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Who needs a master for laying paving slabs. Laying paving stones prices. Some preparation features

When deciding to use paving slabs to cover a particular surface, it is impossible to miscalculate. This is a truly practical, beautiful, functional option, characterized by a lot of advantages.

Durability is the key advantage of the material. Since it is made using the vibration pressing method, paving slabs are as durable as possible and resistant to high mechanical loads. Paving stones serve for a very long time without causing problems or complaints. In addition, it is characterized by an extremely low coefficient of friction, which also significantly extends its trouble-free service life.

Paving slabs have excellent performance and technical characteristics, which is reflected in resistance to low temperatures. Paving stones are not afraid of frost. That is why its inclusion in landscape design more than justified. You can use paving stones for cladding parts of a building and paths without any fear.

If we compare paving slabs with asphalt, the latter loses significantly. The whole point is that paving stones are made without adding harmful impurities. Even under the influence high temperatures, it remains safe and is not capable of releasing toxins and other carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere.

This type of coating also has other advantages. Material is:

  • simple during repair work;
  • resistant to external factors;
  • easy to care for;
  • resistant to weather conditions.

Note! Paving slabs can be easily dismantled if it is necessary to install new communications or replace old ones. It is also always easy to carry out fragmentary repairs.

Paving stones are also economical. If we compare it with the same asphalt, then the first option will be more profitable.

Paving slabs are distinguished by high aesthetic indicators. It looks impressive on any site, as it is available in various:

  • color solutions;
  • sizes;
  • invoices.

Its thickness varies. The material allows you to lay out paths with various patterns and ornaments. Some masters are capable of decorating entire paintings. This is an excellent solution for realizing the most daring design ideas.

Materials and tools for laying paving slabs

Give the area a complete, attractive look with styling paving slabs not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Variability of colors, variety of shapes, clear geometry of the material and ample opportunities styling methods allow you to transform appearance territories.

Carrying out paving work requires strict adherence to certain rules and regulations. Proper laying of paving slabs involves creating a surface that is resistant to intense loads. Long-term operation is guaranteed by adherence to paving technology and a properly prepared foundation.

On a note! Regardless of the method of laying the tiles, it is necessary to take into account the degree of expected loads.

If you plan to paving an area with low traffic, you can choose a material with a thickness of less than 60 mm. When you plan to design a site subject to heavy loads, you should give preference to paving stones with a thickness of 60 mm and above.

Before starting work, it is recommended to properly mark and prepare the foundation. The first is determining the paving location. After this, the water drains necessary to remove sedimentary moisture from the blind area should be installed. This will prevent water from entering the foundation of the building. The drainage system is created at a slope. It can be transverse or longitudinal. Sometimes a longitudinal-transverse bend is created.

Further preparation of the territory involves marking. Then remove it with a shovel upper layer soil. At the expected moderate loads you need to remove 15 to 20 cm of soil. If large loads are planned on the paved surface, then approximately 50 cm of earth will have to be removed to form a cushion of crushed stone and sand. Then the base is leveled. If the soil is too dense, the surface is compacted and wetted with water.

Some preparation features

It is equally important to consider that not only the layer of sand is important in the base. The pillow is formed in 3 steps:
Stage 1 – Crushed stone is first poured under the paving slabs. For an area with an average load, its thickness should be on average 10-15 cm. Laying crushed stone implies the reserve required for compaction. It is recommended to use a vibrating screed for compaction. When the pillow is ready, the next stage of work is creating borders. Side edging of the canvas is necessary.
Stage 2 – Screening. This second layer is created within 7 cm. When filling it, a reserve created for compaction is also required.
Stage 3 – Creation of the last base layer. Its thickness is usually 1 cm. The sand layer is not compacted, only carefully leveled.
When forming a curb, a concrete foundation is required. Its width in the classic design is 20 cm. The height of the border usually reaches 15 cm from the surface of the base. However, the main requirement for it is reliable fixation and strong fastening.

To pave the area or paths, you need to prepare the appropriate tools and materials. The list will definitely include:

  • sand;
  • dropout;
  • crushed stone;
  • directly paving slabs;
  • cords for marking;
  • curbs.

To lay the tiles you will also need to use a shovel, a rubber hammer, cement mixture. A building level, a broom, a vibratory screed will also come in handy. wooden stakes, an angle grinder with a diamond wheel, a metal rake and a regular mop. You may need a hose equipped with a water divider.

