home · Other · The amazing life of plants is an entertaining quiz. Quiz “The amazing life of plants in our region. Competition "Red Book"

The amazing life of plants is an entertaining quiz. Quiz “The amazing life of plants in our region. Competition "Red Book"

1. This tree is a close relative of the poplar and is sometimes called the “trembling poplar.” Trembling - because its leaves tremble in the wind: their petioles are not cylindrical, but flat and can bend only in one plane. (Aspen)

2. Tree or large shrub, main feature which has very beautiful white, pink and yellowish flowers with a wonderful scent. And its leaves contain alkaloids and essential oil, lowering blood pressure. The real kingdom of these tropical plants, named after the famous French botanist, is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in particular the resort city of Sochi ( Krasnodar region). Name this plant. (Magnolia)

3. Our ancestors used this prickly weed from the Asteraceae family to ward off devils and other evil spirits, which is reflected in its Russian name. The plant is national symbol Scotland; in this country there is even an order named after his flower, the motto of which reads: “No one will escape unpunished.” In common parlance, some species of this plant are often called burdock. Remember its second name. (Thistle)

4. Name the most common fruits in the world: over sixty million tons are produced in the world every year. (Oranges)

5. The Latin name for this tree, Abies alba, comes from the Indo-Germanic word for “to abound.” Most likely, the people who gave it its name had in mind the strong branching, unusual for the pine family, almost from the ground. The most famous medicinal product made from this tree is essential oil. (Fir)

6. This fruit gave rise to the creation of such a regalia as a power, or, according to old Russian terminology, a “sovereign apple.” And besides, to create a crown in the form of a jagged cap without a top. What kind of fruit is this? (Pomegranate. The remains of the flower [thorn] on the upper side of the pomegranate fruit have given rise to the depiction of crowns in this way since the Middle Ages)

7. What are the small plant embryos from which new plants grow called? (Seeds)

8. What is the name of the part of the plant from which fruits and seeds are formed? (Flower)

9. What is this riddle about: “One hundred brothers live in a striped house, they all look alike”? (Watermelon)

10. What are the names of the trees on which the beans for making chocolate grow? (Cocoa)

11. What is this riddle about: “While it was in the skin, it was not good; came out of the skin - everyone felt better”? (About nuts)

12. What trees should predominate in the forest where sanatoriums for patients with pulmonary diseases are built? (Pines)

13. What plant in our gardens was said to help with seven ailments? (Onion - from seven ailments)

14. Which plant has the largest seeds? (Seychelles palm)

15. Which tree is called the king of the taiga? (Cedar. If you collect the entire harvest that cedars produce in a year and process it, you can satisfy the world's need for oil)

16. Which tree in Russia is the champion in frost resistance (tolerates frosts below -60 ° C), the champion in growth speed - in 10 years it grows 10 meters, and it also takes first place in terms of the area of ​​​​coniferous forests? (Larch)

17. In the Russian “Forest Dictionary” of the 19th century it is written: “This tree is placed on the same level as a lion is among four-legged animals, as well as an eagle among birds.” What tree are we talking about? (About oak)

18. The fairy tale says: “The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut.” What kind of wood was it made from? hare hut? (From linden. Solid upper layer linden bark was called "lub")

19. From what grain do Mexicans bake their national flatbreads, and Romanians and Moldovans prepare their favorite mamaliga? (From corn)

20. The image of which plant and its flower, often stylized, has served in a number of countries in Asia and North Africa since ancient times as a symbol of life and happiness? (Lotus)

21. Which country is it the symbol of? flowering branch sakura? (Japan)

22. In Beijing, this drink is called “juice for all diseases” (ulcers, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, and so on). Drink it 30-60 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. It is not very tasty, so you can add a little fruit juice to it. What vegetable do the Chinese use to make “juice for all diseases”? (from potatoes)

23. In the old days this tree was called the tree of four affairs. The first thing is to illuminate the world. The second thing is to maintain cleanliness. The third thing is to cry out for comfort. The fourth thing is to heal the sick. What kind of tree is this? (Birch)

