home · Measurements · Let them say 06/22/17 drunk boy. Let them say: “Drunk boy” (video). Let them talk - The father of the “drunk boy” disputes the results of the re-examination

Let them say 06/22/17 drunk boy. Let them say: “Drunk boy” (video). Let them talk - The father of the “drunk boy” disputes the results of the re-examination

6-year-old Alyosha Shimko from Balashikha near Moscow died on April 23 under the wheels of a car...Olga Alisova was driving the car. The accident might not have caused a wide public outcry if not for one strange and shocking fact: a repeated forensic examination confirmed that there was alcohol in the child’s blood. Watch the broadcast Let them talk - The father of the “drunk boy” disputes the results of the re-examination 06/22/2017

2.7 ppm of alcohol, which is equivalent to 1 bottle of vodka - this is exactly how much was recorded in the blood of the deceased Alyosha. The boy's parents refuse to believe that their child was drunk. Today on the Let Them Talk program they will meet with a forensic expert to look him in the eye. What was it: a deliberate falsification of facts or parental negligence? Alyosha Shimko's father found the strength in himself and came to the program to prove the truth and defend the honor of his deceased son.

Let them talk - The father of the “drunk boy” disputes the results of the re-examination

Roman Shimko is the father of six-year-old Alyosha on the “Let Them Talk” program. The man barely holds back his tears and talks about his son:

“He was a very sweet, amazing boy. Favorite child in the family. I really loved playing with the construction set. Everyone loved him: both in the kindergarten and in the yard, neighbors, relatives, grandparents. He loved watching our Winnie the Pooh. It’s very difficult for me to talk now...

— What I heard yesterday was a shock for me. When I first saw the forensic examination, I was very surprised, because this simply cannot happen in our family. No one here drinks or drinks alcohol. We contacted the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee, we hoped that they would help us figure it out. But then I heard the words of this forensic expert on television and realized that preparations were being made for public opinion in order to convince everyone of this impossible, absurd fact.

Father of the deceased “drunk boy” Alyosha Shimko. Let them talk about the details of the tragedy

— This story began on April 23 at 19.00. I did not think that I would need the help of a lawyer, since everything was obvious. But, as it later became clear, we really needed a lawyer. The recordings from the video cameras disappeared, and the security system servers that stored the video from the cameras were erased. I understood that something was being prepared against us, in particular, this very expert opinion. Alisova did not contact me for a long time, and then in my mailbox I found a check for a certain amount of money. I returned it back, but later her lawyer contacted me and offered to meet.

- I met her. I heard the word “sorry,” but then she began to tell her version: supposedly my son tripped and fell and she didn’t notice him.

Some time ago, Olga Alisova participated in the Channel One program “Male/Female”, where she asked for forgiveness from the grandfather of the deceased Alyosha.

Forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, who established the presence of alcohol in the boy’s blood, came to “Let Them Talk”:

— I have been working as an expert for almost 27 years. I work in a government agency. And I work according to regulatory documents, where everything is strictly documented, how and in what situations I must act in a certain way. Blood samples were taken during the study. I am responsible for all my actions and do you really think that I am pursuing some selfish goals?

Professor of Forensic Medicine Viktor Kolkutin:

“For now, I see in your words only a statement of fact, but you also need to have an expert head.” When to think?! Didn’t you ask the question, why take blood for alcohol testing from a six-year-old boy? Who gave you this instruction?

Father of Alyosha Shimko:

“Now it is very important for me and my family to punish those people who caused alcohol to be in my child’s blood.” Yesterday I found out what is behind this man ( Mikhail Kleimenov - editor's note.) there are several more dubious examinations that are beneficial to certain people.

Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - The father of the “drunk boy” disputes the results of the re-examination, broadcast on June 22, 2017 (06/22/2017).

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Published 06/23/17 09:24

The father of the deceased child spoke about the tragedy that occurred in the Let Them Talk studio.

Head of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Yuri Pigolkin told how alcohol could have appeared in the blood of a six-year-old boy, Alexei Shimko, who died in an accident.

