home · electrical safety · Houses with half-hipped roofs and facing bricks. The design of the rafter system for a half-hip roof. Varieties of half-hip hipped roof

Houses with half-hipped roofs and facing bricks. The design of the rafter system for a half-hip roof. Varieties of half-hip hipped roof


Last revision: 12/08/2014

Every owner of his own private home wants his home to be not only reliable, durable and cozy, but also aesthetically attractive. And in this regard, the roof design option plays a significant role. Of course, the question of what is considered beautiful is a purely individual one, but there are universal options for roof shapes that are equally suitable for both large mansions and small country houses. Perhaps, a half-hip roof can be classified as precisely this type of roof design.

Why a half hip roof?

Issues of preliminary preparation for the construction of a half-hip roof must be approached with all responsibility:

  1. For roofing work, it is necessary to choose only high-quality materials.
  2. When installing the roof, maximum care must be taken.
  3. Before carrying out direct work, you need to draw up a detailed drawing of the future structure and make a preliminary calculation of the amount of necessary materials.

The above preparation rules are relevant when constructing roofs of any shape, but this is especially true in cases where the choice fell on a half-hip roof.

The half-hip roof is a kind of symbiosis, which combines the visual and operational characteristics of a conventional gable roof and the so-called hip roof, that is, multi-slope. This roof design is most appropriate in areas with strong winds, which will inevitably put a load on the roof and the more streamlined its shape, the less negative impact it will have. In addition, with a half-hip roof shape, it becomes possible to significantly expand the attic space and turn it into additional residential or utility space.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that if you are interested in how to make a half-hip roof with your own hands, then you need to be aware that this form of roof is quite complex and it is unlikely that you will be able to make it yourself. More precisely, the construction of the rafter system itself, with subsequent roofing work, is still possible, but before they are carried out, its detailed diagram must be drawn, and this work is best entrusted to specialists, due to the fact that even minimal errors at the design stage are unacceptable. And with regards to installation work, it should be said that it is best to turn to the services of professionals. However, at the same time, it would not be superfluous to have theoretical knowledge of the main stages of constructing a given roof in order to be able to speak “the same language” with the workers.

Construction stages

  • At the initial stage of constructing a half-hip roof, it is necessary to install a concrete screed around the perimeter of the walls, into which threaded rods with a diameter of 10 mm or more are vertically mounted. The distance between them is chosen arbitrarily, but it should be approximately 100-120 cm. A supporting beam is laid on top of these studs, which is secured with nuts. Mauerlat is ready.
  • Then it is necessary to install the layered and hanging rafters. Hanging rafters are installed on external walls; to strengthen the structure, they are tightened and the rafter legs are connected. One end of the layered rafters must be supported by an external wall, and the other - either a specially built support or an internal wall.
  • The rafters are connected using a ridge purlin, the rafters of the hip roof elements are attached to the rafter elements of the gable roof.
  • Intermediate rafters are installed taking into account the width of the insulation. Then the transverse beams are installed.


Speaking about this type of roof structure, such as a half-hip roof, it is necessary to highlight a number of its operational characteristics.

  1. When building such a roof, you can make maximum use of the space that is formed under the roof. And also expand it somewhat and make it more suitable for living.
  2. This roof shape is much more resistant to wind loads, making it suitable for equipment in areas with strong winds.
  3. The half-hip roof looks quite original and aesthetically pleasing. Capable of emphasizing individuality and highlighting the structure.
  4. This type of roof structure combines the qualities of a gable and hip version.

After the installation of the rafter system is completed, you can proceed to thermal and waterproofing work. Layers of insulating materials must be laid sequentially on the rafter sheathing and securely fastened. In the modern construction market there is a fairly extensive selection of different materials and there is a lot to choose from. By the way, if there is an irresistible desire to definitely have a hand in carrying out the work, then it is the laying of insulating materials that allows you to calm it down. This work does not require special knowledge. After the layers of insulating materials have been laid, you can begin work on laying the roofing material.

