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Good habits that will change your life

Sat, 06/20/2015 - 11:44

Naturally, each of us sooner or later begins to think about our health and the quality of the food we eat, although the latter is thought about less often. And also, most people understand that in order to improve the quality of life, it is necessary to make some adjustments to the usual routine of things and change ingrained bad habits, replacing them with good ones. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems and you just need to start, and after that you yourself will not be able to refuse the right dishes in favor of overcooked harmfulness.

Mandatory breakfast

How you start your morning has a lot to do with your day. It has been proven that breakfast increases your performance by 30%, so set your body to work just by having breakfast. Eating your morning meal will also help you control your hunger throughout the day, speed up your metabolism, and prevent stress. It should make up 25% of the daily diet, which corresponds to about 350-500 kilocalories, depending on lifestyle, gender and age.

Leisurely eating

Food is not only a physiologically necessary process for maintaining life, it is also one of the types of pleasure. Just learn to give each meal enough time and stop eating on the go. Firstly, the process of digestion begins already in the mouth, which means that the further process of digestion depends on how well you chew food. Secondly, in a hurry, you swallow a large amount of air along with food, which can cause bloating. Thirdly, such a nutrition system leads to overeating.

Separate food

It is known that completely different enzymes are required for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is why nutritionists recommend separating these components, including them in different meals. So, try eating carbohydrates for lunch in the form of cereals or your favorite pasta with stewed or grilled vegetables, and for dinner meat or fish with a salad of fresh herbs, and in just a few days you will feel light and, perhaps, even get rid of a few kilograms by improving digestion.

Only unrefined products

Since people began to actively consume refined foods, the number of people suffering from cardiovascular problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been steadily increasing. Nutritionists strongly recommend replacing the usual white flour with wholemeal flour, sugar with honey or stevia, and instead of traditional rice, cook brown or wild. Unrefined foods retain more of the nutrients that are lost during processing.

A glass of water 30 minutes before meals

This wonderful habit will prepare the stomach for the meal. In addition, we often mistake thirst for hunger, thus eating too much. A glass of water in this case will help to better understand the needs of our body and feel full faster if we were really hungry. This trick is especially useful for those who want to keep their figure.

Walking after meals

After eating, do not rush to immediately sit down in front of the TV or computer. Make it a rule to get up from the table and go for a walk. This will improve the process of digestion of food, and oxygen, which actively fills the cells of the whole body during walks, will accelerate the breakdown of fats and prevent them from being deposited on your waist and hips.

Decreased daily calorie intake

We all want to stay fit and lean, reduce the financial cost of doctors and the medications they prescribe, but few associate poor health, weight problems and stomach pain with the phenomenon of overeating. It's not about big portions.

Analyze your menu and you will see that a high percentage of daily calories come from snacks, sweet sodas and packaged juices, fatty sauces and dressings. To reduce the calories consumed per day, replace chips with fruits, sweet drinks with green tea, and dress your salad not with the usual mayonnaise, but with olive oil and lemon juice.

Delicious smoothies in the morning

As we have said, nutritionists strongly recommend not to skip breakfast. However, it should not only be in your nutrition schedule, but also be a source of vitamins and energy for the whole day. According to research, the healthiest breakfast is a smoothie of greens and vegetables with a little fruit.

It is this cocktail that will not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, but will energize you, speed up your metabolism and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for subsequent meals of coarser food. For smoothies, lettuce, sorrel, celery, spinach, carrots and beets are great, as well as apple and orange as an accompaniment.

Food in silence

The modern rhythm of life forces us to reduce the time for the most basic activities, such as sleeping or eating. We often read the news at breakfast, play our favorite computer game at lunch, and enjoy a TV show at dinner. But keep in mind that exposure to unnecessary information reduces a person’s critical attitude towards the foods consumed, and therefore we can not only put into our mouth what we would have otherwise, but also eat 40% more food.

