home · Networks · The honey cake is very tasty. Master class: “Honey cake” cake at home

The honey cake is very tasty. Master class: “Honey cake” cake at home

Today on our menu is a honey cake adored by many, a classic recipe with photos, step by step, with detailed explanations of how to bake a delicious honey cake with sour cream at home.

Honey cake is nostalgia for my childhood, which took place in a small town with small shops. They, of course, had a basic set of products, but the choice of cakes was very small, and often there was no choice at all. And all the residents of the village constantly baked cakes on holidays, be it New Year or birthday. Honey cake was a very frequent guest on tables. My mother baked it regularly. As I remember now: the aroma throughout the house, huge baking sheets with golden cakes, and my brother and I running into the kitchen to pinch off a piece of the cake. Then it seemed to me that there was nothing difficult about baking a cake. Nowadays, for me, making a cake is a small feat, considering the choice there is in today's stores. But still, not a single store-bought cake will convey the taste of Honey cake, the same one from childhood. That's why sometimes I throw a party for myself and my family, and spoil everyone with homemade Honey Cake.

For honey cakes:

  • Flour - 550 grams
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. with a slide (150 gr.)
  • Soda -1 tsp.
  • Parchment for baking cakes on a baking sheet
  • For sour cream:
  • Sour cream 20% - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking classic Honey cake with step-by-step photographs:

So, I prepare and measure all the products. I will cook the dough for the honey cake in a water bath, so I will need two pans. One is larger, the other is smaller. You will also need a lid from a small diameter pan to cut out the cake layers.

I put water in a large saucepan to heat for a water bath. Then in a deep bowl, beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam (7 minutes).

The sugar should completely dissolve.

Add honey, butter and soda to beaten eggs. Do not extinguish the soda! I put the pan with the egg-honey mixture in a water bath. You need to make sure that there is enough water in the lower pan so that it barely touches the bottom of the upper pan. This is necessary so that when boiling the water does not splash over the edge.

I turn the heat to medium, the water should boil moderately. I will prepare the honey dough for about 15-20 minutes. You need to constantly stir the mass.

First, the mass will increase in size, approximately 2 times (take this into account when choosing a pan!). After about 10 minutes you will notice how the color begins to change. Brown streaks will begin to appear. The mixture will begin to take on a caramel beige color.

After 20 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add 1 cup of flour, stirring quickly.

I put it in the bathhouse on medium heat for another couple of minutes, stirring with a spoon, lightly brewing the dough.

Remove the pan from the heat again and gradually add the remaining flour. I knead with a spoon in the pan until the dough becomes completely stiff. Then I put it directly on the table and add the remaining flour. I continue to knead the dough with my hands.

The dough should be soft, pliable, and not too tough. I roll it into a long sausage. I make cuts to divide the dough into 8 equal pieces.

I cut the dough into 8 pieces and roll each into a small ball.

Then I carefully roll each ball into a thin layer. I press the lid on top so that the boundaries of the round cake appear.

After this, I carefully lift the rolled out layer of dough and transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment.

I bake the cake at 180 degrees for about 3-4 minutes. The cake bakes very quickly. Small bubbles may appear on top, it’s okay, they will settle later. I take the finished cake out of the oven and let it cool for literally 1 minute. I carefully remove it from the baking sheet and cut it in the circle that we made with the lid of the pan. The cake is ready. Then I put the second cake in the oven, the third, etc.

Important point! The cakes are only soft while they are hot; when they cool, they become hard. This is normal and how it should be! Therefore, you need to trim the cakes immediately. I put the scraps into a blender bowl and grind them into crumbs. This is the aphid sprinkle on the cake.

I'm starting to assemble the Honey cake. I take a flat dish. I pour a little sour cream in the middle and place the first cake layer.

I generously coat the top with sour cream. I leave it for a while so that the cream is absorbed and lubricate it again. So I gradually stack all the cakes. In general, you don’t have to wait for the cream to be absorbed, but simply coat and place all the cakes. But if you show a little patience, the cakes will be soaked much better and the cake will simply melt in your mouth.

I also top the last cake with cream. I grease the sides of the cake with cream. Then I sprinkle the cake generously with cake crumbs.

I put the finished cake in the refrigerator and leave it for 6-7 hours to soak well. If you start eating the cake right away, it will seem dry. Therefore, I advise you to let it stand!

