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How to open handcuffs without a key at home. How to use handcuffs and how to open them without a key? How to open and remove handcuffs without a key

Sever79-8 14-05-2012 07:23

Good afternoon, Colleagues! I think that there are no potential criminals and repeat offenders in this thread... Therefore, I propose to share secrets - how to open various handcuffs without keys!?
For example, when I open the BR-S system handcuffs and the finger locks from the side of the shackle, any thin, strong object (paper clip, pin, wire) pushes out the ratchet... But what if they are locked? How do other handcuff systems open?

Amur73 14-05-2012 12:20

if without a stopper, then the BRS-2 and others with separated latches will not open very well.
and the rest, only if you can put a paperclip or other object in there.
br-s and ours have an enlarged gap on the side of the bow, so similar tricks are possible.

And in general, American ones in particular have minimal gaps and backlashes to make it so easy to get in and stuff something in.
Maybe, The best way“not with keys” to open, after all, make something like a key.

Sever79-8 14-05-2012 17:26

Thank you! about the "star" - a good move! But still? Is it possible to open through a keyhole?
In general, how, for example, can you remove the BR-S from the lock (without a key, of course...)?

Amur73 15-05-2012 11:23

no way to remove it.
The good thing about the latch is that there is a “hole” for activation, and you can only remove it with a key. This means that access to the latch is only through the keyhole.
And the thinner and smaller the hole, especially like in foreign ones, with a central key pin, the less the paperclip will fit in there.
Unfortunately, BOS and BCS are generally unrivaled in terms of size and ease of digging in the well, due to their design.

I have bicycles in the corridor, almost common, on high security Smith Wesson 104. I think that without a key you can only break it. The breaking force promised by Smith Wesson is 750 kg. our standard is 150.

v0vaN 23-05-2012 14:26

Some handcuffs can be broken in the area where the chain link is attached to the bracelet by inserting the fasteners for the chain of another bracelet into it and using the lever to break it. I did this once, it worked. You need strength, the ability to strengthen the action on the lever by pressing the handcuffs to some stationary surface and using your entire body weight, and the condition that the handcuffs are not worn behind your back.

Sever79-8 24-05-2012 09:58

Not a bad way either... I saw this! But they break, and they still hang on the wrists... I would like to open the MECHANISM ITSELF, without breaking...
If the handcuffs are fastened behind your back, then it is not a problem to move them forward under your feet! [not all models, but only with chain!]

Amur73 26-05-2012 17:42

:-) depends on the constitution of the body :-)

Susliks 29-05-2012 17:17

It’s not a problem to move them forward under your feet!

Therefore, the correct SM handcuffs are threaded through the belt from behind.

Amur73 01-06-2012 05:53

Amers have a wonderful "martin belt". chain for a belt, with a block at the end and large chain links. the block is threaded into the chain link, fixed on the belt, and the handcuffs are threaded into the block. So a man walks with his hands to his belt. And in front of you are your hands, you can sit and not wave them. often shown in movies. In general, amers have the largest arsenal of handcuffs and variety. A person must not cause harm to himself or others before the trial :-) with us, handcuffs and the guard’s baton-boot complement each other. An “organizational” method that complements the imperfection of the material base :-)

Dmitry_S 05-06-2012 12:58

I opened the BRS-2 with a paper clip through the key. a section of approximately 6 mm is bent at the paper clip, then you can act on both clamps. BUT! - all this was done with two hands and on the table. handcuffs correctly placed behind your back, even with a key, take about 15 minutes to open on your own. And “move forward under your feet” and other film tricks only work if the handcuffs are on the hands, below the joint.

Naturist 06-09-2013 18:26

He chewed the match until it was flexible, stuck it in the neck and pressed the latches. The “file” on the movable part of the handcuffs slips along the flexible match wet with saliva. Demonstrated by the detainee, fastened with one hand to the battery.

Leonid Ilyich 07-09-2013 15:31

quote: Originally posted by Sever79-8:
If the handcuffs are fastened behind your back, then it is not a problem to move them forward under your feet! [not all models, but only with chain!]

