home · Other · What kind of people should you invite to iftar? Iftar is the evening meal after fasting. A town far from the temptations of the metropolis

What kind of people should you invite to iftar? Iftar is the evening meal after fasting. A town far from the temptations of the metropolis

(words of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him!).

The story that served as the beginning of the young man’s Islamic ministry

While still a young man, Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!) grazed sheep on a mountain near Mecca of one of the leaders of the Quraish, Uqba ibn Muayt, and people called him ibn Umm Abd. His name was Abdullah, and his father's name was Masud.

When he was little, he heard talk about the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) appearing among his people. On the one hand, he did not attach importance to this, since he was small, and on the other hand, he was far from the life of the Quraysh, since he went to graze sheep early in the morning and returned in the evening.

One day Abdullah ibn Masud saw two men approaching him from afar. And it was noticeable that they were very tired and thirsty. When they approached him, they greeted him and asked: “Milk this goat for us so that we can quench the thirst that torments us!”

Abdullah replied: “I will not do this, because these goats and sheep are not mine, I have been entrusted with looking after them!” They did not contradict him and were satisfied with the answer.

Then one of the men said: “Show me a young, unmilked goat!” Abdullah pointed to a small goat that was standing next to him. The man approached her and began to stroke her udder, remembering Allah. Abdullah looked at him in surprise and thought to himself: “Since when did young goats start producing milk?” . The goat's udder swelled and began to produce milk abundantly. Another man placed a vessel under the udder. Then they both got drunk and gave Abdullah a drink.

When they had quenched their thirst, the man who miraculously milked the goat said, “Shrink!” - and the udder, shrinking, acquired its previous appearance. Then the boy asked the blessed man to teach him the words that he spoke. “You are trained in it!” the man replied.

As for the lucky man, it was the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!), and his companion was Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him!). On this day they wandered through the mountains due to the oppression that the Quraish inflicted on them. Abdullah loved them both and became attached to them. The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him!) also liked Abdullah very much: they saw goodness and devotion in him. Not much time passed before Abdullah Ibn Masud accepted Islam and asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) to take him into service. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) took it. After this, Abdullah Ibn Masud, leaving the herd of animals, went over to serve the Lord of the Nations. Just as a shadow accompanies a person, so Abdullah accompanied the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) - both on trips, at home, and outside.

Abdullah's closeness to the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!)

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) was sleeping, he woke him up at his request, put on his shoes when the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) wanted to go out and took them off when entering the house. He carried his staff and siwak, and opened the door of his hujra when the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) came in to worship.

It is reported from Kasim that “Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!) put shoes on the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!), then walked ahead with a staff. When they came to the Majlis, he took off the shoes of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) and took them in his arms, handing him the staff. After all, the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) entered the room with a staff to worship Allah.”

The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) gave Abdullah permission to enter his house at any time he wished to listen to secret affairs. Even people started calling him “keeper of the secrets of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!).” He was brought up in the house of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!), followed his instructions, acquired moral qualities, followed him in every matter, they even said about him that “He is the closest, similar to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) in character and conviction.”

Aba Musa (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “My brother and I arrived from Yemen, having stayed there for a short time regarding Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!). We thought that he and his mother were from the family of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) due to the fact that he visited the house of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) a lot” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Abdullah's knowledge and piety

Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!) studied the reading of the Qur'an from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) and was the best reader among the companions, best understanding of their meanings and the most knowledgeable of the laws of Sharia. Evidence of this is the following story with Umar ibn Khatab (may Allah be pleased with him!).

One day, when Umar ibn Khatab (may Allah be pleased with him!) stood on the mountain Arafat, A man approached him and said: “I came from Kufa, O leader of the faithful, leaving there a man who was copying the Koran from memory. Umar ibn Khatab (may Allah be pleased with him!) became very angry and asked: “Woe to you, but who is this?” - He replied: “This is Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!)” - Then Umar said: “Oh, woe to you, I swear by Allah, I do not know a person who knows the Koran better than him! And I will tell you about it."

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) says:

One evening the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) was with Abu Bakr. And I was also with them - we discussed Muslim affairs. Then we, together with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) went to the mosque, where there was a person performing prayer - we did not recognize it. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) began to listen to him, then said: “Whoever enjoys reading the Koran the way it was revealed, let him read it the way Ibn Umm Abd did.” When he sat down and made dua, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) began to say: “Ask and you will receive!” Ask and you will receive!”

I thought to myself: “I swear by Allah, tomorrow I will go to Abdullah and make him happy that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) considered his prayer exemplary. Having come to him in the morning to please him, it turns out that Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him!) was already ahead of me.”

I swear by Allah, I could never get ahead of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him!) in a good deed - and every time he was ahead of me.

About knowledge of the book of Allah, Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him!) himself said this: “I swear by Allah, there is no one who knows the book of Allah better - for what reason and where this or that verse was revealed - than I do. If I knew that there was a person who knew this better than me, I would have come to him, no matter where he was!”

Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him!) was not exaggerating when he said this to himself. One day Umar met a caravan on the road, but it was already late at night and it was impossible to distinguish faces.

Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!) was in the caravan. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) ordered one of his people to ask the following questions - Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) answered them:

Where are you from?

From the deep wadi

Where are you going?

To the old house (baytu ‘atik)

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: "There is a learned man among them". Then he ordered the following questions to be asked - Abdullah answered them with verses from the Koran:

What is the greatest thing in the Quran?

-(Meaning) "Allah -there is no god but Him, the Living One, the Sustainer of Life. Neither drowsiness nor sleep takes possession of him. To Him belongs what is in heaven and what is on earth."(Surah al-Baqarah, verse 255).

What is the wisest thing in the Quran?

- (Meaning) “Verily, Allah commands justice, to do good (to perform farz, to worship as if you see Him, although you do not see Him) and to give gifts to relatives and orphans. He forbids abominations, reprehensible acts and outrages" (Surah Nahl, verse 90).