24. This tree was especially valued in Rus'. Not a single peasant could imagine life without him. And tea was brewed from its flowers, and bast was torn into bast shoes, and bast was made from it for ropes, bags, mats, splints were made from the bark for covering houses, upholstering sleighs, and for making boxes. (Linden)

25. This coniferous tree certainly retains its remarkable feature. A ripe cone always sits vertically on it. (Fir)

26. Why do the lower branches of a pine tree dry out? (Pine is very light-loving. Because the upper branches block the sun, the lower ones dry out)

27. In the old days, when they were looking for a place to dig a well, they stuck a twig of one tree into the ground. If the twig does not fall and straightens up, you need to dig, there will be water. (Willow)

28. This tree can be compared to bamboo in its growth rate. Matches are made from it, as its wood is very porous. Once dried, it ignites quickly. But in the forest, this tree will be the last to catch fire, since all the pores of its trunk are filled with moisture. (Aspen)

29. Which tree in Russia puts on leaves later than everyone else? (Oak)

30. Which of our trees “cry” in the spring? (Maple, birch)

31. Which trees and shrubs do not change leaf color in autumn? (Lilac and acacia)

32. What tree sinks in water, almost does not rot, bridge supports, dams are built from it, and the whole of Venice stands on it? (Larch)

33. If you cut off the top of this tree, it will never grow back, but the side branches grow very large. Such trees turn into a living shield and retain snow well, so they are planted along railway How protective strip. (Spruce)

34. On globe There is a tree that dies if you water it. What kind of tree is this? (One of the symbols of the desert is saxaul)

35. Which plant can grow at a speed of up to one meter per day? (Bamboo)

36. Resistant pine is not afraid of frost, heat, or drought. What, besides fire, is pine afraid of? (Darkness)

37. How to distinguish black and red currants if the berries are not yet ripe? (Grind the leaf; black currants have a unique smell, but red currants have no smell)

38. It has been noticed that lightning strikes some trees more often, others less often, and others are almost not touched. The “scars” of oak and pine are especially significant. Why does lightning often damage oaks and pines and almost not damage birch, poplar, elm, and hazel? (The main roots of oak and pine lie very deep, thereby attracting an electrical discharge and conducting it into the ground)

39. Which of the living creatures on earth is currently the oldest? (Trees live much longer than any other plant or animal. The oldest living tree, and therefore the oldest known living thing on earth, is one of the pine trees growing in California. It is more than 4,600 years old.)

40. Which plant is poisonous to humans and animals and completely harmless to birds? (Crow's eye)

41. The juice of which plant produces warts? (Celandine)

42. What plant was used during the war for dressings instead of cotton wool and antiseptic? (Moss)

43. From the roots of which plant will you extract flour for bread? If you boil the roots, you will have a second dish, young shoots will replace cabbage, fresh leaves will be used for salad, and dried leaves will make a fragrant infusion. (Blooming Sally)

44. This amazing plant is called bear onion, it grows in the southern part of Russia. It appears as soon as the snow melts. They eat it in salads, soups and dumplings. But it's best with bread and salt. One hundred grams of its leaves contain more vitamin C than one kilogram of lemon. If you eat 15 grams of this plant for 15 days, all the vitamins lost by the body over the winter are restored. (Cheremsha)

46. ​​Residents of Kamchatka have made clothes, sails, and knitted nets from the fibers of this plant for hundreds of years. In terms of strength and ability to resist rotting, such nets could compete with nylon nets. It is no coincidence that the heroine of Andersen’s fairy tale, Eliza, wove shirts for her brothers from the fibers of this plant. (Nettle)

47. Dr. Lubich from the Swiss Research Institute of Transport Medicine claims that those who eat this berry see better at night. It is known that during the war it was specially given to English night aviation pilots. (Blueberries. Blueberries also improve vision)

