home · Networks · Homemade ceiling fan. How to make different types of fans with your own hands. Aspects of designing a homemade fan

Homemade ceiling fan. How to make different types of fans with your own hands. Aspects of designing a homemade fan

Let's make a simple fan.
You will need:
1. 3V motor
2. Section for 2 batteries of 1.5 V each. I bought it from the CHIP and DIP store.
3. Switch.
4. Wire 15 cm.
5. Reels from fishing line or ropes, a jar from Polysorb, a jar of gouache.
6. Impeller from the power supply cooler.
7. Soldering iron.
8. Thermal gun.
9. Self-tapping screws 11 pcs. 2 cm long.

1. Take spools of thread with a diameter of 5 mm and a height of 4.5 cm - from fishing line or cord.
We mark a hole for the switch with a marker and cut a hole slightly smaller than the size of the switch with nail scissors and insert the switch into the reel:

2. Now we form the fan frame: put 3 bobbins together and mark four holes for bolts or screws with a marker on the bottom of the upper bobbins. We burn holes through the edges of two bobbins:

3. Using a lighter, melt and clear the red wire from the section with batteries and attach it to one terminal of the switch, and to the other - the second red wire. To isolate the terminals from contact with each other, fill them with hot glue:

4. We attach the red wire to the plus + of the engine, and the black wire, respectively, to the minus - of the engine:

5. The top can be made from a gouache box: on the lid with a soldering iron we form a hole for the wires and 3 holes for the screws. And on the box itself we cut a hole with nail scissors slightly smaller than the diameter of the engine and place it inside. As in the case of the switch, you can pour hot glue on the outside for reliability.

6. We place the impeller from the cooler on the plug, fill the voids with plasticine or fill it with paraffin, use a screw or an awl to make a hole in the plug, fill it epoxy glue or hot glue, and place it on the engine. If this epoxy resin- leave it to dry for a day and only then turn it on!

Creating air flow with high density possible in several ways. One of the effective ones is a radial type fan or “snail”. It differs from others not only in shape, but also in its operating principle.

Fan device and design

Sometimes an impeller and a power unit are not enough to move air. In conditions of limited space, a special type of design should be used exhaust equipment. It has a spiral-shaped body that acts as an air channel. You can make it yourself or purchase it already finished model.

To form the flow, the design includes a radial impeller. It connects to the power unit. The wheel blades have a curved shape and create a discharged area when moving. Air (or gas) enters it from the inlet pipe. When moving along the spiral body, the speed at the outlet increases.

Depending on the application, the centrifugal fan volute can be general purpose, heat-resistant or corrosion-resistant. It is also necessary to take into account the amount of air flow created:

  • low pressure. Scope of application: production workshops, Appliances. The air temperature should not exceed +80°C. Mandatory absence of aggressive environments;
  • average pressure value. It is part of exhaust equipment for removing or transporting small fraction materials, sawdust, grain;
  • high pressure. Forms an air flow into the fuel combustion zone. Installed in many types of boilers.

The direction of movement of the blades is determined by the design, and, in particular, by the location of the outlet pipe. If it is located on the left side, the rotor should rotate clockwise. The number of blades and their curvature are also taken into account.

For powerful models, you need to make a reliable base with your own hands to secure the body. Industrial installation will vibrate strongly, which can lead to its gradual destruction.


First of all, you need to decide functional purpose centrifugal fan. If it is necessary for ventilation of a certain part of the room or equipment, the housing can be made from scrap materials. To complete the boiler, you will need to use heat-resistant steel or make it from stainless steel sheets yourself.

First, the power is calculated and the set of components is determined. The best option The snail will be dismantled from old equipment - an extractor hood or a vacuum cleaner. The advantage of this manufacturing method is the exact match between the power of the power unit and the body parameters. A snail fan can be easily made with your own hands only for some applied purposes in a small home workshop. In other cases, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made industrial-type model or take an old one from a car.

Procedure to make a centrifugal fan with your own hands.

  1. Calculation overall dimensions. If the device will be installed in a confined space, special damper pads are provided to compensate for vibration.
  2. Manufacturing of the body. In the absence of finished design You can use plastic sheets, steel or plywood. In the latter case Special attention is given to sealing joints.
  3. Installation diagram of the power unit. It rotates the blades, so you need to choose the type of drive. For small designs, a shaft is used to connect the motor gearbox to the rotor. In powerful installations, a belt type drive is used.
  4. Fastening elements. If the fan is installed on the outer casing of, for example, a boiler, mounting U-shaped plates are made. With significant power, it will be necessary to make a reliable and massive base.

This general scheme, according to which you can make a functional exhaust centrifugal unit with your own hands. It may change depending on the availability of components. It is important to comply with the housing sealing requirements, as well as ensure reliable protection power unit from possible clogging with dust and debris.

The fan will make a lot of noise during operation. Reducing this will be problematic, since vibration of the housing during the movement of air flows is almost impossible to compensate with your own hands. This is especially true for models made of metal and plastic. Wood can partially reduce background noise, but at the same time it has a short service life.

