home · Appliances · Poems for children "my home". Poems about home and various things Independent quatrain on the topic of home

Poems for children "my home". Poems about home and various things Independent quatrain on the topic of home


Of course he will

A little papery.

Of course he will

Not very brick

But - white-walled,

But he’s cute.

From this house for sure

No one will ever chase away a puppy.

B. Serikbaev

Here is a tall house.

We'll get around it with difficulty,

Let's go around, let's go around

And let's go to the neighbors.

A house with windows is like cheese.

There are many, many apartments in it.

Gurina Irina

My house

Look: this is a house-

With a roof, a door and a window,

And with a porch and a chimney,

The color of the house is blue.

Feel free to come into the house!

Are you inviting? Let's come in!

Our songs say so,

How do we think about

That our hearts are all beating

Welcome back to your father's house.

Talyzin Vladimir

New house

To build a new house,

They stock up on oak planks,

Bricks, iron, paint,

Nails, tow and putty.

And then, then, then

They begin to build a house.

In the city there are houses - houses

And there are probably thousands of cars,

And I'm small, I'm a gnome,

I have a house made of snow.

It has no elevator and no light,

But I like it all.

I'm not asking to go to a big house,

I get into the sled quickly.

I'll slide down the icy hill,

Who's going to ride with me?!

Taktaeva L.

New house

The truck brought, growling,

Full brick body.

And the driver brought the other one

Crushed stone, lime and mortar.

Ringing and thunder are all around.

A new house is being built quickly.

He's almost ready

And a team of painters

Paints in Blue colour facade:

There will be a kindergarten in the house.

L. Rashkovsky

Look: this is a house-

With a roof, a door and a window,

And with a porch and a chimney,

The color of the house is blue.

Feel free to come into the house!

Are you inviting? Let's come in!

Nikolay Gol

Here is a square, a triangle,

It turned out to be a whole house!

We'll put a cat in it,

This will be fun for him!

Here's a flower on the windowsill,

Tea table on the balcony.

Next to the house is a garage,

The booth and our dog.

I built a house

Little house

So that a mouse lives in it,

I didn't go to the hole.

But the snail came

She stole the house

And he lives in a little house,

Instead, instead of a mouse.

N. Rodivilina

The bee buzzes: zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,

I guard my sweet house.

It has a wonderful lunch

Tastier than waffles and sweets!

And who doesn’t believe, I’ll treat you,

But, of course, I won’t let you into the house!

From blades of grass and pine needles

Ants are building a house.

From trees and bark

The house is made by beavers.

To keep her warm

The squirrel is looking for a hollow.

From what, tell me?

Do hedgehogs make a house?

I. Stolova

I'll build myself a house

There will be a lot of space in it!

There will be a table and a stove in the house.

I will let a sheep into my house.

I'll let the cockerel into my house,

Well, and a chicken - with him.

And the cow and the kids,

And horses - piglets.

A dog and a cat - of course,

They have more fun with me.

I need a goose for order,

Whoever is naughty will pinch your heel.

The owl will live with us -

Guard the house at night...

But I began to doubt something:

Will mom and dad agree?

L. Taktaeva

In the city there are houses - houses

And there are probably thousands of cars,

And I'm small, I'm a gnome,

I have a house made of snow.

It has no elevator and no light,

But I like it all.

I'm not asking to go to a big house,

I get into the sled quickly.

I'll slide down the icy hill,

Who's going to ride with me?!

N. Shichaev

I saw in the forest

Amazing house

A funny guy lives in it

Friendly gnome.

It has walls made of waffles and

Roof in fondant -

Wonderful shade

And the door is chocolate.

Porch steps -

Fragrant iris,

Windows with a heart -

Arasivo, nice.

In the garden near the house

Marmalade bushes,

Dewdrops from rum,

Lemonade fountain.

I liked it very much

I want a fairytale house

What a pity that it's a sprout

I'm taller than a gnome.

D. Denisov

One day I caught a bug

Built a house out of sand

I made two windows on the sides,

So that there is light in the house. In the meantime

It is slightly unfinished

There is no life for a beetle in the sand - longing:

Huddled in a corner and sitting

He moves his mustache angrily.

I had to assemble it from matches

Two stools, a table, a bed,

Make pictures out of candy wrappers,

Weave baskets from twigs,

Put a cabinet out of a box

And even a shower from a cap.

