home · Networks · Designation of phraseological units where crayfish spend the winter. Where do crayfish spend the winter? “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter”: the fate of the expression in the 21st century

Designation of phraseological units where crayfish spend the winter. Where do crayfish spend the winter? “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter”: the fate of the expression in the 21st century

We'll show you where crayfish spend the winter! This is what we always say to those with whom we are offended, but at the same time we do not know where they actually spend the winter. At the same time, the meaning of this saying is clear to everyone. Crayfish are river inhabitants, which means they must spend the winter somewhere under water. But where? Let's find out.
Crayfish are inhabitants of freshwater bodies of water. An adult rarely grows more than 20 centimeters in length. The color can be either brown with a greenish tint, or gray-blue, or dark brown. It all depends on the habitat and the nature of the diet.
This animal is a kind of indicator of the cleanliness of the reservoir. Cancer cannot live in contaminated water. When poisons and agricultural fertilizers get into the water, they die immediately.
The diet of crayfish is quite varied. It is based on protein-rich meat foods. They also do not refuse plant foods, although they consume them to a lesser extent. They feed on: mollusks, worms, larvae, insects, small fish, tadpoles. Cancer consumes all this in dead form. Does not refuse carrion, the smell of which can be heard at a very great distance. Among plants, it prefers water lily leaves and river algae. In winter, it can feed on fallen leaves that accumulate at the bottom of the reservoir. Crayfish are also prone to cannibalism. They eat their dead fellow tribesmen with pleasure. The most interesting thing is that with the same size, the female eats much more food than the male.
Crayfish go hunting at night. Quite a lot of them accumulate near the shore. It is not difficult to verify this. It is enough to illuminate a section of the river bottom with a flashlight, at a distance of one meter from the shore, and you will definitely see them.
During the day, crayfish rest. They hide in holes, hide under stones and snags, bury themselves in silt, etc. They dig their own holes in steep areas of the river bottom. Their length can be more than a meter. The cancer hides in such a shelter during molting, which occurs at least six times a year in young individuals, and twice a year in adults.
Why does cancer hide in a hole?
The thing is that during molting, it loses its chitinous shell and becomes completely defenseless. This is easy prey for predators. With the onset of autumn cold, the crayfish moves to deeper parts of the reservoir, finds a suitable place with a clay or sandy bottom, and digs a narrow hole, up to one meter long. Sometimes it occupies someone else's empty hole. He spends the winter in such a shelter. As you can see, although it is reliable, it is not very comfortable. Now, I hope, you understand what the desire is based on to show your offender where the crayfish spend the winter.

In the thrice-ninth kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived and lived the Tsar-Sovereign. And he had three sons. The eldest son is smart. Also, as they say, he would walk under the table, even across the bench, during a spanking, if it happened, he would lie flat, and the count to a hundred was already repeated by heart, like the back of his hand.

The average guy is a craftsman, his hands are golden. From the cradle, one might say, he is both a Swede and, as usual, a reaper. But on the pipe, it was not a player who came out. The bear stepped on the ear of the mediocre one in the cradle. And he didn’t step on it - with all four paws, one might say, he went over his ears!

But the player turned out to be the youngest. And he, not only does he play the pipes - he plays harmonies, and plays balalaikas, and his artistic whistling is like a nightingale! And on spoons, like a woodpecker on dead wood in the forest. He is a singer, a dancer, and a joker-storyteller (rapper in modern terms) to the harp. In general, in the entire kingdom-state, even during the day with fire, even in the dustiest corners, shining torches, you’ll only burn tar in vain - he’s the first one at all holidays and parties, and even between the red dates in the calendar, the ringleader.

And so, early in the morning, the eldest would go to the archives, or to the palace library. Wipe the ports on the government benches above the memoir books with diligence. The middle one goes to the forge, or to the laboratory. Rivet the plow and harrow to the magic carpet. Al, Babkin-Yezhkin’s broom should be reprogrammed into a self-cleaning mop. The royal tax collectors confiscated this broom from the old woman. For utility arrears, they took it out of the hut-on-chicken-legs, so to speak. And the youngest will drool over the starched pillowcase and admire the colorful dreams! And all because in the evening with the offspring of the sovereign, everything, as they say, is exactly one hundred and eighty the other way around. The eldest and middle ones say prayers in front of the images when they are tired, and in their bedchambers they can scare away the mice with their snoring until the morning. And the youngest plays the harmonica and the balalaika until daybreak outside the palace outskirts. Well, it’s like a one-man orchestra! And all around there are guys and girls from Kamarina dancing all sorts of things, exchanging obscene ditties, and even worse, kissing each other in round dances.