Laying paving slabs step by step: master class with video

Laying paving slabs with your own hands is a complex process, but quite doable. Such installation work on the site are carried out in stages. First, the foundation is formed, after which you can proceed to the paving itself.

The correct technology for laying tiles is based on creating a strong, reliable, durable base. This type of work is also carried out strictly according to the instructions, in several steps.

Step 1 – Preparing the site for paving. It is recommended to make markings, determining the degree of slope of the trench for the drainage of melt and rainwater. It is calculated taking into account 5% of the track length. This ratio is 1:20.
Step 2 – Removing the soil under the site. Usually removed from 15 to 50 cm depending on functional features tracks. Also, the technology of laying tiles involves thoroughly leveling the bottom surface, which is then covered with geotextiles.

On a note! An area with highly heaving soil and increased level groundwater It is recommended to pave using roofing felt or waterproofing film in 2 layers at the preparation stage.

Step 3 – The next stage of paving paving slabs with your own hands involves fixing the beacons. To do this, it is recommended to drive wooden pegs and tie a rope between them. After this, you can proceed to creating a pillow from a mixture of gravel or crushed stone and sand. The thickness of this formation is approximately 15 cm. Each layer of a mixture of sand and crushed stone must be compacted.
Step 4 – Formation of formwork. Along the entire perimeter of the paths it is installed special material. In this case, the curb is not taken into account.

Step 5 – When laying paving slabs with your own hands, reinforcement must be carried out. The concrete foundation for the site must be strengthened under planned intensive loads. To strengthen it, it is necessary to place a steel mesh in the trench.
Note! Reinforcement can be carried out no less productively if you use assembly composite reinforcement with cells of 15-20 cm.
Step 6 – The mixture is created. To do this, mix sand, the granularity of which is 1.5 mm, and cement M300-M500. The proportions are maintained at 3 parts sand and 1 part cement. The mixture is diluted with water to obtain a composition with the consistency of thick sour cream.
Step 7 – Pouring a mixture of cement and sand. Proper laying of paving slabs involves gradually pouring the finished mortar. The mixture is laid 5-7 cm at intervals of 1-2 days. A solution of sand and cement with water should gain strength at each stage. The final thickness of the base for the tracks is about 20 cm.

It is very important to maintain the level of the site. To do this, the base under the tile must be checked with a level.

On a note! When working with large tracks, it is recommended to make expansion joints. The optimal interval between them is 3 meters.

Creating expansion joints involves filling voids with various elastic materials. Frost-resistant is perfect here silicone sealant, which interacts well with paving slabs and a mixture of cement and sand.

It is believed that the base becomes perfectly strong only after 3-4 weeks. To ensure that the water used to dilute the solution behaves normally, such installation work is best carried out in warm time of the year. Optimal level temperatures for paving are 15 degrees Celsius or more. If work is carried out in winter period, then it is recommended to add special antifreeze substances to the mixture.

Tile installation

When the base is ready, its level is perfectly level, you can begin laying the tiles. This type of work is also carried out in stages:

  1. Along the perimeter of the slab, trenches are dug for curbs. The resulting blanks must be filled with concrete. Curb stones are fixed on top of this structure. The gaps between them also need to be filled with solution.
  2. The tiles are laid directly on the prepared miniature foundation. As a rule, the design or ornament has already been determined at this stage. That is why the material is installed in a certain sequence. Based on this, you can mark the location of the decor and main elements.
  3. A sand-cement mixture or dry composition is distributed over the surface of the foundation. The thickness of this layer is from 2 to 3 cm.
  4. Each element of the paving stones is fixed separately. It is pressed in a little, after which it is knocked down with a mallet.

Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to grout the joints. To do this, you can use special compounds or take sand. Cement, sawdust and similar products are not used for this.

Paving method Base design
(layers are indicated from top to bottom)
Price for paving paths per m2, rub.
Departure of a specialist for measurement and consultation Free (included in the cost of work)
Cost of laying paving slabs for square meter on a finished base - from 300
Price for paving paths with a sand base - sand (10 cm)
- geotextiles
from 600
Laying paving slabs with a flexible base - crushed stone fr. 20-40 (10 cm)
- geotextiles
- sand (10 cm)
from 700
Paving paths and areas with a concrete base - concrete M300 (10 cm)
- reinforcement with 4x50mm mesh
- crushed stone fr. 20-40 (10 cm)
- geotextiles
- sand (10 cm)
from 1,050
Laying paving slabs with preparation of the permanent foundation of the parking lot - concrete M300 (15 cm)
- frame made of A3 10mm reinforcement
- crushed stone fr. 20-40 (15 cm)
- geotextiles
- sand (15 cm)
from 1 350

Sidewalks lined with tiles look much more attractive in comparison with paved or earthen ones. In addition to the aesthetic component, they have an increased service life, are easy to repair (it is enough to replace the damaged element with a new one), and withstand all the vagaries of the weather. By choosing in favor, the site owner saves on installation and maintenance.

