home · electrical safety · The latest Pokemon GO update for Android and iOS is already available for download. Pokemon Go: how to update on all platforms

The latest Pokemon GO update for Android and iOS is already available for download. Pokemon Go: how to update on all platforms

UPDATED TO THE LATEST VERSION! The game "Pokemon GO" for Android is the real event of this year. Augmented reality games have been released before, but the creators of Pokemon GO managed to create the first game of this kind, which became popular. And augmented reality is not used here for entertainment, but directly affects the gameplay.

So, the new Pokemon game invites players to feel like Ash from the popular Pokemon animated series. A boy named Ash constantly travels around the country and searches for wild Pokemon in order to tame them and take them to him for further battles. We will do something similar in this game. And this is where augmented reality technology came in handy! You will be surprised, but the city or village in which you live is simply teeming with Pokemon! Just start the game and the map will show you where you can find Pokemon. Depending on the area, you will find a variety of Pokemon. For example, water Pokemon prefer to live near the river, and somewhere in the garden or bed you have every chance of finding a Bulbasaur. Go where the application directs you and you will see a wild monster on the screen of your tablet or smartphone. Well, then it’s just a matter of small things - throw a pokeball at it and the animal will immediately become a pet.

But be careful, the app can take you to completely unexpected places. The media have already reported on a variety of curious (and not so curious) cases caused by the special zeal of people to search for new creatures. Some gamers look for Pokemon in police stations, break into abandoned houses, and even become victims of robbers. If you are not sure that you should go to this or that place, if even the rarest Pokemon is hiding there, then do not tempt fate - try looking for animals in another place.

But finding Pokemon is not the only goal in the game. A tame animal needs to be constantly trained and its abilities developed. This can also be done outdoors. Upgrade your Pokemon, because this is the main goal of any Pokemon owner.

Whatever happens to the project in the future, today we can say that “Pokemon GO” has definitely influenced the gaming industry. For the first time, the game does not encourage you to sit still and stare at one point, but to do everything exactly the opposite, forcing players to rush around the city and look for virtual Pokemon. Playing games outdoors and being active with smartphones in hand? Just yesterday this could not even be imagined. And today this is already a reality. Where will Pokemon GO take us, and the entire gaming industry as a whole? All that remains is to follow the rapidly developing events.

Pokemon GO is a game in which you can catch Pokemon in real life using your smartphone. Explore the streets of your city in search of Pokemon and PokeStops - locations where you can get additional items. A found Pokemon can be caught with a simple swipe gesture and throwing a Pokeball at it.
After reaching level 5, which can be achieved by catching Pokemon and collecting items, PokeGyms open to the player. In them you can train your Pokemon and arrange battles between the animals. The Pokémon that beats everyone in the PokeGym will take over that Gym and paint it with their team's colors. By the way, in Pokemon GO you can play for one of three teams: blue, red and yellow. Each Pokemon can be upgraded by causing evolution.

You can no longer wait for Pokemon Go to be released in Russia; the release date has not been announced, but you can download Pokemon and play now. Russian language is not yet supported.

Common Pokemon GO errors and problems:

  • Drains the battery quickly: you need to activate the “Battery Saver” item in the game settings. Also turn off AR mode when catching Pokemon. You should also reduce the screen brightness or set it to automatic adjustment.
  • When caught, the camera is turned on, but the Pokemon itself does not appear. Most likely, your smartphone does not have a gyroscope. You need to turn off AR mode while fishing.
  • Failed to detect location: go to Settings → Developer Tools. Here you need to find the “Use fictitious locations” option. It needs to be disabled.
  • We caught a Pokemon, but the game froze: you need to wait 10 seconds. After that, click on all the points on the screen. We restart Pokemon Go - the Pokemon should remain in the backpack.
  • How to play Pokemon GO in Crimea: you can use the Psiphon application, or any other program for VPN or IP spoofing. You can also get an MTS SIM card for the Krasnodar region. She has a mainland IP.
  • How to play with 512 MB RAM: You need root access and the Gltools program, in which you need to reduce the texture quality to 0.25x.
  • “Our Servers Are Humbled By Your Incredible Response”: The game servers are either overloaded or are undergoing work. Wait a few hours and try logging in again.
Version log:
  • Update 0.29.2 added support for preview versions of Android 7.0. Also now works on Intel x86 processors (ASUS ZenFone and others).
  • Update 0.29.3 brought “minor changes to the text.”
  • Update 0.31: the radar was removed, a more convenient menu for exchanging Pokemon for candies was added, the animations and combat characteristics of many Pokemon were changed, many bugs were fixed.
  • Update 0.33: warning about playing while driving, bugs with pokeballs have been fixed, grass has been added to the radar, achievements have been fixed, the ability to change nickname after registration has been added, visual effects for the leaders of the three teams.
  • Update 0.37: Pokémon partner, improved Pokédex design, animation bugs fixed, network switching bugs fixed, Pokemon GO Plus support, root and jailbreak protection.
Attention! Using a modified version for older devices may lead to account blocking.

