home · Appliances · Interview with an Alien 2. Interview with an Alien based on personal communications and interview transcripts conducted by: Matilda O'Donner Mackelroy Editing and additional footnotes: Lawrence R. Spencer. Colonel Dean's Dissenting Opinion

Interview with an Alien 2. Interview with an Alien based on personal communications and interview transcripts conducted by: Matilda O'Donner Mackelroy Editing and additional footnotes: Lawrence R. Spencer. Colonel Dean's Dissenting Opinion

An acquaintance recommended the book “Interview with an Alien (Extraterrestrial)” by Lawrence Spencer, which allegedly provides evidence of the presence of high civilizations, as well as the immortality of the soul. He was so sure that the book was based on real events that I couldn’t resist. But from the first pages of the book I began to have doubts. The number of inconsistencies in this work is simply monstrous.

The main character allegedly came into contact with an alien, and telepathically. Other people were unable to communicate with the surviving alien Airl. All this happened in 1947. And if this book had been published at that time, it certainly could have caused a shock. And now it all looks like just a set of already quite common versions.

See for yourself, the book mentions:

  • an area on the planet Mars called Cydonia,

  • Lemuria and Atlantis,

  • Russia, and precisely under this name,

  • religion is used to control man, but in fact all religions distort the truth,

  • computers and information storage systems,

  • the asteroid belt in the solar system - remnants of an exploded planet,

  • humanity can be used by aliens, as a less developed civilization, only for mining,

  • life below the surface of the planet,

  • a hollow mountain with an alien base inside.

I was especially amused that Russia was called that way in 1947... Another big inconsistency is that the “Region” (aliens) supposedly didn’t particularly monitor our civilization, but then the alien talks about the history of the planet, and also about some personalities in great detail. In general, how one can believe that this is all true remains a mystery.

And everything would be fine, but Lawrence Spencer, in the description of the book, indicates that the book contains real official top secret excerpts from the transcripts and notes of Matilda McElroy, who worked in the US armed forces. At the same time, the author indicates that he received a letter from her, and also spoke with her on the phone, but was unable to find out whether she actually served.

I can't say that I didn't like the book at all. As a fantasy, it's a pretty good work. Although it consists mainly of interviews with the alien, without any intrigue or conspiracies. But some thoughts came across to me for the first time, in particular:

  • planet Earth with its disasters, wars, and other evils - this is Hell,

  • souls (in the book they are called IS-BEs and perhaps something else is meant) are intercepted after death, after which they are processed using certain technologies so that they do not remember anything, after which they return to Earth - to their prison,

  • ancient pyramids and other megaliths have no meaning, but are simply intended to mislead people.

This article is based on material presented by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, who allegedly interrogated an alien survivor of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

The events described there took place from July 8 to August 12, 1947, and the material presented formed the basis of the book “Alien Interview.”

At the time, Matilda was in military service as a surgical nurse, and was the only one with whom the alien could (or wanted) to communicate telepathically.

The alien gave his approximate name “Airl”.

All of the materials mentioned were provided by Matilda to the editor of the future book shortly before her death, approximately 60 years after the events in Roswell.
What follows is a translation of this book with certain abbreviations.

Part 1. My first interview with an alien.

(From Matilda's personal notes)

She writes that although she was the only one on the base who could communicate with the alien telepathically, she had never noticed anything like this before.
Although the alien, whom we will henceforth call Earl, did not tell her anything technical - perhaps due to her position as an officer and pilot who was captured, Matilda always had the feeling that Earl did not particularly try to hide anything from her.

Their communication always seemed honest and sincere to her, although, of course, this could not be known for sure.

Matilda felt that she had a special “connection” with the alien.

It was something like trust and empathy with the patient or child.

She explains this by saying that Earl understood her true interest in her and that she did not have any bad intentions.

Matilda considered Earl a “woman,” even though the creature had no sexual characteristics. She just had this feeling.

However, in terms of physiology, the alien had neither external nor internal reproductive organs; his body was like a “doll” or “robot.”

It also did not have any internal organs and did not consist of biological cells.

There was something like an "electrical nervous system" running throughout the body, but Matilda didn't know how it worked.

Externally, the alien’s body was very small, about 1 meter tall, with a disproportionately large head, with arms and legs that had three “fingers” on them, which looked very tenacious.

There was no nose, mouth, or ears on the head.

As it soon became clear, the alien’s body did not need food, water, oxygen or any other external sources of energy or food.

As Matilda later learned, this body had its own source of energy, thanks to which it acted.

In its own way, it was a very simple body.

And here I cannot help but note the similarity of the description of this body with the description of the bodies of the aliens from Roswell, which were given by F. Corso in his book “The Day After Roswell,” which seemed to him not living, but somehow artificial.

Earl explained to Matilda that her body was neither mechanical, like a robot's, nor biological.

It moved directly under her control as a spiritual being.

Technically, from a medical point of view, Matilda would not call him alive, i.e. it was not a biological form.

The body had smooth gray skin, the limbs looked frail, with no visible muscles.

Such a body was mainly used in space in zero gravity or in low gravity.

That is, as you can see, this resembles a fairly typical description of one of the types of “gray” aliens...

Many successive conversations took place between Matilda and Earle, with an ever-increasing understanding of each other.

So, a recording of the first conversation.

Question - Are you injured?

Answer - No.

Question - Do you need medical help?

Answer - No.

Question - Do you need food or water or anything else?

Answer - No.

Question - Do you need any special temperature, atmospheric composition, air pressure or waste disposal?

Answer - No. I am not a biological being.

Question - Is there anything in your body or ship that poses a danger to people or other terrestrial organisms?

Answer - There are no bacteria in space.

Question - Does your government know where you are now?

Answer - At this time, no.

Question - Will others look for you?

The answer is Yes.

Question - What weapons do your people have?

Answer - Very destructive.

Question - Why did your ship crash?

Answer - He lost control due to an atmospheric electrical discharge.

(V.L. - this, of course, looks very strange for creatures with super-advanced technology, because even our modern aircraft are protected from lightning.
At the same time, a very common version is that that (or those...) UFO allegedly lost control due to the influence of a powerful radar on it.
Although, for that matter, I think the more credible version of the Roswell crash is that it was intentional, followed by bogus reasons to explain why it happened in order to provide us with samples of technology that we could quickly understand and use... .).

Question - Why was your ship in this area?

Answer - Investigation of "scorching clouds" (radiation).

Question - How does your ship fly?

Answer - It is controlled mentally. Reacts to mental commands.

Matilda's Note: She believes that their ship was directly connected to their bodies through some sort of electrical "nervous system" that was controlled by their thoughts.

Question - How do your people communicate with each other?

Answer - Through thought.

Question - Do you have a written language or symbols for communication?

The answer is Yes.

Question - What planet are you from?

Answer - Home/place of birth - the world of the Domain.

Matilda's Note: Although I'm not an astronomer, this answer gave me the impression that this planet was at the center of a huge cluster of galaxies that Earl considers "home" or "birthplace." The word "Domain" was the closest that came to describing her concept.

Question - Will your government send representatives to meet with our leadership?

Answer - No.

Question - What are your intentions for the Earth?

Answer - Protect/defend the territory of the Domain.

Question - What have you learned about earthly governments and our weapons?

Answer - Poor/weak. Destroying the planet.

Question - Why are your people hiding from earthlings?

The answer is Watch/observe. No contact.

Question - Have your people visited Earth before?

Answer - Periodic/repeated observations.

Question - How long have you known about Earth?

Answer - Long before people.

Question - What do you know about the history of civilization on Earth?

Answer - Little interest/attention. A little time.

Question - Can you describe your home world for us?

Answer - Place of civilization/culture/history. Big planet. Wealth/always resources. Order. Force. Knowledge/wisdom. Two stars. Three moons.
Question - What is the level of development of your civilization?

The answer is Ancient. Trillions of years. Always. Above all others. Plan. Schedule. Progress. Victory. High goals/ideals.

Matilda's Note: I used the number "trillions" because I was confident that the value passed to me was greater than many billions.

In reality, it is closer to the idea of ​​"infinity" in Earth years.

(V.L. - I’ll note on my own that such a long period of existence of the universe is more consistent with the ideas of P. LaViolete about a completely different cosmology...)

Question - Do you believe in God?

Answer - We think. It is there. It continues. Always.

Matilda's Note: I'm sure the alien doesn't understand the concept of "god" or "worship" like we do. I assume that all people in her civilization are atheists. I have the impression that they are very proud and have a very high opinion of themselves.

Question - What kind of society do you have?

The answer is Order. Force. The future is always there. Control. Height.

Question - Are there other intelligent life forms in the universe besides yours?

The answer is Everywhere. We are the greatest/highest of all.

(V.L. - this is very reminiscent of the conceit of the notorious Verdants...)

From Matilda's personal notes:

This was the end of the first interview. When the answers to the first list of questions were printed and given to the people who were waiting for them, they were very excited that I could at least get something from the alien.

However, when they read my answers to their questions, they were disappointed that I could not understand everything more clearly.

Now they had many new questions, which were passed on to me.

I also realized that by this time only a few agents, military and government representatives had arrived at the base.

I was also told that during the next interview several other people would be in the room with me to tell me when I should ask for more details, if necessary.

However, when I tried to contact Earl in the presence of other people, there was no contact with her.

This greatly upset the intelligence agent, and he tried to accuse me of deliberately avoiding communication with the alien.

I insisted that my answers were honest and accurate.

Later that day, it was decided that several other people would try to ask questions of the alien, but they were unsuccessful.

Over the next few days, various scientific psychologists and famous clairvoyants arrived at the base in an attempt to contact the alien, but they failed.

In the end, it was decided to leave me alone with the alien - in the hope that I could get at least some answers.

Part 2. My second interview.

During it, Matilda was instructed to ask only one question.

Question - Why did you stop communicating?

Answer - Didn't stop. Other. Secretive. Hidden fear.

Matilda's Note: The alien could not communicate with them because they were afraid of him and did not trust him.

Naturally, the newcomer knew about their hidden intentions towards him, although, obviously, he himself was not afraid of anything.

Part 3. My third interview.

Personal notes from Matilda.

The third and subsequent interviews with the alien were observed and recorded by dozens of other people.

Although they were not physically present in the room, a special room was built for them with a one-way glass window through which they could observe what was happening.

The alien also clearly did not need sleep.

Then she learned that the alien recognized her not by her appearance, but, so to speak, by her “personality.”

The stranger was known among his own people as Earl, which was the nearest English word that Matilda could come up with for her name.

It was obvious that the people who wrote the next series of questions wanted to learn how to communicate with the alien themselves, without me.

Answer - No.

Question - Do you understand numbers or mathematics?

The answer is Yes. I am an officer/pilot/engineer.

Question - Can you try to draw symbols or pictures that we could translate into our language?

The answer is Uncertain.

Question - Are there other means of communication that can help us understand your thoughts more clearly?

Answer - No.

From Matilda's notes:

I'm sure that wasn't true. I had a feeling she was simply following orders, like any captured soldier, to avoid giving away useful information to the enemy, even under torture.

Question - Can you show on a star map where your planet is?

Answer - No.

Question - How long does it take for your people to find you here?

Answer - Unknown.

Question - How long does it take for your people to get here to save you?

Answer - Minutes or hours.

Question - How can we let them know that we mean no harm to you?

Answer - The intentions are clear. We see in your minds/visions/feelings.

Question - If you are not a biological being, why do you refer to yourself as a woman?

Answer - I am the creator. Mother. Source.

Part 4. Language barrier.

Question - What assurances do you need from us to make you feel safe and answer our questions?

Answer - Only she speaks. Only she can hear. Must learn/know/understand.

From Matilda's notes.

Eventually it was decided to teach Earl English so that she could “think” in English.

At the end of these lessons, Earle was able to read and learn on her own.

She was constantly provided with new books on different topics.

Over the next 6 days, she read hundreds of books brought to her from all over the country, eventually starting to read even ordinary and fairy-tale literature, including the Bible, which she read without comment.

Oddly enough, Earle said she especially liked Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Adventures of Don Quixote and Tales of the Thousand and One Nights.
She said that the authors of these books showed that it is more important to have great spirit and imagination than great art or strength.

Part 6. My education begins.

From Matilda's notes.

On the 16th day after “rescuing” Earl, I could already communicate freely with her, using her knowledge of the English language.

By this time, her “earthly” knowledge already far exceeded mine, that is, she became my teacher.

And she told me: “Now I’m ready to talk.”

"What would you like to tell, Earl?" - I asked.

I have been part of the Domain Expeditionary Force in this sector of space for several thousand years.

However, I have had no personal contact with the beings of Earth after 5965 BC.