I'm sure everyone will appreciate your efforts! Enjoy your tea party with such a beautiful and fragrant Honey cake!

" - honey cake. Today I will introduce you to the classic recipe for a delicious, very popular Honey cake.

This is a standard method of preparing layer cake, which is used in the manufacture of many types of this dessert.

How to prepare it at home, what you will need for this, I will try to describe the entire cooking process in as much detail as possible, step by step.

Honey cake, classic recipe with condensed milk

This cake is baked in layers with a layer of cream; to prepare it you will need an oven, a mixer, a blender and several types of deep dishes, as well as a small list of products that almost every home has or in the nearest store.


For the test:

  • Flour - 300 - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.

For cream:

  • Butter - 300 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.

Almond petals or chocolate for garnish

How to make a cake:

Baking cakes

Let's start preparing the dessert by preparing the cake layers, there will be nine of them.

To prepare the dough, we use the water bath method; to do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Place the bowl on the pan, making sure that the water does not reach the bottom of the bowl. Put butter in a bowl, add sugar and add honey. Choose honey according to your taste. The taste of the cake depends on the type of honey.

While heating in a water bath, mix everything well; you will spend 4 - 5 minutes on this so that everything dissolves until smooth.

Add soda, mix everything again, after adding soda, the mass should lighten and increase in volume.

Remove the bowl from the water bath and immediately add the eggs one at a time, stirring quickly so that the eggs do not cook in the hot mixture.

After cooling the dough slightly, add flour in several portions, stirring each one, you may need no more than 300 grams, make sure that the dough does not turn out too stiff, then the cakes will turn out softer. Finish kneading the dough with your hands, adding a little flour if necessary.

We make a kind of sausage out of the dough and cut it into 9 equal parts.

Using your palms, roll each part into a ball.

On a baking sheet, roll out the future cakes in a thin layer.

Using a plate or collapsible ring, cut the dough in a circle.

We don’t remove the scraps, we use them later for sprinkling, and make pricks with a fork over the entire area of ​​the cake.

Bake the cake for 3 - 5 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Make sure they don't burn.

Quickly, while the cake is hot and does not crumble, remove the scraps and put them in a separate bowl.

Carefully place the cake itself on a large plate.

Making cream

Making cream. Place softened butter in a clean bowl and beat with a mixer.

Continuing to beat, add boiled condensed milk one spoon at a time, beat until creamy and homogeneous.

Hello readers! Everyone in our family loves honey cake. This is one of the most delicious cakes. This dessert is quite easy to prepare, but, of course, you will have to spend a lot of time: about 3 hours. But the taste of honey cake is worth it.

I recently baked such a cake for a family holiday, we ate it in 2 days, although it was not small, about 3 kilograms. There are quite a lot of calories in honey cake, about 450 kcal per 100 g. So don’t get carried away with this deliciousness, so that later you don’t have to look for recipes like

I think it’s better not to buy baked goods in the store, because they don’t make cakes and cookies with butter anymore. Replace butter with margarine, which is hydrogenated fat, that is, trans fat, which clogs blood vessels and leads to atherosclerosis, and then to or. Bake it yourself, so you will know for sure that there is no margarine, preservatives or artificial colors in the cake.

In this article I give a step-by-step photo recipe for making honey cake. According to this recipe, anyone, even a beginner, can make a cake. I wish you a good mood while cooking!


  • sugar - 1 full faceted glass
  • eggs - 3 pcs. (C1) or 2 pcs. (C0)
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l. (150 gr.)
  • flour - 5 tbsp.
  • soda - 1 tsp.

Cream with condensed milk:

  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • butter - 200 gr. Should be softened. Remove it from the refrigerator before preparing the dough.

Sour cream:

  • sour cream - 400 gr.
  • sugar - 1 glass

Classic honey cake: method of preparation.

The dough for the honey cake is prepared in a water bath. Therefore, you immediately need to prepare two pans of different sizes. Pour water into a large saucepan so that it does not flow out when boiling. Place the water on the stove to heat up.

Now take a second smaller pan. We will brew our dough in it. Keep in mind that the dough will double in size when brewing. Take a pan no smaller than 2.5 liters.

Beat eggs into this pan. My eggs were medium in size, I took 3 of them. If your eggs are large (C0), then take 2 pieces. Add a glass of sugar to the eggs.

