home · Other · Decorating arches with decorative stone in an apartment: photo. Decorating arches in an apartment with your own hands How to decorate the edges of an arch in an apartment ideas

Decorating arches with decorative stone in an apartment: photo. Decorating arches in an apartment with your own hands How to decorate the edges of an arch in an apartment ideas

When you get an apartment, you undoubtedly want to make it cozier, more comfortable and larger. Nowadays, one of the ways to make your home appear larger is to create arches instead of doors.

Various photos of arches show how diverse they are and how much they change the appearance of a home. How to make an arch with your own hands will be briefly described below.

Types of arches

An arch is an opening in a wall that does not have a ceiling in the form of a door. Their types differ only in the upper part, or more precisely in how the corners are constructed (straight, rounded or curly).

In the modern world there are 7 types of arches:

  • classic;
  • "modern";
  • "romance";
  • ellipse;
  • trapezoid;
  • "portal";
  • semi-arch.

The first four types have rounded corners and differ only in the shape of the rounding.

So a classic arch is a semicircle with a radius of half the width of the opening; “modern” has a small corner radius; “romantic” and ellipse are similar to each other and represent ordinary rounded corners.

The trapezoid and the portal are another matter. These two types use sharp corners. In a trapezoid, the top accordingly represents this figure, and the “portal” is an ordinary opening without a door.

However, even an unremarkable “portal” can be made to sparkle with new colors, giving the supports the appearance of columns in the ancient style (Greek or Roman).

Although the trapezoid is a rather unusual solution, it is not suitable for any style, so it is used much less often than other arch options.

The last type is a semi-arch, as the name implies, it consists of 1 rounded and 1 right angle. This type of arch began to be used recently, but it has already gained popularity.

It is up to you to decide which arch to install in your apartment, but we will dwell in more detail on arches made of plasterboard, as the most convenient material for construction.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an arch

We choose the future shape of the arch. It is important that it matches the overall style of the premises that will connect.

We clean the opening from the plaster and level it. It’s simple here - the cleaner the surface of the work, the more reliable the fastening.

We fasten the arch frame. We construct the frame itself from a profile (possibly from wooden blocks).

We attach a cut out plasterboard arch (one side) to the frame. To get the arch of the desired type, we make a hole in the middle of the plasterboard base for a nail. We tie a string to it and get a homemade compass. Now, by changing the length of the rope, you can change the radius of rounding of the corners and their appearance.

We apply drywall on the other side and mark an arch on it, like a stencil, then cut it out and attach it to the frame.

Under no circumstances should this be done on the floor, since the opening is usually asymmetrical, which has the most detrimental effect on the accuracy of the one-to-one markings.


We measure the resulting arc and use the profile to make a tape for fastening. After this, we attach the resulting tape to the arch arch using self-tapping screws.

We install jumpers. Their size is calculated simply: the depth of the arch is minus 1.5 centimeters, the material of manufacture is a metal profile, less often wood. We attach a sheet of drywall to the end of the opening with self-tapping screws.

We carry out finishing work (smoothing with putty, filling in possible holes, painting or gluing wallpaper).

Other ways to make an arch

You can also make an arch in the opening in two other ways. The difference between these methods of creating an arch is in the fastening of drywall.

In the second option, it is attached to the jumpers not with a whole sheet, but with specially cut pieces (set) using a special solution (water, putty plus PVA glue) and this must be done without delay, since the solution hardens very quickly.


The third option involves wooden lintels mounted on glue. Drywall in the opening to the lintels is also glued.

How to bend drywall?

In addition, the question may arise: how to bend drywall? Thin cardboard (6 mm) is best suited for this.

And there are at least 2 ways to bend it:
Method 1 - roll a roller on cardboard to break the plaster in it, soak it in water and gradually screw it to the tape with self-tapping screws.

Method 2 – make cuts on the drywall every 4-5 centimeters. When you attach it to the end of the opening, the material will burst at the places where the cuts are made and will adhere better to the wall surface.

We wish you good luck in completing your work!

Photo of the arch with your own hands


Among the most popular elements for finishing openings, the arched corner should be noted. The protective element, which at the same time serves as decoration, is made in two types: metal and plastic.

Installation is not difficult, but has features that a person doing the work with his own hands should know. So, let's look at how to finish an arch with a plastic corner.

Important function of arched corners

The finishing corner has been used for many years to simplify renovation work. It allows you to form corners and also protect the doorway. The main advantage of arched corners is the possibility of extending the service life of the finish, since with them the wallpaper will not break off at the corners and the paint will not be erased.