What is the most comprehensive thing in the Qur'an?

- (Meaning) “He who has done good weighing the smallest particle will see it. And the one who has done evil weighing the smallest particle will see it” (Sura Zulzilat, verse 7.8).

What's the most terrifying thing about the Quran?

- (Meaning) “This cannot be achieved through your desires or the desires of the People of the Book. Whoever does evil will receive retribution for it (either in this world through troubles or in the hereafter), and he will not find himself a patron or helper besides Allah” (Surah an-Nisa, verse 123).

What is the most encouraging thing in the Quran?

- (Meaning) “Say: “O my servants, who have overindulged to harm themselves! Do not despair of Allah's mercy. Verily, Allah forgives all sins, for He is Forgiving, Merciful” (Sura Zamru, verse 53).

Then Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) told his man to find out if Abdullah Ibn Masud was among them? People replied: “We swear by Allah - yes!”

Abdullah told them that when we study ten verses from the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!), we should not study the next ten verses until we have studied the first ten verses in depth.

Ubaydullah's brother (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “When everyone was sleeping, Abdullah would get up and the sound of his weeping could be heard, like the sound of bees.”

Zayd ibn Wahb (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “With my own eyes I saw two black lines under Abdullah’s eyes due to crying.”

Aba Amr Shaybaniya says that once Aba Musa (may Allah be pleased with them!) was asked to give a fatwa regarding certain farzes, he made a mistake - and Abdullah ibn Masud corrected him. Then Aba Musa (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “Don’t ask me anything while Abdullah ibn Masud is alive!”

It is narrated from Masruq: “The companions of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) were asked about knowledge, and six were found to have knowledge: they were Ali, Umar, Abdullah, Zayd, Abu ad-Darda, and Ubbai. Then they asked among the six - and found two: they were Ali and Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with them!).

Habib ibn Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him!) says that Abdullah ibn Masud said: “If you knew what I know, you would pour sand on your head!”

Letter from Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) to Kufa:

“I sent Ammar (may Allah be pleased with him!) for you as a leader, and ibn Masud as a teacher. They are from among the noble companions of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) and took part in the battle of Badre. Listen to them, follow them and give Abdullah priority over yourself!

Worship of Abdullah

From Zara (may Allah be pleased with him!) it is reported that Abdullah fasted every Monday and Thursday.

Fight in battles

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “There was no one left with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) at the Battle of Uhud except four companions, one of them was Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!).” .

It was reported from Abu Ubayd that Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with them!) said :“I reached Abu Jahl and he was defeated - and I said: “Praise be to Allah, Who humiliated you, O enemy of Allah!”

The first person to read the Quran aloud after the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!)

Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “Once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) asked me to read the Koran to him. I asked: “Will I read what was revealed to you?” - He replied that - yes, he wants to hear it from someone else. I read Surah an-Nisa. The eyes of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) shed tears and he said: “Whoever enjoys reading the Quran the way it was revealed, let him read it the way Ibn Umm Abd did!”

Abdullah Ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased!) was not only a reciter of the Koran, knowledgeable and pious - at the same time he was a courageous, brave, determined person.

Once the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him!) gathered in Mecca, then they were few and weak. They said: “We swear by Allah, the Quraysh have never heard the Quran read aloud. Who could read it to them?” - Abdullah Ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him!) replied: “I honor him with him.” They said: “We are afraid for you, because the Quraysh can harm you. We want such a person to be protected by his people and come to his aid if the Quraish want to harm him.” Abdullah said: “Allow me to do this, Allah will protect me.”

The next day in the morning, Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him!) went to the maqam of Ibrahim, and the Quraish were sitting around the Kaaba. He stood up and began to read verses from the Koran, the Quraysh, having listened, began to ask what Ibn Umm Abd was reading? “Woe to him! - he reads what came to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him!).” They approached him and began to hit him in the face - but he continued reading as much as he could, by the will of Allah. Spilling blood, Abdullah returned to his companions. They said: “That’s what we were afraid of.” – “ I swear by Allah, never have the enemies of Allah fallen so low in my eyes as today! If you want, I’ll go to them tomorrow too!” They said, “No, you've had enough. Verily, you have read to them what they hate.”

The love of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him!) for Abdullah

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him!) said: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) ordered Abdullah to climb a tree and bring something. The Companions looked at Abdullah's shin and laughed. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) said that they are laughing? After all, Abdullah’s one foot on the Day of Judgment on the scales will be heavier than Mount Uhud!”

Haysama (may Allah be pleased with him!) says: “I was sitting near Abdullah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him!) - and he mentioned Abdullah ibn Masood, and said: “My love does not stop after the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) blessings on him!) said: “Learn to read the Koran from four: these are Abdullah ibn Masud, Ubbayu ibn Kab, Muaz ibn Jabal and Salim Mavlya Abu Huzaifa.”

Abdullah's will

Narrated from Amir ibn Abdullah from Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them!) , that in his will Abdullah ibn Masud wrote: “I bequeath to Zubair ibn Awwam and his son Abdullah ibn Zubair that they have the right to share my property after me and that my daughters will not marry except with their permission, and also that Zubair will funeral prayer over him.”

Death of Abdullah

Abdullah Ibn Masud lived until the reign of Caliph Uthman (may Allah be pleased with them!). When he fell mortally ill, Uthman (may Allah be pleased with them!) came to visit him.

He asked Abdullah:

What are you complaining about?

For your sins.

What do you want?

Mercy of Allah.

I will order you to pay what you have refused for many years.

I don't need this.

But this will remain for your daughters!

Are you afraid that my daughters will remain poor?

I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him!) say: “Whoever reads Al-Waqia every night will never suffer poverty or destitution!”

