home · Lighting · Is fortune telling a great sin? What could be the consequences of fortune telling? I became interested in fortune telling with cards, why is it considered a sin?

Is fortune telling a great sin? What could be the consequences of fortune telling? I became interested in fortune telling with cards, why is it considered a sin?

A person is surrounded by endless fears, temptations, worries for himself and loved ones, so there is often a desire to know his life in advance in order to know “where to lay the straw.” Physical laws are limited by earthly possibilities, and it is unrealistic to know their future with the help of science.

One way to see future fate human, is fortune telling, to which the Orthodox Church has an unequivocal negative attitude.

Why is the Orthodox Church against fortune telling?

The church's attitude towards fortune telling is negative; such curiosity can cost a Christian dearly. Orthodoxy teaches a person to constantly develop spiritually and morally, and this can be hindered by constantly learning about one’s future. Even fortune telling “as a joke” is strictly prohibited by the church, since this activity is a direct appeal to dark forces.

On the attitude of Orthodoxy to:

Many fortune tellers and fortune tellers use icons in their work, burn candles from the temple, pour holy water on the client, saying “prayers” mentioning the names of saints and God - such rituals are blasphemy for Christianity, since there is nothing in common between this activity and the bright faith.

Is fortune telling a sin?

The Christian Church defines all practices of fortune telling as witchcraft. There is an opinion that the so-called “white magicians” act on behalf of God and such practice is not sinful - this is a big misconception. It doesn’t matter what color the sorcerer has marked himself with - everything he does cannot come from God’s side, because such interests alienate the soul from the true faith and humanity is not destined to learn divine secrets.

Magic rituals and conspiracies instill in a person a feeling of power, he begins to think that he is able to control his life completely and change it as he pleases, as a result of this, humility before the Lord disappears and more and more new sins appear.

Important! Fortune telling takes away the freedom given by God from a person, since he stops thinking about the awareness of his choice, about the correctness of his actions.

Previously, to sinful humanity, the word of the Lord was transmitted through the prophets. The devil did not sleep and turned to himself magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers and others, so that through them people could hear the dark forces and communicate with them. This is where witchcraft and fortune telling come from.

Believers must themselves understand that magic has nothing to do with spiritual life. Orthodox Christians are faithful to Christ and the creator of the world, they entrust their lives into his hands and humbly endure all hardships, trusting in the mercy of God.

Why fortune telling is a grave sin

People practicing any magic were previously excommunicated from communion and suffered various church punishments, which helped protect the soul.

Fortune telling is a violation of the second commandment “thou shalt not make for yourself an idol”, in the desire to know your future not through the Lord and prayer, but through magical rituals, the worship of the devil and all dark forces is visible. Fortune telling is a way of communicating with fallen spirits.

The attitude of the church towards fortune telling

In addition, most predictions simply turn out to be lies, but a person, having heard that something in the near future will darken his life or even end it, begins to constantly think about it, torment himself with disturbing thoughts, driving himself into even greater sin despondency and depression.

Some suspicious people committed suicide after the disappointing conclusions of pitiful fortune tellers. Many women who visited a fortune teller, grandmothers, sorceress, etc. at least once in their lives. to search for missing loved ones, to find out their future, then, in ordinary life, dark forces appeared in the form of hallucinations, without foundational fears, anxieties, or extraneous noises.

These phenomena drove them crazy and many fled to church to repent before the Lord and for their salvation. After Worship magical powers, the devil literally takes possession of the human soul and drags it into the abyss of sins.

Important! The church's attitude towards fortune telling is extremely negative, and such occult practices are strictly prohibited by Christianity. Magic is terrible sin!

Speaking about punishments, it is worth remembering that the Lord is all-merciful and even for such an atrocity, he will forgive a repentant person, but the devil does not easily let go of his victims and will continue to tempt the soul and torment the body with diseases.

A person with a strong and bright faith in his soul always stands firmly on his feet. He is sure that God is present in his life, who will protect all his loved ones from harm, so the thought of looking into his future cannot arise in his head.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas time is determined by the interval between Christmas and Epiphany; this time was created for bright prayer and joy at the birth of Christ.

Read about winter holidays:

Important! During these days Orthodox people they don’t even get married, since all their thoughts should be in repentance and worship.

In our pre-revolutionary country, during times of flourishing godlessness, during this holy time people had fun, drank a lot of alcohol and ate tasty food, carols and fortune telling were also accepted.

