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Interview with astrologer Vasilisa Volodina. Different views don't interfere with love


Vasilisa Volodina: “We do not strive to make a show out of our family life”

The TV presenter talked about how the horoscope helps her raise her children, and why it is easier for an astrologer to come to terms with the shortcomings of others.

In September, the show “” returned to the air on Channel One. The summer holidays lasted two months. TV Program magazine met with Vasilisa Volodina and asked her about her vacation, country life and the beginning of the school year.

— Vasilisa, how did you spend your summer?

— We went to Greece, we were in Crete. Our youngest son Slava had never been taken abroad before - this was his first trip. Now it seems to me that we were in a hurry. The eldest daughter was first taken to a different climate when she was almost five years old - this is more correct. There are stereotypes: a child needs the sea, warmth, spa therapy. This is all nonsense. A child feels good when everything around him is comfortable and familiar. With Slava, we ended up with acute acclimatization, which at 2.5 years old is not very pleasant. Although I won’t say that I immediately urgently repented - after Greece we went to Jurmala and Riga for another four days. So this summer my son flew on a plane and rode a train. Slava willingly went to the Baltic Sea and was interested in jellyfish. This is all an incredible experience for him!

— What is your ideal vacation?

- I love the sea. I miss the heat in our climate. We didn’t go anywhere for three years because of Slava, and I felt that I physically lacked warmth! On vacation I like to eat and lie on the beach. I may say something seditious, but it’s true: now photographs are sometimes brighter than the sights themselves. This is the horror of our life. We are spoiled by spectacular photos and are already accustomed to seeing the world as it does not exist in reality. Therefore, when I come to some new place, I no longer count on visual pleasure. But I can get other sensations - eat, relax, enjoy the climate and warmth. And everything is the same everywhere: the same chain hotels around the world, similar restaurants, the same products in stores and jellyfish in the seas. I treat vacations as a vacation and don’t expect a change in impressions. This is probably why I love the dacha.

- How far is it from you?

— 70 km from the Moscow Ring Road. By Moscow standards it’s close, but for a working person, of course, it’s a bit far. Now I caught myself thinking: “It’s good that summer is over - and with it all this hustle and bustle and trips back and forth.”

“Let's get married!” program It's been out for 9 years now. Vasilisa stood at its origins (pictured with co-hosts Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova). Photo: Channel One

— Do you have any garden beds there?

— I work so actively that all I needed was garden beds! Thank God I earn money from potatoes. And then gardening on a small scale is a very expensive thing.

“Many people now do it for fun.

— I love growing flowers. But when Slava appeared, this faded into the background. The choice between standing by the flowerbed or working with the child is obvious to me. Now we have a specially invited person taking care of the flowers. And Slavochka and I are just admiring it. Although communication with the earth is a great joy. By the way, we started growing some vegetables; we have a greenhouse with zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Everything in bits. This, of course, is not enough for the life of a large family. But when you eat a salad, at least you feel the taste and understand the quality of the products.

“The school is a complete disgrace”

— What grade did your eldest daughter go to?

- At 10 o'clock. Last year was very difficult because of the final assessment. The daughter did not raise her head, she was worried about the result. As a result, we got all A's. Well done! She's smart to me.

— Is he going for a medal?

- I don’t make a wish. I myself have a gold medal, but I understand that it was useful to me only once in my life - when I entered the university in a lighter version. At school, an A is an average level of knowledge. And a gold medalist is just a person who knows the school curriculum normally. This is how it was in our time.

Vasilisa met her husband Sergei thanks to astrology - she did a horoscope for him and noticed that she had perfect compatibility with this man. Photo: personal archive

- Isn’t it like that now?

— In a modern school, I see a lot of disadvantages for both children and teachers. The system has become vicious; it is built in such a way that the child will not be able to cope without the active involvement of the parents. For example, in the 1st and 2nd grades, Vika was already assigned reports and essays. This is a format that a child can only understand at the age of 12. And who did everything in the end? Parents, of course. Profanation! I am very worried about everything that is happening at school now. And if I had a second life, I would spend it on reforming the school system. But I only have one life, so I do what I love.

— Now you also help Vika with her homework?

— On a daily basis, no, but before the exams we studied mathematics together. Studying now is real hard labor. And Vika, on her first day of school - September 1, in the 1st grade, when she came home from school, she said that she didn’t like it, I answered: “Vika, there are 11 years left. Without one day."

- Sounds sad...

“Now I regret that I said exactly that.” The child should have been supported and consoled, and not confronted with the truth.

— What does Vika do in her free time?

“She is quite seriously interested in basketball, participates in competitions, and her team has even won medals a couple of times. I also played basketball as a child. Together we support the Khimki club and go to their games.

The TV presenter's daughter Vika is now in 10th grade. Photo: personal archive

— Is she already thinking about her future profession?

- Certainly. But I don’t talk about this publicly so as not to put pressure on the child. She chose the social and humanitarian class. Again, it’s a disgrace: there are 37 people in the class, and there are 36 seats in the offices. Great, right? Why can't you divide by two? School now is, of course, a challenge. I feel very sorry for all today's schoolchildren.

“We don’t fight, we don’t get divorced, we don’t sue”

- Slavochka is my endless happiness. But I didn’t expect that raising a boy and a girl would be so different. Vika was also very active and athletic during Slavina’s years. But my son is active in a different way. He is a prankster, a spoiler, a naughty boy, a hooligan. Boy, in a word! It takes a lot of effort and patience to keep it within limits. He doesn't like restrictions. Climbs into all sockets, looking for sharp corners. At the same time, he is a very serious guy, smart. Knows all colors, letters, counts to one hundred. Like all boys, he loves cars. I used to think: “Lord, why buy so many cars for a child?” Now I understand it, every one of them. Slava also loves semi-precious stones. Probably, his earthly Capricorn nature affects him. Knows everything by name and distinguishes it from each other. I think, if you take the average Russian, Slava already knows 10 times more names of minerals and stones.

Sergei supports Vasilisa in everything and manages her affairs as a director. “In fact, we have a family business,” says Volodina. Photo: personal archive

— Does astrology help in raising children?