In the video you can see the process of manufacturing a case from PVC sheets:

Review and comparison of production ready models

When considering a radial volute fan, you need to take into account the material of manufacture: cast aluminum housing, sheet or stainless steel. A model is selected based on specific needs; consider an example of serial models in a cast case.

Summer has arrived, which means heat, heat and an eternal lack of coolness. But this problem can be fixed, and quite easily. You only need a few details and a little free time to make your life easier with your own hands, to fill it with the light coolness that you will certainly get by making USB fan Houses. Of course, you can go and buy a fan in a store, but how nice it will be to sit next to the same computer, and a light breeze from the USB fan you created will blow on you. And a thing created with your own hands always pleases not only the eye, but also develops self-love.

We invite you to watch a video of a homemade USB fan:

Tools for usb fan:
- A regular CD (not necessarily new);
- The tube of silicone glue is empty;
- Wooden block;
- Mini disk;
- USB cord;
- Motor;
- Holder;
- Adapter;
- Silicone glue gun.

You need to make three holes in the tube, one in the lid and two on the sides. Holes can be easily made using a regular nail, which must first be heated.

IN wooden block it is also necessary to make a slot or recess. This can be easily done using sandpaper.

The mini disk easily turns into a propeller. To do this, you need to draw it into uniform blades, then heat a stationery knife and cut along pre-drawn lines. And after that, we heat the base of each blade with a lighter and, using our hands, bend each blade a little to make a propeller.

We take the motor, holder and adapter from a non-working CD drive.

Now let's start assembling the USB fan.

Heat up the glue gun. Lubricate the holder along the axis with silicone glue from a glue gun. The propeller must be firmly seated on this glue. Press on all sides. Then, on the other side of the holder, add a drop of glue and glue the adapter. We wait until the glue dries well. This usually only takes a couple of minutes.

Now take a tube of silicone glue, remove the lid and coat the inside with silicone glue. And we insert the motor inside so that the part that we will connect sticks out of the hole that we originally made.

Then we insert the USB cord into the side hole of the glue tube and connect the ends of the wires to the motor.

You need to pour silicone glue into the recess in the wooden block, and place the wire from the USB cord tightly there, and glue the tube itself with the motor inside to the base of the block. And on the other side of the block we glue the CD with silicone glue.

Now the propeller needs to be placed on the side of the adapter glued to it onto the sharp edge of the motor, which sticks out of the hole in the tube from under the glue.

And finally, our USB fan can be plugged into the network and get that long-awaited coolness.

So, all you need to prepare is sharp knife, electrical tape, an unnecessary USB cord and, in fact, a homemade executive body. As for the latter, it is customary to use one of two options: an old cooler from a computer or a motor from a typewriter. Next, we will look at two instructions that will clearly explain how to make a USB fan at home with your own hands!

Idea No. 1 – Use a cooler

As a rule, it will take no more than 15 minutes to assemble a USB fan from a cooler. First you need to prepare the cooler. There are two wires coming out of the device - black and red. Strip the insulation to 10 mm and set the prepared element aside.

Next you need to prepare the USB cable. Cut off one half of it and peel off the insulation at the cut point. Under it you will see four contacts, of which two are necessary: ​​red and black. You also clean them, but it’s better to cut off the other two (usually green and white) so that they don’t get in the way.

Now, as you understand, you need to connect the prepared contacts in pairs, according to: red to red, black to black. After this, you need to carefully insulate the cable connections and make a stand. As for the stand, it’s a matter of your imagination. Some successfully use wire, some very interestingly cut out a seat in a cardboard box.

In the end, the homemade mini fan is connected to the computer, and you can enjoy the operation of your own electrical appliance.

Cooler idea

Idea No. 2 – Use a motor

In order to make a USB fan from a motor and a CD, it will take a little more time, but you can still easily make such an electrical device with your own hands in an hour.

First, we prepare all the elements of the device. In this case, you will also need an impeller (blades).

To make the impeller, we recommend using an ordinary CD. Line it up by 8 equal parts and carefully cut towards the center. Next, heat the disk (you can use a lighter), and when the plastic becomes more elastic, bend the blades (as shown in the photo).

If the impeller is not bent, while the disk rotates air flow will not be created. Here you need to use moderation so as not to overdo it.

When the blades are ready, move on to creating the main mechanism. We recommend inserting it inside the disk plastic stopper, in which you need to make a hole for the motor barrel. Carefully fix the core and move on to creating a USB fan support for the laptop.

Here, as in the previous version, everything depends on your imagination. Of all the available means, the option with wire is the most suitable. When homemade USB the fan is ready, we connect the motor wires to the cord wires, carefully insulate the twist and proceed to test work.

Visual video instructions:

Disk idea

CD idea #2

As you can see, in order to make a fan from a cooler or a motor from a machine, it does not require much time and skills in working with electrical appliances. Even a beginner can cope with this task!