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How to prepare mastic at home. Sugar mastic at home. Mastic: recipe

Culinary mastic can turn the most ordinary cake into a real masterpiece. It can be used as glaze and sculpted into interesting shapes. There are many different types of mastic. Let's look at the most popular of them.

The easiest to prepare is milk mastic. Mix powdered sugar, dry and condensed milk in proportions 1:1:1. Please note that the powder must be thoroughly ground, otherwise the mastic will turn out inelastic. Stir the mixture until it looks like stretchy chewing gum. You can add food coloring if desired. When you finish stirring, the mastic will be ready. Pack the mixture tightly in cling film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then take it out, sprinkle starch on the table and roll out the mastic into a thin layer. You can use it to create beautiful elements for decoration or use it as a covering. It is worth noting that the color of the milk mastic will not be snow-white, but the taste more than compensates for the small drawback. The gelatin mastic recipe is more complex, but the result will be more aesthetically pleasing. Take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin and soak them in a saucepan with plain water. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then heat it and bring the gelatin crumbs until completely dissolved. Please note that you cannot boil the water, otherwise the gelatin will lose its adhesive properties and deteriorate. When the lumps have completely dissolved, add 2-3 cups of powdered sugar. Mix the mixture well. To get colored mastic, add food coloring to it. If you are using liquid coloring, add another 0.5 or 1 cup of powdered sugar. This is necessary to compact the mass. To prevent it from becoming cloyingly sweet, add 0.5 or 1 tsp. lemon juice. All is ready! Marshmallow mastic (marshmallow airy candies) has become very popular. Place marshmallows (200 g) in a saucepan and add 2 tbsp. l. water. Place it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Please note that the sweets will swell and double in volume, so choose larger containers. When you take out the candies, you will see a stretchy mass formed. Add food coloring (if required) and 2 cups of powdered sugar. While adding it, mix the composition well. If it becomes too thick, sprinkle the table with powdered sugar, transfer it there and knead it with your hands until it stops sticking. Using the same technology, you can prepare marshmallow mastic. Many people are interested in the chocolate type of mastic. You only need two ingredients - liquid honey and dark or white chocolate. Melt the chocolate in the microwave. For 100 g, set the time to 1 minute. If the chocolate has not melted completely, repeat the procedure, and so on until the desired result. Stir the chocolate between heating periods. It should melt completely and become smooth and shiny. Then mix chocolate and honey in proportions 2:1. Stir them with a spoon and then start stirring with your hands. At first it will be too liquid, but as you stir it it will become thick and viscous. Tear off a piece from it and try to roll it into a ball. In this case, the mastic is ready. If you are not good at creating decorations for confectionery products with your own hands, use molds and cut out beautiful figures. If you can’t buy molds yet, make them yourself from cardboard. For example, you can make tulips using tablespoons. Cover the inside surface of the spoon with mastic and remove excess. Then carefully peel off the layer to maintain its shape. When the petals are a little dry, create a bud on the cake itself. You can create a whole composition of tulips. Confectioners recommend making cake decorations 2 weeks before making it. During this time, the parts will have time to dry well and will keep their shape.

My first mastic cake

For a long time I was thinking about how to make a cake from mastic, or more precisely, how to make mastic for a cake, where could I find the simplest recipe for mastic for beginners, so that it would not be difficult to make, and the ingredients would be simple, and it would work the first time. And then I came across a very easy recipe for condensed milk mastic! I decided to try it and would rather share my joy with you - I managed to make mastic the first time!!! Well, a recipe for mastic with photos, comments and tips is attached.)

A simple recipe for condensed milk mastic:

Daughter helps)

Original mastic recipe:
  • 1-1.5 cups of powdered milk
  • can of condensed milk
  • teaspoon lemon juice
  • glass of powdered sugar
  • You can add starch so that it is not cloyingly sweet.
  • If desired, add a few drops of glycerin, the mastic will be more elastic.