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“The whole country is discussing something that cannot exist in nature. The concentration of ethyl alcohol, 2.7, in a child’s blood is, in principle, impossible. And here we need to discuss the question of how this happened, and we are discussing whether the child drank or didn’t drink.” , - quotes the TASS expert.

The specialist stated that this concentration of alcohol in the blood is intkbbach lethal for the boy, or it should have at least caused a coma, therefore, according to Pigolkin, a situation in which the child would be so drunk is impossible in principle.

He believes that alcohol could not have entered the bloodstream naturally while the child was alive, but it could have been added to the blood samples after they were taken.

“No one doubts that there is alcohol in the blood. But how did it get there? And there is no need to say that it got there during the life of this child... Therefore, now those people who launched this disinformation must be punished,” he emphasized Pigolkin, noting that exhumation could help understand the situation.

As he wrote, the tragedy with six-year-old Alyosha Shimko occurred on April 23 in the courtyard of the house. The boy was hit by 31-year-old Olga Alisova. For a month, his father tried to get a criminal case initiated. During a repeated forensic examination, 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the boy’s blood. The boy's parents are sure that the blood samples were changed.

The day before, the talk show “Let Them Talk” went on air on Channel One. Experts and other guests in the studio Andrei Malakhov tried to understand what happened. The father of the deceased boy, as well as the forensic expert who conducted the examination, Mikhail Kleimenov, were also present at the shooting.

“When the result of the blood test for alcohol was received, naturally, this raised my doubts. I turned to management with a proposal to conduct a repeat examination. During the repeat experiment, we confirmed the result of the previous analysis,” said Mikhail Kleimenov.

“No matter how hard we try to figure it out now, we will never find the culprits. This person will say what he says. The relevant authorities should look into this matter,” noted one of the experts in the studio.

In turn, eyewitnesses of the accident also did not confirm the words of the forensic expert. Neighbors of the Shimko family claim that they saw Alyosha walking with his grandfather on the street that day, and the boy was cheerful and behaved appropriately. In this regard, representatives of higher authorities promised to help Roman Shimko.

“Olga Alisova will be punished accordingly, she will answer for what she did according to the law,” they said on air at “Let Them Talk.”

"Let them talk". The case of a “drunk boy” killed in an accident in Balashikha. VIDEO

A new unexpected turn in the case, which is now called the “drunk boy” in all media. In the “Let Them Talk” program, the father of a boy who died under the wheels of a car, Roman Shimko, fought for the honor of his son, trying to prove that the results of the forensic examination were incorrect. Watch the episode of the program Let Them Talk - Point in the Case of a Drunk Boy (Alyosha Shimko, Dasha Bocharova) 09/21/2017

Let us remind you that after the death of the boy, forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov presented the results of the examination, according to which 2.7 (!) ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of little Alyosha, which is a large dose even for an adult. For a child, this is simply deadly. On this broadcast of the talk show “Let Them Talk” the father of the deceased boy will present new results of the examination done in Germany, and experts who will present sensational details in the case of Alyosha Shimko.

Yesterday, another shocking accident occurred in Noginsk near Moscow: 11-year-old Dasha Bocharova died. She, too, like Alyosha, was walking in the yard... And again the death of a child under the wheels of a car. The crossover was again driven by a woman, 37-year-old Olga Fitileva, who, having lost control of the car, drove in reverse onto the lawn and crushed the girl twice against the wall of the house. Olga did not help Dasha...

Let them talk - Point in the case of a drunken boy

A new tragedy and an answer to the question: was the boy drunk? You will learn the results of the German examination in this episode of the program Let them talk to Dmitry Borisov - The point in the case of a drunken boy.

Roman Shimko, the father of a six-year-old boy who died in a talk show studio. Today he needs the support of the public and he is ready to go to the end to achieve justice:

— I don’t have the results of the examination from the German clinic. The Germans are not giving it to me, because they are waiting for the results of the Investigative Committee of Russia. And if their results coincide with ours, then there will be no need for German expertise. But I have concerns about the Russian examination, since it is quite possible that the analyzes will be fake, like 2.7 ppm.

