home · Measurements · Christmas: history of the holiday and traditions (briefly) for children and adults. The story of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds come to the Baby

Christmas: history of the holiday and traditions (briefly) for children and adults. The story of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds come to the Baby

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Gospel stories, clearly and simply retold by the writer Maya Kucherskaya, will help children better understand and remember the events discussed in the Holy Scriptures.
Since this is not a canonical text, each reader can add his own thoughts and details to it. Then reading will turn into a conversation - and what could be more important for raising a child than an intelligent and serious conversation about such things as faith, conscience, kindness and love...

Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. The husband's name was Joachim, and his wife's name was Anna. They loved each other very much and really wanted a child.

- God! - they prayed. - Give us the child.

But the Lord did not fulfill their request. People laughed at them:

– God doesn’t hear you! This is for your evil deeds!

But Joachim and Anna did no harm. They were very kind. They helped their friends and neighbors, gave clothes and food to the poor, and consoled those who were crying.

But the child was not born. Many years later. Joachim and Anna grew old and thought that they would never become parents.

And suddenly one day Anna felt that the child they had been asking for for so long would soon be born.

Anna gave birth to a girl. Joachim sang with joy and could not get enough of his little daughter.

Nobody laughed at them anymore. Everyone saw that the Lord loved them.

The girl was named Maria. When Mary grew up, She became the Mother of God.

Mary and Joseph

So that no one would offend Mary, she was entrusted to Joseph. Joseph was already old, but strong, because he had worked all his life. He was a carpenter and knew how to make tables, doors, stools, spoons and wooden horses for children, so the children loved it very much.

Joseph helped Mary in everything. He protected and protected Her. They called him Joseph the Betrothed.


Maria sat and spinned by the window. It was spring outside, the sun was shining, and a warm wind was blowing.

Suddenly the window opened, the wind rushed into the room, and an Angel stood in front of Mary. In long white robes, with wings on his back.

– Hail Mary! The Lord is with you,” said the Angel.

But Maria was silent. She was very surprised and a little scared.

“Don’t be afraid, it was God who sent me to You,” said the Angel. – Soon you will have a boy. He will be the Son of God.

“Okay,” answered Maria. And the Angel disappeared. Time passed, Mary gave birth to a Son. She named Him Jesus. He was man and God.


The country in which Joseph and Mary lived was called Judea. Emperor Augustus decided to find out how many people lived in this country and ordered a census of all its inhabitants.

Mary and Joseph went to the city of Bethlehem to have scribes write down their names in a large, thick book.

They rode the donkey all day. And only in the evening they approached Bethlehem. They needed to spend the night. But they arrived too late. There are no more rooms left in the hotels. Then they entered a large dark cave in which the shepherds left their cattle for the night. There were a cow and a horse in the cave. It was quiet because they were already asleep.

Next to them stood a manger with hay. A manger is a special high box for food.

Maria gave birth little boy. She swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger, as in a crib.

The shepherds come to the Baby

Nearby on large field The shepherds were sitting and warming themselves by the fire. Sheep wandered and bleated around them. The shepherds were not allowed to sleep. If you fall asleep, the sheep will scatter.

And they talked and sang so as not to fall asleep.

Suddenly the shepherds heard someone quietly singing along with them. They raised their heads - maybe these are night birds? But these were not birds. The darkness above their heads parted. Light poured from the sky, the night became lighter than the day. Angels were flying in the sky.

- Glory to God in the highest! - the angels sang. They sang louder and louder.

The shepherds closed their eyes and fell to the ground in fear. And suddenly they heard:

- Go and worship the Child! He lies in a manger, in that cave over there.


There lived one very old man. His name was Simeon. He had been in the world for so long that no one knew how old he was. He didn't remember it himself. People were surprised - look, this old man still lives on earth. Little did they know that God had once promised Simeon: “You will not die until you see Christ.” And Simeon began to wait.

“Here is Jesus, here is the Savior,” he thought about someone he liked.

And then one morning he really wanted to go to the temple. Simeon left the house. He walked slowly along the narrow street, quietly moving his old legs. The wind shook it White hair. He knew something would happen today.

The elder entered the temple and saw Christ. Joseph and Mary brought Him to dedicate Him to God. This was the custom in Judea.

Simeon took the Baby in his arms. He was so small and light. Simeon blessed Him and said:

- So I met You. Now let me go, I'll go.

He gave the Boy to Mary, left the temple and went home, quietly.

Because his life was ending.

King Herod

Once upon a time there lived a king. He was very angry. His name was Herod.

He lived in the city of Jerusalem, in a beautiful palace decorated with gold and precious stones.

One day, astrologers came to Herod and said:

– A Child was born in your country. He will grow up and be a King. We came to worship Him and give gifts. Don't you know where He is?

Herod didn't know. And he got very angry. How will the Child be king? So, He will drive him out of the beautiful palace?

Herod ordered his servants to find this Boy and destroy Him.

The star led them to the house of Joseph and Mary. The stargazers knocked, took off their shoes and entered. Sitting in Maria's arms Small child. Never in their lives had they seen such beautiful babies.

They bowed low to the future King, gave gifts to the Virgin Mary and set off on their way back to the country where their home was.

Flight to Egypt

Herod's servants looked for the Boy, but He was nowhere to be found. He fled with his parents to Egypt long ago.

An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him.

- Run! - said the Angel. – King Herod wants to destroy the Baby!

Joseph immediately woke up and told Mary his dream. They quickly gathered all their things, Mary wrapped her Son in a warm blanket, pressed Him to her chest and sat on the donkey. Joseph took the donkey by the bridle and quickly led him along the road. They were in a hurry so that the evil king would not catch up with them.

Soon they came to Egypt and lived there until Herod died.

How Jesus got lost

When Jesus was twelve years old, He became lost. One day Mary and Joseph went with Him to Jerusalem for big celebration. They spent several days in the temple. But then the holiday ended, and Mary and Joseph went home to the city of Nazareth. They thought that Jesus was walking behind, along with their relatives, and would soon catch up with them. But the whole day passed, night fell, and Jesus still did not appear.

Mary and Joseph began asking everyone around:

-Have you seen our Son? Didn't He walk with you?

But no one knew where He was. Then Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem. They visited family and friends and asked everyone about their Boy. But He was nowhere to be found. The Virgin Mary cried - Jesus was missing!

What to do? And Mary and Joseph went to the temple to ask God to help them find their Son. And suddenly they saw Jesus.

He stood in the temple among the priests and talked with them. Everyone listened to Him and were amazed. This Boy was so wise! They didn't know that He was the Son of God.

Mary rushed to Him:

- Son! We were looking for you all over the city! It's high time to go home.

– Don’t you know that My home is here? - Jesus answered. – Because My Father lives here.

But Mary and Joseph did not understand what this meant.

Mary hugged her Son, and Joseph took His hand, and together they went to Nazareth.

From then on, He was never lost again and was the Most Obedient Boy on Earth.

John the Baptist

There lived a man in Judea. His name was John the Baptist. He wore clothes from camel hair and ate the honey of wild bees. He lived in the desert and prayed to God all day long. He was not afraid of anyone in the world, neither wild animals nor robbers. And he told everyone only the truth. And kings, and the poor, and the rich.

He taught people to be kind, to share clothes and food with the poor, and never to be greedy.

Those who listened and loved him were baptized by John in the Jordan River. People washed away their sins and began a new, clean life.


Jesus also asked John to baptize Him.

- Do you want to be baptized? – John was surprised. - After all, there is nothing bad about You.

But the Lord said it was necessary. And as He came up out of the water, John saw white dove over His head. And a voice came from the sky, loud as thunder:

– You are My Beloved Son!

And John said to everyone:

– The Kingdom of Heaven has approached you.

Marriage in Cana of Galilee

Friends invited Jesus, His disciples and the Virgin Mary to the wedding. The feast had been going on for several days. The musicians played harps and pipes and beat tambourines. The guests danced and sang loudly. The bride was beautiful, and the groom could not take his eyes off her.

Suddenly they quietly told the groom that there was no more wine. It was late, and all the shops had long since closed. What to do?

The Virgin Mary said to Jesus:

- Look, they've run out of wine.

And she told the servants:

– Do whatever My Son commands you.

In the courtyard of the house there were waterpots - large stone vessels. Jesus said:

- Fill them with water.