Yuletide fortune telling

Unfortunately, since that time many things have stuck to our people. People often refer to the antiquity of the custom of fortune telling at Christmas time, but age does not at all mean correctness. In the 18th century, a decent nobleman needed to know the entire deck of cards by heart, but it was not at all necessary to know theology and read the Bible.

The Orthodox Church considers the practice of fortune telling to be a relic paganism in Rus'.

Fortune telling on cards: symbolism of dark forces

Christmastide is a day of silence and prayer in Orthodox faith, why introduce pagan practices and anti-Christian symbols into them, darkening the joy of the birth of the savior with such a grave sin.

Interesting! The symbolism of playing and fortune telling cards contains many devilish symbols!

Anti-Christian symbols on cards:

  • The church classifies all four suits as blasphemous symbolism, just as the peaks blaspheme the Gospel pike; worms - defames the Gospel lip on the cane; cross - image of the holy cross; tambourines - blasphemes Gospel tetrahedral nails - all these symbols together are evidence in the Gospel of the redemptive suffering of Christ;
  • Joker is an incomprehensible figure, located on highest level card hierarchy, is always depicted in a broken pose with a jester's cap on his head and with a royal staff in his hand, previously this staff had a human skull on it, now it has been replaced with plates;
  • It is believed that the word “Ace” comes from the German “Daus”, which translates as devil.

Knowing these features of card symbolism, we can conclude that the Antichrists and occultists used Orthodox holy symbols for their own evil purposes, and, having distorted them, transferred them to gambling. For obvious reasons, fortune telling with cards is especially condemned by the Orthodox Church, since cards are a symbol of the devil.

In addition, many fortune-telling practices contain occult devilish signs, which many magicians and fortune-tellers use in conjunction with distorted texts Orthodox prayers, with images of icons and holy water:

  • symbol of the all-seeing eye (represents the eye of Lucifer);
  • number of the beast;
  • summoning the souls of the dead;
  • inverted cross;

Despite the frivolous attitude of the people towards Christmas fortune-telling, in essence, they are no different from ordinary magic, which is prohibited by Orthodoxy. This cannot be entertainment and a pastime, since everything said and done will appear before us at God's judgment.

The quality of his earthly and spiritual life depends only on the person himself; why find out your future by becoming like the Creator in this. The Lord will reveal everything that people need; He will give humanity joy and sorrow.

Worship of dark forces, even with entertaining intentions, will not help to avoid trouble, but, on the contrary, will only attract it.

Video about why guessing is a sin? Priest Alexy Samsonov

I recently heard this from one of my clients: It’s a sin, Lilya, it’s not good to engage in fortune telling.". Wow, the topic is good, I want to write about it... So what is sin, who invented it and who is comfortable constantly dividing everything into black and white, into good and bad and accepting one of the sides to distinguish between yourself - whether you are good or bad... Initially, I want to tell you what TAROT is, how a tarot reader and a deck of cards work, about the tarot deck as a symbolic system that describes all of a person’s life states, where each card has its own meaning.

I think many already know how the unconscious works and what role it plays in a person’s life, but still, I’ll say a few words. What a person can see, feel and perceive is only what could fit into consciousness, i.e. all that we are aware of - we can say: "Yes, it is!" But what happens in the unconscious, it is called that precisely because it is not conscious, i.e. it’s as if he doesn’t exist, it’s not me, and this is where the biggest ambush lies.

Many books have been written about this by smart scientists. My favorite K.G. Jung, I often remind him of him, devoted his life to studying the work of consciousness and the unconscious, worked with patients through Archetypes, their meanings, worked with dreams, with symbols and the like...

As my husband tells me: “Everything that a person does not understand seems very scary to him.”. And how everyone loves to say something like: “The fortune teller told me, and everything was wrong, she ruined my whole life, she said that I would have many opportunities to meet my man, but I never did.”. Well, it's funny, isn't it? How easy it is to just find someone to blame for your failures. Main “... that it’s not me, it’s not me who decides how to live, it’s not me who creates my life, anyone does this, mom, dad, husband, fortune teller, boss, everyone - but not me.”. I'll come back to this!

A charged tarot deck is the symbols that every person has in their unconscious. The unconscious has a long history, information about all our incarnations of our Soul is stored there, there are few, many, very many - the level of development of the Soul depends on this, information about the current incarnation, your present life(past, present and future).

I just ask you to make the assumption that We, the People, do not still know that we are the most important and most intelligent creatures. After all, it’s naive to think that everything happens by itself, and no one controls this world, isn’t it...? We are all here for a reason and we just need to accept it, understand the intention of the Soul, develop ourselves and thus develop the World as a whole. We all go through atheism, through trials, lessons and so on, but somewhere deep inside each of us knows our true purpose - our Divine essence... Someone understands more easily, does not resist, someone needs to get in trouble, break off, then it comes, but we all go through it one way or another. And for this we must love ourselves, no matter what we are, it’s just necessary!