Note! Due to the fact that a half-hip roof has a rather complex structure, the material consumption may be slightly greater than for a simple gable roof, and this factor must be taken into account at the planning stage and calculating the amount of materials.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that before making a choice in favor of a half-hip or some other form of roof structure, you need to familiarize yourself with photo and video materials on this topic. To have as detailed an idea as possible about the upcoming work and the opportunity to look at the final result.



One of the most effective and reliable roof designs is the half-hip roof. It is characterized by a large number of features and advantages, but disadvantages are also possible. There are a considerable number of varieties of half-hip roofing, which are recommended to be studied before proceeding with installation.

What is a half hip roof?

This type of roof is considered a subspecies of the hip roof. There are two types of slopes in the half-hip: trapezoidal and triangular (isosceles). The half-hip design is so called because it has inferior triangular slopes. They are shortened due to the gables of the house.

The pediment itself is the main element of the half-hip and is constructed first. The gable may be a wall or constructed as a frame that is part of the roof.

Pediments made of brick or blocks are considered more reliable. In addition, they are able to perform the functions of load-bearing walls of the attic.

The shape of the half-hip roof mainly depends on the climatic characteristics of the area. At the stage of drawing up a half-hip project, climate plays the most important role. For regions where winter is characterized by large amounts of precipitation, the half-hip slopes are made as steep as possible. Their inclination is 60 degrees or more. The overhangs of the slopes, on the contrary, should be short to prevent the accumulation of large amounts of snow on them.

If a house with a half-hip is located in a region characterized by mild winters with little rainfall, then it is possible to create a roof with a minimal slope.

Advantages and disadvantages

The half-hip design cannot be called simple, both from the point of view of calculations and design, and from the installation side. However, precisely because of its complexity and features, the half-hip has many advantages in comparison with other types of roofing:

  • It is possible to organize an additional room (attic), due to the height of the structure, since there is a large space under it.
  • Considering that such a roof has a pediment, it ends up being warmer, especially if the pediment is made of blocks or bricks.
  • The presence of a pediment also allows you to install windows or doors to access a loggia or balcony.
  • Due to the smaller area of ​​the slopes compared to a conventional hip roof, the cost of the entire structure is reduced.

The only disadvantage of the half-hip is the difficulty of installation. To construct it, you need a large number of different elements, fasteners and wood material to create rafters. Without certain skills and experience in design and assembly, it is almost impossible to build this type of roof.

What is the design

Like all roofs, it has the shape of a pie consisting of various materials. Basically, the design of a half-hip roof consists of the following elements:

  • roofing material, for example, metal tiles;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • counter-lattice;
  • sheathing;
  • insulation material that is installed between the rafters;
  • initial sheathing;
  • cornice strip;
  • vapor barrier;
  • rafter system.

Depending on whether the living space is under a half-hip roof or not, the most suitable materials for the pie are used. Residential requires the use of good insulation and waterproofing to create a comfortable microclimate in the attic.

Rafter system

There are two types of half-hip rafter system. It depends on the materials used in the design. There are hanging or layered rafter legs. The main elements that distinguish half-hips in the rafter system are:

  • Rafters. They are attached to the mauerlat and the ridge, located perpendicular to both of them. Similar to the rafters of a regular roof with two slopes. The length is equal to the shortest distance from the ridge to the wall of the building.
  • Diagonal rafters. They are attached to the corner points of the roof structure and form a half-hip. They are the lateral faces of isosceles triangles. The difference from the diagonal variety of similar elements is only in length. In the half-hip roof type, the diagonal rafters are short and do not even reach the middle of the slope.
  • Narozhniki, another name for half-legs. Attached to diagonal rafters and mauerlat, creating a strong connection.
  • Supports. Installed on each floor beam.
  • Ridge beam.
  • Side runs. If the roof area is small, then these elements may be missing.
  • Additional auxiliary elements that are installed to provide reliability and stability, for example, braces, crossbars, and beams.

If the structure uses layered rafters, then such elements are supported on the walls of the house or support posts installed on the floor beams. There are no intermediate supports for hanging rafters.