    Children will be happy to help

    I have The proportions of the ingredients for the mastic were slightly different, and the recipe itself changed a little:
  • can of condensed milk
  • citric acid on the tip of the knife - due to the lack of lemons. And you need it so that the mastic can then be stored in the refrigerator for as long as you need. By the way, the store-bought one has a shelf life of almost a year and a half! But homemade mastic will probably last less, since we don’t add any more preservatives. Although why store it so much)
  • glass of powdered sugar

    Instead of milk

  • I also didn’t have any powdered milk. So I made my own fondant from a mixture like maternity and nursing milk. During pregnancy, it is given out free of charge, it is impossible to drink it, although it is expensive, so I have accumulated a bunch of cans. Now I know what to do! As I understand it, mastic will work out even if you use, for example, Malyutka baby formula instead of powdered milk, which is so popular in making sweets. And it took me significantly more than a glass. There is almost 400 grams of condensed milk per can. True, I probably shifted it a little. Replacing milk only affects color. At home, mastic made from milk mixture is not white, but slightly yellowish. It’s great for painting and sculpting figures or covering a cake with colored mastic, but for a wedding cake, mastic is best made from expensive white milk powder.

    How to make mastic from condensed milk, step-by-step recipe with photos:

    Mix powder with formula or milk. Break up any lumps of powder, if any.

    Add condensed milk and citric acid at the tip of a knife.

    Mix everything thoroughly. Very carefully! You can add a few drops of glycerin. I then dripped it onto my hands and lubricated them when I started kneading the dough.

    When it stops being sticky, knead with your hands. If it gets too sticky, you can add powdered sugar. (I added the dry mixture because it turned out terribly sweet anyway).

    When I made a test portion of a third of the ingredients and made figures out of it, I added the dye after the condensed milk mastic was ready. When I made mastic for the cake, for the entire surface, I added dye at the kneading stage. I used natural dyes for eggs, I still had them after making them. You can also add berry juices or something similar to make it even more natural and healthy.

    I will eat you!

    That's it, your own mastic at home is ready!!! This mastic is just perfect for decorating cakes. Both for covering the cake and for sculpting figures from mastic. To store it, you need to place it in cling film to prevent it from drying out, and you can keep it in the refrigerator as long as you like (within reason, of course)! Before you do anything with it, you need to take it out of the refrigerator for three hours at room temperature. It is more convenient to roll out the mastic and transfer it to the cake using cling film. If the size of the coating is large, roll out the mastic immediately on a board covered with cling film. By the way, I rolled it out not with a rolling pin, but with this roll of film itself, it’s very convenient and nothing sticks.

    Children will be happy to make this homemade mastic themselves!

    Other tips and a master class with photos on mastic in the article

    Mastic cake Fungus

    Master classes with photos and step-by-step recipes
  • Modern decoration of confectionery products using mastic is another way to create an elegant, solemn, stylish dish, which, with its appearance and thematic decoration, emphasizes the festivity and specialness of the moment. There are several recipes for making mastic at home for a cake using simple and affordable products.

    Homemade marshmallow mastic

    Marshmallows are candies that vaguely resemble marshmallows or marshmallows. Unlike classic marshmallows, they contain no or only a negligible amount of whipped egg whites, which give the marshmallows a special delicate “melting” consistency. These candies are a mass of a mixture of gelatin and sugar syrup dissolved in water, which were whipped hot and stabilizers, flavors and colorings were added to it. After cooling, this sticky, dense and porous mass is cut into pieces and rolled in a 1:1 mixture of starch and powdered sugar.

    At home, you can make marshmallow candies for mastic from a mixture of fructose syrup and gelatin, and to stabilize the foam and prevent sugar crystallization, use lemon juice or a citric acid solution.


    • 150-200 g marshmallows;
    • 400-500 g of a mixture of powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1: 1 to 3: 1, depending on the required sweetness;
    • 1 tablespoon butter;
    • 1 dessert spoon of milk or water.


    1. Sift the mixture of powder and starch, so that there are no large inclusions, through a fine sieve.
    2. Pour milk into a bowl, put butter, pour in candy and put in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the mode, or in a water bath. The candies will melt a little and increase in volume.
    3. To them you need to add 70-100 g of a mixture of dry substances and mix. The result will be a liquid paste. At this stage, you can add coloring and flavoring.
    4. Then add the powder and starch in portions and mix with a spoon until a very thick mixture is formed. Place it on the table for mixing with your hands on a layer of powdered sugar. Grease your hands with warm butter so that this very sticky mixture comes off them better.
    5. Knead the mastic, adding powder or its mixture with starch to the table until it becomes like soft plasticine.
    • Starch improves the properties of mastic, both during its manufacturing process and in products, making them less sticky, brittle and hard. But there are recipes without starch.
    • To obtain mastic of different colors, it must be divided into portions at the liquid mass stage and different dyes must be added.
    • It can also be prepared without adding milk.
    • Add 100-150 g of confectionery based on cocoa butter with a mass fraction of at least 72% to the chocolate mastic.