The tsar encouraged every one of his people to work, so to speak, discipline, and to production, one might say, activity. And he frightened, and in quite strong, sometimes, expressions. And with his crowned boots he stomped on the walnut parquet. And he slipped the monarchical fist into his little idiot’s nose to sniff. Even with the sovereign scepter, Yakhontova sometimes hit the tabletop out of pedagogical hopelessness.

So much so that I almost smashed it, a couple of times, precious into smithereens. Even for peas in the royal chambers for the shame of foreign envoys and walkers from the governorates

He exhibited his dancer's scruples - he pressed on his conscience. Well, it’s not good that the autocrat is brought up to be so unhearing! Once he got so angry, he imprisoned the heir in the guardhouse. So he and there - a song and dance ensemble from the penalty cells of the tsarist army put together. The group performed to the accompaniment of tin bowls. With fizzy, soot from cigarette butts painted. Security guards came running from all posts to laugh. Ten days – a full house! They released him, and the whole prison not only cried for him, but sobbed!
Well, the king could not stand it. Well, he thinks, dear, I’ll still teach you a lesson. Your garden head won’t even want to, but will inevitably fill itself to the top with intelligence.

He equipped a convoy with boyars and nobles. He gave sheepskin sheepskin coats to his traveling subjects - it was cold. He himself settled into the front sleigh under the bear's coat and sat his little boy next to him. And the fireman snapped the handcuffs on his little white wrists, just in case. So as not to run away. And he fastened it to the shaft with a forged chain. And he ordered the driver to take the path straight to the north. During the day, so that the sun would shine on the back of his dashingly twisted head for a quick ride. And in the morning and evening, the leading stallion, by order of the Tsar, had to keep his muzzle straight at the Polar Star, without looking at any mares along the road.
The tale is told quickly, but it doesn’t take long, as they say, for things to work out. They drove and drove - hills, and holes, valleys, and hills, streams with rivulets, fields with copses, and, in the end, they jumped out of the last stunted grove on their way into a white expanse. Specifically, to the tundra.

But it’s bad in the tundra. In the tundra it’s not like in our area - there’s a global thaw and none of the old-timers have ever heard of typhoons with cataclysms. Everything is harsh in the tundra - there are no fir trees, no pine trees, birches, even crooked Karelian ones, do not rise above the polar snowdrifts. From the blizzard, it turns out, there is nowhere to hide, and under the sheepskin coats of the royal court, it is blowing, drafting, that means, from all sides. The guardsmen look, they have come in large numbers to the tundra - and in the middle of the space the lake is spread out, covered with ice, which means it is tightly intercepted from shore to shore.
Well, then our anointed one of God pulled out his gilded pick from the sledge - and he was an avid fisherman, mainly for winter fishing. He gave his underage son, the boyars, and the nobles also the pickles and the rotary wheels, prepared in advance, from the convoy. And they began to dig an ice hole with the whole community. And the ice on the lake is thick. Tundra, after all! The boyars puffed for a long time, but in the end they built a hole in the ice - about ten fathoms long, and about five straight fathoms wide. The steam from the bathhouse is pouring out in clouds! It’s like being in a homely place from a heated and hot bathhouse. When you put kvass mixed with beer on the hot stones and heels, you give it some heat.

But, apparently, the king had no time to admire the beauty of the eternal, as they say, permafrost. He dipped his monarchical finger into the hole, and he most likely liked the degree. Because the sovereign stuck his pick with diamond tips into the snow, bowed to his subjects huddled at the waist - don’t blame me, he crossed himself, and politely, with respect, addressed his disobedient son:
“Well, little one,” he says, “take off,” he says, “all your outer clothing down to your underwear.” Yes, and into the water - you want to go headfirst, or you want to go feet first, from this strong ice, barefoot.
Well, he’s not hearing, that’s why he’s not hearing in order to resist despotic orders. He doesn’t want to refresh himself in any way, he resists with all his musical strength, as they say. And even then, his impressionable nature and without any of these dippings, from one, so to speak, contemplation of a smoking ice hole, the teeth suddenly began to ring very loudly.