- Certainly! All children are born with their own character. And, in my opinion, the importance of education is somewhat exaggerated. We can give knowledge, skills, somehow trim, but it is still unrealistic to directly change a person. Astrology allows you to understand your child. Is he sociable or not? Will he start talking early? Could he have phobias and fears? Is his psyche stable or unstable? Are there any health weaknesses? Which clubs should I send him to? And should we expect success there? It happens that I look at the horoscope and see: the child was born to be a doctor. And his father wants him to join law enforcement. Or vice versa - parents have a better sense of the profession for the child, but he resists. At such moments, too, you can’t break things. In the modern world, everything revolves around profession, because people have to survive. But in reality, a person rarely works according to the education he once received. And an individual horoscope tells about this perfectly.

— You give the impression of a very calm and balanced person. Are you always like this?

- 99% of the time - yes. But in the remaining 1% I can be tough. I am very demanding, first of all, of myself. My character is described equally by two conjunctions: Venus with Jupiter in Pisces and Mars with Saturn in Gemini. These are two opposing energies. On the one hand, I am a really kind, compassionate, sensitive, soft, emotional, understanding, empathetic person. This is great for a consultant. But I also know how to clearly define boundaries. I am attentive, collected, responsible, hardworking, disciplined, reserved. People with aspects like mine always do things in a more complex way than those around them. They create new heights for themselves and storm them. You can just throw your things in your suitcase and go on vacation. And you can think through everything for a long time and painfully, plan it, bring it into the system. I am from the second category, this is my lifestyle. I can be tough when faced with stupidity, bragging, excessive self-conceit, and unprofessionalism. As a result, it turns out that I am a person who is both soft and hard at the same time.

— Do your family members also have a hard time?

- What do you! I just think that they feel comfortable and comfortable with me. Otherwise, I probably would have already had several divorces under my belt. I listen, I try not to cause discomfort to my loved ones. I can scream or demand, but most of the time, unfortunately, this is not the case.

- Why "Unfortunately?

- Because sometimes you can twist ropes out of me. I am very flexible for those close to me. In general, it seems to me that in family life it is very important to maintain your own boundaries and not overstep others’. I've been learning this over the years. And I hope everything will be fine!

Private bussiness

Vasilisa Volodina was born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. She graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in economics and mathematics, as well as the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Since 1992 he has been working as an astrologer. Since 2008 - co-host of the “Let's Get Married!” program. on Channel One. Heads the Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter. She is married to Sergei Volodin, who is its director, and has two children - daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav.

“Which kindergarten to choose for a baby?”, “Why does a child get sick forever?”, “When to leave maternity leave?”, “How to improve relationships with a teenager?”, “When to start planning for a second baby?” - this is just a small list of questions that parents turn to the famous astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina.

We contacted Vasilisa on the eve of her birthday (on April 16, the mother of two children will turn 44 years old) to find out what exactly a horoscope can tell about an adult and a child, how to use the knowledge gained, and whether it is possible to go too far in the desire to live “as the stars dictate” .

Vasilisa, many say that the period before and after the birthday is special: the birthday person is either in decline or on such an upswing that he is ready to move mountains. Is it so?

Of course, a lot depends on the personal horoscope: for some this tendency is more pronounced, for others it is less noticeable. But 70% of people experience various troubles and delays on the eve of their birthday (a month before). No, these are not horror-nightmares, but in general this time is perceived as subjectively difficult.

It’s good if a person manages to spend this time in a calm rhythm in order to be able to sum up some results and engage in self-analysis.

Do you feel these trends yourself?

Yes. Of course, I can’t find privacy, but I try not to plan much during this time. Traditionally this doesn't work for me. (laughs).

Vasilisa, do you often study your horoscope and the horoscope of your children?

Certainly. This is the kind of analysis that happens every day. The fact is that a horoscope is a deep thing; you can study it in detail all your life and still not fully study it.

Astrology is like being interested in health: there are always reasons to consult a specialist.

Does this even apply to small children?

According to a child’s horoscope, everything can be understood from his very birth. For example, my son was born with the Moon in Gemini. This suggests that the person will be a talker. This is true! Vyacheslav was already speaking when he was a year old, and he wasn’t even three years old before he started reading.

Adults are often confident that they can seriously change their child. Believe me, this is not true! A child is born with a powerfully formed core. Of course, this core depends on the genetics that the parents invested in it, on the experience that they lived at the time of pregnancy and the birth of the child.

Parents can cultivate this character and polish it, but the basic part of it is unchanged, the child is born with it.

It seems to me that now, with the advent of fashion for early development and the study of parenting methods, people have become more interested in “children’s” astrology. Have you noticed this?

There has always been a children's theme in requests, because a horoscope can tell everything about a person! For example, what abilities does a child have that can be developed and which will help him in the future, and which ones need to be further developed to make it easier for him in adulthood.

And there is also a fashionable topic when mothers specifically choose the day for a caesarean section according to the horoscope, so that the child is happier, more talented...

I believe that nothing in life just happens. For some reason, a child with a certain character and with certain difficulties is given to parents. Therefore, if a woman has no indication for surgery, but she insists, then this is simply a sin.

But if we are talking about a planned operation, a procedure for an indication, then the day must be planned.

Not only because this is an abdominal operation, and it would be good for the woman to recover quickly after it, but also because it is really possible to correct some aspects for the child, to improve something.

The astrologer must have an understanding of mom and dad's horoscopes in order to make a correct recommendation. Usually the doctor gives an interval of a week to choose the day of the operation. And, strictly speaking, this is not a period when it is really possible to influence the situation globally. The fact is that we cannot plan for the smallest factors, since we still won’t get there at the right moment, and those factors that are medium-speed and which we can plan do not move very much in seven days.

Mothers have the illusion that they can choose an absolutely perfect day for giving birth. But in reality, most often it’s a choice between a really bad day and a so-so day.

What about choosing a period that is favorable for conception? How justified is such a request?

This request makes a lot of sense. But not for the child to be born at a certain moment. More than anything else, I dislike requests from the series “I want my child to be born a Leo.” This is an absolutely unfounded idea about the zodiac sign. An individual horoscope is much deeper and more complex!

The birth of a child is a strategically important moment in the life of a family.

It is important for the astrologer to understand when the birth of this child will be appropriate - what if the mother in labor will be seriously ill at this time, for example, and it will be very difficult for her to emotionally carry this pregnancy, and what if at this particular period the birth of a baby will become a serious burden for the man ?

