for research. Innovation.

Negative qualities: Restlessness. Changeability of mood. Dissatisfaction with life. Criticism. Sharpness. Hot temper. Restlessness. Nervousness. Dispersion of forces. Impatience. Impulsiveness.


Positive qualities: Unconditional love. Forgiveness. Compassion. Idealism. Perfection. Sophistication. Romance. Spiritual standards. Mercy. Impartiality. Benevolence. Religiosity. Charity. Impressionability. Creative talent. Luck.

Negative qualities: Selfishness. “All skill.” Impulsivity of actions. Possessiveness. The need for constant approval. Depression. Impermanence. Dispersion of forces. Not using talents. Carelessness in financial matters. Indulging in bad habits.

The ability to “make mountains out of molehills.”

Another important rule is the “NUMBER LADDER RULE”.

Imagine a skyscraper with endless flights of stairs. You go up the stairs from the 5th to the 6th floor. We have already passed 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,..., and reached the 59th step.

This means that you teach the themes and lessons of “5” (development, adaptation, freedom, activity) in the conditions and environments of other numbers.

The second number (“9”) suggests that the freedom-loving “five”, which is sensitive to its own person and its personal “Ego”, which cannot stand routine and restrictions, but loves to act according to its own rules, has risen to the level where she needs to learn to take into account the interests of the people around her.

The Ninth Degree of the 5th ten teaches the “I” to serve the “All”. Caring, forgiving, letting go of grudges, loving unconditionally, etc.

You see, you can write a whole treatise about any number, even a simple one. But, in order not to bore the readers, we can summarize this way.




THERE SHOULD BE NO PLACE FOR EGOISM HERE, although there are very strong egocentric influences of the numbers “!14”, “1”, “5” that can periodically throw the Personality back, as well as excessive stubbornness, uncompromisingness and inertia “4”, etc.

It consists of five and nine, which have a significant impact on the life, character and destiny of a person. Five is a symbol of liberation from shackles. It symbolizes inner freedom, accumulated life experience and the variety of available opportunities. This is a sign of ingenuity and motivation.

Nine symbolizes love relationships, self-improvement and the desire to serve society. Natives of 59 quite often act as philanthropists and patrons of the arts. This number also symbolizes romantic relationships, a reserve of internal strength and a powerful inner voice.

Significance in the culture of peoples and mystical beliefs

The Chinese were sure that the number five was responsible for male strength and procreation. It consists of one and four, which symbolize the union of creativity and eroticism. Among the Greeks, 59 is inextricably linked with marriage and the birth of a new family, and the teachings of the Cabal call it a symbol of the ideal person.

Part of fifty-nine, five is often found in ancient medical treatises. A person has five fingers and toes, and a human figure placed in the center of a circle forms a figure with five corners - a pentagram. In addition, we are endowed with five senses, thanks to which we perceive and perceive the surrounding reality.

All speakers of 59 are distinguished by a developed imagination and an innate talent for invention. They are able to perform unusual actions and see the way where others run into an obstacle. These are progressive people who are able to invest money and personal time in new discoveries and non-standard projects. This number often appears in the lives of journalists, engineers, public and revolutionary figures.

Positive influence on a person's character

Carriers of the number 59 tend to be active. They love travel, new discoveries and the spirit of adventure. These are sociable people who are able to carry on a conversation and listen to their interlocutor. But the most important quality of such people is their love for life itself. Where others fall into depression, carriers of 59 continue to actively move. A superbly developed imagination allows them to find a way out of various situations.

Such people are extremely charming: they attract the attention of the audience and win over strangers.

Negative impact on character and life path

59 carriers have not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages. They are capable of rash actions and do not always adhere to the developed plan. The desire for change can turn into restlessness, which is not conducive to achieving positive results. Often such people become rebels, violating laws and accepted orders in society.

It is quite difficult to conduct a dialogue with them, since these people rarely pay attention to other people's opinions. These are narcissistic egoists who do not know how to cope with their savings. They can spend money on a momentary desire.

To be jealous and at the same time not even mean in numerology the number 17 for a person has any strong feelings. Rat - if you do not do your love, but do business, the year will be good for you. They become part of a whole, and this makes them happy.

The Sagittarius man, a small lover and admirer of family ties, will not burden you with his relatives, and in return, do not torment him with your relatives. Forecasts are needed so as not to complain about fate. The ascending lunar node is a program for the evolution of a given life, it shows the soul the path to the future, the path to spiritual growth, progress and evolution, the path of purification at this stage of development, it also speaks of new life experience that will have to be gained gradually, and which will not be immediately penetrate into our consciousness. The year of the fire monkey will be quite favorable for serious acquisitions.

