home · Other · Ghouls in the Shelter and more appeared in Fallout Shelter. How to Build a Safe Shelter in Fallout Shelter Room Locations in Fallout Shelter

Ghouls in the Shelter and more appeared in Fallout Shelter. How to Build a Safe Shelter in Fallout Shelter Room Locations in Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter This is a game that seems simple only at first glance. What's difficult: you build rooms, recruit new residents, and send them to explore the wasteland. But then there was a fire or the death claws attacked and the game was lost. Everyone died. The tips below will help you create the safest and most effective shelter possible.

Room locations in Fallout Shelter

Location is the most important thing, the most important thing. You need to start thinking about this first. First of all, all rooms need to be made isolated, in the form of a chessboard (as in the picture below). What is the point: if an accident occurs in one of the rooms and the residents could not cope with it, the problem will not spread anywhere and the remaining rooms will be intact.

Create protective rooms

In the room located next to the main door, residents with the most high levels and a very powerful weapon. When raiders attack, it is these “fighters” who will settle everything. When the population exceeds 40 people, the death claws will begin to come running, so in subsequent rooms you need to place the strongest inhabitants according to the same principle.

It is best to place small single rooms one after another after the main door. Any enemy attacking from the wasteland will run away from the door to the right, as shown by the red arrow in the picture above. Place one or two villagers in each room. This is necessary in order to have time to use stimulants on the defenders located inside. After all, it is always easier to monitor the health of one or two people than to monitor a large crowd.

Lots of stimulants

The sooner the better, it is imperative to build several medical rooms, because... each new room expands the general limit on possession of stimulants. However, all these rooms can be serviced by 2-3 residents with 100% leveled intelligence (or dressed in robes that give +3 to intelligence). They used acceleration in one room, transferred the residents to another room, and repeated the procedure. And so on in a circle.

And even if there are a lot of stimulants, it is better to save them. If an accident occurs, especially a fire, because... he eats a lot of stimulants, just move the inhabitants to another isolated room. The epidemic in the room will quickly end, and the workers, if you started moving them after the outbreak began, will return to their work.

In general, the principle of serving several rooms with a limited number of residents applies to almost all rooms. This is especially true on initial stages games when there are few residents, especially pumped ones.

All unused rooms are at the very bottom

There are many types of rooms that provide passive benefits without the inhabitants being involved. These are, for example: warehouses, living quarters (very rarely needed), a caretaker’s room. They need to be placed somewhere at the very bottom of the “map”. The principle of “isolated rooms” does not apply to these rooms; you can build next to each other, because there are no inhabitants and the epidemic will not harm anyone.

Build elevators to the very bottom, all the way, and there start filling the space as you like. If fires start in one of these rooms, or the rads will attack. cockroaches, this will not affect the residents above. As it begins, so it will end, and quite quickly.

Training rooms in order

A little history. Character creation system S.P.E.C.I.A.L. was invented a long time ago for Fallout games 1. This is an abbreviation for characteristics (strength, perception, endurance, charm, intelligence, dexterity and luck), but in English of course. These same characteristics are used in Fallout Shelter. That's why training rooms There are only 7 pieces.

So what are we talking about? For ease of access to these rooms and understanding where each one is located, they can be arranged from top to bottom in the order of the letters in the word S.P.E.C.I.A.L. That's basically it, a must have for perfectionists.

These basic tips will help you at least not lose all the inhabitants and not lose. Now you can navigate comfortably and know for sure where everything is. And enemies who come to visit you will not reach below the top level. Of course, there are many more nuances in the game regarding other aspects. Apply the tips described here for Fallout Shelter and complete the other rooms of the shelter at your discretion, the rest is all variable. Good luck!

How to build safe haven in Fallout Shelter updated: June 3, 2017 by: ItsNotMe

Once again, skillful engineers from Vault-Tec managed to diversify the life of the caretakers of the mobile shelter! Latest update complemented the unique capabilities that first appeared. In addition, owners of the latest iOS devices can now use 3D Touch for more advanced control of their shelter.

In this version of Fallout Shelter appeared new way getting rid of things no one needs. Instead of exchanging weapons and clothing for caps, you can recycle them into junk that you need to create new items in workshops. The higher the quality of the item, the greater the chance of getting rarer elements from it. Of course, getting the rarest junk from disassembled items, such as a military electrical circuit or a gold watch, is just as unlikely as finding it in the wasteland.

A fresh batch of non-combat suits has arrived! Dress your residents in fashionable new clothes! Look for these outfits in the wasteland or sew them yourself using special drawings. The shelter's hair salon also received new elements appearance, thanks to which you can turn your tenant into a disgusting ghoul or put a teddy bear head on him.

I would also like to note that many players, including me, after they updated the game, are unable to remove the skill improvement icon (green star) above the heads of the residents. There's nothing that can be done about it, but rest assured that Bethesda is already aware of this problem and, of course, is ready to fix it as soon as possible.

Everyone has heard something about the fallout universe, where the world comes to a standstill after a nuclear conflict in a retro-futuristic future in which IBM PCs coexist at the level of laser rifles and power armor. Some survived in the distant wilderness, others went wild or mutated, and the lucky ones got registration in the Vault-Tec megacorporation shelters - specially equipped underground complexes with full autonomy and anti-nuclear protection. To those uninitiated in the franchise, it seems that each such bunker is a kind of Eden that was supposed to protect the population of Muricania from Great War. But with a population of 400 million, a total of 122 complexes were equipped with a maximum load of 1000 beds. In other words, shelters were never intended to save people...