Under such circumstances, a man, in principle, may not want a second child or family relationships will worsen.

A child should not become a hostage to difficult situations that we see in advance with the help of a horoscope. If we can avoid complications and choose the optimal time, then why take the risk?

Of course, if pregnancy has already occurred, then the child should be born when he needs it. But if it is possible to plan this moment in advance, then you need to take advantage of it. We plan the rest of our lives!

Is there such a request on which you refuse to consult?

I always consider the motive with which a question is asked.

For example: “My son is getting married. Look, will this be a successful marriage?” I explain to these mothers that it will be better if the children come on their own.

But there are other requests. For example, if parents say that their daughter got involved with a man who served time in prison three times for some terrible crime, and they are worried that he will physically harm her. This is another matter. This is no longer an idle interest, but we are talking about preserving human life.

Can a horoscope answer questions about a child’s health?

If we are talking about very serious and systemic diseases, I would not take on such a situation, because I am not a medical specialist. But, for example, a good astrologer can predict with high probability whether a genetic disease will be inherited.

If we are talking about a situation where a child is constantly sick because of going to kindergarten, then this situation needs to be resolved either with an astrologer or with a psychologist - maybe this is a normal process, and the child’s immunity adapts, or maybe the baby is sick because for something not so obvious.

I can tell you a recent case from my practice. The parents sent the child to an expensive Montessori kindergarten, and he began to get sick. And not only did he get sick, but the boy developed a terrible allergy, the doctors almost diagnosed him with “asthma”...

The Montessori system is aimed at mutual assistance and at building practical skills. It is well suited for children of earth signs. And according to the horoscope, it is clear that this boy is air-water, very freedom-loving, for him this subject-based practical environment is painful. I recommended that they transfer the child to an ordinary kindergarten. And what do you think - the child stopped getting sick!

Without a horoscope, a parent often cannot understand which environment is hostile for a child and which, on the contrary, is suitable.

Vasilisa, how to apply the information received? For example, a child has been practicing karate for a couple of years, and then the astrologer suggested that wrestling is absolutely not suitable for the boy and that he urgently needs to sign him up for drawing.

In fact, there is no point in choosing between sports and art (children can do both perfectly well), it makes sense to choose between areas in sports or art. If an expert you trust says that team sports are extremely dangerous for your hockey-playing son, then you should believe him.

Will the child not experience psychological trauma if his parents suddenly deprive him of his favorite hobby?

Of course, the child will worry. But here it is important for parents to understand what is more undesirable for them: for the child to get injured due to over-adaptation or for him to get hurt during training?

Of course, there are families where the father wants to raise his son to be a man, and therefore he sent a child with artistic inclinations to hockey. This situation is terrible, because the child wants to paint, and the dad wants to raise him to be a Tretiak. This question is no longer for the astrologer; here you need to understand family relationships.

If you understand that a person views raising children through the prism of punishment, and this is not close to you, then draw conclusions.

You need to understand that the person moves with you in line with the same values. And most importantly, the astrologer should give answers to the questions that interest you.

HAPPY PARENTSIs astrology a gift or a craft that can be learned?

VASILISA VOLODINA Astrology, first of all, is a science, a body of knowledge that describes the patterns of development of all processes in the world. But there is a lot of art and creativity in it. Mastery of any profession, including the profession of an astrologer, is unthinkable without inspiration. For me, astrology is my passion. Of course, there are no innate astrologers, although astrological dynasties, where knowledge is passed on from generation to generation, are quite possible.

S.R.Are you planning to become the founder of such a dynasty?

VASILISA VOLODINA I plan to at least pass on my knowledge to my daughter, because even if she does not become a professional astrologer, she will need it in life. But for now, unfortunately, I simply don’t have time to deal with this systematically. Vikusha also really wants this, and now that she has accumulated a sufficient knowledge base in mathematics (and mathematics is necessary for an astrologer), everything becomes possible. By the way, Vika is already good at fortune telling with the Lenormand deck; at her age I couldn’t do that, although I began to be interested in astrology, palmistry, and fortune telling early on. Probably like most girls.

S.R.Many people believe that trying to look into their future is dangerous. Aren't you afraid?

VASILISA VOLODINA Did you know that today even many psychologists use something like simplified tarot cards called metaphorical cards? Any tool is just a tool, it's all about how you use it. Is it dangerous to predict the exchange rate or the weather? This is also a prediction of the future. But in astrology, the methods and logic for making a forecast are similar; there is a clear set of rules by which they are built. Astrology is not contact with otherworldly forces with fried frogs in your hands. Therefore, I don’t understand what happens when I see astrologers on television who also see prophetic dreams and are able to predict something from them. Let's not confuse mysticism with the logical conclusion offered by astrology. Astrology has nothing to do with mysticism, although it is an esoteric science. Esoteric, because there is a lot in it that is hidden from uninitiated eyes. In fact, there is no other science that is universal - capable of describing absolutely any process. And at the same time it teaches a person to turn inside, to recognize himself, his destiny.

S.R.Do you know your destiny?

VASILISA VOLODINA I know. But let’s define in terms what “fate” is. Fate is a set of possibilities, and a person’s horoscope, a set of his individual differences and characteristics, can be compared to... a chronic disease. Agree, you need to know about your illness in order to understand how to treat it. If a person knows nothing, makes no effort to overcome it, is inert to the course of events, the disease occurs. Besides, there are things that you can overcome and things that you will never be able to overcome under any circumstances. A horoscope helps you get to know yourself better and not waste time and energy. Every person has a fairly wide choice, but not an endless one. You should not assume that you personally have a choice from birth between becoming a famous violinist, a successful stock market player, or a brilliant scientist. Astrology allows you to specify your most achievable prospects and shoot at the right point.

Advice from a star

The name does not completely change fate, it can only correct it. Do not give your child a name that the relatives could not agree on. If there are no preferences, and your grandmother never stops literally begging you to call her by a certain name, call her that. Trust your relatives' intuition if it manifests itself so passionately. Choose names that sound good with your middle and last names. The name must be appropriate within the country. The name must translate well into a foreign language, because our world is expanding.

S.R.Is the appearance of children in your family also calculated using astrology?