    Video recipe

    Mastic recipe with gelatin


    • 5 g gelatin;
    • 60 ml water;
    • 2 level tablespoons of fructose;
    • 1 level tablespoon of butter;
    • 700-800 g of powdered sugar.


    1. Pour gelatin with water in advance and let it swell (40-50 minutes), then heat over low heat, without boiling, until completely dissolved.
    2. Add oil and fructose, mix everything, filter and leave to cool to room temperature. If necessary, you can add dye, although white gelatin mastic looks very elegant.
    3. Add powdered sugar into the cooled mass in small portions until the density is acceptable for mixing with a spoon.
    4. Then place the product on the table on a pre-made slide of powdered sugar and continue kneading with your hands until it becomes elastic.

    Milk mastic recipe for cake


    • 1 can of condensed milk;
    • 1.5 cups of milk powder;
    • finely ground powdered sugar;
    • food coloring.


    1. Mix condensed and dry milk until it becomes soft plasticine. If the condensed milk turns out to be very liquid, it is necessary to increase the amount of dry ingredients.
    2. To make the mastic sweet, you need to add 1 glass of milk powder and 1 glass of powdered sugar, mix everything until you get a non-sticky dough.
    3. Then add food coloring or cocoa powder.

    The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks in a plastic bag or tightly packed cling film.

    Video recipe

    Decorating a cake with fondant

    Before decorating, the cake is prepared. Inside the cake, the cake layers can be filled with any cream, jam, or whipped cream. Along the outer edge of all cakes, be sure to treat with butter (butter) cream, which should also be thoroughly coated with the top and side surfaces. It makes sense to apply the cream in 2 layers. After this, the cake is put in the refrigerator. When the cream has hardened sufficiently, it is quickly leveled with a warm spatula or knife, aiming for the most even surface without flaws.

    The mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin on a table greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar (starch is possible) to a thickness of 5 mm, turning from one side to the other so that the sheet does not stick to the table. This sheet is then lifted using a rolling pin and placed on the cake. First, use your palm to level the top of the mastic from the center to the edges, pressing it tightly against the cake. Then the sheet is pressed to the side surfaces and smoothed from top to bottom. Excess mastic along the bottom edge is cut off with a knife or scissors.

    ☞ Video lesson

    DIY mastic decorations

    Make flower arrangements, animal figures and dolls from multi-colored mastic. Cut out the elements for three-dimensional products from a thin rolled out sheet using cookie cutters, and cut with a knife using a cardboard stencil. Form petals for different flowers using a teaspoon, filling it inside with rolled out mastic. Make a rose from ordinary circles of slightly different sizes: unfold the first one into a tight tube, wrap the next one around it and glue it, shifting the remaining circles one relative to the other, bending the upper flying part. This should be done with slightly damp hands. Cut the leaves from a thin layer of mastic and draw the veins with a toothpick or the blunt side of a knife. Make different figures in advance, dry them, carefully pack them and store them for a long time.

    Since mastic easily absorbs moisture from the air and can spread, it makes sense to completely form the cake shortly before serving.

    ☞ Video lesson

    When making mastic for a cake, you can feel like a child in a plasticine modeling class or a sculptor creating a masterpiece. We wish you not only bon appetit, but also great creative success!

    Which mastic recipe do you prefer?

    A homemade cake made by yourself is a good reason to please your loved ones and guests. Such a gift can be suitable for any celebration and holiday. A homemade cake is a culinary product into which we put part of our soul and mood, so it tastes more pleasant and fresher. You can make any cakes at home, for example, chocolate, sponge cake, honey, low-calorie, yogurt, fruit. You don't need to be a true cook to do this. Any housewife can handle this. But an equally important final step is decorating the cake. The recipe for cake mastic at home (recipe with photo) is very simple. If you are not afraid to experiment and want to surprise your household and guests with modern ideas, then mastic is just what you need. Confectionery products decorated with mastic will definitely delight your loved ones.

    Mastic is a unique find in the culinary industry, the recipes from which are quite popular among chefs and novice housewives. With its help, you can create anything without being limited by your imagination.

    From this section you will learn what mastic is and what it comes in, as well as methods for preparing it at home, how to store it correctly and a lot of other interesting information.

    Making mastic according to the recipe is not at all difficult. To do this you will need the most common and affordable products.

