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Literary reading lesson on the topic “S. Mikhalkov “How an old man sold a cow”” (4th grade)

Literature lesson in 4th grade.

Subject: S.V. Mikhalkov “How an old man sold a cow”


    to form an idea of ​​the life and work of S.V. Mikhalkov and the features of his works;

    creating a situation of optimal emotional perception of the fairy tale “How the Old Man Sold a Cow.”


    development of thinking, creative activity, enrichment vocabulary students;

    speech development, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, find the main thing in the text, determine the idea of ​​the work, express your opinion;

    cultivate feelings of compassion and responsiveness; introducing children through literature to the world of human relations.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: photo by S.V. Mikhalkov, flipchart, RRT “Blitz-tournament “The Life and Work of S.V. Mikhalkov””, excerpt from the cartoon “How an Old Man Sold a Cow”, matches, diagram “Burenka” for creativity, “Apple Tree” for reflection .

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Psychological mood.

There is a saying on the board: “Don’t let your tongue run ahead of your mind.” (Chilon)

Explain the meaning of the statement (children’s opinions)

Eyes look and see

Ears listen and hear

First I think, and then I speak

I remember that I'm not alone in class

I know how to listen to the opinions of others.

    Updating students' knowledge.

    S. Mikhalkov. Life and art. (RRT "Chamomile")

Students take turns going to the board, “plucking chamomile leaves,” and answering questions written on the petals. Next, one student summarizes all the answers, compiles short biography writer.

    The best expert works by Sergei Mikhalkov (flipchart. Assignment: match the illustrations with the corresponding titles of S. Mikhalkov’s works)

    Working on the topic of the lesson.

    Activation of cognitive interest.

Solve the puzzle, name the fairy tale that we will meet today.

(On the board) “How I sold it.”

    Target setting.

Why did the old man change his mind about selling his cow? You must answer this question after listening to the story. (Teacher reading a fairy tale)

    Teacher reading a fairy tale.

    Perception check.

Did you like the fairy tale? What exactly did you like about it?

    Preparing for expressive reading.

On the marketcow the old man was selling,

Nobody for a cowprices didn't give it.

Thoughmany wasI need a little cow ,

But,it is seen , didn't like it she is to people.

    Independent reading by students .(Work in pairs)

An animated film was created based on this fairy tale. Let's watch an excerpt from the cartoon. Did the author of the cartoon manage to convey the idea of ​​S. Mikhalkov’s work?

    Analysis of the text read. Conversation on content. Definition of the idea of ​​a fairy tale?

Why couldn't the old man sell the cow? Read his dialogue with customers.

Who came to his aid? How did the boy praise the cow? Read it.

Why did the owner change his mind about selling his cow?

Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

What did you find funny in the fairy tale, and what did you find instructive?

    Watching a cartoon based on the work of S. Mikhalkov “How an old man sold a cow.”

    Dramatization of the poem. (***) (Appreciation by clapping)

    Creative activity. Work in groups.

Group 1 (*)

Assignment: In the picture you see a cow that has everything it needs: a head, a torso, legs, horns and a tail. Collect the cow's name from the letters.

Group 2 (**). Putting together a puzzle (a still from the animated film “How an Old Man Sold a Cow”). Assignment: assemble a puzzle and “sign” it with words from the text.

Group 3 (***) Come up with a continuation of the story. Assemble a cow (paper plastic)

Will the old man be able to sell his cow?

Regional component. Olga Ukolova talks about the benefits of milk - mini-project.

    Lesson summary.

What work of S. Mikhalkov did we meet in class today?

What did you find particularly interesting in the lesson?


Come up with a fairy tale “Like an old man...”

    Reflection "Burenka".

(Cow, colored spots.)

Our lesson ends. During this time, an amazing tree has grown, thanks to which each of you can show the benefit or uselessness of our lesson.

    If the lesson was fruitful for you and you were satisfied, attach bright spots to the cow.

    If the lesson is no different from previous lessons and has not brought anything new - brown.

    And if time was wasted completely in vain in the lesson, then - black.

Appendix No. 1

On March 13, 1913, Sergei was born in Moscow into the family of a scientific poultry farmer.

Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. Father Vladimir Alexandrovich had a legal education and was involved in restoration National economy. Mother Olga Mikhailovna was a nurse and teacher. Therefore, Sergei Mikhalkov received his initial education at home; he went to a regular school to study in the 4th grade.

At the age of 10 he began writing poetry and publishing a handwritten journal. Since 1933, Mikhalkov’s poems have been published in the magazines Ogonyok, Prozhektor, Izvestia, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. In 1935, the poem “Uncle Styopa” was published. In 1936, Mikhalkov was recognized as a storyteller after retelling the funny fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.” In 1941, on June 27, he went to the front and became a correspondent writer. In 1944 the Anthem was played Soviet Union to the words of S.V. Mikhalkova. In 2001, his poems participated in a competition for a new Anthem, and Mikhalkov won again.