Autonomy in the kitchen

Of course, an eventful life leaves us practically no choice, and more and more often we eat and snack in cafes and restaurants, and buy ready-made frozen meals, semi-finished products and canned food at home. Let cooking delicious and healthy food finally become your habit, which will not take much time, but will bring significant benefits to your body. Such food is better absorbed, does not contain trans fats, preservatives, dyes and flavors. In addition, the kitchen is a great platform for creativity. A little practice and imagination will make your dishes unique.

Fractional nutrition

The habit of three meals a day, laid down since childhood, needs to be adjusted. According to scientists, the best option is fractional five meals a day, so try to reduce portions during the main meals and add two light snacks throughout the day. Thanks to this, digestion will noticeably improve and metabolism will speed up. And try not to skip breakfast, even if you don't feel hungry in the morning. Such a regimen can lead to the fact that you will replenish calories with subsequent meals, which means overeating.

Spices at the head of the table

An excellent and useful habit will be the addition of all kinds of spices and spices to dishes. Traditional onions and garlic will add spice, while exotic curries or turmeric will set off and add a light oriental trail of taste sensations to your dishes. These little helpers in the kitchen, despite their seeming insignificance, are able to lower blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Lemon zest in action

Do you want to enrich your body with vitamin C during the season of colds or prevent the development of allergic reactions in the summer? Then don't throw away the lemon zest. It contains 3 times more vitamin C than the pulp itself. It is also rich in bioflavonoids, which strengthen the immune system and prevent allergic reactions. Just add a little zest to your baked goods, salad or tea and enjoy the pleasant aroma with health benefits.

More fresh vegetables

Historically, people in colder climates have eaten more fatty meats and fish, and when choosing between fresh vegetable salad and stewed vegetable stew, they are more likely to choose the latter. This can be understood. During heat treatment, the volume of food decreases due to the evaporation of liquid, and the calorie content remains the same. Therefore, we can eat more of the cooked meal, getting additional energy from food. However, we no longer need it. Our distant ancestors spent it on maintaining body temperature during the cold season, but in our country it does not have time to be spent, being deposited in the form of fat under the skin.

Avocado for every home

Despite its high calorie content, avocados do not contain sugar and unhealthy fats. That is why this fruit is included in any diet menu, and its unusual taste will diversify your diet and bring invaluable benefits to the body. It goes well with many products and is actively used in the preparation of salads, snacks and sandwiches.

Limit on strong alcoholic drinks

Alcohol not only has the ability to increase appetite, but in itself has a high calorie content. But do not rush to abandon it completely. A glass of dry wine with dinner can improve digestion, speed up metabolism and lower cholesterol.

no mayonnaise

In Russia, mayonnaise is one of the most popular sauces, which is added to almost any dish. If you are not ready to give it up completely, learn how to make homemade mayonnaise, it is not difficult at all. But a much more correct solution would be to replace it with sauces based on low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, adding herbs, garlic and spices to your taste.

Culinary experiments with tomatoes

The main feature of tomatoes is that they do not lose their unique properties even during heat treatment. They have a wide range of effects on the human body: they provide antioxidant protection, have anti-inflammatory effects, help in the prevention of cancer and protect bone tissue from age-related changes, which is especially important for women during menopause. This delicious product should definitely settle in your refrigerator. Feel free to experiment by adding tomatoes not only to all kinds of salads, but also to vegetable stews or stews.

Meals by the hour

Do you know what the secret of the French slimness is? Despite the constant use of bread and cheeses, late dinners and frequent aperitifs in the company of friends, they eat strictly by the hour. Accustomed to a certain schedule, the stomach begins to produce gastric juice on time, while reducing the desire to snack between main meals.

Dairy products at night

Contrary to popular belief that fermented milk products are a great breakfast, nutritionists recommend eating them at night. This will not only help you avoid overeating before bed, when there is already a slight feeling of hunger after dinner, but also improve intestinal motility and speed up metabolic processes in the body. Those who want to lose a few extra pounds can replace a full dinner with sour-milk products.

Regular revision of the diet

Our nutrition depends not only on habits, but also on financial capabilities, seasons and life circumstances. If you care about your health, then when changing factors affecting the diet, try to revise it, while maintaining the necessary balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

More seeds

Sometimes it is not always possible to calculate the daily intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body to function normally. Of course, you can just buy a vitamin-mineral complex at the nearest pharmacy and be sure that your health is protected, but nature has come up with everything for us.