VASILISA VOLODINA Of course, I was guided by my horoscope. In the case of our second son Slava, my husband Sergei and I had to wait until the end of a certain astrological period. With Vika there was no need to plan rigidly. But the planned second pregnancy, which was not at all early, by the way, was easier for me in all respects. Well-chosen timing is 90% of success. Well, let's face it - in order to have a good pregnancy, you need good money. Even if there are not many of them, giving birth is wonderful. Children make a woman happy, that's undeniable. But if you have enough money, pregnancy becomes even better. Well, in the 13 years that have passed since my last birth, there has been a giant leap in technology. We criticize civilization, I myself am a conservative, but I must admit that there are much more various devices, devices, inventions that can make life easier for parents.

S.R.A second child after 13 years, and even in the same marriage, is a rather rare case. Is there such a big gap between the children? Is this a horoscope?

VASILISA VOLODINA The horoscope records absolutely any information about a person’s life. And this one too. From the point of view of life reasons, the birth of children depends not only on the wishes of the parents, the presence of a permanent partner and the ability to get pregnant. There are a number of other issues - financial, career, housing. We had to solve the last of them, and in Moscow it is not resolved quickly.

S.R.How did Victoria, then a twelve-year-old girl, react to the news of the upcoming addition to the family?

VASILISA VOLODINA Throughout our childhood, she simply tormented us: “When will I have a brother? When?!” “Vika, everything will be,” we answered. Although we did not focus on these requests. I don’t understand parents who follow their children’s lead in this matter: “My daughter is asking for a sister or brother. Let's give birth!" In my opinion, this is a game. The decision to add to the family can and should be made only by an adult. A baby is not a toy, not an animal; an older child should not feed him or raise him. Moreover, when the youngest is born, the elder will fight him to death.

So the position of such parental deceit even causes me bewilderment. The appearance of a child in a family is only the decision of the parents, an accident or the will of Providence. We had everything planned, we chose the time of conception, from the point of view of a successful pregnancy.

S.R.Can an astrologer choose the sign under which the child will be born?

VASILISA VOLODINA This is not important, although many count the days and repeat like a spell “The main thing is not Cancer, Libra ... etc.” You will love any child, no matter what sign he is! And he can be born with any horoscope indicators, regardless of what you have planned for yourself. Therefore, the main thing is to use astrology to choose a good time to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. If the birth is natural, trust a higher power, do not plan the date. This caesarean section must be planned. If there is no evidence for it, relax, don’t meddle with God with human concepts. The child himself knows when to be born.

It is much more correct to find out when you can get pregnant, and during what period the pregnancy will be easy.

S.R.How did Vika meet Vyacheslav?

VASILISA VOLODINA When we entered the house, she said: “Oh, how small!” and began to cry. It was a frosty January day, Slavochka was wrapped in a fluffy overall, one nose was sticking out of the car seat. Vika thought his brother was half the size of her baby-bon doll; she did not expect this. I didn’t involve Vika too much in caring for her brother, because, to be honest, I don’t understand how this can be done with modern school education. And, of course, we had jealousy. And still, in my opinion, there is. Vika likes, for example, to tease Slava and say: “My mother!” “No, my mom!” - the brother immediately responds seriously. And the unstoppable roll call begins. Or chatting with Vika, Slava immediately comes up: “Mom, talk only to me! Don't talk to Vika"

S.R.Can you and such an adult daughter be called friends?

VASILISA VOLODINA No, after all, a hierarchy must be maintained between daughter and mother. As long as I make decisions in our couple, I take responsibility. But this does not prevent us from communicating confidentially and tenderly. I regularly receive flowers from Vika and hear sincere compliments. You know, it’s even nicer to hear this from your daughter than from your husband...

Vika faces a difficult, exam-intensive 11th year at school. Therefore, there will be less basketball, entertainment and excursions, and more studying, tutors, and torment. But it seems to me that she is ready for this, she graduated from 10th grade with straight A’s. Vika is persistent and decisive. Sometimes, even more decisive than loved ones expect. But most of all I am glad that my daughter is a very kind person. I am happy to see how she tries for her friends and girlfriends, how she chooses gifts for their birthdays. She has never been greedy; she easily spends her pocket money on loved ones. With her first salary - a basketball win - Vika organized a luxurious tea party for her family. I think that if a person has such qualities as generosity, kindness, attention to loved ones, only with them can one live well. So Vika’s basic character traits are excellent.

S.R.What can you tell us about Vyacheslav?

VASILISA VOLODINA Slava sits with a nanny, studies English twice a week, and we are planning other developmental activities. He is a very smart boy for his three years and four months; he began reading at two years and eight months. He's just very gifted. By the way, like Vika, only she has more resistance, like a real Lioness.

S.R.What do you think, both as a mother and as an astrologer, does a child come into this world with a ready-made character?

VASILISA VOLODINA I am sure that a person is born as an already formed personality, with a certain potential and inclinations. Truly, a person can only educate himself, already at a conscious age. Parents only set certain cultural boundaries for behavior, provide information about the world, polish something, correct something, but only within those boundaries that are already determined by the child’s qualities. That is why turning to the horoscope is a very useful thing in order to understand the basic inclinations of the baby, to know what makes sense to develop and what does not. Where to send. The main thing is for parents to realize that education is about polishing, but not about creating character traits. The child already has a character and will not have another.

At the end of the year, the famous astrologer and TV presenter is preparing to become a mother for the second time. “TN” is the first to whom Vasilisa openly told about her feelings and emotions about this.

- Vasilisa, I sincerely congratulate you! For many, the news about your interesting position came as a complete surprise. But I can assume that you, of course, planned such an important event in your life?