48. How do seedless grapes grow? (Grapes that do not have seeds, therefore, do not have seeds from which new vines could grow. Therefore, they can only reproduce with the help of humans. The vine is cut off from such grapes and grafted onto the stem of a grape of another variety)

49. Which tree is a symbol of strength, power, longevity, courage and valor? (Oak)

50. What evergreen tree symbolizes the eternity of life? (Spruce)

51. Which plant has become a symbol of obsession and stickiness? (Burdock)

52. What a thorny bush that produces tasty and healthy berries, since the time of Paris, who awarded the apple to Aphrodite, has become a symbol and emblem of an odious, piquant place? (Raspberries. It was in the raspberry thickets that Aphrodite, Hera and Athena stood naked before Paris so that he could decide which of them was more beautiful)

53. Of all the evergreen trees of Ancient Hellas, the branches of one tree became a symbol of peace, firstly, because after wars and fires this tree takes the longest time to grow, and secondly, because the Greeks awarded a wreath from the branches of this tree winners of the Olympics, during which all wars ceased. So what kind of tree is this? (Olive)

54. According to myth, the god of the sun, dawn and poetry - Apollo, pursued the nymph Daphne, who, running away from him, turned into a bush. Apollo decorated his head and lyre with the branches of this bush. Since then, the branches of this bush have become a reward for those who have achieved fame. Name this symbol of glory. (Laurel in Greek is “daphne”)

55. This tree got its name for its sticky sap, and for its soft wood it has become a symbol of femininity, softness, pliability and tenderness. Name this tree. (Linden)

56. In pre-revolutionary Russia, a branch of this tree with fruit was used for signs marking “peaceful merits of officials, honorable service.” And now this symbol is not used in heraldry. What kind of tree is this? (Pear)

57. Name one of the ancient symbols fertility and abundance, as well as vitality and cheerfulness. (Grape)

This quiz is a game on knowledge of plants, trees, etc. Interesting questions about plant life. All questions with answers.

A quiz is a game that involves asking questions and giving the correct answers. It is organized with the participation of several people. The one who gave the most wins large quantity exact answers.

In the plant kingdom, “Do you know these plants?”

■ What is the name of plant science? Botany.

■ Which beans can be easily turned into candy, goose, chicken and even milk? Beans and soybeans can be turned into many foods.

■ Which oil does not produce smoke? Coconut oil.

■ Why is it difficult to cut a log crosswise and relatively easy to cut lengthwise? We cut the walls of the vessels across, and along we separate one group of vessels from another.

■ From what did scientists obtain nutritious fats using microorganisms (mold, yeast)? These fats can be used as medicine, for the production of margarine and toilet soap. Wood shavings.

■ Between cranberries and cloudberries

Resident of forest swamps.

He's gray underneath

Higher up - greener.

If you need cotton wool,

Get him quickly. Moss.

■ What are the swelling galls on oak leaves and what are their uses? Galls are formed as a result of the laying of insect eggs - gall midges - into the pulp of a leaf; they can be used to obtain black face paint used in cosmetics.

■ Which poisonous plants do you know? Henbane, wolf's bast, lily of the valley fruits, crow's eye, hemlock.

■ Each leaf is divided into slices.

Calculate how many lobes there are?

8, 10, 20, 30...

It's easy to lose count here.

Who has the desire to read the slices again? Yarrow, a medicinal plant whose preparations are used for various diseases stomach, used to stop internal and external bleeding.

■ What was the basis for the expression “Trembles like a leaf”? Aspen leaves have very long petioles and tremble easily from the slightest breeze.

■ Why does hazel bloom in spring and linden in summer? Hazel is pollinated by the wind, and linden is pollinated by bees.

■ What plant are they talking about:

“Hey, brother mosquito, watch out!

Don't sit on her bush -

You'll have to say goodbye to life:

Once you sit down, you can’t get up again”? Sundew, this plant feeds on flies and mosquitoes. A medicine for warts is prepared from it.