I just didn't take into account one thing:

My bug escaped through the window.

A. Alferova

For a long time the woodpecker was hammering the oak tree,

The wolf was awakened by a knock.

The wolf ran through the forest...

The bunny in the bushes was trembling.

Oh, how the bunny trembled...

The bumblebee was buzzing on the daisy tree.

Our bumblebee buzzed:


I walk to the side.

I approached the oak tree

And I found the robber.

And the robber, my friend,

The new house was caulked.

We began to live in the house,

They began to guard the house.

Wolf and bunny, bumblebee and hedgehog, -

How nice our house is!

L. Aleynikova

The house we live in

Located around the corner.

It is large, multi-story,

With a new elevator, very important!

He wears a flamboyant hat,

Above all the neighboring houses!

Top - round antenna

In a web of wires,

They live in it at the same time

One hundred people and one hundred cats!

Hey hello! - I meet the house,

I raised my head up,

He shakes the roof in response:

WITH Good morning, Yaroslav!

It’s so good, it’s easy to be at home,

Where everything is cozy, close and familiar;

I can always hide from problems there,

And failures and troubles do not frighten you.

In difficult times I hurry home quickly -

My native walls will warm my heart;

My dear home is my reliable pier,

For me, he is the beginning of everything!

It is sometimes possible to visit foreign lands -

I’m sad for my home there, I won’t hide it,

And every day I wait more and more impatiently,

When I come to my native places again.

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace,

But in our life is complex, hectic

There is no place in the world dearer to me,

Warmer, cozier, closer and brighter!

Kryukov Mikhail

I'll build myself a house

There will be a lot of space in it!

There will be a table and a stove in the house.

I will let a sheep into my house.

I'll let the cockerel into my house,

Well, and a chicken - with him.

And the cow and the kids,

And horses - piglets.

A dog and a cat - of course,

They have more fun with me.

I need a goose for order,

Whoever is naughty will pinch your heel.

The owl will live with us -

Guard the house at night...

But I began to doubt something:

Will mom and dad agree?

Stolova I.

The house has moved

Near the Stone Bridge,

Where does the Moscow River flow?

Near the Stone Bridge

The street has become narrow.

There's congestion on the street,

The drivers there are worried.

Oh, - the guard sighs,

The corner house is in the way!

Syoma was not at home for a long time -

Vacationed in Artek Syoma,

And then he got into the carriage,

And he returned to Moscow.

Here's a familiar twist -

But no house, no gate!

And Syoma stands in fear

And he rubs his eyes with his hands.

The house stood

On this spot!

He has gone

Together with the residents!

Where is the fourth house number?

He was visible a mile away! -

Syoma speaks anxiously

To the guard on the bridge.-

I returned from Crimea,

I need to go home!

Where is the tall gray house?

My mom is in it!

The guard answered Syoma:

You got in the way

You've been decided in your home

Take him to the alley.

Look around the corner

And you will find this house.

Syoma whispers with tears:

Maybe I'm crazy?

I think you told me

Do the houses seem to be moving?

Syoma rushed to the neighbors,

And the neighbors say:

We go all the time, Syoma,

We're going for ten days in a row.

These walls move quietly

And mirrors don't break,

There are vases in the buffet,

The lamp in the room is intact.

Oh, I was happy

So we can go

Well, then to the village in the summer

We'll go to this house!

A neighbor will come to visit us:

“Ah!” - and at home... there is no home.

I won't learn my lesson

I'll tell the teachers:

All textbooks are far away:

The house walks through the fields.

Join us for firewood

The house will go straight into the forest.

We are walking - and the house is behind us,

We are home - and the house... has disappeared.

The house went to Leningrad

To the October Parade.

Tomorrow morning, at dawn,

The house will return, they say.

Dom said before leaving:

"Wait before entering,

Don't run after me -

I have a day off today."

No, - Syoma decided angrily,

The house shouldn't run around on its own!

Man is the master of the house,

Everything around us is obedient to us.

We want - and in the blue sea,

IN blue sky let's swim!

We want -

And we'll move the house,

If the house bothers us!

