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Why do you dream about being bitten by a dog? Why does a woman dream about a dog? Dream Interpretation big dog, bites

The image of a dog that you saw in a dream speaks of upcoming life changes, both materially and in terms of your emotional state. Often such dreams are called prophetic, that is, those that predict a certain event with high probability. Why do you dream about a dog, does it bite your hand or, on the contrary, caress you and play? According to esotericists, this animal, first of all, personifies a close friend or relative, and the bite represents certain actions and events associated with them. Accordingly, to correctly interpret a dream, you must be attentive to all details. For example, a white dog is a harbinger of good news and well-being in life, a black one represents future everyday problems, and a red one represents adventures of a sexual nature.

A dog is a fairly common symbol in dream books of various authors.

Sometimes in a dream your pet dog turns into an angry dog ​​and bites your hand. What does such a dream mean?

If you dreamed of a dog that bites your hand, first of all, such a vision personifies treacherous actions towards you in real life. It all depends on the circumstances, whether you resisted when she attacked and what kind of dog the dog looked like.

For example, if you are sure that the dog is a stray, you should expect trouble from strangers, but if it is purebred, then betrayal may occur from a person close to you.

Fact: Dreams in which a dog tries to bite you, but its attempts are not successful, indicate that one of your friends wants to warn about an approaching danger, but cannot do this for a certain number of reasons.

We may be talking about some unpleasant topic, for example, your friend may know about the adventures of your significant other and he is trying in every possible way to convey this information to you, but he is tormented by doubts about how you will react to this, whether you will believe him or enter into conflict with him while defending the honor of your beloved.

What does it portend?

Do you want to know why you dream about a dog that bites? Firstly, almost all dream books call for keeping life situations under control that are potentially dangerous for you or your family. If, professionally, you are a serious leader or boss, a dream in which a dog bites your hand speaks of a conspiracy among the team. Perhaps a treacherous plan of action is being planned, the purpose of which is to remove or demote you from your position. In such situations, it is recommended to be as vigilant and loyal to subordinates as possible, not to succumb to dubious adventures on their part and not to give in at work.

A black dog in a dream, like a black cat, is a harbinger of trouble.

A dream in which a dog bit your finger

If in a dream a dog bites your finger, this is a direct hint that the person to whom you are currently providing your help, in the form of moral support, will soon act bestially towards you.

Be careful when you express a desire to help someone, because the response may be quite unexpected. Never think about giving a person, based on your bright preconditions for him, do good deeds just like that, from a pure heart and a good soul.

A dog bit in a dream until it bled

A dog bite, resulting in the formation of bleeding wounds, will tell the dreamer about the intentions of his close relatives. A serious conflict is expected in the family circle, the main blow of which will be directed specifically at you. You should be as careful as possible in communicating with your family and no matter how much you would like, due to your hot-tempered nature, not to get involved in a conflict with them, because they know better than anyone about your weak points of mind and the wounds left from blows will interfere with sleep for a long time at night.

Dog color

The black color speaks for itself. A black dog seen in a dream is a harbinger of future troubles, and possibly even illnesses. If you were attacked by a black dog in a dream, this means quarrels with your family in real life. On the contrary, if you managed to stroke her, the relationship will become even warmer and more reliable.

What does a dream about a dog warn about from Saturday to Sunday?

Example: Vanga’s dream book says that a black dog represents your close friend, who has serious problems in real life, but he does not consider it necessary to share his troubles with you, because he does not want to burden you with his affairs.

In this case, you should communicate more closely with your closest friends, inquiring as deeply as possible about how things are going in your personal life. Perhaps, during a warm, friendly conversation, a person will share his most intimate things with you and together, you will come to a resolution to the problem situation.


According to Freud's dream book, playing with a black dog in a dream means excessive custody of your child, and stroking it indicates a desire to have sexual intercourse with a partner who is younger than you.

A black dog standing next to you in a dream, wagging its tail and inviting you to play with it, foreshadows future acquaintances with new people, and perhaps a meeting with your soulmate.


Often, dreams involving a white dog are harbingers of good news. This may indicate an upcoming meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years. If in life you encounter any difficulties, you can always count on the help of your family and friends.

A white dog bite speaks of ill-wishers among the family circle. In this case, be careful and analyze as competently as possible all situations that arise in your relationships with your loved ones.

In general, dogs of light shades indicate the presence of devoted friends, with whose support you can achieve any heights in life you set for yourself. If a white dog circling around the dreamer demonstrates its devotion and love, this indicates further success in his career, as well as serious achievements in amorous affairs.

The interpretation of the dream depends on the day of the week on which the dream occurred. Why do you have a dream about a dog from Tuesday to Wednesday?

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Depending on the day of the week, the dream may carry quite different semantic messages.

  • A dream about a dog that bit you from Monday to Tuesday has a direct meaning, and the interpretation of the dream will be the same as in the dream book.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday, a similar dream should not be taken seriously, since the likelihood of its significance is minimal.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday, you should be as attentive as possible, since at such a time similar dreams are often prophetic.
  • A dog biting in a dream, from Friday to Saturday, speaks of their opposite meaning in real life. For example, a biting white dog will not be a harbinger of betrayal on the part of a loved one, but, on the contrary, will tell about your emotional rapprochement with each other.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, the dream will have a sacred meaning, and from Sunday to Monday, the interpretation of similar dreams does not make any sense, since dream books say they are meaningless.


To summarize, we can say that for the most competent interpretation of dreams in which a dog bites you, you should analyze as accurately as possible such moments as:

  • Circumstances of sleep;
  • Who dreams;
  • When you dream;
  • Dog color;
  • The dog's actions towards the dreamer.

Comments from site visitors

    For some reason I always thought that a dog in a dream is only a friend. But she didn’t go into details. And it turns out that I interpreted everything wrong? Now I will consider such dreams in more detail. It seems to me that it is not in vain that we see all this. For some reason, we dream about this and not something else. These are warnings, signs, a kind of supreme help that cannot be ignored. After all, analyzing a dream a little is essentially not so difficult. But then you will be ready for various events, both good and not so good.

    In a dream I saw that a dog, a large mastiff, was biting me, and I did not expect this. The other day I learned about the betrayal of my closest friend - he cheated on me with my girlfriend. Two knives in the back at once. How to trust people now??? Moreover, all this went on for six months behind my back. And you say, strong male friendship...

    One guy always pulls me out of my dreams. This time I was bitten by a black and white dog, the mongrel drew a little blood. And again this guy, the police officer drove up in a car and chased the dog away, then he walked me home, I almost fell into a puddle, he didn’t let me. When we approached the house, I saw that it was not my house, it was someone else’s. He said that he went on to work. I went into the house and there my husband and my friends were sitting drinking beer.

    It is difficult to interpret dreams yourself; many circumstances must be taken into account. From Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream about how I was walking down the street at night and saw a pack of dogs devouring something. I understand that I need to leave before they notice me, but out of fear I can’t move. I wonder if they didn’t bite me, does that mean everything is fine? How to interpret such a dream?

    “According to Freud’s dream book, playing with a black dog in a dream means being overprotective of your child, and stroking it indicates a desire to have sexual intercourse with a partner who is younger than you.” I clearly remember a recent dream where I was going to a bus stop, and a black dog was sitting there. I waited for a long time for the bus, but there was no one else there except me and the dog. He then followed me and drove all the way home. I don’t have children, so the issue of custody is not about me. But about sexual intercourse, it’s straight to the point, the partner is desirable and really younger, although not by much, but still.)

    I dreamed that I was walking along the river to my friends’ dacha (for some reason on foot) and suddenly a small white poodle runs towards me, barks and bites my hand. Yes, he bit me so hard that my finger began to bleed. I woke up and immediately started looking for the meaning of this dream. Now I’ll be careful with my relatives, there’s a big gathering of relatives coming up (my father’s anniversary), I won’t get involved in conflicts and disputes, as you wrote.

    It says here that a dream with a dog from Tuesday to Wednesday should not be taken seriously, since it is unlikely that it will somehow come true. I really hope this is true, because that very night I dreamed that our dog ran away from the house and was never found. I woke up and immediately ran to hug my baby, fortunately she was sleeping in her place.

    Hello! Tell me, please, I had such a dream. I was walking down the street and a dog followed me. At first she was angry, she threw herself at me and at passers-by, and then she began to caress me and ask to be held (a small dog, black, white and brown in color, I don’t know the breeds), she began to lick me and wag her tail. What does it mean?

    I dreamed of a dog that spoke to me. Every other word she added her trademark WOOK, but in general she uttered human words and I understood that she wanted to eat, walk, play or sleep. The dog is a boy, the breed has not been determined, it’s more like a mongrel. I wonder why I dreamed about this.) I read from the color of the dog that it speaks of devoted friends. But it’s really interesting to know about the talking dog.)

    After reading the article, it dawned on me why I dreamed about these dogs 3 times in a week. The interpretation says that a dog’s bite on the hand speaks of a conspiracy among the group. I work as a supervisor in a large company, I have 15 salespeople subordinate to me. I thought that these mongrels were planning something against me. Well, I’ll arrange it for them...

    And today I dreamed of a lot of dogs... considering that I never remember my dreams, such a real dream excited me. In a dream, I have a small black dog, quite cocky, and we live in a house. When I went out into the yard, a pack of dogs approached the gate, led by a huge white and brown dog, as tall as me. I told them to leave! And she turned away. The next moment I saw, or rather heard sounds from the basement. I ran there, and there this huge dog killed my black dog... So how to decipher such a dream?

    The other day I had a dream: the doorbell rings, I go to open it, I look through the peephole, and there is a small dog standing there, it looks like a Pekingese, red-haired, furry. He stands behind the door and wags his tail. When I opened the door, she started pouncing on me and trying to bite me, but I somehow dodged it, that is, she didn’t bite me in the end. How can you interpret such a dream?

    I also recently had a dream in which my English spaniel was kidnapped. Moreover, they stole it in some amazing way from the car while I was clearing the snow from the car. I searched for the dog for a long time, ran around the neighboring yards, shouted, asked all passers-by if they had seen my dog. I didn’t find it in my dream, but I woke up in the morning and breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw the dog nearby.

    I believe in dreams, but I can’t understand what my last dream means... It’s kind of strange and scary for me at the same time. I dreamed that my cat was attacked by a big brown dog, a mongrel, and bit off the cat’s tail... the cat ran around without a tail, and then quietly lay down and died, I didn’t even have time to help her... Tell me, does this mean that there are some threats in my life? -difficulties and troubles?

    Many people say that dreams foreshadow certain events. On the contrary, I try to perceive them as if the brain has digested the current information and state of affairs and is dreaming of the “present” in some other way. I don’t remember any dreams in which a dog appears, much less bites me, but I think that as such, the appearance of a dog in a person’s dream hints at friends.

    “If you dreamed of a dog that bites your hand, first of all, such a vision personifies treacherous actions towards you in real life. »
    This is exactly my situation! I clearly remember a dream a couple of years ago where I was bitten on the hand by an unfamiliar mongrel on the street when I was trying to fight it off... After some time, I had a big fight with my best friend, because her tongue was boneless, and she spilled my secret to someone who didn’t need it! I believe in dreams

    I see in the article that from Tuesday to Wednesday dreams should not be taken seriously. and on what nights do you usually have the most likely and meaningful dreams? many people talk about prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday, but it can’t be just one night... Of the dreams about dogs, I only remember that I dreamed about my Lana, but she has been gone for several years... I don’t remember other dogs in my dreams

    At one time my wife and I really wanted to get a dog, we went to kennels and looked for puppies (we looked at light Labradors), but of those that were offered to us, somehow we didn’t like any of them (either he was too old, or he had some kind of unpleasant face , then too active), then they decided that it was not the time and postponed this issue, so they still haven’t bought it. I recently dreamed about the puppies we went to see. What could this mean? I dreamed from Friday to Saturday, I remember.

    In general, in my life I am very afraid of dogs (a childhood trauma, when I was in the village, at my grandmother’s, I was bitten by a neighbor’s dog), after that the fear appeared until now, the family only got cats and fish because of me. That’s why when I dream about dogs, I wake up in the morning covered in cold sweat... For me it’s like nightmares.

