home · Appliances · Oleander: planting, growing, caring for. Oleander: propagation by cuttings at home Proper pruning of oleander

Oleander: planting, growing, caring for. Oleander: propagation by cuttings at home Proper pruning of oleander

This flower, according to esoteric people, has amazing properties. In their opinion, it is able to influence a person’s life: it stimulates performance, enhances determination, causes a feeling of comfort, creates a feeling of peace and tranquility. Whether this is true or not, we cannot say with certainty, but due to its beauty it deserves our attention. Growing and caring for oleander is the topic of this article. In it we will try to talk about what conditions are needed for a plant to be healthy and beautiful, and how to care for it in order to avoid problems and disappointments.

Characteristic features of oleander

Plants of the Kutrov family, which includes oleander, have the ability to secrete milky sap, it is toxic, therefore all parts of the bush: roots, leaves, stems and flowers are poisonous. Infusions and decoctions prepared on its basis are used in the treatment of certain diseases. This does not mean that the flower is dangerous when grown at home; you just need to be careful if you accidentally break a twig and the released juice gets on your hands. In this case, rinse the area where the juice droplets got under running water, or use protective gloves when replanting the plant.

Oleander is a heat-loving shrub; in open ground it grows excellently in southern regions with a humid climate. Its homeland is considered to be Mediterranean countries and river valleys of Asia Minor. In colder climates, oleander can be grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, or cultivated as a houseplant.

There are other beneficial properties of oleander - this is its use in medicine, veterinary medicine, and in folk recipes:

  • tinctures, decoctions and lotions help alleviate the patient’s condition with headaches, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and reduce inflammation in skin diseases;
  • improve blood circulation, relieve attacks of tachycardia;
  • An alcohol extract from the leaves is used for acute heart failure in animals and improves intestinal function.

Attention! In a home with children and animals, some precautions must be taken. You should choose a place for the oleander that is inaccessible to contact with them. The plant is toxic, do not forget about it.

Appearance of oleander

There is only one type of this plant - “common oleander”. In landscape design, this shrub is used in the design of seaside gardens and parks. Sometimes, as a separate tree, if it is cultivated in this form, more often in an ensemble with other shrubs, or as a frame for alleys and paths.

Oleander in the house is an original decor for the interior of rooms; it cleanses the atmosphere of the home and fills it with a light, delicate aroma. Its main indicators are:

  • the height of the tree-like bush in open ground reaches 4 meters, at home - no more than 2 m;
  • the plant is perennial, the lifespan of indoor oleander is 15 years, this limit can be increased if constant rejuvenation is carried out through transplantation;
  • shoots are branching, in woody bushes they are covered with rough olive-colored bark;
  • when growing oleander at home, it requires constant and correct pruning, in this case the flowering phase begins within a year;
  • large dark green leaves form a whorl of three leaves, attached to the stem with small petioles, the edges of the leaves are curved down and covered with small hairs that protect the leaf plate from excessive evaporation of moisture; over time, the lower leaves of the oleander fall off;
  • the flowers are arranged in the form of racemose inflorescences, the size of each flower (in diameter) is up to 5 cm, the color is predominantly white, yellow, red, but the most common color is pink;
  • the fruit is a seed leaflet in the form of a pod; when the seeds ripen, a hairy tuft appears on each one.

Advice. When growing oleander indoors, many nuances must be taken into account so that the plant does not affect human health with its toxic properties: the volume of the room must be large, well ventilated, additional lighting must be taken into account in winter, and people must not be allowed to stay in close proximity to the plant for a long time.

Necessary conditions for caring for oleander

Experienced gardeners know that in order for a houseplant to grow healthy and produce abundant flowering, three conditions must be constantly met:

  1. Room air temperature. For oleander, air heated to +20-25 degrees in summer is considered optimal; in winter, a limit of up to +15°C is possible.
  2. Air humidity. This plant is moisture-loving; in nature it grows along the banks of reservoirs, which means that at home it must be protected from drying out. The soil on the surface of the pot should always be moist, and the leaves should be sprayed frequently, at least 4 times a week (if the room is very hot and the moisture evaporates quickly).
  3. Pruning and removing unnecessary buds. Oleander is pruned annually, shoots that have reached a length of 20 cm are shortened, and unwanted lateral buds are removed as they appear.