Our phone is broken
He has been silent for a week now.
And dad asks:
You should call a mechanic!
Yu. Mogutin
Dad knocked over the vase:
Who will punish him?
- It’s fortunate, it’s fortunate, -

The whole family will say.
Well, what if, unfortunately,
I did it!
- You're a bum, you're a bungler! -
They'll talk about me.
O. Grigoriev
Together with brother
We today
With brother Borka
Were busy
I'll do the dishes
Washed it up
The floor has been wiped
Watered the flowers
Hid it in the closet
Your boots,
Removed from the trestle bed
Well, Borka,
Little brother
Also contributed
Possible contribution:
He's in a stroller
Lying down
Clean up for me
Didn't interfere.
I. Melnichuk
I'll draw
Of course he will
A little papery.
Of course he will
Not very brick
But - white-walled,
But he’s cute.
From this house for sure
No one will ever chase away a puppy.
B. Serikbaev

If I sweep the floor -
I raise dust to the sky,
If I start doing laundry -
I flood the whole apartment.
If I wash the dishes -
The roar is heard everywhere:
Cups are breaking
The saucers are beating
No spoons are given into your hands.
I have -
By Grandma -
P. Sinyavsky
I am waiting for a call
Call back all evening -
This is the phone ringing:
Mom, dad, Uncle Zhenya, -
They ask everyone without exception.
But I confess to you, friends,
The "exception" is me.
Would like to chat with someone
Through the tube, at least a little bit.
I wish there was an elephant or a gazelle
They called once a week.
I wouldn't forget them
If only I knew the number.
D. Polovnev
Bright sunny weather
Happy, happy kids.
Only Zina is walking about something
Sad in the morning:
Asks the sun to close,
Remove the rays from the clouds.
Cloud asks to appear,
Get everything wet.
Looks at the blue sky
And to the blue horizon...
What's wrong with the girl?
Mom bought her an umbrella!
G. Ladonshchikov
- What’s the weather like, tell me, if possible, -
At the window, the umbrella asked carefully.
“The sun is shining,” I heard in response, “
And there is not a cloud in the high sky.
An umbrella turned in the corner, sighing:
“The weather,” he said, “is bad.”
- What’s the weather like, tell me if you can
For tomorrow? – he asked again carefully.
“Gray and damp,” I heard in response, “
Clouds and rain.
And the umbrella exclaimed:
- Hooray! Grace!
It's nice to walk in this weather!
S. Jaksevac
Poor umbrella
He's chilled
I was completely wet.
Sun, look out again -
The umbrella wants to rest!
T. Shapiro
Fast, brilliant,
A real craftswoman:
Work does not require rewards,
The whole world is happy with her new clothes.
V. Karizna
Save yourself quickly -
The glue has escaped from the kitchen!
He doesn't feel sorry for anyone:
Everyone you don't meet
Glued together a hanger and a hat,
I glued the lamp and the coat together,
He glued dad to the chair -
You can't peel it off, no way!
The lights in the city are going out -
They also stuck together...
And my eyes began to stick together,
So that everyone can sleep quickly.
J. Brzechwa
If there is a roof
And there is a staircase
Possible on the roof
Climb the floor of the ladder.
Possible on the roof
Run later
And you can lie down and fall apart.
Everything is possible.
We must not forget only that
What can you do from the roof?
Fall down!!!
V. Danko
Once - a step,
Two is a step
Three - bruised knee.
On the fourth
On the step
I get down on all fours.
May the steps be high
There are bruises on the knees,
I climbed the stairs
The rest is nothing!
A. Akhundova
Record player
Tape recorder, tape recorder!
What he hears is what he writes.
Little mice squeal from their holes,
Mosquitoes squeak under my ear,
Grasshoppers and birds
They sing without rehearsals.
Well, and then, in the middle of winter,
We invite everyone to visit:
Everyone wants to hear
Like summer thunder rumbles.
N. Bromley
Little house
When I have a small house,
Then I will start on my farm:
Two fluffy cats
Three fluffy cows
Four horned goats,
Five mugs with a pattern of roses,
Six glass glasses,
Seven tin knives,
Eight new teapots,
Nine tablespoons
Ten dessert spoons
Eleven porcelain bowls.
That's how much in total
I will manage my farm,
When will I have
Little house.
E. Fargen

Lots of furniture in the apartment
One two three four,
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.
We'll hang the shirt in the closet,
And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard.
To give your legs a rest,
Let's sit on the chair for a while.
And when we were fast asleep,
We were lying on the bed.
And then me and the cat
We sat at the table
They drank tea and jam together.
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.
N. Nishcheva