■ In what year do pine cones ripen? What about the spruce? For pine in the 2nd year, for spruce in the 1st.

■ How many years can an oak tree live? Up to 2000, and on average 400-500.

■ How to determine the age of a cut tree? By the number of rings on the barrel.

Blitz “Such different plants”

■ Oak fruit. Acorn.

■ Dense forest. Thicket.

■ Oak forest. Dubrava.

■ A cereal with a thick stem and yellow grains collected on the cob. Corn.

■ Mud at the bottom of the pond. Il.

■ A plant that repels the smell of moths. Geranium.

■ Most long lasting tree. Oak.

■ Most high grass on the ground. Bamboo.

■ Tiny plants on the surface of the water. Duckweed.

■ An ear will grow from it if the chicken does not peck it. Corn.

Dried herb, winter cow feed. Hay.

■ A plant that has thorns instead of leaves. Cactus.

■ Vegetable garden for watermelons and melons. Bakhcha.

■ An airy treat loved by children. Corn.

How many amazing plants created by the sorceress Nature. We can only be amazed at the wonderful diversity and amazing properties of plants.

ABOUT unusual plants world we will talk today at our quiz " Interesting plants peace." All quiz questions have answers.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. Which living tree is three times taller than a ten-story building?
Sequoia +
mammoth tree

2. In China, it represents wisdom and longevity. In Japan - happiness and good luck. In the old days, only members could wear clothes with this flower imperial family. What flower are we talking about?
Chrysanthemum +
St. John's wort

3. Which plant is “friendly” with spiders?
Roridula +
Lady's slipper
Dremlik broadleaf

4. In honor of what famous person Camellia got its name?
In honor of the caramel candy
In honor of the naturalist Kamelius +
In honor of doctor Kamel

5. Which plant can catch flies? own leaves like with your hands?
American Flycatcher +
French flycatcher
African flycatcher

6. Which plant has the stem and leaves covered, as if with fallen dew, with sticky and sour drops?
blue cyanosis
Rosolist +
European swimsuit

7. We call the king of forest flowers...
Lily of the valley +

8. What flower was named after the boy Vasily?
Cornflower +

9. What is another name for rose stock?
Rose hip
Mallow +

10. Which flower is named after the professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Johann Gottlieb Georgi?
Dahlia +