Growing and caring for oleander will not take much time, the main thing is that all these conditions must be met. Don't forget, every living creature loves care and affection. Houseplants are your pets, just like cats or dogs, they need you. In response to your attention, they respond and thank you in their own way, with lush greenery, unusually beautiful flowers and a fragrant aroma in your rooms.

Oleander at home: video


The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of many exotic plants that have entered our lives as ornamental crops. Indoor oleander is one of our old acquaintances. The plant emits a pleasant smell, its flowers are beautiful, and even the leaves have their own attractiveness, reminiscent of a weeping willow.

What it looks like in nature and at home (photo)

Today, oleander truly adorns the Black Sea coasts of many countries. This plant is widely used in the field of park design. In Russia, oleander has successfully taken root on the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus. However, many researchers believe that it began to grow on the planet in a slightly different climate - in western China. However, most plant species originate in Morocco and southern Portugal. The cultivation of oleander as a decorative indoor crop began in the south of Europe.

In nature, oleanders usually grow near water, in open sunny areas.

Caring for these flowers at home is not very difficult. It is enough to choose a sunny place indoors and do not forget to water the plant on time.

Important! The sap of the houseplant and the aroma released by the leaves are harmful to humans in large quantities and in close conditions. Therefore, it is better to plant it in spacious rooms: living rooms, large corridors, halls.

You can purchase a flower for home cultivation and propagation either as a young plant in a flower or peat pot in a store, or buy seeds that can be ordered by mail.

Indoor versions are much smaller than their outdoor counterparts, but they bloom no less beautifully.

Under natural conditions, this plant literally turns from a bush into a tree up to 4 m high, but in an apartment it usually does not grow higher than 1.5 m.

There are several types of oleander: fragrant, pink, Indian, white-pink. But only the common oleander is adapted to indoor conditions; it is no less beautiful.

Planting and caring for oleander at home

Growing oleander has its own rules that must be followed.


Young oleanders need light, moisture and warmth

You can buy plant seeds, or you can prepare them yourself. After flowering, pods are formed in which the seeds ripen.

  1. For sowing, loamy soil is used, which is formed from soil, peat, sand and humus. It is advisable to use these parts in equal proportions.
    If you are going to use store-bought loamy soil, be sure to add sand to it.
    When planting, the seeds should not be covered with soil; just press them lightly into the ground. Planting material needs sunlight and room temperature.
  2. Then you should be patient, because seedlings appear already in the second month. To speed up the process, you can cover the soil with a transparent film; after the first appearance of sprouts, it should be removed.
  3. It is not recommended to immediately plant sprouts in large containers; this will facilitate the development of the root system, but the stem will develop much more slowly.


An adult plant does not require annual replanting.

Young plants must be replanted annually. In three years, you can switch to a three-year regime.

Typically, transplantation is carried out together with a lump of earth that covers the root system. It is advisable to trim off the root shoots that stand out too much from this lump.

With each transplant, the pots in which your pet will grow increase in volume, but only slightly.

New soil must be calcined and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.


In summer, the oleander needs to be periodically fed by adding water to the pan.

This procedure seems to be simple, but for oleander in indoor conditions it is very important:

  • the water should be warm, at room temperature, it is advisable to settle it; cold watering not only slows down growth, but also provokes the development of diseases;
  • In summer, you need to water the plant regularly as the soil dries out; in hot weather, always leave water in the pan to nourish the root system;
  • if possible, pay attention to the composition of the water, it should not be hard;
  • In winter, watering must be reduced and the plant rests.

Conditions for successful cultivation

The flower needs a lot of light to bloom lushly.

The main condition is that in the warm season you need to ensure maximum contact of the plant with sunlight. The more illuminated the place in which it is located, the better the flower will grow.

In winter, the flower stops growing, so it is better not to disturb it and place it in a cool place and reduce watering, but the lighting must be as bright, otherwise the flower may die. When using lamps, it is only important not to bring them close to the leaves.