Our new broom
I chalked the house every day,
I swept away all the specks of dust,
But one day she said this:
- I'm working...
And they praise Alla!
I. Muraveiko

With thread
No -
Can not
To become necessary
V. Lunin
New house
The truck brought, growling,
Full brick body.
And the driver brought the other one
Crushed stone, lime and mortar.
Ringing and thunder are all around.
A new house is being built quickly.
He's almost ready
And a team of painters
Paints the facade blue:
There will be a kindergarten in the house.
L. Rashkovsky
Climb onto the windowsill.
Press your nose to the glass.
Look out into the yard
I love from the window.
Outside the window is nature, morning, day and night.
The weather outside is
Sun, wind, rain.
There are trees outside the window,
People and houses
And in the window, probably
I am visible myself.
More than pictures
More than a movie
More than records
I love the window.
A. Akhundova
Movie goes on day after day
On this screen.
Sunshine, full of greenery
On the screen in summer.
And in winter the ice turns blue,
Snow flies while playing.
The movie goes on and on and on
Without end and edge.
A. Shibaev
Very clean on the floor
The floor is very clean
The broom in the corner is boring.
He has nothing to do
I stayed until the evening...
I tear up paper and run -
I'm making trash bins!
So I ran until I sweated -
Lots of rubbish on the floor:
There will be work for the broom,
Don't be bored in the corner!
Y. Akim

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,
Where are you sticking your nose?
- Zhu-zhu-zhu! Ju-ju-ju!
I'm putting things in order!
A. Maslennikova
Washing machine
No, don't
Hunch your backs
Above the trough
Day after day.
After all, the washing machine
Deal with the laundry.
Will roll,
It will pass
Will re-soap
It will steam,
Will squeeze...
V. Prikhodko
Tiger bought a TV
The best one asked.
“I love,” he said sternly, “
May there be a lot of stripes!
G. Vieru
Tick ​​tock
I can’t understand at all -
Where does Tick-Tock sit in the clock?
I took apart the entire alarm clock,
There's a whole lot of details there!
Shooter, cogs, springs,
Different gears...
No Tic-Tac! Where is Tik-Tak?
There's no way to catch him.
My dad fixed the watch
The alarm went off again...
Apparently he caught Tic-Tac
And he put him in his place.
I. Gamazkova
Tick ​​tock, the clock goes by
The arrow is hurrying somewhere,
Roaming around in circles
And jumps like a squirrel.
Counting down the minutes
Another one is crawling behind her.
This work is a burden to her -
How lazy!
And the third arrow is sleeping,
Counts the clock in a dream
And time is not worth it
And it flies by quickly.
T. Kamenev
What does a watch do?
They say: the clock is standing,
They say: the clock is rushing,
They say: the clock is ticking,
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together,
And the clock hangs in place.
V. Orlov

To build a new house,
They stock up on oak planks,
Bricks, iron, paint,
Nails, tow and putty.
And then, then, then
They begin to build a house.
I. Demyanov

Children's poems about different houses, building houses, animal houses and fairy houses:

S. Son

Everyone has their own home:
Tom the dog is dozing in the booth,
The hen sleeps in the chicken coop,
In the hole is a mouse, its neighbor.

The house we live in
Located around the corner.
It is large, multi-story,
With a new elevator, very important!
He wears a flamboyant hat,
Above all the neighboring houses!
Top - round antenna
In a web of wires,
They live in it at the same time
One hundred people and one hundred cats!
- Hey hello! - I meet the house,
I raised my head up,
He shakes the roof in response:
- Good morning, Yaroslav!

K. Melnikova

Here is a square, a triangle,
It turned out whole house!
We'll put a cat in it,
This will be fun for him!
Here's a flower on the windowsill,
Tea table on the balcony.
Next to the house is a garage,
The booth and our dog.

I built house,
Little house
So that a mouse lives in it,
I didn't go to the hole.
But the snail came
She stole the house
And he lives in a little house,
Instead, instead of a mouse.

N. Rodivilina

The bee buzzes: zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,
I guard my sweet house.
It has a wonderful lunch
Tastier than waffles and sweets!
And who doesn’t believe, I’ll treat you,
But, of course, I won’t let you into the house!