Blind fury. Have you tried this method or have you only seen it in movies?

an0805 08-09-2013 16:46

quote: Blind fury. Have you tried this method or have you only seen it in movies?

Yes Easy. Even with articulated ones. The main thing is that it is fastened at the wrist, and not above the bone. Above the bone and if with a chain (BRS-1, BRS-2) - this is also possible, but it will hurt and marks will remain. It all depends on the build.

an0805 08-09-2013 16:49

quote: Originally posted by Amur73:

By the way, on one Korean model, especially for such clever people, there is a small asterisk that simply blocks this loophole.

Yuil M-11-1-K? They don't put it on anymore.

Norge 13-03-2014 16:13

In general, if you don’t bother too much, the same Smith and Wesson opens through the key hole with an ordinary hook-shaped master key.. For gourmets, you can try a paper clip, but I would flatten it first..

an0805 13-03-2014 17:16

quote: Originally posted by Norge:
In general, if you don’t bother too much, the same Smith and Wesson opens through the key hole with an ordinary hook-shaped master key.. For gourmets, you can try a paper clip, but I would flatten it first..

Almost all handcuffs with a non-split pawl are opened with a scraper. Some Peerless modifications are somewhat difficult - the lever is small and therefore requires quite a lot of force. Americans do not hold a dog divided into three parts in high esteem - only Safariland (formerly Hiatt, although now they will again be Hiatt) and CTS Thompson make a dog divided into three parts. And so we can recommend that you definitely do not open these with a scraper.

For a movie character, it’s like two fingers: he took the wire, moved the lock for two seconds - and the handcuffs are open. So you look around and in your pockets for an ordinary paper clip. In the end, call for help from at least someone who can bring it.

To check whether this scheme works at all, we took a standard police special equipment BRS-2, put it on and went in search of paper clips. And we succeeded.

1. Get your bearings. The BRS-2 has a through lock, so the “key” can be inserted from any side. It opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.

2. Found a big thick paper clip? Its advantage is that it bends less and does not break during the opening process. Make one end like a key tongue, insert it and twist it in the right side. It may take 10-15 minutes before you fool the mechanism, but freedom is close.

3. Found a small thin paper clip? Great, you can make an almost duplicate of your original key from it. In the BRS-2 there is not one plate that fixes the teeth of the bracelet, but two - that is why the keys have a double tongue. Something similar needs to be built from a paper clip. Opening handcuffs with such a master key will not be difficult.

Handcuff Lock Lock

If it is activated (the lever is deeply recessed into the hole), then you first need to open the lock (one movement of the paper clip in the direction opposite to opening), and then take hold of the lock itself.

Actually, the handcuffs are opened with a key, but if there is no key, you forgot it somewhere or lost it, or if the handcuffs are jammed (but this is the fourth point), then...

Handcuffs open:

1. By picking the lock with a straight or L-shaped wire, the stiffer the wire, the better. If the handcuffs are also locked with a latch, this number will not work. By the way, ladies' manicure scissors with curved ends are ideal for a Peerless type keyhole; they are removed from the latch at a time and the teeth are pushed back with little effort.

2. Spin. By inserting a wire or pin over the teeth between the movable and stationary parts of the handcuffs in order to press the latch from the inside. If spinning is possible, the ideal tool is a spring from a rotary telephone (the one that returns the dialer) - the dimensions are exactly the same and the rigidity and flexibility are just right. The Ralkem opens simply: there is no latch, you can lift it with any paperclip, and then use a telephone spring with the end slightly bent towards the bow to bypass the anti-squeeze ledge, or some other device.
Take a piece of wire (not necessarily rigid), make a bridge with 90-degree angles above the latch hole, and bend it so that the ends fit into the keyholes of the same handcuff on both sides, press clockwise, two independent latches move out synchronously.

3. Jumping. You need to snap it sharply on a tooth or two and immediately pull it open. Usually it snaps into place by one or two teeth and opens by 5-6, and if you’re lucky, even completely. But here a certain skill is needed. And this method is suitable for handcuffs with a weak spring

4. Break off the swivel. The secret is simple and the same - to create a forceful effect. When the bracelets are closed on the hands, this can be done like this: throw a chain link on the swivel and PRESS until it breaks. Tried. The second way is to pinch the swivel in a narrow place metal structure and break it off.