And the servants began to carry water. Bucket after bucket. Soon the vessels were filled.

“Now scoop it up and give it to the master of the feast to taste,” said the Lord.

But as soon as the master of the feast took the first sip, he shouted:

– Never, never in my life have I drank such delicious wine! Why didn't you submit it for so long?

Only the Mother of God, the disciples and a few servants knew that the Lord had performed a great miracle - he had turned water into sweet wine.

Living water

One woman ran out of water in her house. It was so hot that it seemed like the sun was about to burn the earth. The woman really wanted to get drunk and wash her face. She took a large jug and went to the well. The well was outside the city, and the woman quickly got tired. But we still had to go back, in the heat, with a heavy burden. “It’s a pity that I’m not rich and I don’t have servants!” – the woman thought.

She noticed a Man on a bench by the well. He sat down here to rest. It was the Savior, but the woman did not know it.

Seeing her, the Lord asked:

- Do you want me to give you some water?

The woman was surprised:

- How will you scoop up water? You don't even have a rope.

“The water that I will give you is living,” said the Lord. “Whoever drinks it will never want to drink again.”

“Then give me this water, Master, and I won’t need to come here every day.”

“Yes,” answered Christ. – After all, you need to go to the well so often. And then walk back through the heat with a heavy jug! But you don’t have servants, you’re not rich.

- God! – the woman was amazed. “I see that you are a prophet and know everything about me.” I heard that one day Christ will come to earth and tell us how to live and what to do.

“It is I who speaks to you,” Jesus answered her.

Here the woman forgot about the water, the jug and the heat. She ran back to the city. And she repeated to everyone she met:

- Go see who is sitting at the well. This Man knows everything! He has living water. Isn't He the Christ?

A whole crowd of people went to the well, they found the Lord and talked with Him for a long time. The woman spoke the truth: His words were more delicious than spring water on a hot day.

Many then believed that He was the very Christ for whom they had been waiting for so long.

Catchers of men

There lived two brothers. One was called Peter, the other Andrey. They lived by the sea and were fishermen. If you catch a fish, you will be full, but if you don’t catch it, you will remain hungry. And almost every day the brothers went to sea. They got into the boat in the dark, and returned only in the morning - the fish were caught better at night.

But sometimes the fish seemed to be hiding somewhere. So it was that night. Many times Peter and Andrey cast a net into the sea and did not catch a single fish!

It was time to return. Sad, the brothers swam to the shore and began to wash their nets. They cleaned out seaweed and shells so they could hang their nets in the sun to dry.

Suddenly they saw Jesus. The Lord said:

- Teacher! We fished all night and didn't catch anything. “All the fish swam away somewhere,” answered Peter. - But I will do as You say.

The brothers sailed to the depths, cast the net, and immediately it became heavy! Only a few minutes passed. Barely, Peter and Andrey dragged the net into the boat. There were so many fish that the net broke. The boat sank from the weight, water poured over the side.

- Help! - Peter shouted.

Their neighbors, John and Jacob, also brothers, were fishing nearby. John and Jacob quickly swam to Peter and Andrew and threw half of the fish to themselves. With difficulty, the fishermen reached the shore. They were overcome with horror. They had never caught so many fish in their lives!

“Do not be afraid,” said the Lord. “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Peter, Andrew, John and James left all the fish on the shore. They abandoned the boat and nets, did not say goodbye to anyone, and followed Christ. From that day on they became His disciples. And then people began to call them apostles.

Healing the Paralytic

One person could not walk. He wants to bend his legs, but they don’t bend. He wants to sit down, but has no strength. He was so weak that they called him that - relaxed.

His mother fed him with a spoon and washed him like a small child. And he also had friends who often visited him and loved him very much. Suddenly the friends learned that the Lord Jesus Christ had come to their city. They had already heard that He works miracles. Friends immediately put the paralytic on a stretcher and carried him away.

They wanted to take him to the house where Christ was staying. Not so! There were so many people packed into the house that it was impossible to get through.

“Let us through,” the friends said. - Look what a sick person we are carrying.

But no one listened to them. Everyone was just pushing. Then they climbed onto the clay roof of the house and made a wide hole there. The stretcher with the relaxed man was lifted up on ropes. And then they started lowering us into the house through the hole. They shouted from below:

- What are you doing? Why did they break the roof? You'll drop it on us!

But it was already too late. The sick man was lowered at the very feet of the Savior. And after him, his friends jumped into the room.

The Lord, seeing how they believed Him, said to the paralytic man:

- Get up and go.

The patient immediately stood up. He took a few steps, extended his arms, jumped slightly and squatted down. Legs jumped, arms bent and clenched into fists. The body became obedient and strong again. The man fell to his knees before the Savior. The friends of the paralytic were silent. They knew that the Lord works miracles. But they didn’t know it was so simple. Get up and go!

And the man picked up the stretcher and went home. The next morning he took tools, a cart with raw clay and came to the owner of the house where Jesus had been yesterday. He spent the whole day repairing his roof.

Sheep font

There was a swimming pool in Jerusalem - the Sheep Pool. People were sitting and lying around the font. They were all very sick. Some of them couldn’t bend their backs, others couldn’t see anything, some couldn’t hear well, and some had stomach pains all the time.

But one day a miracle happened. An angel flew to the font. He always flew in unnoticed, quietly descended to the water and touched it with his wing. And the water boiled! We climbed in a small bathhouse high waves. And the first one who threw himself into this seething water recovered - no matter what he was sick with.

There was also one person lying here. His legs could hardly walk. He couldn't run to the water like everyone else. But he had no relatives or friends. Nobody could help him. So he lay near the font almost all his life.

Suddenly one day the Lord approached him.

- How long have you been waiting here? - Jesus asked.

“You weren’t born yet, and I was already lying here,” the man answered. “I lay there and looked at the water.

- Do you want to be healthy?

- Certainly. Only I'm always late. I have neither a sister nor a friend who would help me be the first to plunge into the water. Others are ahead of me.

“Get up, take up your bed and walk,” said Christ. And the man immediately recovered, took his couch under his arm and walked. As quickly and easily as he walked when he was a young man and could catch up with a deer.

What Jesus Christ Taught

“People used to think like this,” the Lord explained to the disciples. “If someone did something bad to you, you can do the same.” Just no more. It was called “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” People wanted justice, but what they got was revenge. But we need to live completely differently. They hit you, but don’t fight. They tease you - and you forgive. Be good. Even to those who offend you. Feel sorry for everyone and pray for the offenders.

He also said:

– It used to be like this. Your neighbor asked you for a shirt - and you gave him the shirt. But I tell you: if you asked for a shirt, give me the jacket too.

- And the hat? - asked Peter.

“And a hat,” answered Jesus.

- And mittens? – Jacob was surprised.

- And mittens.

“Then we’ll freeze!” - the students made noise. “We won’t have anything to wear.”

“Do not be afraid,” Jesus answered. - Look at the bullfinch, the titmouse. See what feathers they have, how beautifully they are dressed. And they don't freeze. It was the Lord who dressed them in such beautiful clothes. And you are his favorite children. He will give you even better clothes, even warmer ones.


One day, Jesus and the apostles got into a large boat and sailed to the other side. The Lord was very tired and immediately fell asleep. Suddenly the sky darkened, the wind rose, and a storm began. The boat rocked from side to side, water poured in through the stern. The waves rose higher and higher. But Christ did not wake up. The disciples began to wake Him up.

- We're drowning! We're drowning! Wake up! - they shouted.

Jesus opened his eyes, looked around and suddenly stood up. It is very difficult to stand when the boat is rocking, but He stood and did not fall. He extended his hand forward, and the sea immediately calmed down. The wind stopped, the waves disappeared. The sun shone through the clouds. The storm has passed. The students were very surprised!

- Who is this? - they asked each other. “Even the sea obeys Him like a dog.” Even the wind ceases at His request. Maybe it's God Himself?

Healing the Possessed

One man was called possessed.

He did not live in a house like other people, but ran through the mountains, tore off his clothes and screamed loudly and loudly. Everyone was afraid of him and tried to avoid him.

And then one day Jesus came to the places where he lived. The man noticed Him from afar and shouted in a terrible voice:

– Why did you come to torment me?!