From blades of grass and pine needles
They are building house ants.
From trees and bark
The house is made by beavers.
To keep her warm
The squirrel is looking for a hollow.
From what, tell me?
Do hedgehogs make a house?

I. Stolova

I'll build myself house,
There will be a lot of space in it!
There will be a table and a stove in the house.
I will let a sheep into my house.
I'll let the cockerel into my house,
Well, and a chicken - with him.
And the cow and the kids,
And horses - piglets.
A dog and a cat - of course,
They have more fun with me.
I need a goose for order,
Whoever is naughty will pinch your heel.
The owl will live with us -
Guard the house at night...
But I began to doubt something:
Will mom and dad agree?

L. Taktaeva

In the city there are houses - houses
And there are probably thousands of cars,
And I'm small, I'm a gnome,
I have a house made of snow.
It has no elevator and no light,
But I like it all.
I'm not asking to go to a big house,
I get into the sled quickly.
I'll slide down the icy hill,
Who's going to ride with me?!

N. Shichaev

I saw in the forest
Amazing house,
A funny guy lives in it
Friendly gnome.
It has walls made of waffles and
Roof in fondant -
Wonderful shade
And the door is chocolate.
Porch steps -
Fragrant iris,
Windows with a heart -
Arasivo, nice.
In the garden near the house
Marmalade bushes,
Dewdrops from rum,
Lemonade fountain.
I liked it very much
I want a fairytale house
What a pity that it's a sprout
I'm taller than a gnome.

D. Denisov

One day I caught a bug
Built house from sand,
I made two windows on the sides,
So that there is light in the house. In the meantime
It is slightly unfinished
There is no life for a beetle in the sand - longing:
Huddled in a corner and sitting
He moves his mustache angrily.
I had to assemble it from matches
Two stools, a table, a bed,
Make pictures out of candy wrappers,
Weave baskets from twigs,
Put a cabinet out of a box
And even a shower from a cap.
I just didn't take into account one thing:
My bug escaped through the window.

A. Alferova

For a long time the woodpecker was hammering the oak tree,
The wolf was awakened by a knock.
The wolf ran through the forest...
The bunny in the bushes was trembling.
Oh, how the bunny trembled...
The bumblebee was buzzing on the daisy tree.
Our bumblebee buzzed:
I walk to the side.
I approached the oak tree
And I found the robber.
And the robber, my friend,
New house caulked.
We began to live in the house,
They began to guard the house.
Wolf and bunny, bumblebee and hedgehog, -
How nice our house is!

L. Aleynikova

Each house has its own owner.
Birds make nests and live in them.
The bunny has it under a bush, in a small hole,
Foxes and mice run into holes.
Teddy bear - in a huge den,
The squirrels' house is a hollow,
Various herbs live by the road,
The house of all fish is rocked by waves.
The dragonfly's home is made of openwork leaves,
A spider's mesh house
Here is my house, it is big and beautiful,
It always makes us feel warm and cozy!

The bird has a nest, and the trample has a den.
Let everyone find a house to their liking.
I don’t know what kind of house pleases a boa constrictor,
But even the boa constrictor house there will be.
The hole is for a hedgehog, and the hollow is for a swift.
And if suddenly one of them is dissatisfied,
Then he, like others, is completely free
Look after both the nest and the hut.
And let everyone say, this house is ours!
And dad, and mom, and brother and sister.
Let's close the page without arguing,
Whose house is more comfortable, whose house is brighter.
Let's not disturb any birds or animals!

Children's room.
When we have a free hour,
We don’t waste our time –
After all, in our children's room
There are many toys:
Parsley, Lego, truck,
In addition, in children's children's books
There's a lot on the shelf!
N. Gol

Living room.
We're spending a long evening
IN common room- living room.
The whole family feels comfortable in it:
Who - with knitting,
Who's with the newspaper...
And also in this living room
We welcome guests!
N. Gol

We don't mind the foam!
How nice and sweet
The washcloth flashes
And the soap lathers,
And splashing fountains
They're flying away from me
Around the bathroom room
In honor of Bath Day!
N. Gol

Mom is preparing dinner in the kitchen.
Best place no for this!
Our kitchen is beautiful and clean:
Kitchen table, frying pans, stove...
And to taste what’s ready,
Let's move to the dining room.
N. Gol
All houses have hallways,
In general, similar:
They have rugs and hangers,
Mirrors are hung in them.
In the rain, and in the snow, and on a fine day
Entrance and exit - from the hallway
N. Gol