Using a mixer or whisk, beat the eggs with sugar until foamy.

Add butter, honey and soda to the beaten egg mixture. In the photo, the soda and honey are drowned, but they are there :)

Brewing the dough in a water bath.

Place a small pan of dough in boiling water. Now you need to brew the dough for about 20 minutes until the sugar, honey and butter are completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir the dough as often as possible. During the heating process, the mass will begin to increase and foam, this is bound to happen.

After 20 minutes, you need to sift (be sure to sift) a glass of flour into our foamy mass. Now mix well and brew for about 1 minute.

Remove the pan with the dough from the water bath. And sift some more flour there. Sifted 1 glass and mixed with a spoon. Then the second glass was sifted and mixed. I ended up with about 3 cups of flour at this stage. Add flour until you can stir the dough with a spoon.

Pour a little flour (about 1 cup) onto the table and place our dough on it. Now knead the elastic dough with your hands (be careful, it may still be hot). Be careful not to fill it with flour. If the dough is already good, but there is flour left, then remove it to the side. It is better to take less flour than more. Moreover, after cooling, the dough will become even harder.

Now we wrap the finished dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to cool. You should not keep it in the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise the dough may break and crumble when rolling. It will be enough to keep it in the cold for 15-20 minutes, the main thing is that it is not warm.

Preparing cream for honey cake.

While the dough is resting and cooling, you can prepare the cream. I like to make honey cake with two types of cream - with condensed milk and sour cream. You can give preference to one particular cream. But these two creams together make the honey cake simply incomparable. Every sweet tooth will appreciate your masterpiece.

The first cream is very simple to make. Pour a can of condensed milk into a bowl. It is very important to buy real condensed milk, without vegetable additives. Real condensed milk cannot cost less than 60 rubles. I like Rogachev milk, it is made according to GOST, thick and tasty, just like in my childhood.

Place 200 grams in condensed milk. softened butter. And beat with a mixer until thick and fluffy.

Now you can turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees, so you don’t have to wait. And start preparing the second cream. It will require 400 gr. sour cream and a glass of sugar. Sugar should be added gradually and beat with a mixer with sour cream. Beat for about 10 minutes, the cream should increase in volume.

Cover both creams with film and put them in the refrigerator until needed.

Baking cakes.

If you haven't done this yet, it's time to take the dough out of the refrigerator. Sprinkle the work surface with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Now divide the dough into 8 equal pieces.

Take the first piece and roll it out thinly and evenly.

Now you need to give the cake a circle shape. This can be done using a lid or plate. I take a plate of such size that it will fit on the baking sheet on which I will bake. I have a cake layer (and a plate, respectively) with a diameter of 22 cm. If you want to make the cake smaller in diameter, then make more cake layers.

Place the plate on the rolled out dough and cut out a circle with a knife.

Grease a baking tray with a little vegetable oil. Can be baked on parchment. Now we transfer the cut out cake and trimmings to the baking sheet. The trimmings will be needed for crumbs.

The cake is baked for about 4-5 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Make sure the cakes don't burn. While one is baking, roll out and cut out the next layer. Carefully place the finished cakes onto a plate using a spatula. They are very soft when hot, be careful not to break them. Place the scraps in a separate plate.

When the cakes cool, they become hard and crispy (tested on scraps that children carry around, despite the ban 🙂). Don't worry about it, that's how it should be. After soaking in cream they will become soft.

Bake all 8 cakes this way. It turns out to be a stack like this.

Assembling the honey cake.

Now let's start assembling the cake. Spread the first cake with sour cream. Place the second cake layer on it and spread it with butter cream and condensed milk. And so on, smearing all the cakes one by one. It turns out that 4 cake layers will be anointed with each cream. Sour cream is runny, so it will run off. It's not scary, you'll pick it up later. It will thicken in the refrigerator after soaking.

At the end, coat the edges well so that they do not remain dry.

Grind the cake scraps into crumbs. I do this with a rolling pin. And sprinkle the cake on top and sides. You can mix the crumbs with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and this sticky mass to cover the sides and level them, giving the cake the desired look.

If desired, you can sprinkle grated nuts on top. This will create a new flavor note.

Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight, for soaking. Don’t forget to cover it with something, even a bag, so that the honey cake doesn’t get weathered and dry out.