This is not my main function - to interact with the inhabitants of the planets included in the Domain.

I am an officer, pilot and engineer with many responsibilities.

Although I am fluent in 347 other Domain languages, I have not had any exposure to your English.

The last earthly language I spoke was the Sanskrit of the Vedic Hymns.

At that time, I was part of a mission sent to investigate the loss of a Domain base located in the Himalayan mountains.

An entire battalion of officers, pilots, and other personnel disappeared there, and the base was destroyed.

Several million years ago, I was trained and served as an investigation, data assessment and development program officer in the Domain.

So I had experience in this technology, and I was sent to Earth as part of the search team.

One of my duties was to survey the human population living in the surrounding area at that time.

Many of these people claimed to have seen "vimanas" or spaceships there.

As a result of our investigation, we came to the conclusion that there were still ships of the "Old Empire" there, as well as their other well-camouflaged installations in the solar system, which we knew nothing about.

After I received all these books from you, I transmitted this data to our space station in the area, and it was processed using our computers.

They were translated into our language and passed back to me, along with some additional information about the English language and Domain records regarding Earth civilization, so that I now have the ability to communicate with you using English.

Now I am ready to give you some information that I think may be of great value to you.

I will tell the truth to the extent possible without causing harm to the organization that I serve and am sworn to support and protect.

OK, thought Matilda, will you now answer questions from the gallery (where many interested people have gathered)?

No, I won’t answer questions,” Earl said. “I will give you such information as I believe will be beneficial to the well-being of the immortal spiritual beings that make up humanity, and will also contribute to the survival of many life forms and the environment, as part of my mission is to preserve the Earth.

I personally believe that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings, and this includes humans.

For simplicity and precision, I will use the made-up word "IS - BE".

Because the main nature of immortal beings is that they live in the timeless state "IS", that is, "is", and the only reason for their existence is that they decided to "be" ("BE").

(V.L. - in the future I will use this made-up word - "IS-BE").

Regardless of what social level they are at in society, every IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself would like to receive from others.

Every person on Earth continues to be an "IS-BE" whether he is aware of this fact or not.

From Matilda's notes.

I had never before believed that a human being was immortal.

I thought it was only for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit because I am a devout Catholic.

Earl said that she felt that I was confused by the idea, and added that now she would demonstrate to me that I, too, was an immortal spiritual being.

She said, "Be over your body!"

Immediately I realized that I was “outside” my body, looking down from the ceiling at my head!

I could also see everything around me in this room.

A moment later, a simple but shocking thought came to me - “I” am not actually the body.

For the first time I realized that I was not “my soul”, but that “I” was a spiritual being.

Earl asked me if I understood this idea better now?

Apparently, I found myself back in my body, and I answered her - yes, I see what you mean.

Continue recording the interview.

Earl told me about the reasons for their arrival on Earth and their presence in the area of ​​the 509th Bomb Squadron (V.L. - based in Roswell and at that time the only one in the United States equipped with atomic bombs).

She was sent by her superiors to investigate nuclear explosions during testing in New Mexico.

Earle had to take samples of the atmosphere to determine the level of radiation and its potential danger to the environment.

During this time, their spaceship was struck by lightning, causing her to lose control of it and crash.

The spaceship is controlled by IS-BEs, who use "puppet bodies" in much the same way that actors wear masks or costumes.

They are like a mechanical tool for their interaction with the physical world.

Earl, like other officer-class IS-BEs, "possesses" such "mannequins" while working in space.

The rest of the time they “leave” such bodies and continue to act, think, communicate, travel and exist without the use of a body.

(V.L. - this is more than reminiscent of the “disembodied spirits” from “Battle in Heaven”).

These bodies are composed of synthetic materials, including a highly sensitive electrical "nervous system" to which each IS-BE is individually conditioned using a specific "electronic wavelength" that exactly matches the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE, and which is unique.

The "mannequins" act as a kind of "radio receiver" for them.

Such bodies of each IS-BE, in turn, are connected to a “nervous system” built into the spacecraft, which is structurally very similar to such “mannequins”.

The spacecraft is tuned to the frequency of each crew member, therefore, it can be controlled by their “mental” commands.

This is a very simple and direct control system, so there are no complex control devices or other similar equipment on board the spacecraft.

When lightning struck the spacecraft, it caused a short circuit, causing them to become "disconnected" from its control, causing the crash.

The civilization to which Earl belongs, which calls itself the Domain, controls a large number of galaxies, stars, planets and their moons, as well as asteroids, all of which occupy approximately a quarter of the entire physical universe.

Its main mission is "Security, control and expansion of the territory and resources of the Domain."

Earl noted that their actions are in many ways similar to the actions of European explorers in the past to discover and appropriate new lands.

As for Earth, the leadership of the Domain has decided not to reveal its actions and intentions to its inhabitants until it is in the interests of the Domain.

There is currently no strategic need to make the presence of Domain Expeditionary Forces known to humanity.

In fact, until now, their presence has been heavily concealed.

The asteroid belt in the Solar System is important to the Domain due to its low gravity, as are other planetary satellites, especially their sides hidden from observation from Earth.

“Underground” and other bases for Domain forces have been built there.

Once any part of space is acquired by the Domain, it becomes its property.

A space station near Earth is important only because it is along a route that goes to the center of our galaxy and beyond.

Of course, everyone in the Domain knows about this - with the exception of the people of Earth.

Part 7. Ancient history lesson.

It includes a brief history of the Earth and our solar system from a Domain perspective.

Earle explained that IS-BE had already existed since the beginning of the universe.

They are called "immortal" because the "spirit" was not born and cannot die.

All spirits are different and unique in terms of personality, power, consciousness and capabilities.

The difference between IS-BEs like Earl and those in human bodies on Earth is that she can leave and return to her "dummy" at will.

She and other Domain officers can communicate with each other telepathically.

Since IS-BE is not a being of the physical universe, it is neither in space nor in time and is literally "immaterial".

They can instantly travel long distances in space.

They have more intense sensations than the biological body, without the use of physical sensory mechanisms.

Earl can also remember his identity from the depths of time, over trillions of years.

She said that existing stars in the immediate vicinity of the universe have been shining for at least 200 trillion years.

The physical universe is almost infinitely old, but probably at least four quadrillion years old from the beginning.

The physical universe itself was formed from the "convergence and unification" of many other individual universes, each created by one IS-BE or a group of them.

The collision of these illusory universes led to their mixing, unification and "solidification" into one co-created universe.

Since various forms of energy can be created but not destroyed, this creative process continues, forming an ever-expanding universe of almost infinite size.

Before the formation of this physical universe, for a long period the universes were not "solid" but completely illusory.

One could say that such a universe was a universe of magical illusions that appeared and disappeared at the will of the wizard.

In any case, such a “wizard” was one or more IS-BEs.

Many IS-BEs on Earth may still have hazy memories of that era - in the form of tales of magic and sorcery, fairies and much more reflected in mythology, albeit in very crude terminology.

All IS-BEs entered the physical universe after they lost their "home" universes.

Earl says she has been a member of the Domain's expeditionary forces for over 625 million years, when she became a pilot for a biological survey mission that included occasional visits to Earth.

She remembers her entire career.

Earl told me that Earth scientists do not have an accurate measurement system for determining the age of matter.

In fact, matter does not decay and cannot be destroyed, but can only change from one form to another.

Domain has regularly surveyed galaxies in this sector of the universe since he developed space travel technologies 80 trillion years ago.

The asteroid belt serves as a low-gravity starting point for spacecraft traveling to the center of our galaxy.

Earl said that the Domain's own expeditionary forces appeared in our galaxy very recently - about 10 thousand years ago.

Their first action was to conquer the "home" planets of the "Old Empire" (this is not the official name of that civilization, but the nickname given to it by the forces of the Domain), which was the location of its central government for this galaxy and surrounding areas of space.

Those planets were in star systems located in the “tail” of the constellation Ursa Major.

Approximately 1,500 years later, the Domain began establishing bases for its own forces along an invasion line leading to the center of this galaxy and beyond.

About 8,200 years ago, a similar base was established in the Himalayas, near the border of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It housed a battalion of 3,000 employees.

The base was created inside a mountaintop and was large enough to support spaceships and personnel.

At the same time, an electronic illusion of the top of the mountain was created - from the inside, opposite the “force screen”.

Ships could fly in and out of this force screen while remaining invisible to humans.

The base soon came under surprise attack by the remnants of the military forces of the "Old Empire", which had underground bases on Mars that had existed for a long time, and which the Domain was unaware of at the time.

The Domain base was destroyed by this attack and its personnel (IS-BE) were captured.

After that, that Martian base was destroyed by the forces of the Domain - if you look at the region of Cydonia, including the “pyramids” and other structures, you can see that they bear traces of obvious destruction.

Naturally, the Domain, saddened by the loss of so many of its personnel, sent other crews to search for them. Those crews were also attacked.

Captured IS-BEs from Domain forces were treated the same as others sent to Earth.

Their memories were erased and the memories were replaced with false ones, after which they were sent to Earth to inhabit biological bodies. They are still part of the human population.

After a thorough investigation, Domain forces discovered that the "Old Empire" had been conducting very covert and intense activities in the area for millions of years. For how long, no one knows for sure.

Eventually, the spaceships of the Domain and the "Old Empire" clashed in open battle in this solar system.

According to Earl, this battle continued until approximately 1235 AD, when Domain forces finally destroyed the last "Old Empire" spaceships in the area. The Domain forces also lost many of their ships.

Domain later discovered that vast areas of space were controlled by an "electronic force field" that controlled all IS-BEs at that end of the galaxy, including Earth.

This screen was intended to detect IS-BEs and prevent them from leaving the area. If any IS-BE tried to do this, he ended up in a kind of "electronic network".

As a result, all captured IS-BEs underwent severe brainwashing that removed all of their memories.

This erased the memory of not only one life or one body, but also everything that had been accumulated over all previous lives, including the IS-BE personality itself.

As a result, they do not remember who they are, where they came from, their past knowledge and skills, all memories, and also lose the ability to act as a spiritual being.

After this, false "memories" etc. are hypnotically inserted into each IS-BE. This includes the command to "return" to base after the death of the body, so that everything repeats again and again...

Domain also learned that the "Old Empire" had been using Earth as a "prison planet" (V.L. - same familiar motif...) for a very long time - probably millions of years.

That is, when an IS-BE's biological body dies, it leaves it, and is discovered by that "force screen", then they are caught and hypnotically ordered to "return to the light".

The idea of ​​"heaven" and "afterlife" is also part of the hypnotic influence.

After this, he is ordered to go back to Earth, as if on a secret mission, to inhabit a new body. Each IS-BE is told that they have a special purpose for being on Earth - which is, in fact, to remain a prisoner...

The “Old Empire” considered criminals and sent to Earth those whom it could not fit into one frame, along with ordinary criminals or those unwilling to engage in any useful activity.

It also included various “political” prisoners, along with former soldiers of the empire’s enemies.

In addition, it included artists, performers, singers, musicians, writers and all sorts of other creative personalities. For this reason, there are more artists on Earth per capita than on any other planet of the "Old Empire".

This group also included intellectuals, inventors, and geniuses in almost every field.

Anyone who would not and could not submit to senseless economic, political or religious slavery was sentenced to memory erasure and permanent exile on Earth.

(V.L. - again there is a great similarity with the story told by the Invisible College...)

As a result, IS-BEs cannot escape from this situation because they cannot remember who they are and where they came from. They were hypnotized into thinking that they were someone else, somewhere, sometime...

Although the "Old Empire" military base was destroyed, unfortunately, a large number of machines producing force shields for IS-BE continue to function in some other places that are currently unknown to the Domain. The main base of these operations was never found.

Meanwhile, the Earth has become a universal "dumping ground" for this entire region of space.

This explains, in part, the very unusual mixture of races, cultures, languages, moral codes, religions and political influences among the world's population.
For example, most of these planets are inhabited, at best, by only one humanoid race.

In addition, most of the ancient civilizations on Earth, as well as many events on it, were greatly influenced by the hidden, hypnotizing operations of the "Old Empire" base.

No one can still determine exactly where and how this operation is carried out, or by whom, since it is extremely protected by screens and traps.
Moreover, no search has yet been made to destroy the vast network of electronic machines creating force shields for IS-BE at this end of the galaxy. Until this is done, we are unable to prevent these actions and their impact on the Earth.

Part 8. Ancient history lesson.

The Domain Expeditionary Force observed the revival of science and culture in the Western world of Earth after 1235 AD, when the remnants of the "Old Empire" space fleet in the solar system were destroyed.

The influence of hypnotic control decreased slightly after this, although it remains in force.