So the tarot, a set of symbols, has a lot of magic, magic and other things around these poor symbols. Yes, there were times when a fortune teller was considered a witch and burned at the stake; 2011 years ago, Christ was crucified. It's all about the same thing, they just didn't understand, weren't ready to accept what they were saying, "...everything that is unclear is very scary!"

I want to say that Everything is from God! Yesterday the question arose: is cloning from God or a Sin? The world is full of dualities, it consists of them (man and woman, dark and light, good and bad). If the Creator, Collective unconscious, Creator, God, Higher power(call it what you want) decided that it was time for this to appear in the Human World, so it must be so. Understand that these dualities constitute wholeness. Quite a lot of time will pass before Society gets used to it, begins to understand and accept a conscious approach to its life. Now we are still like children, but we are moving by leaps and bounds towards “growing up”.

There are a huge number of helpers for awareness, for “growing up”, you just have to want it. Choose any method that suits your soul and that you believe in. The main thing is not to judge or criticize other methods. Your method is the best for you. Give freedom of choice to someone else. The Church is a place of prayer, a psychologist, a tarot reader - works with unconscious programs, at the level of the Soul, Constellations - help to understand the generic system, now methods of immersion in the Unconscious are becoming more and more popular, this includes Holotropic breathing, Rebirthing, different types Hypnosis, deep immersion, Regressive hypnosis, many books have been written by both our scientists and foreign ones, about development, self-knowledge, and so on. And I only listed what first came to mind, and what I went through myself. If you feel good there and you understand something for yourself, for your development, use it. The world is full of opportunities, each of us is given a lot of talents. And what I hear more and more often from 40-year-old people is, I’m having a crisis at what age? Excuses, we have only crises all around us, we invent them for ourselves, so as not to do anything, first of all with ourselves. Well, if you go to a tarot reader, then blame him for all your problems!

We are all mired in these patterns, it’s just easier for us, we don’t have to take responsibility for our lives, we don’t have to develop, it’s convenient for the brain, we’re used to it, we were taught that way, etc. Try to perceive the World as whole, indivisible, Everything is from God, everything is from the Creator. As soon as you accept one position, that’s it - you’re already mistaken, it’s no longer the truth. If you admit that you may be wrong and that things are not really like that, you give yourself and others more freedom. Church is wonderful, it is very necessary, but not everyone and not always, a psychologist is excellent, but not everyone needs it now. Everyone has their own path, this article will also be read only by those who need to read it, either as help on a difficult path in development, or as another trick to amuse their Ego and say “I wrote nonsense”, I know that I’m right, and I live correctly!” And this will be the choice of each reader, I wrote my thoughts and who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

Tarot is, first of all, self-knowledge, it is no longer a mystery, knowledge can be obtained, you just need to want to know what you didn’t know before, try to get out of the pattern and prepare for big changes in your life, because you will get to know your true self, accept what you previously could not even afford to think about yourself or others, reveal your talents and remove unnecessary, aging programs that really interfere with moving forward. There is nothing magically inexplicable in the tarot; we are already quite ripe for this to no longer happen." Secret knowledge". Cards bring information from your unconscious part into consciousness, the most dangerous thing is when a person lives and does not even realize what he is doing, that inside there is an early unexperienced suppressed emotion, he has long forgotten about it, he carries it within himself, it affects his life, but there is no awareness! These are the most dangerous programs, sometimes just a feeling of guilt, can make a person eat himself alive and that’s it, life passed, he died, he saw nothing, knew nothing, he just suffered.

Sometimes just one awareness is already a huge step forward, towards changing the situation. Tarot can indeed be called a predictive system, but only in this moment time, the variability of events is more and more depending on actions, thoughts, emotions at a given moment in time, in half an hour and so on. It is very convenient to use tarot as a way to diagnose the current state, what energies surround you, what is happening really, not what you think.

Let's figure out how the universe works, how it interacts with you when the fortune teller says: “You have good potential, the project is not bad, it can be developed”. The man listened and went to check the information said, “But now I’ll check whether he’s telling the truth or not, hehe.” What is this client's goal? That's right, find a catch, he knows better what and how, he is his own God, and people in general cannot be trusted, there are enemies all around. Attention is aimed at having someone prove to him that this can exist, it’s like “Now, if you are God, throw me a stick from the sky and then I will believe”. This is exactly what the client will get, he is looking for evidence that all fortune tellers are lying - he will find it, this is exactly what he needs now! I noticed that people only hear what they want to hear, they don’t think about what the tarot reader says, they understood something and went.