Important! Spraying the leaves or treating the crown should be done with gloves, as the plant is considered poisonous. For the same reason, pets and children should not come into contact with it. Symptoms of poisoning can be very alarming, including bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Allergic intolerance to a particular culture is also possible.


Pruning is done after flowering ends, closer to autumn.

The crown of the flower needs to be shaped, otherwise it can only stretch in height or in one direction. The beauty of the flower is ensured by its cap-shaped crown. Therefore, you need to ruthlessly part with those branches and stems that are ahead of others in growth. It is believed that the plant calmly tolerates it when the shoots are shortened by 2 times.

Pruning is not only a cosmetic procedure; it stimulates the growth of new young shoots.

Formative Pruning Instructions: Video


Top dressing

Indoor oleander can be fed with any type of organic and mineral fertilizers intended for indoor plants. Only the regime of this procedure should be different depending on the time of year.

In late spring, summer and early autumn, fertilizing is applied once a week; in winter it should be applied once a month.

Interesting! Some gardeners use tea leaves for feeding. It is essentially an organic fertilizer. But you shouldn’t abuse it; it’s good to maintain the oleander during the flowering period and then once a month.

Problems with growing indoor oleander

Common oleander has good resistance to diseases and other flower misfortunes, but sometimes the plant needs help.

Why doesn't oleander bloom?

Sometimes, suddenly, indoor oleander, which was pleasing to the eye in previous years, stops blooming profusely. This is not a sign of old age and does not always indicate illness.

  • Perhaps you did the pruning poorly or didn’t do it at all. In this case, old buds suppress the growth of new ones, and oleander flowers form only on young shoots.
  • Another reason may lie in the lack of watering and fertilizers. Try changing the feeding regime.
  • There is also a possibility of soil depletion. In this case, in order to make the flower bloom, it is important to change the soil or add the necessary components to it.

Video: How to make an indoor miracle bloom

The leaves are fading

The leaves of the plant have a characteristic attractive shine, but sometimes it suddenly disappears. The leaves become dull and seem to fade. Of course, the issue may be due to the lack of watering, but most likely the plant simply does not have enough light. The room guest needs to find another, more illuminated place. Just do not move the pot directly into bright sunlight, the plant may even get burned.

Leaves and flowers fall

The same insufficient lighting is to blame for this, but drafts can also cause harm. Pay attention to this, especially in the summer, when windows, vents and balcony doors open due to the heat. Resuming leaf growth is not very easy or quick.


Sometimes oleander is affected by thrips, it can be cured with the help of Aktara and watering regulation

Aphids or powdery mildew can be detected on leaves with a thorough inspection, which should be carried out regularly. To combat pests or pathogens, use special organic preparations, for example, Agrofit.


The flower reproduces quite easily and quickly, and in several ways at once.

Propagation by cuttings

Oleander takes cuttings well, so new plants are obtained quickly and easily

Carefully cut cuttings should simply be placed in water. After some time, they will give roots, and the rooted young plants can be replanted. Planted specimens should be sprinkled with sand to prevent possible rotting. Just heat the sand before doing this.

Using air layering

This process is more complicated, but more effective, since young aerial roots take root faster and grow better. To root them, the sprouts are placed in plastic bags with wet sand or glass flasks. And the last piece of advice - if you have a balcony or loggia, in the summer you can take the flower out into the open air, it will just love it. And remember about watering, it is vital for oleander.

Oleander is a perennial evergreen shrub with elongated leathery leaves, brownish stems and bright fragrant flowers. The plant is native to western China, Morocco and the tropical zones of Portugal. It is not recommended to keep African plants indoors, as they emit harmful fumes that cause dizziness and headaches.

The flower adapted for indoor conditions was grown in southern Europe. Caring for such an oleander is quite simple, but requires following certain recommendations.

Oleander or pink laurel - description, photo

The oleander is called pink laurel because its brown stems are strewn with the same dark green, leathery, pointed leaves as those of laurel.

In nature, a tree grows up to four meters. At home, an oleander bush can grow up to two meters. That is why it is recommended to keep it in spacious rooms with good lighting.

Beautiful fragrant pink laurel flowers are collected in racemes and can be single or double. In the photo in our gallery you can see plants that have yellow, red, pink and white flowers.