“Father,” he begs, “don’t ruin my brave life with such an indecent execution.” Well, I’m not some kind of walrus, after all! And not a polar bear! Well, I won’t go into the wormwood! I am the king’s son, so to speak! Noble blood! Blue, you might say!
In general, the boy is stubborn, he doesn’t jump into the hole, he’s not even going to untie the belt on his sheepskin coat for the sake of decency, in order to please his crowned father at least a little. The scythe, as they say, buried itself in a cobblestone.
Nothing to do. The royal word must be strong - flint. It is unacceptable to contradict the autocrat.

Well, then the monarch ordered the boyars and nobles to twist his stubborn son, forcefully strip him down to his trousers and shirt, wrap the reins under his armpits with a Pomeranian anchor knot, swing the poor thing wider by his arms and legs, and, on the count of three, throw him into the hole. And further.

Of course, the nobles threw the royal son into the wormwood. It was just very interesting for them to throw the hereditary oaf into the ice font on the count of three. They were, in fact, extremely curious to find out what result would come out of this whole sovereign undertaking.
Well, what could be the result here? Everything went as usual - it flounders, which means the royal seed is in the hole, screams loudly - it means it gives distress signals with all sorts of cries and signs. And, in general, in his soul he firmly hopes for the help of those around him. Because his parent, the stern autocrat, and his entire court knows that he has not yet learned to swim. Because he didn’t take after his father, the royal fisherman, but after his maternal grandmother. She, by the way, wasn’t very good at housekeeping either - washing the floors, or cleaning the fish - but she was a dashing dancer and sang loudly.

Well, our king, a loving father, either helps his drowning son stay on the surface, or, if you look closely, it may seem that it doesn’t seem to be very good. For the reins, like a small child for help, he will pull him out of the cool abyss closer to the oxygen, look him in the eyes with reproach, saying, “It’s his own fault,” and, well, he will ease the tension and drown, then, that means, his offspring in the icy water. It will dip in, then pull out, then dip, then pull out. And he ordered his guardsmen to position themselves around the ice hole, and the person in distress, with ice picks and rotators - but not with points, but with handles, so that without damage! - push away from the edge of the hole. If he suddenly starts to save himself. And out of the blue, he suddenly gets ready to get out on the ice. Well, his loyal subjects are happy, of course, to curry favor with the ruler with the help of spinners. And the guy yells, like his old lady used to on Saturdays, when her husband, the monarchical grandfather, would woo his dancer with the reins after partying in the stable. It’s also not a simple one, which means that our dying man laments with the voice of a dying man, but with hearing – he reaches the very top octaves with a valiant tenor.
But it’s somehow felt from the drowning man’s heart-rending screams that things aren’t going so simply for him under the water. He’s not the only one who’s angry because he’s cold and a little short of breath. As if there was something else there, the boy under the water had a passion that he didn’t like. It seems like something else is bothering him in the abyss. It was as if someone mysterious was secretly pinching our bather from below from the depths.

They dipped him, basically, until he swallowed enough cool cucumbers and quieted down. Well, the boyars and nobles, at the royal command, pulled the drowned man onto the ice.
And they see - oh, horror! What a nightmare! Holy Fathers! All his shirts, all his trousers are the color of rust! And not from silt, not from mud, but from crayfish that dug into the white canvas with their brown claws, awakened from hibernation, and greatly embittered by this.

So, who, then, was grabbing the guy from below! That’s who didn’t allow him to flounder around calmly! Crayfish, therefore, are large, as luck would have it!

But now, we will have to pause a little, and from the story about the life and adventures of the members of the crowned family, briefly move on to crayfish.

Consider some of their features in the structure of the body, and note mysterious oddities in behavior, so to speak.
So here it is. In those long-ago years, crayfish weren’t exactly migratory; even in those days, they weren’t born birds; after all, they didn’t know how to fly. But in that ancient, hoary, one might say, antiquity, crayfish, imitating birds, went to wintering in distant countries, like light-winged birds, swimming and crawling in flocks. However, the structure of the body of crayfish even then was not the same as that of swimming, say, fish, or crawling, for example, snakes or even crocodiles. And all their crustacean, so to speak, indecency consisted in the fact that from the very point at the end of the body from where the tail of any living creature usually sticks out - with scales, like, for example, a pike, or with fur, like, let’s say, in a fox, or even with feathers, like the same peacock - in them, in crayfish, from this back place, mother nature itself intended for the growth of decoration, the neck grew! And it’s still growing! Cancer cervix! Vya, one might say! But there’s no trace of a head on that neck! And then it wasn’t. And the head of crayfish is generally on the completely opposite side, it is absolutely unknown on which part of the body it is attached in some unimaginable way.