When night fell, in the thirty-second year of the Hijri, with the words of remembrance of Allah, Abdullah left for the Other World. After his death, Zubair came to Usman (may Allah be pleased with him!) and said: “Give me Abdullah’s due - truly his family needs it, and Usman (may Allah be pleased with him!) gave fifteen thousand dinars.”

Based on the books: “Suvaru min hayati sahabati”, “Usul al-ghab”, “Istiaab”


A small, short boy tended a herd of goats in the mountains near Mecca. Suddenly he saw two men approaching him. When they came closer, the boy noticed: they looked very tired and were thirsty. The wanderers turned to him with a request: “Oh, young shepherd, will you treat us with the milk of your goats so that we can quench our hunger and thirst?”

In response, the boy said: “I am very sorry, but these goats are not mine, they belong to Uqaybah ibn Ali Muayt, and therefore I cannot give you milk without his permission.”

The travelers were extremely amazed by the honesty of the young shepherd. It was Abdullah ibn Masud, and the two wanderers were the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his faithful companion Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu). They left Mecca that day to avoid persecution by the Quraish. This incident showed the exceptional honesty of Abdullah ibn Masud even before he became a Muslim. Rasulullah (PBUH) said about him: “He is the best among you before he accepted Islam, and he remained the best after.”

Soon after this incident, Abdullah ibn Masud began to follow the Prophet (PBUH) and then became a Muslim. He gave up his occupation and stopped herding goats and instead devoted his life to the service of Islam.

He accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on his travels and helped him in everything. He received a unique upbringing and instruction in his home. Abdullah ibn Masud is also known as the most knowledgeable sahab and expert on the Koran. One day a man came to Umar ibn Al-Khattab and said: “I have just come from the Iraqi city of Kufa, where I met a man copying the Koran from memory.”

- Who is he? - Umar exclaimed (radiyallahu anhu) angrily.

“Abdullah ibn Masud,” answered the wanderer.

After this, the caliph calmed down and said: “I swear by Allah, I do not know a person who could do such a job better than him.”

Another time, the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), Umar and Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhum) passed by a mosque from where a beautiful reading of the Koran could be heard. Rasulullah (PBUH) stopped and said: “Whoever wants to read the Holy Book with sincere delight should do it like Abdullah ibn Masud”. Namely, he was in the mosque at that moment.

Ibn Masud was one of the four people from whom the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended studying the Koran. The others were Salama Maula Abu Hudayfa, Muaz bin Jabal and Ubay ibn Ka'b (radiyallahu anhum).

When there were not many Sahaba in Mecca, and they were weak and persecuted, one day they said: “The Quraish did not hear the Quran recited loudly. Who can do this? Abdullah ibn Masud volunteered, but he was faced with a difficult task. The Sahabah feared for him because he had no tribe behind him that could protect him. The Quraish could easily attack and injure a companion if he began to read the Koran loudly. However, Ibn Mas'ud replied: "Allah will not allow them to harm me."

Abdullah ibn Masud went to the Kaaba, where the Quraysh were gathering, and began to read Surah Ar-Rahman. When they realized that the sahab was reading the Koran, they approached him and began to beat him until blood sprayed out. Despite the swelling and bruises, he completed the reading of the sura. The Sahaba were very upset when they saw their comrade in such a state, but he said: “By the Will of Allah, His enemies were in a more unpleasant situation than me, and soon I will go to the Kaaba again to read the Koran.”

However, the Sahaba exclaimed: “This is enough!”

Abdullah ibn Masud had excellent manners and loved to make sacrifices for the sake of Allah. He took part in all the major battles of the Muslims along with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). At the Battle of Badr he killed the enemy of Islam, Abu Jahl. He also distinguished himself in the battles of Uhud, Khandaq, Khaybar, the attacks of Mecca and Hunayn.

This Sahab was distinguished by his extraordinary scrupulousness in transmitting the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH). He made sure to use exactly the words his mentor spoke and avoided mistakes. After finishing telling the hadith to people, he smiled - just like Rasulullah (PBUH) did. He did this to please his teacher. Therefore, all hadiths transmitted by Abdullah ibn Masud are considered authentic.

This sahab also did not allow any injustice, no matter who the person was. One day, Wahid ibn Aqaba, the governor of Kufa, was late for the beginning of the prayer, and Abdullah ibn Masud took over as head of the jamaat in his place. When he finally came to the mosque, he became angry with his companion and demanded an explanation from him. Sahab said: “Allah would be displeased if the prayer was delayed because of your lateness. Why should people wait for you in the mosque after the adhan has sounded?” Wahid ibn Aqaba did not find what to answer him.

Ibn Masud was kind to his family and showed great care for his loved ones. He tried to teach them everything he knew about the Koran and Islam. This sahab also became famous for his hospitality and made his house in Kufa available for receiving guests. He often talked about the Unity of Allah, prayers, fear of God and eternal life. The companion never tired of repeating: “Oh, people, anyone who does not want to lose the opportunity to receive benefits in the eternal world must think about this in the earthly world.”

Abdullah ibn Masud was brave and pious, but he had rather short and thin legs. One day he climbed a tree and fell from it, unable to grasp the trunk, and those around him began to mock him. Seeing this, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “On the Day of Judgment his feet will have more weight before Allah than Mount Uhud.”.

This companion lived during the reign of the pious Uthman (radiyallahu anhu). When he was on his deathbed, the caliph came to him and asked: “Why are you sick?”

“Because of my sins,” answered the Sahab.

-What would you like? - asked Usman (radiyallahu anhu).

“The mercy of my Creator,” said Abdullah ibn Masud.

“Can I give you the reward that you have refused all these years?” - the caliph clarified.

- I don't need her.

- Let it go to your daughters after you leave this world!

“Are you afraid that my children will remain in poverty?” I told them to recite Surah al-Waqiya every night because I heard the words of the Prophet (PBUH): “Whoever recites Surah al-Waqiya every night may never fear poverty.”,” Ibn Masud replied to the Caliph.