Seeds are just such a perfectly balanced product that you should definitely include in your diet. Add sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame, or more exotic chia seeds regularly to cereal, yogurt, or salads.

Better a little under- than over-

In modern cooking, there is such a thing as al dente, which refers to the degree of readiness of a dish when the ingredients do not boil, but retain elasticity. Vegetables prepared in this way retain more vitamins and fiber, and are better absorbed by the body. And slightly undercooked pasta has a lower glycemic index, which means it has less of an impact on blood sugar levels and helps keep you feeling full longer.

Food from small plates

This trick will help you better control your portions. It has been proven that the body needs exactly as much food as it can fit in the palms folded together, but often this norm is greatly exceeded due to the fact that while eating we are distracted by other things, as a result of which the brain does not have time to receive information about satiety in time, or we simply succumb to our little gastronomic weaknesses, eating more of our favorite dish than our body requires. A plate filled to the brim gives us the feeling of a huge portion, so let a small tea saucer act in its role.

All with pleasure

Of course, good habits will help you maintain physical health, but do not deny yourself the pleasure of sometimes breaking these rules. A slight relaxation in the diet will help once again to realize that you are on the right path and have entered it voluntarily.

Remember, as in Pushkin: "The habit is given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness!" The great poet was right - you can get used to almost anything, it is incredibly difficult for us to part with our habits, even if they harm us, cause discomfort to others, or take us to the sidelines of life.

A habit is a habit deeply rooted in the mind, it is a behavioral pattern that we once learned well and repeat at a certain time and under certain conditions. But life shows that, often, it is bad habits that control us. “Don’t hunch your back!”, “Don’t read while eating!”, “Don’t scatter clothes!” We hear from childhood. With age, we learn that habits are not only harmful, but even those that "will not lead to good."

Tellingly, bad habits take root in the mind much faster, but getting rid of them is incredibly difficult. We fall asleep easily after midnight, but getting ourselves into bed at 10 p.m. is next to impossible. We get used to eating junk food, but we are not in a hurry to please ourselves with vegetables and fruits. What can we say about smoking and other harmful addictions?

At the same time, we do not even think about how destructive bad habits affect our lives. They spoil health, creating prerequisites for the appearance of diseases and seriously shortening life. They push others away from us, because you see, who would like to be next to a person who is not used to taking care of himself, who constantly bites his nails, waving his arms or pulling his ear? Because of such ridiculous habits, a person can lose a good job, friends, and even relationships.

How to deal with bad habits

One thing is clear - bad habits really spoil our lives and prevent us from developing, which means that we need to get rid of them. That's just how to do it? According to psychologists, fighting bad habits is a thankless and unpromising business! Wanting to get rid of this misfortune, we only concentrate on it, begin to control and restrain ourselves. All this leads to only one thing - we are drawn to a bad habit even more. As a result, as soon as our strength runs out, we give up and surrender to our passion with even greater rapture! So is it really impossible to fight bad habits?

Of course, this is not true. First of all, you need to stop fighting your unhealthy addictions, and find a motivation that would automatically eradicate a bad habit. As one of the great people said, there are only two motivations in life - the desire to gain and the fear of losing. This is what we will deviate from.

For example, we have a bad habit of eating at night, which causes tremendous harm to the figure. We seem to want to lose weight, but still we can’t resist the urge to look into the refrigerator at night. Here you need to ask yourself: why do I need a beautiful figure? I want to look attractive! I dream of catching the admiring glances of people of the opposite sex! I want to fit into the clothes I wore a few years ago! Only a strong enough motivation develops in us the desire to develop a healthy habit of eating right in order to lose weight. And then, automatically, we give up the bad habit of eating before bed.

According to psychologists, it takes 3 to 6 weeks to establish a habit. And if the first couple of weeks we have to make some efforts so that the necessary habit takes root in the mind, then after a month of effort, less and less effort will be needed. And so that motivation does not disappear halfway, constantly praise yourself for your achievements and regularly reward yourself with something pleasant and desirable, for example, buying beautiful clothes, going to the movies or going on vacation.

