home · Other · How to clean a wooden cutting board. How to clean grease from a wooden kitchen: simple recipes How to clean old wooden furniture

How to clean a wooden cutting board. How to clean grease from a wooden kitchen: simple recipes How to clean old wooden furniture

The kitchen is one of the most visited rooms in an apartment or house, which requires daily care, cleaning, housekeeping and other hygiene procedures. What’s most unpleasant is that even if you spend time every day cleaning the countertops, tiles, and furniture, you will still have to thoroughly scrub all surfaces at one point. And if you need to clean it from days-long plaque, when daily cleaning was relegated to the second, third or more distant plan - very difficult. In this article we will tell you how to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen at home.

How to choose a cleaning product?

Every housewife has faced a similar problem, because there is not always the energy and time to thoroughly clean the kitchen surface immediately after contamination, and grease stains very quickly turn into a persistent, difficult to wash off coating.

Kitchen sets have at least three various types surface coatings, each of which requires an individual approach. It is necessary to choose a cleaning agent based on the material the furniture is made of, since chemical and mechanical effects can leave negative consequences on a particular material.

Using a caustic cleaning powder will help instantly clean a stained kitchen surface. However, it may leave scratches on the glossy headset and over time the product will become unusable. Therefore, before purchasing and choosing a product, you need to determine the material from which your kitchen set is made.

Important! The packaging of the detergent always contains instructions for use and states for which surfaces it is intended.

Features of household chemicals

To avoid harming the surface being cleaned, the product must be applied in advance with warm water. After a few minutes, you just need to wipe the headset without the risk of leaving scuffs or scratches on it.

Important! You should be more careful about furniture made from cheap materials or fiberboard, which can become saturated with moisture and swell. Such processing can ruin them.

If you have purchased a new, unknown product to remove grease from your headset, then it is better to test its effect on an inconspicuous small area furniture.

Important! For each surface you should select individual means. All work must be carried out with gloves, thoroughly rinse the surface with water after treatment and ventilate the kitchen area.

To clean vertical kitchen surfaces, it is better to use a spray or gel composition. This way you can avoid dripping and control the intensity of application.

Folk remedies for all surfaces

How and with what to wash wooden facades in the kitchen? Our grandmothers hardly used chemical cleaning products in their kitchens, but their spaces were always clean and attractive.

Wondering how to wash off fat on kitchen cabinets, pay attention to the following:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon and its zest;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • vodka and alcohol;
  • mustard powder.

Using soda or mustard

Before you start using the panel, you need kitchen furniture wet for soaking hot water. The cleaning process itself is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply soda or mustard to the sponge.
  2. Use gentle movements to remove grease stains from contaminated areas.
  3. Wipe the surface clean water to remove any remaining product.

Important! If the surface is heavily soiled, it will not be possible to remove plaque immediately, and therefore you will have to make some efforts to clean it.

To clean heavy and old dirt:

Use of lemon zest

To clean the surface with lemon, follow the following instructions:

  1. A tincture is made from lemon zest and vinegar.
  2. Clean with a sponge soaked in the resulting mixture.

Important! The result is an excellent result, the advantage of which is a pleasant citrus aroma.

Vodka and vinegar

The following recipe is suitable for cleaning any surfaces, including glossy and unfinished wooden furniture in the kitchen:

  1. In a glass of water, mix vodka and vinegar equally.
  2. Add a couple of drops of any essential oil.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a container with a spray bottle and spray the contaminated surfaces with this mixture.
  4. Gently wipe the surface with a clean sponge.

Cleaning wooden furniture

Remove greasy stains from the headset solid wood you can, oddly enough, by using vegetable oil and soda:

  1. We prepare the cleaning composition at a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to contaminated areas.
  3. We rub the composition with a soft brush - you can use a toothbrush.

Important! The main operating principle of this method is that the fat is dissolved by a similar oil, which removes it from a dried state. The soda absorbs the released oil and washes it off the surface of the headset.

Cleaning polished surfaces

Furniture polishes are quite expensive and can also be harmful to health. Therefore, to avoid extra costs And negative influences on the body, it is possible to use ordinary potatoes - the surface of the furniture is rubbed with a tuber cut lengthwise. Washing this way is very easy and quick.

