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Literary reading lesson on the topic “S. Mikhalkov “How an old man sold a cow”” (4th grade)

Sergey Mikhalkov

How an old man sold a cow

(presentation of a Russian folk tale)

An old man was selling a cow at the market,
Although many needed a little cow,
But apparently people didn’t like her.

Master, will you sell us your cow?
- I'll sell it. I've been standing with her at the market since morning!

Aren't you asking a lot for her, old man?
- Where to make money! I wish I could give it back!

Your little cow is too thin!
- She's sick, damn it. It's really trouble!

- Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet...

The old man traded at the market all day,
Nobody gave a price for the cow.

One boy took pity on the old man:
- Dad, your hand is not easy!
I'll stand next to your cow,
Maybe we'll sell your cattle.

There comes a buyer with a tight wallet,
And now he is bargaining with the boy;
- Will you sell the cow?
- Buy if you are rich.
Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!

Yes indeed! Looks too skinny!
- Not very fat, but good milk yield.
- Does a cow give a lot of milk?
- If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.

The old man looked at his cow:
- Why am I, Buryonka, selling you?
I won’t sell my cow to anyone -
You need such a beast yourself!

Many of us remember the funny children's cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow.” This funny and instructive story was written by S. Mikhalkov. Few people know that the cartoon was created based on his poem.

Nobody takes

Probably everyone watched the cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow” in childhood. The story about the sale of an unfortunate skinny little animal evokes a double feeling. On the one hand, we understand that the cow no longer brings any income to the owner, so he decides to get rid of it. On the other hand, we feel sorry for the poor animal, which has become our family over many years.

The old man just can’t sell his cow. Nobody offers for her good price. Many people are interested in the reason for selling an animal. The owner honestly says that he has been standing at the market since the morning, but no one wants to take it. He asks a very low price for the cow, which scares off potential buyers. And all because she is already old and constantly sick. When people are interested in milk yield, they answer that it is very meager. Of course, such anti-advertising repels even the most unassuming buyer.

The fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow” shows how important a good one is by saying modern language, product PR. After all, a good presentation of its advantages will help sell even the most unnecessary thing. But the honest old man doesn’t understand this at all, which is why he’s been standing at the market since the morning.


Is it really possible that the story of how a man sold a cow will end so fruitlessly? Of course no. At the most unexpected moment, a young boy approaches the old man and asks why he hasn’t sold his goods all day. Having learned the truth, he feels sorry for the careless seller and wants to help him. He promises that he will soon find a buyer for him.

Seeing a rich man, the guy offers to buy a cow. When asked how much the animal costs, he replies that only a very wealthy person can afford such a treasure. This surprises our rich man. The cow doesn't look at all bargain purchase! But the young man is not lost here either. He explains the cow’s thinness by the fact that, although she is not fat, she is very “milky.” When the merchant asked about the amount of milk yield, the guy replies that it is so large that even his hands will get tired of milking it.

It seemed that the rich man had already taken the bait of the resourceful seller and was about to agree to purchase such a high-quality product. But the plot turns differently.

Need it yourself!

The story of how a man sold a cow unfolds in a different direction. The old man himself, after listening to the guy’s words about his animal, believed him! Now he doesn’t want to get rid of such goods at all. After all, it turned out that such a beast would be useful to everyone! Now he refuses to sell his beloved Burenka.

Why did this happen? After all, the owner stood at the market all day in order to get rid of unnecessary cattle. The fact is that the guy opened the old man’s eyes to his cow. Knowing that she is sick and practically does not produce milk, the owner believes the words of an unfamiliar guy. Using simple methods successful marketing, the cunning man quickly finds a buyer for an unnecessary product.

April 5, 2016

Many of us remember the funny children's cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow.” This funny and instructive story was written by S. Mikhalkov. Few people know that the cartoon was created based on his poem.

Nobody takes

Probably everyone watched the cartoon “How a Man Sold a Cow” in childhood. The story about the sale of an unfortunate skinny little animal evokes a double feeling. On the one hand, we understand that the cow no longer brings any income to the owner, so he decides to get rid of it. On the other hand, we feel sorry for the poor animal, which has become our family over many years.

The old man just can’t sell his cow. Nobody offers a good price for it. Many people are interested in the reason for selling an animal. The owner honestly says that he has been standing at the market since the morning, but no one wants to take it. He asks a very low price for the cow, which scares off potential buyers. And all because she is already old and constantly sick. When people are interested in milk yield, they answer that it is very meager. Of course, such anti-advertising repels even the most unassuming buyer.