Certainly, some damage was done to the remote mental control of the "Old Empire", as a result of which IS-BE on Earth began to remember the technologies that they knew before coming here.

Therefore, the oppression of knowledge known as the "Dark Ages" in Europe began to decrease after this.

Since that time, knowledge of the basic laws of physics and electricity has revolutionized earthly culture. Thus, the memory of past knowledge was partially restored among many geniuses among the Earth's population.

People who “remembered” these sciences already knew them before they came to Earth. To create such knowledge initially, it took different civilizations billions and billions of years!

IS-BE on Earth began to remember only small fragments of their past knowledge. Theoretically, if the "amnesia mechanism" working against Earth were completely destroyed, the IS-BE would be able to regain all of their past memories!

Unfortunately, similar changes are not happening in the humanitarian field, as the IS-BEs on Earth continue to be treated poorly on a one-to-one basis. This behavior is, however, due to the strong influence of the "hypnotic commands" that they continue to receive between lives.

Another reason is the unusual combination of various “cellmates” on Earth - criminals, artists, geniuses, etc., which also influences the creation of such a motley environment. The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BE on Earth forever, and this is helped by internecine wars, superstitions, etc.
All these numerous IS-BE races from different parts of the "Old Empire", both from within your galaxy and from beyond, are mixed with the earlier population of Earth that came here from another star system over 400 thousand years ago to establish civilizations Atlanta and Lemuria.

Those civilizations disappeared under tsunami waves during the Earth's pole shift many thousands of years before the arrival of more modern "exiles".

Certainly, IS-BE from those star systems became the source of the original Eastern races on Earth, starting with Australia.

On the other hand, the civilizations that created the "prison system" here were very different from the "Old Empire" civilization itself, which was a mixture of different civilizations conquered and colonized by IS-BE from another galaxy.

The bureaucracy that controlled the former "Old Empire" consisted of a totalitarian confederation of planetary governments governed by a brutal social, economic and political hierarchy, with a royal monarch at its head.

(V.L. - and this is already very reminiscent of the hierarchy among the Anunnaki, described in Sumerian mythology, as well as in the works of Z. Sitchin).

Such governments appear on planets where citizens give up personal responsibility and self-government.

The Domain Civilization, although much younger and smaller in size than the "Old Empire", is already more powerful, better organized and unified.

All the civilizations of India, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome and Medieval Europe followed the patterns and cultural elements of "false civilizations" like the "Old Empire" and based on standards that have existed in the universe on earth-like planets for trillions of years.

The very first exiles on Earth lived in India, then gradually spread throughout the world.

The languages, clothing and culture of each "fake civilization" are designed to enhance amnesia, so that those deported to IS-BE Earth will have nothing to remind them of their home planets.

On average, the percentage of planets in the universe that are similar to Earth, with its atmosphere and organic life, is small.

When Domain forces brought the Vedic Hymns to the Himalayan region 8,200 years ago, some human societies already existed there.

The disseminators of these hymns were the Aryans who invaded there. They learned and memorized them orally for 7,000 years before they were written down.

(V.L. - about the Aryan invasion. Not all modern researchers support this popular theory. For example, David Frawley writes that today there is no archaeological evidence of the Aryan invasion or migration to India. There is no mention of them neither in the Vedas, nor in the Puranas, nor in Buddhist or Jain literature. For Vedic understanding, the concept of “Aryans” was a term of “nobility” of origin, and not an ethnic characteristic.)

At that time, one of the Domain Expeditionary Force officers was incarnated on Earth and is known as Vishnu and is mentioned many times in the Rig Veda. He is still considered a Hindu god.

Ultimately, the Vedic Hymns became the source of almost all Eastern religions, and were the philosophical source of the ideas of Buddhism, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster and other philosophers. The civilizing influence of these philosophies eventually led to the replacement of the brutal ideological religions implanted by the "Old Empire".

You asked me before why the Domain or other space-faring civilizations don't just land on Earth and make themselves known openly.

Land on Earth? Do you think we're crazy or want to be? - This planet is a prison, with an uncontrollable psychopathic population. Moreover, the IS-BE here are not guaranteed against capture, like our expeditionary forces in the Himalayas 8200 years ago.

The Domain will now not waste resources to take full control of the surrounding space. This will happen only after about 5 thousand of your years, according to the Domain's schedule.

We currently do not prevent transports from other planetary systems or galaxies from continuing to drop their IS-BEs here.

In addition, Earth is an inherently very unstable planet. It is not suitable for the establishment of any sustainable civilization on it. This is one of the reasons why it began to be used as a prison planet.

No one would seriously consider living here for the following simple and compelling reasons:

The planet's continental masses float in a sea of ​​molten lava, causing them to crack, crumble, and constantly move.

Due to the liquid nature of its core, the planet experiences severe volcanism and earthquakes.

The planet's magnetic poles change their position dramatically every 20 thousand years, which causes various devastations, as well as climate changes.

Earth is very far from the center of the galaxy and any other significant galactic civilizations.

Earth has strong gravity with heavy metallic soil and a thick atmosphere.

There are approximately 60 billion Earth-like planets in your galaxy (V.L. - which basically contradicts her earlier statement that, on average, the percentage of Earth-like planets in the universe with its atmosphere and organic life is small...), not to mention the rest of the Domain. Therefore, our resources are only sufficient for periodic surveys of the Earth.

Most people on Earth do not know that they are IS-BE, or that there are different spirits.

IS-BE have been at war with each other since the beginning of time. Since IS-BE cannot be "killed", the goal of wars has always been to capture and immobilize them, for which various types of "traps" are used.

And such traps began to be used by different societies, such as the "Old Empire", already about 64 trillion years ago.

The Domain still could not save those 3000 of its IS-BEs who are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth.

Over the past 8 thousand years, we have found and identified many of them, but all our attempts to communicate with them have been unsuccessful due to the fact that they do not remember themselves.

Following the general logic and policy of the Domain, it is safer to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until suitable resources are involved and the "Old Empire" force screen with all its amnesia machines is found and destroyed, and a therapy is developed to restore the memory of all IS-BEs.

I recently came across Lawrence's book *Interview with an Alien*. I read what they said *excitedly*. The book interested me because it has a lot in common with what I read on this topic before...well, for example, with *revelations of an insider*, with the Vedas, some channelings, and even with Efremov, which I recently read *Hour of the Ox*.
For those who have not yet read this book, I decided to jot down excerpts here.
You understand, not for the sake of advertising, but for information, quite interesting in my opinion.
At the end of the excerpts I will give a link to read the book online. I also heard that there is already an audio version.

Based on Personal Communications and Interview Transcripts Conducted by:
Matilda O'Donner McElroy
Editing and Additional Footnotes:
Lawrence R. Spencer