A bedroom is a room where one sleeps.
For example, in our
The bear and the soldier are dozing,
Piggy and Stepashka.
The night whispers from all corners:
- Good night! Sweet owls!
N. Gol

Dining room.
It's not just gatherings here:
The important thing is food.
The fork is to the left of the plate,
The knife is on the right, as always.
Don't make noise at the table
After all, we have a decent house!
N. Gol

Climb onto the windowsill.
Press your nose to the glass.
Look out into the yard
I love from the window.
Outside the window is nature, morning, day and night.
The weather outside is
Sun, wind, rain.
There are trees outside the window,
People and houses
And in the window, probably
I am visible myself.
More than pictures
More than a movie
More than records
I love the window.
A. Akhundova

Movie goes on day after day
On this screen.
Sunshine, full of greenery
On the screen in summer.
And in winter the ice turns blue,
Snow flies while playing.
The movie goes on and on and on
Without end and edge.
A. Shibaev

Home is where you are ready to return again and again,
Fierce, kind, gentle, angry, barely alive, barely alive.
Home is where they understand you, where they hope and wait,
Where they forgot about the bad things - (this is your home).

Behind the clouds above, a home has been prepared for you and me,
A house prepared by the Father to live in, to live in.
But in order to live in this house, you need to keep in your hearts
Peace and warmth, love and light.

The house we live in
Located around the corner.
It is large, multi-story,
With a new elevator, very important!
He wears a flamboyant hat,
Above all the neighboring houses!
On top is a round antenna
In a web of wires,
They live in it at the same time
One hundred people and one hundred cats!
- Hey hello! - I meet the house,
I raised my head up,
He shakes the roof in response:
— Good morning, Yaroslav!

I'll draw
Of course he will
A little papery.
Of course he will
Not very brick
But - white-walled,
But he’s cute.
From this house for sure
No one will ever chase away a puppy.

Serikbaev B.

My beloved, bright house,
We live happily in it!
I'll wake up early in the morning,
I will stretch very sweetly,
I will smile tenderly at my mother,
I will hug my brother tightly.
Dad plays a cartoon for us
Mom is serving breakfast...
Our house smells delicious:
Happiness, Joy, Love!!!

Here is a tall house.
We'll get around it with difficulty,
Let's go around, let's go around
And let's go to the neighbors.
A house with windows is like cheese.
There are many, many apartments in it.

Gurina Irina

It’s so good, it’s easy to be at home,
Where everything is cozy, close and familiar;
I can always hide from problems there,
And failures and troubles do not frighten you.

In difficult times, I hurry home quickly -
My native walls will warm my heart;
My dear home is my reliable pier,
For me, he is the beginning of everything!

It is sometimes possible to visit foreign lands -
I’m sad for my home there, I won’t hide it,
And every day I wait more and more impatiently,
When I come to my native places again.

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace,
But in our life is complex, hectic
There is no place in the world dearer to me,
Warmer, cozier, closer and brighter!

Kryukov Mikhail

Look: this is a house -
With a roof, a door and a window,
And with a porch and a chimney,
The color of the house is blue.
Feel free to come into the house!
- Do you invite? Let's come in!

Gol Nikolay

Our songs say so,
How do we think about
That our hearts are all beating
Welcome back to your father's house.

Talyzin Vladimir

I'll build myself a house
There will be a lot of space in it!
There will be a table and a stove in the house.
I will let a sheep into my house.
I'll let the cockerel into my house,
Well, the chicken is with him.
And the cow and the kids,
And horses - piglets.
A dog and a cat - of course,
They have more fun with me.
I need a goose for order,
Whoever is naughty will pinch your heel.
The owl will live with us -
Guard the house at night...
But I began to doubt something:
Will mom and dad agree?

Stolova I.

Father's house, we all start from there
Maybe we don’t always know him.
We love him with childish shyness
We carry the thought of him through the years.

Everyone sees that house in a special way,
Some are like a shack, and some are like a palace.
And it doesn’t matter how the house is built,
He was created by Mother and Father.

His roof is our eternal protection,
Its walls are a lifeline,
Its doors are always ajar
His windows are light for us in days of separation.