That's it, the honey cake is ready! Bon appetit!

Well, if you just want something sweet, but don’t want to spend a lot of time on baking, cook it - quickly and tasty.

Have a nice day, everyone!

Homemade Honey cake is an indescribably delicious delicacy that no one will be indifferent to. Below are many variations of making this dessert with your own hands, including a recipe for a classic honey cake, as our grandmothers remember it.

Honey cake - classic recipe with sour cream

Honey cake with sour cream - a classic from Soviet times. Cooking it according to the classic recipe is not so difficult.

We will make the dough from the following products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • half the amount of oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 450 g sifted flour;
  • soda on the tip of a spoon.

For the cream you will need:

  • half a kilo of sour cream;
  • three times less sugar;
  • 5 g vanillin.

The preparation of the cakes is as follows:

  1. Preparing the dough has its own nuance - it is done in a steam or water bath. To do this, send a saucepan half filled with water to warm over low heat.
  2. While the water is heating, beat the sugar and eggs into a white elastic foam. Choose a bowl that will fit into the pot of water and will not be damaged by contact with boiling water.
  3. Add honey and softened butter with soda into the sweet mass. Beat everything again, send it to the bathhouse and, stirring, warm it up. After 10 minutes, all products will completely dissolve.
  4. Pour half the flour into the warm base and continue kneading so that it remains homogeneous. When the dough rises and begins to darken, it’s time to remove the container from the bathhouse.
  5. Let the future cake base cool until warm. Afterwards, add the remaining flour in small portions, knead the dough and roll it into a ball.
  6. Divide the finished dough into 8 equal parts, wrap them in bags or film and send them to the refrigerator to cool. Half an hour is enough.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Thinly roll out the dough into cake layers and bake for 3-4 minutes. To obtain even cakes of the same size, use a frying pan lid or a plate of a suitable diameter as a stencil. To ensure that the cake is even and does not bubble, it must be pierced with a fork over the entire surface.
  9. We bake the dough scraps with the cakes. Afterwards, you can break them into crumbs and decorate the cake with it.

Preparing the cream is very simple - beat all the ingredients thoroughly with a mixer. Coat the cakes with the resulting cream, sprinkle with crumbs and let soak.

Cooking classics with condensed milk

Honey cake with condensed milk is very sweet and aromatic.


  • a pair of eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • a couple of spoons of honey;
  • one and a half cups of premium flour;
  • half a spoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar.


  • butter - a quarter kilo;
  • condensed milk - standard can;
  • cocoa - 50 grams;
  • walnuts - the same amount.

The preparation of the cake is as follows:

  1. Beat the egg-sugar mixture. Add honey, sift flour and whisk everything again.
  2. Quench the soda with vinegar, and then pour the mixture into the dough and stir.
  3. Bake 4-5 cakes from the dough in a round springform pan in the oven at 200ºC for 10-12 minutes. If the cooled cakes have any unevenness, they should be carefully cut off with a knife and crushed into crumbs, which can then be used for decoration.
  4. Beat soft butter with cocoa and milk until smooth.
  5. Assemble the cake by layering the layers with cream and covering the sides with it.

Everyone knows and loves the tender, tasty and fragrant honey cake, but not everyone knows how to cook it. The store-bought version does not always meet our expectations, this is true, but home-baked goods cannot be compared with anything else. If you have never baked a honey cake, this recipe is just for you. I took a lot of detailed photos on how to make honey cake at home.

This is a classic honey cake recipe with a little twist to my liking. For the cake, I always make two creams - sour cream and condensed milk cream. Sour cream gives tenderness, and condensed milk cream gives an amazing creamy taste. Moreover, it is the taste, and not the feeling that you are eating a colored piece of butter, which is what roses on store-bought cakes are usually made from. From my detailed recipe you will learn how to make honey cake with condensed milk.

If you still want a classic honey cake, make a cake with only sour cream.

For honey cakes:

  • Eggs – 3 pcs (100 g)
  • Sugar – 300 g (1 glass + 2 tbsp)
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Flour – 550/600 gr
  • Honey – 150 g (4-5 tbsp)
  • Soda – 1 tsp

For sour cream:

  • Sour cream 20% – 500 gr
  • Sugar – 300 g (1 glass + 2 tbsp)

For condensed milk cream:

  • Condensed milk – 360 g (1 can)
  • Butter – 200 gr

Recipe for honey cake in a water bath. Therefore you will need two pans. A smaller pan - in it we will prepare the dough, and a larger pan in which we will make a steam bath. The difference in the diameter of the pans should be such that the pan with the dough rests on the pan with water (does not fall through), and the steam escapes freely. You will see how to make a steam bath in the photo below.