That same night, Abdullah ibn Masud passed away with the remembrance of Allah on his lips and reading the Koran.

Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace

While still a young man who had not yet reached adulthood, Abdullah ibn Masud tended the sheep of one of the Quraish leaders, Uqba ibn Muayt, in the deserted mountain pastures of Mecca.

People called him Ibn Umm Abd, while his real name was Abdullah and his father's name was Masud.

The boy received news from people about a prophet who had appeared among his people. However, he did not attach any importance to this, since, on the one hand, he was a minor, and on the other, he was extremely far from the life of Meccan society of that time. Every morning, early in the morning, he drove the sheep of the residents of Ukba to pasture and returned home with them already after dark.

One day, the Meccan shepherd Abdullah ibn Masud noticed that two stately and respectable men were approaching him from afar. It was clear from everything that they were very exhausted and thirsty. Approaching the shepherd, the men greeted him and then asked:

Listen, boy, milk this goat for us so that we can quench the thirst that has dried up our veins and tormented us.

The young man replied:

I will not do this, since these goats and sheep are not mine, and I am entrusted with looking after them...

These words did not make any impression on the men; on the contrary, an expression of satisfaction appeared on their faces.

One of the men turned to Abdullah:

Show me a young, unmilked goat.

The young man pointed to a small goat next to him. Grabbing the goat, the man began stroking its udder, repeating the name of Allah over it.

Looking at this in amazement, Abdullah thought to himself: “And since when did young goats start milking?!”

However, before his eyes, the goat's udder swelled and milk flowed out of it abundantly. Picking up a stone with a notch from the ground, another man placed it under his udder while he

not filled with milk. Then they both got drunk and gave Abdullah a drink.

Abdullah later said: “I almost couldn’t believe my eyes... When we quenched our thirst, the man who miraculously managed to milk the goat said:


The goat's udder began to shrink in volume until it took on its normal appearance. Then I asked the lucky man:

Teach me the words you spoke.

“You are trained in it, young man,” the man answered.

This event marked the beginning of the Islamic period in the life of Abdullah ibn Masud...

The fact is that the man who milked the goat was none other than the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his companion was the most truthful Abu Bakr.

On this day they set off along rocky paths, leaving Mecca, unable to withstand the oppression and hardships that the Quraysh inflicted on them.

The young man fell in love with the Messenger of Allah and his companion, and then felt strong affection for them. In turn, the Messenger and Abu Bakr liked Abdullah, and they highly appreciated his loyalty and devotion, seeing a lot of goodness in him.

Soon Abdullah ibn Masud accepted Islam and asked the Messenger of Allah to take him

to your service. The Prophet took him as his servant.

From that day on, the former shepherd Abdullah ibn Masud became the chosen one of fate, entering the service of the master of people and nations.

Abdullah ibn Masud began to relentlessly follow the Messenger of Allah like a shadow. On all his trips he accompanied his Prophet, was with him at home and outside...

When the Messenger was sleeping, Abdullah woke him up when the Messenger asked him to do so, covered him during ablution, put sandals on him if the Prophet was about to go out, and took them off when the Messenger of Allah entered the house. Abdullah carried with him the staff of the Prophet and his siwak 17, and also opened the door to the room for him when the Messenger wanted to retire...

In turn, the Messenger of Allah allowed Abdullah to come to him at any time, made him his confidant even in the most secret matters, so that people called Abdullah the keeper of the secrets of the Prophet.

Abdullah ibn Masud was educated in the house of the Messenger of Allah, began to be guided by his instructions, adopted many of his character and moral traits,

17 A twig for cleaning teeth.

trying to imitate him in everything. It was even said about Abdullah that he, more than anyone else, was similar in his beliefs and character to the Messenger of Allah.

Having completed a course of study at the school of the Messenger, Abdullah became the best reciter of the Koran among the companions of the Prophet, the most deeply versed in its meaning, and the most knowledgeable in the field of the Law of Allah.

This is best illustrated by the story of a man who once approached Umar ibn al-Khattab, who was standing on Mount Arafat. This man said to Umar:

O leader of the faithful, I came here from Kufa, leaving there a man who transcribed the Koran from memory.

Hearing this, Umar literally almost burst with anger and exclaimed menacingly:

Who is this, woe to you?!

The man replied:

This is Abdullah ibn Masud.

Umar’s heart was relieved, and he gradually came to his senses. Then he said:

Woe to you, I swear by Allah, I do not know anyone else who knows the Koran better than him, and I will tell you about it.

One evening the Messenger of Allah was with Abu Bakr and they were discussing the current affairs of the Muslims. I was also present at this. When the Messenger of Allah stood up, we followed him. Then we saw a man we didn’t know who was performing prayer in the mosque. The Messenger of Allah stopped and listened to the prayer, and then, turning to us, said: “Whoever enjoys reading the Qur'an the way it was revealed, let him read it the way Ibn Umm Abd does...” Then Abdullah ibn Masud began to pray, and the Messenger of Allah said: “Ask,

and you will receive... Ask and you will receive...‖

I said to myself: “I swear by Allah, in the morning I will come to Abullah ibn Masud and make him happy that the Messenger of Allah recognized his prayer as exemplary.” Coming to him in the morning to make him happy, I found that Abu Bakr had already preceded me and told him this good news... I swear by Allah, whenever I competed with Abu Bakr in good deeds, he was ahead of me.

Abdullah ibn Masud knew the Book of Allah so well that he even said: “I swear by the One besides Whom there is no god that I know better than anyone when and for what reason any verse of the Book of Allah was revealed.” If I knew that there was a person who knew this better than me, I would go to him, wherever he was.

Abdullah ibn Masud did not exaggerate at all in his words. Once on one of his trips, Umar ibn al-Khattab met a caravan. It was already late and in the darkness people’s faces could not be distinguished.

