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How to use runes for smoking. Runes for smoking Runic staves for smoking

In trying to get rid of nicotine addiction forever, people use completely different methods: some rely on willpower, others buy special drugs, and still others use anti-smoking runes. Since addiction to nicotine is more psychological than physical, many people noted the effectiveness of these runes.

Runes are a graphic type of symbols, each of which is endowed with its own magical role. They were first used as letters of the alphabet among the Northern European peoples, but these signs quickly acquired the meaning of talismans. Today they are used in fortune telling and various conspiracies, including against smoking.

During the reading, each rune plays a special role. The outcome of a fortune-telling or conspiracy is directly affected by the location of the symbol and its combination with other drawings. All this creates a magical formula called becoming.

For runes to work effectively, they should be applied to the body or various jewelry. It is noted that if you want to quit smoking or drinking alcohol, it is better to avoid applying runes on your body in the form of tattoos, since their power can work the other way around, causing a person to want to smoke or drink even more. However, it is quite possible to scratch these drawings on the skin, since after 1-2 months it will be possible to completely get rid of traces of runes and nicotine addiction, this is confirmed by a number of practitioners.

Creation of formulas to get rid of cravings for cigarettes

Before getting rid of nicotine addiction with the help of runes, a smoker must study in detail the various ways of combining symbols and the meaning of each of them (this is also a prerequisite when recovering from alcoholism). Such actions become an integral part of the ritual, since by incorrectly combining runes, you can get the exact opposite of the desired result.

That is why experts have already identified several effective runic staves (standards) for quitting smoking. One of them includes the following characters:

  • mannaz - symbolizes a smoking person;
  • nautiz – the ability to overcome addiction;
  • Uruz – a person’s motivation, his willpower;
  • ansuz – a carefully considered desire to quit smoking;
  • raido lagus - makes a person more peaceful and less irritable;
  • ar - has a healing effect, improves health;
  • souo berkano – relieves physical cravings for cigarettes;
  • Vunyo is a symbol of joy, the end of troubles.

This runic formula has a direct impact on a person who abuses cigarettes, helping him to tune in to a positive outcome. From the moment these symbols are applied to the body or personal decoration, the smoker feels a surge of strength, relief from irritability, and the craving for nicotine gradually becomes less and less. In addition, according to numerous reviews, the use of these symbols also relieves the physical discomfort inherent in quitting cigarettes. Also, the presented runescript promotes faster recovery of the body after prolonged exposure to nicotine.

There is another effective and easy combination of runes that relieves nicotine addiction:

  1. The yar is pierced with the symbol of Isa. This will mark a break in the cyclical addiction, that is, the person gets rid of the craving for smoking cigarettes or even weed.
  2. Two Nauta symbols are adjacent to the Eyvaz rune. They help give a person willpower, but do not reduce the craving for smoking.
  3. Nauts – controls calm and self-control.
  4. Teyvaz, depicted both upright and upside down. Responsible for reflecting the negativity from smoking.
  5. Three Soulo symbols give a person moral strength.

In order to get the effect of this stave, all the runes need to be drawn on a piece of paper and placed under the pillow for 9 days. After the specified period, the paper is burned, and the ashes are scattered in the wind or washed off in water. Within a few days, the dependence on cigarettes disappears. A number of experts recommend pronouncing various slander and conspiracies while burning paper, there are no exact words, it just needs to be a conversation with higher powers and a request to get rid of cravings for nicotine, alcohol or drugs.

With true faith in the effectiveness of runes, you can indeed get rid of nicotine addiction forever.

Ancient runic symbolism helps to cope with addictions. Runes for smoking are effective even if the smoker’s will is suppressed and he is completely dependent on addictive behavior. Thanks to the runes, the attachment to cigarettes is destroyed, psychological dependence is reduced and complex symptoms disappear after quitting tobacco.

Blocking addiction with runes

The main thing is that they have a gentle effect on human behavior and will. For an addicted person, it is very important not only to get rid of the habit, but also to experience a mental restructuring. In this case, runes allow you to quickly and easily forget about tobacco.