In addition to the fact that the half-hip is divided into two-slope and four-slope (Dutch and Danish), several more varieties of this design can be distinguished.

Gable half-hip roof

The standard option is gable. This roof design allows you to build an attic or attic underneath. The structure can be supported by two triangular slopes on the pediments. In another way, this variety is called the Dutch half-hip. There are quite a lot of options for its construction, but their common feature is that the roof has bevels only on two sides.

Half hip sloping roof

It is distinguished by the presence of kinks on the sides of the structure. The kinks provide high ceilings. In most cases, it is much higher than a conventional gable roof. The latter, if it has a steep slope, becomes too vulnerable to wind loads. For this reason, a broken half-hip roof has a serious fracture of the slopes, and only the upper part of the structure remains vulnerable to wind loads.

The lower part is sharply directed downwards, which gives the roof greater reliability. The construction and design of a sloping roof requires adherence to strict proportions of the elements among themselves, otherwise a half-hip of this type will be unreliable.

Half hip roof with attic

It is a structure that is formed from two gentle slopes that meet at the top and two more steep slopes that continue the first. Due to this form, it becomes possible to use the attic space and turn it into a living room. To construct an attic roof, hanging rafters are used, which provide a void in the middle part of the room.

Half hip roof with gables

This design is mainly used when they want to build a living space or attic under the roof. In most cases, preference is given to a design in which the pediment is made of blocks or bricks. But there is also a type of half-hip roof, where the pediment is made of a wooden frame.

It is made depending on the shape of the gable wall, which in most cases is a trapezoid. The pediment support posts are attached to the mauerlat and the load-bearing side wall of the building. A beam or board is attached to the top. The pediment posts are tied with jibs, then sheathing is carried out using boards or plywood. The main part of the half-hip roof structure is built with support on such a pediment.

Stages of assembling a half-hip roof

If the gables have already been built, for example, from brick or blocks, the installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Installation of the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat is attached to the external (front and rear) walls. For this, a beam is used, the minimum cross-section of which is 100 x 15 mm. Such a beam is installed to a reinforcing belt with a steel frame made of reinforcement. For fastening, use studs, maintaining a distance between fasteners of 1-1.2 m.
  2. Then they begin to install the ridge girder, using a beam with a section of 100x100 mm. The length of the ridge girder should be 3-4 m shorter than the span of the building. Install it on support posts or to a load-bearing wall indoors. You can also install it on floor beams or slabs. It is important to achieve the maximum level of structural strength.
  3. A ridge beam is installed on the racks, which is secured using steel angles and self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is important to observe the position of the beam; it should be fixed strictly horizontally.
  4. Next, install the diagonal rafters. They have support in the edge of the ridge girder and gables. With the help of diagonal rafters, the slopes are differentiated from each other.
  5. We begin installing the main rafters, which form trapezoidal slopes. Their upper edges are supported in the ridge beam, the lower edges in the mauerlat.
  6. They install the liens. They are short rafters that are attached to diagonal ribs from above.
  7. The last stage is filling the triangular slopes. The rafters are mounted, which rest against the ridge girder and the runners.

Constructing a half-hip roof is a rather difficult task, but if you study all the nuances and design features, this will make the task much easier. It is recommended to think through all the issues that will have to be encountered during the installation of a half-hip roof in advance, at the design stage. It is better if the process is led by an experienced builder who will control the reliability of the structure.

Among the standard gable roofs of houses in country villages, the half-hip roof (otherwise called Dutch) looks original and unusual. The history of the half-hip roof goes back many centuries.

Let's figure out what this design is and how to build a half-hip roof.

Half-hip roof - what is it?

Conventionally, these roofs are divided into two types: gable and hipped, but, nevertheless, in both cases there are four slopes.

Half hip gable roof- a distant relative of the hip (Danish).

The hip configuration is simpler: two side slopes are made in the form of trapezoids, two end slopes are made in the form of isosceles triangles. A separate case is a hipped roof: it does not have a ridge, all the slopes are isosceles triangles whose vertices converge at one point.