This book is dedicated to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether they know themselves as
such or not. The book is especially dedicated to the wisdom, courage and integrity of those
Large Beings who, in various incarnations, repeatedly in the past, in
present and in the future, they kindled and will kindle and carried and will carry the Flame
Truths to the darkest corners of the universe.
First of all, the contents of this book are extracted from letters, transcripts
transcripts of interviews and personal messages that I received from the deceased
Matilda O'Donner McElroy. The letter states that this material is based
on her memories of contact with an alien who "talked" to
her telepathically. During July and August 1947 she interviewed
this alien, who is identified as "Airl", and who, as
reported in the letter was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer
rescued from a crash near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947,
flying saucer.
from a letter from Matilda McElroy:
*So I think it's time to pass on my secret knowledge
someone who I think will understand this. I don't think I'm ready
take responsibility for taking back the knowledge that I have
into a quiet afterlife beyond reach or knowledge. I think,
that this will bring more benefits than protecting “property rights”
those who consider this information a matter of “national security”,
no matter what it means and therefore is
justification for being classified as "TOP SECRET".
You may not know that I was recruited into the medical corps
American Women's Army Air Force (WAC), which then
was part of the American army. At the time of the incident I was
assigned to the 509th Bomb Group as a flight nurse.
When news of the disaster was received at the base,
I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, Counterintelligence Officer,
to the scene of the crash as the driver of his vehicle, and in
if there is a need to provide medical assistance
any survivors. Therefore, I briefly testified
the crash of an alien spaceship, as well as the remains
several dead alien creatures on board the saucer.
When we arrived, I learned that one of the creatures on board the saucer
survived the disaster, was conscious and apparently unharmed. *
Here is the "Region" symbol -
An area is a race or civilization in which Airl, an alien
whom I interviewed is an officer, a pilot and
an engineer serving in the Expeditionary Forces of the Region. Symbol
represents the origin and limitless limits of the known
universe, united and connected into a vast civilization under
control of the Area.
Airl is currently stationed at a base in the asteroid belt,
which she calls a "space station" in the solar system
Earth. First of all, Airl is independent. Secondly, she
voluntarily serves as an Officer, Pilot and Engineer in
Expeditionary Forces of the Area.*--Ms. Matilda O'Donner McElroy
Retired Senior Lead Sergeant, Air Medical Corps
troops of the Women's Army.
100 Troytown Heights
Navan, Meath
Co. Meath, Ireland
I refer to the alien as "her". In fact, the creature had no gender whatsoever.
form, neither physiologically nor psychologically. "She has"
there really was quite a strong, feminine presence and behavior. However,
from a physiological point of view, the creature was "asexual" and had no
internal or external reproductive organs. Her body looked more like
the body of a “doll” or “robot”. She did not have any internal "organs" because
the body was not built from biological cells. She had some kind of system
"circuits" or electrical nervous system that spread throughout
tele, but I couldn’t understand how it works.
In height and appearance, her body was quite short and petite. Near
40 inches tall. The head was disproportionately large in relation to the arms,
legs and torso, which were quite thin. On each of the two arms and legs
there were three “fingers” that were adapted for grasping. The head doesn't
there was no functioning "nose" or "mouth" or "ears". I understand that
the space officer does not need them, since there is no
atmosphere to transmit sound. In this regard, her sound perception organs
were not built into the body. Also her body should not consume food and
hence she had no mouth.
The eyes were quite large. I have never been able to determine the exact degree
visual acuity of which her eyes were capable, but I noticed that her vision,
must be extremely sharp. I think the lenses of the eyes, which were very
dark and opaque, may also have been able to detect
waves or particles outside the visible spectrum of light I suspect they may be
allowed me to see a range of the electromagnetic spectrum, or even more, but I
I do not know for sure.
Official US Army Air Forces Transcript
Roswell Air Force Base, 509th Bomb Group
SUBJECT: INTERVIEW OF ALIEN, 24.7.1947, 1st Session
"What would you like to say, Airl?" I asked.
"I was part of the Domain Expeditionary Force in this sector of space
for several thousand years. However, I personally did not have
close contact with creatures on Earth since 5,965 BC.
It is not my primary function to interact with residents
planets within the Region. I am an Officer, Pilot and Engineer, with
many responsibilities performed. However, although I
speak fluently 347 other languages ​​within the Region, I have not been
I am familiar with your English.
The last Earth language I studied was Sanskrit.
Vedic Hymns. At that time I was a member of a mission sent
to investigate the death of the Domain base located in the Himalayas.
The entire battalion of officers, pilots, signalmen and administrative
personnel disappeared and the base was destroyed.
Several million years ago, I trained and served as a military officer.
research, data evaluation and program development of the Area.
Because I had experience in these technologies, I was sent to Earth
as part of the search team. One of my responsibilities was
survey of the local population who then inhabited the adjacent
territory. Many of the people in the region reported seeing
in this area are "vimanas" or spaceships.
After a logical review of the evidence, testimony,
observation, as well as the lack of definite evidence, I
led her team to the discovery that these were ships of the "Old
Empire" from a well-hidden structure of the "Old Empire" in this
solar system, about which we knew absolutely nothing...
Personally, it is my judgment that all sentient beings are immortal
spiritual beings. Including people. For the sake of precision and simplicity I will
use an artificial word: "IS-BE". Since the main
the nature of the immortal being "I" is that they live in a state
timeless, and the only reason for their existence is
that they decide to "be".
No matter how unassuming their condition is in
society, the I-BE deserves the respect and treatment that
everyone would like to receive from others. Every person continues to be
I am the BE, whether he is aware of this fact or not.( then I remembered the ancient I am)
She said that
will demonstrate to me that I am also an immortal spiritual being. She said, "Be
above my body!" And immediately I realized that I was "outside" my body, looking down from the ceiling
above the head of my body! I could also see the room around me, including Airl's body,
sitting next to my own body. From that moment I understood a simple thing, but
The shocking reality is that the “I” is not the body.
The spaceship is controlled by IS-BEs who use "dolls" in much the same way
the way the actor wears the mask and costume. It's like a mechanical
an instrument through which one can influence the material world. She's just like
and all other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these "dolls" when they
are on duty in space. When they are not present
performance of official duties, they “leave” the body and work, think,
communicate, travel and exist without using the body.
Bodies are constructed from synthetic materials, including very sensitive
the electrical nervous system to which each IS-BE is attuned or
“embedded” in its electronic waves, selected individually for each length
IS-BE waves or tuned to the frequency emitted by each IS-BE.
"Before you can understand the essence of the story, you must first
understand the essence of time. Time is just an arbitrary measurement
movement of objects through space.
Space is not linear. Space is determined by point of view
on the IS-BE object in question. Distance between IS-BE and
the object in question is called "space".
Objects, or energy masses in space are not necessarily
move in a linear manner. In this universe objects have
tendency to move erratically or in curves or cyclics
manner, or as determined by agreed rules.
History is not only a linear countdown of events, since it is
implies many authors of Earth history books, because
it is not a sequence that can be stretched out and measured.
History is the subjective observation of the movement of objects through
a space recorded from the point of view of the living, and not of those who
already gone. Events take place interactively and40
Ability to determine when IS-BEs on Earth were introduced into
the physical universe is difficult for two reasons: 1) memory
earthly IS-BEs' knowledge of themselves was erased and 2) the arrival or invasion of the I-
BE into the physical universe took place at various times, some
approximately 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3
trillion. Each region or planet, one day, after some time
time, in a few million years, will be mastered by others
groups of IS-BEs entered the area. Sometimes they take over others
IS-BEs are like slaves. They forcibly inhabit bodies so that they
performed menial or manual work - especially when mining
mineral ores on planets with heavy gravity, e.g.
such as the Earth.
She told me that the Domain Expeditionary Forces had entered
the Milky Way galaxy very recently - approximately only 10
000 years ago. Their first task was to conquer their home planets
"Old Empire" (this is not the official name, but the nickname given
conquered civilization by the Forces of the Region), which served as places
the location of the central government of this galaxy and others
adjacent areas of space. These planets are located in systems
stars in the tail of the constellation Ursa Major.
Approximately 1,500 years later, the Domain began establishing bases for
of their own forces along the invasion route that leads to the center
this galaxy and beyond. Approximately 8,200 years ago
The regions built a base on Earth in the Himalayas near the border
modern Pakistan and Afghanistan. This was the base for the battalion
Expeditionary Forces The area in which there were approximately
3,000 members.
They built a base under or at the top of the mountain. mountain peak
drilled and hollowed out to create a large enough
space to accommodate the ships and personnel of these troops.
The created electronic illusion of a mountain peak hid the base and
gave a false image on top of the “power screen”. Then the ships could
enter and exit through the screen of power while remaining invisible homo
Shortly after they were stationed there, the base was subjected to
attack by the remnants of the armed forces of the "Old Empire". Managed
The "Old Empire" hidden underground base on Mars existed in
for a very long time without the knowledge of the Domain. Base Area
was demolished by a military attack from a base on Mars, and the IS-BE
Expeditionary forces The areas were captured.
Captured IS-BE Forces of the Domain,
were treated in the same way as all other IS-BEs
sent to Earth. Each of them was given amnesia, they were replaced
memories with false pictures and hypnotic commands and
sent to Earth to inhabit biological organisms. They're still
part of the current population.
This officer who was stationed
in the asteroid belt, sent to Earth in a regular reconnaissance
The meaning of "taking over" is to use the body in
as a "camouflage" through which one can penetrate
human society to gather information about current events
on the ground. Because the officer IS-BE was stronger than the resident IS-BE
in the body of the Archduke, he simply “clung” to the creature and accepted
control over the body.
However, this officer did not understand how much the Habsburgs were
hated by the warring factions in the country, so he was captured
taken by surprise when the Archduke's body was killed by a Bosnian student.
The officer, or IS-BE, was suddenly "knocked out" of his body when he
shot by the killer. A disoriented IS-BE accidentally fell into one
from the "amnesia force screens" and was captured.
Eventually the Domain discovered that a wide swath of space
is under the influence of an "electronic force field" which
rules all the IS-BEs at this end of the galaxy, including Earth.
The electronic force screen is designed to detect IS-BEs and
prevent them from leaving the area.
If any IS-BE tries to penetrate the force screen, it
"captures" into a kind of "electronic network". As a result
captured by the IS-BE, undergoes very serious surgery
"brainwashing" that erases an IS-BE's memory. This process
uses a huge electric current, just like that
the same way that Earth psychiatrists use "electrical therapy" to
erase the memory and personality of the "patient" and make him
the most "obedient".
On Earth, only a few hundred are used in this "therapy"
volt of electricity. However, the electrical voltage
used in the activities of the "Old Empire" against IS-BEs,
is in the order of magnitude of billions of volts! This huge shock
completely erases all memory of an IS-BE. This memory erase is not
only for one life or one body. It erases everything
the accumulated events of an almost endless past, as well as
IS-BE identity!
The shock is intended to destroy the possibility of an IS-BE.
remember who they are, where they came from, their knowledge or skills, their
memory of the past and ability to be a spiritual being. They are plunged
into a meaningless, automated existence.
After the shock, each IS-BE is subjected to a series of hypnotic
messages used to install false memories and false
orientation in time. Including the command to "return" to base
after his body dies, so that he can get the same 45 again
the very kind of shock and hypnosis and do it again and again, always.
Also, the hypnotic command tells the "patient" to forget to remember.
What the Area learned from this officer's experience is that the "Old
The Empire" used Earth as a "prison planet" for a very long time.
for a long time, exactly how long is unknown, perhaps millions
So when an IS-BE's body dies, they leave the body. They
are detected by the "force screen", they are captured and
the hypnotic command is "ordered" to "return to the light." Idea
"heaven" and "afterlife" - part of hypnotic suggestion -
part of the betrayal that makes the whole mechanism work.
Once the IS-BE is purified and hypnotized to erase
the memory of the life he lived, the IS-BE immediately hypnotically
receives "orders" to "return" back to Earth to inhabit a new
body as if they were on a secret mission. Every IS-BE
it is said that they have a special purpose in order to be on
Earth. But, of course, they are not given the goal of going to prison, even those
who became a prisoner.
Some unwanted IS-BEs condemned to Earth were
classified by the "Old Empire" as "untouchable". This
included anyone who was judged by the "Old Empire" to be too
a vicious criminal to change or submit, just like
other criminals such as sexual deviants, or
beings who do not want to do any productive work.
The "sacred" classification of IS-BEs also includes a large
the number of "political prisoners". Including those IS-BEs
who are considered unruly "freethinkers" or
"revolutionaries" who created problems for governments
various planets of the "Old Empire". Of course, everyone who fought
against the "Old Empire" was also sent to Earth.
The list of "untouchables" includes artists, painters, singers,
musicians, writers, actors and any performers. By this
reason there are more artists per capita on Earth than on any other planet
another planet in the "Old Empire".
"Among the untouchables" are also intellectuals, inventors and geniuses in
almost every region. Since everything considered valuable in the "Old
Empire" was invented or created during the last
several trillion years, for such creatures they did not have
no further use.
Anyone who is unwilling or unable to submit to the senseless
economic, political and religious slavery such as
tax payments of workers in the class system of the "Old Empire"
is "untouchable" and sentenced to have his memory erased
receive permanent confinement on Earth.
The end result is that the IS-BE is unable to escape,
because they can't remember who they are, where they are, where they come from
happened. They were hypnotized into thinking that they
really someone else lives somewhere and somewhere, not who they are
Although the military base of the "Old Empire" was destroyed, unfortunately,
most of the extensive mechanisms of force screens, electric shock /
amnesia/hypnosis machine IS-BEs continue to function in
another location unknown to date.
Main base or control center for "prison control" operations
consciousness" has not yet been discovered. Therefore, the influence of this base or
several bases still remain.
After the destruction of the space forces of the "Old Empire", the Area
discovered that no one actively prevents others from
planetary systems sent their own "untouchable" I-
BE to Earth throughout this galaxy, and from others
galaxies nearby. Therefore, the Earth has become a universal place
dumping grounds for this entire contiguous region of space.
This partly explains the very unusual mixture of races, cultures,
languages, moral codes, religious and political influences
among the living IS-BEs on Earth. Number and diversity of heterogeneous
societies on Earth are extremely unusual for normal planets.
Most "Sun Type 12, Class 7" planets are inhabited only by
one humanoid body type or race.
In addition, most of the ancient civilizations of the Earth, and many of
events on Earth occurred to a greater extent under the influence of hidden,
hypnotic operation of the "Old Empire" base. Still no one
found out exactly where and how the operations are managed, or who it is47
controls because it is largely protected by screens and
Besides, no operation has been carried out at this end of the galaxy.
to search for, discover and destroy a vast and ancient network
electronic machines that create IS-BE force shields. So far this
will not be done, we are unable to prevent or interrupt
effects of electric shock, hypnosis and remote thought control
prison planet of the "Old Empire".
Apparently the remote mind control operation of the "Old
The Empire still suffered some damage, which
led to a slight decrease in the strength of this mechanism. As a result
some memory of technology that IS-BEs already knew before,
what they came to Earth with is returned. From that time on
In “Medieval” Europe, the oppression of knowledge began to decrease.
Since then, knowledge of the basic laws of physics and electricity
reconstructed Earth's culture really quickly. Decrease
activity suppression compared to times before 1150 AD
era, contributed to the restoration of memory technology by many of
geniuses among the IS-BE population of Earth. IS-BEs on Earth have recently begun to remember small fragments
all the technologies that exist everywhere in the universe.
Theoretically, if the amnesia mechanisms used against
Earths might be completely broken, IS-BEs would regain all
your memory!
Unfortunately, such achievements have not been noticed in the humanitarian
sciences, so IS-BEs of Earth continue to behave with each other
very terrible. This behavior, however, is largely
under the influence of "hypnotic commands" given to each IS-BE between
life spans.
Also the cause of a very capricious and noisy environment
habitat, is a very unusual combination of "inhabitants" of the Earth -
criminals, perverts, artists, revolutionaries and geniuses.
The purpose of the prison planet is to always hold, I-
BE on Earth. Promoting ignorance, superstition and war between I-
BE, she helps keep the number of dead and trapped
"wall" of electronic force screens.
IS-BEs were dumped onto Earth from everywhere throughout
galaxies, adjacent galaxies, and from planetary systems throughout the "Old
Empires" such as Sirius, Aldebaran, Pleiades, Orion, Draco, and
many others.

-- [ Page 1 ] --


Based on Personal Communications and Interview Transcripts Conducted by:

Matilda O'Donner McElroy

Editing and

Additional Footnotes:

Interview with the Alien

Copyright (c) 2008 by Lawrence R. Spencer.

All rights reserved.

Cover and Book Design: Lawrence R. Spencer Printed in the United States of America First Edition Printing: 2008 ISBN: 978-0-6152-0460-4 Acknowledgments My sincerest thanks to the enthusiastic, insightful editing support of Michel and Brenda. Thank you very much for the diligent and selfless work of the owners, staff, tireless donors and editors of Wikipedia.org, on whom the material in this book is relied upon in large part to effectively document many of the points made throughout the transcripts and comments from Matilda O'Donner McElroy.

Disclaimer To the extent that the editor of the book, "Foreign Interview" has touched on the topic, and for practical purposes, the content of the book relates to works of fiction.

The editor has no claim to the actual content, and cannot prove that the alleged author ever existed. Although some of the dates, map locations, people and events described may exist or be based on fact, there is no evidence to support the authenticity of what is written, and much may be the subjective views of the author.

All information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are provided in their complete, original form as presented in the book. The editor does not possess any additional original documents or copies of original documents from the author, that is, Ms. McElroy.

Some of the material contained in the book may have common features with the basic Earthly positions, since the variety is too numerous to list and has too many fundamental features in common that will be easily differentiated later. Although the book discusses the origin of the universe, the passage of time of the physical universe, the supernatural activities of immortal and/or extraterrestrial beings, "aliens" or "gods", it is in no way the intention of the Editor to represent, endorse, post or adopt the views of the author or any political doctrine, economic self-interest, scientific hypothesis, religious practice or philosophy, regardless of their terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin.

The notes and transcripts contained in the book are based solely and solely on the views and documents presented by the author, the late Matilda O'Donner McElroy, unless otherwise specified in the Book's Appendix Footnotes.

The editor is not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made by the reader based on the material in this book, and makes them the sole and exclusive responsibility of the reader.

What is true for you is true for you.