You will also need a pan lid to cut out perfectly even cakes. Glass volume 250 ml.

How to bake a honey cake

Before you start preparing the dough, heat a water bath on the stove.

It is best to boil water in a kettle, and then pour as much water as needed into the pan (more on this below).

We begin preparing the fragrant dough for our honey cake.

Beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam.

The more fluffy you beat, the better. The sugar should completely dissolve.

Add honey, butter and soda to beaten eggs. There is no need to extinguish the soda.

Place the pan with the honey mixture in a water bath.

To do this, pour enough water into the lower pan so that it barely touches the bottom of the upper pan and does not splash out over the edges during boiling.

Don't make the heat too high. The water should boil moderately.

We will prepare the aromatic dough for the honey cake for about 15 minutes. The color will begin to change before your eyes.

Stir the mixture with a spatula. Very quickly it will begin to caramelize slightly.

Zapaaah - song! Such a fragrant honey aroma appears in the kitchen! =)

Beautiful caramel stains appear on the surface of the honey mass.

And gradually the honey mass becomes brighter and more aromatic.

At the same time, the mass increases in volume by about 2 times, becomes fluffy and airy.

When the mass increases in volume (after 10-13 minutes), add 1 cup of flour, mix thoroughly with a spatula so that there are no lumps and brew the dough.

Brew - this means do not remove from the water bath for about 2-3 minutes, constantly stirring with a spatula.

The mass will gurgle slightly and acquire a beautiful shade.

Remove the dough from the heat and begin to gradually add the rest of the flour, stirring the dough with a spatula.

Be careful, it's hot!

When the dough becomes difficult to mix with a spatula, transfer it to the flour on the table and knead.

You should get a soft, pliable, not too tough dough.

Divide the dough into 7-8 equal parts, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow the honey cake dough to cool slightly.

Now we bake the cakes for the honey cake.

Roll out the ball slightly larger than the diameter of the lid.

Bake the cakes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about 2-3 minutes.

Watch carefully, the cakes bake very quickly.

Cut out the hot cake with the lid directly on the sheet and transfer the cake to a flat surface until it cools completely, break the scraps and put them in a bowl. Swollen bubbles can be carefully cut off with a knife.


Right out of the oven, the honey cake cakes are soft, and after cooling they harden. This is normal and how it should be. Once the cake is soaked, it will melt in your mouth.

Now let’s prepare two wonderful creams for the honey cake: sour cream and condensed milk cream.

Beat sour cream with sugar, adding sugar 1 teaspoon at a time.

And beat the condensed milk with butter. The butter should be at room temperature, but not too soft.

The cake layers and two creams for the honey cake are ready, all that remains is to assemble the cake.


It so happens that on the eve of the holiday you have very little time and there is no time to tinker with the cake, but you really want homemade cakes. I can advise you to bake the cakes in advance (1-2 days in advance), and make the cream the day before the celebration and assemble the cake for soaking. Pre-prepared cake layers can be stored at room temperature (like regular cookies) with the lid slightly opened to allow air circulation to prevent the cake layers from getting soggy.

Pour any cream onto a dish and place the cake on top - this way the bottom cake will be softer, soaked in cream.

Another thing is important: more cream means a tastier and more tender cake =)

Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs using a blender or knead with a rolling pin.

Sprinkle crumbs liberally over the top and sides of the cake. Leave the honey cake at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours and put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours, or better yet, overnight.

Honey cake with condensed milk and sour cream is a recipe of my culinary fantasy. In any case, I have never come across this option for preparing honey cake before. But, having prepared a honey cake several years ago according to the classic recipe with the addition of condensed milk cream, this is the only way I now cook.

Honey cake - calorie content per 100 grams = 444 kcal

  • Proteins – 6 g
  • Fats – 18 g
  • Carbohydrates – 67 g

Have a nice holiday and enjoy your tea with such a beautiful and fragrant honey cake! =)

Best regards, Natalie Lissi