Runes get rid of smoking thanks to a targeted effect on the elimination of cravings for tobacco occurs gradually, but if the addict gives up the addiction, he will not return to it.

The most effective runes against addiction are Uruz and Ansuz. Stakes with them have a complex effect.

If the operator is a close relative, you can use rune staves at a distance. They are applied to a photograph or used as a lining.

Effective bets

The runic form consists of several strong signs. They gradually influence a person, first weakening his will, then strengthening it when the desire appears to give up the habit forever. It gets rid of smoking. It allows you to look at your behavior from the outside: the operator realizes how harmful tobacco affects him.

Popular and proven anti-smoking tips:

  • Antitobacco;
  • from neighbors smoking.

The runes in the stave perform their functions gradually. The symbols act in turn and then reinforce each other. The formula is used as a talisman or hidden away from prying eyes.

A simple and universal form of addiction consists of the following symbols: Mannaz, Nautiz, Uruz and finally Ansuz. Mannaz works first - it symbolizes the smoker himself with a broken will and hidden true desires. After this, the Nautiz rune comes into force - it expresses compulsion when a smoker has to give up a harmful addiction.

Uruz strengthens the human will. The rune reveals internal resources and activates them. Following her, the Ansuz sign is triggered. The symbol represents a strong desire to say goodbye to an addiction and never return to it.

Antitobacco and its action

The most famous runic formula is called Antitobacco. She fights not only the habit, but also the cause. Destroys deep traumas, does not allow you to cling to them and use them as an excuse.

The Antitobacco formula contains both single runes and their derivative bundles.

  1. Mannaz and . The first runes trigger the correct processes inside the smoker. He experiences a cooling towards everything that he used to love - tobacco, cigars or even regular cigarettes.
  2. - the first negative rune to help cope with the problem. The addicted individual develops a sharp disgust. He no longer looks at cigarettes as an object of everyday comfort.
  3. symbolizes inner strength. A person begins to learn to value himself, his life. He no longer wants to waste it on stupid things - addictions or habits that shorten life expectancy.
  4. The Raido link follows simple runes and relieves withdrawal symptoms - a common withdrawal syndrome.
  5. In conclusion, the stav contains runes and They help to quit smoking without serious consequences for the body and health.

They finish by becoming not only a bunch, but also additional simple runes. The mirror returns a person to his natural state. It is supported by the sign Ar. It improves the health of the smoker and allows him to go through the recovery process faster.

Becoming a smoker from neighbors

Not only the smoker suffers from smoking, but also those close to him. In many cases, neighbors are forced to tolerate an addict and suffer from constant tobacco smoke and the consequences of passive smoking. For such cases, to use a complex stanza - Tired of neighbors.

The runic formula begins with a bunch and It personifies hated people. Thanks to the first symbols, the formula receives a direction - a goal. After them there are two signs. The rune influences the neighbors, locking them in their own problems. They no longer bring their negativity or bad habits into the world around them.

Next comes work. He forces neighbors to think about their behavior: they feel ashamed for smoking in a common area or for being rude in response to comments. The rune is triggered next. It ensures the operation of the stave - it implements the setting given during activation. The last thing in the stave is the ligament and secures the result.

Application and activation

Runes apply for a long time. For a quick ritual, paper or wood are perfect. A good option is to draw a stave on a stone or on jewelry. Runic symbols are redrawn while maintaining their proportions.

After applying the rune. To do this, use a simple clause or a natural element. Having become, you need to sprinkle it with clean water or burn it with fire. You can perform the ritual outside so that the wind participates in the activation of the stave.

Ancients runes from smoking- this is an effective way to get rid of a harmful addiction, which negatively affects not only your wallet, but also your health.

According to statistical reports, almost 80% of nicotine addicts dream of overcoming this unhealthy addiction. And many tried to quit smoking at least once in their lives, but constantly broke down and again grabbed the ill-fated cigarette.

When it comes to the realization that smoking entails only harm, a lot of time passes. By that time, a person has time to get used to starting his morning with a puff.

An ancient rune technique will help you defeat cigarettes. Magic symbols are much more powerful than medicines. They give reliable results and develop willpower in a person.