But the Lord put his hand on his head, and he immediately became quiet. A whole herd of pigs was grazing on the mountain nearby. The Lord said:

“It’s not me, but the demons who are cruelly tormenting you.” But now they will all turn into pigs.

And immediately the pigs stomped and ran towards the cliff. The herd rushed down from the high bank and drowned in the sea.

And the man became healthy, dressed in new, clean clothes and told everyone what Jesus had done to him.

Feeding the Five Thousand

People began to follow Jesus Christ in droves. Some wanted to be healed. Others - listen to what He says. And still others - just look at Him. One day the Lord went to a distant desert place. He wanted to be alone and pray.

But the people found out where He went and followed. They walked in a long caravan. Some carried the sick on stretchers. Many took small children with them. People walked for a very long time, it was hot and stuffy. But no one stopped, no one rested. And no one cried. Everyone really wanted to catch up with the Savior. Finally they found Him far outside the city.

Jesus felt sorry for the people. They had been looking for Him for so long and believed that He would help. And the Lord healed all the sick who came after him. The blind saw the light, the dumb began to speak, the lame began to walk well.

The sun was setting. Evening came. The disciples said to the Savior:

– Release the people to the villages that are nearby. Let them buy themselves food. They didn't eat anything all day.

“So give them something to eat,” Jesus answered.

- But we have nothing. “Here are some loaves of bread and two salted fish,” said the disciples. - This is not enough for everyone! Look how many people are here. They can populate a small town.

Then Christ commanded the people to lie down on the grass, and everyone quickly lay down, because they were already very tired.

And the Lord raised his eyes to heaven, prayed, blessed the bread and fish and gave it to the disciples. The disciples began to distribute food to the people. The cakes still didn’t run out, and there were no longer two fish, but ten, twenty, a hundred! And now everyone was eating fish and chewing bread. Everyone had long since eaten, but there was still a lot of food left. She was collected in baskets and carried to the city.

Peter walks on water

One day Jesus said to His disciples:

- Swim to the other side, and I’ll talk to the people. The disciples got into the boat and sailed away. Night fell and it became very dark. And the boat floated and floated on the lake, as big as the sea.

Suddenly a strong wind blew and a storm began. The waves rocked the boat. It was impossible to swim further. The students were confused. What to do? They were in the middle of the lake, in the deepest place. Suddenly they saw someone walking straight across the water in the dark towards them. The disciples screamed in fear. They decided it was a ghost! But then they heard a familiar voice:

– It’s me. Don’t be afraid.

The Lord Himself walked towards them on the waves. Peter said:

“I also want to walk on water.” Let me come to You.

“Go,” answered the Lord.

Peter stood up, stepped over the side, and the water seemed to him as hard as dried earth. He went to meet his Teacher by sea. But then the wind hit him in the face, and the waves rose even higher. Peter was afraid - what if the sea stops holding him?

And then the water parted under his feet.

- Lord, save me, I’m dying! - Peter shouted.

- What are you doing, you of little faith? - Christ asked and gave Peter his hand.

Together they walked across the water to the boat, and the wind died down.


There is Mount Tabor in Galilee. It is covered with green grass and forest. One day the Lord took three of His beloved disciples - Peter, James and John - and led them to this mountain. They walked for a long time and reached the very top. Far below lay villages, small houses were visible, white sheep were grazing, brown fields were plowed.

Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and began to pray. Suddenly His face shone like the sun. The clothes shone and became white-white, whiter than the first snow, than the whitest paint!

The sky opened, and two ancient prophets sitting in the clouds began to talk with Jesus. It seemed to the apostles that they were in heaven.

- How good it is here! - said Peter. - Let's settle here forever.

And then a light cloud descended on them. A voice came from the cloud:

- This is My Beloved Son. Listen to Him in everything.

- Get up, don’t be afraid.

The disciples opened their eyes and saw that Christ was standing in His ordinary clothes, and there was no one next to Him. The cloud disappeared. The sky closed like a door.

“Don’t tell anyone what you saw,” the Lord commanded them. “It’s too early to tell people about this.” Because this is a great secret.

Good Samaritan

One man was jealous of Jesus. He did not believe that this was the real Savior.

One day he approached Him and asked:

- Teacher, how should I live?

- Do not you know? Love God and your neighbor, answered Christ.

-Who is “my neighbor”? – the man asked again.

- But listen! - said Jesus. “A man was walking along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Suddenly robbers jumped out of the bushes! They threw him to the ground and started beating him. They took his money, tore off his clothes and ran away. The man was lying in the middle of the road and could not get up. He was in great pain and thirsty.

But then a priest appeared on the road. He saw a beaten man.

- Maybe he has already died? - thought the priest. And he passed by.

Then another man appeared, a Levite.

The Levites are the priest's assistants in the temple. The Levite stopped, looked at the beaten man, but moved on. He was in a hurry.

Then the sound of hooves was heard. It was a Samaritan. He was riding along the road on a donkey and also noticed a wounded man.

The Samaritan tore strips of cloth from his clothing, washed and bandaged his wounds. Then he put him on a donkey and took him to the hotel. He gave the hotel owner money and asked him to take care of the wounded man.

“If this is not enough for you, I will add it when I go back,” the Samaritan said to the owner.

-Who is the neighbor here? - asked the Lord. - How do you think?

- The one who helped the wounded.

- So you do the same.

Martha and Mary

There lived two sisters. One loved to cook, she cleaned the house well, and the dishes in her kitchen sparkled. Her name was Martha. The other one also knew how to cook and clean, but she loved reading books and listening to interesting stories even more. Her name was Maria.

One day Jesus came to visit them. Marfa went to the kitchen, prepared a delicious lunch, and baked pies. I took out honey and my favorite jam. Now we still had to set the table. Jesus did not come alone. Disciples and all sorts of other people always walked with Him.

Martha carried food, looked after the guests and was very tired. And Mary sat at the feet of Jesus Christ and listened to Him. The sister made signs to her, nodded her head, but Maria did not notice anything. Martha completely lost her feet.

“Our lord, Jesus,” Martha finally said. - I can not do it anymore. I cooked dinner alone. I look after the guests alone. But Maria sits and does nothing. Tell her to help me.

Jesus looked at Martha and said:

- Marfa, Marfa! Pies are very important. Without lunch we would remain hungry. But My words are also food. Which is sweeter than honey. Mary is now tasting it. So she forgot about everything in the world. Do not be angry!

Marfa sighed and ran to the kitchen again. She washed the dishes and thought about the words of Christ.

The Shepherd and the Lost Sheep

“A certain shepherd was tending sheep in the mountains,” Jesus told his disciples. “He had a large flock, but he knew all his sheep inside out. There were exactly one hundred of them. One evening the shepherd was counting his sheep - ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine! One sheep is missing. And again the same one, small, with a black spot on her forehead. She always got lost and kicked while cutting her hair. Have you really fallen behind again? Or fell into the abyss? What if she was dragged away by a wolf?

The shepherd looked for it everywhere, beyond the stream, in the bushes, climbed steep slopes to look into the gorges - the sheep was nowhere to be found. Dusk was deepening, a little longer and it would be useless to search. And suddenly the wind brought to him: “Bee!” Someone was bleating softly from above. The shepherd looked up and saw his sheep! The one with the black spot on her forehead. She stood on a narrow mountain path and trembled. The shepherd carried her on his shoulders and rejoiced over her more than over his entire flock.

“So is the Lord,” Jesus explained. – Like a good shepherd, He remembers everyone who lives in his flock and takes care of every soul. And for every person who was running around unknown where, was disobedient and suddenly came to his senses and returned to God, He rejoices more than about those who grazed nearby. Because even the worst sheep are dear to Him.

Raising Lazarus

Martha and Mary had a brother. His name was Lazarus. He was very good and Jesus loved him. One day Lazarus fell seriously ill. The sisters sent to the Savior to say that Lazarus was dying. They waited for the Lord to come and heal him. But Jesus did not go and did not go.

– If only He were here! - said Maria.

“Lazarus would have recovered,” answered Martha.

But Lazarus did not recover, he died.

Lazarus' sisters and friends cried with grief. Four days have passed. Suddenly they saw Jesus Christ on the road.

- God! - the sisters shouted. - If you had been here, he would have lived.

-Where is Lazarus? - Jesus asked.