He tried his hand at the genre of children's film fiction, writing scripts for the films “Moscow-Cassiopeia”, “Youths in the Universe”. Many of Mikhalkov's plays were staged in theaters, and cartoons were made based on them. There is probably not a single person in the country who is not familiar with the work of Sergei Vladimirovich. For my long life he created many works for both adults and children. Dads, mothers, grandparents still remember his “Uncle Styopa” - a big man nicknamed “Kalancha”.

Appendix No. 2


On the marketcow the old man was selling

Nobody for a cowprices didn't give it.

Thoughmany wasI need a little cow ,

But,it is seen , didn't like it she is to people.








Collect a cow according to the diagram

Many of us remember the funny children's cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow.” This funny and instructive story was written by S. Mikhalkov. Few people know that the cartoon was created based on his poem.

Nobody takes

Probably everyone watched the cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow” in childhood. The story about the sale of an unfortunate skinny little animal evokes a double feeling. On the one hand, we understand that the cow no longer brings any income to the owner, so he decides to get rid of it. On the other hand, we feel sorry for the poor animal, which has become our family over many years.

The old man just can’t sell his cow. Nobody offers for her good price. Many people are interested in the reason for selling an animal. The owner honestly says that he has been standing at the market since the morning, but no one wants to take it. He asks a very low price for the cow, which scares off potential buyers. And all because she is already old and constantly sick. When people are interested in milk yield, they answer that it is very meager. Of course, such anti-advertising repels even the most unassuming buyer.

The fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow” shows how important a good one is by saying modern language, product PR. After all, sell even the most unnecessary thing A good presentation of its merits will help. But the honest old man doesn’t understand this at all, which is why he’s been standing at the market since the morning.


Is it really possible that the story of how a man sold a cow will end so fruitlessly? Of course no. At the most unexpected moment, a young boy approaches the old man and asks why he hasn’t sold his goods all day. Having learned the truth, he feels sorry for the careless seller and wants to help him. He promises that he will soon find a buyer for him.

Seeing a rich man, the guy offers to buy a cow. When asked how much the animal costs, he replies that only a very wealthy person can afford such a treasure. This surprises our rich man. The cow doesn't look at all bargain purchase! But the young man is not lost here either. He explains the cow’s thinness by the fact that, although she is not fat, she is very “milky.” When the merchant asked about the amount of milk yield, the guy replies that it is so large that even his hands will get tired of milking it.

It seemed that the rich man had already taken the bait of the resourceful seller and was about to agree to purchase such a high-quality product. But the plot turns differently.

Need it yourself!

The story of how a man sold a cow unfolds in a different direction. The old man himself, after listening to the guy’s words about his animal, believed him! Now he doesn’t want to get rid of such goods at all. After all, it turned out that such a beast would be useful to everyone! Now he refuses to sell his beloved Burenka.

Why did this happen? After all, the owner stood at the market all day in order to get rid of unnecessary cattle. The fact is that the guy opened the old man’s eyes to his cow. Knowing that she is sick and practically does not produce milk, the owner believes the words of an unfamiliar guy. Using simple methods successful marketing, the cunning man finds a buyer in no time required product.

Many of us remember the funny children's cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow.” This funny and instructive story was written by Few people know that the cartoon was created based on his poem.

Nobody takes

Probably everyone watched the cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow” in childhood. The story about the sale of an unfortunate skinny little animal evokes a double feeling. On the one hand, we understand that the cow no longer brings any income to the owner, so he decides to get rid of it. On the other hand, we feel sorry for the poor animal, which has become our family over many years.

The old man just can’t sell his cow. Nobody offers a good price for it. Many people are interested in the reason for selling an animal. The owner honestly says that he has been standing at the market since the morning, but no one wants to take it. He asks a very low price for the cow, which scares off potential buyers. And all because she is already old and constantly sick. When people are interested in milk yield, they answer that it is very meager. Of course, such anti-advertising repels even the most unassuming buyer.

The fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow” shows how important good, in modern terms, PR of a product is. After all, a good presentation of its advantages will help sell even the most unnecessary thing. But the honest old man doesn’t understand this at all, which is why he’s been standing at the market since the morning.


Is it really possible that the story of how a man sold a cow will end so fruitlessly? Of course no. At the most unexpected moment, a young boy approaches the old man and asks why he hasn’t sold his goods all day. Having learned the truth, he feels sorry for the careless seller and wants to help him. He promises that he will soon find a buyer for him.

Seeing a rich man, the guy offers to buy a cow. When asked how much an animal costs, he replies that only a very wealthy person can afford it. This surprises our rich man. The cow doesn't look like a bargain at all! But the young man is not lost here either. He explains the cow’s thinness by the fact that, although she is not fat, she is very “milky.” When the merchant asked about the amount of milk yield, the guy replies that it is so large that even his hands will get tired of milking it.