And if during the installation of an interior arch you need to plaster a corner made of chipboard or plasterboard, then an aluminum corner will allow you to display 90 degrees. Any home corner is subject to external influence, especially for arched openings - rearranging furniture or regular Saturday cleaning can damage it. There is a solution - glue a decorative corner.

Important! A perforated corner provides a smooth edge for a curved design. At the same time, the consumption of putties is reduced.

Thanks to perforation, the corner can not only be framed with clear lines, it can be bent and drawn into various shapes. The soft curved element makes it possible to design not only square or rounded arches in a classic style, but also to create semi-arches, as well as openings with non-standard curves. Arch corners have the following advantages:

  • Affordable price.
  • Practical - can be used in most interior solutions.
  • Finish – produced in a wide range of colors.
  • Installing decorative elements is not difficult.

Necessary tool

The plastic corner for the interior arch must be properly secured. For this purpose, a list of such tools is prepared in advance:

  1. Plastic element to match the style of the room.
  2. Assembly adhesive.
  3. Liquid nails will help attach the element.
  4. Rubber mallet.

Important! Gluing decor using liquid nails is simple, but risky. Firstly, the plastic can be damaged, and secondly, a large amount of material used leaves greasy marks on the finish.

It is best to attach a bent corner using assembly glue or liquid nails, since installation with metal nails or screws looks awkward and also increases the chances of cracks and chips.

Drywall is one of the most common materials for creating interior portals. It is lightweight, attached to the frame and makes it possible to draw internal and external radius corners. Since the material requires subsequent cladding, corners are used for ease of design. Glue for installation - putty.

Finishing an arch with a plastic corner (video)

Installation of decorative corners

Any apartment will look much more impressive if the edging of existing arches is decorated with plastic corners. Therefore, let's look at how to glue a plastic corner to an interior arch and make the frame durable and reliable.

There are two needs to use a PVC part: to glue and remove a right angle, or to paste over an arc. Condition for creating right angles:

  • Surface treatment with a penetrating primer solution.
  • Use a square to mark, mark and cut to the required size with a grinder.
  • Apply the adhesive mixture to two inner planes of the element.
  • Apply the strip, gently pressing it along its entire length.

The flexible corner for the arcuate arch is fixed in a slightly different way. Photos and videos will help beginners understand the differences and features of installation. Installing such an element yourself will be no more difficult than the previous option, but pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The width of the sides of the corner when finishing the arc varies. The wide side is laid on the end corner of the arch, and the narrow side is pressed against the wall.
  2. Silicone sealant or adhesive solution is applied to the element, as in the first case.
  3. You need to fasten it with several nails - a necessary measure, since the hot solution must completely set.
  4. Instead of nails, it is allowed to use masking tape - it secures the edge of the plastic corner.

Important! It is prohibited to use a home or construction hair dryer to speed up drying, especially if photo wallpaper or paint is used for the walls.

Corners for interior arches are easy to glue onto wallpaper. The finishing material quickly sets with glue and allows you to test your strength the very next day. But if you want to cover an arch with an MDF corner, then use these tips:

  • This type does not require additional fixation, but after applying glue to the corner and pressing it to the surface, wait a couple of seconds and then peel off the element again.
  • After waiting for the glue to thicken, you can safely return it to its place. Usually 1-2 minutes is enough.

It is better to use a wooden corner for arched openings made of the same material. It is difficult to bend, so you can glue it on straight planes. Ideal use is rectangular portals where there is no round element.

Interesting! Among the abundance of finishing elements, you can choose cork, rubberized, rubber corners. A rolled and flexible rubber corner is simply necessary in places where water hitting the surface makes it slippery. These can be glued to tiles and concrete if necessary.

It is also possible to cover the arch using ordinary plastic corners, but in this case the elastic threshold will be much smaller. In order to bend the product to the desired size without damaging the product, you should heat the material with a hair dryer.

For the decorative design of arches and walls, polyurethane and polyurethane foam are used - in this case, all surfaces must be smooth. If there are small differences, then you need to glue the elements together by gently pressing and increasing the amount of glue in these places.

Photo gallery of finished works

Decorating a wall niche, window or interior opening with an arch allows you to transform any interior. However, the arch acquires decorative significance only if the finishing material is correctly selected and the installation work is carried out correctly.

A huge variety of materials are used for decorative finishing of arches, each of which has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Natural wood

Arches trimmed with natural wood give the room a certain amount of solidity, style and nobility, harmoniously combining with any interior design, be it classic, hi-tech or modern.