— Kleymenov, of course, has not contacted me lately. This man is confident in himself and is now serving as a witness in a case of expert negligence. It is surprising to me that he is not a suspect, but a witness. 2.7 is 3 lethal doses for a child. I do not have the results of the German examination, but doctors in Germany told me that there was no alcohol in the blood. It was absolutely free medicine. The Germans themselves came to me and said that in Russia we simply have a “branch of hell.”

In the Let Them Talk studio there is forensic expert Erken Imanbaev, who is familiar with all the examinations in the case of the “drunk boy.”

“Indeed, the German clinic did not confirm the presence of alcohol in the boy’s blood. Moreover, they stated that there were no breakdown products of alcohol in the blood, which was to be expected. However, they did not give us the relevant documents, as they are waiting for a response from their Russian colleagues. This is normal judicial practice.

The point in the case of the “drunk” boy Alyosha Shimko

A friend and colleague of forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, Sergei Gavrilov, came to the show to support him. Sergei is confident that the results of his colleague’s examination are correct and there is no reason to doubt it:

— Don’t ignore the expert’s conclusions! There are two parts of the examination results, where the first speaks of an injury that is incompatible with life. The child died from this injury. Mikhail fully fulfilled his official duties. As for blood alcohol, I believe Kleymenov has nothing to do with this.

At the end of the broadcast, the parents of Dasha Bocharova, who died on September 20, 2017, were invited to the program. An 11-year-old girl was hit by a car and crushed against the wall of a house by 37-year-old Olga Fitileva.

Experts on the program: Honored Doctor of Russia Viktor Kolkutin, actresses Rada Radova and Yana Poplavskaya, lawyer Nazar Nazarov, Chairman of the Public Safety Council of the All-Russian organization “Officers of Russia” Anton Tsvetkov, MHD deputy Vera Shastina, etc. Watch the free episode of Let Them Talk - Period in the case of a drunken boy, broadcast on September 21, 2017 (09/21/2017).

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The story of a six-year-old boy who was hit by a car in the Moscow region became one of the most discussed topics of the week. The thing is that the investigators did not initiate a criminal case for a long time, and then issued an examination that the child was very drunk at the time of death. The media added to the strangeness of the incident, which began to claim that the culprit of the accident was the wife of a crime boss. Medialeaks looked into how the story unfolded.

Oddities of the case

The accident itself in the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow occurred on April 23, and on May 2 journalists drew attention to it. A Radio 1 correspondent came to the yard where the tragedy happened and talked with neighbors and relatives of six-year-old Alexei Shimko, who was hit by a car.

A child and his grandfather were walking home from the playground when an accident occurred. Unfortunately, the grandfather did not have time to do anything, because it was impossible - the child rushed very sharply. Perhaps the driver was speeding too much in a dead-end yard that had no crosswalks or signs. I think it’s easy to accelerate from the place where the woman was turning around to the scene of the tragedy. We wanted to take the child to the hospital, but after he was run over with all the wheels and dragged for several meters, it was already pointless to take him there,” said the boy’s uncle Sergei Antipov.

The bicycle the boy was traveling with and where the car stopped after the collision

Even then, eyewitnesses said that a woman was driving the car, but journalists did not mention her name. It sounded in the public “Our Railway! We are for the safety of citizens!”, where city residents discussed the tragedy and shared information.

This post was published by a girl with the nickname Spring. In the video section on her page there are several stories about this incident, she is subscribed to the Balashikha public pages, the most visited page is the Mash public page, which will later give impetus to this story and give it wide publicity. Since the beginning of May, the girl has been actively discussing the details of the tragedy in comments in the city public.

Three more days later, on May 5, an anonymous post appeared in the public, the author of which said that he had met with the father of the deceased boy. An anonymous person said from the words of his father that he allegedly received a transfer in the amount of 50 thousand rubles from Olga Alisova. A photo of the woman was attached to the post.