The fairy tale “How a Man Sold a Cow” shows how important good, in modern terms, PR of a product is. After all, a good presentation of its advantages will help sell even the most unnecessary thing. But the honest old man doesn’t understand this at all, which is why he’s been standing at the market since the morning.


Is it really possible that the story of how a man sold a cow will end so fruitlessly? Of course no. At the most unexpected moment, a young boy approaches the old man and asks why he hasn’t sold his goods all day. Having learned the truth, he feels sorry for the careless seller and wants to help him. He promises that he will soon find a buyer for him.

Seeing a rich man, the guy offers to buy a cow. When asked how much the animal costs, he replies that only a very wealthy person can afford such a treasure. This surprises our rich man. The cow doesn't look like a bargain at all! But the young man is not lost here either. He explains the cow’s thinness by the fact that, although she is not fat, she is very “milky.” When the merchant asked about the amount of milk yield, the guy replies that it is so large that even his hands will get tired of milking it.

It seemed that the rich man had already taken the bait of the resourceful seller and was about to agree to purchase such a high-quality product. But the plot turns differently.

Video on the topic

Need it yourself!

The story of how a man sold a cow unfolds in a different direction. The old man himself, after listening to the guy’s words about his animal, believed him! Now he doesn’t want to get rid of such goods at all. After all, it turned out that such a beast would be useful to everyone! Now he refuses to sell his beloved Burenka.

Why did this happen? After all, the owner stood at the market all day in order to get rid of unnecessary cattle. The fact is that the guy opened the old man’s eyes to his cow. Knowing that she is sick and practically does not produce milk, the owner believes the words of an unfamiliar guy. Using simple methods of successful marketing, the cunning man quickly finds a buyer for an unnecessary product.

The poem “How a Man Sold a Cow” ends with an exclamatory sentence, a remark from the grandfather that such cattle would be suitable for him on the farm.

It is unknown whether he will regret his action. But now he knows what to do if he wants to sell it again.

Bottom line

The buyer also turned out to be stupid. After all, he saw that the guy’s words were not true, but nevertheless he fell for his bait.

This fairy tale teaches us not to trust the seller, but to check the product ourselves very carefully. After all, everyone in the market is looking for their own benefit. The seller tries his best possible ways advertise a thing. And the buyer hopes to purchase something of high quality and inexpensive.

Now we know how the man sold the cow. He did it honestly, without any advertising. But it turned out that people are not at all interested in this, they want to hear that they are taking a worthy thing. A person does not always see how honest they are with him.

Without the resourceful guy, the old man probably would never have been able to understand this truth.

This story is about a kind and hardworking schoolboy Vasya Rubtsov. The boy loved to go to school, read books with pleasure and wanted to bring benefit to this world. He lived with his father and mother near railway. His father was a railway watchman. Vasya liked trains since childhood; he understood them and even somehow helped the locomotive driver cope with a problem.

In their yard there was old barn, full of firewood and old unnecessary things. A cow lived in this barn. The kind boy Vasya loved his cow very much, he loved to come to her, stroke her fur and talk to her. The cow had a calf, it got sick and Vasya’s father went with it to the veterinarian. Late in the evening the father returned, but without the calf. He was offered a good price for it and he agreed to sell it.

Vasya was upset, he visited the cow. The cow did not stop waiting for her son, she looked sad. The boy stroked the cow for a long time, but she did not respond to his caresses.

The next day, coming home from school, Vasya went up to the cow and hugged her, she jerked sharply, pushed the boy away and ran into the field.

Vasya and his family walked around the neighborhood until midnight and called for their wet nurse, but she never responded.
Waking up early in the morning, the child looked out the window and saw his beloved cow, she was standing near the gate and waiting to be let in. Since then, the cow has lost milk and has become even more gloomy.

During the day, the cow was released into the field, however, it moved little and mostly stood still. One day a cow walked onto the railroad tracks and her father pulled her away. However, since then Vasya began to worry about her. And his fears were not in vain.

One day, returning from school, he saw a freight train in front of the house. A train hit a cow. The driver explained that he had been honking at her for a long time and then braked urgently, but it was too late. The boy was beside himself with grief. The father sold the meat of the killed animal.

At school I was asked to write an essay about some story from my life. Vasya told about how he loved his cow, how her calf was taken away from her, about her suffering and death. He said that she was their nurse, helped plow the field and carried luggage. In the last lines he wrote that he would never forget his cow.
The story teaches the reader to be kind, caring, merciful and hardworking people.

Picture or drawing of a Cow

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