It seemed that the rich man had already taken the bait of the resourceful seller and was about to agree to purchase such a high-quality product. But the plot turns differently.

Need it yourself!

The story of how a man sold a cow unfolds in a different direction. The old man himself, after listening to the guy’s words about his animal, believed him! Now he doesn’t want to get rid of such goods at all. After all, it turned out that such a beast would be useful to everyone! Now he refuses to sell his beloved Burenka.

Why did this happen? After all, the owner stood at the market all day in order to get rid of unnecessary cattle. The fact is that the guy opened the old man’s eyes to his cow. Knowing that she is sick and practically does not produce milk, the owner believes the words of an unfamiliar guy. Using simple methods of successful marketing, the cunning man quickly finds a buyer for an unnecessary product.

The poem “How a Man Sold a Cow” ends with an exclamatory sentence, a remark from the grandfather that such cattle would be suitable for him on the farm.

It is unknown whether he will regret his action. But now he knows what to do if he wants to sell it again.

Bottom line

The buyer also turned out to be stupid. After all, he saw that the guy’s words were not true, but nevertheless he fell for his bait.

This fairy tale teaches us not to trust the seller, but to check the product ourselves very carefully. After all, everyone in the market is looking for their own benefit. The seller tries his best possible ways advertise a thing. And the buyer hopes to purchase something of high quality and inexpensive.

Now we know how the man sold the cow. He did it honestly, without any advertising. But it turned out that people are not at all interested in this, they want to hear that they are taking a worthy thing. A person does not always see how honest they are with him.

Without the resourceful guy, the old man probably would never have been able to understand this truth.

Do you remember the cartoon from Soviet childhood? “Like an old man selling a cow.” Based on the poem of the same name by S.V. Mikhalkov.

Each person and his actions are an example for me. Only the examples are different. And accordingly they evoke two different emotions:
- Yes! This good example! An example of what I will also strive for.
- Yes! This is a good example! An example of what I will definitely never do under any circumstances.

So, in the above-mentioned cartoon, both heroes (the old man and the boy) demonstrate shining example what scares most people away from selling. But was it a sale? No! It was steaming!

1. Why is the old man a steamer?

The old man sees no value in his product:

Selling. I've been standing with her at the market since morning!
- Where to make money! I wish I could give it back!
- She's sick, damn it. It's really trouble!
- Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet...

But at the same time, the old man is not averse to quickly “melting” the worthless goods into the hands of the buyer.

If a trainee store salesperson (or a newbie) tries to do the same thing, he will certainly be disappointed.

“Sales are not my thing. Nobody needs anything. Nobody buys anything...

But it all starts with yourself. You yourself have not yet seen the value in the product. You yourself have not yet understood why the product is needed and what benefits it will bring. You won’t buy it for yourself, but you want to make money on someone else. And people are not fools. They feel when the seller is in a state of “well, at least someone, well, buy from me, well, at least for the purchase.” And of course, buyers pass by, and the seller remains without profit. And in the end, he runs away from sales.

2. Why is the guy a steamer?

The guy is good at marketing techniques:

Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
- Not very fat, but good milk yield.
- If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.

The guy does everything right in order to arouse interest in the product. It skillfully demonstrates the uniqueness of the product. He is truly a true sales master. Indisputable proof of this is that a product no one needed suddenly became in demand.

Where is the problem here? Of course, in the product itself! If you wrap a frankly worthless product in a beautiful marketing wrapper, then the buyer will be the first to be disappointed. And then the seller will be disappointed.

Even if you manage to find a random client and sell him a product, it is unlikely that he will come back for a repeat purchase. Consequently, the seller will be forced to constantly look for new fool clients. Ultimately, useless actions will result in the intern being fired. at will(or a newcomer leaving the business).

The moral is simple.

In order for the sales process to be enjoyable for both parties to the transaction, it is important to have three conditions:

The product must be of high quality.
- The seller must be the first buyer of his product.
- Marketing must be professional.


And you know what? Come today, May 20 at 19.00 Moscow time, to the conference “Network Marketing: Leadership and Sales”!

In my speech I will tell you in detail:
- Why is network marketing not a story about catalogues?
- Without which two important knowledge Can't succeed in network marketing?
- What three types of creating personal turnover can be used? (Two of them do not relate to sales in the literal sense of the word).
- 100 ways to use a paper clip, or how to find your own methods for creating personal turnover?
- 10 specific ways to make personal turnover monthly and without extra effort.

The online conference will take place from May 16 to 25. Among the speakers are TOP Leaders, the first checks of MLM companies, owners of network companies, and business coaches. So the event promises to be cool.

The entrance is free. But places are limited. So be sure to register on time!

There will be entries, but only for a fee! So come in real time. And gain valuable skills for free.

Read more! And don't forget to APPLY! ;)

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