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How can a virgin forget about Aries? Compatibility of Aries and Virgo: energy versus pedantry. Are Aries men and Virgo women compatible in love?

Many astrologers assess differently the compatibility between people born under the zodiac signs of Aries and Virgo. However, it is virtually impossible to immediately give an unambiguous answer and assess their overall compatibility, since it depends on the gender of representatives of both signs, the scope of their interactions and the purpose of the relationship.

In general, it can be noted that both signs are compatible, although they often have to face a number of difficulties and mutual lack of understanding. This article will allow us to understand this very complex issue in more detail.

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is Aries, she is Virgo

The main problem of such a union is that at a certain point in time a man comes to the realization of the need to prove the rationality of his beliefs and views regarding family values ​​and relationships.

Otherwise, relationships most often develop according to the following scheme:

  1. Virgo is distinguished by reasonableness and balanced actions, but sometimes critical moments arise due to severe frustration or accumulated fatigue. This usually happens due to a tendency to self-criticism, but Aries in such situations is able to have a calming effect on his life partner.
  2. Virgo is uncomfortable with any vulgarity and display of her feelings; she is often an opponent of carnal relationships. Aries men are prone to increased and causeless jealousy, and they are also idealists, so such views can only strengthen the union.
  3. Aries men are patronized by Mars, so they are characterized by outbursts of passion, combined with touching tenderness. Virgo women usually view this combination favorably.
  4. Typical Virgos are distinguished by their unobtrusiveness and desire to be themselves; they do not create deceptive images, while they allow their chosen one to also show their true character. Aries will appreciate this, which is why he always happily returns home to Virgo waiting for him.
  5. The Virgo woman needs attention, tenderness and gratitude for her attitude towards her partner, but she will never communicate this directly. The Aries man often understands this and fully satisfies all the needs of his wife or mistress.

He is Virgo, she is Aries

Events and relationships can develop according to a different scenario if representatives of both sexes change zodiac signs. The features of such a union are discussed below:

  1. Virgo men are usually more reserved and immersed in their own interests, while Aries women need communication, new events and thrills. For this reason, many consider them a bad couple, but this is not at all true: both partners often accumulate energy due to the characteristics of each other’s temperament and lifestyle, and then spend this excess on solving various everyday issues and needs.
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  2. Some Aries women are characterized by individualism and authority, and they usually manage to build a good career. If the sphere of their activity evokes respect from the partner, then he accepts the role of a subordinate and is engaged in providing household goods for his chosen one. Paradoxical as it may seem, in the last 15-20 years this pattern of events has become common precisely for those couples where Aries is the woman, which may indicate a change in social roles.
  3. Difficulty in relationships is usually caused by Virgos' tendency to think about the situation for a long time; without this, they cannot make an important decision or take any action. Aries in this regard are their complete opposite; they are prone to action, so they often commit actions first, and think about them only after the consequences occur. Sometimes they regard the behavior of Virgos as a manifestation of indecision and slowness, expecting more active actions from them, since they are men. Conflicts on this basis usually arise in the initial period of a relationship, but in most cases, partners gradually get used to each other’s characteristics.

Negative moments in the union

Despite the compatibility of these two zodiac signs, their relationships do not always develop smoothly and safely; it usually takes people some time to understand and get used to each other.

The main negative aspects they may encounter are described below:

  1. Frequent arguments, nagging each other and a total misunderstanding of the partner’s views. Against this background, there is a risk of serious conflicts arising; this can lead to Aries becoming too nervous and irritable, and Virgo beginning to withdraw even deeper into herself. At the same time, both people will realize that this threatens a crisis for their relationship, but their innate intransigence prevents them from coming to a compromise that will suit everyone.
  2. In critical situations, partners may lack mutual support. This is due to the characteristics of both signs, since Aries may lack confidence in his own strengths and capabilities, and Virgo, due to her passivity, does not endow him with positive energy. The lack of full trust and mutual assistance, as well as the constant expectation of outside help, mentally exhausts both partners.
  3. Spending time together can lead to increased laziness on the part of each partner, after which they stop at the achieved results and do not strive to achieve new goals. Moreover, such tendencies are observed only in their union; individually, Aries and Virgo have absolutely no such inclinations. This occurs in situations when both people run out of moral resources and become bored with each other, but joint travel, active recreation or a change of environment can solve the problem.