"We ask questions like Fools who do not know their own identity:

Where are the hidden traces left by the Gods?" - Rig Veda book 1, stanza 164, lines 5 a and b Preamble What more cruel thing can one do than to erase or deny the spiritual understanding, personality, abilities, and memory that is the inner essence of oneself?

Lawrence R. Spencer Dedication This book is dedicated to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether they know themselves as such or not. The book is especially dedicated to the wisdom, courage and integrity of those Great Beings who, in various incarnations, repeatedly in the past, present and future, have kindled and will kindle and have carried and will carry the Flame of Truth into the darkest corners of the universe.

This dedication is written not only to teach the philosophies and technologies achieved by these beings, but to highlight their demonstrated and documented bravery to embrace their philosophy in the face of overwhelming ignorance, outright hostility and aggressive suppression by lesser beings and self-serving property. interests of intergalactic and planetary political, economic, and religious institutions.

Even if a relatively small number, those beings possessed absolute wisdom and heroic dedication were among those who revealed their quest and were the only effective means of forcing spiritual slavery. Freedom, Communication, Creativity, Trust and Truth for all Immortal Spiritual Beings in this universe is their inheritance. Good Examples set by them are our holy places and our daily bread. Internal, diligent application of their teachings is our weapon against the debilitating spiral of chaos and oblivion that is our material universe.

Lawrence R. Spencer Editorial Guidelines Used in This Book I have attempted not to edit the material received from Ms. McElroy by mail to the extent necessary to present the material in a logical sequence. Wherever possible I have indicated or transcribed her original notes verbatim.

In some cases, I have used editorial discretion to add other information or additional comments that I feel will add useful insight or clarification to the information given in the official transcripts, notes, or observations.

These are presented in the form of numbered footnotes "(Footnote)" presented in the Appendix at the end of the book. All footnote references, wherever possible, are copied verbatim from the Free Internet Encyclopedia website www.wikipedia.org. In cases where information was not available on Wikipedia.org, I used the popular Internet search engine www.google.com to find website links that were most relevant to the subject.

Ms. McElroy did not make date marks on most of the documents, so I am not sure that the sequence of the material matches the actual sequence of events, or the sequence of interviews, other than the immediate marks on the official transcripts.

As 60 years had passed since the first date of the interview and given Ms McElroy's age before her death, I accepted that she did not necessarily remember names, dates and times accurately other than as recorded in the transcripts from 8th July to 12th oh August 1947.

The material in this book is divided into three different types. The following notes will be used to identify where they appear in this book:

1) (PERSONAL MESSAGES BY MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) (PRINT FONT: Times Roman, 12 point) 2) (OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW) (Courier New, 12 point) 3) 1 (Footnote) (PRINT FONT: Arial, 10 point, Bold) - Editor Definitions Personal Interest:

a survival or non-survival plan or program that has been "framed" to appear to be something other than what it actually is.

any person, group or entity that prevents or controls communication in order to achieve its own goals (plans or programs).

a mystery or problem that poses a paradox or apparent contradiction; a deep, inexplicable, or hidden property or symbol - Link: www.merriam-webster.com Introduction:

The Mystery of Flying Saucers and Aliens If you have studied UFO phenomena in general, then you are already familiar with Orson Welles's stupidest radio broadcast, "The War of the Worlds and the Invasion from Mars" from October 1938. This fictitious radio drama of an invasion of Earth by "aliens" incited global hysteria over UFOs and extraterrestrial life long before the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

Over the past 60 years, since the date of the alleged Roswell crash, there have been tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings.

Global hysteria has arisen due to "evidence" of what are believed to be extraterrestrial phenomena. Simultaneously, the US government's inexorable denial of this phenomenon has precipitated a ceaseless filing of accusations and counter-accusations, cover-up conspiracy theories, extremist speculation, "scientific studies", etc., etc., endlessly, and a growing number of similar alleged "close encounters" .

When I received the package of documents from Ms. McElroy, my first thought was:

"This is just another set of Majestic-12 documents." I had already looked into a "mystery package" received in the mail in 1984 shortly after reports of the death of the last surviving member of the so-called "Majestic 12" committee, believed to have been organized by President Harry Truman shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.

There are several similarities between the Majestic-12 documents and the package I received from Ms. McElroy. The previous envelope was sent from an anonymous sender with no return address. It contained an undeveloped roll of film. That was all. The film contained photographs of documents that were presumed to be genuine by the recipient and his colleagues, who had a vested interest, that is, their livelihoods depended heavily on attracting public attention and credibility as "leading experts." in the field of UFO sightings. Since then they have worked steadily to discover the authenticity of the documents. Of course, government "evidence" agencies deny everything alleged in the documents and anything related to the topic of aliens in general.

Moreover, the topic has become so debunked by obvious false reports, discredited sources, rumors, homemade fakes, misunderstandings, missing information, added misinformation and a myriad of other contradictory complexities that have made the subject laughable or inaccessible as science. This may be intentional, or simply a reflection of the general chaos and barbarism that characterizes Humanity.

As for government denials and cover-ups, the events of September 2001, it has become all too obvious to me that the American government has destroyed any vestige of trust that the American people and the world may have had in it, even with the Vietnam War, Watergate, and so many others like that. betrayals, and in the "honesty" of the American government, military and intelligence agencies with outright lies to their own people about everything, all the time.

Despite the vast number of "UFO sightings", countless reports of "alien abductions", and "close encounters" with aliens that permeate almost all of prehistoric and recorded human history, I have found only one basic, unifying, undeniable, obvious common denominator which goes through all this data:

Assuming that the subjective reality, or beliefs, of people are admissible evidence, there have been no universally agreed upon "tests" based on government assumptions, physical evidence, circumstantial or subjective data that flying saucers and/or extraterrestrial life forms exist.

There are several conclusions that I can draw from the discrepancies between government assumptions or physical evidence that such things are real and which, if confirmed, could lead to a real solution to this mystery:

Conclusion: Despite the vast collection of subjective, detailed and objective "evidence" of extraterrestrial activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and actions of aliens remain hidden and mysterious.

Conclusion: Universal consensus evidence of extraterrestrial life based on subjective evidence, government clearances, physical evidence, and circumstantial evidence is becoming subject to conflicting interests that keep such evidence out of reach.

Taken together, these findings lead to an obvious question: If alien life forms exist, why is there no consistent, direct, open, consensual communication between Humanity and Extraterrestrials?

Fortunately, subjective reality does not require proof or “testing.”

Therefore, I decided to write this book to enable other interested people to make a subjective assessment of the material that I received from Ms. McElroy.

Personally, I do not assume that anything I received from Ms. McElroy is in any way genuine, except for the envelope and the paper in the envelope. I can't prove any of what it says. Indeed, I cannot truly confirm that there ever was such a person as Ms. McElroy other than the voice I heard on the phone in 1998. The voice may have been normal. I have no personal interest in UFO research. Yes, I have written several books about immortal spiritual beings - because I am interested in the subject. But I didn't sell enough of those books to pay for the time it took to write them. This is a hobby. I make my living as a small business consultant.

It is not my intention to justify, explain, or promote any inability to sense or understand the mysteries of extraterrestrial existence, flying saucers, government reports, or spiritual abilities. However, I have no special intention to educate, convince, or promote the existence of these phenomena. Besides, whatever I think about all this is not important.

In addition, I burned all the original documents, including the envelope, that I received from Mrs. McElroy. I don't want to spend the rest of my life being harassed by UFO researchers, government agents, tabloid reporters, UFO advocates and whistleblowers, or anyone else. Any "verification" or attempt to authenticate the claim that Ms. McElroy actually interviewed an alien in 1947 must be done by other people.

Ripley said, "Believe It or Not."

I say, "What's true for you is true for you."

Editor Lawrence R. Spencer About the Source of the Material in This Book First of all, the contents of this book are drawn from a letter, interview transcripts, and personal communications that I received from the late Matilda O'Donner McElroy. The letter states that this material is based on her recollections of contact with an alien who "talked" to her telepathically. During July and August 1947, she interviewed this alien, whom she identifies as "Airl", and who, according to the letter, was and continues to be an officer , a pilot and engineer rescued from a flying saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8, 1947.

Obviously, anyone reading anything remarkable or damning about events involving "flying saucers" or "alien contacts" should be sure to pay attention to 1) the authenticity of the reports and 2) the authority of the source of information, especially when it appears for the first time sixty years after the stated events!

I received the above letter from Ms. McElroy on September 14th, 2007, along with a package of documents. The package contained three types of documents:

1) handwritten notes on regular 8 1/2" X 11" lined paper from a school notebook which I believe was written personally by Ms. McElroy.

2) notes typed on a desk typewriter on plain, white 20 lb. office sheets of paper, which I believe were printed by her personally.

At the very least, both were written in the same handwriting as the letter and/or typed on the same typewriter. The writing style in the notes I received also seemed to be the same as the recipient and sender addresses on the envelope and plain paper that came to me from Navan, Ireland and was postmarked September 3, 2007. Since I am not a forensic or handwriting analyst, my opinion of them is unprofessional and incompetent.

3) many pages of typescript of her interview with the alien. They were apparently typed on different typewriters. These pages were printed on a variety of paper types and showed obvious signs of age and repeated handling.

None of these notes were collected in any particular order, or arranged in time, other than as indicated in the text, supplemented by it, or by extrapolation of the contents of the text of the pages.

Voltaire said: “History is a whole Mississippi of lies.”

According to comments made by the alien in the interview transcripts presented by Ms. McElroy, the main lesson of history is that many gods became humans, but very few humans, any humans, became gods again.

If the words of the alien (him or she) called "Airl" are to be trusted, and if the "translation" or interpretation of this supposed contact is accurate, the history of our universe is the "River of Lies" rushing down, in which the energy and freedom of omnipotent, godlike, immortal spiritual the creatures ran out and were lost in a sea of ​​questions and death.

Also, according to very direct and tactless statements that appear to express the alien's "personal opinion":

If you were to travel to the far reaches of the universe in search of a place called "Hell", this would be an accurate description of the Earth and its inhabitants in their current situation.

1) are based almost entirely on the connection" between "the telepathic alien and Mrs. McElroy.

2) many of these interviews describe the actions of "supernatural" "immortal spiritual beings."

Dictionary definition of the word "supernatural":


1. cannot be explained by scientific methods 2. supernatural, or not perceived by the "normal" senses By definition, people who use the word "supernatural" 1) are unable to explain spiritual phenomena, and 2) spiritual phenomena occur outside their normal range sense organs.

In short, scientists suffer from an inability and/or unwillingness to sense and/or explain spiritual events. Therefore, the discussion of spiritual events or spiritual universes in this book is expected to be understood only by those who can and sense such things.

According to the periods of time mentioned in some interviews and directly related to the alien, there are many unusual and previously unknown reasons that allow the possibility of extraordinary miscalculations by earthly scientists regarding the origin and age of the universe, the Earth, life forms and life events. Of course, they may not be accurate enough since the passage of time and their wild history of development from the very beginning are largely subjective.

However, it can be noted that, unlike interstellar or "macrocosmic time", the historical point of view of the inhabitants of the Earth is limited to a relatively microscopic period of time, compared to what is supposed to be considered as "recent events" in the chronology of cosmic civilizations and much less than allotted the entire universe.

The geological age of the Earth, according to scientists' best guesses, is only about 4 billion years. The age of Homo sapiens in archeology textbooks is estimated to be, at most, only a few million years. Even the entire biological spectrum is believed to have existed on this planet for only a few hundred million years. And generally speaking, the personal memory of individual beings on this planet is limited to only one entire life.

All other dates, events, or interpretations of events quoted in this book from earthly sources are merely subjective observations, conjectures, or inventions of men, including those of the author, and should therefore be accepted or ignored by the reader accordingly, in light of the inclinations of earthly inhabitants to myopia, egocentrism, and a general rejection of the different universes in which we live.

This book is intended to be an informal presentation of information provided to me sixty years after a series of interviews took place between an alien spacecraft officer, a pilot, an engineer and an Army Air Force surgical nurse.

Matilda O'Donner McElroy Biographical Information Since I have never met Ms. McElroy in person, and only spoke with her once on the phone for approximately 20 minutes, I cannot personally vouch for her as a likely source of information. I cannot prove that such a person actually existed, I admit that I did talk to her on the phone and I received handwritten material in the mail that was sent from a physical address in Ireland.

When I spoke to her on the phone in 1998, I was living in Florida. At the time of our brief telephone interview, Ms. McElroy resided on Scotty Pride Drive in Glasgow, Montana. I know this because I mailed a copy of my book, The Oz Factors, to her as a gift after the book was published in 1999. I am sure she received the book because in the letter I received from Ireland she mentions the title and says she has read it.