Pokemon GO- a game that instantly became the leader in downloads on Google Play and is beginning to gain wild popularity. However, for some time the game was unavailable for many mobile devices, because the project was not officially presented. In the application you will have to search for all kinds of Pokemon in real time. This is not only an addictive process, but also a very healthy pastime: you will have the opportunity to wander around your city a lot. Also, a variety of hiding places will be presented on the map.

Also in the game, users will fight, and the coolest thing is that this will happen with real users. Of course, it will not be us who will fight in the battle, but our faithful wards, who must be trained all the time, since the better their characteristics, the greater our chances of emerging victorious from the fight. In terms of quality indicators, Pokemon Go has been thought out in every detail, for this reason there will be nothing to complain about. The gameplay may not be particularly novel, but you can figure it out in one minute. Moreover, the gameplay creates a magical atmosphere of immersion in childhood on the screen.
An interesting point in the project is that in order to conduct battles online you will need to buy a special bracelet. Moreover, the conversation now is about a real wrist bracelet, and not about all sorts of game add-ons in the app store. But it’s good that the application developers themselves haven’t increased the cost of the item much, and besides, if you don’t like real-time battles, you can refuse to purchase this item. There will be a lot of game heroes - it’s up to you to decide what kind of Pokemon it will be. Another notable feature is the composition of the coaching teams. If you don’t want to fight the enemy alone, then cooperate with a whole group of real players, and then conduct small battles - they will be much more spectacular and cooler.

Also, you won't win if your Pokemon don't constantly improve. The pumping system in Pokemon Go is designed very well, so after almost every fight you need to train your ward, since our opponents develop, acquire new abilities, and such an outcome should not be allowed. In terms of the image, what users will most like is the magnificent animation of the animals - it will be shown in all its glory during the battle. An incredible variety of colors, however, there were plenty of them in the series too. They absolutely do not bore their players, but on the contrary, colorfulness is the most important advantage of the project. What can we say in the end? This is most likely the only game to date on the theme of the Pokemon world that has managed to capture the attention of many users. And this is justified, the project is very interesting.

Main features of Pokemon Go:

  • A variety of favorite Pokemon, both from the cartoon and new ones;
  • Cooperative game mode based on the location of other users;
  • Augmented reality and the ability to interact with it;
  • The ability to create your own guild of trainers;
  • Interesting leveling up of your Pokemon's abilities.

is a role-playing adventure game for Android that allows you to catch Pokemon in the real world using your phone's camera. To do this, you need to explore not only city streets, but also special Pokestop locations where you can usually get useful things.

Pokemon GO screenshots →

It should be noted that on the territory of the Russian Federation such places, according to players, are very often located near branches of Sberbank of Russia. As soon as the Pokemon is close to the mobile phone, it will begin to vibrate. To catch a detected character, you need to use a pokeball, launched using the classic swipe gesture. You can download the Pokemon GO game for free for Android on this page.

Pokemon GO game features

  • Wide range of search options for Pokemon and individual items. At the same time, certain heroes appear near certain natural areas. For example, aquatic representatives live near lakes and oceans, while forest representatives live in parks and forest belts. In addition, you should not ignore museums, art exhibitions, monuments and historical sites, as PokéStops are often located here.
  • Participation in the processes of capture, birth and development of characters. With each new level, more and more powerful heroes become available to the player.
  • Train your Pokemon in gyms, subject to reaching level 5. The winning animal will be able to lead the gym and paint it in the color of its own team.

The most important advantage of Pokemon GO is that the game forces users to sit at home less and walk more in the fresh air. If you walk around the city at night, your chances of meeting a curious ghost character increase significantly. To download Pokemon GO on Android for free, follow the direct link below on our website.

It is also interesting that Pokemon will be found in the most unexpected places. Some of them will begin to smile welcomingly in response, while others will indicate their presence in a different way. Today they talk about more than 150 types of pocket monsters, but their numbers are constantly increasing. The average user spends at least 45 minutes per day playing Pokemon GO, especially since the search should begin near their home.