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Forest tattoo. Nature Tattoos Nature Tattoo on Arm

Today we suggest finding out the meaning of a landscape tattoo. This drawing can have a variety of meanings, which in turn will depend on its components. Such images can be compared to the creations of artists. Such tattoos can show a forest, animals, birds, flowers.

Often, landscape tattoos are made using the popular watercolor technique. As a result, the drawings are very colorful and unusual.

What does a landscape tattoo mean?

Now we propose to consider the most interesting and popular tattoos in the form of a landscape. Among the most popular are body designs with the sea or ocean. This tattoo speaks for itself - its owner dreams of breaking away from the daily routine as quickly as possible and enjoying relaxation.

No less popular is the drawing with a forest. Such a landscape will tell about a romantic person who loves solitude and cannot imagine his life without relaxing in nature.

Often, an image with a certain tree is chosen as a beautiful landscape tattoo. The meaning of such a pattern will depend on the type of wood. If you want to get a tattoo of a tree with roots, remember that this image will represent a connection with your ancestors, respect and memory of relatives.

A tattoo depicting a landscape may contain animals and birds. The meaning of such a drawing will depend on the symbolism of the character. For example, if there is a tattoo on the tattoo, such a drawing will tell about willpower and courage. A person with a similar tattoo loves to be alone and does not tolerate betrayal.

A landscape tattoo may also include flowers. Such drawings are often asked by the master to make a lady. The symbolism of the tattoo will depend on the flower. For example, luxurious roses will tell about the inner and outer beauty of their owner. Tattoos with wildflowers can signify the simplicity and easy-going nature of a girl.

What will it mean for a man?

Men often order beautiful tattoos with landscapes from artists. These are often images made using realism or watercolor techniques. Landscape tattoos for men mean:

  • love of nature
  • desire to be alone
  • desire to relax
  • passion for fauna and flora
  • desire for beauty

An original body image in the form of a landscape will tell about an interesting, extraordinary personality. The man probably loves nature and always strives for beauty.

An original tattoo can also mean a desire to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get closer to nature.

Often men prefer a beautiful body image with a landscape because of the originality of the design, and not because it has any special meaning.

Meaning for a lady

Sometimes a landscape tattoo can be seen on the body of a beautiful lady. Such tattoos mean to her:

  • love of nature
  • desire to relax
  • fascination with the world of flora and fauna
  • spiritual beauty

An original tattoo on a delicate female body can tell about the special inner world of its owner.

A lady with such a body pattern loves nature and always strives for beauty. Also, such a tattoo may mean the need for a good rest somewhere on the seashore. Perhaps the owner of such a body pattern is passionate about flora and fauna.

It also happens that ladies choose a tattoo with a landscape because of the originality of the design.

Which sketch to choose?

There are many interesting tattoos in the form of a beautiful landscape. Each such drawing is original and interesting in its own way. Often men and women prefer to get tattoos with a design of a palm tree, beach and sea or ocean. Watercolor and realism techniques are the most popular in these images.

Nature tattoos occupy the bulk of all popular body designs. They are very diverse, giving a person the opportunity to express himself, putting a special meaning into the tattoo.

Nature tattoos represent a whole range of various thematic sections. These are flora and fauna, astrology and mysticism, natural elements.

Living things

Tattoos depicting living creatures are a common design among lovers of body art. It is stuffed for the sake of a beautiful image, a photo is taken in memory of your pet, or in order to gain or emphasize characteristic qualities. For example, those who want to demonstrate strength, power, take a leadership position and become rich choose a lion tattoo to help them. Those who love adventure, speed, and risk will choose a tattoo with a panther, jaguar or tiger. Usually a similar pattern is applied to the forearm. A tattoo with fish will bring material wealth and well-being; a tattoo with a dog will bring loyalty and devotion of loved ones. The bird will make you fly freely above the ground, the horse will teach you nobility and hard work, the fox and cat will teach you the ability to get out of the most difficult situation.


Tattoo sketches in the style of realism or watercolor always look very impressive. Often they are applied only for the sake of beauty, and sometimes they demonstrate the nature and character of the preferred plant. The choice of style depends on the purpose for which this or that image is chosen. Those who want to gain strength and power will choose a tattoo on the shoulder in the form of an oak, cedar, or baobab. Intelligence and grace are emphasized by rowan and birch, trepidation and vulnerability by weeping willow. You can demonstrate your needles and invulnerability with the help of carnivorous plants and cacti applied to the forearm. Each flower on a person’s body will give him aesthetic pleasure and reward him with its unique quality.


The theme of the elements is not inferior in popularity to other areas of nature tattoos. Such compositions require a large scale and artistic talent of the tattoo artist, but the result exceeds all expectations. The nature tattoo sleeve looks really very impressive and original.

The aquatic environment will help its owner gain confidence in changes for the better, as it reminds that everything flows and changes. A calm surface turns into waves and vice versa. Water will also help you plunge into the depths of problems, analyze the essence and emerge with a ready answer. A tattoo on the arm in the form of a wave in a circle has a special sacred meaning. It can become an amulet for its owner if it is made in a minimalist style.