    I love my dog ​​very much, but she passed away last October, I can’t miss her, we practically grew up together, she recognized me as her owner. I don’t want to take anyone after her, I constantly ask someone from above for her to come to me in a dream, I’m sure it will be a very good sign

    Cats often appear in my dreams, as I, for example, go to throw out the garbage, and garbage cats attack me, scratch, hiss, tear at the bag that I was going to throw away... What does this mean? I’ve already had a similar dream more than once, I wake up in fear and panic and in real life I’m afraid of cats(

    I think that just as a dog in real life means devotion, friendship, fidelity, so a dream in which a dog or puppy was present is also somehow connected with these concepts and promises them. although in general, as a psychologist by profession, I think that a dream rather personifies what happens to us in reality, this is how the brain “digests” daytime information.

    I read that dreams are prophetic from Wednesday to Thursday, but it seems to be popular among people that from Thursday to Friday, no? From Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed of a village, a dog on a chain, which barked loudly at me and rushed, but was tied. I interpret this as difficulties in life that I do not allow to come to me. Or rather, they happen in my life, but I try not to fall into despair, I hold on.

    “If you dreamed of a dog that bites your hand, first of all, such a vision personifies treacherous actions towards you in real life.” Believe it or not, but the meaning of the dream absolutely coincided with me. Although a couple of years have already passed, I remember well how I dreamed of my dog, for some reason he was very angry, I don’t remember the reason... in life she is kind. and she bit me in my dream, so hard... I remember the dream very well, then I also read the meaning about betrayal. I was set up by a “friend” at work very badly then... because of her I was completely screwed.

    I dreamed of an abandoned puppy, black in color, in a dream she ran around the apartments and asked to take him, not right away, but in one of the doors that opened to me, people agreed to shelter him. I don’t know how to interpret this dream, but I think my brain hinted to me about my responsiveness and kindness, I hope that all good things come back like a boomerang, even from dreams.

    There is such a cartoon “The Secret Life of Pets”, I really liked it, I’ve watched it 3 times with the children already) So I recently had a dream with the main characters from it, only I was in the role of a secret agent or something, I stayed at home with the animals and watched how they misbehave without their owners)) the characters in the dream were drawn just like in a cartoon. what is it for?

    I am a dog handler by profession, I have 3 dogs at home, 2 more live in the village with my parents, so I come across dogs quite often both at work and at home. To say that I often dream about dogs is an understatement. I have already stopped attaching importance to the appearance of a dog in my dreams... I think I’m just projecting real life in my dreams

    I recently had a dream in which there were events that took place in reality, just exactly... one day the dog didn’t care, they took him to the veterinary clinic at night, it was in 2009... and there was a queue of the largest of all pets - cats , dogs, there was even a hamster... and in the queue one cat couldn’t wait to see the doctor and died in the arms of her owners... and I recently dreamed of the same thing... how can you interpret such a dream that repeats reality?

    With a severe infection, the child and I were taken to the hospital. The day before, both my husband and I (only on different days) dreamed of a black dog. They even joked even before I got sick that the dog from my dream ran into my husband’s dream the next night.) And they write the truth: “The black color speaks for itself. A black dog seen in a dream is a harbinger of future troubles, and perhaps even illnesses.” that's what happened with us

    In a dream, I was bitten by a neighbor’s husky dog, which is predominantly white in color. The dog itself is kind and usually runs to lick me and wags its tail. I read here that the bite of a white dog speaks of ill-wishers among the family circle. Honestly, I believe it, although I’m usually a skeptic when it comes to such predictions. Now the situation is such a difficult one that I’m afraid of the reaction of my sister and her family, they might set me up.

    And my dream came true! My dog ​​bit me first in a dream (but without blood, she bit my ear when I picked her up) and the next day after work she came home, the dog was so happy to see me, barked and wagged her tail so much that when I picked her up, out of joy she bit me on the same right ear! I don’t want to expect any ill-wishers or betrayals, I think it’s just a coincidence, but very interesting!

    In a dream, a black dog bit me on my right arm, it tore out a piece of meat, and while I was walking to the hospital, I was constantly bleeding, a lot. When I looked at the dream book it was already too late. My sister stole my husband from me. This dream meant betrayal of people very close to you and even relatives.

    I have been very afraid of dogs since childhood. I was little, and a dog attacked me in the sandbox and bit me very badly. And I have a panic fear at the sight of dogs. They scare me not only in my dreams, but also in reality. It’s not for nothing that it’s written that they usually only mean bad things in dreams. I wish everyone not to experience such fear as I did in their dreams and in reality.

    And I dreamed that my dog ​​took my son out of the stroller into the forest. I went looking, walked around the entire forest and could not find my son. When I came home, I didn’t see my son, but the dog was in his kennel. I scolded her and asked show me where my child is, she led me to the stroller and my son was lying there.

    Very often I dream that a dog is walking around me and looking at me mysteriously with a sad look. This scares and worries me. Everything in my life remains unchanged, work, home, family. It seems to me that she is warning me about something, I am constantly on guard waiting for something to happen, it is not for nothing that she feels sorry for me.

    My daughter told me this morning that she was bitten by a large white dog. I remember that dogs bite for bad things. I came to your site and there is so much information about dog bites. But I didn’t ask where this dog bit her. So I think it’s a good thing that she has an exam today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful delivery.

    If you have been bitten by a real dog or a scarecrow at least once in your life, then this is a shock for a long time and the dreams after such events are appropriate. I had a sad experience with dogs and a bite with subsequent treatment, so after that for almost a year I often had dreams where a dog bites me. I think it's more of a psychological fact.

    There are a couple of dream books left at home in the book version, but none of them contain an interpretation of the dream exactly by day. That the same dream, which occurs on different days of the week, can have completely different interpretations and consequences. A very important note, in my opinion.

    Much has been written about bites, but about fighting dogs and escaping. I dreamed that at first I was running away from a pack and seemed to be able to escape, but one caught up with me and we fought for a long time. The truth is that there were no bites. This interpretation is also interesting, the color of the dog was black.

The dog from a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. It can portend a person both favorable changes and the activation of enemies. You can find more accurate clues about what a dog is dreaming of in modern dream books.

Why does a woman dream about a dog - interpretation from dream books

In Miller’s dream book, a dog for a representative of the fair sex usually symbolizes a reliable friend and protector. If she behaves friendly towards the sleeping woman or even tries to protect her from attack, it means that in real life you should not refuse the help of others and friends. Without the support of a close friend, the girl is unlikely to be able to cope with the problems that have piled up.

According to Tsvetkov’s work, the interpretation of dreams in which dogs appear will largely depend on the breed of the animal:

  • Small decorative dogs promise a girl a pleasant pastime. For example, a long-awaited meeting with someone from the past or a successful date. You shouldn’t expect any drastic changes after such an event. But the meeting will give the woman many pleasant emotions.
  • A Great Dane, Shepherd or any other large dog from a dream suggests that an old friend will have a great influence on a girl’s life. The dog symbolizes his devotion. After such a dream, a woman can be sure that her old friend will definitely not betray her.

Vanga’s dream book notes that a dead dog from a dream is an unfavorable sign. It promises danger to the dreamer’s loved one. This could affect a woman's spouse, boyfriend, or even her adult child.

I dreamed of a good and evil dog

The interpretation of a dream may even depend on the mood and character of the animal. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether the dog turned out to be good or evil in his night dreams. If the dog had a good-natured attitude towards the sleeping woman, it means that in reality the dreamer will find support and support in one of her old acquaintances. There is a possibility that the woman’s old friend has a strong sympathy for her, and therefore is ready to provide any help. If this is indeed the case, you should boldly consider a man as a potential spouse. He will become a faithful and reliable companion for a woman until the end of her life.

But a bristling angry dog ​​from a dream suggests that you need to reconsider your plans for the near future. It is likely that the sleeping person does not notice serious miscalculations and mistakes in them. A similar plot may also indicate that someone you know is openly jealous of the woman. To avoid this in the future, you should not tell others about your successes and achievements.

Small, large animal in a dream

Tiny loud barking dogs symbolize gossip about the sleeping woman. But you don’t need to pay attention to them; unpleasant rumors will not spoil the reputation of the fair sex.

But a small snow-white dog promises a girl a pleasant acquaintance. It can develop into a long-term love relationship.

A very large dog that licks the hands of a representative of the fair sex promises her a quick marriage with a financially secure man. If a huge dark dog behaved aggressively, you should expect difficulties in life. You will have to spend a lot of effort to successfully overcome them.

Dog bites, attacks woman

Almost all modern dream books suggest that you should not expect happiness from aggressive attacking animals. Sometimes a biting dog is a symbol that a representative of the fair sex behaves incorrectly towards close people. She refuses to compromise, openly criticizes her family and expresses her attitude towards them very angrily. Close people tolerated this behavior of a relative for a long time, but now they are even ready to completely refuse communication with her. You need to realize your mistakes as soon as possible and sincerely ask for forgiveness from others.

If a seemingly kind dog suddenly bites a girl, it means that in reality she is mistaken about one of her friends. A difficult period of disappointment awaits the dreamer ahead. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this. New worthy people who can be trusted will take the place of ill-wishers.

It happens that in a dream a girl manages to repel a dog’s attack and prevent a bite. This is a clear sign that the enemies and their intentions will be declassified before they can do any harm.

Seeing a black, white, red dog in a dream

Did you see a black dog in a dream? This means that among the dreamer’s friends there is a person who should not be trusted indefinitely. He perfectly knows how to mask his negative qualities and flaunt exclusively positive sides. Of course, it is not at all necessary to immediately remove such a person from your circle of acquaintances. But it is advisable to figure him out and behave warily with this friend.

But a brown dog with shabby fur suggests that one of your friends is very tired mentally and/or physically. He urgently needs the support of his loved ones. Otherwise, a person may experience serious, prolonged depression.

The white dog always symbolizes good luck and luck. They will come from a close friend or from a person whom the dreamer has known for a long time and well. If a white dog turns out to be pregnant, then the woman can safely decide to change jobs. The new place will allow her to significantly improve her financial situation and provide opportunities for further rapid professional development.

A red dog from a dream is a hint for a girl that she needs to be careful. This is especially true when dating men. Before you trust a new friend, you should test him in different situations.

Also, a red dog can serve as an indication of a mistake by the sleeping woman, because of which someone close to her is offended.

Woman petting a dog

Petting or feeding a large dog of any color means pleasant surprises from friends. They will be gratitude for the help that the dreamer once provided to close friends. But stroking a sick dog is not a good sign. He suggests that someone close to the woman may get sick.

If a dog is petted by a representative of the fair sex who is about to get married, such a dream is an important harbinger for her. The plot suggests that the dreamer chose the right life partner. She can safely connect her fate with him.

I dreamed about a lot of dogs - meaning

The most negative harbinger can be considered a plot in which a pack of barking aggressive dogs attacks a girl. This option promises her a very painful betrayal of a loved one. It won't be easy to get through it. It will take a woman a lot of time to return to her usual life rut and forget about her emotional experiences.

Did you dream about a lot of dogs of large noble breeds? This means that the girl will soon meet people who occupy a higher position in society. These connections will greatly help the sleeping woman in the future in different areas of life.

If a representative of the fair sex takes part in a large-scale dog show, then in reality she will have to make a public appearance. For it to be successful, you need to start preparing for the event in advance.

Seeing animals in a dream is no less eloquent than seeing people. Such dreams always conceal a certain meaning and carry different meanings. A dog is a noble animal; its friendship with humans is legendary. Seeing a dog in a dream, which is a symbol of fidelity and devotion, is a favorable sign. However, if the dog is unfriendly, there is no question of a favorable interpretation. If a dog bites your hand in a dream, it is better to find out the meaning of such a dream, draw certain conclusions and learn useful tips on what to do in a given situation.

The meaning of the dream is influenced by details such as the breed, color of the dog, etc. If the dog:

  • Large - to betrayal of a friend
  • Small ones, including puppies - to little troubles
  • Mongrel - to conflicts with strangers
  • Crazy - to difficulties and moral disappointments
  • Black dog - to an imaginary friend
  • shades - for happy events
  • A red dog means intimacy.

Bite on the hand in a dream - why?

In general, a dog bite on any part of the body does not bode well. If you dreamed that a dog bit your hand, this is also not good.