Below are some healthy habits that will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health, as well as contribute to personal growth and self-development.

20 healthy habits that will change your life

Healthy Habits for Physical and Mental Health

1. Don't eat before bed

We have already discussed this habit in the example above. Refusing food after 19:00, you will not only become slimmer and more attractive in the eyes of others. You will protect yourself from obesity, which means you will avoid serious health problems in the future, and extend your life by at least 7-10 years!

2. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier

Everyone knows that for physical and mental health, the average person needs to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you go to bed after midnight, you will be haunted by lack of sleep, which can cause many troubles. In addition, according to the analysis of scientists, 90% of great people got up every day at 4-6 in the morning. That is why train yourself to go to bed no later than 22:00 to follow the natural rhythm of the universe.

3. Drink more water

We are accustomed to start our day with coffee, support ourselves with energy drinks during the day, and delight our souls with fragrant tea in the evening. In fact, for good health, the body needs plain water (at least 1.5 liters per day), and all of the listed drinks are not a substitute for it. Make it a rule to drink a glass of water before every meal. By doing this, you will maintain the water-salt balance in the body, and besides, teach yourself not to overeat.

4. Exercise

Start going to the gym or swimming pool, and if this is not possible, try jogging or exercising at home 3 times a week, using improvised means. Regular exercise will not only give you an extra boost of energy and create a good mood, but will also become the key to good health. With such valuable baggage, you will delay the onset of old age as much as possible and avoid serious diseases.

5. Don't get angry or backbite

Try to watch your thoughts and spoken words. When you want to break loose and be rude in response, take a deep breath and count to 10. Remember, the law of attraction works in the world, according to which, the more negativity comes from you, the more it comes back.

6. Have a Morning Ritual

To streamline your life, start your morning with a healthy ritual every day. Immediately after getting up, brush your teeth, brush your tongue, then drink a glass of warm water with 1 tsp. lemon juice and take a contrast shower. The transition from hot to cold water should be carried out gradually so as not to feel discomfort, and after completing the procedure, rub the body with a terry towel. Such a ritual will allow you to start the day in good shape and in a great mood, which means that you will spend the whole day just fine.

7. Do morning exercises

Make it a rule to devote at least 10 minutes in the morning to gymnastic exercises. Let these be simple warm-up elements that will increase the flexibility of the spine and limbs, as well as help improve blood flow throughout the body. Remember, morning exercises are not only a boost of energy for the whole day, but also a guarantee of health, for which the body will definitely thank you in the future.

8. Relax

This is a very important habit on which the health of the psyche depends. After morning exercises, turn on quiet pleasant music, sit in the lotus position on the carpet and preferably lean your back on a hard surface (otherwise it will be very difficult to relax). If desired, you can simply lie on your back on a thick carpet. Close your eyes, try to relax as much as possible, concentrating on your breathing. Spend the next 5 minutes in a state of complete relaxation. Finishing relaxation, massage the corners of the eyes and rotate the eyeballs 8 times clockwise and back.

9. Drink rosehip tea

Habitual, but absolutely useless carbonated drinks and purchased juices, try to replace it with a useful rosehip broth. Instead of the usual coffee and tea, it is better to drink herbal tea with honey. Such a useful habit will make up for the lack of valuable vitamins and minerals in the body, which will perfectly strengthen the immune system.

10. Walk more often

Keeping in mind that movement is life, set a goal to walk more often. In this regard, refuse to travel to work by car. Choose public transport for this, leaving a couple of stops to your place of work and walking the rest of the way. In addition, make it a rule to take walks at lunchtime or in the evening before going to bed, walking at least a couple of kilometers.

Useful habits for personal growth and self-development

To develop these habits, it is best to use a smartphone, which is actually an ideal tool for self-development.

11. Learn foreign languages

Take at least 20 minutes a day to learn a foreign language, for example, English. It could be while you are on the subway or your lunch break at work. Each time, learn at least 2-3 words, not forgetting to practice grammar. In addition to the practical benefits of knowing a foreign language, you will develop the brain and train your memory, protecting yourself from senile dementia in old age.

