home · Appliances · The importance of bacteria to nature and human life © Voronkova G. N. teacher mbou "Verkhopenskaya school named after. m.r. Abrosimova" - presentation. Presentation on the importance of bacteria in nature and human life. Appearance of fermentation bacteria

The importance of bacteria to nature and human life © Voronkova G. N. teacher mbou "Verkhopenskaya school named after. m.r. Abrosimova" - presentation. Presentation on the importance of bacteria in nature and human life. Appearance of fermentation bacteria

“Exponent with a negative exponent” - Calculate: Solve the problem. Solve the equation. Follow the steps. A degree with a negative exponent. Simplify the expression:

“Division of negative numbers” - We need to repeat the division of negative numbers and numbers with different signs. Compare with zero. WELL DONE! Right. When dividing numbers with different signs, you get a negative answer. Guys! Remember! The absolute value of a number. Dividing two negative numbers results in a positive number. Find the quotient. So, let's summarize...

“Negative number” - What number is intended? Classwork. Writing negative numbers. If Zhu sells 200 yuan of rice now, he will earn 3 yuan per 1 yuan. Task. Rules for dealing with positive and negative numbers. The mathematician Diophantus used negative numbers in calculations. Solving equations. Lesion? The Ancient East.

“Fungi and Bacteria” - Prepare riddles about these groups of organisms. A crossword puzzle is drawn on the board. Lesson plan. "Auction". Goal: What disease agent is named after me? Lichens. Answer the questions. 1. Organizational moment. Questions from Robert Koch. Seaweed. Messages must be creative and accompanied by drawings.

“Negative numbers” - A complete and completely rigorous theory of negative numbers was created only in the 19th century (William Hamilton and Hermann Grassmann). Ancient Greek mathematician Diophantus. We think of negative numbers as something natural, but this was not always the case. Higher than nothing and lower than nothing. The first information about negative numbers was found among Chinese mathematicians in the second century BC.


Bacteria appeared on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.

The first soil was created by heterotrophic bacteria.

The composition of air on Earth was determined by cyanobacteria.

Bacteria took part in the creation of natural gas and oil.





Bacteria improve soil fertility by converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms available to plants.

The mutually beneficial existence of organisms of different species is called symbiosis.


Heterotrophic bacteria increase soil fertility by processing animal, plant and household waste, and converting organic substances into inorganic substances available to plants.

Appearance of decay bacteria


The participation of bacteria in the fermentation process makes them indispensable in production.

Appearance of fermentation bacteria






A person can use strictly defined types of specially bred bacteria to obtain the desired product.












summary of other presentations

“Bacteria are pathogens” - Bacteria cause human diseases. The role of bacteria. Bacterial cell. Bacteria. Bacteria are causative agents of acute diseases. Black potato leg. Pathogenic bacteria. Damage to the national economy. Several “lines of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms. There are especially many bacteria in the soil.

"Vibrios" - Disease. Epidemic disease. Vibrios. Straight or curved sticks. Facultative anaerobes. Nitrogen content. Vibrio cholerae. Team. Genus of bacteria. A set of restrictive measures. Cholera. Prevention. Classic cholera. Sensitivity. Treatment.

“Life activity of bacteria” - Bacteria: structure and life activity. General characteristics of bacteria. Can bacteria be seen? Physical education. Living conditions for bacteria. The structure of a bacterial cell. Cell shape. Reflexive target. Complete interactive tasks. Unfavorable environmental conditions. Shapes of bacteria. Which organisms have a body that does not consist of cells? Ways to feed bacteria. Reproduction of bacteria. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

“The role of bacteria in human life” - Milk. Bacteria cause food to spoil. Salted cucumbers. Let's first talk about the structure of bacteria. Write the word “cocci” in your notebook. Vibrio. Spirilla. Bacteria are cooks. Bacteria cause disease. Staphylococcus is a whole bunch of cocci. Cocci are the simplest forms of bacteria. Kingdom of bacteria. Are bacteria harmful or beneficial? Flagellum. There are many benefits from bacteria. E. coli. Lots of different products.

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Bacteria in human life

The structure of bacteria Bacteria and industry Bacteria and diseases Experience (the effect of bacteria on food)

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Bacteria are primitive single-celled organisms that are microscopic in size. The size of bacteria is measured in micrometers (µm). (1 micron is equal to 10-6 m). The average size of a bacterial cell is from 0.1 to 28 microns. The bacterial cell is surrounded by a dense membrane, thanks to which it maintains a constant shape. The strength of the shell is given by murein, which is characteristic only of bacteria and is not found in plant and animal cells. The nuclear substance is located in the cytoplasm, since bacteria do not have a formed nucleus. Many bacteria are motile, and this mobility is due to the presence of one or more flagella. The flagellum can rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm. The speed is high when compared to the speed of a person. A person moving at such a speed would cover 20-30 km in an hour, not 4-5.

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Bacteria and industry

Given the variety of chemical reactions bacteria catalyze, it is not surprising that they have been widely used in manufacturing, in some cases since ancient times. Prokaryotes share the glory of such microscopic human assistants with fungi, primarily yeast, which provide most of the processes of alcoholic fermentation, for example, in the production of wine and beer. Now that it has become possible to introduce useful genes into bacteria, causing them to synthesize valuable substances such as insulin, the industrial application of these living laboratories has received a new powerful incentive.