The undoubted advantages of wooden structures are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • unique pattern formed by annual rings;
  • high strength characteristics characteristic of hardwood varieties, including mahogany, oak, walnut, ash;
  • maintaining a presentable appearance for many years.

However, solid wood construction also has a number of disadvantages:

  • low moisture resistance;
  • tendency to deformation in conditions of high humidity, sudden temperature changes and other similar factors;
  • the large weight of individual structural elements makes it difficult to carry out installation on your own;
  • high price.

As a rule, finishing of arches with wood from valuable species is carried out by manufacturing a finished structure to order, followed by installation by the company’s specialists.

MDF panels

An almost equivalent alternative to natural wood are MDF panels, the production of which is based on the compression of wood chips. Depending on the top coating, MDF panels are distinguished:

  • laminated. The resulting slabs are covered with polyvinyl chloride film, which imitates the texture of wood and increases the strength characteristics of the product;

  • veneered. The finished slabs are pressed with a thin layer of wood, after which the front side of the product is coated with a protective varnish.

Veneered panels differ from laminated materials in higher cost and better performance characteristics.

Advantages of MDF panels relative to structures made of natural wood:

  • environmental friendliness due to the absence of harmful substances and compounds in the product;
  • resistance to temperature changes, moisture;
  • ease of installation due to the light weight of the panels;
  • low cost.

Despite a lot of positive aspects, MDF panels are inferior to arches decorated with real wood:

  • ease of damage through a targeted blow;
  • under the influence of sunlight they gradually lose their original shade;
  • short operational period, rarely exceeding 5-7 years.

Decorating interior arches with low-traffic MDF panels increases the service life for several years, while maintaining the original appearance of the structure.

Cork for finishing

Interior arches look original, the finishing of which is made using cork material, presented:

  • Panels. The basis of the products is pressed cork, on top of which a thin veneer impregnated with wax is placed. The minimum thickness of cork panels is 3 mm.

  • Rolled products, the structure of which is similar to cork panels, with the only difference being that not all product series are wax impregnated. In this case, the rolled material can have a varied range of colors by coloring the front and/or back layers.

  • Wallpaper consisting of a paper base and a thin sheet of veneer glued to the base. Quite often, cork wallpaper has a self-adhesive layer, greatly simplifying installation work.

  • resistance to pinpoint impacts;
  • prevent the accumulation of dust;
  • do not lose their original shade over a long period;
  • have antibacterial characteristics, preventing the formation of mold;
  • service life is 10-20 years.

  • coatings not treated with wax quickly deform in conditions of high humidity;
  • ability to absorb odors;
  • high price.

When choosing cork material, you should give preference to a wax-treated coating.

Wallpaper for the arch

Finishing arches with wallpaper is one of the most popular and, at the same time, budget options due to a number of advantageous features relative to other finishing materials, including:

  • variety of colors, textures, ornaments;
  • ease of gluing;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning using non-aggressive detergents;
  • affordable price.


  • ease of damage both during gluing and during operation;
  • fading over a short period of time;
  • fragility.

When choosing canvases, you should give preference to plain non-woven, vinyl, bamboo or glass wallpaper. It is possible to have a small or abstract design that does not require combination with the ornament on the wallpaper that covers the walls adjacent to the arch.

Arch tiles

Tiling an arch is a less common, but still in demand method.

  • wide range of colors;
  • high resistance to moisture;
  • maintaining original characteristics for many years;
  • ease of care;
  • duration of operation.

  • the considerable weight of the tiles requires a strong arched structure;
  • labor-intensive work that requires certain skills or the involvement of specialists;
  • high price.

The optimal choice is narrow tiles of small size, allowing to minimize waste during tiling work.

Decorative rock

Finishing the arch with decorative stone, which combines perfectly with other building materials, has become especially popular in recent years. Artificial stone is made from expanded clay, pumice, cement with the addition of mineral pigments, the combination of which allows you to achieve a complete imitation of any natural stone.


  • wide selection of shades, textures;
  • high resistance to damage;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of maintenance during operation;
  • durability.


  • heavy weight;
  • complexity of installation;
  • high price.

Along with tiles, it is preferable to clad the arch with small stones, which will greatly facilitate installation in the vaulted part of the structure.

Mosaic for arch

Finishing an arch with mosaics is a rather painstaking process, which upon completion results in a mesmerizing spectacle.

Advantages of mosaic:

  • variety of sizes, shapes and colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • durability.


  • duration and complexity of work;
  • high price.

Currently, metal, ceramic, glass and other types of mosaics are produced, so choosing an option that matches the style of the interior will not be so difficult.