12. Take notes

Start a personal diary in which you regularly add the sayings of great people that you like and just useful information that may be useful to you in the future. Also, write down all your positive thoughts and pleasant impressions in a notebook. From now on, when you open your notebook, you will be able to relive those pleasant moments again and again, the impressions of which you still keep with you.

13. Listen to audiobooks

Modern man has practically forgotten how to read books, which means that he has lost the most valuable source of knowledge and spiritual development. But you can fix it. Download audiobooks to your smartphone and listen to them at any time convenient for you. Now classical or scientific literature will always be with you on the way to work, while walking around the city or in a cozy bed before going to bed.

Give up long-weary gangster series and spend this time on a really useful scientific film, for example, about psychology, self-development, history, politics or culture. Watching literally 2-3 films a week, you will very soon become an extremely developed person with whom it is pleasant to talk and discuss.

15. Plan your day

So that during the day you do not have emergency situations and you do not experience stress, make a good habit in the evening to make a plan for the next day. You will see, even those around you will soon notice how easily things are arguing with you, and how you manage to keep up everywhere.

16. Don't put off until tomorrow...

Strictly follow this well-known proverb, especially if the task before you takes very little time. Tomorrow you may have a lot of things to do and tasks postponed today will take a lot of time and effort.

17. Set goals

A person should not live his life aimlessly, and therefore think about what exactly you are striving for and what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, both big and small, in a notebook, and regularly note what you've done to achieve them.

18. Track useful news

Spending hours browsing social media feeds is just killing your time and doing nothing for yourself. But this time can be spent much more usefully if you remove everything superfluous and useless from the tape and subscribe to groups that distribute interesting and very useful information. Now daily "hanging" in social networks you will be spiritually enriched and acquire new knowledge.

19. Keep track of income and expenses

“Money does not tolerate negligence” - successful people burn. Indeed, if you want to maintain and even increase your own well-being, it is not at all necessary to look for a more profitable job. First of all, start counting your own expenses and think about what you could save on without harming yourself and how you could optimize expenses. For many people, such a useful habit becomes a very pleasant and exciting experience.

20. Make time for family and friends

Finally, in order to feel harmony with the world around you, love must constantly live in your heart. And in order not to lose it, never forget about relatives and friends who care, sincerely love you and who really need you. Give them as much time as possible, call more often, visit and give gifts with all your heart!

These healthy habits are sure to change your life for the better. Just try to instill some of them in yourself, and soon you will be surprised to find how the world around you is changing for the better!

“Habit is second nature,” says the popular wisdom. Many business coaches, speaking of time management, advise building certain actions aimed at achieving a goal into the rank of habits. After all, the more “automated” life is, the easier it is.

Well-known entrepreneur, speaker and blogger Jonathan Fields largely agrees with this statement. He is the author of the sensational (Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, 2011). In it, Fields sees habits not only as a means to simplify life, but also as "anchors of confidence", that is, a way to believe in yourself.

Looking under the cat, you will find out what habits can change your life, giving you self-confidence.

But first, a few practical tips on how to develop a particular habit:

  • focus on acquiring one new habit every month;
  • do not set time limits (it may take a different amount of time to get used to learning 10 English words every day, and to make it a rule to run in the morning);
  • be responsible and persistent;
  • forgive yourself for "failures" (if one of the days you were too lazy and, for example, did not do morning exercises, you should not reproach yourself too much, otherwise it may lead to the fact that you completely give up this habit);
  • celebrate milestones (don't forget to praise yourself for every week, month, half year, etc. that you follow this or that habit);
  • move on to “introducing” a new habit when you notice that you are performing an action on the machine, without thinking about it at all.

And now 9 habits that, according to Jonathan Fields, will change your life.

1. Visualization

A familiar picture? As you know, before going to bed, thousands of thoughts swarm in the head, 90% of which are absolutely useless.

Instead of thinking about all sorts of nonsense, think, or rather imagine what you will be doing tomorrow. Where will you go, who will you meet, how will the meeting go - draw in your head a detailed, and most importantly positive picture of tomorrow, and you will be surprised how much more successful it will be.