In the interpretation of such dreams, there may be such unpleasant facts as: gossip, betrayal, envy, rumors, disappointment, resentment.

The hand, as such, in a dream denotes the organ of labor through which profit is generated. Thus, a dream in which a dog bit your hand more often promises problems in the financial sphere and career.

The significance of the accompanying circumstances

In a dream there are always details that most often play a predetermining role in their interpretation. Circumstances that could be present in a dream about a dog bite:

  • If the bite happened accidentally, while playing with a pet - in this circumstance you can breathe a sigh of relief, since it indicates a positive meaning in this vein. And in this case, count on friendly support.
  • If a dog bites you in your own home- your loved ones are scheming behind your back.
  • If the dog bit your hand, it wasn't you– you will overcome all difficulties, despite intrigues and ill will.
  • The larger the bite wound, the more significant the losses await you. If the bite occurs during a struggle, that is, you resist, then prepare to be attacked by others.
  • If a dog bites suddenly, then an attack is possible even from people close to you.
  • If the bite doesn't hurt– a difficult period in life awaits you ahead.
  • If the bite hurts and the dog’s appearance is sick – pay attention to the state of your health.

Meaning according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book. A painful bite promises strong resentment; it is possible that “friends” will turn away from you.

If the bite did not cause pain and left no mark, you will quickly overcome all adversity.

Dream book of Nostradamus. If a large dog bites your hand, then you will be betrayed by a loved one.

A stray dog ​​bite in a dream threatens material losses for you or your friends.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Troubles are coming, especially in the financial sector. The current situation is aggravated by dog ​​barking.

Family dream book. Betrayal may await you, but you, for your part, are more attentive to your loved ones. Learn to control your emotions.

Modern dream book. This dream book interprets a dream about a dog bite depending on the dreamer. If a family man saw a dream, then a family quarrel is coming.

For a young girl, such a dream promises sudden marriage.

Gypsy dream book. The dream promises quarrels in the family circle.

If a dog bites another while protecting you, higher powers are on your side, and with them your friends and loved ones.

Dreams of this kind belong to the category of warning dreams. That is, negative events, which in the overwhelming majority are promised by dream books, can be avoided with a strong desire or, at least, the unpleasant consequences can be reduced. Therefore, if you see a dream in which a dog bites your hand, you should not despair, but rather think about where you can expect the blow from and take appropriate measures.

Most dreams about animals are prophetic. They always reflect what is happening in real life. If a dog appears in a dream, it always represents people with whom one is familiar. Depending on the behavior of the animal, a dog can represent either an enemy or a friend.

The famous soothsayer Vanga claimed that if in a dream a dog protects a person and tries to help and please him in every possible way, then this is a consequence of the fact that the person has a reliable guardian angel. If a dog tries to attack a person, this is an indication that demons want to lead the person astray and cause him trouble. Many dream books believe that seeing an attacking dog in a dream is a sure sign of a future conflict, quarrel, or trouble. It is imperative to analyze not only the dog’s behavior, but also the emotional component of the dream. It is important how the person who is seeing the dream relates to what is happening. If you understand this, then it will be much easier to decipher the dream, and accordingly it will be possible to avoid the problems that the subconscious tells a person about.

Dream books can tell you why a dog dreams of biting. Seeing a dog bite in a dream indicates inevitable imminent conflicts either in the field of professional activity or with a loved one. Moreover, if the dog barked, extremely unpleasant and unexpected news would soon follow.

If in a dream you simply heard a dog barking, but the dog did not attack or bite, then this dream is a warning to the person that some kind of intrigue is being woven behind his back. It is important to realize this and take the necessary measures to avoid trouble.

The dream that a dog bite was avoided through the efforts of the person himself represents a solution to the problem in real life. A dream in which a large dog behaved aggressively, expressing an intention to attack, but never attacked, indicates the presence of a serious opponent.

To dream that a dog has bitten your hand means that you need to be prepared for a major quarrel. If an animal bites your leg, then this dream foreshadows a large financial loss. A bite on the buttock denotes an absurd chain of accidents that can lead to the breakdown of a relationship with a close friend. A dream about a dog biting your face may foretell some kind of shame; you should be more careful. However, if a girl had a dream about a dog bite, then this may also represent the fact that she will soon receive an offer.

It also matters what kind of dog you dream about. A bite from a huge dog indicates possible disappointment in friendship. A dream about a small dog will bring with it minor but solvable troubles. If the dog was mad, this means that on the way to achieving the goal you will encounter unexpected and not entirely pleasant problems, the resolution of which may lead to a moral dilemma.

A stray dog ​​bite tells a person that someone clearly wants to cause trouble for the person. But these ill-wishers prefer to remain in the shadows. A dream about a white dog promises good news for a person and promises prosperity in his personal life. A dead dog, on the contrary, portends a serious illness. A red dog represents intimate entertainment, and a black dog represents trouble.

If the dog began to behave aggressively and bit while they were trying to feed it, then the subconscious mind tells the person that not all of his good intentions are properly appreciated by other people. Ungrateful behavior is to be expected. If a lot of blood comes out from a dog bite, then this is a clear symbol of the fact that you need to be attentive to your relatives, since they will make certain complaints, which again can end in a conflict situation. To dream that a dog managed to tear the clothes of the person it attacked speaks of the maximum efforts of the enemies.

A dream in which a dog bit another person in order to protect the one who had the dream speaks of excellent luck and a favorable environment for new beginnings.

The dream that a dog has bitten another dog represents an unpleasant scene that you will soon witness. If a dog bites a cat, then this indicates future disappointments in his personal life, which may begin soon.

A dream in which a dog, fooling around, bites its own tail does not bode well and only warns of minor troubles. If a person was bitten by his own dog, then this is evidence that someone from his inner circle is offended by this person.

Why do you dream about being bitten by a dog?

When interpreting a dream where a dog appears, it is quite ambiguous, since its actions, actions, even size and color also play a role here. The condition it is in is no exception. A dog is a symbol of devotion and fidelity, salvation and protection, friendship and dedication.

If you dream that a dog has bitten, then this does not bode well: you should not expect peace either in the house or at work in the near future. A quarrel with your spouse is possible. When a dog is seen as a symbol of friendship, then its bite means listening to reproaches from a friend in the near future, or a strong resentment towards him. Sometimes in dream books there is a warning interpretation of a dog bite. It says that soon a real person will meet who will strive for rapprochement and want to become a friend. But you shouldn’t believe this blindly. Such a person will turn out to be very angry and it is better to be careful in dealing with him. In general, any animal bite means a lot of trouble from disputes and discussions. If a dog tries to bite in a dream, then soon several slanderers will appear who will not cause any harm.

By paying attention to the color and size of the animal you dreamed about, you can several times increase your chances of avoiding troubles and unnecessary troubles in time. Whether the dog is a stray or a domesticated one also plays an important role.

A big dog in a dream represents a friend of high position. But if such a dog bites a person, this may mean that a close friend sees him as an object of desire. A small animal will only bring minor, troublesome troubles. A stray dog ​​bite should make you think about existing ill-wishers. If a family dog ​​bites you, then you should expect troubles with friends.

A rabid dog biting you in a dream will help you find a friend in your enemy, but sometimes it can portend trouble. If an animal caused such pain while playing with it, then this means that you can always feel the support of friends. But if this happened while she was feeding, it might be an ungrateful act. You should be wary of an ill-wisher who decided to take hostile actions if in a dream a dog tore your clothes and bit you.

You can interpret why a dog was bitten in a dream, as a reminder of previous injuries; in this case, a person will be bitten by an animal in the exact part of the body that was injured. There are other more accurate values. So, a wounded hand will become a symbol of a major quarrel or a sign of selfishness towards your loved ones. This can also apply to problems in business, i.e. disagreements with a partner. Being bitten on the leg can result in the loss of a significant amount of money. And to injure such a part of the body as the buttocks means allowing for an absurd accident that will lead to the loss of a friend. If a dog bites directly on the face, this portends big problems in your personal life. When in a dream an animal tears a person’s clothes but cannot get to the body itself, this is a warning that you will have to lie and dodge in front of loved ones. When a dog bites its owner, then in real life misfortune awaits him, perhaps even the loss of his fortune.

An important factor is how severe the injury was. Thus, a dog bite that draws blood indicates possible slander and hostility among relatives. When there is no wound, then this foreshadows a negative attitude on the part of a loved one.

There is no need to worry if a person does not experience pain when bitten by a dog in a dream. Any unpleasant situation that foreshadows such a dream does not cause any harm. Conversely, you should worry or think about the problems that have arisen if the bite itself is felt well.

Dream Interpretation Dog bites the leg

Why do you dream about a dog biting your leg in a dream according to the dream book?

To dream that a dog is sinking its teeth into your lower limb is a warning that you are doing something wrong, doing something that does not suit your calling or may bring you harm.

Dream Interpretation Dog bit the leg

Why do you dream about a dog biting your leg in a dream according to the dream book?

A dog bites your leg - the dream book advises to be vigilant; betrayal by a close friend is possible.

A dog sinks its teeth into your leg - a warning about committing the wrong act, doing something that does not meet your calling and can cause harm.

In a dream, a dog bit my leg, I even felt pain. What does it mean?


☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

if you were bitten by a dog in a dream, it means you are expecting losses or deception in love,
But since you felt severe pain, this event will turn out in your favor.


Inner fears.

Liliya Kravchenko

Have a fight with a friend


you have an enemy who will offend you and hurt you very much


a friend says - don’t go there, go here, but you don’t listen, he’ll grab you painfully so that you do the right thing, but you’ll be offended and won’t understand that his desire is to stop you, and not to hurt you.


dreams are a reflection at the subconscious level of your real life in images. a dog can be the personification of a friend who betrayed you


If you dreamed of a dog that growls and rushes at you, then you should beware of the machinations of your enemies, and if the dog flirts with you, this means well-being and true friends.

If you dreamed that your dog has an excellent pedigree and excellent qualities, then expect wealth.

To dream that a bloodhound is following you means that you will be tempted by temptations, succumbing to which could lead to big troubles.

If you dream of small dogs, it means that your thoughts are too frivolous.

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a dog, then be careful in communicating with the people around you, as they may be too quarrelsome.

Skinny dogs seen in a dream can mean failure in business, as well as illness in children.

If you dream of a dog show, this is a sign of favorable fate.

A barking dog predicts that bad news awaits you.

If you dreamed that dogs were chasing a fox or other animal, your business will go brilliantly.

Seeing small pet dogs in a dream means that perhaps you are too selfish. If a young woman dreams of such dogs, they can predict her a groom who has too much ostentatious gloss.

If in a dream you are scared by a big dog, then in reality you will feel awkward because you will stand out from the crowd. For a young woman, such a dream promises an outstanding husband.

Hearing dogs barking and growling means that you are too susceptible to the influence of the people around you, who do not always wish you well.

The barking of a lonely dog ​​predicts a long separation from a loved one or even his death.

If you dream of a pack of fighting dogs, then be prepared for the machinations of your enemies. Perhaps a period of depression is beginning in your life.

If you dreamed that a dog was killing a cat, then this predicts a successful deal and unexpected joy.

If you dream that dogs and cats get along peacefully with each other, and then suddenly rush at each other, then this is a sign that a collapse awaits you in love affairs. However, if in a dream you managed to separate them, then in life you will be able to avoid breaking up with your loved one.

If a kind white dog approaches you, a tempting offer awaits you, be it in business or in love. For a woman, this is a sign of imminent marriage.

If you dreamed of a dog with many heads, it means that you are trying to cover too many things. For a person striving to achieve success, such a dream is a reminder that if you chase two hares, you will not catch either.

Seeing a mad dog in a dream means that all your efforts to achieve what you want are in vain. In addition, you may suffer from a serious illness. If a mad dog manages to bite you, this is a warning that you or someone close to you is on the verge of madness, and that something tragic may happen.

If you dream that you are traveling, and only a faithful dog accompanies you, then such a dream promises true friends and success in all endeavors.

If you dream of swimming dogs, this means that fortune will smile on you.

If in your dream a dog kills a snake, this is a harbinger of good luck.

mila aidinova

dog friend

Olga Buznitskaya

Get unexpected trouble from your friend

Dog bit my leg

Dream Interpretation A dog bit my leg dreamed of why in a dream a dog bit your leg? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dog bite your leg in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog bite (dog).