Decorative plaster

Almost the only material that allows you to create a unique masterpiece, showing a little imagination and creativity. Decorative plaster is sold in the form of a dry and ready-mixed product. In this case, the dry mixture is diluted with ordinary water in the proportion indicated on the instructions supplied with the composition.

  • the ability to create any expressive or smoothed relief;
  • ease of application;
  • possibility of repeated painting with special paints;
  • there is no need to carefully level the surface before applying plaster;
  • low cost.

  • ease of mechanical damage;
  • impossibility of wet cleaning;
  • repairs to the damaged area will remain visible;
  • relatively short operational period.

Finishing arches in an apartment with decorative plaster is a universal method that requires a small amount of time and a minimum of skills.

Regardless of the material chosen, before starting finishing work it is necessary to carefully prepare the working surface so as not to spoil the final result by the decor falling off along with the plaster or protruding unevenness.

Preparing the surface for finishing

The reliability of fixing the finishing material largely depends on the conscientiousness of the preparation of the working surface, during which it is necessary:

  • remove areas protruding by more than 1 cm, as well as poorly adhering putty and paint;
  • cover the joining seams, if the arch is made of plasterboard sheets;
  • prime the surface;
  • level the working base using putty;
  • prime.

After the primer mixture has completely dried, you can proceed to installation work.

Arch finishing technology

The process of finishing an arched opening with panels, wallpaper, stone and other materials is somewhat different.


Finishing an arch in an apartment using panels made of MDF, plastic, or cork is possible in the absence of strongly rounded structural elements. Installation of the selected materials is carried out using glue or with a sheathing device.

Installation with glue is carried out as follows:

  • carry out thorough surface preparation;
  • mark and cut off excess parts of the panels before using the adhesive;
  • liquid nails or glue specially selected for the material used are applied to the underside of the panel in a zigzag stripe;
  • apply the panels to the surface and level them;
  • 5-10 minutes after the glue has polymerized, tap the surface of the panel with a rubber hammer, controlling the horizontality with a building level.

Installation on the lathing does not require leveling the surface and looks like this:

  • in the arch opening, a sheathing is constructed from wooden blocks or metal guides, which is fixed to the surface using dowels;
  • At the top and bottom of the sheathing, start guides for mounting the panels are screwed with self-tapping screws;
  • panels cut to size are installed in the starting guides and fixed to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.

Upon completion of finishing, the ends of the arch must be refined by gluing special corners from the same finishing material.

Wallpaper finishing

Wallpapering technology depends on the type of wallpaper.

For thin wallpaper without using plastic corners:

  • a strip of wallpaper is glued to the wall adjacent to the arch so that the edges of the canvas protrude beyond the boundaries of the arch by 2-3 cm;
  • on the protruding allowance, zigzag cuts are made every 2 cm and the resulting tongues of the fabric are folded onto the inner surface of the arch, carefully rolled with a roller;
  • The walls on the other side of the arch are covered in the same way;
  • cut out a strip of wallpaper, the dimensions of which correspond to the width and length of the inner arch of the arch;
  • Pasting the inner surface of the arch is done from the bottom up, rolling thoroughly with a roller to get rid of air bubbles.

If the length of one strip of wallpaper is not enough, then the junction of the two strips is located in the center of the arch. If it is necessary to use 3 strips of wallpaper, the joining points are determined at the level of the connection of the arc of the arch with the vertical planes.

When using textile or vinyl wallpaper with framing:

  • pasted wallpaper on the walls adjacent to the arch is cut along the boundaries of the arch;
  • cut out a strip of wallpaper according to the dimensions of the inner surface of the arch and paste it on;
  • if necessary, trim the excess with a stationery knife;
  • after 2-3 days, when the glue has dried, fix the selected type of corner along the protruding elements of the arch.

Cork wallpaper is glued similarly to non-woven wallpaper, with the only difference being that ready-made acrylic or contact adhesive is used, which is applied both to the roll wallpaper and to the surface to be pasted.

Decorative stone or tiles

As a rule, stone cladding is carried out not only in relation to the arched opening, but also part of the walls adjacent to the opening through symmetrical or asymmetrical placement.

The order of preparatory activities:

  • notches are made on the previously puttied and primed surface to improve the adhesion of the material to the surface;
  • The stones intended for installation are laid out on the floor and the most advantageous combination of relief, pattern, and overflow is selected;
  • Using a metal brush, clean the underside of the material from foamy irregularities.