I did a little research online about Glasgow, Montana for my own interest. Glasgow was founded in 1887 as a railroad town and grew in popularity until the 1930s, subsequently having president, Franklin D.

Roosevelt decided to build the Fort Peck Dam there, which became a huge source of employment for all of Glasgow and its surrounding area. In the 1960s the population reached 12,000 due to Glasgow's RAF base being used during the Vietnam conflict and the start of the Cold War. The base was deactivated and closed in 1969.

When I spoke with Mrs. McElroy on the phone, she mentioned that she was moved there by the US Air Force after her service was completed, and this is where she met her husband, who was an engineer. I don't think she mentioned his name. However, he worked on the construction of the Fort Peck Dam, which created the massive Fort Peck Lake. Although the dam was completed in 1940, he was a big fisherman and tourist, so he decided to stay there. I concluded that the Irish name of the place had something to do with it, but was not considered by her to be the intention. I have not been able to find any mention of a "McElroy" who worked on the dam construction, but as far as I can determine, personnel records from that period do not actually exist.

I contacted her during my research for the book The Oz Factor because I had been led to believe, through a very circuitous line of inquiry, that this woman was suspected of being involved with alien contact at Area 51, the Roswell crash site, or something similar.

Through a series of careful deductions and random redirects, I found her number in the phone book and called only in the hope that she might actually be this person.

Needless to say, when I called her, she was in no mood to answer my questions. However, I think she was impressed by my genuine and innocent sincerity in obtaining information for my book and realized that I had no nefarious or pecuniary agenda or reason to exploit her anyway. However, she gave me no useful information at the time other than to say that she was in the Army and was stationed in New Mexico in 1947.

She was unwilling to discuss anything at all about any kind of incident as her life depended on silence. Although this further piqued my interest, it was no use trying to move it any further, so I gave up and forgot about it until last September when I received a package from Ireland.

I tried to contact her in Ireland at the return address on the package, but received no response from her, nor was I able to find anyone in County Meath, Ireland who knew any of them other than the owner they rented from room for several weeks before their deaths, which seemed to happen simultaneously, although I have no real evidence of this.

However, the postage stamp on the envelope she sent me was stamped at the post office in Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland, the day before. This has since become the actual residence (according to Google Maps) at the return address on the envelope I wrote to the address and learned from a woman living there that both Mrs. McElroy and her husband with the name as it turned out to be Paul had recently passed away . She said the cremated remains of Ms McElroy and her husband were interred at St Finian's Cemetery on Athboy Road.

Subsequently, I was unable to find any record under her maiden name O'Donner, nor did I have any success in finding any friend, family member or document to confirm her birth, medical background, or military record. marriage or death, except for a landowner in Ireland (who was not a relative) just before her death. I suspect this is a false identification given to her by the military when she left Roswell, as mentioned in her notes.

In any case, it seems likely that her identity and all evidence were expunged from public records. I understand that certain government agencies have a knack for hiding evidence or destroying people's records. It seems likely that this was done in her case, due to the very sensitive nature of the Roswell events and the subsequent alleged "fakes."

Since I have no further information to verify or confirm any of what is written in these "interviews" sent to me by Ms. McElroy and is in any way factual beyond what I have already mentioned, I will let the reader beware and accept the above into account accordingly!

Letter from Mrs. McElroy August 12 Dear Lawrence, I am typing this letter to you on my old Underwood typewriter, which I bought after I was released from military service. Somehow this seems an appropriate contrast to the subject of this letter and the documents you will find enclosed in this mailing.

Since then, I have read your book and found it very interesting and compelling. You are obviously a person who has completed his own task, and who can understand my own experiences. I've been thinking a lot about your allusion to the old philosopher you paraphrased in our telephone conversation: "with great power, comes great responsibility." Although I do not think that the desire for power fits into my life or was the reason for sending you the enclosed documents in the package, you undoubtedly considered me to be thinking about my responsibility.

I reconsidered my position for many reasons, no less of which was my realization that you were right. I do have a responsibility, at least directly to myself. It is impossible to tell you about the personal Hell of ethical indecision and spiritual division that I have endured since 1947. I don't want to continue playing the game of "I may or may not have it" through the silence of Eternity!

Many people were killed to destroy the possibility of revealing the knowledge that I had so far denied to society. Only a small handful of people on Earth have seen and heard what I have kept secret for sixty years. All those years, I thought that I was tasked with maintaining a confidentiality agreement with the "powers that be" in our government, although I often felt that the authorities were very misinformed, in order to "protect" Humanity from certain knowledge and not only that there were advanced extraterrestrial life forms , but also that power controls and continues to persistently control and invade the lives of every person on Earth every day.

Therefore, I think it's time to pass on my secret knowledge to someone who I believe will understand it. I don't think I'm ready to take on the responsibility of taking the knowledge I have into a quiet afterlife beyond reach or knowledge. I think this will do more good than protecting the "property rights" of those who consider this information a matter of "national security", regardless of what that means, and therefore justification for being classified as "TOP SECRET".

Besides, I am already 83 years old. I have decided to leave this body that has survived and become useless to me, using the painless method of self-administered euthanasia, I have few months left to live and I have nothing to fear or lose.

So, I moved from Montana, where my husband and I had lived most of my life, to spend our remaining days in a rented, lovely upstairs bedroom in my husband's family's homeland of County Meath, Ireland.

I will die near the "Great Mound" in Nautha, and the "Magic Mound of Darkness" in Dautha. These are sacred "cairns" or massive stone structures, were erected around 3700 BC.

with engraved incomprehensible hieroglyphs - at the same time as pyramids and other inexplicable stone monuments were being created all over the Earth.

I'm also close to the "Hill of Tara," which was once an ancient seat of power in Ireland, where 142 kings are said to have reigned in prehistoric and historical times. In ancient Irish religion and mythology, it was the sacred seat of the "gods" and was the entrance to the "other world."

Saint Patrick came to Tara to conquer the ancient religion of the pagans. He may have suppressed religion in the area, but he certainly did not influence the "gods" who brought these civilizations to Earth, as you will learn from the attached documents.

Therefore, this place is suitable for my departure from this ugly world and final deliverance from the difficulties of life.

The completely transparent perspective of hindsight revealed to me a higher purpose: to help the survival of the planet, all living beings and life forms in our galaxy!

The main position of our ruling circles is to “protect people” from knowing the answers to such questions. In fact, only a defense based on ignorance and secrecy hides the intentions of the authorities to enslave others. Doing so as to disarm every imaginary enemy or ally with superstition and stupidity.

Therefore, I have attached the original and only existing copies of my personal notes and thoughts on a matter that I have kept hidden from everyone and even my own family. I have also included my copies of the typed transcripts made by the stenographer who transcribed all of my interviews with the alien saucer pilot after each interview ended. I do not have any copies of the tape recordings that were made from my interview reports. No one, to this day, knows that I was able to secretly save copies of the official transcripts of the interviews.

I now submit these documents at your discretion to transmit to the world in such form or manner as you deem appropriate.

My only request is that your actions do not create a threat to your own life or existence. If you were to include these accounts of my experiences in a book, such as a novel, the actual origin of the materials could easily be dismissed or discredited by any agency for which "national security" is used as a personal defense against scrutiny and justice.

Thus, you can "deny any knowledge" of their true origin, and claim that it is a figment of your imagination. Whoever said that "the truth is stranger than the tale" was "straight as rain." For most people this will all be "incredible". Unfortunately, beliefs are not reliable criteria for assessing reality.

Moreover, I am sure that if you were to show these notes to anyone who would prefer physical, economic or spiritual slavery to freedom, the subject matter contained in them would seem rather objectionable. If you try to publish the documents as a factual report in a newspaper or on the evening television news they will be dismissed as nonsense. The very nature of these documents makes them incredible, and therefore compromising on you. Conversely, the release of this information is potentially disastrous for certain political, religious and economic vested interests.

These documents contain information that is relevant to your interests and investigations into alien encounters and supernatural events. To use your analogy in the "book" of Oz Factors, I can honestly say that the few statements of fact that have been made by other people about "alien" influences are just a faint wind in the eye of the Apocalyptic Hurricane swirling around the Earth.

Indeed, in this universe there are wizards, evil witches and flying monkeys!

This is information that many have long suspected and/or speculated about, that has been continually denied by the mainstream media, science, and the Military-Industrial Complex, and that President Eisenhower warned us about in his Farewell Address.

As you may be aware, in July 1947, Roswell Army Air Station (RAAF) issued a press release stating that personnel from the 509th Area Bomb Group had discovered a crashed "flying disc" from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, and that most fueling intense media interest.

Later that same day, the commanding general of the Eighth Air Force Division stated that Major Jesse Marcel, who was associated with the initial damage restoration, had brought back only the tattered remains of a weather balloon.

The true facts of the incident have since been covered up by the United States government.

You may not know that I was recruited into the Women's Army Air Corps (WAC) Medical Corps, which was then part of the US Army. At the time of the incident, I was assigned to the 509th Bomb Group as a flight nurse.

When news of the crash was received at the base, I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, a Counterintelligence Officer, to the crash site as the driver of his vehicle and provide medical assistance to any survivors should the need arise. Therefore, I briefly witnessed the crash of an alien spaceship, as well as the remains of several dead alien beings aboard the saucer.

When we arrived, I learned that one of the creatures aboard the saucer had survived the crash, was conscious and apparently unharmed.

The conscious alien was similar in appearance, but not the same as the others.

None of the personnel present were able to communicate with the survivor, as the creature did not communicate verbally or by clear signs. However, while I was examining the "patient" for wounds, I immediately discovered and realized that the alien was attempting to communicate with me by "mental images" or "telepathic representations" that were sent directly from the creature's head.

I immediately reported this phenomenon to Mr. Cavitt. Since no other humans present could feel these thoughts, and the alien seemed able and willing to communicate with me, after a brief consultation with a high-ranking official, it was decided that I would accompany the surviving alien back to base.

This was partly due to the fact that I was a nurse, and could attend to the physical needs of a foreigner, as well as serve as a safe communicator and companion. After all, I was the only woman there and the only one who was not armed. After this, I was assigned to serve as the alien's "companion" for all time.

My responsibility was to communicate with, interview the alien, and prepare a full report to the commanding authorities about everything I had discovered. Subsequently, I was provided with specific lists of questions provided to me by military and civilian personnel, which I had to "translate" to the alien, writing down the answers to the questions presented.

I also accompanied the alien at all times during medical testing and many other checks that the alien was subjected to by staff from numerous government agencies.

For this unusual activity, I received a promotion to the rank of Senior Lead Sergeant, which increased my security clearance, and increased my pay grade from $54.00 per month to $138.00 per month. I performed these duties from July 7th until August 1947, after which the alien "died" or departed from the "body", as you will read further in my notes.

I was never left completely alone with the alien, as there were always military personnel, secret service people and a variety of other officials around from time to time, and I had continuous access to contact with the alien for almost six weeks.

I feel that it is now my duty, for the benefit of the people of Earth, to show what I learned during my interaction with "Airl" during those six weeks, on the anniversary of her "death" or departure sixty years ago.

Although I served as a nurse in the Army Air Forces, I was not a pilot or a technician. Further, I did not have any direct contact with the spacecraft or other materials brought back from the crash site at that time or after. It must be taken into account to the extent that my understanding of the contacts I had with "Airl" is based on my own subjective ability to interpret the meaning of the thoughts and mental images that I was able to sense.

Our communication did not consist of "spoken language" in the usual sense. Indeed, the alien's "body" did not have any "mouth" through which to speak. Our contacts took place through telepathy. At first, I couldn't understand Airl very clearly. I could feel images, emotions and impressions, but it was difficult for me to express them verbally. Once Airl learned English, she was able to focus her thoughts, using more precise symbols and word meanings that I could understand. Learning English was done for my benefit. It was more useful for me than for her.

By the end of our interviews, I became more satisfied with our telepathic communication. I have mastered the skill of understanding Airl's thoughts as if they were my own. Somehow her thoughts became my thoughts. Her emotions are my emotions. However, everything was limited by her willingness and intention to share her own, personal space with me. She was able to choose which messages I was allowed to receive from her. Likewise, her experiences, training, education, relationships, and aspirations were unique to herself.

Here is the symbol for "The Domain" The Domain is a race or civilization in which Airl, the alien I interviewed, is an officer, pilot and engineer serving in the Domain Expeditionary Force. The symbol represents the origins and limitless reaches of the known universe, united and connected into a vast civilization under the control of the Domain.

Airl is currently stationed at a base in the asteroid belt, which she calls a "space station" in Earth's solar system. First of all, Airl is independent. Secondarily, she volunteers to serve as an Official, Pilot and Engineer in the Domain Expeditionary Force. In this field of activity she has duties and responsibilities, but she is free to choose and can come or go if she wishes.