Abdullah ibn Masud was in this caravan. Umar ordered one of his men to call out to the caravan: “Where are these people from?” Abdullah replied: “From the deep valley.”

Umar ordered to ask: “Where are you going?” Abdullah replied: “To the Ancient House 18.”

Umar said: “There is a learned man among them.” Then he ordered the following question to be asked: “What is the greatest thing in the Quran?”

18 Al-Kaaba.

Abdullah answered him: “Allah - there is no god but Him, the Living God,

A month-long holiday that Muslims look forward to every year. These days, Muslims observe fasting, and when the time comes for it to end, they gather together for a solemn meal - iftar, treating loved ones, friends and those in need. It is said that guests in your home who come to Iftar will bring you blessings.

Anyone can organize and hold such a festive dinner, even if not on a city-wide scale, but at least in their own family, large or small. We will try to tell you how best to do this in various conditions. .

Family Iftar

Conducted with family and close relatives

Whom to invite?

Invite your parents, brothers, sisters, spouse, close relatives, children, even the little ones, to your family iftar. Try not to forget anyone, so as not to offend anyone and not to embarrass those who come in front of those who are absent. Invite the oldest ones first, showing them due respect and respect.

If relations between any of the relatives do not work out, Ramadan is the best time for their reconciliation. And if other guests unexpectedly come to you during your family iftar, be sure to invite them to join your table.

Where to hold it and how to prepare the place?

Family iftars are traditionally held in the family, in your apartment or in your home. Therefore, first of all, you need to make sure that the house is clean, comfortable, and beautiful. You can make your guests feel the solemnity of Ramadan.

Depending on the number of guests, you will need a different area for the event. Consider how to accommodate guests so that no one feels cramped or uncomfortable. Whether to place them at a large table or, as is customary in Arab countries, on the floor is at your discretion. But if you decide on the second option, then find more pillows in the house to offer them for the comfort of your guests.

If the number of guests is small and they are all close relatives - mahrams, then they can be seated at the festive meal in any order. In any other case, please note that men and women must sit separately from each other. This arrangement complies with Shariah and does not create inconvenience.

If there are quite a lot of guests and the area of ​​your house allows, the guests can be in different rooms altogether: men in one, and women and small children in another. It is preferable for men to be served at the table by the owner of the house, and for women to be served by the hostess.

If you have small children coming to your iftar, do not forget to take into account the needs and wishes of their parents. Try to provide at least a small space for children to play, as they may find it difficult to sit in one place.

It is also important to find a place to share. If in a large house such a place can be a separate room, then in a city apartment, most likely, you will need to try to clear part of the living room from furniture so that as many guests as possible can participate in collective prayer.

If guests will subsequently sit at the table, then place the table closer to the door, and position the place for prayer so as not to disturb those praying when you set the table or simply leave the room. If the guests sit on the floor, then do the same with the tablecloth that you lay out.

First of all, let us remind you that food must be legal for Muslims to eat - halal. This means that not only should there be no pork or alcohol on the table, but also the meat served must comply with the canons of Sharia. This food requirement is always observed, not only during Ramadan.

Halal meat and meat products can be purchased in stores at mosques or special retail outlets that sell such products. Contact the religious organization in your city to find out where you can buy such meat, and now always buy it there.

When preparing for iftar, do not try to surprise your guests with the sophistication and variety of dishes. Firstly, it will take you a lot of effort and time to prepare them, which may be necessary just during the hours when you will be fasting, and secondly, your task is to bring guests together for a joint conversation about Islam and Ramadan, and not to amaze them with your skill. Start cooking with a sincere intention in your heart to bring the joy of Ramadan to your guests.

Think over the menu the night before. Guests will come to you even before iftar time, having fasted all day, and they should not immediately smell the pungent smell of cooking food upon entering the apartment. Before starting the meal, they should have the opportunity to communicate with each other and rest a little from the road. Then put water and dates in the room, this is where the opening of the fast begins. When the time for sunset comes, the head of the family reads the dua and starts eating first.

Since the evening prayer time is running out quickly, after a light snack, invite guests to read a collective prayer. Afterwards, serve hot immediately.

Traditionally, pilaf is prepared for iftar. For a light snack, you can serve vegetable salad and bread. Pickles and herbs are also served with pilaf. You can cook both the first course and the second, or you can only prepare the second. You can also prepare national dishes that you usually serve on holidays. Do not use untested recipes - it is better to cook what you have been doing well for a long time.

Try not to overfeed your guests and don’t force them to eat more and more portions if they are already full. Following the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), offer the dish to your guest no more than three times, and if he refuses, do not be offended by him.

When most of the treat has already been eaten, prepare the tea. Try to provide in advance the opportunity to simultaneously prepare enough boiling water so that some guests do not have to drink tea in front of those who have not yet received it. An unlimited number of sweets can be served with tea. It is not necessary to bake them all yourself; today many can be bought in stores. The more children there are at your party, the more varied you try to make your sweet table.

Before your guests leave, don’t forget to give them gifts from your sweet table. You can prepare beautiful, bright bags of sweets for children in advance.

What to talk about?

Invite guests to your place about half an hour before sunset. Check the evening prayer times in your area. Keep in mind that some may be late and others may arrive early. Find a place and activity for them.

Already 15 minutes before the opening of the fast, you can gather guests together and tell them about the program of the evening, as well as congratulate each other on another day of sacred fasting. The minutes of waiting for iftar are filled with special solemnity.

During breaking the fast, of course, the main topic of your conversations should be the value of the month of Ramadan, the benefits of fasting, and the pious intentions of Muslims. Considering that relatives will gather at the table, it will be useful to remind them of how highly in Islam the preservation of family ties and family ties is valued, of family traditions, and of respect for elders.

All these topics are covered quite widely on our website. We have collected them for this occasion in the Useful Links for Iftar section of our General Recommendations.