Is everything as rosy in Fallout Shelter as it seems?

In fact, Vault-tech bunkers are a kind of reference to real sociological experiments of the times Cold War, which amazed with their inhumanity and outright cynicism. Each issue had its own research program. Some shelters were left with open airlocks, which turned subjects under the influence of radiation into ghouls, others were poisoned with psychotropic substances, driven to paranoia by high-frequency noise, UV radiation, infected with a fungus, or even left unattended by management to completely take their course.

But Fallout Shelter will tell us a completely different story, where the shelter welcomingly opens the floodgates to everyone it meets in the wasteland, and the community itself lives in complete prosperity without any moral “prejudices.” Unlike Vault 11, your appointment to the position of Overseer will not end with forced euthanasia a year after the election, but will last, if not forever, then for sure a couple of weeks in real time.

The cult Fallout through the prism of rose-colored glasses.

Bethesd's Fallout Shelter turned out to be in the spirit of rainbow-soap or Farmville, but at the same time, this simulator managed to retain the S.P.E.C.I.A.L role-playing mechanics, original content and sound design. There is no overwhelming darkness of the harsh post-apocalyptic reality with all its horrors in the form of grids of human organs, slave trade and cannibalism. The cute style of the hand-drawn Pipboy was transferred to all the “subjects” of the shelter, and even the raiders and radcockroaches look friendly, as if they came for tea, and not for the sake of trophy scalps and violence. In addition, the picture is complemented by a familiar blues soundtrack in the spirit of gramophone platinum records of the late 60s, which fans of the line loved so much.

In a nutshell, Fallout Shelter is a win-win option for developers for the old-school audience of the Fallout 2 era and the completely green newcomers, for whom only the 4th part will be an introduction to the Fallout franchise. None, and most importantly, the game does not require an eternal connection to the network. You know what that means, right? Cheating in-game counters by changing the device time, if you forgot. In general, all the conditions are for our brother, the only problem is that the game is not as addictive as regular grind farms. And we will now explain why.

Features of the gameplay of Fallout Shelter, its simplicity and predictability.

You, as the caretaker, aka the supreme deity of the isolated little world, need to monitor only three indicators: nutrition, hydration and electricity production. For all three resources there are corresponding reproducers; you just have to select workers from among the subjects based on their personal qualities displayed in the SPECIAL system. Once upon a time, the story of the first fallout unfolded precisely because the water chip failed, a replacement for which, due to a logistics error, was never found. Reproductors, consider the basis of life in shelters. They generate nutrients and purify water from radiation. But both of them are useless if power plants do not produce food. As soon as there is not enough electricity, the distant modules will be de-energized and when the battery charge runs out, the entire complex will be cut off. It all sounds so responsible, but in the game we simply grab the most dexterous worker by the scruff of the neck and assign him to a position. So much for all the “micromanagement” in the shelter.

Natural reproduction in Fallout Shelter. You have never seen such a break in the pattern.

Much more interesting in Fallout Shelter is the system for replenishing the human race. All these characteristics of the characters, their mood, thoughts, desires lead us to the idea that it is worth taking care of them in the same way as in. It seems that the social component was worked out in these dolls, but the reality turned out to exceed all expectations. Like Vault 69, with 999 women and 1 poor guy, polygamy is in full swing here.

In other words, having built a residential block with enough space and placed a couple with pumped-up charisma there, very soon we will get a new resident who, in a couple of hours, will become a sexually mature worker. Moreover, a pregnant matron can just as easily be kicked out of maternity leave by the scruff of the neck and sent to a water pumping station, and another lady can be moved in with the future father of the family. The procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times, the population will grow by leaps and bounds and smile sweetly at each other as if nothing had happened. By the way, after 4 generations, “matings” can be carried out between the descendants of that same old man.

Exploring the wasteland and fighting off raiders in Fallout Shelter

Having played Cupid enough, you can try farming loot with the help of researchers. We won’t be able to control the tramps themselves, just like in , but their entire log of actions is displayed in the diary, where you can see from whom our poor soul ate, dropped his slippers, or got something interesting. It’s interesting that even a seasoned warrior can disgracefully disappear during your absence, in principle, like any other inhabitant of the shelter, but radkola caps quickly solve the issue of respawning. Or just remove the corpse, depending on the situation. Gradually, goods from forays will accumulate in warehouses and raider attacks on your shelter will become more frequent. Therefore, we recommend keeping a person in the airlock room in the best gear with a laser gun, so that in the event of a rush, you can give the invaders a warm welcome. In general, all valuable modules and unique characters should be kept at the lower levels, away from the fun, so as not to pay off death once again with caps.

Summing up the post-nuclear shelter simulator Fallout Shelter

Despite the identical style and general design, the Fallout Shelter farm frankly lacks gameplay variety. The success of the same is based on the fact that the range of comprehensive development is updated almost every week. In such projects there is always something to strive for, but here they caught up with the residents or lured them with the help of a charismatic DJ of the radio station, then dressed, armed and pumped them up in power modules.

Video about the Fallout Shelter simulator:

Yes, we are growing in number and width, warehouses are bursting with loot, but what next? Most likely, Fallout Shelter is a one-time promotion from Bethesd, designed in the wake of general hysteria about Fallout 4, to knock out some coins from the audience for special characters, epic gear and caps. Judging by the latest reports, the event was a success of 5.1 million evergreens for some 2 weeks, and this despite the fact that the wave has not yet reached the Android platform.