Please accept this material and make it known to as many people as possible. I repeat, it is not my intention to put your life in danger by possessing this material, nor do I really expect you to believe any of this.

However, I feel that you can appreciate the value of such knowledge for those who are willing and able to face it in reality.

Humanity must know the answers to the questions contained in these documents. Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? Is humanity really alone in the universe?

If there is intelligent life somewhere, then why haven't they contacted us before now?

It is vital that people understand the devastating consequences to our spiritual and physical survival if we fail to take effective action to eliminate the stagnation and effects of alien interventions on Earth.

Perhaps the information in these documents will serve as a launching pad for a better future for Humanity. I hope that you will be smarter, more creative and braver in sharing this information than I was.

The Gods have the power to Bless you and Support you.

Mrs. Matilda O'Donner McElroy Retired Senior Leading Sergeant, Medical Corps, Women's Army Air Force.

100 Troytown Heights Navan, Meath Co. Meath, Ireland My first interview with an alien (PERSONAL MESSAGE BY MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “By the time the alien was delivered to the base, I had already spent several hours with her. As I already mentioned, Mr. Cavitt told me to stay with the alien since I was the only person among us who could understand her messages. I couldn't understand my ability to "communicate" with the creature. I've never experienced telepathic contact with anyone before.

The nonverbal contact I felt was similar to the understanding you might get when a child or dog is trying to get you to understand something, but it was much more direct and powerful! Even though no “words” were spoken or signs made, the direction of her thoughts were clear to me. I later realized that although I had read her thoughts, I had not always accurately interpreted their meanings.

I believe that the alien being was not willing to discuss technical matters due to the fact that she was an officer and pilot required to maintain the security and confidentiality required by her own "unit" or organization. Any soldier captured by the "enemy" while on duty is of course responsible for not disclosing important information, even in the face of interrogation or torture.

But despite this, I always felt that the alien being was not really trying to hide anything from me. I just never saw her feelings. Her messages always seemed honest and sincere to me. But I guess you can never know for sure. I definitely felt like I shared a special "trust" with her. It is a kind of “trust” or sympathy that you feel when you are with a patient or child. I think this is because the alien could understand that I was truly interested in "her" and had no ill intentions, yet if I could, I would not allow anything to happen to her. This was also true.

I refer to the alien as "her". In fact, the creature had no gender in any way, either physiologically or psychologically. “She” did have quite a strong, feminine presence and demeanor. However, from a physiological point of view, the creature was "asexual" and did not have any internal or external reproductive organs. Her body was more like that of a "doll" or "robot". She did not have any internal "organs" because her body was not made of biological cells. She had a sort of "circuit" system or electrical nervous system that spread throughout the body, but I couldn't figure out how it worked.

In height and appearance, her body was quite short and petite. About 40 inches tall. The head was disproportionately large in relation to the arms, legs and torso, which were quite thin. Each of the two arms and legs had three "fingers" that were adapted for grasping. The head had no functioning "nose" or "mouth" or "ears". I realized that the space officer did not need them, since there was no atmosphere in space to transmit sound. In this regard, her sound perception organs were not built into her body. Also her body should not consume food and hence she did not have a mouth.

The eyes were quite large. I was never able to determine the exact degree of visual acuity of which her eyes were capable, but I noticed that her vision must be extremely sharp. I think the eye lenses, which were very dark and opaque, may also have been able to detect waves or particles outside the visible spectrum of light. I suspect they may have been able to see a range of the electromagnetic spectrum, or even beyond, but I don't know for sure.

When the creature looked at me, it seemed as if her gaze was going right through me, as if she had "X-ray vision", which I found a little disconcerting at first, until I realized that she had no sexual intentions. In fact, I don't think she ever had the idea that I was a man or a woman.

Everything became obvious after the short period of time I spent with the creature, its body did not require oxygen, food or water or any other external source of food or energy. As I learned later, she used her own “energy” to animate and control the body. It seemed a little creepy at first, but I got used to it. It was really a very, very simple body. There is not even a comparison with our own bodies.

Airl explained to me that it was not mechanical, like a robot, nor was it biological. It is animated directly by her as a spiritual being. Technically, from a medical point of view, I would say that Airl's body could not even be called "alive." Her "doll" body is not a biological life form, with cells, etc.

She had smooth skin, or covering, that was gray in color. The body was very resistant to changes in temperature, atmospheric conditions and pressure.

The limbs were rather frail without muscles. There is no gravity in space, so they don't need much muscle strength. The body was used almost constantly in spacecraft or in environments with low or even no gravity. Since the Earth has a strong gravity, the body could not walk well enough, since her legs were really not suitable for that purpose. The legs and arms were quite flexible and agile however.

The night before my first interview with the alien, the base was buzzing with activity like a hive. There were a dozen men working on setting up lights and camera equipment. Film cameras and microphones, and a reel-to-reel tape recorder were also installed in the “press center.”

(I don't understand why a microphone was necessary, since there was no possibility of verbal communication with the alien). There was also a stenographer and several people busily typing on typewriters.

I was informed that in order to enhance my ability to communicate with the alien, an experienced foreign language translator and a “code breaking” team had been brought to the base overnight. There were also several representatives of the medical staff for the study of the alien - specialists in various fields. Also, a psychology teacher was invited to help formulate questions and “interpret” answers. Because I was only a nurse, I was not considered to be a "competent" translator, even though I was the only one there who could understand anything the alien was thinking!

We have a lot to come. Each "interview" resulted in a noticeable improvement in understanding between us, as I will discuss later in my notes. This is the first transcript with answers to a list of questions provided to me by the intelligence officer on base, which I immediately dictated to the stenographer immediately after the interview."

(OFFICIAL INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT) TOP SECRET Official US Army Air Force Transcript Roswell Air Force Base, 509th Bomb Group SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 9. 7. "QUESTION - "Are you injured?" ANSWER - NO QUESTION - "How oh Do you require medical attention?" ANSWER - NO QUESTION - "Do you need food or water or other food?" ANSWER - NO QUESTION - "Do you have special needs such as air temperature, atmospheric chemistry, air pressure, or excretion waste?" THE ANSWER IS NO. I AM NOT A BIOLOGICAL BEING.

QUESTION - "Does your body or spacecraft carry any germs or contaminants that could be harmful to humans or other Earthly life forms?" THE ANSWER IS NO MICROBES IN SPACE.

QUESTION - "Does your government know you are here?" ANSWER - NOT NOW QUESTION - "Will others of your species come looking for you?" ANSWER - YES QUESTION - "What are the capabilities of your people in the production of weapons?" THE ANSWER IS VERY DESTRUCTIVE.

I didn't understand the exact nature of the type of weapon or weaponry they might have, but I didn't sense any ill intent in her response, just a statement of fact.


QUESTION - Your spacecraft was in this "Why area?" ANSWER - RESEARCH OF "BURNING CLOUDS" / RADIATION / EXPLOSIONS QUESTION - "What is the principle of flight of your spacecraft?" ANSWER - IT IS CONTROLLED THROUGH MENTAL “THOUGHTS”. "ON TEAMS".

or commands" are the only "Thinking" "mental English language forms that I can use to describe this thought.

Their bodies, and I think the spaceship too, are connected directly to them through some kind of electrical "nervous system" that they control with their own thoughts.

QUESTION - “How do your people communicate with each other?” THE ANSWER IS THROUGH THINKING / THOUGHT.

The words "thinking" and "thought" combined together are the closest English words I can think of right now to describe an idea. However, it was very obvious to me that they were communicating directly through thoughts, just as she was communicating with me.

QUESTION - "Do you have a written language or symbols for communication?" ANSWER - YES QUESTION - "What is your planet?" ANSWER - HOME/BIRTHPLACE OF THE REGION Since I am not an astronomer, I have no idea in the definitions of stars, galaxies, constellations and directions in space.

The impression I received was of a planet at the center of a huge group of galaxies, which is its “home” or “birthplace”. The word "area" is the closest word I can think of to describe her concept, images and thoughts of where she is from. One could also easily say that this is a “territory” or “habitat”. However, I am sure that it was not just a planet or a solar system or a group of stars, it was a huge number of galaxies!

QUESTION - "Will your government send representatives to meet with our leaders?" ANSWER - NO QUESTION - "What are your intentions regarding the Earth?" ANSWER - RESERVE / PROTECT AREA PROPERTY QUESTION - "What have you learned about Earth governments and military installations?" THE ANSWER IS THE POOR/SMALL. YOU ARE DESTROYING THE PLANET.

QUESTION - "Why didn't your people make your existence known to the people of Earth?" ANSWER - WATCH / OBSERVE. NO CONTACT.

I received the impression that they were not allowed to contact people on Earth, but I could not think of a word or thought that conveyed the exact impression of what I received. They are just watching us.


QUESTION - “How long have you known the Earth?” THE ANSWER IS LONG BEFORE PEOPLE.

I'm not sure if "prehistoric" would be a more accurate word, but it was definitely a very long period of time before humans evolved.

QUESTION - “What do you know about the history of civilization on Earth?” THE ANSWER IS A LITTLE INTEREST/ATTENTION. A SHORT TIME.

The answer to this question did not seem very definite to me. However, I felt that her interest in Earth history was not very strong or that she did not pay much attention to it. Or maybe... I don't know. I really didn't get an answer to the question.

QUESTION - “Can you describe your home world to us?” ANSWER - PLACE OF CIVILIZATION / CULTURE / HISTORY. BIG PLANET.




I use the number "trillions" because I'm sure the value was a number greater than many billions. The idea of ​​the time period she reported is beyond my understanding. This is really closer to the idea of ​​"infinity" in terms of Earth years.


I am sure that an alien being has no concept of "god" or "worship" like we do. I guess the people in her civilization were complete atheists. My impression was that they thought very highly of themselves and were very proud indeed!


These are the closest words I could use to describe her thoughts about her own society or civilization. Her “emotion” while answering this question became very intense, very bright and decisive! Her thought was filled with emotion that gave me a feeling of jubilation or joy. But it also annoyed me.

QUESTION - “Are there other advanced life forms in the universe besides you?” THE ANSWER IS EVERYWHERE. WE ARE THE GREATEST/HIGHEST OF ALL.

I'm sure because she's short, she didn't mean "tallest" or "largest." Her proud "character" again showed through the feelings received from her."

(PERSONAL MESSAGE BY MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “My first interview is over. When the answers to the first list of questions were printed and given to the people who were waiting for them, they were very excited that I was able to talk to the alien!

The officer told me to await further instructions. I waited for them for several hours in the adjacent office. I was not allowed to continue my "interview" with the alien. However, I was always treated well and was allowed to eat, sleep, and use the restroom whenever I wanted.

Eventually a new list of questions for the alien was written to me. I noticed that by this time, quite a few other agents, government and military officials had arrived at the base. They told me that during the next interview there would be several people in the room with me, so they could help me with the details during the interview. However, when I tried to conduct an interview with these people in the room, I did not receive any thoughts, emotions or any other noticeable signal from the alien. Nothing. The alien just sat on the chair without moving.

We left the press center together. The scout got very excited about this. He accused me of lying or faking answers to the first questions. I insisted that my answers were honest, and as accurate as I could make them!

Later that day, it was decided that several other people would try to ask questions of the alien. However, despite several attempts by various "experts", no one else was able to receive any message from the alien.

Over the next few days, a psychic researcher from the Middle East arrived at the base to interview the alien. Her name was Gertrude or something like that. I don't remember the last name. The next to arrive at the base was an Indian clairvoyant named Krisnamurti, who also tried to communicate with the alien. No one has been successful in getting the alien to say anything. I was also not able to communicate telepathically with any of these people, although I did believe that Mr. Krisnamurthy was a very kind and intelligent gentleman.

Finally, it was decided that if I could get answers, then I should stay close to the alien."

Chapter Two My Second Interview "In the next interview, I was told to ask the alien only one question."

(OFFICIAL INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT) TOP SECRET Official US Army Air Force Transcript Roswell Air Force Base, 509th Bomb Group SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 10. 7. "QUESTION - "Why did you stop communicating?" ANSWER - NO OST NEW. OTHERS. HIDDEN/CLOSED. SECRET FEAR.

The alien could not communicate with them because they were afraid of her, or did not trust her.

And, it is clear to me that the alien knows that some people have secret intentions in her and hide their real thoughts. It is equally obvious to me that, for that matter, the alien does not have even the slightest fear of us, or anything else!" (PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) "I considered the words with which I wanted to describe the meaning of the alien's thoughts very carefully before , which she told the stenographer and the people who were waiting anxiously in the other room.