The half-hip end slopes are shortened and do not even reach the middle of the side slope. From the front view, such a roof looks like a small triangle, and in profile, it looks like a trapezoid with the upper corners cut off. Under the half-hip there is a pediment, like a conventional gable roof.

Semi-hip hipped. Here the end slope starts not from the ridge, but from the middle of the side slope and continues to the line of the eaves overhang. There is a vertical wall above it. The hips of these roofs are made in the form of trapezoids.


A semi-hipped gable roof can have an attic. For a hipped roof, this option is problematic: the window will be located too high, and it will not be possible to create a balcony at the end at all.

Advantages of a half hip roof

Its installation is not the most economical matter, both in terms of material consumption and energy consumption. But besides aesthetics, it has other advantages:

  • Greater wind resistance (due to slopes on all four sides);
  • Improved protection of the pediment from precipitation (due to the eaves overhangs of the hips);
  • Increasing the usable space under the roof (useful for installing an attic).

Calculation of a half-hip roof

The first design stage is a drawing of a half-hip roof. At this stage, the lengths of the rafters and their number are determined.

  • The step between the rafters depends on the expected load on the roof and is related to the thickness of the rafters: if the thickness of the beams for the rafter legs is more than recommended, the step can be taken less frequently. It is advisable to make the distance between the rafter legs according to the width of the insulation boards, then they will not have to be trimmed.
  • The lengths of the rafter legs are determined using formulas for isosceles and right triangles.

  • The area of ​​the side slope is first calculated as the area of ​​the trapezoid: height H (length of the ordinary rafters), multiplied by the base (length of the eaves overhang), divided in half. From the resulting figure, subtract the areas of two triangles (corners of a trapezoid cut off by half-hips).
  • The area of ​​the half-hips is determined as the product of the height (the length of the hip slope from the ridge to the middle of the base) and the base (the eaves overhang of the half-hips).

Half hip roof rafter system

The rafter system design for a half-hip roof comes in two types, depending on which rafters are used - hanging or layered.

In addition to the ridge and mauerlat, the layered rafters rest on intermediate supports. The supports can be internal load-bearing walls or support posts made of timber, which are mounted on floor beams.

Hanging rafters do not have intermediate supports.


For strength and stability, the opposite rafter legs are connected with crossbar ties either at the floor level or above or below the middle of the rafter beams.

Often, for this purpose, trusses in the form of the letter A or an isosceles triangle are pre-installed.

The rafter system consists of the following elements:

  • Ordinary rafters. They rest on the mauerlat beam and the ridge perpendicular to both of them. Similar to the rafter legs of a simple (gable gable) roof, the length is the shortest distance from the ridge to the side wall of the house.
  • Diagonal - extreme (corner) rafters from which half-hips are formed. Lateral faces of isosceles triangles. Unlike hip and hip roofs, where the slanted (diagonal) rafters are the longest, for half-hip roofs they are short, not even reaching the middle of the slope.
  • Narozhniki (short rafters or half-legs). Connect the diagonal rafters to the Mauerlat.
  • Supports. In layered systems they are placed on all floor beams.
  • Ridge beam.
  • Side runs (if the area of ​​the slopes is small, they may not exist).
  • Auxiliary elements: braces, struts, crossbars, beams, etc., necessary to strengthen the structure.

  • Mauerlat - section 10 by 15 or 15 by 15;
  • All types of rafters - 5 by 15;
  • Supports – 10 by 10 or 10 by 20;
  • All additional elements (struts, crossbars, purlins, etc.) are 5 by 15.

Roofing pie design

The roofing pie is performed as for other pitched roofs. This does not depend on the design, but on the presence/absence of insulation and the coating material.

If you plan to install a residential attic, it is better to put insulation.

  1. Vapor barrier layer. The membrane is rolled out along the rafters along the ridge, starting from the cornice. Adjacent pieces and adjacent strips are joined with overlaps of about 15 centimeters and sealed with construction tape. They are attached to the rafters with roofing nails.
  2. Insulation. They are placed spaced between the rafters.
  3. Waterproofing. Roll out like a vapor barrier film, only on top of the insulation. They attach it the same way.
  4. Counter battens are installed along the rafters.
  5. The sheathing is stuffed on top.


  • All wooden parts (rafters, mauerlat, sheathing and counter-lattice) must be treated with an antiseptic compound and fire retardant before installation;
  • Fastening is done only with galvanized nails, so that the wood does not rot due to corrosion of hardware;
  • If special membranes are used for vapor/waterproofing, they are laid with the discharge surface away from the insulation.

Installation of a half-hip gable roof

Installation procedure:

1. Pour a concrete screed around the perimeter of the house. At the same time, threaded rods with a diameter of a centimeter are installed in the screed. The approximate step between studs is 1-1.2 meters.

2. Place a mauerlat beam on the studs and secure it with nuts on top. It is necessary to place roofing material under the timber so that the wood does not come into contact with the screed material.

3. If the system is layered, place racks on each floor beam.

4.If the system is hanging, trusses are installed on the beams.

5. Ridge beams are laid on the posts or trusses.

6. Ordinary layered rafters are supported on the timber.

7. The slanted rafters are attached to the ridge and supported from below with rigs.

8. The last step is to lay the side purlins (on long slopes).

If you like a half-hipped gable roof (or hipped roof), but you are not confident in your own abilities, contact us. We will do your roof professionally, quickly and inexpensively. Photos of our works with prices

A durable and original half-hip roof is an interesting option that is perfectly adapted to wind loads. The half-hip roof has triangular slopes, which allows you to simultaneously increase the attic space, reducing the load on the load-bearing joists. It is possible to equip such a roof with houses of any type, so today more and more homeowners are deciding to choose this roof design for their private home.

Design features

One of the undoubted advantages of a half-hipped gable roof is the presence of a full-fledged attic, in which, with the correct layout, it will be possible to equip a full-fledged room for a study or a bedroom. In its appearance and shape, such a roof resembles a trapezoid, resistant to wind loads.

It is necessary to note the versatility of this type of roof, which is equally suitable for both a small country house and a full-size cottage with an area of ​​200-300 square meters. In each specific case, two- and four-slope semi-hipped roofs of different designs can be used, differing in internal design and dimensions.

There is also the possibility of using roofing elements of different nature. So, you can lay expensive natural tiles on the roof or use economical ondulin, slate and metal profiles. There are currently no special requirements for the arrangement of a half-hip roof, the rafter system of which is made of wooden logs. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the load on the load-bearing logs and subsequently secure the base properly, which will allow him to properly bear the load on the walls of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of this type of roof is largely due to its many advantages, so it is not surprising that today many summer residents and owners of private houses prefer this type of construction.

The advantages of a half-hip roof include:

The disadvantages include the following:

Arrangement of the rafter system

It is possible to carry out a roof truss system yourself only if the homeowner has the appropriate work experience. The roof base consists of from the following elements:

Step-by-step instructions for arranging a roof

Homeowners who decide to independently install a half-hip roof must follow the following step-by-step instructions, which will allow them to complete the roof of the house themselves.

At this point, the installation of the rafter system is completed, and you can begin further arrangement of the roof.

Thermal insulation and roofing decking

The completed rafter system is sheathed with lumber, which will be the basis for roof thermal insulation. The sheathing is installed, and mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other similar materials are placed inside it. When using fiber insulation, it will be necessary to take care of their high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier, for which special insulating membranes are used.

All that remains to be done is to secure the roofing material used. This work is not difficult, you just need to remember that the flooring needs to be done at a height, so precautions must be taken. To fasten metal profiles and similar materials, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws with rubberized heads, which will prevent damage to metal sheets by rust. If ondulin is used, then the fastening should be carried out in full accordance with the technology, achieving the maximum possible waterproofing of the roof.

A half-hip roof is an original roof design that will allow you to decorate your home, and the homeowner gets the opportunity to use the under-roof space with maximum efficiency. At the same time, one should remember the complexity of arranging such a roof, so if the homeowner does not have the appropriate experience, it is best to turn to professional builders, and they will quickly complete the appropriate work, installing a high-quality and inexpensive half-hip roof.

Half-hip roofs are very convenient when using the attic as a living space. Such a roof is a pitched structure with overhangs at the ends. Thanks to this unique feature, a half-hip, or Dutch, roof is able to withstand high wind loads. Overhangs additionally protect the gables of the building from precipitation. To figure out how to build a half-hip roof, you need to distinguish between its variations:

  • gable type half-hip roof;
  • hipped type of semi-hipped roof.

In this case, the design may undergo some individual changes, which depend on the type of roof, the presence or absence of a living area in the attic space, and the climate of the area. For areas with snowy, harsh winters, they try to make such roofs with not very large overhangs and very steep slopes.

Advantages of the half-hip roof type

In addition to the opportunity to obtain a large and practical space in the attic and equip it for a comfortable living space, as well as protecting the gables from the effects of bad weather, among the advantages of this roof are its beauty, effectiveness and the ability to implement a variety of options.

Note! This type of roof is characterized by increased structural strength. It is very suitable for areas with extreme climate conditions, and is also resistant to vibrations.

Disadvantages of a half-hip (Dutch) roof

Among the disadvantages of erecting a Dutch roof:

  • the complexity of building a rafter system;
  • high consumption of roofing material and wood;
  • Difficulty in cleaning and repair.

It is very difficult to build such a roof on your own, without the help of specialists. There are many elements in the rafter system, which complicates the construction.

Construction of a Dutch roof

The design of a half-hip consists of many elements, one of which simply cannot be excluded, since each has its own purpose. The basis is the mauerlat and a complex rafter system. If the walls of the building are made of brick, it is good to place a reinforced concrete reinforced belt on top with galvanized studs with a diameter of 10 mm and a pitch of 1.2 m protruding between the future rafters, and place the Mauerlat beam on it over a couple of layers of roofing material. For the Mauerlat, timber with a cross section of 150×150 mm is mainly used. Next, with the help of a notch and the use of iron brackets, a ridge is arranged, to which the slanted and diagonal rafters (or rafters) are attached.

It is very important to take correct measurements and calculate the required rafter lengths. It is best to prepare rafters 50 cm longer than the calculated data to avoid troubles during work.

Note! From reinforced double boards, rafter half-legs are made, resting on splints. Pairing boards helps achieve the required increased load-bearing capacity of the roof.

When the slanted rafters are firmly attached to the mauerlat and the ridge, the ranks are installed. In this case, the width of the insulating material is taken into account, according to which the pitch of ordinary rafters is calculated. To ensure that the rafters rest against the base, cut-outs are made at the ends; on the sides they can be attached to the mauerlat with metal corners. If the spans are large, reinforcement is used using struts with stops. Using a truss truss, you can strengthen the diagonal rafters.

If the slab covering the house is reinforced concrete, the racks with stops can be rested against it without any problems. In another case, additional tightening must be installed on the overlap tanks.

Before installation, all wooden structural elements should be treated with special solutions to protect them from rotting and the effects of fire.

Completion of the half-hip construction

The completion of a Dutch roof, like any other, includes laying sheathing, vapor barrier material, as well as insulation, waterproofing film and the roof itself. Free space under the ridge is necessary for air circulation and ventilation.

Note! It is better to use a vapor barrier film with a foil side, which will protect the thermal insulation layer from moisture.

The insulation can be polystyrene foam boards, fiberglass or basalt slabs. A condensate film or diffusion membrane is laid on top of them to protect against moisture and condensation. Roofing felt is also still used as waterproofing, but since its properties are short-lived, it is better to abandon it in favor of more modern materials.

Next, a counter-lattice is made from wooden slats to secure the waterproofing and create a gap for ventilation. On top of the counter-lattice, a main lathing is made, along which the roofing material is secured.