You're right. My husband and I wanted a second child and for the last three years we have been waiting for the most favorable period for pregnancy. In my practice, I have seen enough of various unsuccessful stories and I am convinced that it is necessary to plan a pregnancy. True, I am sincerely surprised by clients who turn to an astrologer with a request to tell them when they could have a child who will become a successful businessman, or that they will certainly have a boy because the husband wants an heir... At the same time, the expectant mother forgets one important thing. First you need to carry a healthy baby. I will say more, I already had not the easiest experience associated with pregnancy. Then we didn’t plan anything thoroughly, right up to a month. I just knew that at the age of 27 I would have a child. By that time, Sergei and I had been together for seven years and were already mentally mature to become parents. But physically, Vika’s pregnancy was harder for me than I would have liked; it took some time to get my health in order. Therefore, when I told my parents that we were expecting a new baby, they did not jump up and down with delight. They are certainly happy, but there is also concern for me. Probably, they, as representatives of the older generation, think that giving birth at 40 is just a nightmare. But my mother-in-law is a fighting person! She gave birth to her third child when she was already over forty, and nothing can scare her! Sergei, of course, is happy too. He is really looking forward to his second child, and I, as a wife and a woman who loves him, have no motive to deny him this. As soon as I felt something, I immediately told him. And he: “Wait, why are you drawing conclusions so early…” He was cautious, afraid of scaring him off. But it turned out that everything is so!

When Vika found out that we had a new addition coming, she even reproached my dad and me: “Well, finally! I already thought that I would never wait” (Pictured with daughter Victoria)

- How did Vika react to the news that she would have a brother or sister?

I was very happy. She even reproached my dad and me: “Well, finally! I already thought that I would never wait.” Although I believe that children’s requests for a brother or sister cannot be relied upon. In the same way, they ask their parents for a parrot or a dog. And then what? Reproach, saying, you wanted to do so, but now you’re too lazy to take a walk or clean the cage? You know the joke: a pessimist is a well-informed optimist? Here Sergei and I are a family of well-informed optimists. And we understand perfectly well how difficult it is to raise a child.

Moreover, I believe that a woman should have as many children as she can support herself. And although my beloved husband is in the next room, we have had an ideal marriage for many years (pah-pah-pah, so as not to jinx it!) - this is my clear position. I am aware that if suddenly, for various reasons, you are left alone with the children, you must figure everything out on your own. It’s not that I prepare for it, I just don’t forget about it.

In general, according to my internal attitudes, I am definitely not a mother of many children. After all, you want to give so much to a child! Although, undoubtedly, children are happiness. I remember how after Vika’s birth I fell into some kind of state of euphoria. And I can say that to this day my daughter is the center of Sergei’s and my universe. Everything revolves around her one way or another. In 13 years, we only went on vacation to the seaside once without Vika, and that was because the vacation was in winter, and she was very little, and we were afraid of a sudden change in climate. And when the “Let’s Get Married!” program appeared in my life six years ago, I suddenly no longer had enough time for my family and my child. Sergei and I sounded the alarm. We discussed the situation and decided that my husband would become my director (before that he had worked quite successfully in the field of logistics), that is, in fact, he would head our family business. Since then he has been taking care of my affairs, for which I am very grateful to him. This was probably the only right decision. I can’t even imagine who else could organize work like this without infringing on the interests of the family. For example, although I am a very busy mother, I teach my daughter homework every day. The modern school curriculum is so complex that I simply don’t see any other option.

The husband wants to be present at the birth. But for me, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, I am grateful that he decided to share the difficulties with me, but on the other hand, I am worried about him (Pictured with his husband Sergei)

- When it became clear that you were in trouble, Sergei probably tried to relieve you of the burden?

Back in January, my husband said: since we are going to have a child, let’s, mother, slow down. And it actually halved my workload (primarily this affected personal consultations, which are planned many months in advance). In addition, this year, just like a kiss from heaven, for the first time during our work on Channel One, our program was allowed to rest for two whole summer months (before that there were breaks for a maximum of a couple of weeks). We were able to relax at the dacha and go to Spain to the sea.

And when they returned from vacation, they probably stunned their colleagues with the news... For six years, you, Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova have worked well together on air and then you announce that you are going on maternity leave. Has there been any panic on the ship?

Firstly, as a decent person, I warned management quite early. As for my colleagues, back in January I once said that my husband and I would like to have a second child this year.

I will disappear from the screens in November, and plan to return in the spring (Pictured with Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova on the set of the “Let's Get Married!” program)

- Do such statements offend you?

Escapades about the problems of forty-year-old women rather amuse me! (Smiles.) You know, there is a feeling that I am currently in a protective cocoon, and such attacks from the outside do not affect me at all. But you become very emotionally dependent on your loved ones. It seems to me that not a single pregnancy is complete without a certain amount of tears shed by the expectant mother... Just a little and the eyes become wet. I became forgetful and a little clumsy. I, as an energetic person, am especially irritated by the loss of efficiency - three times, no less. But there is so much to do, so many issues to resolve. For example, just a couple of months ago, my husband and I were sure that our child would be born in France. The fact is that last time I was not pleased with domestic medicine. But now we are inclined to believe that we will still remain in Russia. I am a fighter by nature, and if necessary, I will give birth in any conditions, but I would like more comfort.

- Why did you change your mind about going abroad?

As it turned out, in order to give birth abroad, you need not so much a lot of money, but a lot of time! Firstly, you need to leave in advance. And then, after the birth of the child, stand in line at the consulate to register the baby, obtain citizenship for him and enter him into the passport. And since all these bureaucratic procedures will most likely be associated with the New Year holidays, then, according to the most conservative estimates, we risk being stuck there for three months. Honestly, this is an unaffordable luxury for me.

I believe that a woman should have as many children as she can support herself. And although my husband and I have had an ideal marriage for many years, this is my clear position

- Sergei wants to be present at the birth?

Yes, he does. When I gave birth to Vika, in order for dad to be allowed into the maternity ward, I had to pass a lot of tests and take some courses. It's easier now. It is enough to agree with your doctor. Sergei made a decision, but for me it’s not so simple. I love my husband very much and I don’t know what impression this physiological process will have on him. One of our friends’ hands were shaking so much that when he was entrusted with cutting the umbilical cord, he dropped the scissors on the baby... In general, mixed feelings prevail. On the one hand, I am grateful that he decided to share the difficulties with me and be there for me, but on the other hand, I worry about him. But some women argue: “Why should I suffer alone? Let him suffer too!”

This means you refuse to torment your loved ones! But what about the obligatory whims of pregnant women: do I want this or that? Didn't you really express any special wishes?

It’s like the joke: “Hearing his wife’s request for fried strawberries, the father of seven children fainted.” Vika was also actively interested in me: “Mommy, do you want something exotic?” “No,” I answer, “I don’t want to at all.”