Rune staves for smoking

Intricate rune patterns have attracted the attention of more than one generation - they have a number of unique magical properties. Once you ask them for help, you will no longer want to use other methods.

Special signs are usually depicted on wooden, clay, and metal surfaces. They are often painted on the body. Each rune symbol is responsible for a certain life aspect.

To achieve a goal (in our case, to quit smoking), it is necessary to use the energy of not one symbol, but several. A specially selected runic formula will get rid of a bad habit.

You should not turn to the magic of runes if you are not sure of a positive result. You must understand the nature of ancient symbols, be able to compose, know the meaning of each sign.

A magic combination can help you if you compose it according to all the rules. Any mistake - even the most insignificant - can reverse the effect of the runes.

If you are new to this issue, it is better to consult a professional runologist. He will tell you which formulas have already been tested and which ones help faster. The launched program will begin to change several realities, namely:

  • astral(you will come to terms with the idea that you really want to get rid of addiction);
  • mental(all roads are open to you);
  • ethereal(anti-smoking runes tune thoughts to the desired result, connecting positive emotions and feelings);
  • physical(the person gradually calms down, the painful craving for cigarettes disappears, and the understanding comes that there are still many interesting and useful things in the world).

Each runic pattern for smoking is compiled based on the mental state of the individual. The minimum number of characters is three (maybe more).

Examples of rune combinations:

Gebo – Vunyo – Gebo

  • Gebo- this is a harbinger of good news;
  • Vunyo– bright energy and joy;
  • Gebo– complete freedom and achievement of harmony.

In order for it to take effect, it is applied either to a regular sheet of paper or to a photo of a person. Next they say, in which the pursued goal is mentioned, and leave everything for exactly a month in a secluded place. After thirty days, the formula must be burned to ashes.

Mannaz – Ansuz – Nautiz – Uruz – Vunyo – Raido – Laguz – Soulu – Berkana – Raido

In specialist circles, this runescript is called "Antitobacco". The formula helps to consciously cope with the existing problem and say goodbye to a pack of cigarettes forever. A person can easily give up nicotine without harming the nervous system or emotional state.

Experts say that the following technique gives a good effect. Write the required formula on paper and place it near your bed. For nine nights, do not remove the magic stave, and then burn the leaf.

The main thing that anti-smoking runes provide is an easy and conscious decision to get rid of nicotine addiction. There are several positive aspects from the action of symbols:

  • a person consciously stops smoking;
  • he no longer feels attached to cigarettes, he does not tremble at the sight of someone smoking;
  • not only psychological attachment disappears, but also physical one - health gradually returns to order;
  • as a result, a person becomes indifferent to cigarettes.

It should be clarified that the best results are obtained from rituals performed during the third lunar phase.

P.S. If you have questions, ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


The REGNUM news agency reports: according to VTsIOM (Center for the Study of Public Opinion), 79% of smokers want to get rid of nicotine addiction. 12% of tobacco lovers are sure that quitting smoking is easy, 56% is difficult, 4% is impossible. 21% of respondents tried to give up a bad habit, but without success. Having realized cigarette addiction, people try by any means to get rid of smoking. One way is to turn to ancient knowledge. Smoking runes endowed with magical meaning have become a reliable assistant for those who have not been helped by pharmaceutical drugs and their own willpower.

The graphic signs of the writing of the ancient Germans and Scandinavians are called runes. They have an angular shape, suitable for carving on stone, bone, wood, and metal. Each symbol has a phonetic and semantic meaning. Old German runa means "mystery". This is how the Germanic tribes, confident in the mystical properties of the signs, named their alphabet in the 1st century. The peculiarity of the runes is the order of letters (futhark), which is not found in other scripts.

Each rune has a name and meaning, the solution to which is contained in the keys. Having learned to decipher the symbols, researchers discovered “clues” of ancient signs that can be used to influence difficult life situations. It is believed that the magical symbols of ancient writing help to achieve the desired goal through self-knowledge. For example:

  • the use of the Raido (path) sign will give an understanding of the correct or erroneous decision;
  • the Soulo symbol (sun) brings success and strength;
  • the sign Uruz (bull) symbolizes physical health, the beginning of a new stage in life.