When growing oleander, you should be aware that the plant contains poisonous sap. Therefore, you should take care of it very carefully. It is not recommended to place the flower in the bedroom, in a room where children and pets will live, and when pruning a bush It is recommended to wear gloves, and cover your face.

But oleander can also be very useful. Experts noted that in the house where this beautiful flower has settled there is significantly less waste and toxins.

Types of oleander - photo

The plant is divided into three types:

  1. Common oleander.
  2. Indian.
  3. Fragrant.

In turn, the common oleander has many varieties with different flower colors. Classic plant varieties have white, yellow, red and pink color. The flowers of hybrid varieties can be huge snow-white and lush crimson, plain and variegated.

Indian and fragrant oleanders cannot boast of such a variety of varieties, however, this does not mean that there is nothing interesting in them.

For example, the Indian oleander blooms from June to October with large five-petaled, bright flowers with a sweet smell, which can be yellow, red, pink, or white. The fragrant oleander grows to only 50 centimeters and has a wonderful smell.

Oleander - care and cultivation

Pink laurel is an unpretentious plant, which even a novice gardener can grow at home.

In order for a plant to grow well and bloom luxuriantly, it needs good lighting. Windows facing southeast are best suited for this. When the flower is located on the north side or in the back of the room, the lack of light can be compensated for by artificial lighting.

In summer, it is recommended to take the oleander outside or into the loggia. In this case, the plant must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight. In the winter season, a flower backlight required fluorescent lamps. Daylight should last eight hours, and the lamps should be located no closer than seventy centimeters from the bush.

Optimal conditions for growing oleander

Pink laurel loves moist air, stable temperatures and well-fertilized soil. Therefore, when caring for it at home, it is necessary follow some rules.

Transplanting and pruning oleander

Immediately after purchasing a plant, it is required from peat transplant into fertile substrate, which can be of several types:

  • a mixture of garden soil, manure and peat;
  • a mixture of humus and clay.

Young plants are replanted every spring, and adults - every two or three years.

For proper transplantation you need:

  1. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, which can be gravel, expanded clay or small pebbles.
  2. Sprinkle a small amount of soil mixture in the second layer.
  3. Carefully remove the flower from the old container and place it on the substrate.
  4. Add the required amount of soil around the roots of the plant and at the same time press it against the roots.

After the bush is planted, it must be watered abundantly.

In order for the oleander to bloom profusely, when caring for it, do not forget that the plant requires regular pruning. This procedure is carried out immediately after flowering, and the branches should be cut to half their entire length.

Wilted petals must be removed carefully without damaging the inflorescences, which may produce repeat flowers.

Possible problems when growing oleander

Growing any plant at home, including oleander, will not always be problem-free. A flower can be destroyed by improper care or maintenance, diseases, or pests.

Therefore it is necessary study the main problems, which gardeners most often encounter when caring for indoor oleander:

With proper care and proper humidity and temperature conditions, such problems should not arise.

Oleander propagation methods

Propagate oleander at home there are three ways:

  • air layering;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Reproduction by layering

Propagation by air layering is a fairly simple and effective method. For roots to appear, you need to cut the branch, remove the bark and lower the allotted area in a container of water or into wet sand.

After the roots appear, the branch is cut off from the main plant and planted in the prepared earthen mixture.

Oleander cuttings

The plant propagates using cuttings in spring or autumn. To do this, shoots are cut from the bush, the length of which should be about 15 centimeters. For rooting, you can use cuttings left after trimming the oleander.

Cutting locations are needed treat with coal powder, and place the cuttings in a mixture of sand, perlite and charcoal.

The container with the planted cuttings should be placed in a well-lit room with a stable temperature. To prevent the cuttings from rotting, watering should be moderate.

After about a month, the shoots will give roots, and they can be transplanted into a mixture with equal proportions of peat soil, turf, sand and humus.

Propagation by seeds

Oleander seeds have low germination rate, so it is recommended to sow them immediately after collection.

Before planting, the seed material is soaked for thirty minutes in a weak solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. After this, they should be kept for an hour in Heteroauxin solution or Zircon.