Compatibility in sex, friendship and business

The main features of the union of these two signs have been discussed, but much depends on what kind of relationship they are going to build. The nuances of various situations are given below:

  1. In intimate relationships, Virgo and Aries have good compatibility, since representatives of both signs do not show interest in sexual relations without any feelings. In sex they see not physical release, but spiritual intimacy. Their intimate life will lack both tenderness and passion, while partners usually do not lose interest in each other over time.
  2. Friendly relations between Virgos and Aries do not always develop, since they spend less time with each other than with a closer union and do not always have time to get used to each other. If they have common interests, then the friendship can be fruitful and strong, but sometimes Aries gets tired of frequent grumbling or nagging from a Virgo friend.
  3. The combination of these two signs in business often gives excellent results, since Aries is able to create many interesting and curious ideas, and Virgo will bring them to mind, while at the same time she will be able to pacify the emotions of her business partner. At the same time, Virgo shows modesty and does not strive to demonstrate its achievements to the general public, trying to remain in the shadows, which also has a positive effect on cooperation.

Compatibility percentage

If we talk about the compatibility of signs in percentage terms, then the following patterns can be deduced:

  1. A Virgo woman and an Aries man are 90% compatible in marriage and 70% compatible in love relationships, which can be characterized as voluntary inequality.
  2. An Aries woman and a Virgo man are also 90% compatible in marriage and 80% compatible in love. At the same time, the woman often becomes the main one in such unions, which can be called “equalization to the leader”, which is observed on the part of the man.
Liana Raimanova

Aries and Virgo belong to different elements, so it can be difficult for representatives of these signs to achieve mutual understanding. Their patron planets are also different, which also creates a lot of differences in behavior and worldview.

The character of people born under the sign of Aries is influenced by the element of Fire and the planet Mars. This impressionable and energetic individuals, whose self-esteem is slightly inflated. They are very active and like to take the initiative. Aries is a cheerful and open person with an easy-going attitude towards life.

Virgos, subordinate to the elements of Earth and the planet Mercury, are much more emotionally loaded. They have a critical mindset and tend to doubt themselves and others. Representatives of this sign - perfectionists who love order and do not tolerate chaos. They try to achieve the ideal and demand the same dedication from those around them.

Aries do not share such a serious approach. They can become very interested in a new activity and quickly lose interest in it. They often abandon promising projects just because they are tired of this activity and want something else. On this basis, conflicts between the Fire and Earth signs are inevitable; they will also have many other reasons for quarrels.

But the union of Aries and Virgo not hopeless, it has strengths. Representatives of the Earth element are very faithful and reliable people with a developed sense of responsibility. The Aries partner cannot help but rejoice at such a “safety net”, even if he does not need support at all. In response, he teaches Virgo a simpler attitude towards life and the ability to relax.

Compatibility Chart for Aries and Virgo

Compatibility of Aries man and Virgo woman: pros and cons of relationships

Aries is a stubborn and narcissistic man with the character of a leader. But having started a relationship with Virgo, he will become much softer and allow his partner to manage many aspects of his life. Wise Maiden knows how to direct the irrepressible energy of her man in the right direction, that’s why he trusts her with the post of commander in the family.

Aries make good husbands, and Virgos make great wives. Women of this sign are good-natured, sympathetic, and fair. No one respects the dogma of marital fidelity as much as responsible representatives of the earthly elements. Impatient Aries should learn from Virgos the ability to finish everything they start; this will significantly increase their chances of success in their work.

Aries make good husbands, and Virgos make great wives

Are Aries men and Virgo women compatible in love?

Between representatives of these signs, feelings flare up with lightning speed. This vibrant love union is full of passion, but it is certainly accompanied by conflicts and disagreements. Often the reason for a quarrel is the jealousy of Aries. A man of this sign is very suspicious and pays too much attention to the opinions of others.

Virgo girls are tactful and reasonable. They know how to calm the chosen one and direct his activity towards peaceful goals

But if Aries completely neglects self-control, then even the partner’s diplomacy does not save the relationship from discord.

In this pair difficult to identify a leader, since the “reins of power” are constantly transferred from one partner to another. This feature can be considered as a plus if Aries and Virgo do not focus on the issue of primacy and consider equality the best option.