Today, runes serve as mystical symbols for fortune telling, protective amulet, getting rid of bad habits, and solving difficult life situations.

In runic rituals, only the Elder Futhark, consisting of 24 runes, is used. To achieve the goal, individual signs do not matter. To quit smoking, you will need to correctly formulate the current formula, which is called becoming.

Betting against smoking

Turning to runes requires a deep understanding of the nature of runic rituals, the ability to compose staves (magic combinations), and knowledge of special magic songs or spells. An incorrectly composed combination may become useless or have the opposite effect.

  1. Astral plane. There is a desire to quit smoking.
  2. Mental plane. A tobacco addict knows how to act.
  3. Ethereal Plane. Emotions and feelings are connected, tuning the consciousness to perceive energy flows that eliminate bad habits.
  4. Physical level: The nervous system calms down, the craving for nicotine goes away, and discomfort disappears. Stops against smoking restore the body after the damage caused by nicotine.

Runic staves are compiled taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the smoker.

A smoking stave can consist of three runes, but can contain a large number of mini ligatures (5, 12 or more). For example, an emotional person who doesn’t want to smoke anymore and wants to achieve quick results will be helped by a formula of three runes: Gebu - Wunju - Gebu.

  1. Gebu (gift) - foretells the beginning of a good event.
  2. Wunju (joy) - brings positive changes, portends a bright streak in life, is associated with the light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Gebu (2) - complete liberation from addiction.

In order to start a runic ritual against smoking, you need to put symbols on a photograph of a smoker or plain paper, say the goal (reduce the dosage, get rid of smoking, etc.), the timing of the ritual, and other wishes. After 30 days, the runescript is torn and burned. It is not recommended to make tattoos with formulas, put symbols on things, or make jewelry.

The “but smoker” formula, the runic anti-tobacco formula, Fresh breath and others are considered strong anti-smoking formulas. When composing combinations the following are often used:

  • combination of Soulo Berkano runes - relieves cravings for cigarettes;
  • double symbol Teyvaz - reflects situations that provoke smoking;
  • Nautiz sign - gives strength to survive nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

Runes written on paper help you quit smoking. Sheets with symbols are placed at the head of the bed for nine days. At dawn on the tenth day, the runescript is burned, and the ashes are washed away with water or carried away by the wind.

The effect of using the rune from smoking:

  1. Conscious cessation of cigarettes.
  2. Liberation from psychological dependence.
  3. Eliminating physical cravings for cigarettes.
  4. Restoring the body after harm from smoking.
  5. Development of aversion or indifference to nicotine.

A favorable period for using runes for smoking is the third phase of the Moon.

In the age of technological progress, the use of a mantra for smoking or the use of runes for the same purpose looks somewhat archaic. However, if you consider that tobacco smoking kills about 5 million people every year, then everything is not so simple. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, infertility, impotence, cancer of the mouth, larynx, and lungs are the tribute paid by smokers all over the world.

But why do people voluntarily continue to ruin their health? After all, you can quit smoking and not put your life at risk?

Unfortunately, saying goodbye to cigarettes is not as easy as it seems. And although it has been proven that this is more a psychological than a physical addiction, for many it is almost impossible to quit smoking. And when all available methods have been tried, but there is no result, people turn to magic for help.

Since ancient times, magic has been shrouded in secrets and riddles. Many centuries ago, people turned to healers, witches, and sorcerers for help. Then they believed that they could cure serious illnesses, predict the future, and reveal the past. They were revered and feared. A bad harvest and loss of livestock were associated with the wrath of the gods or the machinations of evil witches.

And this is understandable, since the reasons for everything that happened in hoary antiquity were not studied and, accordingly, inaccessible to understanding and explanation - they were classified as satanic, demonic. Man attributed all the most terrible blows of fate to dark forces.