“We have already buried him in the cave,” the sisters answered through tears.

And everyone around was crying too. Christ has come, but too late!

Jesus began to cry. Together they went to the cave where Lazarus lay. The entrance to the cave was closed with a large stone.

“Remove the stone,” said Christ.

The stone was removed. It became very quiet.

A noise was heard, and suddenly Lazarus came out of the cave.

Alive! But a little strange. Wrapped from head to toe in white cloth. And his face was tied with a scarf. This is how they buried the dead in Judea - they were wrapped in white and placed in a cave.

“Untie him,” said Jesus Christ.

Lazarus was untied. The sisters rushed to hug him. But he was silent and did not say anything out of surprise. He had not yet realized that he had been resurrected.

Children and Jesus

The children were also interested in seeing Jesus Christ. They asked their mothers and fathers to show them the Teacher. And the parents finally agreed. They dressed the children in the most beautiful clothes and went to the Lord.

For a long time they knocked on the house where Christ was staying. But no one opened it to them. Finally, two disciples of the Savior came out to the threshold, very angry.

- Why are you knocking so loudly? Why did you come?

– Our children want to see Christ.

- Go away! - the students answered. – He is very tired and resting.

Then the children began to ask:

– Show us Him! We want to see Him!

The students disagreed:

– You are still little, when you grow up, then come.

Jesus heard the noise and left the house.

“Come closer,” said the Lord.

And he began to bless all the children. He put his hand on the top of their head, sat them on their laps and hugged them. Some ran up to Him on their own. And those who did not yet know how to walk were brought to them by their mothers and fathers.

Jesus said to the disciples:

- Be sure to let the children come to Me. If you are not as trusting and pure as children, My Father will not let you into the Kingdom of Heaven.

- Who is His Father? – the students were surprised.

Do you remember who the Father of Jesus was?

Rich young man

One young man was very rich. He liked everything the Savior told people about. And His disciples really liked them, who were always with their Teacher and did not miss a single word of His.

And one day the young man made up his mind. He approached the Savior and asked:

– Can I also be Your student?

“It’s possible,” answered the Lord.

- What do I need to do for that? - asked the young man.

– Do you know what God commanded people? Do not deceive, do not take what belongs to others, do not offend anyone, obey your father and mother.

“I’ve lived like this since childhood,” the young man answered. – I obey my parents, I don’t deceive or offend anyone.

The Lord rejoiced. The young man turned out to be very good.

“You have very little left to do,” said Christ. - Go, give the beggars everything you have. House, money, clothes, land, livestock. Release the servants. And then return to Me. Then I will make you My disciple and we will always be together.

The young man remembered his house, his vineyards, his room and his favorite books. All this had to be given to the poor, to some strangers, to some strangers. Why?

And the young man departed from Christ sad. It turned out to be so difficult to become His disciple!

How Christ cured a blind man

One man was blind. He didn't see flowers or trees. I didn’t know how the sun was shining and how many stars there were in the sky. He never even saw his dad and mom.

If you close your eyes tightly, darkness will come. And this man always lived in such darkness. But, like all blind people, he heard well. One day he was sitting by the road and begging. Suddenly he heard a noise. It seemed like a lot of people were coming here.

- What is this? - he asked. – Is today a holiday?

“No,” they told him. - This is Jesus from Nazareth. He heals any disease.

The noise was getting closer, the Lord was very close. And then the blind man jumped up and shouted with all his might:

- Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, can you hear?! Help!

The people were angry that he was preventing them from listening to Christ, and waved their hands at the blind man:

- Quiet, why are you shouting like that! Shut up! But the blind man shouted even louder:

- Jesus, help me! Son of David, have mercy on me!

Jesus heard him and ordered him to be called.

Everyone immediately parted and gave way to the blind man.

- What do you want? - asked the Lord.

“I want to see,” he answered.

- Do you believe that I can heal you?

And immediately the blind man received his sight. He saw a lot of people around, the sky, green grass and a red cat. The cat sat on a tree and looked at him. And right in front of him stood the Lord Jesus Christ.


There lived one person. He was the size of a boy. But I saved a lot of money. And for the sake of money he often deceived people. Nobody liked him. Nobody came to visit him. Everyone called him a greedy man and a publican. Actually, his name was Zacchaeus. He lived in the city of Jericho.

One day Jesus Christ walked through Jericho. Whole crowds gathered. Children climbed trees and rooftops to get a better look at Him. There was a terrible noise.

Zacchaeus also really wanted to look at the Savior. He jumped, pushed, stood on his toes, but still saw nothing. He was little after all.

Then this short man climbed the tree, sat down on a thick branch and began to watch what the Teacher would do. Everything was clearly visible from above. People laughed - look, Zacchaeus, like a stupid child, climbed a tree! Jesus also noticed Zacchaeus, smiled and said:

- Come down quickly. Now I will come to visit you!

Zacchaeus rejoiced! He ran home and put the best treat on the table. Soon the Lord came to him. It seemed to Zacchaeus that the sun was looking into his house. And I didn’t know what else to please my amazing Guest. And suddenly he guessed.

“Lord,” said Zacchaeus. - Why do I need so much money? I'll give half of it to the poor! And to those whom I deceived I will give much more than I took from them.

So he did. Since then, no one has called him greedy anymore. And many now came to visit him.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

“Go ahead,” Jesus said to the two disciples. - You will see a village. There, near one house, a donkey will be tied, and next to her foal. Untie the colt and bring him here.

The disciples did as the Teacher told them. They covered the donkey with clothes, and the Lord sat on it. He was traveling to Jerusalem. People gathered around. They shouted:

- It's Jesus! He raised Lazarus! He performed so many miracles! Hosanna! God bless!

People took off their clothes and laid them on the road. Many cut branches from palm trees and waved them, welcoming the Savior. The donkey barely made his way through the dense crowd. The children also screamed and ran along with everyone else. They petted the donkey and fed it leaves and figs.

For the first time in its life, the donkey walked not on hard stones, but on a soft carpet of clothes. It was the first time in his life that he was given such sweet figs. He had never been ridden before. And he was surprised at everything. But some people didn't like how everyone was screaming with joy. They said to Jesus:

– Make them shut up!

And the Lord answered:

“If they are silent, the stones will scream.” Want to check it out?

Barren fig tree

On the outskirts of the city a lonely fig tree grew. The man who planted it died long ago, his house collapsed. And the fig tree kept growing and growing.

The fig tree is a large tree with wide leaves and small fruits. We call such fruits “figs.” You know how tasty and sweet it is. But this fig tree did not bear fruit for a long time. She lived for herself and did not love anyone.

And then one day the Lord was walking along the road with his disciples. They were very hungry and then they noticed a fig tree ahead. The apostles ran up to her. But they found nothing. The fig tree was empty; not even the smallest fig tree grew on its branches.

- Why then do you live in the world? - said the Lord.

And immediately the leaves of the fig tree darkened, shrank and fell to the ground. And by evening it had dried up to the very roots.

This is how Christ showed his disciples that they cannot live in vain.

Poor widow

There lived one woman. She was very poor. Her husband died and she was left alone. And she had nowhere to get money. Her dress was completely worn out. Every day she sewed up holes in it. But she had no money to buy new clothes.

In the Jerusalem temple there was a special vessel for donations. Everyone came up and put whatever they could there.

Christ stood with his disciples and watched the people. So someone poured a whole handful of silver coins into the vessel, someone dropped a gold ring, and someone dropped a necklace of colored stones. And then the poor widow came up. She took out a small bag.

It was empty and shabby. Only at the very bottom did the widow feel two copper coins. She was very happy! And she dropped the coins into the vessel.

“I tell you,” Christ said to the disciples, “the widow gave more than anyone.” Everyone put extra into the vessel, but she gave away the last thing she had.

Washing the feet

Easter has arrived. On this day, people in Judea remembered how Moses led the Israeli people out of Egyptian captivity. Late in the evening, people ate baked lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

– Where will we celebrate Easter? – the disciples asked the Lord.

- Go forward. At the entrance to the city you will see a man with a pitcher of water, Jesus said. – Ask him where the room is for Me and My disciples.

The apostles went to the city. At the gate they saw a man with a jug. He took them to the bright upper room. The room was clean and covered with colorful carpets.