This is why the movement of crayfish is always incorrect. Namely, they crawl and swim not at all like all law-abiding representatives of the animal kingdom, but only backwards.
And so, sometimes in the fall, a flock of crayfish will look at a flock of ducks, cranes, shore swallows, woodcocks of all kinds, stand with their muzzles, or beaks, or whatever they call it - in general, the flock will line up in the direction to the south - and begins to stubbornly crawl or swim. And, naturally, as a result of this stubborn movement, the crayfish ended up in regions opposite to the warm continents. Namely, in the tundra. And it was in that very lake in which they dipped the sovereign’s son and tried to accustom him to a work routine, so to speak.

The youngest was pumped out then - with mouth-to-mouth breathing - the only boyar, with a beard from his eyebrows, specialized in such matters. They shook out the excess water from it, rubbed its little blue body with a mitten and a snowball until it was red, and at the end of the rescue, they poured boiling sbiten from a camp samovar into it, with raspberries. It was just the bucket samovar that fit into the drowned man - well, it fit perfectly, well, exactly. In general, the heir didn’t even catch a cold, he just sneezed a couple of times. The boy turned out to be strong.

But from then on, as soon as the Tsar-Father had to stamp his foot, he had only to raise the sovereign scepter over the tabletop of the yacht, and only depict with his monarchical index finger: “I, they say, will now show you where the crayfish spend the winter!” - so the son rushes headlong to carry out all his instructions with the precision of an imported Swiss chronometer.

And, I must say, this new habit of order worked for the lad’s benefit. The prince took up amateur activities seriously, began to organize all sorts of circles, orchestras, and troupes. Abroad - but only to be away from the lake - with choirs, with dancers, and with balalaika players, I got used to traveling. Moreover, he dances with groups, plays himself, sings himself - talent! Collected stadiums! The currency has gone to the treasury! Boyfriends and girlfriends from the outskirts of his palace travel with him on tour. Silence in the state at night. The king is not overjoyed.

Show where crayfish spend the winter to whom. Razg. Express To teach a lesson, to punish someone cruelly. More often used as an expression of threat. - What right did they have to act without permission? Well, wait a minute... I'll show you where the crayfish spend the winter(P. Belyakov. The attack began at dawn).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Show where crayfish spend the winter” in other dictionaries:

    show where crayfish spend the winter- Razg. Only owls. To teach a lesson, to severely punish someone (an expression of threat). With noun with value faces: grandfather, father... will he show it to whom? to you, brother, to everyone... where crayfish spend the winter. What right did they have to act without permission? Well, wait a minute... I'll show you where the crayfish spend the winter! (P.… … Educational phraseological dictionary

    show where crayfish spend the winter- (order strictly) Wed. Now, mark my words, if he reaches it, he will show you where the crayfish spend the winter. Saltykov. Letters to my aunt. 1 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Show where crayfish spend the winter- Show where the crayfish spend the winter (order strictly). Wed. Now, mark my words, if only he “reaches”, he will show you where the crayfish spend the winter. Saltykov. Letters to my aunt. 1 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    show where crayfish spend the winter- expression of threat. The turnover is associated with the times of serfdom, when landowners left for the winter in the cities, where the season of balls and receptions began. Crayfish were considered one of the most delicious dishes at dinner parties. Gourmets claimed that crayfish are truly... Phraseology Guide

    Show where crayfish spend the winter- Razg. Deal with anyone. FSRY, 384; ZS 1996, 63; Glukhov 1988, 127; Mokienko 1990, 51; BMS 1998, 488 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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Common to our area, the river or freshwater crayfish (Astacus astacus) is a decapod crustacean - Decapoda.

Many factors influence the growth of crayfish:

  • water quality and temperature;
  • number of individuals per square meter of reservoir;
  • availability and quality of feed.

It follows from this that in different bodies of water these arthropods will grow at different rates; it is difficult to say how many centimeters they will grow.