Today we use electricity, we have the opportunity to communicate with people who are hundreds, thousands of kilometers away from us... On the one hand, modern man does not believe in the other world, mysterious forces, spirits that influence his life. But on the other hand, many still take omens and customs seriously and believe in the existence of brownies. What makes a person not throw out trash after sunset and avoid black cats? Why is today the Internet, which, in fact, in the Middle Ages would have been considered demonic, is replete with sites and forums where everyone can freely find a spell, rules for performing a ritual, or get advice from a fortune teller? Everything is very simple, just like in ancient times, people want to be healthy, rich, loved, happy. Desires change, but the essence is the same. This is precisely what pushes us in the 21st century to follow an unscientific method, turning to magic for help.

Runic ways to quit smoking

Runes are a collection of signs, as well as the ancient alphabet of the peoples of Northern Europe. Initially, symbols were a tool of ancient writing, but were supplanted by the Latin alphabet.

Over time, the signs began to be attributed mystical meaning. Today, runes are used in fortune telling, magical rituals, and applied to stone and paper.

They are believed to help in self-knowledge and achieving goals. Runes are used in the manufacture of amulets and talismans, filling them with power. Meditation on runic signs, understanding their symbolism opens a path for a person to understand the world and himself, and can have an effect on life circumstances.

When interpreting the runic layout, the meaning of both each individual rune and their general arrangement and combination are taken into account. It is important to take into account the position: straight, inverted, mirrored.

In the fight against smoking addiction, the “but smoker” formula is used. In this case, the working runes are: Eyvaz, Nautiz, Yar, Isa, Soulo, Teyvaz per, Eyvaz.

The ligature consists of 5 mini-ligatures:

  1. Yar pierced by Isa - which symbolizes the stopping of cyclicity. Becoming is aimed at combating habits reflected in the intersection of periodic collisions with the fruits of one’s own weakness, which occur regularly.
  2. Eyvaz + 2 Nauta - means a double “wolf hook”, overcoming in a bitter struggle. This ligature is the core of the stav and is aimed at protecting freedom and independence from attackers, in this case, from smoking. The action is similar to coding, so if the coded person succumbs to temptation, he will be held responsible.
  3. Nauts - help to restrain yourself from the desire to smoke a cigarette, increase persistence and self-control. Teyvaz per + Naut – calmness, helping to cope with the habit and remove overexcitement.
  4. Teyvaz + Teyvaz per. – makes it possible to repel external attacks that provoke smoking.
  5. Soulo+Soulo+Soulo – runes provide spiritual energy for fighting.

Symbols written on a piece of paper help to quit smoking. They should be placed at the head of the head or under the mattress for 9 days. On the 10th day at dawn, the paper is burned and the ashes are scattered in the wind or placed under running water. Within a few days, the craving for smoking disappears, and indifference or disgust develops.

Quit smoking with meditation

It is believed that runic signs can be applied to the body or objects. But it is not recommended to make an indelible tattoo, since after a certain time some symbols may begin to work in reverse. Often symbolism is applied to the stone in jewelry.

For effective work, it is recommended to meditate on the runes, this helps to feel their energy channels. So, you should light a candle, take a comfortable position, and place the desired symbol in front of you. Meditation should take place in a quiet, calm environment. You can turn on soothing music. Contemplating the symbol for several minutes, you need to close your eyes and mentally imagine the image in front of you.

The technique used for meditation should include:

  • deep breathing;
  • candles;
  • awareness of your body, its position.

Runic meditation is a technique for connecting with the subconscious of the mind to gain inner knowledge about various forces in the Universe and man. Thus, the body and mind relax, the activity of physical processes in the body slows down. A lit candle on the table can serve as a guide to the subconscious, help you calm down and achieve the desired state. If the meditation is carried out correctly, then the runic symbol should look like a blue sign in the void. You should study its appearance and quietly say its name. It is important to concentrate on your feelings and thoughts. There is no need to be upset if you cannot immediately relax or visualize the image of the runes. Work, first of all, should be aimed at self-awareness. After all, as you know, all the answers to questions are within ourselves.

If a person has firmly decided that he wants to quit smoking, he will definitely find ways to overcome the bad habit. Books, psychotherapy, hypnosis, meditation or mantras for smoking - all methods have the right to exist only if they are effective. But the fact is that each person is an individual, a mystery. Until scientists have created a panacea for smoking, you need to try, make mistakes, try, but under no circumstances stop.