In the evening, the Lord and the disciples gathered together in the upper room. The apostles cooked the lamb. The holiday has begun. Suddenly everyone saw Jesus pouring water into a small basin. The Lord took a towel, wrapped it around himself and began to wash the disciples’ feet. What is this? Does the teacher wash their feet? The apostles did not know what to do; they really wanted to run away. And when Christ approached Peter, Peter could not stand it:

- God! What are you doing? - And hid his legs under the bench.

Jesus said to him:

“Soon you will understand why I am doing this.”

But Peter answered:

- Don't want. You will never wash my feet.

“Then you will not be My disciple.”

Peter was frightened and immediately stretched his legs and arms forward.

- Here are your legs, arms, and head!

And he bowed his head low.

“Legs will be enough,” answered the Lord. And he said: “If I, your Teacher and Lord, washed your feet, then you should wash each other’s feet.”

last supper

The disciples sat with Jesus at the table. John lay on His chest. The upper room was illuminated by lamps.

The Lord looked at His disciples and said:

- One of you will betray Me.

The apostles were very upset. Everyone began to look at each other. The room immediately became darker. But the disciples did not move closer. It seemed to everyone that a traitor was sitting nearby. No one except the Lord knew that Judas would become a traitor.

Then Jesus got up from the table.

- Children! It won't be long for me to be with you. Here is My Body. “And the Lord broke the bread and gave it to the disciples.

– And this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you all. - And He pointed to the cup of wine.

The disciples ate this bread and washed it down with wine, which became the Body and Blood of Christ.

Since then, people began to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Peter is crying

The Lord said to Peter:

– I prayed for you, so that you would be brave and bring people to Me.

Peter replied:

- God! With You I will go to prison and to death.

“No,” Jesus said, “Tonight you will repeat three times that you do not know Me.” And then the rooster crows.

Judas led the guards into the garden in which the Savior loved to pray, and said to them:

- The one whom I will kiss is Christ.

And kissed Jesus. The guards took the Lord into prison. He didn't resist. He could call a whole army of Angels, and they would drive away the guards. But the Lord did not call the Angels. He knew that he had to suffer for the people.

Peter quietly followed Christ and ended up in a dark courtyard. It was cold and scary. A fire was burning in the middle of the yard. There were people standing around. Peter came up and began to warm himself along with everyone else. Suddenly one woman said:

- Look, this is a disciple of Jesus. He must be captured too.

Peter was scared. He didn't want to go to prison at all.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.

But then another man approached the fire:

“Look, he was with Jesus,” and pointed to Peter.

- No! - answered Peter. - I do not know him.

And another man recognized Peter and began to say:

“This one also walked with Christ.”

And Peter repeated again:

- I do not know him.

Suddenly the rooster crowed. And Peter immediately remembered what the Lord told him today. He went outside and cried bitterly.


Evil people crucified Jesus on the Cross. They nailed His hands and feet. Only terrible robbers were punished this way. Jesus Christ was the best on earth, but many did not understand this because they envied Him. After all, everyone loved Him, but they didn’t.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross. The sky darkened, the sun stopped shining, and the earth shook. Trees and stones wept for the dead Lord.

One man, named Joseph, took the body of Jesus from the Cross, wrapped it in white cloth and put it in a cave, in a stone tomb carved into the rock. The cave was in big garden. The entrance to the cave was closed with a huge stone so that no one could enter.

Joseph was a disciple of the Savior, but no one knew about it before. He was not afraid of anyone and arranged Christ’s burial himself.

Resurrection of Christ

Mary Magdalene came to the cave where Jesus lay. stood early morning. It was quiet. Someone had already moved the heavy stone away from the entrance. Maria went inside. But the cave was empty. Where is the Lord?

Maria began to cry. And suddenly I saw two young men in white clothes. These were Angels. They were sitting where Jesus' body had previously lain.

- Why are you crying? - asked the Angels.

“Someone took Him away, and I don’t even know where,” Maria answered, wiping away her tears. She did not even think that she was talking with Angels, because she had never seen them before.

Then Mary turned around and saw a Man. It was Christ, but Mary did not recognize Him. She thought it was the gardener.

- Did you take Him? Tell me where you put Him.

Jesus said:

And she suddenly recognized Him. The teacher stood before her alive. So He didn't die?

“Go, tell all My friends and brothers what you saw,” the Lord told her.

Mary Magdalene ran into the city. Jesus' disciples sat at home and wept bitterly. They thought they would never see Him again. Maria came in and said:

- Do not Cry. Christ is risen!

Wonderful catch

Peter got hungry and said:

- I'll go fishing.

“And you and I,” said the other apostles. They fished all night, but caught nothing. In the morning they swam to the shore and saw a Man. He stood on the shore and waited for them. The apostles did not understand that this was Christ.

Jesus asked them:

- Children! How many fish did you catch during the night?

They have replyed:

- None.

- Throw a net with right side boats and you will catch them.

They threw the net on the right side and could no longer drag it into the boat - so many fish got caught there.

“It’s the Lord,” John whispered.

He guessed it. Then Peter threw himself from the boat into the sea and swam. He wanted to quickly be near the Teacher.

The rest of the disciples swam to the shore in a boat and soon came to land. A fire was burning on the shore and dinner was being prepared.

Peter pulled a net with fish out of the boat. There were a lot of fish - one hundred and fifty-three. He remembered that this had already happened once, three years ago, when the Lord called him and his brother to follow Him. Only then did the net break, but this time it remained intact.

“Go to dinner,” Christ said to the apostles.

He gave them baked fish and bread. And He Himself ate with them. Nobody asked Him who He was. Everyone understood that it was the Lord.

This happened after Jesus rose from the dead. And then for forty days He appeared to the apostles and His other disciples and disciples. The Lord wanted them to believe that He had indeed risen from the dead, and to tell everyone about it.

Mistrustful Thomas

Thomas was also a disciple of Jesus. He followed Him, listened to His words and loved Him very much. But Thomas could not believe everything that Christ said. He often doubted, his thoughts were double, and the apostles nicknamed him “Twin.”

When the Risen Lord appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem, Thomas was not in the city. But then the Twin returned, and the apostles immediately told him that the Lord had risen and blessed them, passing through the locked doors. But Foma just shook his head:

- Can't be. Do they rise from the dead? Is it possible to go through a locked door? You just dreamed it.

Eight days passed and Jesus appeared to the disciples again. He again walked through the locked doors, stood among the apostles and said: “Peace be with you!” This time Thomas was also with them.

“Come and put your fingers in My wounds, look at My hands and the marks of the nails.” And be faithful, said the Lord.

But Thomas did not move. He felt ashamed. Christ saw his heart and knew that he did not believe in the resurrection.

- My Lord and my God! - Foma exclaimed.

Since then, he became one of the most faithful disciples of Christ, and wherever he went, he told people about the Risen Jesus.

Ascension of the Lord

One day the resurrected Lord came to the disciples again.

– Do you have food? - he asked.

“Fish and honey,” answered the apostles.

And Christ ate before them. Then He said to the apostles:

– I suffered on the Cross, died and rose again on the third day. From now on the world will be different. People will come out of the prison of sin and see the Light of God.

Jesus led the disciples out of the city. They left Jerusalem to Fresh air and into silence. They walked along the road, past green fields and villages. The disciples were happy that Christ was walking alongside them again.

But then Jesus stopped on the mountain, and everyone stood around Him. The Lord blessed them, and suddenly the disciples noticed that He had become taller. And then even higher. It turned out that He was no longer standing on the ground, but in the air. At first the Lord was very close, and the apostles could touch Him with their hands. But He rose higher and higher. The students threw their heads up. And so the Savior became very small, about the size of a palm. And then it turned into a tiny light dot. And disappeared.

And then the disciples saw the Angels.

– Why are you standing and looking at the sky? - asked the Angels. – This is the Ascension. But the Lord will return.

In great joy the apostles returned to Jerusalem. Jesus ascended to heaven, but did not leave it. And that’s why they were not sad, but happy. They realized that now they would forever remain with Him and with each other.

The apostles came to the temple and sang all night, blessing God.


Ten days have passed since the Ascension of the Lord. The apostles and other disciples of Christ sat in the bright upper room and remembered Jesus. Suddenly a noise was heard, like strong wind. The apostles raised their heads and saw tongues of fire. Tongues fell on each of them.