Seeds should be sown superficially in the same soil mixture in which the oleander grows. The temperature in the room where the seeds will germinate should be between 30-35C. If the temperature is lower, the seeds may rot or the emergence of seedlings will be delayed for a long time. Under favorable conditions, seedlings germinate in 10-12 days.

Caring for emerging seedlings includes:

After 4-5 true leaves appear, young oleander sprouts are planted in separate pots.

Growing and even propagating oleander at home is not at all difficult. This unpretentious plant, with proper care, will delight and surprise for a long time with its beautiful, bright and lush flowering.

This exotic representative of the flora is actively used not only in home floriculture, but also in esoteric practices. According to their testimonies, he is able to cleanse the room of negative energy and create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. In natural conditions it is a luxurious spreading bush. Belongs to the Kutrovye family.

Oleander loves good lighting (west or south side) and needs constant spraying. It is necessary to water the plant only after the top layer of soil has dried.

You should be careful with it, because the milky juice contains toxic substances. As a potted crop, only families without small children can afford it. Actively used in folk medicine. It is considered unpretentious and does not take up much of the owner’s time. The perennial has elongated fleshy leaves, brown stems and large fragrant pink flowers. For which it was nicknamed “pink laurel”.

Growing and care

Location, lighting and temperature

A sufficient amount of light is one of the main requirements. Once completed, the plant will be able to fully grow and bloom luxuriantly. The ideal option would be windows in the eastern and south-eastern directions. You should not place the vessel on the north window or in the back of the room. But we can correct the ultraviolet deficiency if we use artificial lighting. With the onset of steady warmth, the owners give their pet a “summer vacation” and move it to a glassed-in balcony or terrace. It is important to provide this place with reliable protection from precipitation, drafts and scorching rays of the sun. Minimum daylight hours should be 8 hours. With the onset of autumn, a phyto lamp is installed next to the oleander.

The period of active growth and flowering requires sufficient warmth. The thermometer should not fall below +20 and rise above +27. The plant goes into “hibernation” if the room temperature is below +10. But indicators below +4 are dangerous - the exotic may die.

Avoid sudden changes and drafts.

Humidity and watering

Loves conditions that are close to natural for him. To create the desired humidity levels Regular spraying required. This is especially true in the summer heat and with the onset of the heating season. A signal of a lack of moisture is the dried tips of the foliage. A pallet with expanded clay or sphagnum moss installed next to the bush will not be amiss. If the air temperature is below +15, then irrigation stops. In spring and autumn it occurs twice a day, in summer 4-5 times, and in winter the schedule is determined individually.

It is allowed to use an electric humidifier or place the pot on a tray with porous raw materials. As it evaporates, water is poured onto it. But it is important to ensure that the root system does not come into contact with the liquid.

Watering is required moderate and competent. There is no general schedule. Much depends on the individual conditions of maintenance, size and age of the flower. The main criterion for new watering is complete drying of the top layer of soil.. Excessive moisture is a sure way to stagnation of fluid and rotting of the root system. Water must be used exclusively clean, settled and warm. A high content of chlorine and other harmful chemical elements leads to disease and general weakening of the plant. All excess drops that have flowed into the pan must be poured out. With the onset of cold days, the schedule is significantly reduced. It is enough to “water” the pink laurel once every 8-10 days.

Choosing the optimal pot size and characteristics

Give preference to a massive container made of natural materials, with many through drainage holes. A tall and deep flowerpot is best.

Soil and fertilizers

The main requirements are nutritional value, friability and excellent moisture and oxygen throughput.

You can prepare it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • turf and leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus.

All ingredients must be taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. If you don’t have the time or desire, you can purchase a ready-made substrate for flowering indoor plants in the store. The addition of expanded clay and sand can make it light. Categorically does not tolerate heavy loamy soils.

As for fertilizers, special attention needs to be paid during the growing season. At this time, the best choice will be complex feeding. It is important to correctly alternate between mineral and organic, and strictly follow the instructions on the package. For lush flowering, add mullein to the soil, and first water the oleander abundantly. In no case should you overfeed, otherwise it will begin to build up green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Flower pruning

It is carried out in the summer so that there is time for adaptation before wintering. The splendor and duration of flowering depend on shaping and removing excess shoots. After the buds have fulfilled their decorative function and fallen off, the procedure begins. The stems are shortened by two thirds. Don’t worry, the flower will easily recover and “thank you” with a beautiful appearance. If you regularly skip pruning, the buds will become fewer and fewer until the flowering fades away.