Important! The result will please you, because the effect will be no worse than using sprays purchased in a store.

Special equipment for cleaning kitchen furniture

To wash your furniture, you don’t need to call a cleaning company; you can do everything yourself. The use of modern steam cleaners in the kitchen is becoming increasingly popular. Without using detergents, this device can clean any surfaces, materials and fabrics with a powerful jet of steam.

Important! Its only drawback is that it is influenced high temperature Wood furniture with a thin film coating and a soft surface may deteriorate.

Melamine sponge

Melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic that shrinks when compressed. Its action is similar to the action of a stationery eraser, erasing pencil marks from a sheet of paper.

Important! The sponge removes dirt without the use of detergents, so it is great if you need to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen in a delicate way. But then you will need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, quite thoroughly, since particles of the miracle sponge can be absorbed into the wood. Melamine itself is a substance harmful to human health if ingested.

Over time, the sponge wears out and decreases in size. Usage of this device quite convenient and harmless to health if you follow the rules specified by the manufacturer.

Reading time: 1 minute

How to wash wooden kitchen without the risk of surface damage? A little earlier we talked about washing facades made of various materials, and now let's talk in more detail about such a base as a tree. Only sometimes you have to deal not with the base, but with similar headsets entirely. To prepare for cleaning capricious materials that are not resistant to all external factors impact, it is better to enlist the help and support of video materials and this article.

It would seem that a kitchen made of wood should be resistant to steam and moisture, because it is not for nothing that it is intended for cooking - this is a constant high humidity and condensation in some cases. But technicians also note that there must be a high-quality hood designed specifically for such purposes as:

  • Vapor absorption;
  • Neutralization of odors;
  • Elimination of moisture;
  • Elimination of harmful substances.

If all parameters during operation of the hood are preserved, and it works properly, then cleaning the kitchen comes down to only using a soap solution. However, housewives believe that the tree is made of solid massif or other subspecies, requires an individual approach. Anyway, direct impact chemicals can lead to damage to the surface layer, and improper cleaning can lead to the end of operation soon.

But there are not only dangerous and harmful vapors:

They remain partially on the tree, even though protective films PVC, varnish surfaces and other methods of material protection. Fatty acids get inside the wood fibers, affecting the very structure of the wood.

It settles on the thread and can eat into the surface, which creates dirt that is resistant to chemical components. It appears in the form of layers of dust with a sticky characteristic coating. When combined with fat, surface films are formed that are difficult to get rid of.

Dirt itself pure form may settle if the washing was not carried out thoroughly. Not knowing how to clean a wooden kitchen the right way, housewives rub the surface chemical solutions, smear the dirt without cleaning it off. After this, new household dust settles, which leads to large layers of impurities. The wood gives off vapors from moisture, which strengthens the nature of the deposits, and then they are very difficult to wash off.

Thus, important aspects in cleaning are the nature and nature of pollution, their cause and methods of influencing them. To find out how to wash a wooden kitchen, it is better to look further at the article. It describes in detail the actions for each component of the kitchen set.

Which is correct?

Proper washing is the key clean kitchen, which will delight you with exceptionally clean facades and countertops. Often you have to divide the process into several stages, alternately cleaning doors, cabinets, decor and handles.

Washing facades

The most difficult thing will be to wash the reliefs that can be found in a wooden kitchen. If you clean them carefully and keep them clean, you can forget about spring cleaning for many more years. Special attention Pay attention to the doors and panels between them - bevels and corner open elements, protruding patterns and other decorative elements of modern art technology will force you to take drastic measures.

Special attention should be paid only to them. It will be easiest to wipe the surface with your usual polishes, which will absorb dust and remove dirt. If you spray the product on the surface and leave it for several hours, you can remove any remaining grease. It is important not to use abrasives on wood that will erase upper layer, leaving scratches.