Quiz" Amazing world plants".
consolidate knowledge about plants, broaden children's horizons.
The quiz is designed for students in grades 5-8.
Preliminary work:
1. Set up a stand with creative works children (drawings, abstracts, messages on this topic).
2. Arrange a photo exhibition with an image flora(if possible).
3. You can also prepare musical accompaniment (at the discretion of the teacher).
It is proposed to divide the guys into 2 teams, offer to come up with a name for each team. Ask questions to the teams one by one. For each correct answer, the student receives a token. The team (or participant) with the most tokens wins.
Quiz questions.
1. What was the name of the first one? ancient plant on the ground? (Cuxonia).
2. What is the mutually beneficial partnership of two organisms called? (Symbiosis).
3. What are the names of the volatile odor substances released by plants? (Vatoncides).
4. What food do many forest dwellers like: wild boars, deer, bears? (Acorns).
5. What is the name of the oak forest? (Dubrava).
6. How many years does larch live? (up to 500 years).
7. Which tree is the tallest? (Eucalyptus).
8. Where do cranberries grow? (In a swamp or in a pine forest).
9. This plant is called the "root of life." (Ginseng).
10. Which berry is the largest? (Watermelon).
11. Japanese decorative cherry. (Sakura).
12. The ancient Hindus and Egyptians considered this flower to be the flower of the gods. (Lotus).
13. How did the agave (aloe) get its name? (It is believed that it blooms in room conditions once every 100 years).
14. When does the fern bloom? (The fern does not bloom).
15. How old is the raspberry bush? (2 years).
16. Which flower is considered the most beautiful? (Rose).
17. The most important vegetable from nightshades. (Potato).
18. What is the name of the fruit of pineapple and banana? (Berry).
19. Are there carnivorous plants? (Yes. Sundew, Venus flytrap, cephalothus).
20. Which tree is considered a symbol of Russia? (Birch).
21. Another name for earthen pear. (Jerusalem artichoke).
22. What medicine is obtained from seaweed? (Iodine).
23. Chewing gum is made from the gum of which tree? (Sapodillas).
24. First spring forest flower. (Lily of the valley).
25. Tree with cones. (Fur tree, pine tree).
26. Which berry is black, white and red? (Currant).
27. Fossilized resin of the ancients coniferous trees. (Amber).
28. The orange berries of this plant contain a lot of vitamins, and the oil treats burns and frostbite? (Sea ​​buckthorn).
29. What are dried pitted apricots called? (Dried apricots).
30. The fruits of this tropical plant yellow color, large. weighing up to 1 kg. (Mango).
31. This citrus contains a large number of vitamin C. Medieval sailors took it with them on voyages as a remedy for scurvy. (Lemon).
32. Dry leaves of this plant are added to various dishes as an aromatic seasoning. (Laurel).
33. How many years does a baobab tree live? (Up to 3000 years).
34. Where do Velcro flycatchers (Gorgon's roridula) grow? (In southern Africa in the swamps).
35. What grass do cats really like? (To Valerian).
36. What is vanilla? (This is a vine, climbing orchid).
37. What are the names of juniper leaves? (Needles).
38. How many years does a pine tree live? (American pine is long-lived - 4900 years).
39. To what size does the diameter of the trunk of a mammoth tree reach? (up to 10 m).
40. The honey of this tree is considered the most valuable. (Linden).
41. Medicinal tree, stinging weed. (Nettle).
42. The tallest grass on Earth. (Bamboo).
43. From what plants is sugar obtained? (Sugar cane, sugar beets).
44. Does a tree grow in winter? (No. Trees “sleep” in winter).
45. Which plant has the largest fruits in the world? (Pumpkin).
46. ​​Which plant is considered a symbol of peace? (Olive).
47. Which plant has the largest leaves? (Victoria amazonica, diameter more than 2 m).
48. Which plant has the largest flowers? (Rafflesia Arnold, diameter -1 m, weight -6 kg).
50. Which tree is the most frost-resistant? (Larch).
51. Juice of this poisonous medicinal plant remove warts. (Celandine).
52. From which trees is medicine obtained? (Linden, spruce, pine, birch).
53. Which flower is considered the most expensive? (Tulip).
54. This tree is one of the most fragrant, its berries are used as an astringent. (Bird cherry).
55. What herb cures 99 diseases? (St. John's wort).
56. What flower is called iris? (Iris).
57. Which plant is considered the second bread, the breadwinner of the East? (Rice).
58. Which berry will help a sore throat? (Raspberries).
59. What is another name for sweet potatoes? (Sweet potato).
60. What mushroom is called “hare potato”? (Puffball mushroom).
At the end of the quiz, the winners are awarded.

Quiz “Animals – heroes of fairy tales”