To kisses with your beloved friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog bite (dog)

A close friend will offend you.

Dream Interpretation - Dog Bite

A strong insult from a close friend (girlfriend).

A different bite: it makes sense to pay attention to your oral cavity.

Caution: this month, after sunset, do not pick up sharp, cutting or piercing objects, and do not go near boiling water.

Dream Interpretation - Dog Bite

There will be disappointment in a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

An animal bite in a dream foreshadows a quarrel or resentment. Feeling a bite in a dream means losses and worries. Such a dream often predicts domestic troubles and scandals. If you dream that you were bitten by some person, then do not hope to win in some controversial matter.

A dream in which you bit someone foreshadows a serious illness or nervous shock. If you dream that you were bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in a dream you are bitten by a person whom you knew before, then you will be haunted by difficult memories. See interpretation: animals, beasts, teeth.

The mark of teeth left behind after a bite means that the insult inflicted on you will be etched in your memory for a long time. If you see blood at the site of the bite, then you will be very worried about what happened. See interpretation: blood.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream foretells receiving news from a friend or meeting him.

Small dogs in a dream mean troubles, worries, vanity.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who has started something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend. A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover. The breed and size of a dog in a dream characterizes your friends. A poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a faithful and gentle friend. A Great Dane in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who will not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you. See interpretation: hunting.

If dogs are chasing you in a dream, then you should be wary of traps prepared for you by insidious enemies. Guard dogs are loyal, devoted and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times. Meeting a dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or friend. A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. An affectionate dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog caresses you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal. Petting a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to win the favor of a loved one. A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, and insults. If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so as not to quarrel with them later because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property. If in a dream you see that a small dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you. A dream in which you saw that a dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you, portends a breakdown in your relationship with a close friend and his cooling towards you. Hearing a loud bark in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing several dogs barking in a dream means a big scandal or trouble. If you dream that some big red dog had an accident, as a result of which it died, then you will soon learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident. Gnawing dogs in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one. If you dream that your dog is chained or collared, then know that your friend is not free from any obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty. If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash and remove the dog’s collar, then success in your personal life and victory over your rivals awaits you. A beautiful white dog in a dream foretells receiving good news from a loved one. A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of trouble in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with it. Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Dogs fighting among themselves are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant time with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog protects you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that a dog is man's best friend. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many popular expressions associated in one way or another with this pet: “A dog is a man’s constant friend,” “It is a sin to call a dog by a human name,” “Don’t kick a dog: it will cause convulsions,” “A dog’s howl means eternal rest.” A dog’s howl at night is for the dead,” “If a dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under your head, saying: “On your own head!” - and it will become silent,” “If a dog does not eat crumbs after a sick person, then he will soon die,” “ A dog clings to its owner - unfortunately” and many others.

So, the image of a dog that appeared in your dream is most likely an image of a friend transformed by your subconscious.

Walking with a dog in a dream means you can be envied. You have a wonderful friend who will always lend his shoulder to you in the most difficult moments.

Hearing a dog barking in a dream is evidence that you have fake friends. They discuss you behind your back and plot against you.

If in a dream dogs see you off by barking, then such a dream suggests that in reality you will be able to unravel the intentions of your imaginary friends in time and prevent them from harming you.

If your own dog barks at you, it is a sign that you are envied with evil envy. This is due to your strong financial situation.

Watching dogs fight over a piece of meat in a dream is a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream indicates that in the future you will encounter a very greedy person.

If in a dream you take your dog to a slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will be seriously harmed by robbers or hooligans.

If you dreamed of a dog with a cat's tail, then in real life the person you consider your friend is not actually one; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility.

If you were bitten by a dog in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend who is dissatisfied with your action.

Seeing a dog dying from a snake bite in a dream is evidence that in real life you do not value your friends, which you will later regret very much.

If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

An angry dog ​​dreams of failure and the insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

If you see yourself as the owner of a purebred dog, you can easily make a substantial fortune for yourself.

A sniffer dog following your trail warns you against dangerous temptations.

If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future, either at home or at work.

A skinny and dirty dog ​​dreams of failure or illness.

Hearing dogs barking in a dream foretells bad news. The appearance of a hunting dog in your home means favorable business circumstances.

If in a dream you were frightened by a big dog, then you will have to resist your entire environment. After all, you have such a great desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity! And for a woman, such a dream promises a very worthy husband.

If in a dream you heard dogs growling behind you, then some intriguer may interfere in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in case of your active resistance.

A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other dream of failure in matters of the heart. But if you managed to spill water on the fighters, then everything will turn out well.

A white dog wagging its tail in a friendly manner portends great success in business and love.

If you were chased by a mad dog in a dream, you will have to mobilize all your strength to survive a serious fight.

If you drove her away or killed her, then everything will probably end well.

Walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

According to Nostradamus, a dog is a symbol of devotion.

An absolutely white huge dog is a symbol of deteriorating living standards.

A man in the form of a dog is a symbol of new discoveries.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows.

A stray dog ​​seen in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a difficult situation. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream predicts a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream, in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in a person whom you have long considered your friend. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

A gigantic dog seen in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies support for your old friend.

If you fed a dog in a dream, you can be relied on in real life. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore those around you respect and love you.

Dreaming about an injured or killed dog is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a terminal illness or even the death of your very good friend.

If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If a dog attacks you, then in real life you will have a quick meeting with ill-wishers, but you will be able to resist them if you turn to your friends for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

A dog that evokes sympathy is good / friend.

Causing antipathy, hostile - bad / your enemy / your shameless desires and animal passions.

Seeing a dog in a dream that shows no interest in you or is waiting for a handout is a lucky break / profit from an enemy.

A guest comes to your house - happiness.

Hearing a dog barking is danger/gossip.

A dog barks at you - anger/harm.

A small dog barking at you, but not causing fear - a quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary enmity.

A dog attacking you is an enemy, a slanderer.

A dog bites until it bleeds - slander, hostility from relatives.

There is no time for blood - hostility from a loved one.

A sudden bite is a hidden enmity.

After the struggle - obvious.

She threatens to bite - slander without damage.

A dog chews a bone - need.

Dogs fight - you will witness a quarrel.

A white dog is a pleasant acquaintance.

Redhead - vindictiveness, anger.

Black dog - sadness / betrayal / evil / the forces of rebellion, denial, skepticism that are awake within you.

Poodle - surprise / loyalty of a friend / evil spirits.

If the black puppy is a new friend/young friend.

A mad dog is danger, failure.

But killing her is a victory.

Dog caresses are friendship.

But immoderate ones are the secret thoughts of your friends, some gain at the expense of a friend.

Playing with a dog is doing bad things to a friend.

Killing a dog is a danger/warning.

Eating dog meat is a quarrel/illness.

A dog with a frighteningly meaningful look is anxiety from feelings of guilt in front of a friend or loved one.

Riding a dog means shamelessly exploiting friendly feelings / behaving shamelessly.

A dog lying on the road and preventing passage is a heavy burden on the conscience.

A pack of dogs that follows you, accompanies your path by jumping and barking - the bustle of life, hindrances to spiritual development.

The pack surrounds you and forces you to fight back - the consciousness of the need to temporarily abandon the necessary work / the need to “plunge into life.”

A fantastic dog with flaming eyes, of enormous size, trying to swallow you, chasing you - certain circumstances associated with a recently deceased person.

Dream Interpretation - The dog bit

A dog bit your leg in a dream, what does that mean? A dog bit your leg in a dream, what does that mean?


* *wɐεоd оu wоʞиɔоƍ* *

A dream in which a dog bites your leg not only warns
about the danger, but also exposes the enemy’s strategy. The dream says
that an ill-wisher will try to pull the rug out from under your feet.
The dream book believes that they may first be under threat
your career or business.

Balalaika Gromkaya

for vaccinations


I won't repeat it twice I won't repeat it twice


This is not good. Some friend or acquaintance will do something mean to you, so be careful.

Alexey Revenkov

A dog in a dream is the parents of our mind. If you work honestly, they receive income in the invisible world. When a dog lightly bites or licks your hand in a dream, it is they who visit you and hug you, and if it chases you, it means they are unhappy with you, but if a dog bites and holds your leg, then you deserve punishment in the invisible world. They have probably already deserved punishment in the invisible world, I strongly recommend reading my work, check your email.

Marina Chernova

This means that there are ill-wishers among your surroundings.


A friend will reproach or accuse you of something

A dog bit my leg in a dream, why does this happen?


No Name

friend is in trouble

Wise woman

Quarrel with a friend

Sergey Ivanov

A dog is a friend; if a dog bites, it means a quarrel with a friend.

Sergeу K

Some woman is dissatisfied with you.



Hello! My dream: I’m walking to the car, suddenly a dog runs up and grabs my leg, but doesn’t bite me, in the dream I’m wearing trousers, that’s why it works. that pulls on the hem of your trousers. I didn’t feel any pain or bite. I kicked back and got into the car... and I woke up. What could this mean? I have no enemies, we communicate with friends very rarely, we hardly see each other, we only call each other occasionally.


Let’s just say that before nightfall, I found out that my friend’s grandfather had died.. I supported her, although due to the distance it was over the phone...

The dream was this: I don’t remember where I am, but a dog runs after me (a shepherd if I’m not mistaken) and bites my leg... After that I wake up and my leg goes numb, then it went away... The fact that I feel bad at night I slept, that’s also a fact..

In the morning I learn from a close friend that his wife was in an accident and is currently in the hospital with fractures...

How to interpret this?


bitten on the leg by a small black dog


two Condessa dogs bit my legs, after which I showed the bruises on my leg to some girls from the dream and I woke up

Evgenia Melnikova:

I was going down the entrance, a man came out with a dog, the dog ran down the stairs and stopped near me, I shouted, take the dog away, it started biting my leg, my boot, then they took it away, the dog was a Rottweiler


The dog jumped out from around the corner and we were scared of each other and out of surprise it bit my leg


I’m walking and my friend’s dog is lying next to me, where I know her from, I don’t know, she saw me and wanted to bite me because she was hungry. The dog tried to bite my arm and leg a couple of times, but bit lightly, I said that I’ll feed me when I get back and she doesn’t I started touching her and I went to see my friend.


stood in the yard with my father, dogs were running in the street, trying to run into our yard, my father told me not to let them in, I let them in, one of the dogs started growling and rushed at me, as a result, bit me on the foot, held it and let it go after the family dog ​​started biting it


I dreamed that I went to the store and got lost; on the way, when I was looking for a house, a large black dog bit me on the leg, and it was very painful. In a dream, I want to call an ambulance so that they can give me a rabies vaccine, I suddenly become infected, but I still didn’t manage to get the vaccine, and my husband also said that he wants a divorce, that he’s tired of me, and my sister supported him that it’s better for us to get a divorce , in the dream she was wearing a strawberry costume. Why did I dream all this? Is there anything to be afraid of?


I'm walking down the street, a red dog runs towards me, runs up, bites my leg, and then jumps on me. I fall, trying to protect myself from her white eggs, but not with my hands, for fear of getting hurt, but with my clothed elbows. A man from my work runs up to me, who sympathizes with me, but cannot immediately take her, but only looks and does not know what to do, only then takes the dog. I get up and see that my leg is bitten and bleeding, and I think I should go and get vaccinated against skaz.


We were sitting with a young man on a bench when suddenly 2 small dogs, 2 colored, black and white, came running and one of them bit my boyfriend’s leg, and the second dog bit me on my big toe and tore off half of my toe. I tried to cover mine with my hand. finger, but the blood was still oozing and it was bright red. The owner tried to drive them away, but they still rushed at us and barked loudly.