The opening is finished using cement mortar or liquid nails from the bottom up. In this case, the walls adjacent to the arch are initially lined:

  • glue is applied to the wall and stone, not exceeding a layer of 1 cm, otherwise the tile will slide down;
  • the first stone is laid at the junction of the arched opening and the wall;
  • a second stone is laid on top of the first, shifting it towards the opening by the thickness of the stone;
  • the alternation of masonry is repeated to the intended level, which avoids sloppy corners and the use of framing elements in the form of corners, plinths and other elements;
  • finishing inside the arched opening is also done with an overlap.

To finish the top of the vault:

  • dry tiles/stones are applied to the intended place of gluing; Mark a line of excess with a pencil, along which you draw several times with a construction knife;
  • the unnecessary part is broken off using pliers;
  • burrs and irregularities are removed with a file and sandpaper.

1-2 days after finishing the facing work, they begin to join the seams:

  • a construction syringe is filled with grout;
  • to obtain a pronounced relief, the seams are filled, not reaching the upper edge of the stone by 3-4 mm;
  • to obtain a smoothed relief, the seam is filled at the same level as the upper border of the stone;
  • after 30-40 minutes, the filled seams are smoothed using a special spatula or spatula, getting rid of unevenness.

Tiling is done in a similar way to decorative stone.

Mosaic finishing

It’s easier and faster to cover an arch with mosaics assembled in small matrices. Fixation of individual modules into matrices is carried out using paper, on which the mosaic is laid face down, and a fine mesh, which serves as the basis for gluing the modules with the wrong side down. Since mosaics are made from various materials, a transparent adhesive is used for installing transparent modules, and white adhesive is used for opaque ones.

The process of finishing an arch with mosaics boils down to the following:

  • When applying the matrix, mark the working surface area into separate segments according to the matrix dimensions.
  • Using a notched trowel, glue is applied to the wall to place a single matrix.
  • Carefully insert the set of modules into the adhesive composition, preventing the glue from getting on the front surface of the mosaic and adjusting the horizontal placement of the matrix using a building level.
  • Laying out all the necessary elements is repeated in the same way.
  • After the adhesive solution has set, the protective layer of the mosaic is removed.
  • Grouting of joints is carried out in vertical and horizontal directions using a rubber spatula.
  • An hour after applying the grout, remove excess mortar by moving the spatula in diagonal directions.

At the end of the work, the mosaic must be wiped with a damp sponge to remove traces of grout, without making much effort to avoid washing it out of the seams.

In the process of finishing an arch with your own hands, it is necessary to control the horizontality of all modules of the matrix, so a person who is unsure of his abilities is better off entrusting the work to a professional specialist.

Finishing with decorative plaster

Using decorative plaster, finishing the arch, the photo of which is presented below, is carried out in a fairly short time as follows:

  • A small layer of plaster is applied to the previously prepared surface.
  • Using a grater, sponge and other available means, the pattern and relief of the future surface are formed.
  • If the relief is not sufficiently pronounced, plaster is added in the right places only after the first layer has dried. To achieve a decorative effect, it is often necessary to apply several layers of plaster.

Upon completion of the work and the surface has thoroughly dried (1-2 days), the arch is painted, varnish or other protective coating is applied.

You can see the finishing of the arch more clearly in the video:

Application of corners

Regardless of the strength of the material chosen for finishing the arch and the adjacent walls, the protruding parts of the structure after a fairly short period begin to wear out, fade, and peel, because the corners of the arch are subjected to heavy loads. The use of baseboards and corners made of MDF, plastic, wood and other materials as additional framing will help to extend the life of decorative finishing, allowing not only to protect the finishing material, but also to hide cracks, chips, and unevenness formed during the installation process.

Installation of corners is carried out using glue or liquid nails, which are applied to the inside of the material after finishing. In this case, finishing the arch with a corner begins with the sides and ends with the vaulted part.

Additional elements in the form of corners and skirting boards should be chosen several tones darker or lighter than the main finish in order to more clearly emphasize the shape of the arch.

Decorative finishing of arches takes a lot of time and requires special care. Compliance with all stages of finishing with one or another material and leisurely execution of installation work will result, upon completion of the finishing of the arch, into a wonderful element of the interior that will delight the owners of the house and their guests for a long time.

If there is a doorway in your house that does not need a door, it’s time to make an arch out of it - a stylish architectural element of the interior. Let's look at the design options for the arch in the photo, as well as a video of the process of decorating the arch with decorative materials with your own hands.