According to Fields, this is the same planning, only much more exciting.

2. Prioritization

Jonathan Fields notes that self-doubt is often the result of excessive multitasking. A person tries to do everything and everywhere, but in the end he does nothing 100%.

Determine your main goal and discard everything that goes against it. Make it a rule to “scan” things for priority: will this or that task help achieve the goal? No? Forget about her!

3. Get up early

Jonathan Fields also thinks getting up early is great. After all, the sooner your alarm rings, the more you have time to do before the end of the day. And the more productive you are, the better you feel.

4. Morning ritual

I woke up, put the kettle on, went to brush my teeth, the kettle boiled, stopped washing, turned off the kettle, ate a sandwich, took a shower, the phone rang, put on socks, checked the mail, put on a shirt, talked on the phone again, drank cold coffee, tied a tie ... Morning of many people are like chaos. The lack of a sequence of actions leads to the fact that in 1-2 hours in the morning a person is already experiencing stress, which unsettles him for the rest of the day.

Fields advises developing your daily personal morning ritual. Clearly think over the order of your actions - from getting up to leaving the house - and strictly follow it.

5. Water

A glass of water in the morning helps to get rid of the toxins accumulated by the body during the night. In addition, water improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates metabolism.

Fields believes that drinking a glass of water in the morning is a good habit for your health.

6. Single-tasking

Only 2% of people on Earth can live according to the principle of Julius Caesar, that is, do several things at the same time and still feel great. For the rest 98% it is given with great difficulty and leads them to self-doubt.

Having taken up this or that business, bring it to the end without being distracted by other tasks. This will increase your productivity several times and add points to your "I".

7. Asceticism

People are overwhelmed with unnecessary things. There are hundreds of things in our homes that we could easily live without.

8. Internet filter

The Internet is a swamp. The Internet is an indispensable business tool. The Internet is a time killer. The Internet is an invaluable source of information.

All of these judgments are correct. The only question is how you will build your relationship with the global web and what the network will become for you.

Fields, like many other business coaches, advises choosing specific times during the day to check email, social media, and so on. For example, make it a habit to sit in "Kontaktika" for half an hour after dinner, not earlier, not later, and not a minute more.

9. Evening ritual

Developing your evening ritual is just as important as your morning ritual. This will help you get ready for bed without stress.

Jonathan Fields suggests finding a nightly relaxation routine (such as a warm salt bath) that will signal to your body that it's time for bed.

Which of these habits do you have? How do they affect your life?

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In order for global positive changes to occur in our lives, sometimes it is enough just to reconsider our lifestyle. During the day, we perform many actions automatically, so why not turn them into good habits? It is not always difficult and boring.

website collected for you 10 simple healthy habits that change your life for the better.

1. Start your day with a glass of lemon water

Make it a habit to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper every day. This ritual will kick-start your metabolism by the time you start eating breakfast. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, it will increase your microbicidal immunity, and cayenne pepper will speed up an already running metabolism. In addition, thanks to this simple action, after some time, the condition of the skin is seriously improved. The action is simple, the benefits are enormous.

2. Wipe your face with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile

Another useful morning habit is to wipe your face with ice from a decoction of chamomile. This will help to forget about facial wrinkles, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. Immediately after the procedure, instead of morning swelling, a fresh blush will appear on the face, and the skin will become velvety.

3. Carry snacks with you

Unhealthy snacking is the enemy of a healthy lifestyle. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in not eating harmful bars and cookies, but the statistics say otherwise. To reduce the temptation to snack on junk food between meals, carry a few healthy snacks with you. Your healthy snack can be fruits, cereals, yoghurts. The habit of snacking on snacks that do not consist of fast carbohydrates will significantly affect your weight in a month.

4. Floss

The condition of the teeth is closely related to the health of the body, scientists have even proven the connection of teeth with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the use of dental floss must be included in oral care. It allows you to clean the space between the teeth from large food debris and remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

5. Eat an apple after meals

It is desirable to brush your teeth every time after eating, but, of course, this is not always possible. There is a very simple and delicious solution. Eat an apple after your meal. So you clean the mouth of food debris, improve blood circulation in the gums and normalize the acidity in the mouth. Love fresh vegetables and fruits, and you will never have to suffer from periodontal disease.