Turnkey laying of paving slabs is the best way to get what you want at a reasonable price without having to do the work yourself. If you want to save money, you can prepare the base yourself, strictly following the technology. If you have no experience, it is better to entrust everything to specialists. The craftsmen have everything they need for this: experience, specialized tools, an irresistible desire to make the site attractive and different from others. You are required to:

  1. Call the company;
  2. Conclude a contract for work with the visiting specialist, carefully reading all the points;
  3. Accept the work after completion and pay for it.

Price for laying paving slabs

The cost of laying paving slabs per 1 m2 varies between 1200-2300 rubles. The final amount is influenced by the configuration of the surface and its condition, the type, size, color and thickness of the tiles, the presence of utilities, the need for additional work- laying, inserts, etc. The total cost includes the price of tiles, cement, gravel, sand, geotextiles, transportation, unloading and laying of materials. You can choose 2 options for laying tiles - “turnkey” and on a prepared base.

  • The price of work with a prepared base is 1200-1300 rubles per m2 (all materials and their delivery, dry-mix laying). When laying tiles on a sand base, the cost per square meter is higher - 1400-1450 rubles (tiles, cement, sand, geotextiles).
  • Laying tiles on a crushed stone base - 1500-1550 rubles. The soil is removed, the base is prepared - geotextiles, crushed stone, sand are filled in, everything is compacted with a specialized machine, after which the tiles are laid out on the dry mixture.
  • Most expensive option- laying on a concrete base. A square meter of finished paving cloth will cost the customer 2200-2300 rubles. The price includes preparatory work - removal of soil, backfilling with sand, crushed stone, sand concrete grade M200-300 and laying. The cost of installing a curb is 60-70 rubles, turnkey - 150-170 rubles.

Laying paving slabs with price per square meter at the best level in the region, is considered a painstaking process that requires the utmost care. Although you should not assume that for this reason, professional specialists will take too long to complete the work. Masters, using years of accumulated experience, are able to quickly cope not only with technology, but also with other additional tasks. But how much will it cost to lay tiles?

Paving slabs with turnkey installation: price and main nuances!

Laying paving slabs with price per meter, which really allows you to save money, is considered the most profitable solution only when contacting professional specialists. In fact, the final cost of the work directly depends on the following factors:

  1. The type of base on which the installation will be carried out in the future. Can be used as reinforced concrete slab, and rammed soil.
  2. The distance at which the object is located.
  3. The complexity of developing the construction site itself.
  4. Selected types of additional work.


Measurements of the territory, provision of samples of paving slabs, drawing up estimates, consultation


Laying paving slabs with the creation of a sand-crushed stone base

geotextiles, sand 150 mm, crushed stone 100 mm, sand-cement mixture 50 mm, delivery of all building materials, unloading, preparation of the base, laying paving slabs, grouting

Laying paving slabs with the creation of a concrete base

geotextile, sand 150 mm, concrete mortar 100 mm, reinforcing mesh, dry mixture 50 mm, delivery of all building materials, unloading, preparation of the base, laying paving slabs, grouting.

PRICE FROM RUR 2,300/sq.m.



1. Creating a seed lawn

geotextiles, washed river sand, black soil, seeds, foundation preparation, compaction, creating a cushion, sowing seeds

700 rub.sq.m

2.Creating a 100% bluegrass lawn

geotextiles, washed river sand, black soil, rolled lawn preparing the base, compacting, creating a cushion, laying the lawn

820 rub.sq.m

3.Surface drainage (depth from 0.5 to 1.0 m)

1200 rub./p.m.

4.Deep drainage (depth from 1.0 to 1.5 m)

Material: pipe 110, geotextile, crushed stone, development, laying, backfill

1400 RUR/p.m.

5.Installation of storm drainage:

red PVC pipe 110, development, laying, backfilling

700 rub/sq.m

6. Plinth cladding

Facing tiles, dowel-nail, reinforced mesh, glue, grout, delivery of all materials, cladding.
Price - per linear meter at a height of up to 100mm




When ordering "Turnkey installation of paving slabs"
from above 100m2, We give you 5m2 of installation as a GIFT
from above 200m2, 10m2 as a GIFT
from above 300m2, 15m2 as a GIFT

We also manufacture and lay road and garden border. Any path, sidewalk or flower bed require finishing curb stone. We will help you choose a border that will organically fit into the landscaping project of the entire territory and give a finished look to the alley, path or sidewalk.