The hardest thing to remove is stubborn dirt from decorative elements. To do this, you need to have patience and enough time, since simply dissolving the liquid mixture will not work. Dirt will have to be removed repeatedly with a soapy solution using a soft sponge, which will penetrate deep into the thread under pressure. Steam units are powerless here; they act only on the top layer of plaque.
This is a heterogeneous structure, which complicates the care process at the time of cleaning. How to clean the wooden facades of a kitchen of this type? Here you will need a wood solvent, and it should be alcohol-based. The liquid evaporates without leaving moisture on the surface. This will allow you to use the chemical for a long time, but not longer than 2 hours.

The easiest way to do dry cleaning is that the slats allow you to reach deep into surfaces, removing dust and dirt from all sides. If we talk about solid facades, then this is the easiest way - they are wiped with a sponge and soapy water.

Plastic film allows you to protect the base itself during operation, as well as during cleaning. It can be exposed to moisture and chemical substances. However, here too contact with abrasives should be avoided. Only thick films made to order are not afraid of them. Therefore, it is appropriate to use concentrated solutions with soft instruments for washing.

If we talk about cost, then such a surface is inexpensive and can be resistant to all substances. Much attention deserves the resin that is part of the material. Veneer can be cleaned with abrasives and various professional chemical solutions.

The only material that should be washed with strong solutions. The surface is processed protective substances, and the pores do not allow moisture to pass through, so we can talk about the endurance of such surfaces. Due to hard coatings, polish does not always help get rid of greasy stains, as well as from dirt. It is advisable to use other solutions with an acidic or alkaline environment.

Tip: The operating instructions will help you choose the right facade cleaner, as well as clean decorative elements. In the absence of such guidance, rely on the selection of tools and cleaning agents in the article.

Cleaning pens

The most painstaking and unpleasant task for many housewives who have a wooden kitchen. When ordering fittings from a furniture showroom, do not forget to ask how to remove grease from a wooden kitchen and its components. Many companies that import imported furniture warn that fittings and removable elements can be supplied either as a set or from another factory. Therefore it is worth talking about different materials, used to make such things.

It is best to wash brass handles in a solution of vinegar, flour and salt. The mixture turns out to be caustic for metal and cleans it until it shines. Using a brush you can reach the most difficult to reach places. It is not necessary to remove and install them back - you can cover the area where the facades touch with masking tape.

Wash with dishwashing gels and smooth paper. The gel must be clean, without specks or cleaning elements. Then the risk of damage to the coating is minimal. It should also be taken into account that solid wood kitchen handles are never made from pure natural wood. You can avoid moisture getting on the array by dismantling the fastening elements.

Easy to clean with simple solutions household chemicals– vinegar, lemon. You can use professional chemical solutions for them - they contain special substances where the active component is an oxygen oxidizer. Important! If the handles are made of plain metal, it is necessary to wipe the surface dry to avoid oxidation and rust formation.

They are the easiest to clean due to their glossy surface. You can use dishwashing detergents and chemicals for kitchen appliances. They tolerate moisture and various chemical components very well. They do not like strong abrasives and smooth sponges, so it is better to clean them with bamboo cloths. They are lint-free, which prevents sticky residue from forming.

Here are the ways you can wash grease from a wooden kitchen and its fittings without difficulty. And if there is other wooden furniture in the kitchen, it will be useful for you to know how to cope with washing it.

Washing wooden furniture

Surely, the question has already arisen about how to wash wooden furniture in the kitchen, how to do it correctly, and what to use in such cases. Sometimes it is difficult to disinfect the surface with your own hands, remove dust and drops of grease. But even for an oak table with rotating mechanisms there will be suitable ways.

A real wood table can be cleaned with either a damp cloth or polish. The second replaces cleaning solutions and is suitable for the process of comprehensive cleaning of furniture. If there is veneer or coating on top of the MDF panel relief material, take wet ( not wet) sponge, rub soda with it and apply to the surface. This will clean off any dust that has gotten between the thin threads.
They are less susceptible to stains and grease, but sometimes you may encounter household dust. A simple wipe with a dry soft cloth will help here. Sometimes, if there are stains of grease or oil, you can use non-concentrated soap solutions - liquid baby soap diluted in water. The main thing is that there is liquid room temperature– this will not spoil the coating and will not cause swelling. For best results, it is recommended to rub the surface with a clean, dry microfiber.