6. Take a contrast shower every day.

Just a few minutes of this beneficial procedure every day will bring huge health benefits. Thanks to the contrast shower, we strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels. In addition, a contrast shower is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

7. Put a bottle of water on your desk

Most people don't even notice that they are dehydrated. If you decide that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, then the first thing you should do is drink more clean water. Tea, coffee, soft drinks do not count. Carry a bottle of water with you and put one on your desk. So you will drink more without making any special effort. For greater effect, set yourself a reminder on your phone - drink at least a couple of sips every hour.

8. Eat nuts

Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any you like. Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, they strengthen the cardiovascular system, hair and nails. Nuts also contain selenium, antioxidants, vitamin E, plant sterols (substances that lower bad cholesterol), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. In short, it is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

A habit is a habit that is firmly ingrained in our minds. It is like a behavioral pattern, once learned and then constantly repeated. Try to change your life in 21 days by giving up bad habits. This is the time it takes to develop new skills, new habits that will change your life. Get out of the zone of programmed behavior.

eating habits

Everyone around only talks about natural products. We will talk in more detail about how to change habits and follow the dogmas of healthy eating in a busy modern life rhythm. There are many useful habits that can radically change everyday life today, providing a long-term excellent health.

Don't eat before bed

Urgently change your habits developed over the years - to fill the womb before going to bed. Refusing to eat after 7 pm, you will become slimmer, ensure your attractiveness to others. If there is no obesity, the risk of serious pathologies is leveled,.

Drink more water

To ensure comfort, we have long been accustomed to drinking coffee in the morning and enjoying fragrant tea in the evening. But in reality, ordinary water is required, and the rest of the drinks only replace it. Change your life by drinking a glass of water before meals. This will ensure the water-salt balance, you will accustom yourself to never stuff your stomach with excess food.

Activity and mode

To control one's own emotions, maintain peace of mind, and the absence of a change in well-being due to external stimuli, internal forces are required. They are provided by constantly accumulated energy potential. Skills that will change your life, increase your energy level, they will help you to have a successful existence.

go in for sports

Three-quarters of wealthy people know that good active lifestyle habits help them. They devote at least half an hour daily. The most common life-changing habits are running, biking, swimming, or walking. Such loads are useful for the body and mind, as they activate neurons, accelerate the production of glucose, which is the brain's "fuel". Constantly "feeding" the brain, a person becomes smarter.

Do morning exercises

Habits and lifestyle are intertwined. Be sure to strive to do a ten-minute gymnastics in the morning. Even simple warm-up exercises are enough to increase the flexibility of your spine, helping to accelerate internal blood flow. Morning exercises provide a charge of vivacity, it is a guarantee of health. The body will certainly thank you in the future for such an exit from the comfort zone, which radically allows you to change your life.

Walk more often

Remembering that daily movement contributes to changing your habits, which ultimately change your life, walk more often. To complete the task, refuse to drive to work by car. It is better to choose public transport, and you need to get out of it 2-3 stops before your destination, and then move on foot. Also plan lunch and evening walks, walking at least two kilometers each time.

Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier

It has long been known that at least seven hours of daily sleep provides support for physical and emotional health for the average person. When you go to sleep after midnight, you will certainly be haunted by chronic lack of sleep, which can provoke many troubles. How to change habits and a customized lifestyle in this regard? Train yourself for 21 days to go to bed before 10 pm in order to follow the tuned natural rhythm of the Cosmos.

Plan your day

Such a useful habit will help to prevent emergency situations that provoke a stressful state during the working day. In the evening, you need to make a plan, distributing the work for the next day. Having consolidated such a habit, you will soon notice how even those around you will quickly notice how easy it is for you to cope with the tasks you have planned, how you manage to succeed everywhere without any supernatural efforts. Read about daily routine

Do your morning ritual

Organizing your own life as much as possible, we recommend starting the morning every day with a very useful ritual. Immediately after getting out of bed, brush your teeth at the same time as your tongue, then drink a glass of slightly warm water, to which add just 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Next, you need to stand under the burning jets of a contrast shower.