But one day I gave in and said I wanted fried bananas. There is an Indian dish where you dip bananas in sweet kefir batter and fry them in a frying pan. I once tried them in a restaurant, but then I decided to make them myself. And what do you think? This has become my family's favorite dessert. Not so much me, but they got hooked! Well, my daughter jokingly reproaches me for depriving my family of barbecue for the whole summer. For a short time, the smell of coffee, smoked and fried meat killed me on the spot. One day my neighbors in the countryside decided to have a barbecue, so I thought I wouldn’t survive.

But in general, the second pregnancy is better tolerated than the first. There is no anxiety that was there when I was waiting for Vika. I felt that with her appearance a completely new stage in life would begin. And the unknown is always scary. I remember that for this reason, in the last two months before giving birth, I became terribly jealous. As it got closer to evening, I just couldn’t find a place for myself. I sit and think: “Where is my husband? What is he doing now? And I used cards to tell fortunes - nothing helped. Although he rushed out of work like a bullet, jumped into the car, hit the gas - and was home like a bayonet at 18:15, it still seemed to me that something was wrong. Moreover, she understood that everything was nonsense, she laughed at herself, but she could not do anything with her emotions. Fortunately, this is not the case now.

I think that our life should not change radically with the advent of a new family member. And at least it will be easier than the first time. And Sergei is there to help me, and my mother now lives not far from us, and, in the end, we can afford a nanny. Although, of course, I am aware that small children are a hassle. And we will get ours. We even have a joke in our family about this topic. We love Wodehouse's stories about Jeeves and Wooster and enjoy watching the TV series based on these books. So, in one episode, an avant-garde artist is commissioned to paint a portrait of a baby - the son of a rich man. What he depicted there is not clear until the end of the film; the viewer sees only the angry faces of people looking at the picture. And in the finale, the canvas, which, by the way, is called “Quiet Life with Eggplant,” ends up at the exhibition, they take it close-up, and we see that there is a screaming child blue in the face from screaming. Now we often remember this episode and laugh that, apparently, a quiet life with eggplant will soon await us all.

I’m coping with my second pregnancy better than the first... I don’t have the anxiety that I had when I was expecting Vika. And then I realized that everything was nonsense, I laughed at myself, but I couldn’t do anything with my emotions. Fortunately, this is not the case now

- Expectant mothers often awaken the instinct of “nesting” - the desire to make repairs and create special comfort. You are currently converting your former office into a nursery. From the point of view of Feng Shui, will the business aura of the premises not hinder the future small owner?

We are redoing a lot of things - the walls will be different, and we have ordered light furniture. A very soft carpet was placed on the floor - it will smooth out the atmosphere of business. But you know, I would still like to leave some seriousness. Lately I've seen enough of painted cabinets and cribs - with suns, boats, sheep - and realized that I don't like this kind of children's kitsch at all. I want my child to grow up surrounded by truly beautiful things. And in general, it seems to me that I will immediately treat him as a full-fledged person, as an individual, without all these endless lisps. Although how can one guess here? (Smiles.)

You said that for 13 years Vika has become accustomed to being the center of your family, but now such changes are coming. Do you mentally prepare your daughter for them, do you talk to her about this topic?

I'll be honest, no. I am sure that she will still have plenty of attention from her loved ones. Moreover, with such a difference in age, I think we are not in danger of conflicts that arise between an older and a younger child based on jealousy and rivalry. Listen, when the baby shows the first signs of awareness, at three or four years old, Vika will already be 16-17 years old, the end of school, a new life ahead. Well, now my daughter’s transition is in full swing, and, of course, I don’t forget about it. Sergei and I are strict parents and try to keep our finger on the pulse. Vikusha is a cheerful person, she spends everything laughing, although she could laugh less. But, strictly speaking, she has always been like this. I am impressed by her self-irony. A quality that not all adults have. She can easily make fun of her problems and even romantic attachments. This is very nice.

You once said that before you started working on the “Let’s Get Married!” project, you had a better opinion of modern men... In this regard, aren’t you worried about your daughter’s future? Where to look for worthy suitors?

Alarming. To be honest, I try as best I can to correct her character so that it will be easier for her later. Throughout her life, Victoria may fall in love with men from afar, and for me this is a rather painful moment. I’m afraid to even think that Vika will marry a foreigner and move abroad. I can’t imagine how to live apart from my daughter. I myself never wanted to leave; I am a very “from here” person. It is important for me to speak Russian, to hear Russian speech on the streets. Then, emigration implies separation from loved ones, from parents with whom we are strongly connected... Fortunately, in Vika’s case, a foreign husband is not a mandatory sentence, there are alternative options. And I will try to gently guide her in the right direction. Although personal life is a complicated thing. Is it possible to stand in the way of happiness? Therefore, I will answer your question this way: in a good way, grooms should be looked for abroad, but I myself am not enthusiastic about this idea.

Vasilisa, it is known that astrologers attach great importance to a person’s name. What guides you on this topical issue for many young parents?

A name should be chosen only when the child is already born. In some countries this is a big problem; they require the baby to be named on the first day. But it’s easier for us; we have time to think everything through. The fact is that the name must fit correctly on the newborn’s horoscope - strengthen some character traits, weaken others. And here it is important to know the time of birth down to the minute. Of course, it is impossible to radically change fate, but it is possible to correct something. So my husband and I are making a list of names, and then we will choose from it.

- Also, you are probably very tempted to choose a better birthday?

I admit, it's great. We have several beautiful dates in mind that we would really like to attend. But... most likely it won’t work, it would be too fairy-tale-like. I want everything to go naturally. At the beginning of our conversation, we touched on the topic of pregnancy planning. My husband and I did what depended on us, and then it was all God’s will. Let the child be born, and then we will deal with its qualities. I am stoic on this issue. And I know very well what difficulties await children born at the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015. They will have a hectic life: probably an escalation of political conflicts, perhaps military ones... But do you remember the calm era in Russia over the last thousand years? So you can relax about this.