Apparently, Alisova soon began to receive threats, because on May 11, the boy’s father, Roman Shimko, asked “not to be provoked.”

He confirmed the fact of the money transfer a month later in a commentary to Komsomolskaya Pravda. At the same time, the man told the publication that on the day of the accident, “strangers were banging on the door of eyewitnesses.”

The next day, recordings from the outdoor video surveillance cameras of the Safe City system disappeared. For a month, no criminal case was initiated. I hired a lawyer, who during this time interviewed all the witnesses and took photographs of the scene. We provided all this to the investigator. But he told us some nonsense, that this was not a criminal case, but an administrative one, and that the most they would do to Alisova was issue a fine. And this despite the fact that eyewitnesses saw her rushing around the yard at breakneck speed, and even talking on the phone.- novel by Shimko

The disappearance of surveillance cameras was also discussed in Zheleznodorozhny’s public. One of the residents of the house where the accident occurred, Anastasia Ivaeva, told Medialeaks about this.

There were cameras installed in the yard, but after the incident, changes began to occur. For example, the camera that was located above the entrance disappeared, traffic signs appeared indicating that this was a courtyard area - they weren’t here before.- Anastasia Isaeva, resident of the house

Residents of the house claim that a video camera was previously installed in this place

In addition, the residents of the house noticed that road signs appeared in the yard after the accident, the marks on which indicate that they were installed retroactively.

The public constantly discussed the inaction of law enforcement officers and, in the end, they themselves held something like an investigative experiment. They took the car, marked a starting point and tried to accelerate. In the very place where the child was hit, the speed reached 50 kilometers per hour.

The father complained about the inaction of the investigators and, according to public messages, even contacted representatives of political parties so that they took control of the matter. He told KP that he was summoned to the Investigative Committee and given a summons to initiate a case only on May 26, that is, a month after the death of his son.

A bottle of vodka for a six-year-old child

On June 13, a new twist appeared in the case. The father was given a forensic report, according to which at the time of the accident the boy was in a state of severe alcohol intoxication - experts found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in his blood. This is approximately the same as if an adult drank a bottle of vodka.

After this, Roman began to contact the media. He told KP that he didn’t understand how the expert could give such a shocking conclusion.

I don't even know how to comment on this. I'm just shocked. And not even because such a piece of paper appeared, but because the investigator was not ashamed to hand it to me. What should I expect next? That I will be deprived of parental rights and even forced to apologize?- Roman Shimko

Roman covered up the expert’s name with a piece of paper, but Life, citing the Mash telegram channel, claims that it was a man named Mikhail Kleimenov. According to journalists, he actually did not know about the test results and simply sent the biomaterials to the capital’s clinic, and then signed the documents that were brought to him. The publication does not provide direct quotes from the expert.

He simply collected biomaterial, after which he sent it to a clinic in the capital, from where he was sent the results of the research, which he signed without looking. […] However, the question of why he signed the conclusion of his capital colleague without looking remains unanswered, because 2.7 ppm of alcohol is a lethal dose for a little boy, writes Life.

Even Alisova, who is considered the culprit of the accident, does not agree with the results of the examination. In the Mash video, she directly says that, in her opinion, the child was sober, and asks questions to be asked to the experts who did these tests.

Who is Olga Alisova

Local residents suspected from the very beginning that the culprit of the accident had patrons, and discussed this in the city public on VKontakte: what was happening with the cameras, road signs and the initiation of a criminal case seemed too strange to them. But the words that her husband is allegedly a crime boss, who is now in prison, were heard from the media. Here is what Komsomolskaya Pravda writes:

Alisova works in Zheleznodorozhny in a communication store as an ordinary salesperson. However, from somewhere she got a famous lawyer who participated in many high-profile cases.

Why does the publication name Olga Urakina, who gives comments to the media in Alisova’s case, an influential lawyer, is unclear. If you type her name into search engines, they only return news related to this case.