Representatives of the Earth and Fire elements have completely different characters, so they need to look for common points of contact: go to the movies and theaters together, communicate in the same company, or even work together. In this case, they will always be interested in each other’s company. If partners cannot find topics for conversation, they will begin to pay close attention to mutual shortcomings. This will lead to a hasty break in the romance.

It is difficult to identify the leader in this pair

Aries guy and Virgo girl in sex

The partners complement each other so harmoniously that their sexual compatibility close to ideal. The Aries man is full of vital energy and is not averse to spending a significant part of it on carnal pleasures.

Virgo in everyday life manifests herself as a rational and even slightly boring person, but in bed she is completely transformed. In love games she has no equal: this woman easily transforms, experiments with images and behavioral tactics. Next to her loved one, she feels free and relaxed, fully revealing her rich sexual potential. As a rule, it is enough to completely exhaust the Aries chosen one. And that’s all he needs: after stormy nights with his Virgo wife, this man easily concentrates on work and makes it as productive as possible.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

The Aries man is not particularly patient; he prefers to get what he wants without the slightest delay. Having fallen in love, he will not delay long with a marriage proposal. A responsible Virgo will not decide on marriage until she has examined her chosen one inside and out. This will take her a lot of time, which will obviously not please the impatient Aries.

The further outcome will depend on him. If a fire sign man shows restraint, he will certainly receive the long-awaited “yes” over time. If he starts putting pressure on his chosen one, he will only scare her away.

Aries and Virgo, who managed to overcome all adversity in the first stages of a relationship, receive a worthy reward: in family life their compatibility becomes very high. The wife adheres to traditional views and strives to become a homemaker. Virgo’s assiduous character contributes to this in the best possible way - she loves to do household chores and finds the everyday routine entertaining. The husband in this couple brings newness to the relationship. Aries will not allow his wife to get too deeply involved in household chores; he will regularly arrange “outings” for her.

The birth of children will only further strengthen this union, uniting the spouses with the common goal of raising offspring.

An Aries husband and a Virgo wife make excellent parents: both put children first on the list of priorities and are ready to make any sacrifice to preserve the family

Is there friendship if he is an Aries and she is a Virgo?

Friendship between representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth develops successfully from the first days of acquaintance. Quiet and modest Virgos receive protection from this union - the wards of the red planet are ready to fiercely defend the interests of their friends. Aries draws the wisdom of a friend from relationships - she is always ready to help with advice, setting him on the right path.

Friendship between Aries and Virgo can last for years. Even if they go to live in different cities, they will still keep in touch.

How to win an Aries man?

Guys born under the sign of Aries pay attention to active, original girls. Quiet and calm ladies seem too boring to them. It will not be easy for representatives of the Virgo sign to win the heart of such a man; to do this, they will have to go beyond the usual boundaries of behavior. If Virgo can liberate herself and surprise her chosen one with her personality, he will certainly not resist her charm.

How to get the attention of a Virgo woman?

The pedantic Virgo will not remain indifferent to displays of gallantry and good manners. Rude behavior, on the contrary, will push her away.

An Aries man should behave a little more restrainedly than usual - otherwise his stormy temper will scare the calm Virgo

Finding an approach to her is not difficult - women of this sign love intellectual conversations. It is enough for a guy to start a conversation about art or another entertaining topic, then he will definitely not be deprived of Virgo’s attention.

Compatibility horoscope for Aries woman and Virgo man

The Aries woman is energetic, self-confident and stubborn. She - born leader with a strong and stable character. But at the same time, Aries ladies are very gentle and romantic, they yearn for true love with all their hearts. Respectable Virgo men are quite capable of providing them with this bright feeling.

Representatives of this sign are not the best partners for Aries. They have an analytical mind and are adept at finding flaws in others. Virgo's criticism is almost always fair, but it rarely leads to a good result - people are simply offended by tactless statements addressed to them. A narcissistic Aries girl is also unlikely to like constant reproaches.

Guys born under the sign of Aries pay attention to active, original girls

This factor, together with some others, negatively affects the love compatibility of a Virgo man and an Aries woman. But the stars do not doom this union to failure, but only motivate the partners more work on your characters.

Love relationship

The Virgo man is a vulnerable person, full of cynicism and internal contradictions. He is overly demanding of his partner and tends to be constantly jealous of her. Women of the fire element are charming, their bright charisma attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. It’s hard for Aries girls to refrain from flirting, even if it means nothing to them. To a jealous Virgo, such behavior seems unacceptable.