Born: April 16, 1974 in Moscow

Family: husband - Sergei, manages the family business; daughter - Victoria (13 years old)

Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State Academy of Management, Moscow Academy of Astrology

Career: Since 1994 he has been engaged in astrological practice. In 2006, she hosted the program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” (Capital), and since 2008 - co-host of the show “Let’s Get Married!” (First channel). Author of the books: “Astrology of seduction. Keys to a man’s heart”, “Love forecast for 2014”, “Love forecast for 2015”. Winner of the “Electronic Letter 2012” award in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination for the book “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart"

Photo by Konstantin SOROKIN

— There are so many successful young people around who cannot arrange their personal lives. What is this connected with?

— Loneliness is a sign of our era. Back in the 1960s, alas, the stars were positioned above our mortal world in such a way that more potentially unlucky people in love began to be born. But since 2010, the situation, fortunately, began to change. Today's babies will definitely be a little happier in their personal lives than their parents and grandparents. Such a relatively harmonious state will occur only when they all grow up - by 2030, not earlier.

- That is, for those who do not have a good personal life, you can blame the stars for everything?

“The stars don’t cause our troubles, they only show them!” Every single person has a certain problem, often invisible to him, that prevents him from getting married. If you can’t build a relationship, the most important thing is to figure it out, understand what’s stopping you. Some people don’t have to delve into themselves for long—they just need to look in the mirror. Alas, men choose with their eyes! For them, the beauty of a woman comes first, as well as second and third. All other advantages follow. And problems with appearance occur in women much more often than is commonly talked about. And if a person cannot see them himself, then it is so important that there are sensitive and faithful friends nearby who can advise. Sometimes hearing the truth is not very pleasant, but true friendship is mutual help. When you endlessly feel sorry for a friend who can’t find someone she loves, and give her false compliments, it supports the person, but does not develop. If she is tossing around and trying to figure herself out, don’t be afraid to gently hint, for example: “This dress is a little old-fashioned, let’s change your style” or “Let’s go to the gym together starting Monday!” After all, how can a girl show her wonderful qualities as a housewife if she does not initially attract a man? Appearance is our tool; it is what allows us to make the first impression.

- But men have different ideas of beauty?

“Public opinion is now shaped by magazine standards—there’s no getting away from that.” But different men need different energy, emotional flow that comes from a woman. I wrote a whole book about this - “The Astrology of Seduction. The keys to a man's heart." Everyone has their own type of woman. Some people like daring, active, enterprising “hostesses.” Someone dreams of meeting a quiet and flexible “mother.” Astrology helps you understand what type of woman your chosen one is waiting for, and try to meet his standards. But no matter what type of internal energy a man reacts to, he always wants to see a beauty next to him - this is nature!

- It's hard to be a woman. It turns out that you need to adapt and please all the time.

— The bitter truth: men often have no motive, no reason to strive to tie the knot. It’s us women who have a ticking biological clock. And a man in the modern world under 70 years old feels like a “good fellow” who is looking for a “fair maiden”, and everything lies at his feet. But attention! As soon as a woman basically asks the question: “Why should I adjust, and not him?” - consider that she has already taken her step towards loneliness. Any person needs to realize: if you want a long and lasting relationship, then staying the way you naturally are will not work.

Everyone can become happy only by working on themselves. But due to objective circumstances, a woman has to do this more often and more. There is such an ancient concept of medicine and astrology as “humors” - these are different types of basic energy on which a person lives. There are only four of them - according to the number of astrological elements. It is when an imbalance of these forces occurs that we lose our sense of happiness. But everything is in our hands: the energies in ourselves can be balanced.

For example, if you are an exhausted workaholic who cannot break out of the “work-home” circle, then the energy of the earth prevails in you. Bring more air energy into your life! How? Surround yourself with friends! Go on trips more often and change your usual routes to new ones. No matter how tired you feel, go to the movies, cafes, or restaurants on weekends.

Those under the air element who communicate a lot but can’t find a loved one, on the contrary, need to add a little earth. Follow a daily routine, be alone with your thoughts more often, take on additional responsibilities - believe me, it will work!

Another opposite: fire - water. A girl who often conflicts with others, is always in confrontation with the world, must learn to “extinguish” her energy. She needs to literally force herself to listen to her interlocutor, to restrain herself in some controversial situations, that is, add the element of water. A depressed princess, always suffering from unrequited love, needs to be driven to exercise or entrusted with tasks that involve a minimum of emotions.

— You can, of course, adapt to your partner. But, they say, you can’t stand on tiptoes for long.

- Who said that to adapt means to dissolve and bend under a person? Men don't even need you to stand on tiptoes. To adjust is to give what he expects. I believe that my book helps you find out not only what kind of woman a man needs, but also understand whether you can match it. You are not able to satisfy all the whims of a man. A flighty girl is unlikely to get along for a long time with a homebody whose horoscope has a watery Venus. Why should both of them suffer? According to Senka, there should be a hat. As I already said, any person is obliged to grow and work on himself. And by the way, these changes may not be global, but localized. It's just important to know what exactly you should change. This is the most difficult thing. It is not necessary to approach yourself from the side of shortcomings; you can do it differently. Ask yourself: what can I give a man? And understand who might need it. For example, a very smart woman needs to know where and by what kind of person her intelligence will be in demand.

Those who are going to get married at 18-20 years old should remember that a person until the age of 24, until the second cycle of Jupiter strikes, is actively changing. Just as it is impossible to tell from a 10-year-old girl how good she will be at 20 or 30 years old, it is impossible to understand what kind of man an 18-year-old boy will grow up to be. Of course, it all depends on the person. There are unique people who, at the age of 20, are ready to bear responsibility for their family and at the same time realize themselves in their profession. And someone under 30 wants to go for a walk. And there are those who, in principle, are not able to build a strong couple with anyone.

- And how can one be like that?

- This is destiny. There's nothing you can do about it. Just imagine that a white tiger cub was born. What should he do? Learn to accept your position, understand that you are different from those around you, and build your life in a different way. But, fortunately, cases of incorrigible loneliness are rare. After all, man is a paired animal.

— Nowadays, more and more women begin to get married after 30 years. What is this connected with?

— Social maturation now comes later. The country has changed, and the requirements for a partner have changed. Previously, a person graduated from a university at the age of 22 and became a young specialist, with a solid salary and the prospect of getting a room from the enterprise. And now it’s a lottery, everything is unpredictable. You still need to prove that you are worth something and can do it.

— Are there representatives of certain zodiac signs who are more successful in love than others?