Try to immediately stop any attempts at gossip or quarrels if they suddenly arise during the conversation. Politely remind your guests that Ramadan is a month of forgiveness and cultivation of piety in us.

Ask the most senior and respected of your guests to give instructions to the youth regarding fasting and maintaining morality.

Pay special attention to children. Let older children tell you what they know about Ramadan. Organize small competitions for them, let parents practice with their children the day before. This could be a quiz with questions about Islam or Ramadan, a competition for the best performance, the best poem about Islam, about Allah. Children can learn and demonstrate their knowledge to adults. Get even the little ones involved.

If among your guests there are those who are not yet very familiar with the rules of fasting, make for them small printouts from your computer about Ramadan, for example, in the form of postcards, and give them as gifts. Prepare souvenirs for all guests - leaflets, prayer schedules, brochures about Islam, rosary beads, scarves, skullcaps. And finally, don’t forget to thank everyone who responded to your invitation.

Youth Iftar

Conducted among friends, students, youth

Whom to invite?

Young people are invited to the youth iftar, as the name suggests. These are not only your close Muslim friends, but also those who are interested in Islam, who do not yet have sufficient knowledge, who want to join the fasting, .

This can be an iftar where only men or only girls will come, as well as a joint iftar. When carrying out the latter, it is important to pay attention to the separation of boys and girls at the table, to the restrictions in their communication.

It is also good to invite those of your friends who are in search of a second half to such an event, to give them the opportunity to see each other at Iftar. It is no secret that many Muslims today have difficulty choosing a bride or groom. Iftar is a great opportunity for meeting people within the framework of Shariah.

The best option for holding such a youth event is a small hall in a cafe or restaurant, depending on your financial capabilities. Perhaps some public organization will provide you with premises for such an event, then refreshments will need to be ordered separately. If the iftar is joint, then it should be a hall with at least two large tables, where the boys will sit at one table and the girls at the other.

You will need to agree with the administration of the establishment and with the service staff about the time of serving food on the table, explain to them your wishes, telling them about the month of Ramadan. It is important that when guests arrive, there are no pre-set dishes with salads and other products on the tables. Ask for only water and dishes, and bring dates for everyone. This should open the post.

Agree to place your own music center or tape recorder in the hall, on which you can listen to a recording of a lecture, suras from the Koran or Islamic chants. Try to rent the entire hall so that your neighbors are not drinking or smoking visitors.

If there is no mosque near the establishment where everyone can go to prayer together, then warn the administration that those gathered will read prayer together in this hall. Determine the qibla here in advance and bring a sufficient number of rugs with you. Agree that while the girls are reading the prayer, male waiters do not enter the hall. Let men and girls read the prayer separately, so as not to embarrass those girls who do not pray on this day.

If the restaurant owners happen to be Muslims, invite them to take part in your celebration. Do this not to get a discount on the banquet service, but with the intention of encouraging them to observe their faith and sincerely worship the Almighty.

Do not hesitate to present your requirements and wishes to the administration of the establishment. Try to make it clear that if they meet you halfway, you and your guests will become regular visitors to such an establishment that is tolerant and loyal to the needs of Muslims. But do not forget that restaurant owners can refuse you politely without explaining the reasons. In this case, be understanding and find another establishment.

If, upon hearing about a Muslim holiday, the administration begins to threaten you or insult your religious feelings, contact Islam.Ru with information about the incident, and all Muslim visitors to our site will boycott this establishment.

The main difficulty that you may encounter in this case is due to the fact that today there are still few establishments where they prepare halal food. At the same time, this circumstance is a good reason to invite restaurants and cafes to take into account this need of the population and try themselves in a new capacity.

If in the establishment where you intend to hold iftar, the cooks use halal meat and comply with the conditions for its preparation, then you can leave the choice of menu to the discretion of the cook. Try to find a balance between price and quality of food. Before you make your final order, try for yourself everything that you are going to serve to your guests. Perhaps some dishes will seem too specific to you.

If the establishment you choose is not familiar with halal cuisine, then you will have to limit yourself to fish and vegetable dishes and make sure that they are prepared separately from meat dishes, in sterile cleanliness and without the addition of alcoholic additives. If this is not possible, you will only have to agree on drinks and sweets. In this case, the program of your evening will be significantly reduced, because guests will have to leave early so that they can finally eat a hearty meal at home after a whole day of abstinence.

What to talk about?

Young people often behave actively and noisily, so if there are a lot of people, you need to find an organizer - a person with good speaking skills, active and sociable, or act in this role yourself. It is important that from the very moment guests arrive, they are all informed about certain rules of behavior at such an event, and it is even better if you do this in advance. Greet guests with words.

Invite guests approximately an hour before evening prayer. Don't worry that they will get bored. Even if they don’t know each other, the festive atmosphere and the desire to get to know their brothers and sisters will make their communication lively and joyful.

When the vast majority of guests have gathered, tell them about the evening's program and remind them of the rules of conduct. Let girls and boys not flirt with each other, do not gossip, do not slander, do not swear. Introduce the guests to each other, but do not give information about the person that he does not want to say about himself (for example, age, occupation, place of residence, etc.). To do this, ask your guests in advance how to introduce them.

Half an hour before the start of iftar, start a 10-minute lecture on the benefits and value of Ramadan. To do this, you can invite a young authoritative scientist, an imam or one of the students of Muslim universities. Then you can conduct a quiz on your knowledge of the rules of fasting, answer each other’s questions. For this case, you can use the materials on our website - questions in the section, as well as. Give those who are late a separate task - read a surah from the Koran or tell a hadith.

When the time comes to break the fast, ask a knowledgeable person to read and open the post. After this, prepare a place for prayer and invite men to prayer. At this time, girls can go to another room, relax, and clean up. When it is their turn, have the men ensure that no one else enters the room.