The cut stems are used as planting material for propagation of the crop.

Pests and diseases

The first symptoms appear as light spots on the surface of the leaf. Following them, growths of brown or dark gray color form. First aid is to remove the affected fragments. Afterwards it is necessary to treat with an insecticide.

Repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

As soon as you notice uninvited guests, feel free to remove them with warm water or a cloth soaked in soapy water. If the colony was small in number, then most often this is enough. But, if the time for the appearance of pests has been missed, then it is worth resorting to special chemicals.

Dropping leaves

As a rule, this phenomenon is accompanied by a sickly appearance, lethargy, weak or complete absence of flowering. The reason is improper care. If you determine in time which specific requirements are violated, you can easily restore a blooming healthy appearance.

Among the most common reasons may be: lack of light, fertilizing, untimely pruning, excessive watering.

Reproduction and transplantation

The container for young representatives is changed frequently - every 12 months. It is better not to disturb adult plants more often than once every 3 years. For them, the optimal solution would be to replace the top layer of soil. This will help saturate the soil with nutrients. When replanting, drainage and soil looseness play a major role. Without them, it is impossible to grow a beautiful and healthy flower. When changing a pot, the new vessel differs slightly in size (no more than 2-3 cm in diameter).

The culture is bred using four methods, but the most popular are two of them.


Favorable times are autumn and spring. Planting material - trimmed shoots about 8-11 cm long. Separate them with disinfected sharp garden tools. The cut area is sprinkled with charcoal as a preventive measure against viruses. The cuttings are dried for a day and rooted in a mixture of coal and sand, or in perlite. One month is enough for the formation of the root system. But for this it is necessary to create favorable conditions: humidity, good lighting and high air temperature.

You can speed up the process by creating greenhouse conditions - by covering the vessel with film or glass. You can transplant it into a permanent pot after the appearance of 2 leaves.

Air layering

To obtain them, it is necessary to remove a ring of bark (approximately 2-3 cm). Then this stem is placed in damp sand or a special glass tube, watered generously and covered with a cap. It must be systematically removed for ventilation and spraying.

As soon as the roots appear, the branch is removed from the mother plant and planted in a pot.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

When purchasing, please note that the culture is suitable for spacious large rooms, without small children. The seedling must be absolutely healthy in appearance. If you notice the slightest defects, it is better to refuse the purchase. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that it will survive and become a full-fledged decoration of the room. After purchase, a transfer is required. There is no need to save the earthen lump; it is carefully washed off under running warm water.

The most popular types and varieties

According to various sources, there are from 4 to 12 species. The most famous of them:

  • ordinary. The most prominent representatives: Soleil Levant;
  • fragrant. The most decorative varieties: Variegatta, Petit salmon, Hardy ed.

Oleander in open ground is a large ornamental shrub with voluminous inflorescences of various colors. In the garden, growing this crop is practiced in areas with a warm climate, and caring for oleander at home is accessible and can be carried out in any region, but due to the size of the evergreen shrub and its heat-loving nature, it has its own characteristics.

Oleander gained popularity as an ornamental plant in the Mediterranean countries and in areas of south-east Asia. In reality and in photos, oleander flowers amaze with their variety of colors and shapes, and flower growers who already have experience growing the plant are well acquainted with its aroma. Dense, leathery, elongated leaves cover the brownish shoots in abundance, and without proper attention, the lower parts of the stems become bare, and the plant tends to grow.

It is not surprising that one of the main features of oleander care is its pruning, which limits the growth of the bush and helps give its crown shape and compactness. Despite the desire for growth, among lovers of indoor crops, oleander is considered an unpretentious and easy-to-care plant.

Conditions for growing and caring for oleander

The shrub, which naturally grows in well-lit and ventilated areas, requires the same treatment at home. If the pot of oleander is in the shade:

  • the leaves inevitably fade;
  • the newly growing foliage becomes smaller;
  • inflorescences become sparse and less decorative than usual;
  • internodes on new shoots are stretched;
  • young shoots look noticeably weakened.