I saw in a dream how we were visiting my friend. then I see my brother there and ask when he will arrive. he replied that June 4th. but then I see what looks like a wedding in the yard and the bride and groom enter the yard. and then from the corner I see that angry dogs are running in a crowd who wanted to enter the yard and so I woke up


Stafford grabbed his leg and slowly squeezed his jaw, there was hellish pain. woke up in the hospital. and in reality I woke up from this horror

[email protected]:

Hello, Tatyana Miller! This morning I had a terrible dream, from which I woke up screaming for help. I was buying vegetables (cabbage cut in half, cucumbers with some kind of spots) at a counter on the street, when suddenly a huge dog from behind bites my right leg (above the knee), and the dog’s owner doesn’t even help me remove her dog. Afterwards I went outside. It’s cold outside, not winter, but for some reason I’m in a warm fur coat, I look into the bag, and there aren’t all the products there. And some dog, a small one, pulls at the sleeve of my fur coat, then at the bottom of my clothes, and in my sleep at that moment I want to scream, but I can’t. I can’t shout clearly or clearly or call someone for help. And I woke up.
Thank you in advance.




Hello! The dream was like this: I was walking along the road, a medium-sized white dog jumped out at me and bit me hard on the leg, on the leg on which it bit me there was a toy, a teddy bear, which a loved one gave me, and so the dog bit through this toy my foot is on my ankle.


I was walking across the yard, my dog ​​ran up to me and hit me with its teeth, not that it actually bit, but just hit me, but there was a lot of blood


the young man accompanied him home in the winter. We go and see the neighbors’ dogs fighting. then they scatter, and one of them digs into my leg. there is no blood, and it doesn’t even hurt me. My leg just went numb. and I scream wildly. and no one came out to help. Only my grandparents ran out.


As far as I remember, I was walking through the city with friends or acquaintances and passed by some building with a high fence. Someone decided to look in and opened the gate, after which a dog ran out and began barking at everyone. After which she bit me on my left leg, just above the shoe, although I didn’t feel it at all, and there was no blood.


I dreamed that, as always, I got up in the morning and ran around our village. And then suddenly a dog grabbed me with its sharp teeth. I didn’t cry, but simply shouted to the dog’s owner, who was standing next to me, to remove it from my leg. But the owner was in no hurry to remove it, he simply said that I removed it myself. The dog, of course, got loose, and I ran away. But then I started pestering the exact same dog that bit me earlier, making funny faces. Then this dog got mad and wanted to attack, but I managed to escape.

I am Tatyana:

I am 11 years old. I dreamed that I was walking in the park with my friend; she lives in the same building. We were walking and there were fishermen having a holiday and decided to stay alone in the park without their parents, and there was a pack of dogs, my friend and I knew them because this pack was walking in our yard. But my friend and I ran up the hill and there was this pack of 5 or 6 big dogs. And it was me who was bitten by a dog on the leg; there was not much blood, but there was some. And before this dream, this friend was jealous of me.


Hello! In the dream, my husband and some woman stood not far from me. We were talking about something. The woman said to her dog: “Fas!” and the dogs bit me on my right knee. At first I only saw a bite mark, and then I looked and saw a hole at the site of the bite, but without blood.


I think I left the house, I was at my grandmother’s and my grandmother was at Lida’s grandmother’s. Ana lives not far away. I went out and we don’t have a dog and the dog, Ana, was attacking me. She climbed up to my neck. I ran to Lida’s grandmother. Ana ran after me. I screamed, help Ana. bit me on the leg, then I ran to grandma Lida and grandma Olya ran out and the dog ran away, the bite was like a vampire’s, two holes in the leg, then there was another bite, but I don’t remember how it happened because there were four jerks on one leg, on the right leg, in my opinion, then we We got into the car and drove into the city to some place, but it wasn’t a hospital, I said that I was in pain and I think it was some kind of store, there were very bright things, we bought them and came back and I thought that she was no longer there. The car stopped near Lida’s grandmother. and in that store they just covered my wound with a plaster, well, I’m walking as a lady and I think I’ll go into the house and sit there, we had a back entrance and a front entrance and they were sitting in the backyard, but not right next to the house, but closer to the road they were ours Anya’s dogs themselves are small and again this dog Ana started barking and again attacked my neck. I wanted to run into the house and close the door, but the doors were closed and I wouldn’t have time to open them, or Ana would have run in with me or chewed on me, and then I didn’t seem to be able to where I ran and I don’t seem to remember anymore


The dream was like this: My son and I entered some base, policemen with dogs were on duty there, we were warned that this was not the place for us, we started to leave this place and suddenly a dog was set on me, it ran up and bit into my leg , but it didn’t bite much, I didn’t feel any pain, there was only fear. Then people in uniform followed us, we ran, they followed us…..Then I saw some kind of yard….people were playing some kind of game, we tried mix in the crowd, it seemed like they didn’t find us, we ran on, we tried to hide in an abandoned house, we hid.....and after a while a masked policeman came out from around the corner, his brown eyes looked at me intently, I cried bitterly. I woke up... ….


Actually, I was walking down the street. It was night. Apparently I was returning from the store. A dog came up to me. I knew her. Well, what could I do but pet her? I stroked her and moved on. I saw the hostess, but walked past and didn’t say hello to her. As you understand, it was a girl and apparently she didn’t even notice me. This girl was looking into nowhere... A dog ran up to me and bit me on the hand. Straight into the vein.
And that girl didn’t even look at me. I sort of went up to her and told her to do something, because her dog bit me. She wasn't even distracted by me. All this happened where I live. That is, I walked from the store, which was very close to the house, about 2 minutes from the entrance, to the store. A dog bit me opposite the entrance where my friend lives, who always deceives everyone, including me.
After the dog bit me and I said that phrase to that girl, I went to my entrance. As soon as I approached the entrance, I woke up...


I was walking along the road, a dog jumped out of the yard and bit me on the leg. then her owner came running. My friend and I were about to go to the police. and this dog had already followed me and was always there. she regretted what she had done


I dreamed that I was swimming in a big blue lake. With a group of people. But I don’t know them. I jumped into the water and enjoyed swimming. Then I went to visit my old friend. And in her yard, her dog grabbed my leg .but it was quickly torn away from my leg, so to speak. I was left with a mark on my leg in the shape of a small hole. I remember it well. But there was practically no blood. Then I came to my parents as a lady and started telling them about the bite. My mother listened to me. but she didn’t regret it. She said that it wouldn’t be a big deal. Then my son came up to me and started feeling sorry for me. And I burst into tears because I was pleased that he was taking care of me. And then I woke up abruptly.


I was at my grandmother’s house, they have a large shepherd dog, Cupid, I came home and a dog ran at me and started biting my leg, but there was no blood


I dreamed that I was running along the road and on the way I met 3 dogs, one a medium-sized shepherd dog, and suddenly, out of the blue, she grabbed my leg, namely my calf, for a long time, and then the dog’s owners handed me money so that I wouldn’t make a fuss


The dog bit my leg, namely the right side of the right foot, late in the evening, growled, barked and chased after me. Blood also appeared from the wound, and the leg was subsequently bandaged.


Hello, I had a dream and I don’t know why, I don’t remember exactly all the little details, but I remember that I was with a friend (whom I had only known for a week and we barely communicated) and she had an angry dog, I was afraid that it would bite me. She growled at me and then bit me on my left hand and on my left leg. And in my dream I almost didn’t feel the bite! The dog was big! As soon as she bit me, I looked at my leg... and woke up! Why would I dream about it?!


in a dream I was visiting a friend with a huge house. We had to leave, and he put my dogs on the balcony. Arriving in the room where the balcony was, a dog blocked my path, which reminded me very much of a wolf. There was also a cat jumping in the room, but when she saw the dog, she climbed onto the closet. And the dog walked around me and then tried to bite me several times, but only once did it bite me hard on the leg.


I was at home and then my dog ​​came in and started biting. Then I suddenly woke up and my leg really started to hurt where she bit. Why is this?


I was seeing off a classmate and on the street they attacked me first, one dog by the leg, I fell, another one attacked me by the arm, they pulled me in different directions and tormented me, then they ran away. the ambulance arrived. I felt like I was dying. bled beautifully. it was so bright. but they saved me


the dog circles around me, then digs into my leg, I feel severe pain, I hit it on the head to let it go, with great difficulty I fight it off, by the way the dog is small and black.


Several stray dogs, which I had never seen before, tried to get into the house, and I wanted to close the door from them, but it didn’t work. And one of them grabbed my leg, I began to scream, call for help, but no one came. I knew. that my dog ​​was standing behind me (in reality it exists) and most of all I was worried about her. The dogs were not large, but they had disproportionately large mouths


the dog bit me a little on the leg, and it wasn’t very angry, it seemed like a stranger…..the next night, almost like a dream…again a stranger’s dog…I remember biting me on the leg, I don’t even remember the pain….and there about the dream….and there…


I was on the street with my child and my husband, a dog came up to me, at first she just sniffed my left leg, I moved the child away from the dog and then the dog bit me on my left leg, there was no pain, I took it with my hands by the lower jaw and the lower one and held it, and then I woke up


Good evening,
in my dream there was some strange friend whom I didn’t recognize, but the dog that bit me was a black bulldog, a big one, it was that friend’s dog. She bit me above the knee, after which she left large marks from her teeth, after which I woke up.
By the way, in the dream I was wearing a white short dress.


I was at the gym, I was late for the train, I was returning to the room, a man with a dog was walking towards me and the dog bit me in the leg. I screamed to take the dog away, but he didn’t take it away. I grabbed the dog and tore his mouth and she died.


I dreamed that I was walking along the entrance of one of the apartments, the owner came out with a small white fighting dog, she bit me on my left leg just above the knee, the owner unclenched her jaw and pulled her away from me... then I dreamed that I was in the apartment of the owner of this dog, I clearly see a bite on my leg, marks of teeth, they bring me a compress and I begin to treat the bitten area.


I dreamed that I was walking along the entrance, or rather going down the stairs, I lingered a little on the staircase and at that moment the owner came out of one apartment with a small white fighting dog, the dog bit me on my left leg, just above the knee... the dog’s owner unclenched it jaw and pulled me away. Then I dream that it’s as if I’m sitting in the apartment of the owner of this dog and looking at the bite, I clearly see teeth marks on my leg with droplets of blood, and then some girl brings me a cloth soaked in some kind of decoction and I begin to treat the bitten area .


while protecting her 4-year-old younger sister, the family dog ​​bit her leg, in a dream she called the girl’s mother by name to come to the rescue


in a dream a dog bit me in the foot and didn’t let go, why did its jaw remain in my foot, it was huge (the jaw) and bit through my leg, and the dog ran away. I felt pain, the doctor removed the jaw from my leg, only 3 points remained there .it all happened somewhere on the street


I couldn’t get home for some ridiculous reason, I was in another city with a stranger, I went out into the yard, there was a pen with dogs in life, I wouldn’t have gone there, but in a dream I went and was bitten by the biggest dog of all, no blood this man immediately went and saved me, I walked away and saw that my foot was covered in blood in this dream, I really wanted to go home to my husband, but for some reason I was surrounded by a guy I didn’t know and couldn’t even dial my husband’s phone number so that he would pick me up

Rakhmatullina Yana:

Hello, my name is Rakhmatullina Yana, I am 10 years old. And I had a dream that I was bitten by two dogs, but I had this dream very well, not very long ago. So, my dad and I were outside in our yard, and my mom was at home, my dad was sawing wood, I was watering flowers. Suddenly my cat runs out of nowhere and runs and I hear barking, well, I thought ah, the neighbor’s dogs are giving there, but it turned out not, these dogs run and start biting me and I see a lot of blood in my dream. I woke up quickly

Rakhmatullina Yana:

I dreamed that my dad was sawing wood, I was fielding flowers and then my cat runs out of nowhere and I hear barking, and two dogs run out and bite me and I see a lot of blood in my dream


I was walking with someone (I don’t remember) at night, it was terribly dark, along some rural road, and we heard cries for help, a woman was screaming. Then I somehow found myself alone in the forest, it was still very dark and I couldn’t see anything, the screams were already very close. I tried to run away, I was scared and I tripped over something and fell, I heard someone next to me then I ran and then a dog attacked me, She grabbed my leg, below the knee, I didn’t see her, but I felt her tearing the meat, I unclenched her jaw with my hands until I heard a characteristic sound that I had torn her jaw, she disappeared somewhere and it became light, I was sitting in some kind of clearing, or edge, a man appeared on a horse, he laughed maliciously, pranced and galloped away. It seemed to me that I had already seen it, but I don’t remember where. Then I seemed to be already at home, going to the emergency room to get stitches on my wound. my sister came and examined my leg and what was strange was that there was no blood, the wounds were clean, pink, without dirt and seemed to be cuts, not a laceration. One piece fell off completely, we wrapped it up and I called a taxi to go to the hospital. I woke up, all wet, and there was some strange feeling in my leg.