And the apostles spoke different languages. In German, French, Chinese, Papuan, Russian. No textbooks or dictionaries.

The apostles dispersed throughout the world and spoke to every nation in its own way. native language. They healed the sick, raised the dead, and performed many miracles. And they told people about their Teacher, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified on the Cross and rose from the dead.

And everyone who believed them also became disciples of Christ. That’s how they began to be called – Christians.

The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is no less important for children than for adults. After all, the Savior came into our world for the sake of every person. He himself said:

“Suffer the children to come to Me and do not forbid them”

Once upon a time, Jesus Christ himself was a child. His birth was predicted by the wise Jewish prophets. The Bible talks about this. Then it describes the story of the Nativity of Christ, His amazing life and sacrifice for the sake of people.

Matthew, Luke, Mark and John

four evangelist writers who preserved the history of the Savior

The memory of the Savior was preserved for future generations by four writers - evangelists: Matthew, Luke, Mark and John. It is to them that we owe what we can tell children about the Nativity of Christ today.

For many centuries the coming of Jesus Christ was predicted by prophets

The Jews knew in advance about the coming birth of Jesus Christ. They were warned about this wise people- prophets. These wise men were chosen by God. He gave them the ability to see the future. Many of the prophets wrote down their visions, and their texts became part of the Holy Scriptures - the Bible.

The coming of the Savior is very important for humanity. And the prophets who knew this did their best to tell people the details of the coming event. They called Jesus Christ the Messiah and reported that he would be born in the city of Bethlehem. The prophets also retold the main events of the life of Jesus Christ.

The main events of the life of Jesus Christ were predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament

The prophecies about the Messiah are so full of sublime feelings that many Jews were waiting for the appearance, if not of God, then of a powerful and strong king. Not everyone could imagine that Jesus Christ would be born in a humble place, surrounded by animals and loved ones.

This event did not meet the expectations of the Jews so much that they still do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah and are waiting for someone else. Although the prophets also predicted that the Savior would be rejected.

Archangel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus Christ to His mother, Mary.

In Galilee, according to biblical history, there was a town called Nazareth. It is so small that ancient authors wrote nothing about it. At least, no information about Nazareth has reached us. The city became famous later - when the whole world learned about Jesus Christ.

In Nazareth there lived a woman named Mary. Until the age of fourteen she was raised in the temple. When her parents died, Joseph, an elderly carpenter, began to take care of her. He took Maria to his home.

Maria was distinguished by her love for God and read with interest holy books, went to the temple.

One day, the elder angel, Archangel Gabriel, appeared to her. He is often called the messenger of God precisely because he brings messages to believers. The Archangel told Mary to rejoice because the Lord is with her. When Mary did not understand anything, God's messenger explained to her that she would give birth to a Son named Jesus. Her child has a great future ahead of him, for He is called the Son of the Most High.

Here's how the story is told in the Bible:

(Gospel of Luke 1:26–31)

“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David; The name of the Virgin is: Mary. The angel, coming to Her, said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be. And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.”

Maria humbly and gratefully accepted her fate.

Since then, Orthodox Christians have celebrated the holiday of the Annunciation on this day. We do not know exactly on what date the Archangel Gabriel visited Mary, but the believers agreed to celebrate April 7th.

Joseph and Mary began to wait for the birth of the Son of God

Mary and Joseph went to the census in Bethlehem, and there Jesus Christ was born to them

The country in which Joseph and Mary lived was ruled by King Herod the Great, but he was subordinate to the ruler of the Roman Empire. It was then a very influential state. And so the Roman emperor named Octavian Augustus made a decree on a population census. This was in 7 BC.

Each person had to appear in the city where he came from. For Joseph, such a city is Bethlehem. This is a small but very ancient city: today it is almost 2.5 thousand years old.

Joseph took his pregnant wife and went with her to the census in Bethlehem. This is how it is described in the Bible:

(Gospel of Luke 2:1–5)

“In those days a command came from Caesar Augustus to make a census of the whole earth. This census was the first during the reign of Quirinius in Syria. And everyone went to sign up, each to his own city. Joseph also went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, called Bethlehem, because he was from the house and family of David, to enroll with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.”

Mary and Joseph were unable to stay at the inn in Bethlehem because there was no room there. Probably everything was occupied by other people who were also in a hurry to get the census.

Where exactly Joseph and Mary stayed is not directly stated in the Bible. But even the first Christians began to believe that this happened in a cave. They were often used as a stable, so it was warm inside and you could sleep on soft hay.

There is even a cave where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born. There is a Christian shrine there. The place of birth is marked with a silver star in the floor.

The Holy Scriptures do not tell not only the date, but also the year of the birth of Christ. IN Orthodox tradition It is customary to celebrate this event on January 7th.

An angel informed the shepherds about the birth of Jesus Christ

The first to learn about the birth of the Messiah were not kings or priests, but simple shepherds. An angel appeared to them and showed them where to look for the baby Christ:

(Gospel of Luke 2:8-14)

“In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!”

The shepherds listened to the angel and found Joseph, Mary and her newborn Son:

(Gospel of Luke 2:15-20)

“When the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other: let’s go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about. And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in a manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been announced to them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these words, writing them in Her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.”

The Star of Bethlehem led the Magi to the baby Christ

The news of the birth of the Savior reached not only the shepherds, but also some wise men living in the East. They probably mean priests from Persia or Media. At least, this is what the text of the Bible hints at.

The Magi were led to the birthplace of Jesus Christ strange phenomenon in the sky there is something similar to a very bright star.

What it was is a lot of debate today. Some people think it's a comet. Others say that it is a conjunction of two planets: Jupiter and Saturn. There are also those who believe that the Star of Bethlehem has nothing to do with astronomy.

There is still no consensus on what the Star of Bethlehem was: a comet, a planet or something else

The glow in the sky attracted the Magi. They knew the prophecies about the coming of the king of Judah. For example, the prophet Balaam warned about the star:

(Book of Numbers 24:17)

“I see Him, but now I am not yet; I see Him, but not close. A star rises out of Jacob, and a rod rises out of Israel, and smites the princes of Moab, and crushes all the sons of Seth.”

However, the Magi understood the expression “king of the Jews” in their own way - and went to King Herod the Great. They expected him to have an heir.

(Gospel of Matthew 2:1-2)

“When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?” for we saw His star in the east and came to worship Him.”

The king assured the guests that they had come in vain. And then they hit the road again. This time, the Star of Bethlehem led the Magi to the newborn baby Jesus.

The travelers brought him 3 gifts:

  • Gold is a symbol of royal greatness
  • Incense is a symbol that Christ will be a teacher of people
  • Myrrh (fragrant oil) is a symbol of the sacrifice that the Mission will make.

Due to the fact that there are three gifts, the Magi are often depicted as three people. But the Bible says nothing about their number. Often on icons the shepherds are confused with the wise men, or only one of the groups of people is left.

Jesus Christ was born to make our world a better place

Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ appeared on earth. He chose a modest place for his birth, a barn, and came modestly - but with an important mission. This event is very significant for humanity. For my short life Jesus Christ gave the world a lot of necessary knowledge about a righteous life, about God, love, and the values ​​of a good person.

The image of the newborn Jesus is very loved by humanity. He is a popular topic:

  • icons,
  • frescoes,
  • paintings,
  • New Year's cards.

And much more. By the way, it is the birth of Christ that is depicted on the most popular edition of the children's Bible in Russia.

Jesus Christ is an example for every believer, and therefore His Nativity is one of the most beloved holidays in the world.

The Christmas holiday is lost against the backdrop of traditional New Year's greetings, Christmas trees, and gifts. However, the story of Christmas is no less important for children than for adults. We are all equal before God. The Holy Spirit illuminates the life of every person equally.

We must know that on this holiday the Savior presented us with one of the most important gifts - his love.

The most magical and mysterious day is coming - Christmas. Warm, family celebration. The children helped decorate the house and the Christmas tree, baked treats with their mothers, and made gifts. But not all children know the essence of the holiday, why it is called Christmas, why the holiday is so important for many people that it is celebrated in many countries. Our task is to tell children the story of Christmas in an understandable form. What can you tell your children at Christmas?

