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Pyotr Nikitin dancer and Zhanna Friske. Dying Friske left a secret message for her lover

// Photo: Yana Yavorskaya/PhotoXPress.ru

A couple of months ago, the public was shocked by unexpected news: it turns out that before she met Dmitry Shepelev, there was another man no less important to her in Zhanna Friske’s life. A certain Pyotr Nikitin shared revelations about his affair with the singer.

The dancer admitted that their secret dates lasted more than four years. Zhanna was thinking about giving birth to Nikitin, who was nine years younger than her, but in the end the lovers separated. Choosing between the stage and relationships, Friske always preferred the profession.

Even then, Peter’s story raised many questions. This time the man came to the studio of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, where he decided to have a frank conversation with the presenter and shared touching memories of the star.

“I'm lonely now. I don’t know if this has anything to do with Zhanna, or if I compare other women with her. Many people condemned me for not visiting her grave for three years, but to be honest, I didn’t need to. I had memories together, the island of Bali, where we vacationed four or five times, photographs. Sometimes memories would come flooding back under the influence of a song we listened to together. Of course, accepting her death was not easy. When we all learned about the diagnosis, we immediately began to believe in the best. After all, there are modern developments in medicine, it seemed that Zhanna would definitely be helped,” Peter shared his memories.

Their romance developed rapidly. It all started innocently with the joint filming of a video for the song “Somewhere in the Summer” back in 2005. At that time, Zhanna was already an incredibly popular singer, and Peter had just started in show business as a dancer. However, they celebrated the New Year together, after which they were no longer separated.

Many of her friends knew about Friska’s secret boyfriend, but Zhanna herself asked not to advertise this romance. She wanted to keep him only for herself, so for the next four years Peter remained in the shadows.

The lovers traveled a lot, often worked together, and then also suddenly separated. According to the dancer, he put too much pressure on the artist, wanting not only to have children together, but also to get married.

Everyone knows what happened next: Friske started dating Dmitry Shepelev, gave birth to a son, and then learned about the terrible diagnosis. Peter communicated with the star until her last days, trying to support Zhanna and believing in the best.

“I do not approve of the conflict that broke out between Zhanna’s parents and Dmitry Shepelev. I believe that both grandparents and father have the right to communicate with Plato. The boy, by the way, is very similar to Zhanna. She is growing up very beautiful, smart - that’s exactly what she wanted,” Nikitin said.

To stop any rumors and speculation about his relationship with the star, the dancer agreed to undergo a lie detector test. He noted that Zhanna never gave him expensive gifts, and their relationship lasted at least four years. However, these two statements turned out to be lies according to experts. The polygraph examiner also found that the artist did not want to marry her secret lover.

“The fact that I am here now is purely my decision. This is my story, and you cannot accuse me of anything in relation to Zhanna. If I had any selfish intentions, I would have come out to people with this story six months after her death,” Peter emphasized.

The dancer himself is sure that Zhanna left a deep mark on his life forever. Now he intends to move on, but he does not plan to forget about his most striking novel.

Peter worked for Friske as a dancer. The man told how their whirlwind romance began. “One day we were relaxing together after a concert, then I walked her home and it turned out that Zhanna had lost the keys to the apartment. In the end, we went to my place. Since this all started. We met secretly, and only those closest to us knew about it. Zhanna didn’t want to let anyone into her personal life, she always protected her from strangers,” said the secret suitor on the air of “New Russian Sensations” on NTV.

Peter admitted that he and Zhanna often vacationed together and even planned to create a strong family and have children. Everything turned sour because of Peter’s own jealousy. He could not come to terms with the fact that Friske was a public figure, to whom the attention of other people, especially men, was always riveted. The singer’s lover wanted her to leave the stage for the sake of peace in their relationship.

Zhanna could not leave her job, so she was forced to part with Peter. A little later, she began an affair with Dmitry Shepelev. The dancer, who was in love with the artist, did not stop communicating with her and maintaining friendly relations until her death. Friske shared her most intimate things with him, telling him how her son Plato was growing up. And she did it in secret from everyone.