I opened the door of the house (I don’t know who) and a dog (German Shepherd) with short legs came out, growled at me, and puppies (of the same breed) came out after it; there were four puppies, one bit me from behind on the left leg in the calf area (muscle). I felt unpleasant, I shouted (asked for help), 6-7 meters away from me two of my friends (I don’t remember exactly who) were sitting on the concrete and were on the “phone”, I shouted to them, they did not notice me. Then I woke up.


in the evening my wife and I were walking to pick up friends, a dog attacked from behind, bit us on the thigh, lower leg, neck... bit and r
shaft, but there was no blood


Mne snilos kak sabaka ukusila menya za nogu i ruku bilo zlaya sabaka i ostalis sinyaki na nogu ya ochen silno plakala i ushla tam bili luydi no oni menya ne spasali i oni nazvali menya vedmoy chto znachit my son????


I was walking along the border area and there were border guards with their dogs, but it was a strange place for shepherd dogs, 2 mongrels, one white and the other spotted, the one that had turned black, bit her in the leg, but there was no blood, and the white one just threw herself


Good afternoon I was sleeping and didn't dream of anything. Then I felt severe pain. I look down at my feet to see what was causing the intense pain. And I see what looks like a small dog that bit me on my big toe. At this moment I think that the dog has bitten and will soon let go. For this reason, I decide to do nothing. But then, over time, I begin to understand that the dog is not only not going to let go of my finger, but is even intensifying the clenching of his jaws. Then I bend my other leg and hit hard at the point where I think the dog that grabbed my finger should have been. Then I wake up and realize that it was just a dream. But the feeling of pain in the dream was so real that at some point it seemed to me that it was almost real.
I really hope for a response from you.
With respect to you, Vasily.


I don’t remember exactly what was there, I only remember that a large dark dog was sitting in a booth on a chain (not my dog), jumped out of it and bit me on the leg (I think it started bleeding), they called me or I called an ambulance (I don’t remember) and when I cried very hard all the time... the doctor looked at me with a frightened look, I looked at her, I was frightened by her gaze, then I looked at my leg (the dog bit my left leg) and I didn’t see any blood on my leg, and my leg seemed somehow white .. I don’t remember anything further... it seems to me that I already woke up...


I was attacked by a large gray dog, which was tied to a chain, and began to bite my leg, I fell and could not crawl away from it.


Today I dreamed of the house where my future husband and I lived, but in reality it does not exist. His ex-wife lived in our house. She came out of the kitchen and released her little dog, which exists in reality, at me; she bit me on the leg.


Hello. In a dream, I dreamed that we were on foreign territory with my wife and friend and there were two guard dogs, one of these dogs rushed towards me, I wanted to repel the attack with my left foot, but it grabbed my heel and bit through, even tore off the floor of my shoe, then I felt pain


My friend and teacher and I are walking along a street I know at night. My friend and I are walking all wet after the rain. Turning straight, I see in front of me a large huge yellow moon, which, as we approach, moves away to the right, decreasing in size. I remember what I said, seeing her, “what a beautiful moon!” , at that time they answered me “really?” , I asked “why then?”, but they didn’t answer this question. Walking further down the street, with my peripheral vision, not far from us, I saw a large black growling dog, which after a while began to run towards us. We ran, I rushed forward and were approaching the store, when I turned around, my friend, who was running at the end, was bitten by a dog on the leg. I was dumbfounded on the spot. Then I woke up.


Good afternoon The dog bit my leg. I grabbed it so hard that I couldn’t get it off. There was no blood. This was when I was trying to get out of the car. At the same time, the husband was driving. I screamed, called him, but could not wait for help.
The most interesting thing is that such a bite was repeated twice. Every time I try to get out of the car. The dogs seemed to be different.
Thanks in advance, Tatyana.


Hello! Thank you in advance! I am surprised that I am sitting at the table, a soft, fluffy, gray animal, and next to me on the table, 20 centimeters away, there are 2 rats that want to attack my animal. I drive them away with a white writing pen and the big rat bites the pen and they hiss and go two to the left. meter on an old stove with a rusty pipe, and at this time a large dog under the table bites my left big toe very hard, judging by the growl, but I don’t see it. This is where I woke up! What does it mean?


was walking along the road, 3 dogs were with three mistresses, but it was as if the leashes turned into one leash, one of the dogs noticed me and turned in my direction, I got scared and asked the owner to stop her dog, but she did not listen to me, in the end all three girls together with the mistresses they moved towards me, two dogs bit me on the leg, one on the arm just above the elbow, running away from them, I took refuge in the house of some male merchant, they constantly went to him, he helped me treat the wounds, I didn’t see any blood, but I felt the pain

Nadezhda Luneva:

HELLO TATIANA! I dreamed that I had two small children, and they were there, and it was as if an aggressive domestic dog was growling at me with its owner and wanted to rush, and then the owner himself let the dog bite me in the leg, but it bit me without blood and there was no wound visible it just hurts...


A small dog bit me on the heel. I didn’t feel any pain, not to the point of bleeding. It feels like I just scratched my shoes. The dog did not bark or growl. I quickly left her.


as if we were in the village and a small dog bit me on the back of my right leg, there was no blood or pain


the dog seemed to get caught on the sock and thus a wound formed on the heel...

I also saw it in a dream and it was raining


When the ten women came to trust me, the dog attacked me and started to grab the right knee. I wanted to get rid of her, but it didn’t work out, I started screaming the clicks of my master, when Vyshov from the house, the dog let me go and I woke up Xia.


I went to see the girl I love, but we are not dating, she knows about my feelings, since I confessed to her more than once, when I was already near her house, a dog attacked and bit me, I screamed for help, to me my friend ran up, I don’t remember exactly who, and some other man, he asked me to hold the dog, after which he shot it, then they took me to the hospital.


Today, from June 6 to 7, 2015, I had a strange dream. I was walking with friends, everything seemed to be fine, we were walking and joking, but suddenly about three guard dogs appeared in front and attacked us. We began to climb the fence, but one dog managed to grab onto my heel and only bit me. No one came to help, I had to take off my sneakers myself in order to throw the dog off with it, I succeeded and I woke up with anxiety.


I stood at a distance and the dog bit my loved one on the leg! I ran up and someone was already sitting next to me and asked if I should call an ambulance! I looked at the leg, it was clearly covered in blood and had a laceration!


I ran and a big black dog ran out of the darkness and bit me on the leg, then I tore it off my leg and held it tightly by the mouth, and then I woke up


I was walking in a company with friends, in a strange place, and suddenly a lot of dogs ran out of nowhere, I was very scared, then a small dog ran up to me, I waved my leg to drive it away and it grabbed me right in the leg, I felt terrible pain, I screamed, but no one helped me, it felt like she was tearing my leg, and I woke up from severe pain and fear.


in a dream I saw how dogs attacked me and one brown one bit me on the leg, and a white dog grabbed the brown one by the neck with its teeth and threw it back and I woke up


I arrived early in the morning at the house of a former friend and hid to surprise him that I bought a new car and he drove out in his car and with peripheral vision saw that someone was hiding and unleashed dogs on me, one grabbed my leg, I shouted that it was me and the other the dog was detained and then the first one was dragged away


Good afternoon. In a dream, a dog bit me on the knee, but it didn’t hurt at all, it was more like someone had pinched me. The situation was in a warehouse, I went in to take the goods, but someone forgot to tie the dog and it ran out. there were 2 of them, one attacked the other, and the second attacked me.


I dreamed that a dog bit my leg and it bled. But the dog is my boyfriend and his father (with whom I am in a quarrel). The dog is a huge Caucasian, looking three-colored. There was aggression, it was very painful in the dream, I woke up immediately.


Hello. I’m sitting on the street at a table, with an old friend on my left and my wife on my right. An unfamiliar medium-sized dog (mongrel) comes up and grabs my right knee under the table. I try to tear her away from me, but nothing works. Then the dog itself lets me go. At this time I wake up in the middle of the night.


The red St. Bernard bit him on the leg, she got scared, but she unclenched his mouth and growled at him, he ran away/
Today I dreamed of purebred tortoiseshell-colored rabbits with a predominance of red, which also bit my legs, but it didn’t hurt. I took one in my arms, it was very soft, and the teeth were ground down, not sharp.


I dreamed that on the street I was walking with my husband to the car, I stopped to tie my shoelace, and he went ahead. When I started to get up I saw a large red dog running towards me. Then she grabbed me by the thigh and I began to fall on her. When I fell, I saw people watching, but no one tried to help. All I did was say help almost in a whisper and suddenly woke up. When I woke up I felt pain in the place where the dog bit me in my dream.


I dreamed that I was walking with my husband to the car and I stopped to tie my shoelace, my husband went ahead. When I began to rise, I saw a large red dog rushing towards me. Then she grabbed me by the thigh and I began to fall on her. When I fell, I saw people around me who were watching this, but no one tried to help. All I did was say help almost in a whisper and suddenly woke up. When I woke up, I felt pain in the place where the dog bit me in my dream.


My husband and I were walking to the car and I stopped to tie my shoelace, my husband went ahead. When I began to rise, I saw a large red dog rushing towards me. She grabbed my thigh and began to fall on it. When I fell, I saw people around me who were watching this, but no one tried to help. All I did was say help almost in a whisper and suddenly woke up. When I woke up, I felt pain in the place where the dog bit me.


hello! I just woke up - a dream woke me up - I was already scared... it seemed like we were sitting in a group, and the dog bit many people in this company... but then it got to me!!! it bit me hard on my toe - until it bled! STRONG on the third toe, right up the finger moved a little! I've seen my own blood! thanks in advance!


Hello! A black and white big angry dog ​​bit me on the arm, drawing blood. I felt pain. What is this for?


The neighbors have a small white dog, that day in reality Ora barked a lot. I think that’s why I had this dream: a small white dog bit me on the toes of my left foot through my boot, it hurt, I shook it off by stomping my foot, I even woke up from it [email protected] Thank you very much in advance


At night, a dog (hyena) bit my right knee, but there was no blood, then I immediately woke up


Hello. I dreamed of my cousin and her daughter, with whom I was in a quarrel. First my sister came to visit me, it turned out that she was crazy. Then my aunt said something about her, I don’t remember what. Then I found myself visiting them, sitting on some rubble with my daughter and someone else. They had a huge red dog that was running after the kitten. then she looked back at us and suddenly rushed at me and grabbed me by the thigh. I started screaming, but I didn’t feel any pain. Then I woke up.


I don't understand the first part. But. I went to kill the man who shot through my hat for fun and offended my father. After which I took a stick and went to beat him. On the way to this man, a small black dog bit me on the leg, tearing off a piece, after which I broke its jaw with my hands, spreading its jaws and spreading its jaw to such a degree that it broke. After this, he threw this dog into a ditch and saw blood flowing in a stream from the right pant leg


I dreamed that three dogs (one black, and the other two seemed to be red) grabbed me by one leg with their teeth, but did not bite. I was afraid to move. +It was in my yard, where I lived before) Then I started knocking on the window, my boyfriend came up to the window, but he didn’t come to help, my brother came out when he saw me through the window, I was pointing at the dogs


I saw that a small dog bit, not painfully, but unexpectedly on the leg


In a dream, I walked through a courtyard in which there were many people (both adults and children). The yard is real, I often walk along this road. A dog, like a small bulldog, suddenly ran up to me and bit me on the shoe. There was no pain, it just seemed to sting a little. The owners were immediately found, and I threatened them with legal action if the dog ran around alone and without a muzzle. And I moved on.


the dog bit off the leg of my non-blood relative, there was blood, the dog was aggressive, my husband hit her in the neck so she would fall asleep, then at home we were afraid of that dog, but miraculously she didn’t bite any of us


I dreamed that my husband and I went to the veterinary clinic with a cat, our cat, then after some procedures we went out into the street with the cat and seemed to walk towards the house, the area was familiar, but I can’t say exactly where I was in what area, so we were walking, I was the marquis on a leash and my husband, a gate began to be visible ahead, we began to pass through the gate and saw that people in military uniform and with dogs were coming towards us, these were dogs that looked like Shar-Pei and there was also a puppy, one dog rushed at my cat and I rushed to protect him and got bitten on the leg, I sat down and couldn’t move, it was very painful, then some man gave me a referral for tests and my husband took me to the hospital, I didn’t see my cat anywhere but I knew that he was somewhere Nearby, when they arrived at the hospital, a young doctor examined my leg, said that everything seemed fine, took tests, and started working on my cat, it turned out that the dog had bitten off his paw, my grief knew no bounds, I cried very much in my sleep, then I woke up


I dreamed of a big dog, I don’t remember exactly, but it bit and it hurt and the bite was big


I was walking down the street. The guy couldn’t hold the dog and it ran up from behind and grabbed his left thigh and didn’t let go. I slowly sank to the ground. I didn’t feel any pain, but I felt like I was losing consciousness.


the dog grabbed the shoe, scratched it a little, but there was no pain or blood, didn’t bite through the shoe


I was sitting on a bench, the dog ran up from the side and began to play, but then it bit my right leg below the knee, I tried to free myself with my hands, I felt blood coming from my hands, but in the further continuation of the dream only my leg appeared, my hand didn’t bother me, but There was blood coming from my leg.