Article outline:

1. What is Christmas

2. How to tell children about Christmas

3. Pre-holiday chores. Christmas symbols

4. Gifts for guests

What is Christmas

Several evenings I and my granddaughter talk about Christmas: we read, talked about traditions and customs, told how people celebrate this family-friendly, good holiday. And then she asked if she knew why the holiday was called that, and what she knew about this story. Yulia's knowledge was not very accurate. Then I asked: “When is your birthday, name day?” “In November,” answered Julia. “So, on November 13th we celebrate the day you were born—your birthday.” And Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Everyone remembers him because he was kind and taught people wisdom. We celebrate Christmas on January 7th, and Catholics on December 25th. So the chronology begins from the birth of Christ.

This story began more than 200 years ago, in Bethlehem. Previously, in the old days, people celebrated the Christmas holidays beautifully, observed traditions and rituals. Then the holiday lost its meaning. But now people are trying to bring back forgotten traditions. They take children to the temple and tell them the history of the holiday.

How to tell children about Christmas

This interesting story, like a fairy tale. If you have the opportunity, read the Children's Bible to your children. She is colorful and beautiful. And if not, let's try to tell the story of Christmas in an accessible form.

The night before Christmas is magical. You can look at the sky and make a wish, but it must be good. Jesus Christ taught people kindness. How was he born? Listen carefully.

IN small town There lived a husband and wife in Nazareth - Anna and Joachim. They didn't have children. They prayed that the Lord would send them a child, promising that he would serve God. And they had a daughter, Maria. She was a very obedient, meek girl who prayed constantly. When her parents died, she was left an orphan and was then raised in the church. When Maria became an adult, they wanted to marry her off, but she made a vow to serve God. Then the priests gave her under the protection distant relative, old Joseph. He was a widower. Maria helped him with the housework and led a very modest lifestyle.

And then one day the Archangel appeared to Mary and told her that the Holy Spirit would come to her and she would have a child, the Son of God, who would save the world from sin and evil.

This is the story about the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary.

Now listen to what happened next. Mary and Joseph were waiting for the birth of their son. This year, Emperor Augustus decided to conduct a population census. Everyone had to come to the city where their ancestors were from. Mary and her husband went to the city of Bethlehem. They walked for a long time, when they arrived, there were no places to stay for the night. And the time has come for Mary to give birth. They found a cave in which the shepherds were hiding from the weather. That night Mary gave birth to a son, wrapped him in a hem and placed him in a manger where animal feed was poured.

Nearby, shepherds were tending sheep and suddenly they saw a bright light - an Angel descended to them and said: “Don’t be afraid!” I come with good news. God sent his son to earth to save people from their sins. Go to Bethlehem, you will see him there. He lies in a manger."

The shepherds went into the cave and saw the baby.

The second sign of the birth of the Son of God was a star that appeared in the sky and was the brightest. The Magi - the sages - saw her. they guessed that she was announcing the birth of the King of the Jews. The star led them to a cave. They saw the baby and gave him their gifts, calling him the king of heaven and earth.

This is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

For children to understand it better, you can look at Christmas and show them pictures. Take your children to Christmas events and concerts. Children must understand one idea: Christmas is a holiday of kindness, helping loved ones and compassion.

Ksyusha and I tried to make a presentation about Christmas for children. It didn’t turn out a little the way we wanted, but we’re learning. as the saying goes.

Here is our presentation. Click on the arrow and watch with the kids.

Pre-holiday chores, symbols of Christmas

Children love to help decorate the house and Christmas tree. In addition to toys, you can hang sweets on the Christmas tree, make gingerbread cookies, decorating them with icing. You can make a Christmas wreath and decorate your house with it.

When decorating the Christmas tree with toys, tell your kids about the symbols of Christmas. The star with which we decorate the top of the fir tree is the star of Bethlehem that indicated to the Magi the birth of the savior.

Christmas bells are also an attribute of Christmas holiday - earlier with their help they drove away evil spirits, and now the ringing of bells sounds in all churches at Christmas.

Toys such as angels and candles are also symbols of Christmas.

Gifts for loved ones

Children can make gifts for their family themselves. They can be modest - handmade cards, souvenirs, sweets. Children's imagination is very rich. The main thing is that the gifts are made with love. Teach your children to be grateful. After all, Christmas is a holiday of goodness and light. We must say words of gratitude to our family and friends. And children can do good deeds themselves. For example, it is very difficult in winter. Make bird feeders with the kids, sprinkle grains and dry crumbs. This will be a good deed.

This is how you can tell your children about Christmas. Read other articles about Christmas, learn poems. And on the kindest and most magical night before Christmas, I wish you the fulfillment of all your good wishes! Be happy!

I wish you on Christmas holiday

More magic in life!

Let it be cup full house,

And there will be happiness forever in him,

The family lives in harmony

Friends don't forget you.

Let happiness come into your home more often

And bad weather will pass by.

Miracles are sure to happen on Christmas night.
And we adults want a miracle so much...

We are waiting for gifts from the Lord... and let's give him a gift - we will become more responsive, more patient, learn to forgive with all our hearts and do only good with all our hearts...

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into this sinful world to save humanity from sins and eternal destruction. With His birth on earth came new era. Even our chronology begins with the Nativity of Jesus Christ.Only more correctly, Jesus was born 7 years earlier than the calendar. Previously not taken into account leap years and so on.The story of the birth of Jesus is amazing. Just think, He, the Son of the Creator of the world and the universe, had to be born in an animal stable. Soon the king of that country decided to kill Him.

But let's start from the beginning. In the small town of Nazareth, in the north of Israel, there lived a girl named Mary. She loved the Lord and had pure heart. One day, Angel Gabriel, sent by the Lord, appeared to her and said: “Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women." Mary, seeing Him, was embarrassed. But the Angel said to her: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with the Lord; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”
Mary was not married at the time, but was betrothed to a godly believer named Joseph. She asked the Angel: “How will this be when I don’t know my husband?” The angel answered her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Mary answered: “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; Let it be done to me according to Your word.” And the angel departed from her.
Having learned that Mary was expecting a child, Joseph wanted to let her go, but the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: “Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to accept Mary your wife; for that which is born in Her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.
When the Virgin Mary was about to give birth, she and her husband Joseph went to Bethlehem, a city near Jerusalem, because the Roman Emperor Augustus ordered a census. To do this, everyone had to come to the city where they were born. Joseph was from Bethlehem. The road was long and difficult, they walked through mountainous terrain, and when they reached Bethlehem and began to look for a place to stay for the night, it turned out that all the inns were full.

That same night, Maria felt that it was time to give birth. They failed to find shelter in the city, so they went outside Bethlehem and came across a cave in which shepherds usually hid from the weather. It was there that Mary gave birth to her son, swaddled him and put him in a manger.

In the surrounding area, several shepherds did not sleep that night, sitting by the fires, guarding their flocks. And a shining angel descended to them from heaven: “Do not be afraid, I proclaim to you great joy that will be to all people, for today a Savior has been born in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord, and this is a sign for you: you will find a baby lying in swaddling clothes in manger."

When the angel disappeared, the shepherds decided to go into the cave and see for themselves what was said - and they actually saw a baby sleeping in a cattle feeder.

The fact of the birth of the Holy Child was announced by the star of Bethlehem that lit up in the sky.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said: Where was born King of the Jews? for we saw His star in the east and came to worship Him.

Hearing this, King Herod became alarmed, and all Jerusalem with him.

And, having gathered all the high priests and scribes of the people, he asked them: where should Christ be born?

And they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written through the prophet: and you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are no less than the rulers of Judah, for from you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.

Then Herod, secretly calling the wise men, found out from them the time of the appearance of the star and, sending them to Bethlehem, he said: go, carefully scout about the Child, and when you find him, notify me, so that I too can go and worship Him.After listening to the king, they left. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, [as] at last it came and stood over [the place] where the Child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy, and entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

And having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by a different route.

(Matt. 2:1-12)

Eight days later, the baby was brought to the Temple, where, according to the law, he was circumcised and given the name Jesus, which means “The Lord is Salvation,” and only from that moment was it considered that the child was presented before God. Therefore, all over the world there are two holidays, first Christmas, and then on the 8th day New Year and only in Russia everything is strange, because... we celebrate the New Year with the whole world and only after that Christmas and, as expected, on the 8th day after Christmas the Old New Year.