“No, tell me, will I get money from this project or not?” There is no awareness that only he decides his fate, not I, not the cards, but it is very scary. Response type “The energies are good, you can work here”- Client: “So I’ll get the money, right?” "It all depends on your behavior after you leave me"- it's almost a sentence. "Yes, you are charlatans!!!" It's very funny to me. Honestly!

One of my very good friends said: “People think that they have come and the work is over, but the work is just beginning. Not everyone is ready for this, Lilya!”

“Come on, tell me how everything will be and preferably make the main decision for me, what should I do, and I’ll sit, pick my nose, and judge you for now that you’re doing a sinful thing here.”.

Who really comes for a solution, who is ready for change, trust the tarot only to help, a psychologist cannot cure and understand the problem when he alone is trying, and the client doesn’t care, as if he doesn’t hear, or rather doesn’t want to hear, no one will help here . Work is possible only on trust, on understanding and on the desire to resolve the issue, that’s the only way. Please, if you do not believe in tarot, do not come to the session, you will only waste your time. Those who are ready to change are welcome, we are ready to work!

I sinned, visited a fortune teller, and I really repent of it. But it’s very difficult for me to fight those thoughts in my head that appeared after hearing fortune-telling information; I don’t know how to get faith in fortune-telling out of my heart. They told me this... That the one I love is not my man, that I am not his destiny, that I will never be with him, no matter what I do. And once upon a time, a clairvoyant told me that I would be lonely all my life, because “I was not created for a family.” What should I do?


Dear Evgenia! Be sure to say this at the sacrament of confession. Fortune telling is a very big sin. The question of fortune telling is a mystical question, for fortune telling is far from harmless, it is a way of communicating with fallen spirits, that is, demons. The enemy of the human race is the father and ancestor of lies, will he tell the truth? Only if it suits his far-reaching plans. But this small grain of truth is served together with such a monstrous lie that it will only contribute to mental and physical destruction, and not at all to salvation.

All forms of fortune telling come from ancient pagan mysteries. They guessed by the stars, by the entrails of sacrificial animals, by various elements of nature - is it necessary to continue this list. Fortune telling is either idle curiosity or an unreasonable desire to build your life, relying not on reason and God-given free will, but on an absurd chance.

Many will object to this: they say they once had fortunes told by cards, and everything really came true.

Fortune telling is not always innocent fun or quackery. Satan doesn't always show us his business card and puts a sign at the place where his field of activity begins. On the contrary, he is ready to disguise himself and hide behind the cloak of innocent fun. In any case, you can’t joke with fortune telling. Even the simplest prediction can have dire consequences.

One eighteen-year-old girl allowed a gypsy to tell her fortune. And she said that she would die on the day she turned twenty. The girl believed these words, and one can imagine how fearful her life was then filled. The approach of her birthday brought her incredible torment. She began to suffer from depression. The birthday itself passed without any incidents, the girl remained alive, but the mental anguish turned out to be so strong that after some time she became mentally ill and died two years later.

This is the main danger of fortune telling; a person becomes so bound by the information received that he can no longer think about anything else; it fetters him, fills him with fear, and paralyzes his will. What a person suddenly believed in becomes reality in his life. Words of Jesus "...according to your faith be it done to you"(Matt. 9:29) are fulfilled here in such a tragic sense. The predicted future manifests itself as an exorbitant mental burden, which not everyone is able to bear.

The Bible says: "...don't tell fortunes and don't tell fortunes"(Leviticus 19:26). This is an abomination in the eyes of God. And in relation to the fortune tellers and sorcerers themselves, the Word of God is even more radical. God ordered His people to destroy them in their midst. "Don't leave the witches alive"(Ex. 22:18).

Today is still a time of grace, let the person close to you repent of this sin at the Sacrament of Confession and ask the Lord with all his heart to forgive him this abomination and cleanse him of this sin and its consequences. He will do it, for it is written : "...The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin"(1 John 1:7). And this is the truth.

I would like to end with the advice of the Optina elder Paisius: “Look for great meaning in everything.” Seek - and do not fall for the many different tricks of evil spirits seeking your destruction!