Freshwater crayfish, found in our reservoirs, has a hard chitinous shell (this dictates a dangerous lifestyle), which is an additional exoskeleton. The cancer body consists of a segmented abdomen and a cephalothorax, which, in turn, is divided into two parts - the head (anterior) and thoracic (posterior), fused together. There is a spike in the front of the head, near it there are eyes and antennae, which the animal needs as organs of smell and touch. Crayfish breathe through gills.

Crayfish jaws are modified limbs that are located on the sides of the mouth. They are followed by 5 pairs of thoracic limbs - claws and legs. Cancer uses the first for attack and defense. In turn, on the abdomen there are two-branched limbs that are necessary for swimming. The tail is the 7th abdominal segment.

Adult males are larger than females, and they also have much larger claws. If one of the limbs is lost, a new one grows after molting. Crayfish have an unsafe lifestyle and sometimes they lose their claws when competing with other crayfish, or they are simply bitten off by some other river predator; this happens rarely, but it does happen.

Where does it live?

There is a misconception that freshwater crayfish are unpretentious to their living conditions, but this is not the case. These inhabitants of the aquatic world need special conditions for a normal lifestyle.

Firstly, the water in the reservoir in which these arthropods live must certainly be fresh, because in salt water they not only do not reproduce, but even simply die. The percentage of oxygen in the water should be approximately the same as for salmon fish, in summer at least 5 mg per 1 liter.

In addition, crayfish cannot tolerate high acidity, which is of great importance. But, despite all of the above, light is a secondary factor in their lives.

The best acidity is 6.5 or higher. If the water contains insufficient lime, this can negatively affect the growth of crayfish. Although they are extremely susceptible to pollution, given the right conditions, crayfish can live anywhere - even in small streams. Although, they are not very popular with crayfish and can be found there very rarely.

Crayfish need a hard, low-silt bottom to survive. There is no need to try to find them in shallows (they are rare there), where the bottom surface is clean and smooth, on sandy and rocky shores, and on silty bottoms, because crayfish cannot build shelters for themselves in such places or dig one.

But in places with a rocky bottom, near coastal slopes and coastal holes, at the boundaries of the bottom with soft and hard soil, it is quite possible to find them.

Favorite depths are 0.5-3 meters. The best places, as a rule, become the property of large males, smaller individuals and females are content with those that are worse.

Sometimes young crustaceans can be found near the shoreline in the shallows, under branches, leaves or stones.

Cancers are prone to recluse (this is their typical way of life) and try to find some kind of shelter for themselves, while they have to constantly protect it from their relatives. During the day, crayfish hide in their shelters, covering the entrance with their massive claws.

They also need sufficiently deep depressions in which they spend the winter.


Probably few people know, but crayfish that are so similar to each other are divided into three types:

  • Astacus pachypus – thick-fingered;
  • Astacus leptodactylus – narrow-toed;
  • Astacus astacus – broad-toed.

A characteristic feature of any type of freshwater crayfish is their large, movable claws, which is how they got their name.

For example, the narrow-toed leptodactylus has long but narrow claws. Broad-toed astacus are massive but short.


Cancer is an omnivore and its diet includes both plant foods and food of animal origin, and not of the first freshness. Cases of cannibalism are not uncommon (a very unpleasant feature of their way of life), especially in this regard small individuals are vulnerable during molting. It is difficult to calculate how many of them die at this time, however, during artificial breeding, measures are taken to limit this phenomenon.

Young crayfish feed mainly on plant foods; they rarely get animals. They also eagerly eat snails and various larvae. One-year-old individuals can already diversify their diet with water fleas and plankton.

Cancer cannot, having caught its prey, paralyze it with poison, but simply holds it tightly with its claws, biting off small pieces.


It is difficult to say how long crayfish live or what their maximum lifespan is, because... Methods for determining their age have not currently been developed. But according to information from various sources, crayfish can live to a fairly advanced age, namely up to twenty years or even more.

Nowadays, work is underway to develop a similar technique, and soon we will know exactly how long crustaceans can live.


Freshwater crayfish are dioecious. In one clutch there can be up to 800 eggs (it is difficult to calculate exactly how many), which are attached to the abdominal limbs and are continuously washed with water. This is how their development occurs, and with the arrival of summer, small crustaceans emerge from them, which after a certain time begin independent activity.

What are the benefits of crayfish?