Subsequently, Jesus was also called “Christ,” which means “anointed one.” This “prefix” in ancient Israel was previously used only in relation to kings and high priests, since elevation to high rank was accomplished through anointing. By giving the epithet “Christ” to the Son of God, the prophets emphasized that he is the true King of the world, who at the same time brings people the light of faith.

As soon as he was born, the future Savior was exposed to terrible danger. King Herod, who was predicted the birth of the true King, ordered the killing of all male babies. As a result, 14 thousand children aged two years and younger were exterminated in Bethlehem and its environs. The murdered children are still considered the first martyrs who died for Christ, and in memory of them the second week after Christmas is called the Terrible Evenings. Saving their son, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt, and after the death of King Herod they returned to Nazareth.

It is noteworthy that today Bethlehem, which was once a separate city, has practically merged with the outskirts of Jerusalem. Centuries have passed, and the once deserted area is a completely comfortable area with shops, cafes and business centers. And only a few shrines remind us that a miracle once came into the world here. In particular, in a small square, completely filled with tourist buses, there is a walled-up arch with a low opening. This opening has its own history: in the 16th century, when Palestine was conquered by the Turks, the entrance to the arch was specially walled up so that enemies could not desecrate the shrine by riding into it on horseback. As a result, a very narrow and low passage remained - to enter it, you had to bend down very much, so since then it has been called the door of submission.

Name of the holiday

It is difficult for a child to find any explanation for the very name of the holiday. Parents must explain to the child what meaning is hidden behind the mysterious name: “Christmas.” After all, in order to enjoy this day, you need to know what its essence is.

Perhaps it will help you to compare this day with your child's birthday. Remind your child of his last name day and ask if he knows why everyone congratulates him. The child will probably answer that he was born on this day. Then you can begin to explain the essence of Christmas - the birth of someone very important, whom the whole world reveres.

History of the origin of the holiday

It is very important to tell your baby a story describing the birth of the Baby. This is the main thing that both adults and children celebrating Christmas should know - this is where the holiday begins. You can read the story of Christmas from the children's Bible, as well as from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Be sure to tell your child that it dates back to the Nativity of Christ. The expression “1985 from the Nativity of Christ” will be much clearer to your child if you explain it to him in the context of the Christmas story.

Why the most junior group V kindergarten called "manger"? Ask your child about this after sharing the story of Baby Jesus. The newborn Christ was placed in a manger - a feeding trough for livestock, which is why today we call the kindergarten group that way.

Where did the tradition of hanging a star on the top of the New Year tree come from? Remember the story of the Magi, who, upon seeing a new star, realized that the Savior of the world had been born. And isn’t it about the gifts of these wise men brought to little Jesus that we can remember when we put gifts under the tree for our family and friends?

How to celebrate Christmas as a family

To make the Christmas holiday memorable for your children for a long time and remind them of something good, joyful and warm, start celebrating this day with the whole family. To do this, you need to create family traditions, some of which you can borrow from others, and some of which you can invent yourself.

The center of all ceremonies at Christmas should be the idea of ​​​​the manifestation of God's mercy to people: the Almighty loves us and therefore sent us His Son. It is important that everything reminds as much as possible of the essence of Christmas, otherwise your holiday will turn into a feast, of which there are many throughout the year.

Decorate the room in which you will celebrate the holiday with Christmas attributes: angels, nativity scene, candles.

Learn simple Christmas songs and rhymes with your children. Include them in the program. After reading the story of Christmas from the Bible, you can create a quiz for your family using simple questions. Don't forget to stock up on prizes for players, because Christmas is a holiday of gifts, the most important of which is God's gift to people - the Savior Jesus.

Play the game “What Do I Know About Christmas.” In a circle, everyone should say one fact that they know about the birth of Christ. The one who, in turn, could not name anything, leaves the game. The last remaining participant is the winner.

Ask each person in the family what changes they expect next Christmas. Record your answers on video, and in a year you will be very interested to know what dreams of your loved ones came true.

Don’t forget to pay attention to your loved ones living nearby on this day: treat them to a fragrant pie, give them a gift. Tell your child how he can do good for his friends: put treats in a bag and let the child hand them out on the playground. If you know someone in need, Christmas is a good opportunity to help them in any way you can. Create a holiday for your neighbor, and you will feel how magical this day will be for you!

Telling a child about the Nativity of Christ

Jesus is both Man and God at the same time. How He was born as God is not given to us to know. Just as we do not know how the Virgin Mary’s immaculate conception of Her Son took place: Archangel Gabriel only brought Her the good news about the future birth of the Savior.

But we know for sure that Christ was born as a Man, as one of us, that is, in the flesh. That is why the full name of the holiday is the Nativity of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ according to the flesh.

The Virgin Mary and her husband, Joseph the Betrothed, lived in the town of Nazareth (it still exists in Israel). Because of the census of the Roman Empire, which took place under Emperor Augustus, they went to Bethlehem. According to the emperor's decree, to facilitate the census, every resident of the empire had to come “to his city.” Since both Mary and Joseph were distant descendants of King David, they headed to Bethlehem. Since it was in this city that David was born - one of the greatest rulers of Israel, from whose family, according to the promise, that is, the promise of God, the Messiah was supposed to come. Bethlehem is located literally a couple of kilometers from Jerusalem (now in the Palestinian Authority, in the West Bank), but it is quite far from Nazareth - about 170 kilometers. It is difficult to imagine how much work it took for the Virgin Mary to overcome such a long distance in the last month of pregnancy.

Since many people came to Bethlehem, the Virgin Mary and Joseph did not get places in the hotel, and apparently they had no relatives in the city. Therefore, they had to spend the night in a cave - the shepherds used it as a barn to shelter their livestock from bad weather. Here the One who was destined to become the Savior of the world was born. “And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth; and she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn,” writes Evangelist Luke.

Not only the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph knew that more than just a baby was born. The first to come to worship the Savior were the shepherds - they were nearby. An angel appeared to the shepherds and said to them: “...I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and this is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:8-14).

The shepherds left their flocks, went towards Bethlehem and found the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Baby in a manger in a cave. The shepherds told Mary what the angel had told them. The Mother of God was amazed, because exactly nine months ago Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and spoke exactly the same words - that the Savior of the world would be born to Her. We now celebrate that day as the Feast of the Annunciation. Later, the Holy Family moved to the city - either places in the hotel became available, or someone let them stay, it is not known for sure. And at this time, somewhere in the east, far from Palestine, three wise men (they were called wise men) saw an unusual star in the sky

They took it as a sign. After all, the Magi knew that the King of Israel would soon come to the world. The Magi were not Jews, they were pagans, but they understood that such a global event would affect all nations (this is exactly what happened, as we know - now there is not a single country in the world where there is not at least one Christian community). Therefore, having seen an unusual star in the sky, the Magi went to Jerusalem, came straight to the palace of the then reigning King Herod and asked him where, in fact, they could see the newly born King of the Jews. Although they were wise men, they could not imagine that the future King, in their opinion, was born not in a palace, but in a stable.

King Herod did not know where Jesus was, and was extremely alarmed by the news of the eastern sages. After all, once a new Tsar has been born, the old one seems to be of no use. He was a very cruel and suspicious ruler, it is no coincidence that his name became a household name. However, Herod did not show his alarm to the wise men; he politely escorted them out of the palace and asked, if they found the newborn King, to tell him His whereabouts.

The star led the wise men to the Bethlehem house, where they “saw the Child with Mary His Mother, and fell down and worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:9-11). Frankincense and myrrh are incense that were very expensive back then.

Having bowed to Christ, the Magi “...having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country another way” (Matthew 2:12), that is, they did not reveal to Herod the secret of the Savior’s whereabouts. “Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and below, according to the time that he found out from the Magi,” says the Evangelist Matthew.

The cruel king, fearing competition for the throne and not finding the One who, as everyone thought, should take it, ordered the killing of all the babies in Bethlehem. However, Jesus was no longer in the city at that moment.

An angel appeared to Joseph and said: “Get up, take the Child and His Mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him” (Matthew 2:13).

The Holy Family remained in Egypt until King Herod died. Returning, Jesus, the Mother of God and Joseph settled in Nazareth.

From there the Savior's Way of the Cross began. And from the Nativity of Christ a new era of humanity began - our era.