    What is mastic

    Mastic is a sweet, thick, viscous paste used as a decoration for confectionery products; this paste is similar to plasticine. It is used to decorate baked goods, create patterns, various figures, inscriptions, and is also often used to cover cakes. The uniqueness of this mass is that it can be eaten because natural dyes and food products are used. No special skill is required to work with this product. You just need to master the skill of working with it and have a great desire to cook something beautiful and tasty.

    The main ingredient of mastic is granulated sugar or powder. It is advisable to sift the powder through a strainer. If you use sugar, grind it in a coffee grinder. Otherwise, if large particles of sugar get in, the mastic will tear when rolling. Then the finished product must be packaged in cling film and refrigerated for 20 minutes. In the cold it will become more elastic. This mass can be kept in the refrigerator for about two weeks in the freezer - up to several months.

    To prepare the recipe for the first time, prepare the following items in advance: cling film, rolling pin, round knife, wooden board, molds for sculpting figures, multi-colored ribbon. Confectioners or experienced chefs use special tools. For example, a simple wooden rolling pin is replaced with a plastic one. A silicone mat is an important and necessary item in making mastic. It is better to purchase silicone mats of different sizes. To roll out the carpet cover, use a mat with large markings, and to roll out figures, use a mat with small markings.

    Decorations should be prepared in advance so that they have time to dry and are not wet. Finished crafts are stored in a sealed container for three months. You need to apply mastic to the cake after you have thoroughly coated its base with buttercream and cooled. Then it will not dissolve and will evenly cover the surface of the cake.

    Recipes for making homemade mastic

    Did you know that a cake prepared according to one recipe can be decorated with different fondants? It all depends on what kind of cake you want to make. Maybe it will be prepared in honor of the birthday of a small child and then you will need to sculpt a beautiful doll or it will be a cake intended for a woman and strewn with exquisite roses and rose petals. Or maybe you can make a cake and cover it with small multi-colored beads with a border around the edges as a decoration. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the choice of mastic. Some of the easiest and most popular cooking methods are described below.

    Milk mastic

    In order to prepare this type of mastic, you need to prepare the following products:

    • powdered milk – 160 g.
    • condensed milk – 160 g.
    • lemon juice – 1 tsp.
    • powdered sugar – 150 g.
    1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly until it reaches the consistency of plasticine. The mastic will turn beige.
    2. You can easily color it by adding a few drops of dye. This mixture is mainly used to cover the cake and sculpt small figures.

    Gelatin mastic

    This type is used when the cake requires decorations with strong details. Due to the fact that the parts are very durable, this mastic cannot be eaten. It is more difficult to work with, but the figures turn out beautiful and accurate. It is very convenient for using small details, for example, sculpting flower leaves.

    Required Products:

    • starch – 130 g.
    • powdered sugar – 205 g.
    • gelatin – 1 tbsp. lie
    • citric acid – 1 tsp.
    • water – 60 ml.
    • honey – 2 tsp.

    The cooking recipe is as follows:

    1. Gelatin should be immersed in cool water for half an hour. Place the bowl over medium heat until all lumps have dissolved. Do not allow it to boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. You can prepare it using a water bath.
    2. Next you need to add honey and citric acid.
    3. Now add pre-mixed starch and powdered sugar into the gelatin and mix everything.
    4. Take a shallow bowl with sides
    5. Pour the prepared mixture into it and cover it tightly with cling film to prevent air from entering. In this case, the edges of the film should protrude 5-10 cm from under the rim of the dish.
    6. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a while until it becomes elastic. If necessary, the mastic can be heated for a few seconds.

    List of required products:

    • powdered sugar – 150 g.
    • condensed milk - 200 g.
    • powdered milk – 150 g.
    • lemon juice – 2 tsp.
    • cognac – 1 tsp.
    1. Prepare a mixture of powdered sugar and milk powder.
    2. Pour condensed milk into it.
    3. Then pour in cognac and lemon juice. If you don’t have cognac, you can make it without it.
    4. When the mass becomes plastic, transfer it to cling film and place it in the freezer.

    Due to its light structure, condensed milk mastic is used to cover cakes. Very convenient for creating small-sized jewelry.

    Honey mastic

    The name suggests that this species is prepared from honey. The structure of honey mastic is soft, making it quite comfortable to create various figures and decorations. Honey mastic is also used for covering cakes. This mastic has the advantage that it does not crumble when applied and does not crumble.

    Products for honey mastic:

    • honey – 170 g.
    • gelatin – 15.
    • water – 50 ml.
    • powdered sugar – 900 g.