After Zhanna left, her parents and Dmitry Shepelev are still waging a fierce war; they cannot find a common language even for the sake of little Plato. Vladimir Kopylov is sure that his daughter did not give birth to a son from the famous TV presenter. Peter dispelled this rumor. “This is definitely not a question for me. I counted by months, and the dates do not match. Plato cannot possibly be my son. If he really were my child, he would live with me, and this is not discussed,” said Friske’s secret lover.

Peter noticed that Zhanna did not like scandals and she definitely would not like what was happening between her relatives now. The man believes that the current conflict should not affect the little boy, who is not to blame for anything. “The child must live with his father, but at the same time he needs to communicate with both his grandmother and grandfather. Plato is still very small, he does not understand what is happening, but in the future these disputes may negatively affect him,” said the dancer.

The singer's former lover really regrets breaking up with her. Peter is sure that he could make Zhanna very happy.

Photo: instagram.com/friskefan, ntv.ru

    Since 2015 from brain cancer. Especially for the sad date, NTV journalists released the program “New Russian Sensations”, in which Moscow dancer Pyotr Nikitin spoke about his secret affair with the late star. Peter was once invited to film Friske’s video for the song “Summer,” where they began a real office romance.

    For four or five years Zhanna was with me. “I myself am now kind of shocked that I gave away such a thing,” said the mysterious man.

    The man admitted that Zhanna affectionately called him Mishutka and Mr. Friske.

    “My chain of command is excellent, Zhanna is the boss,” admitted the man, who shared with the star not only a social level, but also a 10-year age difference. - It was New Year, we worked at the last point, and Zhanna expressed a desire to come celebrate with us. And in the morning she asked her to accompany her, saying that she needed to go to the apartment and take something from there. We arrived, but there was no key in the clutch. And then I asked: “Maybe then come to me?” And she agreed, without even asking where they went, why they went. This is how the New Year turned out.


    “I, as they say, “floated,” Peter admitted. “I understood that I was an ordinary guy, but here Zhanna Friske herself was walking around my apartment in a robe.

    Peter said that they often traveled with Zhanna, and once journalists were even present in the Maldives, where they vacationed together. Nikitin’s back even got into the cameramen’s frame a couple of times, but one of Zhanna’s conditions was that Peter’s face should not be included in the final version of the video.


    Zhanna more than once confessed to her lover that she wanted children. He admits that their relationship was heading towards becoming a full-fledged family.

    She often told me: “Petya, you understand everything. Nobody should know about this." At that moment, she could no longer remain silent about the fact that she was dreaming of a child,” the man shared his memories. Nikitin says that he hid his connection with the star for a long time, not wanting to get involved in a conflict with the property of the late singer.

    We could be silent, and it was comfortable,” recalls Peter. - We could walk and read. At home she was ordinary, like millions of girls. And she also said the phrase “I love you” to me when she managed to open up.

    Peter admits that their relationship fell apart when he became jealous of his beloved army of fans. And I also wanted a legal relationship.

    That’s how I raised her, I “piloted” her about getting married,” he said. - But at some point I got stuck. There were different headlines: “Zhanna is having an affair with her coach,” “Zhanna is having an affair with Alexander Ovechkin.” There was such a list of admirers! This was the beginning of the end.

    He gave her an ultimatum: either him or the job. Zhanna chose a job. However, even after the breakup, the former lovers continued to communicate until Dmitry Shepelev appeared in Zhanna’s life. Peter admitted that he tried to separate them from the TV presenter, but then found out that Zhanna was pregnant - and gave up trying.

    “I knew what type of men Zhanna liked, and it was surprising,” Nikitin admitted. - It’s surprising that Dima ended up in this place: in character, in everything...

    After Friske’s death, information appeared in the media that Nikitin could be the biological father of the singer Plato’s son. Representatives of Zhanna’s family made similar statements, insisting on an examination to establish paternity. But Peter himself admitted that he had nothing to do with Plato.

    It's definitely not me. “I don’t meet the deadlines,” he said.


    Nikitin said that he was one of the first to learn about Zhanna’s illness. According to the man, she often secretly called him from hospitals.

    She contacted me herself. I couldn’t call Friska, since she could be undergoing procedures at that moment, and Shepelev could have her phone in his hands... - Nikitin recalled.

    Dmitry Shepelev has not yet commented on the revelations of the former lover of the late singer. However, the TV presenter also ignored the confession of the singer’s father, who not long ago Shepelev attended Zhanna’s funeral.