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Fortune telling: prayer to Satan ( Hierodeacon Macarius)
Grandma fortune teller predicted bad things - stories (Part 1)
Fortune Telling Changed Plans - Stories (Part 2)
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A good fortune teller predicted something terrible - stories (Part 4)
A terrible gift of predicting the future. Confession of a fortune teller ( Natalie, 30 years old)
On the other side of fortune telling ( )
Trying to penetrate the veil ( Galina Kalinina)
This is a voluntary surrender of oneself into the hands of the devil.

On Christmastide, Russian girls traditionally told fortunes, although this activity was always condemned Orthodox Church. And people have long spoken unflatteringly about this “fun”: “To guess is to guess your fate.” Of course, it is not good to prohibit or condemn anything without explaining the reason. Therefore, let’s try to figure out what fortune telling is from a Christian point of view.

Christmas fortune telling: betrothed mummer, show yourself!

The fact that various fortune telling and divination originated from pagan practices is a well-known fact. And, although God is the God not only of Jews, but also of pagans, in the words of the Apostle Paul, although all people are His children and everyone has the right to their own path, God’s chosen people were always strictly forbidden to borrow pagan religious customs. The warning for Old Testament Israel is contained in the 18th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy: “... you shall not have anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, a soothsayer, a soothsayer, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, a charmer, a conjurer of spirits, a magician, and one who inquires of the dead; for he is abominable to Everyone who does this is Lord” (Deut. 18:10-12). And in the second letter to the Corinthian believers, the supreme shepherd of the Christian Church, the Apostle Paul, warns his children: “Do not be unequally yoked with the unbelievers, for what fellowship does righteousness have with iniquity? What has light in common with darkness? What concord is there between Christ and Belial? Or what kind of complicity? "The faithful with the unfaithful? What is the relationship between the temple of God and idols?" (2 Cor. 6:14-16).

This was already said not to the Jews, the seed of Abraham, but to the Hellenic Greeks, hereditary pagans. After they turned to Christ, contact with their old way of life simply became dangerous for them. How does the pagan worldview, which includes fortune telling as a ritual of penetration into the future, radically differ from the Christian one? First of all, the attitude towards a person and his place in the world around him. We can say that the goal of the God-man, the Messiah, with whom He came to earth, is expressed in one single line of the Gospel of John: “...if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). This is why a Christian becomes a servant of God, so as not to be a slave to anything earthly.

In the classical variations of paganism, everything is completely different: even the gods there are not free, but are tied to their elements or other universal forces. For example, the ancient Greek Zeus is unable to resist the spell of Cupid. The Old Norse Balder dies, struck by a mistletoe branch, and his divine origin does not save him from fate. Fatum, fate in pagan perception is a force that neither people nor gods can resist. In language modern science, static quantity. Therefore, it can be “measured” by some fortune-telling method, although not without danger for own life, but still. In Christianity, there is no predestination, no curses that dominate a person, or, conversely, “innate luck” and there cannot be, because this is absurd. The future is a dynamic created every day by the joint efforts of man and God.

Everyone receives retribution for their sins (and even the sins of their ancestors affect a person only to the extent that he is similar to these ancestors) and, at the same time, these sins are cured by the holy Sacraments: baptism, confession, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, unction. Based on this, try, bypassing God and His Church, to get into spiritual world using some mirrors, maps, combs, etc. means insulting the Almighty. And the Lord, as you know, cannot be mocked, even if retribution does not come at the same moment. That is why the Church warns against flirting with those from whom fortune tellers receive information, even if it is reliable. These powers, of course, are not God’s, because God cannot create something disgusting to Himself. But about who exactly is behind the fortune-telling (during Christmas time, probably trying to denigrate this holy time for Christians as much as possible), Blessed Augustine wrote excellently: “In general, people’s opinions about the importance of some fortune-telling signs, established by human prejudice, are not otherwise, one must look at it as some kind of agreement and condition with evil spirits.

People who are addicted to the destructive science of fortune-telling, which, in fact, is only the science of mocking others and deceiving them, for such addiction, according to some secret judgment of God, often fall under the influence of fallen angels, who are sometimes allowed to have some influence on the lower part of the world. From these ridicule and deceptions of evil spirits, it happens that the superstitious and disastrous art of divination sometimes actually reveals to the soothsayers something from the past and the future and tells them a lot of things that are later partly justified by events.

Such small successes excite and feed curiosity, due to which they become more and more entangled and entangle others in the network of malicious delusion. Even the accuracy of such predictions does not in any way justify the science of prediction. Therefore, the sacrilegious art, with the help of which the shadow of the deceased Samuel was summoned, is worthy of all disgust and curse, although this shadow, being shown to King Saul, predicted the truth for him." Better than this father of the Church and truly the wisest man, Will not say.

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