Where there are frames for an oven, refrigerator or boiler, you need to use dry shampoos to care for the wood. Even if the frame is made of MDF or covered with PVC film, do not use flammable or easily flammable substances to prevent fire and damage to furniture, especially in places where the temperature rises. When interacting with chemical ingredients, some surfaces quickly and easily melt and become deformable.

Like facades, doors are washed with a rag or sponge. It is best to use dry cleaning methods, since doors are least susceptible to dirt and grease deposits.

It is sometimes present on the bottom of a hanging cabinet, on top panel and where lighting elements are supposed to be placed. This is the most vulnerable part of the facades, which practically does not apply to them. There can be spices, watches and anything else there. They need to be washed every week so that the film or veneer does not come off and the wood does not swell. The upper parts can be wiped with a dust cloth, and sometimes treated with polish.

Skirting from wooden box involves washing with water. This means that you can clean it with products that can be used to wash floors. It is better to vacuum varnished flexible skirting boards first, wipe the rubberized parts with a cloth placed on your finger, and then carry out wet cleaning.

Wooden furniture and decor create a warmer atmosphere both at home and in the office. To make the wood look the best way, it must be cleaned properly. This article will tell you how you can clean wood and avoid damage to wooden decor and family heirlooms. Cleaning wood will not be difficult if you use special wood cleaners and detergents and wax, or even a safe product you prepare yourself.


Cleaning Wood Floors

    Clean wood floors from excess dust and dirt. The first step is to remove dirt from the wooden floor. Take a broom and sweep the floors thoroughly. If desired, the broom can be moistened with warm water and a small amount of water-soluble cleaner.

    • In certain areas (for example, under furniture), remove surface dust and dirt using a soft, clean cotton cloth.
    • Use a hose vacuum cleaner using a soft brush attachment to remove dust and dirt.
    • Cleaning products with a neutral pH level will not disturb the varnish of a wooden floor. But cleaners that fall into the detergent category have a higher pH, so only use them on older floors.
  1. Clean the floors. To truly clean your floors and remove dirt that cannot be removed by sweeping, you can wash the floors with a cloth and mop. Use a cleaner specifically designed for wood floors. the right type. Dissolve the cleaner in water according to the instructions on the bottle. Then dip a sponge or rag into the solution and then wring it almost dry. Clean the floors.

  2. Clean away stains. Before you take on any scratches, marks or stains and start scrubbing them, you need to understand what type of wood floor you are scrubbing. If the stains are superficial, the floor is probably covered with a hard polyurethane parquet varnish. However, if the stain has set deeper into the wood, the floors may be coated with a soft oil varnish.

    • Wipe hard varnish floors only with a clean, soft cloth. Hard brushes and caustic chemicals with high level pH as well as steel wool can ruin this type of flooring.
    • For floors covered with soft varnishes, you can try scrubbing with #000 steel wool and floor wax. If the stain does not lighten, add wine vinegar to warm water and soak the stained area with this solution for about an hour. Then wipe the floor with a clean, damp cloth. General rule To clean soft varnished floors from difficult stains, use steel wool in combination with floor wax, and for simpler or oil stains, use a soft cloth and water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.

Cleaning wooden furniture

  1. Wipe off dust from the furniture with a dry cloth. Before using a damp cloth, take a dry, soft non-woven cloth and wipe the furniture with it. This way you will remove dust and other particles of dirt that could stick even more firmly to the wooden surface after using a damp cloth.

    • Feather dusters are not as effective for cleaning furniture as they do not collect dust. In addition, some brooms have a rather sharp shaft that can accidentally scratch furniture.
  2. Get started by testing a small area. Unless you know exactly the type of coverage you have wooden furniture(painting, impregnation or something else), it is best to start by using less caustic cleaners on small area subject. Take a cotton ball or soft cloth. Dampen a cotton ball or cloth with warm water and add a drop of liquid hand or machine dishwashing detergent. Try wiping the wooden surface on an inconspicuous area of ​​the piece of furniture, e.g. inside legs.