The most durable, beautiful and durable material for paving is a natural stone sandstone. It has a unique texture and is environmentally friendly natural material and fits perfectly into the landscape. Moreover, sandstone for paving can look either in the form of layers of stone or in the form of paving stones.
Sandstone paving stones are widely used in the construction of roads, pedestrian sidewalks, bridges, embankments, garden paths, thanks to their mineral properties and environmental safety. At correct installation, paving stones are not required special care, and looks flawless for decades.
Sandstone is not afraid of the main enemy of all types of coating - water and sudden changes in temperature. There are no cracks in it and water does not destroy this material. Paving stones will last a long time, will not require repairs or replacement of paving elements, and will surpass all types of coating in terms of price-quality ratio, subject to one condition - competent installation.

I. Preparatory work

The first stage preparatory work To lay paving stones, you need to break out the contour of the area to be laid. In this case, the angles of the territory, connection to existing areas, and slopes are taken into account. After the work on breaking out the contour has been completed, they begin to prepare the foundation, which includes the following types works:

After removing the height level, you need to remove the top layer of soil and make a leveling layer of gravel or crushed stone.

Installation of slopes, drainage.
It should be taken into account that despite the tight-fitting seams of the paving stones, the base is saturated with water. Therefore, a waterproof drainage system is required at the base. load-bearing layer(gravel, crushed stone). Then part surface water can be drained directly through the paving stones and the load-bearing layer into the ground. In any case, the paving stones must have slopes and gutters to drain rainwater. This is necessary so that a “swamp” does not form under the paving stones.

Construction of the supporting layer.
For the supporting layer, a frost-resistant material of uniform grain size (crushed stone, gravel) must be used. This material must be applied evenly in height and straight with appropriate slopes. When constructing simple pedestrian paths, a layer of 15 to 20 cm is most often used. When constructing areas of paving stones for travel passenger cars a layer of 20 to 30 cm is used. For heavy loads, the load-bearing layer is increased and laid in several layers, each layer must be compacted.

Installation of curbs.
To prevent the paving stones from “creeping” along the edges, a border is used, which should reach half the height of the paving stones, and then could be covered with natural soil.

Installation of a leveling sand layer under the paving stones.
A layer of sand 3-5 cm thick, always clean (without clay), is applied to the compacted bearing layer as an underlying layer. Before laying the underlying layer, you need to set the leveling slats and secure them with sand.
After the guides have been set according to all slopes and are well secured, the underlying layer is laid between them and smoothed using the rule so that the paving stones, before they are compacted, lie 1 cm higher than the required level. Then the guides are carefully removed, and the remaining grooves are carefully filled with sand. Do not step on the laid flooring!!!

Laying begins:
. From low point to high point
. From an optically important boundary
. From important visible elements, such as the front entrance of the house, porch, etc.

Before starting to lay the first row of paving stones, to maintain the exact distance of the seams, you need to pull the cord over the entire length and width of this object. Then, holding the taut cord, we proceed to installation. It is recommended to check the exact location of the seams every three rows of laid paving stones.
Install using a rubber hammer and lightly tapping the paving stones. Every 5m2 of laid but not compacted paving stones, its horizontal surface controlled using the 2-meter rule, with errors from 5mm to 1 cm per 2 meters of laid area.

III Sealing and sealing

After the paving stones are laid, the covering is compacted.
After the first compaction of the finished coating, a small amount of very dry sifted and clean river sand is poured onto the surface, so that the sand easily and tightly fills the gaps between the elements. The poured sand is spread evenly over the entire area and driven into the seams by simply sweeping, “tying” the entire coating firmly and reliably. Then the dry and clean coating is compacted again and a layer of dry sifted sand is applied. It is recommended to leave this layer of sand to sit for a while. After which you can sweep the site again.
When laying pavements with paving stones on which vehicles move, it is necessary to create joints with a sufficiently strong and stable filling so that the shear forces created by the wheel load are reliably transmitted from stone to stone, otherwise the stones will move relative to each other. Filling joints is advisable primarily at car washes and gas stations. The width of the seams should not be less than 8 mm. When choosing a suitable potting material, climatic and operating conditions must be taken into account. The use of bituminous or similar sealing materials maintains a certain elasticity of the pavement.