A love union between representatives of these signs is impossible without a willingness to give in and make compromises. An Aries woman will have to change her style of communication with the opposite sex, minimizing manifestations of coquetry and flirting. The Virgo man must cope with his jealous nature; it is advisable for him to begin to approach life more simply.

Sexual attraction of a couple

Harmony in sexual life will more than once save an Aries-Virgo couple from separation. When partners have disagreements in the psychological sphere, they seek solace in love games.

For representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth, the bed often becomes a place of reconciliation, especially in the early stages of a relationship

Sexual compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aries woman just great, and there is nothing more to add here.


Potentially both partners - good family men, but the marriage between them is not always successful. When combined with each other, Aries and Virgo reveal the worst sides of their characters. Good qualities, on the contrary, are relegated to the background.

There will probably be a lot of conflicts in the family, but the influence of a third party - parents or friends - can help strengthen the marriage. In the absence of outside support, the union of Aries and Virgo has little chance of long-term existence.

A pedantic husband is capable of starting a conflict over any little thing, and his belligerent wife will definitely not remain silent and will throw a huge scandal in response. In addition, an Aries wife is unlikely to become a good housewife; she has too high ambitions for this.

A common child can be a lifeline for this couple. Both partners approach raising children with maximum responsibility; it will be a powerful incentive for self-development and work on their own shortcomings.

Both partners approach raising children with maximum responsibility

How are an Aries girl and a Virgo guy friends?

Strong friendships rarely develop between these people because they have too different interests. In most cases, they simply do not contact each other, since they move in different circles of society. But if fate brings an Aries girl and a Virgo man together in one team, then the friendly relationship between them quickly develops into a strong friendship. The union when he is Virgo and she is Aries is not only pleasant, but also mutually beneficial. Therefore, in most cases it lasts for years, or even decades.

How to win a Virgo man and build a relationship with him?

A man born under the sign of Virgo always pays attention to details. A stale manicure, cat hair on clothes or any other little thing can push him away from a girl. A guy of the earthly element prefers to build relationships with modest and prudent ladies; he does not like frivolous coquettes. The Aries woman will push him away with her eccentric behavior if she does not learn to behave more restrained in public.

The Virgo man is an intellectual who will be happy to have a conversation on a non-trivial “sublime” topic

If you start a philosophical discussion, you will definitely win his sympathy. It will be more difficult to keep her. To do this, it is necessary to treat the feelings of the chosen one with special reverence, since his nature is very vulnerable.

Is it possible to make an Aries woman fall in love with you?

The passionate heart of an Aries woman can only be conquered by an active person who is capable of surprising his beloved with extraordinary gestures of romance. It’s not easy for a modest Virgo guy to adapt to the fast pace of life of an Aries girl, but there’s no other way to win her sympathy. To attract the attention of a representative of the fire element, need to show as much as possible initiative: invite the lady of your heart to the movies, restaurants, bowling clubs, and various exotic places.

Getting the sympathy of an Aries woman is not so difficult

It is not so difficult to gain the sympathy of an Aries woman, but Virgo may not be able to make her fall in love with her. A girl representing the element of Fire has a powerful leadership character and will not start a relationship with a “weakling”. She needs a real man in the traditional sense of the word.

The chosen one of an Aries woman must be stronger than her. Responsibility, reliability and courage are the minimum set of qualities with which you can claim the heart of a fiery girl. If a Virgo guy can meet these criteria, then he will have every chance of a successful romance from the ward of the red planet.

28 November 2017, 13:23

It's quite complicated, let's try to figure it out. Those born in these signs are under the protection of the planets Mars and Mercury; partners Aries and Virgo seem very different and belong to different natural elements: Fire and Earth. They are so different from each other, both in general and in small details, that it is not even clear how they negotiate and find a common language with each other.

Astrologer's advice: Almost all people are likely to exhibit properties that are not inherent to them. This is due to the fact that the majority have a dependence on celestial phenomena, for example - eclipses, the position of the planets relative to the Earth, etc.