    • At this stage it is necessary to check whether detergent any damage to your furniture. Leave the area treated with the solution for about a minute and then check it for possible discoloration.
    • If no undesirable changes occur, the solution can be considered safe for use.
    • If you notice changes, stop using the solution and continue wiping the furniture only with a damp cloth soaked in warm water.
  3. Use a water solution of dishwashing detergent. If you didn't notice any difference in the condition of the wood's exterior when you did the test, you can take a bucket and make a water solution of dishwashing liquid. To do this, take 4 liters of water and 120 ml of liquid dishwashing detergent. There should be enough detergent to make the water soapy. Wipe the furniture with a damp cloth soaked in the prepared solution.

    • Be careful not to wet the wood. Make sure the rag is damp, not wet. Excess water can ruin the wood.
    • In addition to or instead of a cleaning solution, wood can be cleaned using petroleum jelly.
  4. Treat the wood with wax or polish. After the furniture has been thoroughly wiped, it is necessary to protect the wood with a layer of wax or polish. You can find a wide variety of wood sprays and polishes in any hardware store or supermarket. Look for products that contain protective silicone oil. When polishing with wax, use only a soft cotton cloth or a special polishing brush. Apply the wax to the wood a little at a time and rub it in a circular motion.

    • Once the wax begins to dry out or become cloudy, take a new cotton cloth or buffing brush and buff the waxed surface, working in small circular motions.
    • Different wax formulations require different waiting times before polishing. For best results, read the instructions on the product you purchase.
    • Test the oil, polish, or wax on an inconspicuous area of ​​the wood first to make sure it won't damage the wood's exterior.

Cleaning other wooden surfaces

  1. Test the solution first on an inconspicuous area to ensure it is harmless to the wood.
  2. Means homemade It will not only be safe for you, but will also not leave behind any film or streaks.
  • To ensure that the wood cleaning method you choose will not cause any damage, perform a preliminary test on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the surface being cleaned.
  • Homemade cleaning products made from food grade ingredients are great for cleaning wooden tables, bowls and other utensils.
    • Follow the instructions for commercial cleaning products to avoid accidentally damaging the wood surface.
    • A cleaner such as Mr Proper cleans wooden floors well and does not damage the wood.
  • First, wipe off the dust with a dry cloth and only then move on to wiping with a damp cloth to get rid of dust and dirt as effectively as possible.
  • Nowadays, in tool stores you can easily purchase a mini-wash, which cleans surfaces using a pressurized water jet. You can think about such a purchase if you need to clean up fairly large street areas. wooden surfaces.


  • Do not attempt to clean untreated wood such as wood paneling. Untreated wood has no coating and absorbs water.
  • Do not allow water to stagnate on varnished wood.

You can clean wooden furniture and remove drips, traces of paint and varnish, and various adhesion on wooden furniture by following these simple tips on cleaning. You often polish and dust your wood furniture, but over time, the polish and dust combine together to leave a dark film on your countertops, chairs, and bookshelves, cabinets. To decorate and maintain furniture best view needs to be done periodically deep cleaning. Here's how to deep clean wood furniture without damaging its polished finish.

Here's how to clean wood furniture.

Removing dust and dirt from furniture surfaces.

Start removing stains using a gentle cleaning solution, moving up to a stronger, more concentrated solution as needed. Try doing it first for washing, weak solution from water and soap. Dip a small piece of soft cloth in the soapy water, wring it out, and wipe the entire area to be cleaned. Wipe with a damp, not wet cloth. Do not saturate the wood with washable dirt, rinse the fabric more. Then take a second piece of clean cloth and dry the washed piece of furniture thoroughly.

We remove dust and restore the old polish.

How to clean old furniture made of natural wood, on which there are old layers of dust accumulated over decades? The answer is simple, polishing will help you revive your antique wood furniture. Brew two tea bags in boiling water. Let the tea cool to room temperature, take soft cloth, squeeze it in the tea solution and carefully wash the wood. Tannic acids from tea are an excellent remedy for restoring wood coating. You will be surprised how the tree begins to glow again.

Removing water stains.

Here's how to remove water stains and rings from dishes containing hot or cold drinks that have formed on a wooden table. On wooden furniture, place a few drops of non-gel toothpaste on the stain and rub with a soft cloth until the stain disappears. To remove stubborn stains, mix equal parts baking soda and toothpaste. Wipe the mixture onto the stain using a clean, damp cloth and thoroughly dry the area where the mixture was applied.
Delete difficult spots. To remove ink stains, mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon water to create a thin paste. Apply it to the stain and gently wipe the wood furniture with a soft cloth until the stain disappears. Then rub the stain with toothpaste and a clean, damp cloth and dry thoroughly.