    1. Soak the gelatin in water for 30 minutes.
    2. Melt it using a water bath, then pour in honey.
    3. Powdered sugar must be divided into two disproportionate parts. Place one part of the powder aside, and pour the other part into gelatin mixed with honey.
    4. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough, gradually adding the rest of the powder.
    5. Honey mastic is ready when marks and indentations remain on it when pressed.

    Chocolate mastic

    To prepare this recipe you need to take 200 g of any chocolate (white, dark, bitter) and 1 tbsp. l honey.

    Cooking process:

    1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave.
    2. Combine the chocolate mixture with honey and mix.
    3. Take a piece of dough and form it into a circle. If the edges do not tear when rolling out the circle, then the mastic is ready. This mastic is used to cover the surface of the cake and sculpt figures.

    Chocolate mastic with marshmallows added

    • dark chocolate – 100 g.
    • marshmallow pack – 100 g.
    • cream 30% fat – 40 ml.
    • cognac – 1-2 tbsp. lie
    • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. lie
    • butter - 1 tbsp. lie
    1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces and melt using the methods described above.
    2. Add marshmallows (marshmallows) little by little, don’t forget to stir.
    3. When the candies are half melted, pour in the cream, cognac, butter and mix it all until the mass becomes homogeneous. The mass should be viscous.
    4. Remove the prepared mass from the heat and add the powder.
    5. Knead the dough well until it becomes elastic.

    Marshmallow mastics

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • powdered sugar – 500 g.
    • marshmallow – 200 g.
    • butter – 1 tsp.
    1. Place the marshmallows in a deep plate and place in the microwave for half a minute until they begin to melt.
    2. Gradually add powdered sugar to them. The powder must be sifted through a strainer in advance.
    3. Knead the dough until it reaches a plastic consistency.
    4. We put the prepared mastic in cling film and place it in the freezer for half an hour.
    5. Now get to work.

    Marshmallow mastic

    Marshmallow mastic is the most popular recipe among confectioners, since you can make anything from this type.

    Use the following products:

    • powdered sugar – 1.5 cups.
    • marshmallow – 100 g.
    • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
    • dye
    1. Place marshmallows in a deep plate and pour lemon juice into it.
    2. Reheat in the microwave. You can use the old method and heat these ingredients in a water bath.
    3. When the soufflé swells and expands, it’s time to remove it from the heat.
    4. White marshmallows can be dyed any other color using food coloring. You need to add the dye to the swollen soufflé and mix the mixture with a spoon.
    5. Slowly add the powdered sugar to the mastic and mix thoroughly. As the dough is kneaded, it will begin to thicken. When the mastic stops sticking to your hands, it means it is ready.
    6. Place the finished mastic in film or a plastic bag and close tightly to prevent air from entering. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    When working with this type of mastic, sprinkle the table surface with starch.

    Flower mastic

    Preparing and applying flower mastic is a delicate and skillful task and requires special care. Only a very experienced cook can work with this type of mastic, since making graceful roses and natural buds is the work of a professional. This mixture is used for decorating wedding cakes and cutting out petals.

    You'll need:

    • gelatin – 10 g.
    • powdered sugar – 500 g.
    • water – 50 ml.
    • corn syrup – 50 ml.
    • cooking oil – 1 tsp.
    • cellulose – 10 g.
    • egg – 2 pcs.

    Preparation of flower mastic:

    1. Soften the gelatin in water and leave for half an hour.
    2. In a separate bowl, mix powder, cellulose and lemon juice.
    3. Heat the softened gelatin in a water bath, and do not forget to stir constantly.
    4. Then pour in the shortening and corn syrup without bringing to a boil.
    5. Remove the dishes from the heat and carefully pour this mixture into the bowl with powdered sugar, while whisking with a mixer or blender.
    6. Next, increase the beating speed and pour in lemon juice and egg whites. Mix until the mixture is white and fluffy.
    7. Grease the table with oil and lay out the mastic.
    8. Give it an elongated shape and place in cling film.

    There are some other types of mastic, but they are not so common among housewives. For example, marzipan has a very soft structure, so it is difficult to sculpt anything from it. This type is mainly used for coating pies and cakes.

    How to make colored mastic correctly

    To give the cake a beautiful and finished look, you need to color the mastic. It’s worth thinking about color in advance. You can buy dyes at the store or make your own by mixing fruits and vegetables.

    Ready-made food colors are divided into three types: gel, liquid and dry. You can make your own dye. To do this, grate the vegetables and squeeze out the juice. A more modern way of making juice is to use a juicer. Compared to store-bought ones, vegetable dyes give a less desirable color. You can add more dye. But this is not entirely good, since the mastic will become liquid.