Be sure to learn how to gradually move from cold water to the most bearable hot. You can't afford discomfort. As soon as you complete the water procedure, intensively rub the entire body with a large terry towel. Such a ritual will provide a wonderful tone for the beginning of the day. You will be in a great mood, so the whole day will be really wonderful.

relationship habits

Are you trying to save the feelings that have become familiar in order to fill them with former romance? Be sure to follow the recommended rules, daily forming good habits. It is they who will set the tone for communication in your everyday life.

Don't get angry and don't slander

Be sure to control not only the phrases spoken aloud, but also your own thoughts. When an irresistible desire arises to break loose in order to be rude in response to an impartial expression, fill your chest with air, and then mentally count to 10. Always remember that the law of attraction clearly functions in the Universe. It says that all the negativity you exude will certainly return to you.

Make time for family and friends

For maximum harmony not only with a loved one, but also with the rest of the world around you, love must always live inside your heart. To replenish it, always remember those who care about you, sincerely love you. They really need you, so be sure to devote maximum time to these people, constantly call up, visit more often, give gifts with all your loving soul.

Habits of constant development

There are several habits that contribute. For their development, it is recommended to use a smartphone. It is an ideal tool for self-development.

Learn foreign languages

Find at least a third of an hour every day to study any. Use the time when traveling by public transport, lunch break. Set a goal to memorize at least a couple of new words every time, while practicing grammar rules. In addition to the practical benefits of learning a new foreign language, your memory will be significantly trained and your brain will develop. This will protect against the inevitable senile dementia that haunts all the elderly. Read about some methods.

Take notes

We recommend that you start your own diary on your smartphone, entering into it regularly heard and liked statements, and other useful information. This will certainly come in handy later on. At the same time, record in this notebook your own pleasant impressions, all positive thoughts. When you open this notebook, you will be able to relive all the pleasant moments, sweet impressions stored in electronic memory.

Listen to audiobooks

Almost all modern people have forgotten how to read books regularly. Because of this, they lost access to the most valuable source of spiritual development, the acquisition of knowledge. This gap is easy to fix. It is enough to download interesting audio books to your smartphone, and then listen to them, finding the right time for this. Not only classical literature, but also scientific and educational publications will be constantly with you, wherever you are:

  • on the way to the workplace;
  • on foot walks outside the city or in the park;
  • before going to sleep in a cozy bed.

Audiobooks are an excellent method of self-education in the modern pace of life.

Don't delay for tomorrow

Be guided by the always popular proverb. It is especially important when the task to be performed will take you very little time. It is likely that tomorrow there will be a huge number of new cases, so the postponed task will become much more problematic, since it will take a lot of time and much-needed strength.

Set goals for yourself

It is quite natural that any person does not have the right, therefore he needs to think about what exactly to strive for, what task should be paramount. Fix your goals. Consider not only grandiose plans, but also all the small milestones of the life path. Regularly mark in an electronic notebook what you managed to achieve these goals.

money habits

Most people are sure that they are guilty of all troubles. But they are incapable of being evil. They are fears of lack of financial resources. It is people who bring evil by treating the money they have. Help you

Keep track of income and expenses

Successful people claim that money absolutely does not tolerate any careless attitude towards it. If you want to preserve or increase your own well-being, there is no need to look. Better calculate your costs, think about what you can save on without harming your family. For most people, this habit will bring success, becoming quite an exciting undertaking.

Spend less than you earn

How many of us ignore this golden rule. You have to live within your means. It is required to scrupulously control expenses and constantly save money. It is these savings that can bring new income.

Learn to invest

It is impossible to recognize investing as a kind of “magic pill”. It takes patience to get significant results. It is also not worth looking for a firebird all his life, when others, who have provided investments on time, are already receiving a financial pillow that provides them with additional income.


All of these good habits and other examples of them will certainly contribute to the fact that you can change your life in 21 days for the better. It is enough to try to instill at least some on yourself and you will certainly succeed.