The common crayfish is an indispensable cleaner of the water bottom, as it eagerly eats carrion, which is available to it without any effort, and this, in turn, significantly improves the water. Even during the winter cold, when these animals rush to the bottom of the reservoir to bury themselves in the mud, they do not stop actively searching for food. At this time, it very often consists only of fish suffocated from lack of oxygen.

Where do freshwater crayfish spend the winter?

Crayfish overwinter not far from the places where they live permanently. Only with the onset of cold weather do they tend to sink a little deeper, this is due to the fact that at depth the water, although a little, is still warmer, and this is how they spend the winter.

Video “Wintering of crayfish”

This video shows how crustaceans hibernate. Despite the low water temperature, they are awake and looking for food.

Since, unlike frogs, crayfish cannot fall into a state of suspended animation. Most of the time, which is about twenty hours a day, the crayfish are in their own holes and quietly dozing. However, with the onset of twilight, they begin a fairly active life. They get out of their holes, walk along the bottom of the reservoir and even hunt.

Such inactive life in winter is characteristic only of males. Females have a lot of trouble during this period (they overwinter more actively than males) because after mating there are many eggs on their abdomen that need to be constantly monitored. For example, to prevent them from silting, they are washed with water that contains oxygen.

In a word, there are no mysteries in how crayfish overwinter. In cold weather they stay in the depths and lead their usual way of life.

How long can crayfish live?

The crayfish that live in our lakes and rivers are real long-livers, since they often live up to 20, and some individuals, although rarely up to 25 years (this is a very long time), however, not everything is as easy as some might think. Some types of crayfish do not live even 5 years because they become prey for crayfish fishermen (many people love to snack on beer with these arthropods). Cancer can grow quite quickly, sometimes up to 8-10 cm within a year, but animals need to be provided with appropriate conditions, first of all, high-quality water and plentiful feeding.

Freshwater crayfish reach sexual maturity at three to four years of age, and it is quite difficult to answer the question of how long crayfish live. The life of these creatures is significantly shortened by wastewater and emissions of harmful substances from enterprises. It should be noted that for good reproduction of crayfish, clean water is necessary. If there are a lot of crayfish in a pond, then the water in it is clean.

Aquarium content

If you keep crayfish in an aquarium, make sure there is enough oxygen in the water. If this condition is not met, then your charges will simply die within a few days. If all conditions are created for crayfish, then they can live in an aquarium for five years or even more. You can feed them bloodworms, which can be purchased at any pet store, or grated carrots. If there is not enough oxygen in the water, then the cancer behaves very inertly and if you do not respond to this in a timely manner, it will simply die.

How long can crayfish live without water?

According to the statements of many experts, crayfish can go without water for no more than 2 days. If there is a need for such storage, then the crayfish should be moved to a cool and well-ventilated place, for example, to the basement. In the complete absence of water, these arthropods will get sick due to the secretion of lactic acids.

Many people, after purchasing or catching crayfish, store them in the refrigerator. In order to increase the lifespan of crayfish, they need to be washed in running water and then placed, for example, in a tray in which vegetables are stored. If the temperature is around zero, crayfish can live for about four days. It is difficult to say exactly how many, since there is no information about such experiments.

If there are a lot of crayfish, then you need to check how they are feeling from time to time. Dead individuals must be removed immediately, because during decomposition they will emit unpleasant odors, poisoning living individuals.

How to catch crayfish in an ice hole in winter.

To show “where crayfish spend the winter” means to threaten someone with punishment. The question of where crayfish spend the winter has never been a scientific problem: crayfish live in the same bodies of water in winter as in summer.

This expression remains from the times of serfdom. Serf peasants in Russia worked off the corvee - they worked for the landowner and paid quitrent, delivering the landowner, even in lean years, a huge amount of meat and poultry, game and fish, fruits and eggs.

Thousands of landowners moved from the village to the city in winter. The season of receptions and balls has begun. Carts of food were drawn to Moscow, delivered by quitrent peasants who fed the landowner and his servants.

At dinner parties, everyone tried to show off their delicious dishes to the guests. Villages located on rivers were supposed to bring fish and crayfish to the table.

Gastronomers believe that crayfish are tasty only in those months that have the letter “r” in their names. And the letter "r", as luck would have it, appears only in the word September and the names of all winter months and disappears after the first spring month - April. The managers assigned quitrents to catch crayfish as a form of punishment, since the peasants often had to climb into freezing water.

Hence the meaning of the threat that has survived to this day: to show “where the crayfish spend the winter.”