    What vegetables and berries can add color and make mastic colorful? For example, adding carrot juice will produce an orange color, grape or blueberry juice will produce a blue color, and coffee or cocoa will produce a brown color. Beetroot juice can produce a pink palette, while strawberry or raspberry juice will produce a red tint.

    By mixing several dyes, you can get additional colors. How to decorate a cake directly depends on the occasion: children's cakes can combine the brightest and richest colors. Wedding cakes are calmer: pink, blue, sky blue, white, beige shades.

    1. Try to use only sifted powdered sugar to prevent the mastic from tearing.
    2. Mastic can only be used on a cake that has been previously greased with buttercream.
    3. Prepare the details for decorating the cake in advance.

    Before you figure out how to make mastic for a cake, you need to remember what it even is. Mastic is used to decorate cakes and various figures are made from it. The composition of the cake mastic must include powdered sugar, and depending on the recipe, other ingredients are added. There is a recipe for making cake mastic with gelatin, milk, and even marshmallows. Interested in how to make cake mastic with these ingredients? Now we'll tell you.

    How to make milk mastic for a cake?

    We make milk mastic for the cake from condensed milk, add cognac as desired. Figures made from milk mastic will be soft and edible.


    • powdered milk – 160 g;
    • condensed milk – 200 g;
    • powdered sugar – 160 g;
    • lemon juice – 2 teaspoons;
    • cognac – 1 teaspoon;
    • food colorings.


    Sift the powdered sugar and milk powder and pour them into a heap on the table. Slowly pour condensed milk into the middle, kneading the mastic. Knead it until the mastic becomes homogeneous and elastic. If the mastic sticks to your hands, add a little more powdered sugar. If the mastic begins to crumble, then add a little lemon juice to the mixture. If desired, the mastic can be tinted with food coloring. To do this, add a few drops of food coloring to the required volume of mastic. It is better to use the finished mastic immediately, but if there is a need to use it the next day, then wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator.

    How to make cake mastic from gelatin?

    Gelatin mastic turns out hard, it will be problematic to eat, but the figures will turn out very clear.


    • water – 55 ml;
    • gelatin – 10 g;
    • powdered sugar – 600 g;
    • lemon juice – 2 teaspoons;
    • food colorings.


    Soak the gelatin in cold water to swell. Then put it on the stove so that the gelatin dissolves. We do not allow it to boil, otherwise the mastic will not work - the gelatin will lose its properties, burn and acquire an unpleasant odor. Sift the powdered sugar and pour it onto the table in a heap; if the portion of mastic is large, then it is better to knead it in a bowl. Make a depression in the middle of the slide and pour gelatin into it. Knead the mastic and add lemon juice if it crumbles or powdered sugar if the mastic is sticky. After coloring it in different colors using food coloring, cover the cake with fondant or wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator.

    How to prepare mastic for marshmallow cake?


    • powdered sugar – 350 g;
    • marshmallows – 170 g;
    • dry cream – 80 g;
    • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.


    If you want to get colored mastic, then you can take multi-colored marshmallows and make mastic alternately with marshmallows of each color. Although you can tint the finished mastic using food coloring.

    Crumble the marshmallows and heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds (you can do this in a water bath, but it will take longer). Knead the warmed marshmallows with a spoon. Mix dry cream, powdered sugar and vanillin. Pour this mixture in small parts into the mashed marshmallows and knead the mastic. Add the mixture until the mastic becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands.

    How to prepare mastic for a cake is now clear, all that remains is to figure out how to cover this very cake with mastic.

    1. First you need to roll out the mastic. To do this, sprinkle the table with cornmeal or powdered sugar. Roll out the mastic with a rolling pin, adding powder to the table so that the mastic does not stick.
    2. How much mastic do you need for a cake? Keep in mind that the mastic will cover not only the top of the cake, but also its sides. Make a circle of mastic a little larger than necessary - you can cut off the excess later. For example, for a cake 6 cm high and 25 cm in diameter, you will need a mastic cake with a diameter of approximately 40 cm.
    3. Gently press the mastic onto the surface of the cake with your palms, trying not to touch it with your fingers - imprints will remain. You cannot apply mastic to freshly soaked cakes - it will melt. There must be some kind of layer between the water and the mastic, a dry cake layer or butter cream.
    4. We cut off the excess mastic with a knife.