Restoration of wooden furniture.

Once the furniture has been cleaned, wipe down the wood with nail polish to preserve the restored finish and add shine. The polished layer will help restore the lemon oil. Also, to polish wooden furniture, you can make simple solutions by mixing the following liquids:

  • Recipe No. 1:
    1 cup mineral oil;
    3 drops lemon oil or extract.
  • Recipe No. 2:
    2 ounces grated beeswax;
    5 ounces of turpentine.
  • Recipe No. 3:
    1 cup olive oil;
    1/4 cup white vinegar.

Once these homemade recipes have been mixed, pour them into clean glass or plastic containers. Pour the polish onto a soft cloth and rub it into the wood surface. Remember, oil nourishes the wood while vinegar cleans it. Recipes #1 and #2 can be stored in glass or plastic containers, and recipe #3 can be placed in a spray bottle.

Now that the recipe mixtures are prepared, it's time to see how they work. Spray the bottle or solution onto a soft cloth (never spray or pour solutions directly onto furniture) and rub into the wood grain. You will immediately see a shine on the surface.

If the wood looks dry, let it sit with the solution applied and then wipe it down again with oil and vinegar. Now that the furniture is polished and clean, learn some common problems for wooden furniture and ways to solve them.

Water, mayonnaise and heat:

Apply a small amount of mayonnaise (not for salads) to areas with cracks, let it soak in for several hours or overnight. Wipe and polish the entire surface until the shine is restored.

Removing large cracks:

Even the most difficult cracks can be removed using soft pumice. Mix pumice and mayonnaise and then rub it into the crack in the direction of the wood grain. It can take some time. Reapply the mixture as necessary and then use a clean cloth to remove any excess.

Restoring dry surfaces with Vaseline.

Rub the Vaseline into the wood with your fingers, and if the tree is in very bad condition, leave the Vaseline jelly on for a while. Finish, working along the fibers, polish them with a soft cloth.

How to remove soot from a tree: the most effective solutions

Almost every one of us at least once in our lives is faced with the problem of having to clean soot from a wooden surface. Soot deposits on wood can form in any form. wooden building, which does not have a centralized or electric heating. It could be wooden house in a village or country house, heated by a stove or fireplace, a bathhouse, a gazebo with an installed barbecue, summer cuisine with a stove for cooking. When any type of fuel is burned, the combustion products contain soot particles, which not only settle on the wooden surface, but also penetrate deep into the untreated or uncoated wood. In this case, washing off the soot becomes a real problem. Let's look at several ways to remove soot deposits from a wooden surface to choose the most effective one.

Mechanical method

You can try to clean the wooden surface with a scraper or using grinder, if the surface area is large. But both types of cleaning will not lead to the desired result, because, firstly, the tree contains knots and irregularities that are difficult to clean, and secondly, it requires significant physical effort and time to wash off the resulting dust.

Traditional methods

Rural people often use grated brick or river sand to remove soot from wood, but these abrasives are also not effective enough, not allowing the surface to be perfectly cleaned and leaving scratches and unevenness.

Solution based various means and a brush will allow you to wash away soot from wood only if this procedure is carried out regularly on a treated wooden surface. The use of natural wood, which has no protective coating, in a bathhouse it will require a lot of effort to wash off soot from its surface using this method, without guaranteeing the desired result.

Use of chemicals

Today modern science has stepped far forward and offers wide choose chemicals, allowing you to clean soot from a wooden surface effectively, without requiring significant physical effort and time. In addition, there is no need for regular cleaning to prevent deep penetration soot particles inside.

MAZBIT + remover is a highly concentrated product that ensures complete dissolution of contaminants on any surface without damaging it and its use is absolutely safe for the human body.

MAZBIT+— Concentrated detergent for water based for the cleaning various surfaces from the consequences of the fire. The product is a reinforced concentrated liquid based on reinforced alkaline composites and organic detergent additives.