Quiz on fairy tales for students primary school

Serdobintseva Valentina Fedorovna, head of the library of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 11, Novy Urengoy, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Description of material: It’s hard to imagine life without fairy tales. They are loved and read not only by children, but also by adults. In fairy tales, animals speak in a human voice and perform actions that are characteristic of humans. In fairy tales, all human vices are ridiculed, and evil is always punished. I offer you a quiz for elementary school students on Russian folk tales about animals. The quiz can be used in lessons on literary reading, as well as in extracurricular activities. This material will be useful to organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers, and librarians.
Target: To expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales, to cultivate intolerance towards people’s vices.
Tasks: To teach to understand the entertaining plots of fairy tales, to be able to draw conclusions. Develop speech
and imaginative thinking. Develop a sustainable interest in reading.
Demo material:
Exhibition of books “In the Land of Fairy Tales”. Children's drawings on the theme of fairy tales. Recording of the song “Little Country”: music by I. Nikolaev, words by I. Reznik.
Progress of the event:
A recording of a song is playing.
Guys! Today we will talk about fairy tales. I think you all love fairy tales, you know them. Look at the wonderful fairy tale characters in your drawings! How many different fairy tales have you read? What do fairy tales teach? (Children's answers) That's right, fairy tales teach you to be kind and fair, to hate villains, to despise cunning people. In fairy tales, since ancient times, there has been an irreconcilable struggle between good and evil. A fairy tale is not just a fiction - folk or author's. This is an entertaining story that tells about an incredible but instructive story that happens to the heroes.
In fairy tales about animals, animals not only speak in a human voice, but also act like people and think like people. Today we will remember fairy tales in which the heroes are animals.
The hero of fairy tales is the fox
1. What fairy tales do you know where the fox’s stupidity and greed are ridiculed?
(“The Fox and the Jug”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Fox and the Black Grouse”)
2. In which fairy tale did the kind fox take her granddaughter home to her grandparents?
("The Snow Maiden and the Fox")
3. What did they treat the savior to?
(cottage cheese, milk, eggs and chicken for the road)
4. Which other animal offered to take the Snow Maiden home?
(bear, wolf)
5. Who taught the wolf to catch a fish with his tail in an ice hole?
(fox, "Sister Fox and the Wolf")
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Blackbird"
1. Why was the blackbird afraid of the fox?
(the fox threatened to eat the blackbird and his babies)
2. What did the thrush feed the fox?
(pies and honey)
3. What was the man carrying along the road?
(beer in a barrel)
4. How did the blackbird give the fox something to drink?
(the blackbird made the man angry, and he knocked a nail out of the barrel, and the beer poured onto the road)
5. What new desires did the fox have?
(she wanted the thrush to make her laugh and then frighten her)
6. How was the fox punished for his greed and stupidity?
(it was torn apart by dogs)
Fairy tale "Cat and Fox"
1. Why did the man take the cat to the forest?
(he was a big spoiler)
2. What name did the cat introduce to the fox?
(Kotofey Ivanovich)
3. What did the wolf and the bear bring as a gift to Kotofey Ivanovich?
(wolf - ram, bear - bull)
4. Who did they send on an errand to the fox and the cat?
5. Where did the wolf and the bear hide from the cat?
(wolf - in the bushes, bear - in the tree)
The hero of fairy tales is a bear
1. In what fairy tale did the man and the bear share the harvest?
("The Man and the Bear")
2. What did the man sow?
(turnip, rye)
3. In what fairy tale did the girl live in a bear’s hut?
("Masha and the Bear")
4. Why did the ox, ram and rooster from the fairy tale “The Bear and the Rooster” run into the forest?
(because the son asked his father to kill them)
5. Where did the bear store the honey in the fairy tale “The Bear and the Fox”?
(in the attic)
6. Who ate all the bear's honey?
Fairy tale "The Bear and the Dog"
1. Why did the owner drive the dog away?
(he became old and stopped guarding the house)
2. Who fed the dog in the forest?
3. Who helped the dog return home?
4. How did the dog thank the bear?
(he brought him treats from the owner’s table)
5. Why did the bear have to run away from the guests?