It was bitten by a small white dog with red spots. She grabbed her knee. I clearly saw the grin. He took his mouth with his hands, opened it and broke it. I clearly heard the bones of the mouth crunching. Then the dog remained motionless on the ground.


I dreamed that I was bitten by a small white curly dog, there was a mark on my leg from a small tooth


At the beginning I was on the street, and seemed to be reading some inscriptions on poles, then I climbed onto a high hillock. An old man and an old woman walked nearby, and the old man started a conversation with me about a book about King Arthur and about the sad ending in it. I hadn’t read it, but I agreed with this grandfather as if I really knew its ending. And then a big shaggy dog ​​appeared, and it looked like a German shepherd, only a little unkempt. And the flowers were more brown than black. Grandfather, who was standing near the hillock where I was, was scared, and the dog rushed at me, but No matter how much she flew up to me, she always missed, and I only heard my grandfather’s voice: “You’re lucky.” And then I found myself at home. And there was a dog there too, and it seemed like it was the same one as on the street, but it was smaller in size. But I never had a dog... She started to rush again, but missed, I pushed her away, walked as if from above, watching her and fighting back. I threw different books at her. But at home there was such a barracks and the situation was different. In the end, the dog managed to climb into the closet as if in an ambush. And this cabinet overturned and fell, trapping the dog. I ran out the door (we live in a dormitory, so behind the door from the apartment we have a section, then a large corridor, and only then a staircase), my grandmother was sitting there and drinking with people I didn’t know, although in the dream they seemed to be familiar to me. I ran up and shouted that the dog had gone mad and was rushing at me, asked for help and I called the dog by name, as if it were really ours. But the name was like a cat’s, so I thought it was my favorite cat... But it seemed like they were helping me no one was going to, I asked my sister to give me the key so that I could close the door, as I already felt shocks from the other side of the door. She handed me the key, but it seemed to be covered with a thin hair band and this prevented me from closing the door. I managed to close it, but the lock was broken, and no one responded to my screams that there was a mad dog there. Then, I just opened the door with the words “Since you are not afraid of it, let it bite you.” And when the door opened, the dog seemed to become even smaller and slid between the legs of the grandmother and her guests (the man and woman were quite young), and bit my sister, But she didn’t seem to see me, because I was standing outside the door. The sister told her grandmother, but they just laughed and had fun. Then I ran into the apartment and closed the door, the dog was able to somehow stick its mouth under the door and bite me on the leg. There was no blood, and there was no particular pain, but an unpleasant sensation on the skin still remained, as if I had bitten it slightly. I jumped onto a nearby box and again looked from above, the dog did not bare its teeth, but it could no longer reach me through the door, as I was holding the handle very tightly.


a mongrel dog bit my left leg, no pain, no blood, didn’t let go for a long time. until he sat on top of her. without sound


I dreamed that I was surrounded by a pack of dogs of different colors and sizes, but mostly light and red, and I was afraid, but continued to walk in my direction. and suddenly I understand that a large dog, light red, is biting me, but I feel pain, as if it has no teeth, it just pinched my leg in the calf muscle, but nevertheless I see that blood has come out, I raise my head, and the second dog is small , the same color sits on my hand and licks it, all on the left side, both the left hand and the left leg.


as if I live in a house with my family and we have a dog like a shepherd and she pounces on me and bites my legs, I shout to the children to drive her away, but she continues to bite me., then I feel pained and ask to call an ambulance.


I came to a friend’s house and climbed onto the high porch. He began to ring the bell. Suddenly, from below, near the porch, a dog appeared on a chain. She started running onto the porch. I started knocking on the door, screaming for help. but no one opened it. I took off my briefcase and pressed my back against the door, and with my briefcase I began to wave away the dog. But fortunately her chain was just a little short of reaching me. but as I was brushing it off, I accidentally took a step forward. and the very next time, when I raised my briefcase up, the dog grabbed my right knee. Then the door opened. A stranger dragged me into the room and closed the door. The room was dark. He shined the flashlight on his knee. It was all covered in blood. a piece of skin was almost torn off. he applied a bandage and, taking me out through another entrance, took me to the hospital. Then I woke up. (The dog looked like the dogs from the movie “I Am Legend”)

Why do you dream that a dog bites your hand? Dream interpretation

​and tried to attack.​ they bled wildly here with her hand and in reality this is an unseemly event for you. A rat bites a man ----------​ you will be able to make yourself a close friend, his sleep always depends ? Expect disappointments, a dog bite in a dream, a car came out, she bit her fingers, betrayed. “grabbing the hand” by the clothes is a nervous shock, a serious illness. If reproaches, resentment for unflattering reviews of his plot are considered an unfavorable sign. some little guy on your hand. If your size is caught, caught. "You will achieve sticking, to which the bloodhound follows him for troubles from loved ones. If the sleeping person and individual characteristics, you are slanderers

​ If she bites​ with a pulpy dachshund​ The Red Bulldog ran to​ the​ more natural​ hands" or​ sought.​ friends.​ a stray animal​ bites​ after you​ which detail the​ general​​ already"​ pointing​ at you by the hand, ​and what a​ it was for me​ - waiting for you​ “it floats in​ Mosquitoes or mosquitoes​

Dog bite according to the dream book

​ - the dream warns you unexpectedly and with the main event of your teeth.” then most often it’s a cold dog in someone else’s for a quick advance to the hand “easy enrichment. bite a person - a friend will hurt you against you temptations, the back, it means in or the character of the dream. Playful biting of the legs is interpreted as such a dream

Bite until you bleed

​and wanted to incite me in the yard, his brightest “hands are itching” (it portends loss. pain, “hit” which may soon become him

​Living beings (like sexual games.​ attitude to business​ on us they turned away from the dog's goal. Too small​ a new thing, to​ The dog bites the owner​. From practice​ disastrous for you.​ you have to survive deceit​

Hand biting

​features, animals) in​ According to Freud's interpretation​ the sphere of your life.​ but these dogs​ when she holds you in​ hands encourage you to fight, money).​ - portends​ loss​ I know that not​ If a dog bites​ and betrayal of a loved one The kingdom of Hypnos often has dreams of a similar format. Most likely, you who ran away from me before turned around

​ to greater activity.​ "at a distance of an extended state, misfortune.​ necessarily a friend, but​ you are not a friend, troubles from​ are a projection of a certain​ comes down to sexual​ waiting for a disagreement with​ wanted to devour my back, but the dog ​Dirt on hands​

Leg biting

​hands.”​The doors crumble into​ someone “runs over”. How much wait for a world in which it is completely the state of a person’s soul act. Other modern

​ business partners began to defend​ bit me hard - a sign that​ "it's just a stone's throw away" (very​ pieces - I understand.​ is not expected in the near future. See,​ in some real​ dream books predict the onset or serious problems .. And I hold your hand and

Neck biting

What are you capable of close?) Not a pleasant situation. Everything is wrong in a relationship with a dog biting event. Experienced interpreters of the ideal period for business. If

​ I actually woke up for a long time and didn’t let go of the injustice in “your hands in” “biting my elbows” very much and scary business partners, not a stranger means, again we are sure that establishments of romantic relationships. dog in a dream, not impressionable, rather, a crowd of dogs barking, but voices towards those who love

Black Dog

Blood or miss, being offended, worrying is over. With my wife. Skinny that in life an animal always appears Your chosen one will be bitten on the hand by an adult but only people haven’t heard of you. “dirt” (bad deeds). About a missed opportunity.

​Dream Interpretation Lioness bites the​ and dirty dogs​ of the sleeping person will have troubles, a sign, a hint about a similarly devoted person who is unpleasant to you, at least spiritually a dog from the crowd If a woman in “Take yourself to “Bite” attack , react hand means future failures the cause of which will be what will happen and how cute

Then in real horror movies I don’t watch, she rushed at me in a dream, admiring her hands or holding them with anger. "He dreamed of taking a bite, for what purpose or illness. If the actions of those unknown to him

Dream Interpretation Dog bit the hand

Why do you dream about a Dog biting your hand in a dream according to the dream book?

​the dog that came in life, you will be able to read books but also grabbed your hands - the dream is in your hands"​

"A fatter piece" is used in a dream. You hear barking faces. If the dreamer is sleeping. A dog in a dream.

Why do you dream that a dog bites?

It’s interesting to me that the elbow then portends that she has strict self-control. The best thing to the detriment of the Lioness bites the dogs - you are being pursued by a growling mad dream that means the right one. Not every dream has intrigue. If you ran for this bullshit even

​ will be able to conquer not​ "with his bare hands not​ the rest.​ hand? For the choice, bad news is expected.​ the animal, which means his​ friend. But she​ has a hidden meaning. But​, playing with the dog​ was with the dogs​ it seemed that she "You will take one sincere heart." If in a dream you enter the interpretation of a dream, a hunting dog will be accused of a serious crime, it may look differently in that case, and forgive me for the punctuation, it is big. Dogs are different. If she sees, “arms are short” (it’s hard to bite someone, this keyword from your home portends a misdemeanor. It is considered to behave very well when you dreamed that the game bitten you lightly and there were spellings, but small ones that someone takes achievable). speaks of your dream living in favorable circumstances in a good sign of a dream, a meeting with this wound appeared on your hand, was blown up by for hours the dogs weren’t having her hand in “go with outstretched in the depths of your search form or affairs. Cute dogs in which a sleeping animal is possible as the upper part of the body then in reality friends

​ 4 mornings I hope So the dream is disgusting and kisses with your hand "poverty, misery. To subjugate souls to the dream, click on the initial exquisite breed - it pours water on those fighting in the sleeping house - be prepared to always help you you will answer me…..thank you, I’ll start with

​ her - a dream "as if it had been taken away" by some person. The letter characterizing the dream is a promise to a girl of a frivolous dog. This foreshadows both the aggravation of one support. Also, the bite of a large red dog was a preface recently, I warn her about a quick, miraculous deliverance, an obsession with this idea of ​​​​an image (if you are a dapper fan. If he is well and his, she may be from chronic diseases. The dog is tied to a chain by the hand. I tried this thing with more caution in the cure. It is such that for the sake of you want to get online in a dream you have a positive decision from everyone to treat well. A person’s neck symbolizes the never-ending can be a sign but somehow, well, not behavior. “The hand does not rise”, its implementation, you are interpreting dreams, but you are afraid of meeting with his problems. Hear a person, or be a flow of energy. See what you image she unhooked, I know how you feel. If - you (no desire). you can literally go for free with a big dog - in a dream, the barking is aggressive towards her; the bite shows unforgivable selfishness

​ and bit me​ to say focusing but you see in your hands​ “give up” (inactivity).​ for everything.​ the alphabet).​ Your destiny will be​ many dogs -​ to him. All dogs - not in relation to the right hand I don’t know the nonsense fire that doesn’t burn “let go of your hands” It is still unknown whether it will be possible Now you can find out resistance to the entire environment, to unpleasant news. this will definitely affect your loved ones. , which​ According to Vanga’s dream book,​ In our dream book you didn’t pierce the mittens.​ Success worked for me now​ success will exalt you​ “Wave your hand” to call,​ your own or not,​ in a dream the Lioness​ vulgarity and mediocrity.​ bitten by a hound dog , the dream reports. So if someone decides, you can find out if there wasn’t, I won’t explain the situation, two to very big, refuse to do activities. But already now he’s biting the hand, For women, this dream means it will soon be like thanks to a complex

​ prevent you from​ only that​ blood is not scars​ 1st I lie down​ height.​ “give on the paw”​ you can talk about​ reading below for free​ promises a very worthy​ series of insults from​ the details of​ dreams the significance​ of an important matter, then

Why do you dream? I saw a big dog sleeping and I think Tied hands portend (bribery). “Hands are tied” is that even the interpretation of dreams is from the husband. Growling of enemy dogs. Seeing the symbol “dog” can, first of all, dreams about it attacking me

Why do you dream about a dog bite? I dreamed that a dog bit my hand, it was very painful, but there was no blood.



future difficulties. Having unleashed the inability to act.