As soon as the prayer is completed, invite the waiters. Make sure that the food is served to both tables at the same time. If you have the opportunity to go to prayer at a mosque, then give the waiters the task of setting the tables for your return during your absence.

Over tea, discuss with those gathered whether work with young people is good in your region, what is missing, and how information and educational activities can be improved. Perhaps during such conversations you will want to create your own Muslim youth association. Exchange ideas, contact details of active and interested people in this, think about which of the experienced and authoritative Muslim figures you can turn to for advice and help.

May this interaction result in stronger bonds between young members of the Muslim community. You might want to publish your own newspaper or write about an event on Islam.Ru so that other Muslims in different parts of the country and the world know about your community and your problems. Start building the future of your region today.

Charity iftar

Conducted for people in need

Whom to invite?

In every region there are people who need our help and care, the sick, the infirm, orphans, widows, refugees, and the disabled. Collect information about these people and find out which of them might come to such an event. Keep in mind that we must help those in need, regardless of their religion.

You can hold a charity iftar in an orphanage, in a nursing home, or in a center for internally displaced persons. Keep in mind that these people should be made as comfortable as possible, and if you have already informed them about a possible event, do not turn your back on them at the last moment - make every effort to ensure that the event takes place.

In addition to people in need, invite those who are ready to help them - sponsors, deputies, public activists, businessmen. It may seem utopian to you now that you can attract such a wide range of people to the event, but in the end the result may be unexpected. You should try to do everything you can to help these people.

Don't think that hosting one dinner is a piece of cake. It is important for people in trouble to know that they are remembered, cared for, and that their needs are not ignored by society.

Where to spend it and how to prepare the place?

The best place for a charity lunch is at or near a mosque. Coordinate this event with the imam of the mosque in your city or village. If the event is organized for disabled people, all special conditions must be provided.

Much also depends on the scale of the event and your capabilities. If you manage to attract sponsors, rent a large room that will be convenient to get to. Since there may also be non-Muslims among those invited, the place for prayer should be organized aside.

To hold such an iftar you will need a lot of dishes, a large table and many chairs. Prepare several tablecloths and more bread. Involve siblings in the event to help serve food to those sitting at the table. You will need large pots in which you or the chefs you invite will prepare the treat, and a place to prepare it - outside or in the kitchen.

Also prepare separate bags and boxes where you will put leftover food and extra food items to distribute to the poor. In addition to food, here, on the spot, you can organize a collection of aid, for example, for orphans. Notify all your friends about how they can help these people - clothes, food, medicine, books, toys. The best help is money.

Try to include simple, but satisfying and healthy food on your lunch menu. Accompany both the first and second courses with plenty of bread, herbs, and vegetables. Prepare as much as possible so that everyone leaves the table full. In addition to tea, you can prepare other drinks - coffee with milk, freshly squeezed juices, compotes.

What to talk about?

First of all, remind the Muslims present of Islam’s call to support those in need and the need to show mercy to one’s neighbor. Use the materials, links to which you will find at the end of this material in the General Recommendations section.

Tell those gathered that the illnesses and difficulties that befall them are a test from the Almighty, which they must accept with humility in their hearts. Tell us that such trials are the mercy of the Almighty shown to these people, and ask them to pray for us, because the du’a of the sick and needy, in sha Allah, are accepted. Explain to them that they are special people, from whose example each of us can learn patience and perseverance.

Next, at such a dinner, try to listen more: people will tell you about their misfortunes, share their pain and needs with each other. Just don't promise them to solve all their problems. It’s better to think about how to make such events regular.

If you are invited to Iftar...

What to take with you?

1. Treat. If you are visiting relatives or friends, ask if you need help with groceries. In any case, buy some sweets for tea. You can also buy fruit. If you are visiting close relatives or people you know well, you can prepare something at home and take it with you as a treat. Tell the owner of the house that this is your gift for the holiday of Ramadan, and not an attempt to compete with the culinary skills of the hostess.

2. Present. Not everyone has the opportunity to give gifts, so do not make gifts that are too expensive so as not to embarrass other people. Be sure to keep in mind that there may be more guests than you expect.

Brochures about Islam, audio cassettes with recordings of lectures or surahs of the Koran, scarves, prayer caps, rosaries, and even simple postcards to remember the evening are quite suitable as small souvenirs. If you have business cards, don't forget to bring those too. If a person feels embarrassed because he cannot answer you in kind, remind him that his spirit is the best gift for you.

3. Cassette. If the house you are visiting has a VCR, take cassettes with films about Islam and offer them to the owners if there is a pause in communication. You can also grab audio cassettes and disks with suras of the Koran, with munajats, lectures on Islam. They will also come in handy at a social event. If possible, leave all this as a gift to the owners of the house or guests.

You can order some souvenirs, literature, cassettes and discs for this occasion on our website.

4. Money. If you are going to a social event and you have the opportunity to contribute financially to its organization, bring some money with you. To correctly offer it to the organizers, explain that this is sadaka, and by distributing it you want to purchase barakat. Place this money in an envelope so as not to advertise the amount offered. Make it clear in advance that you do not need to return it.

What to wear?

For such events you need to dress up and at the same time try to look elegant and festive. Your own taste will tell you how to combine this. should be clean, ironed, not flashy. However, this is how Muslims should always look.

Girls who do not yet wear a hijab usually wonder whether to go with a headscarf or without a headscarf. If you come to a party without a headscarf and find yourself in the company of closed-off girls, not only will you feel shame and awkwardness, but they will also be embarrassed by your appearance. If iftar is joint, then this question should not even arise. Our brothers already suffer from the constant contemplation of openly dressed girls in transport and on the street.

How to dress correctly according to Sharia, read. Men can also wear . On our website you can read about it and tell your guests about it.

How to behave?