IV Current operation

IN winter time, in order to avoid ice, the coating must be cleaned regularly using a broom and a wooden shovel. To reduce slipperiness, you can sprinkle sand. If the snow was not removed in time and ice formed, under no circumstances should you remove the ice using a metal scrap.
When exposed various materials Contamination may occur on the paving stones, significantly changing the appearance of the coating. For example, car tires leave black streaks, dust and road dirt make the surface black and gray. Using cleaning products and special substances, you can return the surface to its original color.

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Nowadays, due to the development of small industries, paving slabs have become widespread. This method of laying paths gradually moved from the sidewalks of large cities and squares to dachas and private properties. Now more and more summer residents instead of flooding the paths sand-cement mortar, use the services of experts in laying paving slabs.

Technology for laying paving slabs

How long the tile coating will last you depends entirely on the quality of the installation. You can do this yourself, but if this type of work is new to you, then for greater confidence it is better to use the services of some organization for which this will not be the first time. Let us describe the main stages of work on laying paving slabs:

  • We prepare the ground for work. To do this, we remove a layer of earth to a depth of 15 cm, clear the area of ​​excess - stones, roots, plant seeds, compact the earth, and make grooves along the edges.
  • Cover the bottom with crushed stone, water and compact it. You can do without this if no vehicles are expected to enter.
  • We install curbs in the grooves.
  • We create a cushion of sand 15 cm thick and tamp it down too.
  • Lay the tiles using a wooden or rubber mallet.
  • After laying in the cracks between the tiles, we fill cement-sand mixture and thoroughly pour water into the cracks.

Price for laying paving slabs

Laying paving slabs

The cost of the work takes into account that all goods are provided by the customer.
Depending on the complexity of the patterns, if required, the price for the work may be changed.

👉 Laying paving slabs with a guarantee! Price for work, per 1 sq. m. on sandy base

The cost of work includes:

  • - Paving slabs
  • - Deliverya
  • - Excavation of the pit
  • - Geotextiles
  • - Sand
  • - Pressure test
  • - Dry mixture
  • - Styling

👉 Laying paving slabs with a guarantee! Price for work, per 1 sq. m. on crushed stone base

The cost of work includes:

  • - Paving slabs
  • - Deliverya
  • - Excavation of the pit
  • - Geotextiles
  • - Sand
  • - Crushed stone
  • - Pressure test
  • - Dry mixture
  • - Styling

👉 Laying paving slabs with a guarantee! Price for work, per 1 sq. m. for a finished concrete base

The cost of work includes:

  • - Paving slabs
  • - Deliverya
  • - Dry mixture
  • - Styling

*cost taking into account that concrete base already ready

👉 Laying paving slabs with a guarantee! Price for work, per 1 sq. m. on a concrete base

The cost of work includes:

  • - Paving slabs
  • - Deliverya
  • - Preparation of the base
  • - Dry mixture
  • - Styling

👉 Laying paving slabs with a guarantee! Price for work, per 1 sq. m. on reinforced concrete

The cost of work includes:

  • - Paving slabs
  • - Deliverya
  • - Preparation of the base
  • - Reinforcement
  • - Pouring concrete (preparing the concrete base)
  • - Dry mixture
  • - Styling

Laying paving slabs: where to start

We looked at the most common sequence of tile laying work, but depending on operating conditions, laying can be done in three different technologies: on sand, concrete or crushed stone. A hybrid option is often used, when, for example, sand is mixed with crushed stone. If it is expected that a large load will be placed on the paving surface, then it is better to lay the tiles on concrete. Sand is more suitable for walking sidewalks.

Laying paving slabs at the dacha

The main advantage is durability. This material has excellent resistance to cold and will last you much longer than concrete or asphalt pavement. An undoubted advantage is the ease of installation. If it is necessary to carry out any work under the covering, the tiles are carefully removed and then installed again. Moreover, if mistakes were made during installation, for example, when it rains, a puddle forms in some place, then this area can be easily repaired.

No less important are aesthetic indicators. The variety of colors and shapes is amazing. Here there is scope for creativity; you can easily compose patterns and create various compositions.

Laying paving slabs on the site

Laying tiles under a parking lot

Laying tiles on garden paths

Construction of a blind area around the house

*Prices are valid for orders over 80 sq.m. For works of a smaller volume, prices may be changed. To clarify the information, you can call the phone number indicated at the top of the page.