Arch shape and interior style

In architecture, the arch is an important structural element. The vaulted structure of the arch can take a greater load than a direct ceiling. Of course, in most apartment interiors, the arch is simply a decorative element that does not carry any structural load. Although in houses of old construction made of brick, you can also find structural arches in the openings. In this article we will not consider methods for calculating the load of an arch, but will focus on the options for its decorative design: the shape and materials used.

Using a decorative arch, you can decorate an opening in which the door frame is not installed. By the way, an arched opening can also have a door. You will need either doors with wings rounded at the top, or a regular door is installed, and the semicircular part of the opening at the top (desudeporte) is covered with a glazed transom, a panel made in the style of a door leaf or a decorative panel, for example, stained glass or relief.

In modern apartment interiors, the most common version of the arch is most often used - a round semi-circular or round flat arch (part of a circle along the chord). And there are many more varieties of arched structures: experts can name at least two dozen; they have different designs, which means they participate in different ways in distributing the load in the structure.

Since we are not interested in the design features of arches, we will consider the types of arches from the point of view of design and application to different styles. The following types of arches have the most interesting decorative form:

  • a round arch is traditional for classic interiors.
  • Arabian or Moorish - used in Spanish, Arab and Moorish architecture. It has a high center of construction and a horseshoe shape, for which in some cases it is called a horseshoe. Suitable for interiors in or Moorish style.
  • lancet (lanceolate) - looks like two arcs intersecting at an acute angle in the lock. It is most common in Gothic architecture; therefore, it is suitable for interiors in the neo-Gothic style.
  • keeled - looks like the bottom of an overturned boat. Along with onion domes, which have the same cross-section, it was widely used in Russian architecture.
  • “Tudor” - has a shape similar to a keel, only the “keel” is less pronounced.

  • three-lobed - the upper part of the arch is composed of three circles forming a clover leaf. Three-lobed and “Tudor” - the shape of the arches, most suitable for interiors stylized as a castle.
  • creeping or oblique - an asymmetrical arch, one side of which is higher than the other, can be used to support flights of stairs.
  • fantasy-shaped arches - since in this case the arch is not a structural element, its shape can be completely intricate. Such arches will fit perfectly into an Art Nouveau interior with its flowing lines.

As can be seen from the description, the choice of the shape of a decorative arch depends on the style of the interior. What about the finishing?

How to finish an arch

Having chosen the interior style and, depending on it, the shape of the arch, you can begin to select materials for finishing. Of course, it also depends on the overall style concept of the interior. First, let's look at ready-made solutions offered by the finishing materials market.

  • Wooden arches. Made from natural wood and MDF. They have a prefabricated structure. Available in standard sizes and to order. Most often made in a classic style. Products for interiors in the Art Nouveau style are ordered according to an individual project.

  • Products made of polyurethane and plastic. Along with other elements - cornices, moldings, there are models made of rigid polyurethane. Made in a classic style, mounted with glue and then painted.
  • In a simple version, when the arch is just an opening, the edges of the arch slopes can be trimmed plastic corner. You just need to choose flexible options so that you can bend it along the radius.

Finishing with tiles, decorative stone or brick

A popular way to finish an arched opening is to tile like brick or stone. This type of finish is suitable for a rustic interior or.

Advice: You should not use these materials if they are not supported anywhere else in the interior. An arch tiled to look like brick or wild stone against a background of ordinary wallpaper is a demonstration of not very good taste.

When choosing a material, pay attention to natural stone: limestone, sandstone, travertine or shell rock. You should not unconditionally trust the advertising calls of sellers of artificial stone: tiles imitating stone are not at all lighter than natural ones, unless, of course, they are made of foam plastic: usually tiles imitating natural stone are made of gypsum or concrete. And the price of a well-made stone imitation is far from low; it is quite comparable to the price of natural stone, and in many cases even exceeds it. There are no differences in installation. The only difference is that on the cladding made of decorative artificial stone you will always see a repeat of the pattern - rapport. On more expensive options there is more rapport. In cheap ones, identical stones are more common. When using natural stone, you will never see a repeat.

The work of cladding an arch with artificial decorative stone, natural stone, or clinker tiles is akin to ordinary tiling work. It is best to use tile adhesive for this: tiles are really heavy. When buying glue, choose a reinforced one or one that says “for heavy tiles and stone.” In the video you can watch the process of cladding the arch.

If the interior of your apartment is in an oriental style, for example, Moroccan, then the arch can be decorated with zullyage ceramic tiles or its imitation.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is an excellent material. You can choose a finish from an almost countless number of options to suit any interior style. Decorative textured - for country-style interiors, Venetian - for luxurious interiors. With metallic coating - for high-tech style.