Creative people, intellectuals, lovers of travel and life changes will love the element of air, which will help all sorrows and adversity evaporate. A tattoo with fire will add energy and vitality (see photo on the website). Such masculine qualities as strength, endurance, determination, and determination will also be useful to the fair sex. A tattoo on the forearm depicting the earthly elements of nature will help you land and feel the ground under your feet. Its owners will learn hard work, practicality, calmness, and will find a strong and reliable family.

A landscape tattoo, sketches of which are presented below, can look very stylish and unusual. Before you get such a tattoo, you should find out what its meaning is and who it will suit best.


Landscape tattoos, photos of which can be seen in this article, can have a variety of meanings:

  • desire to discover new places and travel a lot. A person can decorate his body with an image of the place that he liked most;
  • post-apocalyptic landscape may be an expression of a pessimistic view of the future of humanity. However, often everything is much simpler: the owner of the tattoo simply likes the unique aesthetics of the world of the ambassador of the apocalypse, or he loves computer games, the action of which takes place in a bleak future;
  • space landscapes, for example, a view of the surface of Mars is often taken by people who are interested in science or dream of distant space travel;
  • love of art. You can take a painting of your favorite artist, for example, Kuindzhi or Levitan, as the basis for the tattoo. Such work will look very stylish and unusual.

If earlier tattoos had a sacred meaning, for example, they symbolized belonging to a certain social stratum or status in the criminal world, but nowadays anyone can put any image on their body. Therefore, if you dream of getting a landscape tattoo, you won’t have to explain or think about its meaning.

This is interesting! If you want to get a tattoo with a realistic landscape, you shouldn’t waste time searching for a tattoo artist: not everyone will be able to cope with the task. We advise you to take a closer look at the portraits made by the tattoo artist: if they turn out well, then the landscape will turn out great.

Performance styles

The landscape can be made in almost any tattoo style. The most popular ones are:

  • old school and new school. Such tattoos always look bright and unusual. Typically, tattoos in these styles are decorated with additional elements that give them greater brightness and expressiveness, for example, ribbons with inscriptions, roses, etc.;
  • realism. Realistic tattoos are true works of art. True, you will have to prepare for the fact that the tattoo will be quite large, because otherwise the image with a lot of details will quickly begin to blur and will not look at all as originally intended;
  • linework. Laconic, stylish and very expressive tattoos in linework style will appeal to people who are going to a tattoo artist for the first time and are not yet ready to decorate their body with a large-scale tattoo;
  • finishing touches. Landscapes in the dotwork style look mysterious and attractive. The master forms an image from dots, so the landscape will be slightly extravagant. You often have to look closely at an image in a do-it-yourself style to catch its essence.

This is not a complete list of possible styles. Don’t limit yourself in your choice and remember that the main thing is that you like the tattoo!

Advice! Do you want to get a custom tattoo? Study photos of tattoos for some time to choose those that seem most beautiful to you. Show these photos to your artist so he can get an idea of ​​what you would like your tattoo to look like!

A landscape tattoo can look very interesting and original. You can take the cityscape as a basis; for example, tattoos with the “iconic” Russian city: St. Petersburg are very popular. The landscape can be stylized like the work of the Impressionists (in this case it is best to do it in the dot-work style.

Landscapes inscribed in the contour of a leaf, paw print or even a letter look interesting.

Tattoos with natural motifs have always been popular, especially among men. The image of wild nature leaves no one indifferent, beckons and makes you think about “eternal” issues. Forest drawing is no exception. As a rule, a tattoo design, large in size, is placed on the back, arm or chest. Most often, such works are found in blackwork style.

Forest tattoo meaning

  • A gloomy forest tattoo design can tell a lot about the essence of its owner. But it all depends on the style of execution and additional elements, for example, animals, sky, stars, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to fully understand the meaning of the painting without looking closely at all the details.
  • A classic forest landscape may indicate the owner’s isolation and thoughtfulness. But more often such a drawing symbolizes the masculine principle, the sign of a hunter or hermit. This tattoo conveys strength and restraint.
  • Men more often leave the image of the forest in the background, bringing to the fore a strong animal, a wolf or a bear. Thus, trying to emphasize your indestructible character and strength. There are also options with a starry sky in the background. Such a drawing emphasizes the rich inner world and evokes philosophical thoughts.
  • Women, although much less frequently, also get forest tattoos on their arms. The options complemented by the image of a bear as a symbol of motherhood look impressive. More sophisticated natures depict the forest in watercolor style, hinting at their unity with nature and freedom-loving spirit.
  • The image of a raven on a tree branch symbolizes wisdom. If he is alone, then the owner is trying to emphasize his loneliness or other views on life. A flock of crows has a more negative meaning, hinting at turmoil and approaching danger.

Hidden meaning of forest tattoo

No matter how trivial it may sound, a forest is, first of all, trees that have their own sacred meaning. Based on their type, a drawing can radically change its meaning. Thus, birch is a symbol of female beauty, innocence, sophistication and purity. The image of a beech tree can tell about indestructibility and honor. Oak is a symbol of inaccessibility, physical and spiritual strength. The willow forest symbolizes sadness, sophistication, and feminine tenderness.

According to Scandinavian mythology, the forest is a place where mythical creatures and evil spirits live. A person who has such a tattoo design makes it known that he is closed off. Anyone who wants to see the “skeletons in the closet” is in danger. But in the modern world, you shouldn’t treat people with similar images. They may simply want to express their individual position by emphasizing their views.