(he started singing loudly and scared everyone)
The hero of fairy tales is the hare
1. In what fairy tale did the hare save the crow?
(“The hare is bragging”)
2. What did the hare boast about?
(with his mustache, paws and teeth)
3. Why did the hares in the fairy tale “Hares and Frogs” decide to drown themselves in the lake?
(because they are tired of living in fear)
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"
1. In what fairy tale did the fox drive the hare out of his hut?
("The Fox and the Hare")
2. Which hut did the hare have and which did the fox?
(the hare has bast, the fox has ice)
3. Which animal helped the hare drive out the fox?
(dog, bear, bull, rooster)
4. Who drove the fox out of someone else’s hut?
The hero of fairy tales is the wolf
1. In what fairy tale did the wolf change his voice and swallow the kids?
("Wolf and Goat")
2. How did the wolf thank the crane for his salvation in the fairy tale “The Crane and the Wolf”?
(the wolf ate the crane)
3. Who did the wolf want to eat in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Rams”?
(foal, rams, donkey)
4. In what fairy tale does the goat outwit all the wolves and run away home?
("Sly Goat")
Fairy tale "Sheep, fox and wolf"
1. Why did the sheep run away from its owner?
(he blamed her for all the mischief of the ram)
2. Who did the sheep meet on its way?
(fox, wolf)
3. How did the fox and the sheep get rid of the hungry wolf?
(the fox sent him into a trap)
Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
1. What was the name of the king from the fairy tale?
2.How many sons did the king have?
(3 sons)
3. Who stole the golden apples from the king’s garden?
4. What task did the king assign to his sons?
(find the Firebird)
5. Why did the wolf begin to serve Ivan Tsarevich?
(because he ate his horse)
6. Where did Tsarevich Ivan find the Firebird?
(in the castle of King Afron)
7. What did King Afron demand in return for the Firebird?
(bring him a golden-maned horse)
8. What service did King Kusman need to perform?
(bring the daughter of the king of Dalmatia, Elena the Beautiful)
9. Who did the Gray Wolf turn into?
(golden-maned horse, Helen the Beautiful)
10. Who killed Ivan Tsarevich?
11. Who revived Ivan Tsarevich and how?
(The gray wolf sprinkled him with dead and living water)
Issues for discussion:
1.Who are the forest dwellers in fairy tales:
A) the most cunning and why
(fox, deceived everyone)
B) the most evil
(the wolf ate everyone or threatened to eat everyone)
B) the most cowardly
(the hare was afraid of everyone)
D) the strongest
(a bear, he is big, strong and they were afraid of him)
2. In fairy tales, are the wolf and the fox kind, and the hare brave? Give examples.
(Yes. “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Boasting Hare”, “The Snow Maiden and the Fox” and others)
3. You all know the fairy tale “Turnip”. Who helped pull the turnip?
4. Do you think the mouse was the strongest? What is this fairy tale about?
(The mouse is not the strongest, but if everyone gets to work together, everything will work out. And even the smallest
there is no such thing as too much strength)
5. In fairy tales, heroes often get into trouble. Let's remember why this happens. And why
these tales teach:
A) “Wolf and Goat”
(The goats opened the doors to the wolf, and he swallowed them. You cannot open the doors of the house to strangers)
B) “The Fox and the Jug”
(The fox decided to drown the jug and drowned herself. Before doing anything, you need to think carefully)
B) “Goat-dereza”
(The goat deceived the old man, offended the bunny and paid for it. You cannot deceive and offend the weak)
D) "Kolobok"
(Kolobok ran away from his grandparents and the fox ate him. You can’t go far from without permission
at home, it's dangerous)
D) "The Fox and the Crane"
(The fox spared the treats for the crane, and he responded in kind. You can’t be greedy and do bad things)
Fairy tales teach us goodness and justice, instill a sense of optimism and joy. Read fairy tales, learn from other people's mistakes and try not to make your own. Pay attention to the literature exhibition “In the Land of Fairy Tales”. How many interesting, entertaining tales are presented on it. Come to the library, we are waiting for you. Next time we will talk about fairy tales.

List of materials used
1. Russian folk tales: From the collection of A.N. Afanasyev / Intro. article by V. Anikin; ill. N. Kaminsky. - M.: Pravda, 1982.- 576 p.: ill.
2. Russians folk tales/ Comp., will join. Art. and note V.P. Anikina; Drawings by E. Korotkova, N. Kochergin, I. Kuznetsov, K. Kuznetsov, V. Milashevsky, B. Shakhov; Design of B. Shkolnik.- I.: Det. lit., 1986.- 543 p.: ill.
3. My favorite songs (Electronic resource). - 2001, SIMAZ