An arched opening is an effective solution for creating space. Using a partition with an arch, you can zone a room. The use of arches makes the room more complex and voluminous, and therefore interesting.

Arch in apartment design: video

Methods for finishing an arch: photo

Finishing the arch is the final stage, which will highlight the beauty of the structure. It should be noted that this particular work is the most important when it comes to the decorative component. Don't worry - you can do everything completely yourself. The main thing is to show the necessary perseverance and desire. Of course, you cannot do without some experience and the availability of the necessary tools, which are selected depending on the chosen finishing option.

Decorating an arch in an apartment is a process that is carried out after the main work has been completed. The fact is that such structures are made from different materials using different technologies. The resulting architectural element serves to decorate the entire interior, giving it some individuality. We must not forget that cladding can play not only a decorative role, but also perform a protective function.

A few tips to help achieve the desired effect:

  1. The easiest way to decorate an arch in an apartment with your own hands is to highlight the arched opening with the desired color. Often shades are selected that will contrast with the walls. Thus, it is possible to obtain a completed design with a minimum of effort. This method can be used for other materials.
  2. Decorating material can be matched to existing colors. For example, if the cladding of interior arches is done with MDF panels, then it is advisable to combine them with closely spaced door leaves.
  3. The design can be decorated using various embossing and patterned ribbons that correspond to the general direction of the design.
  4. Nowadays stucco molding is becoming increasingly popular. Indeed, this is an excellent option that allows you to highlight an interior decorated in a classic style.
  5. The mosaic looks quite unique. Its use requires experience in installation. But if everything is done flawlessly, the effect will be amazing.

Decorating an arch with mosaics is an unusual solution that deserves attention

Selection and use of materials

How can you decorate an arch? Currently, there are many materials that perfectly cope with the task. We can highlight the most popular ones that deserve special attention:

  • Natural and artificial stone. It should be borne in mind that the first type requires more professionalism.
  • Cork. A completely natural and environmentally friendly product. A significant disadvantage may be the price.
  • Decorative plaster. This option allows you to finish the surfaces in such a way that it gives the impression of natural stone.
  • Various types of tiles. They are similar in laying technology to stone, but give the interior a completely different look.
  • Textile. This material requires a special approach to avoid banality and simplicity.

Of course, there are many more products for decorating arches. If desired, completely unusual options can be used. So, for example, the structure, which is lined with fitted log cuts, looks quite original. Technologically, this solution is very simple. The blanks are cut to the required size. On one side there is a cut, which will serve as a groove for the edge of the opening. Such blocks of wood are inserted into place, secured with self-tapping screws.

Wallpaper - simple and accessible

Indeed, this is one of the easiest ways that allows you to complete the entire process in a short time. The main thing is that the costs will be minimal.

Wallpapering is the simplest and most inexpensive way to finish an arched opening

The whole process is very simple:

  1. If necessary, before covering the arch with wallpaper, the surface is leveled.

    On a note! Before finishing the plasterboard arch, a layer of putty is applied to its surface. This is necessary so that if there is a desire to update the finish, the wallpaper does not have to be removed along with the cardboard.

  2. After waiting for the applied composition to dry, the glue is prepared. It is kneaded according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length. The sticker runs strictly vertically, covering part of the opening. You should get a bend equal to 3-4 cm.
  4. To bend the seam allowance but avoid wrinkles, cut the edge into corners.
  5. Now is the most painstaking part of the work - you need to cut out a strip that will be glued to the arched surface. This must be done so that the existing pattern matches. This area is smoothed from top to bottom. That is, gluing is done at the highest point, after which the fragment goes down to the bottom.

Although there are some negative factors to consider:

  • It is necessary to decorate taking into account the fact that such material is very short-lived. After some time, the surface may acquire yellowish tints. The feeling of novelty will disappear.
  • The use of wallpaper is limited to the location of the opening. They are not recommended for use in structures located in the kitchen area. Even washable types will not save the situation.
  • Lack of protective functions. Such a coating is very easy to damage, and from minimal mechanical impact.

Of course, it cannot be said that this method allows you to decorate the arch. But, of course, it is suitable for many situations that require the job to be done in the most simple and inexpensive way.

Stucco molding - impressive and elegant

To get a spectacular arch that attracts the eye, use polyurethane stucco molding. This is a modern version of the product, which was previously made exclusively from gypsum. It is actively used to frame various structures.

Finishing an arch with polyurethane stucco is an affordable solution with a stunning effect

This option has its own characteristics. The fact is that the finishing material is more suitable for classic interiors. If you use a polyurethane arch in a modern style, then such details may seem completely out of place.