Father's house is not just a building,
This is an image kept in the hearts.
He is the nest, we are the chicks warmed up in it.
Only there we don’t feel fear!

To build a new house,
They stock up on oak planks,
Bricks, iron, paint,
Nails, tow and putty.
And then, then, then
They begin to build a house.

Demyanov I.

Let your home have everything:
Love, peace, comfort, wealth,
Let it always be warm,
To want to come back.

So that the light in your house does not go out,
So that joy and hope warm,
And if you had so much strength,
May you overcome everything.

May you have a good home for many years to come
Carefully protected
Kept from tears, problems and troubles
And he became the best in the world.

So that there is always a hand in your hand,
Eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder.
Lighthouse rescue light -
Your home. Do you need more?

The road is already ending
The one who separated us from you.
Just a little time left to wait -
I'll fly to your home.

I will fly to meet you
To your words, to your lips.
Just a day, just an evening
All we have to do is wait today.

Hearts can understand each other -
You muster up the rest of your strength.
And be patient a little longer
A little more, as I asked.

And I will appear at the threshold,
I will return to my home.
- The road has already ended,
We are already together, my angel!

Other days have already arrived!
You are all mine. And I am all yours!
And those of yesterday are sorrows
No longer here, no longer here...

It's so nice in the apartment with you,
How nice it is for me to be with you.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Than homecoming!

Davydov Peter

When I have a small house,
Then I will start on my farm:
Two fluffy cats
Three fluffy cows
Four horned goats,
Five mugs with a pattern of roses,
Six glass glasses,
Seven tin knives,
Eight new teapots,
Nine tablespoons
Ten dessert spoons
Eleven porcelain bowls.
That's how much in total
I will manage my farm,
When will I have
Little house.

Fargen E.

And happiness is a country house,
inherited from our ancestors,
Where peaceful life is filled with work;
A piece of land that we diligently ourselves
We cultivate in early spring
And we don’t worry about the harvest at night;
A modest home, where in the summer heat
Always a saving shade of coolness
And warms the fireplace flame in winter.
Peace in the soul - there is no sweeter joy:
Bless what fate has given,
And don’t expect any other reward from her.

Days easily go into infinity
And the week flies like an arrow.
Finally, I think I'm free,
Rest, see you tomorrow.

I'm absolutely sure of one thing,
That I will see you soon.
This is the best time
When I'm on the way home!

I'll call you from the car:
“Cover, get ready, meet!”
You will hug your own man,
And the candle will burn brightly...

Let there be many such evenings,
But I’m in a hurry to see you again.
“Well, end the road quickly!”
There is so much to tell.

A whole day of news and events!
Even you will be surprised, believe me.
I'm already taking the elevator...
I already rang our doorbell!

How familiar is everything here to me?
A world of peace, love and warmth...
Finally I arrived.
I'm home!
- Well hello! How are you doing here?

Davydov Peter

There will be, there will be, there will be a home,
We will not be left homeless.
There will be a house with my labor
erected, by breath, by blood,
courage and warmth,
devotion and humility...
It will be, it will be - mine and yours,
in the pine trees, in the lilac thickets,
near the spring, in the ravine,
on the coastal slope,
a house in the taiga and a house on the seaside,
house in the dunes, house in the snow...
Not forever, but for two days
there will be a home always and everywhere,
if it's me, and I

Tushnova V.

It's so nice to come back to this house.
I enter it, confident in one thing -
That dinner and comfort will greet me here
That they love me here, pamper me and wait for me.

In this house, it’s like in a fairytale palace
Wishes come true in the end.
There will be nights more amazing than dreams,
There will be caresses more poetic than many words.

I will give myself over to these caresses and wine,
To fall in love with a woman alone again.
I need this woman all the time...
It is you, my beloved wife.

Davydov Peter

I want to build a house surrounded by a garden
So that it would be cozy in it, so that the forest would be nearby,
To look like a flower or a bird,
To meet the dawn, I went to the Scarlet Lightning.

I want to build a house so that its windows
Opened like eyes with the first drop of sun,
So that he breathes beauty from the white bird cherry trees,
So that the mushroom rain drums boldly on the roof.

I want to build a house so that from the window
Pick up the aroma of ripe apples in your palms,
To in the house round table brought everyone together
So that the pot-bellied samovar is in the right place.