Do not interrupt your elders, do not make speeches ahead of them, do not lecture those who know less than you. If you meet new brothers (sisters) in faith at the evening, try to show sympathy and respect for them, even if you don’t really like them. .

If you exchanged coordinates with other people, do not leave these coordinates until next year, try to maintain relationships by inviting your new acquaintances to other social events.

Perhaps one of the representatives of the opposite sex present at the evening interested you. In this case, do not try to approach him to start a casual conversation, by doing this you can put him in an extremely awkward position and give rise to gossip. It’s better to find out about this person from trusted people, and if after this you become stronger in the seriousness of your intentions, carefully let them know through relatives or well-known brothers (sisters).

If someone turns to you with a question about your acquaintances present at the meeting, tell about the merits and merits of this person, about his good qualities, and do not tell what your acquaintance would prefer to hide from others. something about a person that you cannot know for sure or that you have heard from other people.

Money issue

You can host iftar entirely with your own money. To make your intention sincere, keep your financial expenses secret, let only the Almighty know about your generosity. If you are asked about the source of funding, answer, for example, that the event is funded by sponsors who wish to remain anonymous.

If you don’t have such a financial opportunity, don’t be upset, don’t save money specifically for the holiday, depriving yourself and your family of everything they need. Don't forget that other people also want to participate in charitable activities, give them the opportunity to do a good deed.

If you decide to host an Iftar with group money, make a list of all your expenses so that everyone who contributed funds can see what they were spent on. If you end up with extra money at the end of the event, distribute it equally among all contributors, and if they refuse to take the remaining amount, give it to needy people as sadaqa (alms).

Do not tell others who donated how much for this event. Don't ask people to give you a specific amount. Let everyone spend to the best of their ability. Remember that everyone will bear an account on the Day of Judgment for what they received and what they spent. If it seems to you that someone acted dishonestly with your money, but you have no evidence of this, rely on the Almighty and leave your suspicions, because you donate sincerely, and the Almighty looks at our intentions.

Useful du'as

Dua before breaking the fast:

Allahumma! Laka sumtu wa bikya amantu wa ‘aleika tavakkaltu wa ‘ala rizkykya aftartu. Fagfirli ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu!

O Allah! For Your sake I fasted and I believed in You, I relied on You and broke my fast with Your food! O Forgiving One! Forgive my [sins] that I have committed or will commit!

Zahaba zzama'u, wa btalyatil 'uruku wa sabatal ajru, in sha'a Allah!

The thirst has gone, and the veins have filled with moisture, and the reward is already waiting, if Allah wills..

Allahumma! Inni as'alyu-kya bi rahmatik llati wasi'at kullya shayin an tagfira li!

O Allah! Truly, I conjure You by Your mercy, which embraces everything, to forgive me!

Allahumma! Barik lyana fi ki va at’imna khairan minhu!

O Allah! Make it blessed for us and feed us with something better than this!

Before starting the meal you should say " Bismi Llahi " - "In the name of Allah". If you forgot about it at the beginning, say: " Bismi Llahi fi avalikhi va ahyrikhi " - "With the name of Allah at the beginning and end of the meal".

Dua after eating:

Alhamdu lillahi llazi at'amani haza va razakani hi min gairi howlin minni wa la quvatin!

Praise be to Allah, Who fed me with this and endowed me with this, while I myself have neither strength nor power!

Dua for those who treated you:

Allahumma! Barik la hum fi ma razakta hum, wa gfir la hum, wa rham hum!

O Allah! Bless them in what You have given them, and forgive and have mercy on them!

Allahumma! At’ym man at’amani, va sky man sakani!

O Allah! Feed the one who fed me, and give drink to the one who gave me something to drink!

And if someone scolds you, answer: “ Inni saimun, inni saimun! » - « Verily, I fast, verily, I fast!».

The day before, a “Hungry Iftar” was held at the office of the Association of Cultural and Educational Public Associations “Sobranie”. This event is held annually on one of the days of the month of Ramadan as a sign of solidarity with all those who suffer from war, devastation and hunger.

Iftar is called hungry because it consists only of water and dates. These products have long been the staple diet of millions of people in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Africa and other places on Earth.

The Prophet Muhammad and his companions, for whom hunger was a common daily condition, were mainly content with water and dates. It is known that once, in a conversation with the Messenger of the Almighty, the companions complained of severe hunger, because of which each of them was forced to tie a stone in the stomach area so as not to feel the need for food so acutely. Then the prophet loosened his belt, under which he had two stones.

There is also a known case when, during a time of famine, the Commander of the Faithful, Umar Ibn Khattab, lived on bread and water for a whole year, since his subjects ate the same. He allowed his diet to be diversified only when food problems in the state were solved.

This and much more was discussed at the table. During the breaking of the fast, contemporary problems of the Ummah were also discussed. Activists of Muslim youth organizations, public figures and journalists took part in the breaking of the fast. At the end of Iftar, guests stayed for Taraweeh prayer.

“Hungry iftar - dates and water in solidarity with everyone who sometimes doesn’t have even this to break their fast after fasting. This is the kind of event that Muslims in Moscow came up with. This is the second year it has been held. The idea is brilliant. And purely Russian. At least no one has heard of this,” noted a journalist participating in the event. Nadezhda Kevorkova.

According to the head of the Association of cultural and educational public associations “Sobranie” Mukhamed Salyakhetdinov, “such events allow us to understand and feel the condition of those who are in trouble, strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity, and teach compassion.”

“I would really like that wherever iftars are held, one of them is sure to go hungry. I hope that this initiative will be picked up in other regions,” said the Muslim leader.

In turn, the author of the idea Rasul Tavdiryakov explained that “hunger iftars” have already taken place in several regions - Dagestan, Ulyanovsk, Moscow region and Belarusian Gomel. The collected amount of money is planned to be sent to the poor. “We expect that next year this campaign will gain wider coverage,” he said.