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Bacteria are the causative agents of many diseases. Such bacteria are called pathogenic. Bacteria can cause diseases in plants, animals, and humans. In humans, bacteria cause diseases such as tonsillitis, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, tetanus, tuberculosis and others, about 200 in total.

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Food industry

Currently, bacteria are used by this industry mainly for the production of cheeses, other fermented milk products and vinegar. The main chemical reactions here are the formation of acids. Thus, when producing vinegar, bacteria of the genus Acetobacter oxidize the ethyl alcohol contained in cider or other liquids to acetic acid. Similar processes occur when cabbage is sauerkraut: anaerobic bacteria ferment the sugars contained in the leaves of this plant into lactic acid, as well as acetic acid and various alcohols.

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Experience (Identification of the effects of bacteria on food)

We took three cans. Raw milk was poured into 2 jars, and boiled milk was poured into the third jar. We covered one jar with raw milk and one with boiled milk. Observation was carried out over 3 days. The results were as follows. Raw milk in a jar with an uncovered lid is sour. An unpleasant odor appeared in the other two cans, which was stronger in unboiled milk. Analyzing the results of the experiment, we came to the conclusion that putrefaction bacteria spoiled the milk, and lactic acid fermentation bacteria turned it into curdled milk, which can be eaten.

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Kurgan region, Petukhovsky district, municipal educational institution "Novogeorgievskaya secondary school"

Completed by: teacher of biology and chemistry of the first qualification category Yakovleva Larisa Aleksandrovna

The importance of bacteria in nature and human life

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Classification of bacteria

Bacteria of decomposition and decay; - soil bacteria; - lactic acid bacteria; - pathogenic bacteria.

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1. Bacteria of decomposition and rotting

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The soil contains a huge number of bacteria - hundreds of millions per gram. In poor tundra soils or sandy desert soils there are up to a billion of them, in slightly podzolic soils - up to a billion, and in chernozem rich in organic matter - up to 2 billion and more. This is about 35 dry weight of the soil.

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Bacteria take part in the weathering of rocks and minerals. Thus, iron bacteria formed large deposits of iron ores.

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2. Nitrogen-fixing (soil) bacteria

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NODULE BACTERIA - a genus of bacteria that form nodules on the roots of many leguminous plants and fix molecular nitrogen in the air under conditions of symbiosis with the plant. They enter into symbiosis with leguminous plants. Settling in the roots of legumes, they cause the formation of nodules on them, for which they received the name nodule bacteria. The plant supplies the bacteria with the carbohydrates and mineral salts they need for growth and development, and in return receives nitrogen, which the nodule bacteria are able to fix.

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3. Lactic acid bacteria

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Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the creation of fermented milk products. Fermented milk products are a group of dairy products produced from whole cow's milk or its derivatives (cream, skim milk and whey) by fermentation with starter cultures. Lactic acid products are also made from the milk of sheep, goats, mares and other animals.

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Dairy products

Ayran; - acidophilus; -kefir; - yogurt; -ryazhenka; - Varenets; -matsoni; -Koumiss.

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Ayran is a type of fermented milk drink or a type of kefir among the Turkic and Caucasian peoples. In different languages ​​and among different peoples, the exact meaning of the name and preparation technology vary slightly, but the common thing is that it is a dairy product produced with the help of lactic acid bacteria. It has different levels of fat content. Bashkirs love to quench their thirst while mowing.

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It is produced from milk fermented with pure culture starters, one of which is acidophilus bacillus. In 1910, the Russian scientist Hartier E.E. proved that acidophilus bacillus can be successfully used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases, and that this bacterium cleanses the intestines of putrefactive and some pathogenic microbes.

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Kefir is a fermented milk drink made from whole or skim cow's milk by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using kefir “fungi” - a symbiosis of several types of microorganisms: lactic acid streptococci and rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeast

Kefir starter

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Yogurt (a fermented milk product that is made from whole milk by fermenting it with special cultures - Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus).

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Ryazhenka is a fermented milk drink made from baked cow's milk by combined lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Fermentation is carried out with thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus, fermented for 3-6 hours. It has a yellowish-brownish tint and a traditional fermented milk taste. In fact, it is a type of unflavored yogurt.

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Varenets, along with yogurt, is an ancient Russian fermented milk drink. To prepare Varents, baked milk was used, evaporated in a Russian oven in clay jars. Prepared baked milk was fermented with sour cream. The milk froth on the surface of the drink gave Varentz a special taste. In the modern dairy industry, baked milk is used to prepare Varenets, which is fermented with fermented milk cultures and Bacillus acidophilus.

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Matsun or matsoni - Armenian and Georgian yogurt made from boiled cow, buffalo, sheep, camel or goat milk. The main microflora of these drinks is Bulgarian bacillus and heat-loving lactic acid streptococci. Milk is fermented at elevated temperatures (48-55 °C) and fermented in a device that retains heat for approximately 3-4 hours.

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Kumis is a whitish fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, obtained as a result of lactic and alcoholic fermentation using Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid rods and yeast.