— A person’s personal life depends not on his zodiac sign, but on the location of all the planets in his horoscope. They are determined literally by the minutes of birth. Venus, Mars, the Moon and... many more are important! Even if you read in a book that, for example, all Aquarians strive for freedom, you should not believe it. Likewise, not all Taurus are wonderful, stable men who can be relied upon. It is impossible to evaluate yourself as a loser or lucky in love based on one zodiac sign.

— Nevertheless, in the program you always make fun of the characters - Cancer men. If you listen to you, then they have no chance at all of finding an ideal partner?

- I have no prejudice against Cancers. (Laughs.) We have jokes in our team that the audience doesn’t always understand. One time we made a joke. I don't like lilies in bouquets. They smell disgustingly strong, and in the closed space of the studio they instantly give you a headache. I once complained to Larisa: “Why are they bringing us these stuffy lilies?” And once again the hero comes with a bouquet of lilies, and Larisa, grinning, says: “Here are Vasya’s favorite flowers.” We laughed. And then the terrible thing began: this shot was included in the program, and they began to shower me with lilies. I then had to officially declare that I can’t stand them.

— Russian girls often seek personal happiness abroad. Do they have a chance to successfully settle there? Will there be a difference in mentality?

— Globalization is marching around the world! Have you noticed that it has become less interesting to travel around countries - everything is the same everywhere? So the difference in mentalities is also erased a little. If she didn't grow up in the Siberian hinterland and he wasn't a successful Harvard student, then there's no reason to worry. On the other hand, even within our country, the transition from one social group to another is difficult. A girl from near Tobolsk is unlikely to marry a young man with a MGIMO diploma and whose father has some huge estates within Rublyovka.

- So, in the program “Let's get married!” Women regularly come who want to get married just to improve their financial situation...

- Yes, we really have such heroes. I am annoyed by the mercantile approach to relationships. I have not met successful unions that started with money. Only love will save the world. Sometimes parents come to me for consultations and ask about their 14-15 year old daughter: “Here in her class there is Gosha, a good boy, a good family. Maybe something will work out for them in the future?” Even at school they try to “woo” their child without asking his opinion, without letting him see life. Of course, then children live by the same principle - to sell themselves at a higher price.

— Vasilisa, can you determine from the horoscope which parent the child will resemble?

- This can definitely be understood from the horoscope. It happens that when you look at a baby’s natal chart, you see that he will be a copy of his mother in character, but outwardly similar to his father. But if a child was born by caesarean section, he is, in principle, less like his parents - even a special astrological study was conducted on this topic. So if, for example, in a dynasty of doctors a child is not born naturally, then he is unlikely to want to continue the work of his ancestors. He will have his own interests. Parents of “Caesareans” also need to prepare for the fact that there will be more misunderstandings in relations with their children. For those who cannot do without surgery, I would advise choosing an astrologically successful day for it.

— How is your relationship with your 11-year-old daughter?

— First thought: “Wonderful!” Second: “Are children ever ideal?” Our Victoria is a bright representative of the fire element, just like her mother. And in her horoscope there are several planets in the sign of Virgo, like her dad. So we got a hybrid - like Michurin.

— Does astrology help in raising a child? Can the stars tell you what talents need to be developed in him?

“I believe that a child should receive the most comprehensive development possible.” Knowing that your child has a penchant for mathematics, you should not deprive him of embroidery or swimming. Remember Kozma Prutkov: “A specialist is like gumboil: his completeness is one-sided.” You don’t want your child to have intellectual flux, do you?

— How does your husband react to the fact that the program’s characters often literally shower you with compliments? Not jealous?

— The husband is not jealous, he is proud. He thinks he pulled out a lucky ticket. He told me and others this many times.

— Have you made a forecast for this year?

- Certainly. Astrologically, the new year will begin in March. I know for sure that in the first half of the year I will be very tired, exhausted, I really have a lot of work. So far, this is exactly how the circumstances are. Now I’m working on another book - love forecasts for 2014. In my opinion, this publication will be a breakthrough. We are moving away from standard zodiac signs. Everyone will be able to find a forecast for themselves based on their date of birth. That is, literally get a personal love horoscope. According to this book, armed with a ruler and a pencil, having mastered some tricks, a person will calculate for himself a good day for a date. Plus, I have a couple of other projects going on - I can’t reveal all the secrets yet. So I understand where this fatigue, which I predicted, will come from. I know that I will lash out at my loved ones, I will be so biliously cold and irritable. Also, my husband and I have the next year and a half to somehow influence our daughter’s studies, make her more independent, and increase her interest in new knowledge.

— Do your friends often ask you to draw up a horoscope for them?

— Some time ago, I noticed that about 500 people want to be friends with me, and this friendship consists of people calling me once a week and asking for astrological advice. It was a constant exploitation of my brain and a waste of my time. And I changed the situation! Divided people into a close circle and others. My loved ones (there are very few of them) can get from me whatever they want and whenever they want. I refuse to consult everyone else for free.

— We all talked about women's problems and problems. But, thank God, there are those for whom everything goes well. Maybe you can tell them what day is better to get married this year?

— It’s good that we have passed the period of magic dates like 10/10/10 and 11/11/11. There will be no more such dates in the foreseeable future. By the way, in the past year, such magic of numbers was insidious - those who got married on 12/12/12, alas, are most likely doomed to divorce. I can say for sure that you should not get married in May any year. This tradition is many thousands of years old. In the last month of spring, the sun passes through a star cluster that is astrologically associated with women's tears. Therefore, May is traditionally considered unlucky for weddings. You should also avoid getting married near the dates of eclipses. In 2013, there will be a couple of eclipses in May, as well as on April 25, October 18 and November 3. For those who want to get married, I would advise them to focus on the days when Venus, the patroness of love, is strong. This time is from February 26 to March 22, from April 15 to 20, from August 16 to September 11.

Vasilisa Volodina

Family: husband - Sergey; daughter - Victoria (11 years old)

Education: Graduated from the State Academy of Management with a degree in economics and mathematics, Moscow Academy of Astrology

Career: experience in astrology since 1992. She hosted the television program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.” Since 2008 - expert and co-host of the “Let's Get Married!” program. Heads the Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter. Author of the book “Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart"