home · Lighting · Feng Shui: all about the eastern practice of space exploration. Sectors and zones of the apartment according to Feng Shui, overlay Bagua or Lo Shu on the plan

Feng Shui: all about the eastern practice of space exploration. Sectors and zones of the apartment according to Feng Shui, overlay Bagua or Lo Shu on the plan

Home renovations or apartment renovations always end with the purchase of new furniture, decor, and pleasant and useful little things for your home.

If you are interested in Chinese culture and oriental spiritual practices, then knowledge of how furniture is arranged according to Feng Shui will certainly be useful to you. We will also consider in the material below important rules and color nuances that must be taken into account if you set out to furnish an apartment in accordance with the laws of this practice.

How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui

The arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui is of the most importance. This is necessary so that the flows of Qi energy, entering your home, are evenly distributed throughout it and fill every room in the house. Otherwise, we say that the circulation of Qi is disrupted, and our home does not have harmonious and positive energy.

How to properly arrange furniture according to Feng Shui is a question that has a huge role, but no less important is what kind of furniture will be in your home. It is best that each room is clearly demarcated and there is no furniture from another category in it. Thus, a desk and computer should not be placed in the bedroom, and it is better not to combine the bathroom and toilet. A clear demarcation of a home into zones is the very first sign of harmonious Feng Shui.

In the bedroom it is better to install only a bed, a wardrobe, bedside tables and a few small shelves. But in your office you can install as many equipment as you like, place bookcases there, and add everything you need to the room. In the living room you need to maintain an atmosphere of comfort and family - here you can place a comfortable large sofa, several armchairs, and a wide coffee table. Decorative accents wouldn’t hurt either – large vases and contrasting elements (for example, chair cushions) would fit perfectly here.

However, you should not clutter your apartment with unnecessary furniture - it is believed that its excess also negatively affects the circulation of Qi flows. Therefore, be guided in this matter by a simple rule - we buy only what we really need.

There is no question of any Feng Shui at home if your home resembles a museum or warehouse; by the way, this also applies to decor.

  • Firstly, an abundance of unnecessary things accumulates a lot of dust, and endless figurines and vases simply cannot be wiped down often. A dirty home is the main candidate for the accumulation of negative Sha energy, because it is always attracted to abundant dust and cluttered rooms.
  • Secondly, any item that is not used also becomes the focus of Sha energy, which introduces dissonance into the energetic background of the home and can even cause quarrels in the house and physical illnesses among household members!

It is for this reason that arranging furniture according to Feng Shui begins not with the question of what to put and where, but with what needs to be bought in general. The less furniture in your apartment, the better.

However, you shouldn’t go to extremes - if you need a lot of cabinets to store things in, then, of course, you can’t do without it. Otherwise, there will be nowhere to put things and the apartment will look untidy. But it’s better not to cram small storage compartments throughout the house, but to make one large one. A sliding wardrobe in the bedroom is ideal for this; it will fit all your things.

So, in order not to impede the flow of Qi, we do not buy anything unnecessary and do not fill our home to the top with decor.

This is the very first and most important rule. However, in addition to this, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the furniture, and even its height. It is best to choose low furniture - beds, sofas, tables and bedside tables. This can be explained very simply - Qi lives in an oxygen environment and “floats” in it, and therefore it usually accumulates the most in the lower part of the home, on the floor.

If the bed is low, then during sleep you will inhale life-giving flows of Qi along with the air, which will help restore your strength, and in the morning you will wake up cheerful, in a wonderful mood. High beds and sofas make us more invisible to the flow of Qi, so if the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui is important to you, pay special attention to this point.

When arranging furniture, it is important to take into account that you should avoid creating peculiar niches and nooks between the walls, ceiling and furniture, since bad Sha energy instantly accumulates there, and Qi practically cannot get there. Therefore, there is no need to install a cabinet that will leave a large gap between the ceiling and the top; it is better to make a sliding storage compartment in which the doors will occupy the entire height of the room, from the floor to the ceiling.

Another rule is that Qi loves the correct geometric shape, this applies to both rooms and furniture. Therefore, beds, tables, dressing rooms and other elements should have either a square or rectangular shape.

Avoid strange and fancy furniture, ornate designs, moldings, carvings and other decor. Qi glides best on the smooth surface of wood and metal, and therefore these are the materials that are traditionally chosen for home furniture in the Feng Shui style.

As for the color scheme of furniture, it is important to place accents based on the element to which a particular room belongs.

The sleeping area is traditionally located in the southwest - this is the zone of family and love, marriage. A marital bed would fit perfectly here. It is customary to arrange a nursery in the West. The living room can be furnished in the eastern sector, since this zone is responsible for the family, and the study can be ideally arranged in the north or northeast (especially if you plan to study there, read a lot, and so on).

The sleeping area symbolizes the element of Earth. It is better to select furniture for it in yellowish, light brown, beige tones. A wenge shade would also work well, but don’t go overboard with the dark palette, as Qi doesn’t really like dark and gloomy colors. If your furniture is made in muted and dark colors, then the walls and floor should be light, and vice versa. This will balance the Qi. But an abundance of white in an adult bedroom is undesirable.

The children's room is under the auspices of Metal, and therefore its influence can be enhanced by furniture in a silver or gray shade, and cool light shades are also perfect - for example, white.

If the office is located in the north, then it is protected by the element of Water. The blue and blue range of furniture is suitable here; you can mix dark shades with light ones and combine them with each other. But avoid furniture in fiery shades, as this can create a conflict - you cannot design your office in yellow, orange or red tones.

If you don’t know how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, you can follow a simple rule - put the furniture where it belongs. This principle has already been described above: do not combine a bedroom with a study; each room in the apartment should have its own set of furniture that performs a specific function.

You should not mix the relaxation area with work, or the cooking area with the living room, as all this upsets the balance of Qi and can lead to intra-family strife. The more laconic your interior design and the more minimalist the furniture, the better.

However, there are still specific guidelines that directly affect the placement of Feng Shui furniture in the apartment. If you have a mirrored wardrobe or dressing table with a mirror in your bedroom or children's room, make sure that it does not reflect the bed. A sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror; this has a negative impact on both the psyche and energy.

You cannot install mirrors in such a way that they reflect the windows - in this case, the flow of Qi will be mirrored and “fly away”, which is why there will always be a shortage of positive energy in this room.

The kitchen is the element of fire, and therefore bright, warm shades are the place to be. To emphasize the ruling element, you can use furniture in red, cheerful yellow or orange tones. But it’s better not to place the dining table directly in the kitchen - this is a separate area for its own special purposes (food is prepared in the kitchen, food is eaten in the dining room), and therefore at least visually try to delimit the space so that these two rooms do not form a single whole.

Most often, the bed is placed parallel to the wall, which has windows. And the storage sections are located on the opposite wall.

If you arrange furniture in the sleeping area according to Feng Shui, then pay attention to the fact that there should be no furniture next to the bed, except for small bedside tables. You can place chests of drawers, cabinets and other furniture only at a distance from this area, or even better - against a wall parallel to the one where there are windows. In this case, it is better not to hang any shelves or hanging systems above the bed, but you can attach a suitable picture.

In order for the marital bed to become the center of love, it is important to use furniture in warm and muted, soft shades. This will create a feeling of calm and comfort. Avoid black furniture, as well as excess metal and glass in the interior - the element of the Earth loves comfortable and traditional solutions.

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui in the nursery

Arranging furniture according to the rules of Feng Shui in a nursery begins with a harmonious combination of shades. If your walls and floors are dark, then it is better to buy very light furniture, including white. It is believed that according to the rules of Feng Shui, a children's room should create a feeling of cleanliness and coolness, and therefore you can often find very light colors in it, blue and blue.

If the child is very small, the crib is placed in the middle of the room - this way the flow of Qi will circulate evenly around the baby, but an older child needs a “secluded corner”, so the bed is often placed in the corner of the room, placing it in a kind of niche.

You should not use loud colors everywhere in the nursery - this is a common mistake of young parents.

They strive to make the room bright, and as a result, the nursery loses its coziness and turns into a color confusion. It is better for the room to evoke neutral emotions; moreover, it is important to delimit the space in it, since a child’s room is a creative workshop, a playroom, and a study.

Sections for storing things can be placed next to the bed; a workplace can be set up on the opposite wall - a desk, a chest of drawers or drawers for textbooks and books. It is better to make a play area near the door, and this is where you can add some bright accents.

It is very important that there is a lot of natural light in the child’s room, because dark rooms accumulate Sha energy faster. Therefore, if the room is small and little light enters it through the window, decorate the room in light colors and take care of artificial lighting.

It is in a children's room that large open storage sections would be appropriate - the child will find a use for them, and this will also stimulate children to be creative. But there is no need to fill the entire wall with shelving; it is better to make a convenient built-in niche, in the center of which you can place a sleeping place.

But do not place the bed under the door or away from the window - ideally, the child’s sleeping place should be no more than two meters away from him.

Of course, when arranging a children's room, it is important to avoid an abundance of dark colors. The more light and air there is, the better. It is also important to leave the center of the room free and not crowd it with furniture - this will allow the flow of Qi to flow freely throughout the nursery in all directions. Therefore, furniture in this room is placed under the walls - this saves space and also prevents negative Sha from collecting in the corners of the room.

We arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in the office

What should an ideal office be like? Firstly, it should be located in the north, since this sector is responsible for the career. And, as mentioned above, the element of Water, which is closely connected with money, rules here. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize this influence with elements of black, blue, light blue, and turquoise.

The arrangement of furniture in the office according to Feng Shui is done so that the flow of Qi is not hampered and is not interrupted by anything, and therefore there should be nothing at all in line with the front door.

It is also better not to pile furniture against the walls, because this will disrupt the circulation of energy; it is better to leave some free space so that there is enough empty space between each piece of furniture.

It is very good if the office space has a square or rectangular shape - in this case, it is important to try to maintain it and not cut corners, do not make a complex and ornate space into the nooks and crannies of which Qi will not flow. Windows are also important - through them Qi will flow inside, and therefore the larger and more spacious they are, the better.

In order for Qi to flow inside as much as possible, the windows are made at the same level as the floor. In this case, it is also important to try to ensure that there are no sofas, tables or cabinets in the way of the energy flow. That’s why they are placed on the sides of large windows.

Bright and cheerful accents of a suitable color will perfectly highlight the seriousness of the office environment and give it vigor. Chairs and armchairs in turquoise or light blue tones are perfect, especially if you have a lot of grey, white or black in your interior.

In the same case, if you have a very small room, it is better to furnish it in a minimalist style using a white shade - then you will get the optimal Feng Shui office.

How to arrange furniture in this case, if there is very little space? Use small square tables that do not have an abundance of drawers - such furniture looks airy and does not weigh down the space, especially if it is light. And the minimalist design and correct geometric shape of the tables will not make them an obstacle to the flow of Qi.

It is better to move the storage sections to the opposite part of the room.

In general, arranging furniture according to Feng Shui does not contain any sophisticated advice - everything here is based on making the space harmonious and leaving enough light and space for the energy flow and maximizing its accumulation, be it a bedroom, a nursery, a study or same office.

The practice of Feng Shui is aimed at harmonizing the energies within which a person lives. With proper development of space, you can achieve positive results in all areas of life.

Feng Shui of an apartment requires a serious approach. Based on Eastern practice, it is necessary to clearly delimit zones and place symbolic attributes in them that will concentrate the flow of positive Qi energy in the right place.

Recently, many have become interested in various practices for the harmonious arrangement of their homes. Using the tenets of the teaching, it is necessary to clearly delimit the zones of residential premises and correctly arrange the symbols in order to activate positive processes. At the same time, negative flows are weakened or completely neutralized.

Feng Shui is used to activate positive processes

Feng Shui of an apartment opens up opportunities for its residents, helps to improve family relationships, make good profits, promotes career growth and improves health. All this happens without much effort on the part of humans. The main condition is knowledge of the fundamental laws of Taoist practice.

Interior arrangement according to Feng Shui

When arranging Feng Shui for an apartment, you need to pay attention not only to global issues, but also to smaller ones. There are several basic rules that, if followed, will help you control your life.

  • Maintaining cleanliness. The presence of trash leads to the closure of favorable flows and stagnant energy – Sha – accumulates in these places.

It is very important to clean your home regularly

  • Getting rid of unnecessary items of clothing. Only an empty place can attract the appearance of a new one. There is no need to regret that it is no longer useful. If you feel bad about throwing away your clothes, you can give them to those in need.

Get rid of unnecessary clothes

  • Repair of all non-functioning devices. Not everyone has the opportunity to throw away broken expensive equipment, as you can do with clothes. However, the presence of inoperative appliances in the house also leads to stagnation. It is necessary to do minor and global repairs of what can be repaired, and everything else must be disposed of.

Throw away non-working household appliances

  • There should be no broken dishes in the house. This tradition is voiced not only in the teachings of Feng Shui. Broken dishes were traditionally considered a bad omen and were discarded.

Don't keep broken dishes at home

  • In order for all areas in the apartment to work for the benefit of the owners, it is necessary to achieve good lighting at any time of the day. During the day they should be illuminated by the sun's rays, and in the evening by lamps, sconces and lamps. In the dark, stagnant energy is formed that can spoil life in all its manifestations.

All areas of the apartment should be well lit

  • Cleanliness should not only be in furniture and things. Feng Shui requires frequent renovations. Ceilings and walls should not be dusty, and cracks have a detrimental effect on all processes occurring in the apartment.

Carry out repairs in your apartment regularly

  • Energy should circulate throughout the apartment unhindered. That is why there should be no heavy bulky furniture in rooms and corridors. A crowded space will not allow the wind of change into your home.

Don't crowd your apartment with bulky furniture

  • One of the rules for decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui is the correct placement of doors. In rooms they should open inward, with the exception of the toilet and bathroom.

Interior doors should open inward

  • Nothing should hang from the ceiling in the bed area. In all other places, you should avoid sharp objects in the upper part of the room.
  • There should be no neglected, uninhabited places in the apartment. Rooms filled with old junk have a negative impact on the entire space. You cannot store dirty dishes and linen. Only purity can open the way for energy.
  • The abundance of plants and the presence of animals have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room. According to Feng Shui, many areas of the apartment require the presence of indoor flowers in pots.

Indoor plants have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room

  • The main rule of housing registration within the framework of eastern practices remains the desire of a person to return home. If all household members feel cozy and comfortable in the apartment, then everything has been done correctly, and the all-encompassing energy of Qi has begun its work.

To release positive energy into your home, you need to keep it clean. Dirt and neglected places create negativity and hinder development. External cleanliness is not an indicator of complete well-being. All problems are hidden in hard-to-reach places, so cleaning the premises must be comprehensive and global.

To clean out your living space, you need to sort out your closets and chests of drawers. Everything that is no longer wearable must be mercilessly thrown away. Storing junk prevents new things from coming into life. While the closet is full of unnecessary clothes, new clothes will not appear in it.

Get rid of unnecessary junk without regret

The same can be said about non-working equipment, watches and broken dishes. If they are subject to repair, then this must be done without delay. Even one non-working clock can slow down time and prevent positive energy from entering your home. Broken dishes should be thrown away immediately, guided by the truth that a broken cup cannot be mended. Light and warmth will not appear unless you throw away all non-working lighting fixtures and bulbs.

In order for the Feng Shui of an apartment to be complete, it is necessary to decorate the home with plants. They symbolize flourishing and growth in all areas of human life. Animals are also welcome guests in the house. There cannot be bad energy where they live.

Animals maintain good energy in the home

When arranging your apartment, you need to remember that this is a gradual process and you don’t have to do everything at once. Dramatic changes may not be beneficial.

Creating an interior in each room

If the house is large, then it is difficult to furnish it, but it is even more difficult to work with a small apartment. It is necessary to find the right place for everything in order to open each energy zone.

Feng Shui for the bedroom

Particular attention should be paid to the resting place. There should be nothing superfluous in the bedroom. All unnecessary things must be taken out immediately. At the moment of rest, a person is relaxed and defenseless, so he can be overtaken by negative energy. To avoid this, you need to remove items related to sports and work from the room, and fill the bedroom with peace and tranquility.

The room should not contain a large amount of furniture; it will clutter the space. There is no need to place heavy objects on the walls of the bedroom; they inspire fear on a subconscious level and deprive you of peace. The door in the room should open inward.

Bedroom organization according to Feng Shui

The bed should be in the center of the room or diagonally. The door does not have to be opposite, but it must be visible. The fireplace cannot be located in the back. The best place for a bed will be the Love zone.

There should be no things in open places; there are closets for that. Everything that lies outside clutters the space. There should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom; in extreme cases, they should be turned off while sleeping. In order for love to reign in the recreation room, it should not be crowded with small objects on the shelves. All this distracts people from the true purpose of the bedroom.

There should be no household appliances in the bedroom

Feng Shui for the living room

The central element of the living room can be a large crystal chandelier. It helps attract positive energy. The chandelier will provide sufficient illumination to activate all zones.

Crystal chandelier will attract positive energy

The living room does not like sharp corners and objects. When choosing furniture, we must not forget about this. Round tables, soft chairs, and an oval-shaped slide will give the room a residential look. Even plants should not have sharp leaves.

When arranging your living room, try to avoid sharp corners in furniture

Electrical appliances have a great influence on the activation of energy in the apartment. They need to be placed in the zones of wealth, love, children and career. These sectors most often need increased stimulation. The Family area in the living room should be equipped with a cozy sofa and decorated with flowers. This will allow you to achieve harmony in your relationship.

Living room arrangement according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui for the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the family hearth is located. He must also be given due attention. If the kitchen is located correctly, then the decoration will not take much time. It is enough to arrange the objects as needed.

Arranging furniture in the kitchen according to Feng Shui

  • The hearth or stove is installed in the south.
  • The southeast is reserved for the refrigerator.
  • A wooden element must be placed between the ice and the flame.
  • The cleanliness of the two main elements of the kitchen must be maintained at all times.

The rules apply not only to large, but also to small objects and utensils. Stabbing, cutting instruments and spoons must be hidden in cabinets. Electrical appliances tend to stimulate energy, so they should be placed in areas of stagnation. You cannot cook food with your back to the door. This affects the quality of the dishes. The light in the room should be placed in such a way that there are no dark corners. There is fire and water in the kitchen, so you need to dilute them with wood. This element in the interior brings energy to balance.

All corners of the kitchen should be well lit

Feng Shui for the bathroom

Water has a very powerful force. Her energy can make a person rich or completely ruin him. Bathroom and toilet doors should always be tightly closed. It is preferable if they are painted white or shades of blue.

One of the main conditions for installing a bathroom and toilet is that all plumbing fixtures are in full working order. Water flowing from a tap can take with it money, fame, health and all other benefits. The doors of these rooms must open outward.

The bathroom door should open outwards

There are no unimportant or insignificant corners in the apartment. Each of them contains powerful flows of energy that must be activated correctly.

The power of mirrors according to Feng Shui

In many beliefs, mirrors have magical powers, and Eastern practices have not ignored them. Feng Shui of an apartment involves their correct placement to achieve a positive result and advancement in life. The main point in this is given to what the mirror reflects. According to the canons of Eastern practice, it should not be located in the following places:

  • Opposite the exit holes. The energy of strength, wealth and happiness leaves through windows and doors.
  • To preserve love, you need to remove mirrors from the bedroom. If they are needed there, then the reflection should not represent the bed.
  • To prevent the housewife from feeling tired, the mirror should not be located in the kitchen, opposite the stove.

Mirror placement according to Feng Shui

In order for the Feng Shui of the apartment to be observed, you need to know where the mirror surfaces should be placed.

  • If the reflection shows the kitchen table where the whole family gathers, this helps attract wealth and prosperity.
  • A mirrored hallway will allow you to expand the boundaries of space and, as a result, your own horizons.

A mirrored hallway will expand your horizons

In order not to lose a part of your soul, you should not look into a cracked or broken mirror. It must be thrown away immediately, after washing it first. Practitioners claim that in this way information about the owner is deleted.

Feng Shui loves cleanliness. Mirrors that are placed correctly but are dirty and dusty will only cause harm. Washing them will help get rid of negative energy. When buying rare copies, you need to be careful. The mirror contains a memory that can bring trouble to the new owner.

Keep your mirrors clean

Zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui

For a happy and fulfilling life, according to Taoist practice, it is necessary to observe the zones in the apartment according to Feng Shui. Each of them has a different color palette and must contain a special symbol. This helps to reveal the flow of positive energies and change the lives of the inhabitants of the home in the right direction. Several main zones can be distinguished:

  • Wealth;
  • Love and marriage;
  • Health;
  • Careers;
  • Wisdom and knowledge;
  • Assistants and travel;
  • Families;
  • Children and creativity;
  • Glory.

Division into zones according to Feng Shui

Each zone requires attention. If you follow all the advice of practice, you can find yourself in the epicenter of positive energies.

How to distribute Feng Shui zones in an apartment

Anyone who has decided to distribute zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui needs to get acquainted with the Bagua grid, which reflects eight aspects of human life. According to Eastern teachings, they are the most important and constitute the circle of interests of everyone.

There is an ancient legend about this. About two thousand years ago a turtle appeared on the sea coast. On her shell were depicted trigrams corresponding to the nine life aspects. Fu Xi, the great sage, managed to unravel the divine message. This is how people came up with the Bagua grid. Now, in order to influence your life, you need to purposefully direct your forces to the desired part of the room.

Bagua Grid

In order to correctly find the zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui, you need to find a house plan, a compass and a Bagua grid. A large-scale image will help you quickly navigate the area. What should I do?

  • It is easier to start the delimitation process from the north. To find it accurately, you need to use a compass.
  • The apartment plan must be divided into nine equal parts.
  • If you superimpose the compass readings on the plan, then the quarry zone will be located exactly in the north. This guide and the Bagua grid will help distribute all the other squares.

Finding zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui is not so difficult as activating their work. This will require many symbolic crystals and even more practical knowledge.

Overlaying a Bagua grid on an apartment plan

Career Zone

The Feng Shui Career zone is located in the north. She belongs to the water element, so she prefers colors such as blue and black. The symbolic sign of the sector is a turtle.

To activate this area of ​​your life, you need to place wind music in the zone, the sign of your zodiac constellation, and also fill it with bright light. A small fountain helps for career growth; a picture depicting calm water helps to acquire stability. The Feng Shui Career zone will receive powerful support from the turtle figurine.

The turtle will provide powerful support to the Career zone

People striving for greater achievements at work or wanting to start their own business may benefit from additional stimulation of positive energy. You need to put office equipment in this part of the apartment and add photos of your work colleagues. According to Feng Shui, the Career Zone will certainly begin to work if you equip it with a crystal for the appropriate purpose.

Place the crystal in the quarry area

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge

In the northeast is the Feng Shui Knowledge Zone. Her element is the hard surface - the earth, so she has the corresponding colors, beige and yellow. In this place, talents are revealed faster, and mental activity becomes more active. The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone is perfect for a study or library.

The activation of this room is directly related to its purpose. In this area you can put educational or religious books, put a globe or hang a map. To quickly master a foreign language, you can put dictionaries in the wisdom sector.

Place a small shelf with books in the Knowledge zone

The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone does not tolerate cutting or piercing objects, disposable reading material or symbols of cruelty. On the contrary, a transparent shell with a pearl will cause positive energy to activate.

Transparent shell with pearl activates positive energy

Helpers and Travel Zone

In the northwest is the zone of Feng Shui Helpers. Its element is considered to be large metal, which corresponds to the following colors: white, gold and silver. As a sector activator, you can use a figurine of the Patron Ganesha and photographs of spiritual mentors.

Place a figurine of Ganesha in the assistants sector

The Feng Shui Helpers zone gives a person patrons, helps in difficult life situations and at turning points in fate. Knowing the astrological number and date of birth of the desired patron, you can attract his energy. It is enough for the Feng Shui Helpers area to be equipped with his zodiac sign.

In order to go on a journey, you need to activate this aspect of energy. In the sector it is necessary to place photos or collages with places you want to visit, various types of transport and travelers. The Feng Shui Helpers zone does not tolerate broken things, firearms and all sorts of explicit paintings. But the beneficial effects of bright lighting will be noticeable immediately.

In the travel area, hang a collage with photos of countries

Family and Health Zone

In the east is the territory of small metal - the Family zone according to Feng Shui. Its color scheme includes green and all its shades. Growing bamboo can become a symbol and activator of this sector.

Growing bamboo – activator of the Family sector

According to Feng Shui, the Family Zone should be bright and cannot contain unnecessary things. It’s good to put photos of your loved ones and wooden crafts in it. A good option would be if they are made by yourself. You can decorate the family sector with flowers in pots.

Place wood crafts in the Family sector

To ensure that well-being does not leave the house, it is necessary to ensure that the Family zone according to Feng Shui is not framed in metal. It should not contain dried flowers, herbariums, photographs of the deceased, sharp objects or thorny plants. Also, there is no need to immortalize pets in this zone. In order to prevent intrigue and gossip, weaving flowers must be removed from the family sector.

Children and Creativity Zone

In the west there is a zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui. The color range of the small metal corresponds to white, gold and silver. Activation of the sector depends on the goals, and in connection with them there are several effective ways.

The correct arrangement of the zone will help solve problems with raising children. It is necessary to place the zodiac symbols of your beloved children in it and provide bright lighting. The Zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui has its own patron. This is Netsuke Baby with a fish.

Netsuke Baby with a fish for the children's sector

To achieve complete family harmony, it is necessary to decorate the sector with bronze figurines of defenders, children's crafts, drawings and photographs. Everything should be easy and uncomplicated. According to Feng Shui, the Children and Creativity Zone should not contain dried flowers, thorns or sharp objects. They will have a detrimental effect on relationships with younger family members. On the contrary, fresh bouquets and potted flowers help activate the zone.

Flowers in pots are favorable for the children's sector

Wealth Zone

In the southeast is the Wealth Zone according to Feng Shui. Her element is a small tree, and her color scheme consists of shades of green and purple. The financial component of life, which occupies one of the leading places, depends on this sector.

Bright lighting will help attract Qi energy. This will help boost cash flow. Mandatory attributes of the zone will be products made of precious metals or their symbols, a silver vase with water, aquarium fish or figurines with their images, preferably red. For the rapid growth of prosperity, the Wealth zone according to Feng Shui can be equipped with a small indoor fountain.

A small indoor fountain for increasing well-being

It is favorably influenced by the abundance of vegetation, among which there should be a money tree. It will not be superfluous to place symbols of your zodiac constellation in the Wealth zone. This will attract money to a specific person. You can complete the design with a figurine of Hotei holding a gold bar in his hands. According to Feng Shui, the Wealth Zone should be filled with light and living energy from plants.

When arranging your home in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, pay attention to those points that can negate your efforts. To do this, study the 10 main taboos of Feng Shui and try to correct everything that can cause disharmony and interfere with the proper circulation of qi energy.


According to Feng Shui, you cannot hang a mirror opposite the door so that it does not reflect back the energy flowing into the room. Also, you should not place a mirror in the marital bedroom, as this may provoke the appearance of a rival. In other rooms, mirrors are acceptable and can even be beneficial. But it is highly desirable that the mirror reflects a person’s full-length figure and is whole (not assembled from fragments). A broken, chipped or cracked mirror, of course, should be thrown away immediately.


Dirt, dust, old unused things disrupt the energy of the house. They emit dead, stagnant energy, harming your business, health and relationships with people. In addition, by storing old stuff, you are literally programming yourself for the onset of a “dark streak” when this trash is finally useful to you. Make room for new, beautiful and comfortable things, and you won’t have to wait long for them to appear.

Broken, faulty things

Anything you intend to use should be repaired and put in order. Imagine that your home is a living organism. Will he function normally if some of his organs are sick or damaged? Repair everything that is broken, and part with what cannot be repaired without pity. Pay special attention to communications. Leaking pipes or taps are a recipe for poverty, and not just because of water bills. Together with dripping and leaking water, your home loses the energy of wealth, so it will be cheaper to spend money on repairs.

Floors of different levels

Floors in a house or in a separate room should not be at different levels. A very unfavorable moment.

This is how you energetically break up your space, and your destiny turns out to be “split” into pieces.

By raising one zone of the house higher than others, you make it dominant, drawing energy from other zones and, accordingly, from those aspects of life for which they are responsible.

Sharp corners

You're probably already familiar with the concept of "poison arrows." These arrows distort the flow of chi energy and adversely affect the person in their path. Protruding corners that launch “poisonous arrows” should be rounded or disguised. If this is not possible, rearrange them so that they are not directed to the places where you usually sit, lie, or stand. Pay attention to the hanging shelves. In addition to the existing corners, they also hang over you, depressing your energy. If you don’t want to get rid of them, “ground” them by hanging a curtain made of bamboo or beads that reaches the floor from the bottom edge.

Bathroom and toilet

On the bagua map, unfortunately, there are no areas where the location of the bathroom would be appropriate. But this is not a reason to take it outside. It is enough to keep the doors to the bathroom and toilet closed, monitor the cleanliness of these rooms and promptly eliminate possible malfunctions. If you have a pet whose toilet is next to yours, build a special pet door into the bathroom door.

Closed windows

In a stuffy room, not only the air deteriorates. The energy of qi should not accumulate in the house, acquiring a yin character, but, as it were, wash it, passing through it. If you cannot keep the windows open all the time, ventilate the apartment as often as possible. In this case, it is better if the windows are open in all rooms at the same time. If you are afraid of drafts, ventilate the house in your absence.

Poor workplace location

Wherever you work - at home, in the office or in production - the quality of work and life in general will be influenced by the location of your workplace. This is where you spend a significant portion of your time, so try to make this place comfortable not only physically, but also energetically. It is better to sit with your back to the wall, and the wall should be solid, without windows. As a last resort, you can put a screen behind your back, which will symbolically protect your rear. If possible, turn your desk in a direction favorable to you, but in no case opposite the door.

Obstructed entrance

Trees growing opposite the entrance, cars blocking the approach to the house, prevent the flow of qi from entering your home. The same applies to the accumulation of things in the hallway near the front door. Try to clear the entrance as much as possible inside and outside. The exception is green spaces separating the house from the road, if the building faces the roadway with its façade. In this case, we choose the least evil - trees and bushes will protect the house from the negativity emanating from the road.

Dangerous neighborhood

The location of the building also plays a big role. If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to what will be nearby and within your line of sight. A prison, hospital or cemetery is an extremely unfavorable neighborhood. But, for example, a bank or a well-groomed square is quite successful. Pay attention to how your house looks in a row of buildings. Ideally, they should be approximately the same size so that harmony is not disturbed.

And most importantly. Don’t be upset if you don’t manage to get around all the taboos; often it’s simply impossible. If you correct what is within your control, your life will already noticeably change for the better.

Feng Shui is Chinese geomancy. Literally, the name "Feng Shui" is translated as "wind and water", but in reality it is the teaching of how the mysterious forces of the earth operate to provide a person with health, prosperity and good luck. Feng Shui is the science and art that helps to direct, balance and harmonize these forces, known as “qi,” for the benefit of man.

Origins and origins of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a science and art, the origins of which go back centuries. The teaching of Feng Shui originated in Ancient China more than three thousand years ago and, passing from generation to generation, continued to develop and improve until the present day. The task of Feng Shui is the correct placement of objects in a person’s living space, which allows one to control the life force (qi) for the benefit of people.

The scope of Feng Shui extends to household items, furniture, rooms, residential buildings, workplaces, land, cemeteries, etc.

Feng Shui is in no way a collection of prejudices and superstitions, and also does not contradict the dogmas of any known religions, traditions and customs. This teaching borders on such areas of human activity and knowledge as diplomacy, ecology, politics, geography, astronomy and design. Feng Shui data is consistent with the conclusions of scientists working on the problems of terrestrial magnetism, astrophysics and psychology. The only difference is that the principles of Feng Shui sometimes prove to be beyond logical explanation and remain a mystery to the uninitiated.

Feng Shui methods are applicable on a variety of levels. They cover a wide range of areas of human life and are capable of adjusting the development of states, cities, communities, families and individuals. As for individuals, Feng Shui can reach the highest degree of individualization, depending on the individual's personal requirements, wishes and criteria. The philosophical basis of Feng Shui is also extremely extensive: it includes all the canonical Chinese ideas about the energy of qi, based on the concepts of the I Ching (the creation of which in 3322 BC is attributed to the legendary Chinese sage Fu Hsi), and on the principle Tao, described in Lao Tzu's treatise "Tao Te Ching" (1122 BC). These two books are the key to understanding the silent dialogue between Man and Nature, carried out through the invisible forces that govern the Universe and have a decisive influence on our destinies, bodies and minds. These two forces are Tao (the fundamental substance of the Universe) and Qi (the cosmic breath of life).

Qi - cosmic breath of life

The study of qi is the main component of Feng Shui. Qi is the life force that animates animals and plants, raises mountains on the surface of the earth and carries the waters of rivers along winding beds. Qi is the very essence of life, its driving force. And all objects in the world - mountains, rivers, trees, people, animals and stones - “inhale” qi into themselves and “exhale” it, thereby influencing each other.

The concept of qi underlies all traditional Chinese arts, from acupuncture to Feng Shui and kung fu. The area of ​​manifestations of qi includes phenomena that are different in nature, such as the energy that moves waves in the ocean; the energy of fertile earth, which martial artists use when striking; the forces that acupuncture brings to life; human aura. Feng Shui specialists determine the direction of the best flows of qi, allowing a person to live calmly, harmoniously and happily.

Chi energy is all-encompassing and elusive. It comes and goes, moves in all directions, but never disappears without a trace. A person perceives flows of qi from heaven and earth. The Chinese character "qi" has two meanings - cosmic qi and human qi. The first relates to air, steam, gases, weather and natural forces; the second – to a person’s breathing, aura, behavior and personal energy. Human qi is strongly influenced by the qi of heaven and earth.

Human qi is formed under the influence of cosmic qi. If qi weakens, then the water stops flowing, decline and desolation sets in, and luck leaves the person. In order for a person's qi to improve, it is necessary to be near the source of cosmic qi; at the same time, the latter should proceed unhindered and smoothly. The flow of cosmic qi must be in balance. If it is too strong or too weak, it will have adverse consequences.

The vital breath of qi is a person’s aura, his true self, his soul and energy. Some people are able to see qi. The power of chi motivates us to action and influences our relationships with other people. Every movement, every action of a person affects both himself and his environment. People are attracted to each other and repel each other, like magnets. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, people are sensitive not only to human qi, but also to the qi of their environment. Thus, atmospheric qi shapes human qi, thereby determining the fate of the individual. Feng Shui masters strive to direct harmonious flows of qi to a person and ward off harmful qi from him (or transform it into useful).

The eight main types of qi are listed below:

1. Life force qi (auspicious).

2. Happy qi (auspicious).

3. Smooth qi (favorable).

4. Fluctuating qi (neutral).

5. Qi of evil force (unfavorable).

6. Unlucky qi (unfavorable).

7. Suffocating qi (unfavorable).

8. Dead qi (unfavorable).

"I Ching" and Ba Gua

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used the text of the I Ching, the classic Book of Changes, to predict the future. The main idea of ​​the I Ching is the constant cyclical changes occurring in the Universe. The “Book of Changes” represents the Universe as a single whole, and all objects as being in constant change.

Yin and yang, the two primordial forces that govern the Universe, symbolize harmony. They are opposite to each other. Yin is a dark force, yang is a light force; yin – passive, yang – active; yin is feminine, yang is masculine. All things in the world contain yin and yang to varying degrees. Yin and yang constantly interact, giving rise to cyclical changes. Yin and yang merge with each other in the universal state of Tao, which is of one nature and continuously creates. The practice of Feng Shui is based on the teachings of Tao - Taoism in its esoteric and popular forms.

The symbols of the “Book of Changes” contain cosmic power and energy. Yang power is represented by a continuous line (_____), and yin power is represented by a broken line (__ __). From the great polar symbols of yin and yang, four double symbols and eight trigrams were developed. (Later, the eight trigrams evolved and turned into sixty-four hexagrams of the “Book of Changes.”)

The eight trigrams form a pattern known as ba gua. There are two types of ba gua placement - ancient and modern.

The ancient ba gua diagram reflects the original arrangement of the eight trigrams, and the modern diagram is a rearrangement of the ancient version and includes parallels of trigrams with seasons, months, colors, natural elements, etc., as well as with family members.

Five elements

More than three thousand years ago, the Chinese had already established the order of the Five Elements (Wood, Soil, Fire, Water and Metal) - forces or substances that describe all phenomena and properties in the Universe. These five elements are a manifestation of the constant interaction of the forces of yin and yang.

The five elements influence each other, generating and destroying each other in a fixed sequence. The cycle of generation is as follows: fire creates soil (ash), soil creates metal, metal produces water (smelting, liquefaction, and evaporation), water nourishes wood (plants need water), and wood allows fire to live (combustion).

Fire – Soil – Metal – Water – Wood – Fire.

The cycle of destruction of elements occurs in a different order: the tree damages the soil (roots destroy the soil), the soil prevents water (by absorbing it), water extinguishes fire, fire destroys metal, and metal cuts down wood.

Wood – Soil – Water – Fire – Metal – Wood.

The Chinese correlate these five elements with periods of time, cardinal directions, substances, human sense organs, colors (paints), psychological states, etc. Here are the correspondences of the elements to the cardinal directions, seasons and colors:

Element – ​​Cardinal direction – Season – Color

Tree – East – Spring – Green

Fire – South – Summer – Red

Soil – Center – Autumnal Equinox – Yellow/Brown

Metal – West – Autumn – White

Water – North – Winter – Black/blue

The five elements also have strong analogies in human anatomy: Tree– liver, bile, spleen; Fire– heart, brain; The soil– stomach, large intestine, small intestine; Metal- lungs; Water- kidneys, genitals.

The Five Elements and the 60-Year Calendar Cycle

About a thousand years ago, the Chinese emperor ordered scientists to develop the 60-year cosmic cycle of the Chinese calendar, as well as the system of “ten heavenly trunks” and “twelve earthly branches” (Chinese zodiac signs).

The "Ten Heavenly Stems" have the following names: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui; and the “twelve earthly branches,” or signs of the Zodiac, are the following: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The relationship between the five elements, the “ten trunks of heaven” and the zodiac signs is as follows:

Element – ​​“Ten Heavenly Stems” – Signs

Feng Shui Compass

The world's first compass was invented in China, where it was called "luo-pen". It has become a traditional Feng Shui tool used to establish cosmic harmony on Earth.

The structure of the Luo Pen compass is quite complex. It consists of concentric circles marked around the arrow, on which symbols of all the elements of the Universe are indicated. Chinese characters are used to calibrate the compass, which makes the task of handling this device even more difficult for the uninitiated.

Since the application of the Luo-Pen compass is the most important and most complex component of Feng Shui, the author provides here the application of the Luo-Pen to the scale of a modern compass.

Classic home location in Feng Shui

Almost all Feng Shui experts agree that the ideal place to build a house is the protective “chair-shaped” shape of the hill, which is also called the “dragon guarding the pearl” or “the mother hugging the child.” This form ensures the correct placement around the house of four powerful animal symbols - the forces of the earth: green dragon, white tiger, black turtle and red phoenix. The plot of land and the house should be located with the facade to the south, and from the rear they should be protected by a high mountain (black turtle). Then, on the right, western side, the house will be guarded by a fierce white tiger, and on the left, eastern side - by a green dragon (the side of the dragon should be slightly higher than the side of the tiger). The lowest part of the dwelling and land - the façade facing south - is the side of the red phoenix, a kind of “bench” standing at the feet of the “chair”.

The turtle, tiger, and dragon absorb and emit their own chi, and can also capture beneficial chi passing through the phoenix. Ideally, the house should be located in the middle of the black turtle mountain (i.e., not too high and not too low) and look over the phoenix with an imposing, regal gaze.

If the ideal location to build a home is not available, consult a geomancer. He will determine what needs to be done to balance all earthly forces in order to achieve harmony and tranquility.

Placement, orientation and center point of the house

The lion's share of all debates between Feng Shui specialists is related to problems associated with the key points of the home, with the placement of furniture, the orientation of parts of the house and its central point.

The arrangement of furniture in a room can affect the qi of the entire home. Sometimes it happens that the interior of a house is created extremely aesthetically and is pleasant to look at, but the inhabitants are still unhappy because the flow of qi in the home remains unbalanced.

The orientation of the bed and stove is considered very important in Feng Shui. Many people wonder whether geomantic influence is related to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the head and legs of the sleeper. Similarly, there is confusion regarding the orientation of the stove and the cook. We will discuss and clarify these issues below in the appropriate sections.

And finally, one of the most important elements of Feng Shui is the central point of the house. A house that does not have a central point is unfavorable for the inhabitants, since the center of the home is equated with the heart of the owner of the house. A person without a heart is deprived of life and energy; similarly, a house without a central point will not bring good luck to its inhabitants. The central point of the house should be taken care of and kept clean. Do not place a column on this point, do not place a tree there. The focal point should not be the toilet, kitchen, toxic waste tank or swimming pool.

Firstly, you will be surprised how much your living space will increase as a result of getting rid of trash and junk. They say that if you don't use something for a year, you should think about the need to store it. Of course, this does not apply to your favorite childhood toys that guarded your dreams from kindergarten to high school, to your first grade diary, to your first love letters, etc. This is already a historical relic. But the inserts of the “Turbo” and “Love is...” chewing gums can be safely thrown away.

Corners, mezzanines, niches, cabinets should not be filled to capacity with things, especially those not in use. In such places you need to clean more often and throw away everything unnecessary. It is very important that the house is clean, as negative energy accumulates in dirty places, affecting the health and well-being of the family. Secondly, if you have broken appliances or broken things in your house, be sure to fix them. Even a small watch that has stopped and is now lying in the far corner of your desk drawer can negatively affect your life. Check for burnt out light bulbs in lighting fixtures. Do not keep broken, cracked or glued dishes in the house. Even if this thing is very dear to you, it is better to get rid of it.

Take a critical look at your flower “plantations.” Are there dry or dying plants in your home? If there are, then get rid of them without regret, otherwise, instead of the beneficial energy of growth created by healthy flowers, you will receive the painful energy of withering.

A compass will help you find luck

Now let's delve into the teachings of Feng Shui and get acquainted with the magical Bagua octagon. This is such a nice regular octagon, in each sector of which there is a trigram. According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in life can be divided into nine aspects of life: wealth, fame, love and marriage; family, health, children and creativity; wisdom and knowledge; career, assistants and travel. All these nine categories, combined together in a specific order, form Bagua. Each part has its own compass direction, its own color, its own element and its own trigram.

You can apply this magical octagon to the plan of your house, apartment, or even a separate room. This way you can determine where each Bagua sector is, what it means and how to activate it to achieve your goals.

To determine this or that zone of your home, you will need the most common compass, a scale plan of your home and a Bagua grid (see table).

If you're ready, pick up a compass. Now you must determine the main parameter of your home from the point of view of Feng Shui - the direction of the front door. This is where you look from the house. Stand facing the front door and wait until the arrow calms down. Let me remind you that the red arrow always points north. Now mentally draw a perpendicular from the center of the compass to your front door. This imaginary line shows the true direction of your front door.

Now you need to draw the apartment plan into nine equal parts and align compass north with north on the plan. Are you oriented to the area? Amazing! Now carefully enter all the compass directions into the plan of your apartment and begin to evaluate the condition of the different zones of your apartment with the tenacious eye of a Feng Shui specialist.

A difficulty you may encounter is the problem of missing corners. After all, our apartments and houses do not always have the shape of regular squares or rectangles. Therefore, when applying the Bagua grid to the house plan, you may find out that one or even several sectors of the Bagua grid are missing. This negatively affects the quality of Feng Shui, but the missing angle can always be compensated, because Feng Shui corrects space not so much by changing the shape of the room, but by symbols.

So, as I already mentioned, each Bagua sector and each zone symbolizes one of the 9 aspects of life. Now you can determine which zone to tackle first in order to realize your most pressing desires.

Wealth Zone

As you can see from the Bagua grid, the zone of wealth is the southeast. If this sector is activated, Feng Shui promises abundance and prosperity. The color of this zone is green and purple, and the element is wood. To activate a tree, water is needed, as it nourishes it. The energy of water in Feng Shui is perhaps the main symbol of money. The most powerful representatives of this element of the elements in Feng Shui are sources of “living” water - waterfalls, fountains and aquariums. It is they, and especially the first two types (an endless variety of which you will find in stores), that are responsible for attracting additional funds and symbolically creating a source of wealth. If you want to use an aquarium for the same purposes, then it is better to choose one that you can keep open - the water hidden under the lid does not have the same force as that which is in direct contact with the air of the room. Make sure that the water in it is always clean, since dirty and stagnant water, instead of abundance, brings financial problems.

You can also activate the wealth zone with the help of talismans. One of them is a model of a sailboat. This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. For it to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat faces the inside of the house, that is, it “sails” and provides you with uninterrupted cash flows.

Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to attract monetary luck. These round coins with square holes in the center, depicting hieroglyphs or magical animals can now be purchased at any souvenir store. The easiest way to use them is to tie three coins with a red ribbon so that the hieroglyphs are on top and place them in your wealth sector. And one more piece of advice: do not keep money in unfavorable places, for example in the toilet, otherwise you will constantly lose it in life.

Glory Zone

The fame sector in the south is responsible for success in life, achieving popularity and moving up the social ladder. The zone element is fire and the color is red. The most effective fire talismans are associated with open fire - fireplaces, candles and aroma lamps. For example, to enhance the energy of fire, you can use red candles. Just keep in mind that the energy is activated by the flame, and not by the candles themselves, so don’t be lazy about lighting them at least once a week.

Zone of love and marriage

In the southwest there is a zone of love and marriage. It contains enormous potential that can improve your love, sexual and social relationships with people. Its element is Earth and its color is terracotta. Traditional talismans of the Love zone are, first of all, paired items. They are great at activating romantic luck. It doesn’t matter what kind of pairs they are. A pair of pillows, for example, will work just as well as a pair of candlesticks with candles, and a pair of dolphins will be just as good as a pair of crystal eggs. This could be a photo of you, where you are together and happy, or figures of a boy and a girl kissing. Now, just don’t forget to periodically look at your “love corner”, imagining your dream realized, and your wish will surely come true. It is also desirable to have flowers - real or images - in the Love zone. It’s good to hang “wind chimes” here with heart-shaped pendants. Chocolate, chocolate candies and everything connected with them would be appropriate in the Love sector, because these are symbols of romantic relationships.

Children and creativity zone

This zone is located in the west of the Bagua grid. Its element is Metal and its colors are white, metallic, gold and silver.

Everything that has to do with children (yours, others, future and present) is presented here. The happiness of motherhood, caring for the health, development and well-being of children is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is also a creative zone. If you feel the need to express yourself, then it is important to activate this sector. The traditional talisman for this zone is airy wind chimes. These jingling straws can be purchased at any gift shop. Just be careful: air bells should have full tubes, no sharp corners or sharp design details. Not everyone who makes “wind chimes” knows Feng Shui. Also, by the way, figurines (netsuke) of children are suitable for this zone. They symbolize happiness, heavenly protection and protection for young children.

Zone of assistants, mentors and successful travels

In the Bagua grid this is northwest. The element is metal and the color is white, metallic, gold and silver. This zone affects the owner of the house the most, and is also associated with people who help you on your life path: mentors, colleagues, managers. When properly activated, the sector helps you gain the favor of people important to you, as well as help from the most unexpected sources. This zone is also responsible for travel. Therefore, if you dream of going on a cruise, I advise you to pay special attention to it.

Traditional talismans for this zone are portraits of people and images of those whom you consider to be your earthly and heavenly patrons: figurines or paintings of angels, icons, portraits of true friends, portraits of people famous and authoritative for you.

Career and life path zone

This zone is located in the north. Its element is Water and its colors are black, blue and cyan.

Everything that has to do with your work and career is presented in this sector. Its activation will help you climb the career ladder, get the job you want, change your profession, and increase your earnings. Another interpretation of the northern sector is the path of life. This is why it is very useful to analyze this area. If in your house it ends up in a hallway lit by a dim light bulb housing your school-era bicycle, then most likely you will have difficulty achieving your goals.

The most common traditional talisman for the Career zone is considered to be a turtle - a symbol of heavenly support, protection, wisdom and longevity. She is considered the image of the Universe: her shell is the vault of heaven, and her belly is the earth's surface. It brings money and support from influential people. The more turtles in your house, the more luck!

To activate the energy of water, the “mistress” of the quarry area, you can turn to the already mentioned fountains, waterfalls and aquariums. Also, the element of water can be represented by a painting or photograph with a landscape of water.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

In the Bagua grid, this is northeast. The element is earth and the colors are beige and all shades of brown. Helps achieve success in learning and retain acquired knowledge. Activating this zone will help you improve yourself, become wiser, and a sage can have everything, including money, power, and love. Traditional talismans of this zone: crystals and figurines or images of a snake. The latter is a symbol of perpetual motion and renewal of the universe. In the East, she is also a symbol of female beauty. “You are as beautiful as a snake” is a very flattering compliment for a woman. But most often the snake represents wisdom and deep knowledge. This sector can also be activated with the help of a globe, ceramic and porcelain vases and figurines.

Family zone

This zone is in the east. Its element is Wood and its color is green.

Family affairs and relationships of all members of the clan are represented in this sector. If you activate it, you can significantly improve the family climate and even help add to your family. The classic mascot of the zone is the green dragon. He personifies power, wisdom and kindness. An excellent talisman here can be family photographs where each family member looks content and happy.

Health zone

This zone is located in the center of the Bagua grid. Its element is earth and its color is terracotta.

Since this sector is in the center, it comes into contact with all other sectors, connects and unites them. And in fact, if there is no health, then there is no joy from anything.

Classic symbols of health and longevity are peaches. In China, it is believed that these fruits should be given to a sick person as a gift. Cranes are also a favorite symbol of this zone. Especially those depicted against a pine tree background. In the center of the house it is very useful to place all sorts of funny things and humorous pictures, books with cartoons, videotapes with comedies. Laughter is the best medicine. Also, if it is appropriate in your apartment, Feng Shui advises installing a large dining table. He will become a wonderful talisman.

Now think about what you want most. Don't have enough money to buy a new TV? Take on the Wealth sector. Can't cope with the overwhelming amount of work? The Helpers sector is at your service. Are your relationships with the opposite sex not working out? Activate the Love sector. Looking for a job? Pay attention to the Career sector. In general, there are no goals, aspirations and desires that Feng Shui cannot help fulfill. No wonder the wise Chinese have been using the knowledge of Feng Shui for thousands of years!

Create “good Feng Shui” in the bedroom

I think that one of your favorite places in the apartment is the bedroom. This is the most important room for health, since this is where you spend about a third of your life. How to achieve comfort and harmony in this room?

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to determine the main purposes of using this room. If you are more inclined towards relaxation and sleep, then it is better to decorate the bedroom in soft colors so that the relaxing yin energy can manifest itself more strongly. If, on the contrary, you want to make the most of the active use of your bedroom, so that you don’t even want to sleep, use bright yang colors that help you not succumb to fatigue. You may find it makes more sense to go with an overall pastel design with a little pop of color thrown in. If necessary, you can easily increase their number by using, for example, candles, flowers, or even “randomly” left clothes.

There are several taboos related to the bedroom. The number of plants should be kept to a minimum, especially all climbing plants should be excluded. According to Feng Shui, during sleep they take away energy from a person. Therefore, if your window sill looks like a botanical garden and is entirely covered with flowerpots with vegetation, then at night, isolate yourself from the window and greenery with thick curtains. In addition, you cannot place an aquarium or other “aquatic” objects in the bedroom - this has a detrimental effect on romantic luck. By the way, a computer and TV located in the bedroom, especially opposite the bed, have a similar effect. Therefore, Feng Shui advises getting rid of them in the bedroom first. According to Feng Shui, the same energy “vampire” in the bedroom is mirrors. Under no circumstances should you hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them. But, if you really need a mirror in the bedroom, then hang it with some beautiful scarf or just fabric. And be sure to remove the shelves above your bed and move it out of the corner - you’ll immediately start getting enough sleep, and the sex will become enchanting.