Personally, I never felt any fear or misunderstanding from the alien at all. I was very, very curious and excited about everything I could learn about her. However, like the alien, I did not have much trust or confidence in the agents or “authorities” who controlled my interviews.

I had no idea about their intentions towards her. However, I'm sure the officers were very, very concerned about having an alien spaceship and pilot in their hands!

At that moment, my main concern was how I could more clearly understand the thoughts and ideas of the alien. I think that as a telepathic "receiver" I did pretty well, but not as well as a telepathic "transmitter".

I desperately wanted to find a better way to communicate with the alien, one that would allow the growing legion of government officials to understand her more directly, without having to rely on my interpretation of her thoughts. I didn't feel qualified enough to act as a translator, yet I was the only person the alien would communicate with, so it was up to me to do the job.

I also realized that this was probably the biggest "event" in Earth's history, and that I should be proud to be a part of it. Of course, by that time the entire incident was officially denied in the press and the cover-up with a huge number of armed forces and security forces had already begun.

However, I began to feel the pressure of being the first person on Earth, as far as I knew, to communicate with an extraterrestrial life form! I think I know how Columbus must have felt when he discovered a continent-sized "new world" on one small planet. But, I was about to discover a completely new, unknown universe!

While awaiting further instructions from my superiors, I went home accompanied by several heavily armed military police. I was also accompanied by several other men dressed in black suits and ties. When I woke up in the morning they were still there. After breakfast was brought to my home, they escorted me back to the office at the base that was being used for the interview."

Chapter Three My Third Interview (PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “The third interview, and all subsequent interviews that I had with the alien, were observed and recorded, as I mentioned above, by dozens of other people. Although they were not physically present, he watched from a special adjacent room with a mirrored window allowing light to pass in one direction, through which the interview could be observed without disturbing the alien.

The alien was moved into this newly made room and seated on an ordinary soft chair covered with a floral cloth. I'm sure someone was sent into town to buy a chair from the nearest available furniture store. The alien's body was the same as that of a very thin 5-year-old child, so she was dwarfed by the chair.

Since her body was not biological, it did not require any food, air or warmth, and she obviously did not sleep. She did not have any eyelids or eyebrows above her eyes, and therefore her eyes did not close. I don't think anyone could definitely tell whether she was asleep or not as long as she sat upright in the chair. If she didn't move or gesture with her hand, it was hard to tell if she was even alive or not unless you sensed her thoughts.

Ultimately, I realized that the alien did not identify herself with her body, but, so to speak, with her “personality.” She was known in her circles as "Airl". This is the closest word I can use to describe the name using the English alphabet. I realized that she preferred the female gender. I think we shared a natural, feminine empathy and nurturing attitude towards life and each other.

I'm sure she didn't feel comfortable among combative, aggressive, domineering male officers and agents, each of whom was more concerned with their own personal ego and power than with discovering the secrets of the universe!

When I entered the room, she was very happy to see me. I felt a very genuine feeling of recognition, relief and "warmth" from her. It was like the eager excitement and unconditional, platonic affection one feels from a dog or child, but more calm and under control. I have to say that I was surprised by the same feeling of affection for the alien, despite the fact that we spent so little time with each other.

I was glad that I was able to continue my interviews with her despite all the attention we were receiving from the stream of government and military people arriving at the base.

It was immediately clear that the people who wrote the next series of questions for me wanted to understand how to communicate with the alien on their own, without having to involve me.

Here are the answers to a new list of questions:" (OFFICIAL INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT) TOP SECRET Official U.S. Army Air Force Transcript Roswell Air Force Base, 509th Bomb Group SUBJECT:

ALIEN INTERVIEW, 11. 7. "QUESTION - Can you read or write any Earth language?


QUESTION - Do you understand numbers or math?

THE ANSWER IS YES. I AM AN OFFICER / PILOT / ENGINEER QUESTION - Can you write or draw symbols or images that we can translate into our own language?

ANSWER - DUBIOUS QUESTION - Are there any other signs or means of communication that you can use to help us understand your thoughts more clearly?


(PERSONAL COMMUNICATION BY MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “I was very sure that this was not true. But, I understood clearly that Airl was not ready to communicate in writing or drawings or sign language. My feeling was that she was following orders, like any soldier who was captured, to avoid revealing any information that might be useful to the enemy, even under torture. She was only able and willing to disclose non-confidential or personal information, or "name, rank and registration number."

(Official decoding the transcript of the interview) Top secretly, official deciphering the transcript of the Air Army Air Air Army Air Army Air Army in Roswell, 509th Bomb Group Subject: Interview of an alien, 11. 7. 1947, 2nd part "Question-You can show us on the map sky, the star of your home planet?


It's not because she doesn't know the directions from Earth to her home planet. She didn't want to show the location. This was also due to the fact that her home planet's star system does not exist on any star chart on Earth. It is too far.

QUESTION - How long will it take your people to locate you here?


QUESTION - How long would it take your people to fly here for you?


QUESTION - How can we let them know that we do not intend to harm you?


QUESTION - If you are not a biological object, why do you treat yourself as a woman?


(PERSONAL MESSAGE BY MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) "It only took me a few minutes to finish. I realized then that we could have serious problems if the alien was not willing to cooperate, or give any information that was believed to be useful to the military or intelligence agencies or scientists.

I was also sure that the alien was very sure of the actual intentions of the people who wrote these questions, as she could "read their minds" just as easily as she could read my thoughts and communicate with me telepathically. Because of these intentions, she was unwilling and unable to cooperate with any of them in any way under any circumstances. I am fully confident that since she was not a biological life form, there was no kind of torture or coercion that could cause her to change her mind!" Chapter Four The Language Barrier (PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) "After I explained to the agents intelligence that I thought about the reasons for the "silence" instead of answers, they became upset and a commotion began. A very heated discussion began between several intelligence officers, military officers, psychologists and language translators. This continued for several hours. Finally, it was decided to allow me to continue taking interview with the alien, if I could get a satisfactory answer from her to the following question:" (PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) TOP SECRET Official Transcript U.S. Army Air Forces Roswell Air Force Base, 509th Bomb Group SUBJECT: INTERVIEW ALIENS, 11. 7. 1947, 3rd Session "QUESTION - "What guarantee or proof is required from us in order for you to feel safe enough to answer our questions."


(PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “When I returned from the office to report the alien's answer to this question, the agents and military present there perceived me gloomily and skeptically. They couldn't understand what the alien meant by this.

I admitted that I could not understand exactly what she meant, but I did my best to clearly articulate her telepathic intentions. I told the officers that perhaps the communication problem had something to do with my inability to understand the alien's telepathic language clearly enough to understand. It made me so lacking in self-confidence that I almost felt like quitting!

And now, there were even more arguments against me than before! I was confident that I would be suspended, even though the alien refused to communicate with anyone else, or that no one else was found who could communicate with her.

Luckily, a very smart guy named John Newble, who was a Japanese language specialist in the US Navy, explained and solved this problem. He explained that, firstly, the problem had little to do with the alien's inability to communicate. Rather, it was more like her reluctance to communicate with anyone other than me directly. Second, in order to communicate clearly and comprehensively, both parties had to find a common language that they would understand and communicate through.

Words and symbols in languages ​​convey very precise concepts and meanings. He said that the Japanese have many homonyms in their language, which create a lot of confusion in everyday communication. They solve this problem by using standard Chinese characters to record the exact meanings of the words they use. This settles their issues.

Without a certain set of signs, communication is impossible even for basic understanding between people and dogs, or between two small children. The lack of a common vocabulary of clear defined words that both parties can use mutually has been a limiting factor in communication between all people, groups, or countries.

Therefore, he suggested two options. I had to learn to speak the alien's language, or the alien had to learn to speak English.

In fact, there was only one choice: I convince Airl to learn English, and I teach it to her under the guidance of a language specialist. No one objected to trying this approach, since no other proposals were made.

Language specialists suggested taking several children's books, a basic textbook for elementary reading, and a grammar text to the office. The plan was that I would sit next to the foreigner, read books out loud to her, and at the same time point to the text I was reading so that she could follow along.

The theory was that the alien could be taught to read, just as a child is taught to read words and hear the sound associations of a written word, just as recommended in basic grammar.

I think they also took into account that if the alien was smart enough to communicate with me telepathically, and fly a spaceship across the galaxy, then she could probably learn to speak faster than a 5 year old!

I returned to the office and proposed this idea to Airl. She didn't mind learning the language, although she also took it upon herself to answer questions. Nobody else had a better idea, so we went ahead."

Chapter Five Reading Lessons (PERSONAL MESSAGE OF MATILDA O'DONNER MCKELROY) “I began reading lessons with the first pages of a school book that was used to teach the children of settlers on the American frontier in the 1800s. It's called "McGuffie's Textbook One through Six."

Since I am a nurse and not a teacher, the language expert who gave me the books also gave me an extensive, all-day course on how to use the books to teach the alien. The reason he chose these particular books was because the original 1836 version of these books was used for three-quarters of a century to teach four-fifths of all American schoolchildren to read. No other book has ever had so much influence on American children for so long.

McGuffey's educational course begins with a "Beginner's Primer," showing the letters of the alphabet that will be memorized sequentially. It was then taught to children step by step, using building blocks of language to form and vocalize words, which engages learning children in combining sounds with letters. Each lesson begins with learning the words used in the reading and with markings to show the correct pronunciation for each word.

I discovered that the stories in the First and Second Books depict children surrounded by family members, teachers, friends, and animals. “In the third, fourth, fifth and sixth textbooks” they elaborated on the meaning. One of the stories I remember was "The Widow and the Merchant." This is a kind of story about ethics and morality, about a merchant who befriends a needy widow. Later, when the widow decides to be honest on her own, the merchant gives her a nice gift. The books don't necessarily teach you to believe that mercy is expected only from rich people. We all know that generosity is a positive quality that should be present in everyone.

All the stories were very helpful and they gave very good explanations to illustrate positive qualities such as honesty, mercy, growth, efficiency, courage, patriotism, reverence for God, and respect for parents.

I also found that the vocabulary used in the book was very advanced compared to the relatively limited number of words people used in our time.

I think we have lost a lot of our own language since our Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence over 200 years ago!

As I was told, I sat next to Airl in the office, and read aloud to her from each book in sequence from the McGuffey Textbook. Each of the books had excellent, simple illustrations of the stories and items described, although they are very dated by today's standards. However, Airl seemed to understand and absorb every letter, sound, syllable and meaning as we moved forward. We continued this process for 14 hours a day for 3 days straight with no breaks except for a few lunches and breaks on my part.

Airl didn't stop for anything. She didn't sleep. Instead, she continued to sit on the soft chair in the office, reviewing the lessons we had already covered. When I returned each morning to pick up where we left off, she had already memorized the previous lessons and was on the next pages. It continued to accelerate until it became pointless to continue my readings to her.

Although Airl didn't have a mouth to speak, she could now "think" at me in English. At the end of these lessons, Airl could read and study alone. I showed her how to use a dictionary to look up new words she encountered. After that, Airl consulted the dictionary constantly. From then on, I worked as a courier for her, requesting books for her, which came in a never-ending stream.

Then, Mr. Newble brought volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Airl especially enjoyed them because they had a lot of pictures. After that, she asked for many more illustrated books and reference books with photographs and drawings, because it was much easier for her to understand the meaning if she could see a picture of the thing she was studying.

Over the next six days, books were collected from libraries across the country, I guess because there weren't enough of them before, and she read several hundred of them! She studied every subject I could imagine and many other very technical things that I never wanted to know anything about, things like astronomy, metallurgy, engineering, mathematics, various technical manuals, etc.

Later, she began reading fiction, novels, poetry and classical literature. Eil also asked to read a lot of books on subjects in the humanities, especially history books. I think she must have read at least 50 books about human history and archaeology. Of course, I made sure she received a copy of the Holy Bible, which she read from cover to cover without comment or question.

Although I continued to stay with Airl for 12 to 14 hours each day, most of the time over the next week was spent with no lasting communication between us, other than the occasional question she asked me. The questions are usually about explaining context to her or explaining something in books she has read.

Strangely, Airl told me that her favorite books are Alice in Wonderland, Don Quixote and One Thousand and One Nights. She said that the authors of these books showed that it is more important to have great spirit and imagination than great skill or power.

I couldn't answer a lot of her questions, so I consulted people in the outside room for answers. Most of them had to do with technical and scientific things. Several of her questions were about the humanities.

The depth of complex understanding and the subtlety of her questions showed that she had a very penetrating intellect.

Personally, I think she already knew a lot more about Earth's culture and history than she knew when we started. I was hoping to find out how much more soon."