A long stay in the shade threatens the loss of buds and the plant’s failure to bloom. In the summer, indoor oleander, as in the photo, can be taken out into the garden. At an air temperature of 20–25 °C, the shrub acclimatizes well and actively develops in the open air. It is not recommended to plant oleander in the ground to avoid difficulties in replanting the plant due to the formation of new roots. But burying a container near a garden pond is useful. Moisture helps the bush withstand the midday sun even on the hottest summer days. If there is no pond on the site, you can put a regular bucket of water nearby. Indoors, place the pot in a tray with damp moss or expanded clay.

Oleander reacts very sensitively to stagnant air, so it is important to ventilate the room frequently, avoiding cold gusts of wind or drafts from entering the plant.

When growing oleander at home, care includes spraying the crown with warm, soft water. This measure helps maintain clean foliage and increase air humidity near the bush.

Seasonal oleander care

The plant responds better not to frequent moistening of the soil surface, but to more rare but abundant watering, during which water penetrates into the very thickness of the substrate. In spring and summer, oleander needs to be watered more often, which is explained by the needs of the growing bush and greater evaporation than in the cold season. The soil is moistened with soft water at room temperature, throughout the year preventing the earthen ball with roots from drying out. And from April until autumn, watering is combined with fertilizing. For these purposes, every two weeks can be used for flowering crops.

If in the summer months caring for oleander is not at all labor-intensive and simple, then closer to winter the plant requires special attention.

In nature, the shrub lives in regions where the change of season is quite pronounced. Similar conditions will have to be created when growing and caring for oleander indoors.

First of all, the plant is looking for a place where the bush will successfully overwinter at a temperature of 2–12 °C, being in the light all day long. Sub-zero temperatures and deep shade are strictly contraindicated when caring for oleander at home. If a shrub lacks light, the gardener should expect that his green pet will get rid of its foliage and will not produce the desired inflorescences at the beginning of next summer.

Features of flowering and pruning indoor oleander

Indoor oleander, in the photo, is a long-flowering ornamental crop.

If the plant receives enough water, nutrition and care, the flowers on the shrubs open from June to mid-autumn, and often the ovaries form on the inflorescence at the same time, and new corollas immediately open.

At home, oleander care certainly includes regular pruning. The stems are not afraid of severe shortening; dormant axillary buds will already in the spring make up for the loss of the crown, which, thanks to such care, will become much more attractive and dense.

The optimal time for pruning oleander is autumn, when mass flowering ends. If the oleander in the photo is cared for correctly at home, by spring the plant will have time to lay new flower buds and prepare lush, fragrant inflorescences for summer. Because of this feature of the shrub, spring pruning is not carried out, with the exception of the sanitary removal of dead, diseased or weakened shoots.

But spring is the best time to transplant the oleander flower shown in the photo.

Transplantation and propagation of oleander

Young bushes can be transferred to new, larger pots every year. In this case, the root system is not disturbed, and the voids between the walls of the container and the earthen ball are filled with fresh substrate. It is better to replant adult bushes no more than once every 3–4 years. As soil for plants, take a fertile, loose mixture of turf soil, half the volume of leaf soil, as well as humus and sand. To structure the substrate and to prevent bacterial infections, add a little crushed charcoal.

When transplanting a large bush, it is sometimes divided, which allows you to quickly propagate the oleander.

But most often it is not this method that is used, but cuttings. But before propagating the oleander, it is necessary to obtain planting material. To do this, young cuttings are cut from a healthy plant of the variety you like so that they have a growing point and several unfurled green leaves. Harvesting and rooting of seedlings intended for oleander propagation is carried out in the summer.

The lower leaves are removed, and the cuttings are dropped into a damp mixture of sand, perlite and peat. It is better to cover the container with the plantings with film or place it in a greenhouse. When roots 3–5 cm long appear on the seedlings, young oleanders are planted in their own pots.

It is even easier and more visual to root an oleander in plain water, to which you can add crushed charcoal. Once transplanted into pots, the young plants acclimatize easily and can be carefully pruned the following fall to give rise to a bushy, lush crown.

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