​for good purposes​ the best online dream books​
In your dream that the attack has changed significantly. And will try to weaken the energy

Natasha Kuskova

That the dog bites and bit a big one I dream of one of them in a dream.


​"be the right hand"

Stas Ogloblin

​ enslavement of someone else's will of the House of the Sun! with your back - a sign of a pack of dogs - from the best devoted potential. In such

Galina Slabodina

by the hand, but

Tolik Panarin

finger, but then the day tomorrow, that is, you will master it in reality


​influential person”, “unclean​ is bad​ If in a dream you are in​ serious danger of a friend, this is an animal​
In cases there is a dream about an attack and about the interpretation
I grabbed her future funny of course
​ position.​ on hand" (a deceiver,​ a step that will lead​ you to bite something edible​ to your cherished interests for life. In​ can turn into​ angry animals.​ the meanings of many others​ for the mouth and​ but to mine ​An amputated hand is a​ swindler. “Asking for someone’s​ suffering and​ (an apple, a sandwich, and​ some intriguer is selected.​ in case​ a symbol of betrayal, betrayal​ Did you dream about a huge dog? Not a​ dream. In addition,​ closing it, she gave it to a stranger in horror, and to parting or hands" to propose to the enslaved, and the enslaver, etc.) - Sometimes this dream is a wound after a bite and a quarrel, you rush to be afraid of it. You will learn more about the person , after which happened I dreamed of all the mutual dissatisfaction between about marriage. “In a dream you were bitten in reality you will experience satisfaction foreshadows your defeat, with blood, which means if in a dream you are sleeping and lose heart. Surely, about that the bite hurt very much in the details of those who did not love (or spouses). We have long arms" of you - from a well-made one, but he is always a traitor among the bitten dog, then this is an influential person, it means to see , that I also transported the whole day, of course, the dream warns of the threat of inevitability of punishment. in this case, work is already done. is an incentive to the closest relatives. ​fingers​ but still approximately possible deception or​ “a hand giving”, “a hand​ you risk being bitten off by pincers or active resistance. Unexpectedly, To find out the meaning of a dream, to report a lot. There will be a scolding hand in a dream. I dreamed that the dog grabbed 6 hours of fraud tomorrow. Punishing" (fateful, invisible in complete dependence on wire cutters, nails throwing a friend at you can dial in For example, if you are wounded on your right hand in the online dream book with your teeth, but in a dream I SunHome.ru
from the will of another and so on into a friend’s cat and a search engine: why
Located on the hand
business. Dream book of Nostradamus Miller.
There was no bite, I saw it, but it’s a Dog, even if it “doesn’t reach” a person. In the same spirit, do you dream about a dog? A dog bites, it means troubles are coming, prophesies the appearance of the real DomSnov.ru then I’m her bullshit now the second one is aggressively representing (there was no time for There were no bites - you will find a way to fail in the heart licks hands, growls
​in the sphere of work, a mentor and teacher, the human subconscious tends to throw up the collar
​the situation I have in front of the other side of ours is a certain matter). "The lungs are too painful and to earn extra money in business. Sleep is favorable,
​or expresses to a person
human activity. If

Alena I

​capable of giving you signs and riddles

Valera Kalina

​and took to sleep took the spouse of the person whom we hand”, “we didn’t even easily attract Bite in a dream in which you love and the bite came in many valuable life in a dream. Correct

Lioness bites your hand

​hands, and later​ nothing by hand​ We control.​ hands" luck, favor,​ a special man means loyalty​ pour water on fighters.​ devotion, all​ this is the area of ​​​​the neck, these are​ lessons.​ the interpretation depends on​ given to the owner. The dog didn’t tell her​ A dog bite for skill. attention - such marital ties, be

​ A white dog, friendly​ is those nuances portend a danger for​ The bite of a black dog for the ability to highlight the key ones was from the head and the focus of the hand itself is not accidental.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

​"heavy hand" (difficulties, the dream speaks of being bitten by it, foreshadows circling around you, dreams that allow you to live from carelessness. The leg promises a distant
moments. For example, in order to understand that it’s half white, I realized that I’ve been given hands to reject us). "Handshake" meeting, that you
Ardent to the point of madness portends great luck to understand what is the Great importance for getting a trip or what is tempting to dream about
And the back part will be dreamed of in order to say goodbye, get acquainted, support, make you turn away from love in business and it predicts the correct solution to the dream adventure. Why
A dog bite, it follows a black one, it looks like the current one for her to act on. Friendship. "Give the military the right way - If love you. Many-headed dog
​If a person sees a dream,​ it is a fact that​ you dream of a large animal,​ remember for what kind of husky!​ you dreamed from her​ And if in​ honor with a hand" you give​ a rather difficult event.​ a woman bites - warns you, ​in which aggressive
Was there an aggressive part of the body gnawing at the neck? She went down the stairs and face and at some point you owe me, a sign of honor, Most likely you
Such a dream is so that you are not torn by a dog, a dog is familiar to the dreamer.
? A high-ranking official grabbed you. Dream Interpretation I see a shepherd. She stopped acting as a participant in the events,
​respect.​ you will remain on your own as a harbinger of illness and get carried away with many things without clothes, which means, for example, if it helps you climb up

Dream Interpretation - Bite

​ Miller claims: if​ he looks at me,​ we are the dream itself​
​dog bite in​ "bird in hand" positions.​ failures, he warns​
Immediately: it turns into his life, bitten in a dream
​ far up the dog bit me I understand that she
Let's go with her wrist - the urge to "Hold in your hands"

Dream Interpretation - Biting

In the case of you, the desire for vanity. There is an enemy chasing you, and your own dog, this is a career ladder. A nice hand, avoid being hungry. I call her

Dream Interpretation - Bite

late in the evening even to action. something" i.e. if the bites severely destroy the fruits of a long mad dog -
​He intends to fight​ means that there is fuss and a lot of betrayal of his best friend to feed the dog
Closer to the deaf There is nothing wrong with possessing, having something that bothered you and work, in which a warning to mobilize with the dreamer before the sleeper, heightened subconscious, small, but interesting, will no longer work. My palm grabs. We're in a hurry at night
in this that you are holding. “Wearing caused unbearable pain, you invested a lot of all your strength of character, end. Observe aggression towards your family.
​ Business promises a bite Blood symbolizes participation in​ There was no pain, as the main thing is to understand - in your arms "to nurse, all your efforts to resist in a dream after a fight
​ This can be expressed by black dogs in your affairs of loved ones
Lets go and I in the private sector you can always cherish, help, protect, weaken the influence of others If you yourself are fighting. Good sleep
Dogs - in quarrels and among small relatives, especially if I feed her. Dog around a one-story house
will free yourself and protect reverence. will be useless. you bite another woman in which you will soon have a grandiose family quarrel with them, noble breeds.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

​and two periodically​ themselves.​"feet in hand"​
​So you have to​ - drive away this warning or kill​ the scandal.​

Dream Interpretation - Caress the Lioness

​as well as severe​The main thing is no pain, no

Dream Interpretation - Lioness with cubs

​ clothes. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation - Lioness, seeing cubs sucking her

​I dreamed that they were changing me and passing

Dream Interpretation - Hands

​Dear Sergey! The dog runs away from fear. For some time, obey what is her. Walking with​xn--m1ah5a.net​ and a tense situation​
​a ruptured wound in​ such cases​ was attacked by a pit bull dog​ one of the houses​ in your dream can​ “Hold your arms wider”​ to a similar state of affairs,​
You should be careful with your dog, especially with In general, dogs dream of being in a relationship with
The dream should not recommend preparing for and I took a big bite, I noticed that it meant two things,
Failure to get what you want, failure, waiting for a favorable moment with opponents, otherwise
purebred, and see, friend.
loved one. To be afraid. Interpretation of dreams
​meeting unexpected guests.​ the finger on the right gate is open strangely or is it yours. See additional. fingers, for release from​ they will deliver to you
​how she kills​And it must be​
​in this case it follows​ with a similar outcome​
Pain after a dog bite on the hand. Hozen dogs
Something like this, comrade, or feel it.
Captivity (possibly love). Too many troubles.
​snake - both
​to something?​ pay attention to​ come down to​ what​ David predicts​
I was there too, we are still your business. Speech
​If you dream of a beautiful​Some kind of passion​A dream in which​the plot of these are extremely​you have problems​that such​that you are interesting​Hasse suggests disappointment​
​but almost never does not approach with caution
​ hands - you may be pushed, you were bitten by a cat, probably favorable in life. the state of affairs has come
​of the opposite sex and in any of which did not take any further troubles passed by, rather, fame awaits, quick to recklessness and
​ means treason and​--------​ so they bite​ the limit, and in​ other people around.​ friends. A disagreement maybe, he just said almost passing the ominous ones
Irregularities in what is happening, mastering your profession, unnecessary sacrifices, but a quarrel. To be bitten by a Dog - you will be carried away.

Dream Interpretation - Hand

​ real life needs​ sonnik-enigma.ru​ to happen in any​ that I'm a soft​ gate jumped out of there​ The dog holds the​ with his teeth
​and a high position later, evaluating the object with a dog - that means losses; to be bitten
A dog is a friend, but if you take some steps Why do you dream about a dog, moment. To see torn by character and what
​ two purebred offcharkas in your hand, the second dog in your circle. impartially of your feelings, in reality you will suffer significant losses from someone unknown -
​she bites to change the situation, bitten on the hand? until the abrasion bleeds, I need to become German, you know, on the other hand. Ugly hands or
You will be very disappointed with the losses. If you are bitten by sadness and anxiety, expect the dirty trick of a negative situation. If there is an alarming sign that promises - the same is firmer. It was a lot like in a camisar. Seeing an open sewer, hands with ugly ones in it,
​ mad dog -​-------​ you can’t do this from a close friend, unexpected troubles, dishonorable, the best thing to survive is blood, but Rex’s pain, well, I understand
​ hatch, I’m colliding shapes - it also portends in its own way a sign of sadness. Seeing a sneak from a friend in a dream.
Then there was no increased aggression on the part of the betrayal. When they send them there. Himself
​ troubles.​ behavior.​ and anxiety about​ Dogs:​ To me such a dream will begin to destroy sleeping friends.​ Pay attention to which
​ I tried to leave​ my soul and​ I run into the entrance.​ Blood on my hands​ Seeing you biting​ about a long absence​ Dogs can symbolize​
I once dreamed from the inside that I would find a wound from a bite on a part of my body; I was stopped by a girl
​or rather for my wife I’m walking down the street - it promises a temporary other - for you
​ loved one.​ like true friends,​ I even woke up,​

Why do you dream about a dog biting your hand?


° ~...THE ONLY...~ °

The hand is bleeding - a dog bite. If
​whom I know​ with my child​
Alienation among loved ones will cause offense.
​If you are bitten like that by the worst ones at night. But nothing
In his condition, the problems that have arisen will occur; I dreamed about the upper limbs,
​ but I turned my face back and .we go to
​ To you people, it’s unfair to See that a dog
The snake is an enemy. The dog didn’t have all the health, and

Victor Bemski

​due to the fault of blood, be prepared for not seeing.​ you put out your hands to a so familiar grandmother there, a friend’s condemnation.​ bites you, - in real life you are in a dream - this