She has no sense of responsibility, initiative, or will. God awarded you the lion's name, so know your place. Fedulov, busy looking through the papers, raised his balding, smoothly licked head, pricked his blind eyes to the east of his pince-nez, chewed his bloodless lips and again buried his head in his eyes with a worried look. Taurus loves to work, knows how to be patient, thrifty, and practical. Currently, the meaning of the number 59 in numerology, the Mayan horoscope according to Tzolkin online, although not in its original form, is, however, close to it in all significant details and elements.

She is extremely sensitive to flattery. The Cancer woman will appreciate his decency, determination, well-groomed appearance, well-read, interesting conversations. Almost three hundred applicants proposed to her by the marriage meaning of the number 59 in numerology. If necessary, it can be quite rigid. Wondering if he has another. Yes, the sun is in square, but when drawing up a horoscope of compatibility between a man and a woman, other planets are considered. For Henry, entertainment came first; Catherine tried not to yield to him in anything and spent her time hunting and at balls.

And your partner is not a prince at all, he doesn’t even know the meaning of the number 59 in numerology from your novel. They understand well that because of such qualities, an inaccurate impression may be formed about them; they will be considered feminine and weak. Still smiling brightly, leaving him face to face with the hungry guests. And woe to us if we, caring for ourselves, do not establish our hope in God, who cares about. Immediately created meaning of number 59 in numerology, that the union is imbued with pretense and cheap publicity.

Scorpio frozen water. Modern astrologers use horoscopes of different nations to determine the meaning of the number 59 in numerology for reliable predictions. This is an obsession, I don’t know what to do with it. That is why he rushed to record his own music disc, so as not to be inferior to his wife in anything. This is the stubbornness of Capricorn, or better yet, faith in your dreams and determination. This is perhaps the only zodiac sign for which stopping, inaction and conservatism are absolutely contraindicated.

Of course, if you tell a Virgo woman that she will need to sleep in a tent or take a shower with water pouring out of a bucket, she will be horrified. Concerned with details, but without much imagination, courage or freedom. Such a pluto greatly influences the disposition of the spirit and mood of the individual, his spiritual mood: it excites the psyche, is a source of strong excitement, experiences, gives rise to internal anxiety, and strengthens idealistic and egoistic aspirations. A Libra man in this marriage, in search of inspiration, can easily cheat on his homely, down-to-earth wife, considering these adulteries not cheating at all, but attempts to find himself, relax, and gain new experiences.

But sometimes their sense of proportion betrays them and then, in pursuit of brightness and catchiness, they overdo it with makeup and begin to look somewhat defiant and vulgar. It is not for nothing that they are ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, under whose powerful protection they, as his children, are. For example, very few fish are formalists. False accusation by gossips; Evidence that your friends are not real.

Receiving source: GOST 111 90: Sheet glass. Technical specifications original document See also related terms: 109. The number of betatron oscillations ...

- ... Wikipedia

A special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; the numerological embodiment of Satan's protege. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very often used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with the inverted... ... Wikipedia

The number of the beast is a special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; the numerological embodiment of Satan's protege. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very often used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with ... ... Wikipedia

Noun, s., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? numbers, what? number, (see) what? number, what? number, about what? about number; pl. What? numbers, (no) what? numbers, why? numbers, (see) what? numbers, what? numbers, about what? about numbers mathematics 1. By number... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

number of cycles- The total number of individual releases (emissions) of fire extinguishing agent for a given pulse-action device. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

A floating point number is a form of representation of real numbers in which the number is stored in the form of a mantissa and an exponent. In this case, a floating point number has a fixed relative precision and a variable absolute one.... ... Wikipedia

- (Graham's number) is a large number that is the upper limit for solving a certain problem in Ramsey theory. Named after Ronald Graham. It became known to the general public after Martin ... Wikipedia

NUMBER, numbers, plural. numbers, numbers, numbers, cf. 1. The concept that serves as an expression of quantity, something with the help of which objects and phenomena are counted (mat.). Integer. A fractional number. Named number. Prime number. (see simple 1 in 1 value).… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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- () similarity criterion in hydrodynamics, equal to the ratio of the potential energy of a body immersed in a liquid to its kinetic energy. “Body” here usually refers to the liquid or gas in question. In general, the Richardson number... ... Wikipedia


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  • Name number. Secrets of numerology. Out-of-body escape for the lazy. Textbook on extrasensory perception (number of volumes: 3), Lawrence Shirley. Name number. Secrets of numerology. Shirley B. Lawrence's book is a comprehensive study of the ancient esoteric system of numerology. To learn how to use number vibrations for...