I want to build a house, there is a shady pond nearby,
So that the silver moon loves to swim in it,
So that the paths from the porch can go mushroom picking,
So that, as in a fairy tale, the whole family can “Once upon a time”

I want to build a house with a slide on the roof,
To ride with the wind, whoever is faster, in pursuit,
To fly into a pond in summer, and into snowdrifts in winter,
To make you want to sing out of joy.

I want to build a house where the stars are nearby,
So that huge world hug with your heart, thought, gaze,
To open constellations and give them to loved ones,
So that they know how much I need them.

I want to build a house and with friends together
Create estates with a hot song fire,
Letting your dream go into the blue distances,
So that the sparks of the soul sparkle like gold.

I want to build a house where I will be happy,
Where you are surrounded by love, everyone will be everywhere,
I will plant a Family Tree near the house,
So that it is nourished from the earth by living power.

In fact, you need so little -
So that your beloved woman waits,
So that the road will hurry up in the evening
Go home when things are done.

So that children's smiles greet us,
Familiar light, home warmth,
So that we love the same way as in the beginning,
It’s as if so many years haven’t flown by.

Sit and talk with you -
What could be nicer, tell me.
And in the morning the sky will be blue,
And the clouds on it are like mirages.

And the world will drown in sweet languor,
In your tender movement.
How nice it is to wake up in our house,
Which we built together.

Davydov Peter

In the city there are houses - houses
And there are probably thousands of cars,
And I'm small, I'm a gnome,
I have a house made of snow.
It has no elevator and no light,
But I like it all.
I'm not asking to go to a big house,
I get into the sled quickly.
I'll slide down the icy hill,
Who's going to ride with me?!

Taktaeva L.

Everyone has their own home...
The rain and the sun too,
When the wind leaves its home,
You can hear the window shutters slamming,
Everyone has their own home...
And everyone has different roads -
The house where you were born
And in which I was very happy.
Everyone has their own home...
Leaving him at dawn,
You leave your breath in it,
Familiar to everyone forever.
The dew dries in the meadows,
Like your tears on your cheeks
And fate takes you away
Far from him...
Only sadness lurks in the heart,
How to treat a loved one
And the trains bring separation,
Carrying away into the distance for business.
I, you and you have the same house -
This word is eternal.
Everyone has their own home
And it is impossible to forget this.


The house has moved

Near the Stone Bridge,
Where does the Moscow River flow?
Near the Stone Bridge
The street has become narrow.

There's congestion on the street,
The drivers there are worried.
“Oh,” sighs the guard,
The corner house is in the way!

Syoma was not at home for a long time -
Vacationed in Artek Syoma,
And then he got into the carriage,
And he returned to Moscow.

Here's a familiar twist -
But no house, no gate!
And Syoma stands in fear
And he rubs his eyes with his hands.

The house stood
On this spot!
He has gone
Together with the residents!

Where is the fourth house number?
He was visible a mile away! -
Syoma speaks anxiously
To the guard on the bridge.-

I returned from Crimea,
I need to go home!
Where is the tall gray house?
My mom is in it!

The guard answered Syoma:
- You got in the way,
You've been decided in your home
Take him to the alley.

Look around the corner
And you will find this house.

Syoma whispers with tears:
- Maybe I'm crazy?
I think you told me
Do the houses seem to be moving?

Syoma rushed to the neighbors,
And the neighbors say:
- We go all the time, Syoma,
We're going for ten days in a row.

These walls move quietly
And mirrors don't break,
There are vases in the buffet,
The lamp in the room is intact.

Oh, I was happy
Syoma, -
So we can go
At home?

Well, then to the village in the summer
We'll go to this house!
A neighbor will come to visit us:
“Ah!” - and at home... there is no home.

I won't learn my lesson
I'll tell the teachers:
- All textbooks are far away:
The house walks through the fields.

Join us for firewood
The house will go straight into the forest.
We are walking - and the house is behind us,
We are home - and the house... has disappeared.

The house went to Leningrad
To the October Parade.
Tomorrow morning, at dawn,
The house will return, they say.

Dom said before leaving:
"Wait before entering,
Don't run after me -
I have a day off today.”

No, - Syoma decided angrily,
The house shouldn't run around on its own!
Man is the master of the house,
Everything around us is obedient to us.

We want - and in the blue sea,
Let's sail in the blue sky!
We want -
And we'll move the house,
If the house bothers us!