Installation is carried out using the following technology:

  1. The surfaces are leveled. All areas are well cleaned.
  2. All dust is erased. If you leave such flaws, the gluing will be unreliable.
  3. The treated surface should dry well. This period is used to perform marking. Trimming of parts may be necessary.

    On a note! To perform trimming at an angle of 45 degrees, use a miter box. It is important to place the elements correctly to avoid the appearance of joining gaps.

  4. Now you can start gluing. For this purpose, a special composition is used, which is marked: “suitable for gluing products made of polyurethane.” This substance is applied to the underside of the part, which is pressed against the surface and held. If joining is performed, the glue is spread on one side. It is important to remove excess immediately. The seams are treated with putty and sanded.

  5. When finishing an arch with polyurethane, you need to take into account that all work must be carried out with extreme care. Any defects will be very difficult to correct.

    Decorative plaster – time-tested

    Arched openings can also be finished using decorative plaster. This method has its positive aspects. This is one of the few options that allows you to get an extremely individual surface that will be durable.

    Some shortcomings cannot be ruled out. Thus, the coating is very difficult to restore if damaged. If the result of the work is a relief surface, then it must be constantly looked after.

    On a note! It is very easy to decorate an arch in an apartment with your own hands if you use special decorative mixtures. They have a long setting time, which allows them to form the necessary texture in order to achieve the desired result.

    The operating procedure is as follows:

  • Finishing the arches begins with preparing the required amount of mixture. Next, it is transferred to a prepared, well-primed surface. It is important to consider that each layer must have a certain thickness. Their number depends on the chosen decorative type.
  • To form the relief much faster, special rollers are used.
  • The resulting relief is left to dry. Then coated with a primer.

Now the finished area can be painted. To get an interesting effect, two shades of paint are applied to the surface. One fills the depressions, the other fills the protrusions.

Stone – reliable and original

Stone is an excellent solution that will help create your own zest in the interior. It is important to consider that it is better to give preference to artificial options. They are much easier to process and also do not require professional knowledge. The best looking material is one that follows the curves of the structure. In this case - an arc.

Decorating an arched opening with decorative stone is a stylish solution for modern interiors

The actions are performed in the following order:

  1. Finishing an arch with your own hands begins by preparing the coating. It is important to exclude any differences and defects.
  2. A laying diagram is drawn up. Markings are made on the surface. Material is laid out nearby on the floor. This technology will allow you to immediately adjust some elements, distribute them more correctly, and also avoid mistakes.
  3. The stone is laid on glue or a special mixture. The technology allows you to create wide joints or do everything without seams.
  4. If trimming is performed, then the cut edges must be processed.

The same technology is used when the question arises of how to tile an arch in an apartment. But it should be borne in mind that this material requires adherence to a certain sequence. If the stone can be laid “at random”, then the tiles are distinguished by their clarity.

Plastic – modern and affordable

Plastic is quite easy to work with. It is important to understand that not all panels can be bent at the desired angle. Many, especially cheap options, break quickly. It is much easier to line an arched opening with plastic panels when it has an angular arch.

The following manipulations are performed:

  • Careful surface preparation can be eliminated. It is important to understand that often, panels are used to form the entire opening. That is, they act as the main and decorative elements of the structure.
  • A wooden sheathing is created. It will serve as the foundation around which everything else is built. The slats are laid perpendicular to the panels.
  • An arcuate dome is formed by dividing it into sectors. Often, the division occurs into three parts: the top, two outer fragments.
  • The panels are fixed with staples, which are driven in with a stapler along the edges. All joints and transitions are hidden by decorative corners.

Covering the arch with plastic yourself will not cause any particular difficulties

How to additionally decorate such a surface? To do this, you can use various decorative elements that will harmonize with the plastic.

On a note! It’s easy to line an arch with plastic with your own hands. The main thing is not to choose the cheapest materials.

Cork - environmentally friendly and stylish

This is a fairly popular direction, which is limited only by the fact that this option can be very expensive. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that cork is a completely natural material.

Finishing with cork will create warmth and comfort and will not harm your health.

For work, it is advisable to use roll options. They are great for doing all the work yourself. It is important to consider that before decorating the arch located next to the kitchen with cork material, it must be treated with wax. This will avoid damage to the coating.

Of course, decorating arches in an apartment with cork is an excellent solution, but you need to remember that the overall interior design must be maintained.

It must be taken into account that all finishing work must be carried out in strict compliance with existing rules. Then such an architectural element will become a real decoration.

Options for finishing arched openings (20 photos)