My date of birth is 11/02/1988. I don’t remember which table I calculated, but there was a debt of 888, that is, I always owe it, and the debts are growing and growing, and I know that they will grow even more and this cannot be stopped. And in order to give them back, you have to rob a bank, but in our time this is not easy to do, it seems to me that before I have already avoided debt in this way, leaving this world. Do you think that having been reborn, if this is possible, I will always owe everything?


Or will this only end when I pay off all my debts?


Andrey, do you know what it means to live in debt? So you are already robbing yourself and your relatives, and your children will be poor. Therefore, you must not succumb to the Demons who create the conditions to enslave you. It’s not up to you to decide whether to pay off or not, but you got into debt because you loved the physical world more than the spiritual world. Think about this and perhaps your issues will begin to be resolved. Since you write this on the value of the number 59, this means that your main problem is it's spiritual. Your soul is weak and poor and therefore you have a desire to have something to fill the emptiness of your soul.


Andrey, if you understood that time is money and by managing money you are wasting the time of your life. So I don’t know where I read that 888 is a debt that is simply untenable. If your consciousness is developed, then through 888 or Mebus you go to eternity and have unlimited financial support for your development. This is a kind of billionaire spiritual state when everything you don’t want can be purchased and used, find out how you can have it. Tired of just giving it to someone else and purchasing a new one, everything is given to you as the Universe sees your development and the need to grow. You still see in the number 8-8-8 or the deepening of karma. When another karma overwhelms you and leaves the visible world to the level of your matter. So 888 is a cancer that simply eats a person alive.


And the fact that I am a beggar, is it possible that I am responsible for the sins of my ancestors? Yes, and for some reason I don’t strive to get rich, there’s nothing and I don’t need to. Debts just keep growing and growing


Andrey, you contradict yourself. How do you want to get rich by going into debt? First you need to pay off all debts, and then talk about wealth. You heard before that the debtor was thrown into a pit and it was called the debt pit. So this is not to intimidate, but so that a person finally begins to understand where his place is in this situation. Getting rich is when a person is already on the surface and even rises to the top having everything he wants. All your problems come from your head, which perceives everything incorrectly. First learn to understand what it means to live within your means, and then you will become rich.


Yes, I heard about the pit. And so it seems like I live within my means, I would even say they survive. Well, you’re right, the problem is really in my head, I contacted the wrong people, but I knew that this could happen, and for some reason I just succumbed to their influence


It happens that I can advise someone something good to find a way out of a situation, but I can’t do it for myself, on the contrary, I just make everything worse, something specifically is killing me and I can’t do anything about it. I need a mentor who would put the oars in my hands and point me in the right direction. Otherwise, I’ll really soon swim and drown, so to speak. And to be honest, I don’t want to, but everything is going towards this. Even if you close your eyes to debts, I’m afraid of going to jail, I love freedom more than life


Andrey says that your quirk is interfering with you and does not allow you to become successful. You advise others and this will be at the expense of your future birth, which is planned at the same time, and you, by helping everyone, prepare workers for yourself who will then work for you and you will roll around in butter like cheese.


I’m contradicting, probably because I can’t decide, maybe I have a split personality, but it seems like it’s too early for me to go to the psychiatric hospital


Andrey, bifurcation is present in everyone who has an axis of symmetry or a spinal column. The point is different - this is how you indulge in doubts and contradictions, which is how the mechanism of destruction and failure is launched. But once you gain confidence and discover something new, you get an increase in life time of 2-3 years.


Andrey, you just need to repent, if of course you are a believer, and light a candle to Nicholas the Wonderworker and just live longer. If your faith is deep, then help will come. If you believe for show, then everything will remain in its place.


I wasn’t even baptized, where does my faith come from? Of course, some part of me believes, but this appeared quite recently, I began to believe that there is still some kind of higher power, but I don’t know how to handle it


Why are you so helpless that you still have to be led arm in arm to the Temple? Or are you a born atheist? If you believe and want to take the path to God and knowledge of the world and yourself, then simply, according to your convictions, you need to go and be baptized. After baptism, a Guardian Angel is given and life changes. Unbelievers and unbaptized wander in darkness and are constantly tormented.


Andrey, this is your nonsense, but the main thing is that they don’t need you, but you need these higher powers. Since on earth it will soon become boring and primitive, but here is the future journey between galaxies and new discoveries of worlds.


Pavel Grigorievich, you are right again, I’m talking about fate as a villain. That I myself am a villain, I remembered something that somehow came out of my mouth, like it’s not interesting to live when everything is beautiful, there must be difficulties. So I dug myself into holes and set up obstacles, but now I can’t cope with them and I regret that I created them. What a fool I am