    Petr Nikitin: “We met in 2005 or 2006, we were filming the “Summer” video, she also starred in a turquoise embroidered dress. We need dancers for a video shoot. We all agreed and starred in this video. And after that an offer came: would you like to dance in a group with Zhanna? Which is what we agreed to.”

    They were separated not only by their career ladder, but also by their age difference: the star was almost 10 years older than her fan.

    Pyotr Nikitin: “This cauldron was boiling for about six months, from the shooting of the video to the New Year. And then the New Year comes, and for artists this is the time to earn money, and it was the same for us. And so, having worked out the last point - that’s how we put it professionally - my partner Dima and I decided to just go somewhere to celebrate the holiday. Zhanna expressed a desire to come with us. Why is this happening all of a sudden, right?”

    After the party, in the morning, Zhanna unexpectedly asked to accompany her.

    Peter Nikitin: “It’s already 5-6 in the morning, and Zhanna says: take me to a friend. We get into the limousine, and first we had to go home. She says: I need to take something from the apartment. We go up to the 4th or 5th floor, I don’t remember. She had a clutch. This is where the fun began, it’s like a magic trick. She opens the clutch, but there is no key. At that time I was renting an apartment on Oktyabrsky Pole, an ordinary house, an ordinary apartment near the metro, and then I said: “Or maybe come to me?” In my opinion, there wasn’t even a pause, and she said: “ Go"".

    Their office romance developed according to all the rules of conspiracy. They continued to work together, calling each other by their first and patronymic names in front of strangers, but they dreamed of a common future.

    Pyotr Nikitin: “She always said: I want a child for myself. Of course, perhaps with the subtext: I want our child. But I didn’t ask questions like, “Do you want a child from me or do you generally want a child?”

    Nikitin had already proposed to Friska, and she agreed to marry him, but then he himself ruined everything with his jealousy. He understood that his bride was a sex symbol of the Russian stage. But he didn’t even want to share her talent with millions of fans. Nikitin gave Zhanna an ultimatum: either family or career.

    Pyotr Nikitin: “Of course, I’m wrong. I wish I could do things differently now. What could happen, happened. Of course, Zhanna was not ready for this in any way: to leave her job overnight and agree to my terms.”

    Nikitin soon learned that his Zhanna had met a new love. And later - that Friske was seriously ill. All this time, Nikitin and Friske did not stop communicating. Time passed, the disease did not recede, Zhanna’s strength melted before our eyes. Relatives hoped for a miracle, but no miracle happened. Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15, 2015.

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    And soon after the funeral, a huge scandal broke out: Zhanna Friske’s parents and her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev started a real war for the singer’s little son. In the heat of battle, Zhanna’s father more than once hinted that Plato’s biological father was not Dmitry Shepelev, but someone else. Only three years after Zhanna’s death Nikitin decided to break his vow of silence and put an end to this story.

    The romantic relationship between Zhanna Friske and Peter, a member of the dance group "Brilliant", lasted several years. The actress even introduced her lover to her relatives. In particular, Peter made a pleasant impression on Friske’s younger sister Natalya.


    “Petya is a very good guy. He and Zhanna loved each other very much. We all often spent time together, relaxing at our dacha. Petya even proposed to his sister, but it never came to a wedding. And then he left the dance group group “Brilliant,” quotes Natalya Starhit.

    As Peter himself said, he asked Zhanna to leave her career, but she could not imagine life without a stage. “We talked about children and marriage. I was 27 years old at the time. She didn’t give me reasons to be jealous, but her profession repulsed me a little. I told her: “If everything were different and you were an ordinary person, then everything would be much better,” said Peter.

    As a result, the lovers separated. The breakup occurred at one moment, but without scandals and showdowns. In the future, it was not easy for Peter to build relationships with other girls, and then he decided to come to Larisa Guzeeva’s program “Let’s Get Married.”

    Friends who came to support him reported that Peter was indecisive with representatives of the opposite sex. “I won’t say that he is selective, but he drags his feet for a long time,” his friend described Peter.

    However, at the end of the program, the former dancer chose from the three beauties who competed for his heart, the 31-year-old director of the concert agency Alice, who, interestingly, came to the program with her mother. Peter explained his decision there that he was bribed by the seriousness of the young woman.