5. Metal hacksaw, hydraulic shears, autogen.

I advise everyone to train with open handcuffs. I do not have such an opportunity due to their absence.

In the end, it is still possible to get out of anything that is not riveted, if you are not chained to a pipe, and there is nothing to make a master key from.

Options for the latter case are of course extreme; they are usually resorted to if the handcuffs are jammed and of course it is better not to let this happen, following the operating instructions. Better yet, call 01 to the joint rescue service. The guys who work there will help solve this problem. Much is known similar cases. There was even a program on television about the rescue service, entirely dedicated to the poor souls who different ways were captured by steel bracelets and could not free themselves from them.

By the way, sometimes in films they show handcuffs being torn apart by a pistol shot along the chain. Of course it looks impressive, but ATTENTION! There is a high chance of breaking your arm. So you shouldn't be a hero. It is safer to take metal scissors with long handles and bite it. With domestic handcuffs it works without problems. Same with most imported ones. But some imported handcuffs are made to special orders and made of especially strong steel, which cannot be handled by such scissors, and not every hacksaw can handle it. Only the rescue service will help here.

Another dangerous method that has found a place in films is joint dislocation. thumb. The width of the palm decreases and the hand freely comes out of the bracelet. ATTENTION! This is dangerous for your health! Never resort to this method unless you have been kidnapped or your life is in danger.

Different models of handcuffs have different resistance to opening foreign objects. For example, the “Tenderness” and “Crabs” handcuffs are very easy to open with a match. BRS and BRS2 handcuffs are highly resistant to opening by foreign objects. The keyhole of the BRS is made so carefully that it is impossible to insert a rigid wire there. And if the wire is too thin, it will be impossible to move the locking mechanism, because the spring is very stiff. In BRS2 handcuffs, the locking mechanism is divided into two independent parts and it is very problematic to move two stoppers at the same time, especially if the handcuffs are on the hands. In some Western models, the mechanism is divided into three independent parts. Well, in the West, where they pay much more attention to handcuffs than here, there are especially secret models with two independent locking mechanisms. One is opened with a standard key, the other has a cylinder mechanism and a multi-bit key. It is impossible to open such a structure

PS. I hope no one will need this skill, but the knowledge is not burdensome.

All knowledge is important, all knowledge is needed. You never know what information will come in handy one day and, moreover, can save a life. We are confident that novate readers are law-abiding people who respect the law and avoid trouble. But no one is immune from extreme situations. So today you will find out how to free yourself from handcuffs. Yes, just in case.

These tips can help if a person is in trouble and attackers try to immobilize him with handcuffs or a plastic zip tie. Let’s highlight rule number one separately: always carry a paperclip, hairpin, or similar thin device in your pocket metal object . Make this your habit. One day, it might come in handy.

Method 1: getting rid of handcuffs using the “key”

Carefully remove a paperclip, hairpin, bobby pin, piece of wire, or other thin metal object. Bend it at a right angle.

Place the “key” into the keyhole a few millimeters and turn it a little. Then in the other direction. As a result, the tip of the pick should acquire wavy shape.

The "key" is ready. Place the master key in the lock so that its bent end rests against the latch and turn.

See how to do this at video.

Method 2: getting rid of handcuffs using a pad lever

We will need a plate of thin metal, tin, or even very thick foil. About the thickness of a plastic card.

We bend the lining and place it between the teeth of the handcuffs and the locking mechanism, as shown in the photo.

With effort press in handcuff into plate.

Press the plate itself like a lever. The handcuffs should unlock.

Method 3: free yourself from the plastic tie

The weak point of the plastic tie is its lock. It cannot withstand overloads. So step number 1 - tighten the handcuffs as much as possible.

A similar method works if hands tied behind back.

We hope you find these tips helpful when entertaining your guests with Houdini-style tricks. Then it would be useful to find out.