Characteristics of partners

    • Zodiac Aries always thinks in general concepts and categories, which allow him to see the magnitude of any phenomenon. Small details are practically not noticed by them, and if this needs to be done, then the Aries sign falls into a very melancholy mood. It is ruled by the planet Mars and belongs to the element Fire.
    • Virgo, on the contrary, cannot calmly react to generalizations and superficiality. Details and their scrupulous and complete analysis are her trump card. Virgo’s meticulousness and pedantry do not find the appropriate awareness in their partner. The planet is ruled by Mercury and belongs to the element Earth.

Astrologer's advice: Knowing important information often gives a significantly greater effect on achieving plans than instructions from loved ones. Order a personal one and achieve more than you currently own!

Prudent practicality is alien and incomprehensible to Aries, since he exists - through emotions and impulses. Zodiac Virgo is skeptical about similar, from her point of view and understanding, frivolity and does not really trust unnecessary sensuality. Therefore, when an Aries partner tries to openly and loudly be indignant about the misfortunes that happened to him, notifying everyone around him about it, then Virgo can only shrug her shoulders with misunderstanding. And even if it’s difficult for her at the moment, she’s not going to amuse her own ill-wishers with oohs and aahs.

Astrologer's advice: The level and type of education of a person greatly affects the possibilities for the manifestation of various qualities. The upbringing of an individual also contributes to the characteristics of various behavioral properties.

Aries practically do not look after their own health, since this is not required. They only occasionally have to suffer from acquired diseases. What cannot be said about the Virgo sign, constant concern and anxiety about their physical condition ends with a trip to the hospital. And this is far from empty suspiciousness; her health requires constant attention.

Both zodiac signs find pleasure in helping others. But their motivation, why they do it, remains a question. Aries, having created another magic - helping others, feels like a magician, which of course is very strong, raises his self-esteem. Virgo’s partner strives to help others, only because she is tuned in to her wave of complete order. And if any, even small, action reduces chaos and disorder, then this is already a great achievement. Therefore, Virgo, when she does a worthy deed, is not even going to expect gratitude. She just doesn't need it. Moreover, human nature is so imperfect that it would be pointless to expect gratitude, much less worry about it. It is better to move on to your intended goals.

Astrologer's advice: In order to understand and better understand the character and characteristics of the zodiac sign, you need to get to know it from different sides and the section will help you with this -.

Aries wants gratitude and reciprocity, although he will not demonstrate this with his appearance. But having not gained praise or reward, he falls into genuine anger and even resentment.

Development of a relationship

In this case, what can bring these different zodiac symbols together? Perhaps the search for a standard and the desire for purity of spirit. And they are guided towards this by their unique purity of purpose. But the problem may be that when part of the common path has already been passed in search of the ideal, they will not be able to decide at the fork in which direction to go together. Aries does not hesitate in a happy ending to any event. Virgos, on the other hand, look very skeptically at any prospects and suspect that the standard they have found will not turn out to be the same.

But even with many obvious differences, Aries and Virgo partners can still get along together, this applies to both business and marriage relationships.

Reliable support and support, which is based on respect and understanding, is a good basis for the development of a strong business alliance. Often, our partners decide to start a joint business project. And their hopes are usually fulfilled. They quickly achieve material success.

In family and marriage, harmony between these zodiac symbols is achieved due to the rule of complementing each other. Therefore, in their union there can be a rare mutual understanding, although with other signs of the zodiac, it cannot be said that things will develop in the same way.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to look at monthly and annual horoscopes for any zodiac sign. The forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issues. High quality and useful. Go to .

And yet, disputes and conflicts between them are inevitable - they are embedded in the differences between the planets that rule the partners. Sometimes, even in a close relationship, it is very difficult for a Virgo partner to contain his growing dissatisfaction, over such matters as the lack of commitment, negligence or frivolity of his partner. And of course she will certainly tell him about it. For example - not keeping a promise, how is this possible? A couple of minutes, not to mention an hour, late for a date - isn’t this a reason for conflict?

Different attitudes towards common affairs can also serve as a source for minor clashes. Zodiac Aries believes that the Earth will not stop rotating, even if you do something later, violating the agreement. Virgo will consider these arguments as irresponsible and frivolous; they seem simply blasphemous to her. And only after everything has been painstakingly put in its place, and the list of necessary, planned things is empty, then you can rest and relax. Having dealt with their demanding conscience, the Virgo zodiac can surrender to the power of entertainment, often very extravagant.

Compatibility of zodiac signs Aries and Virgo in marriage

An analysis of the personal horoscopes of both partners is definitely recommended. If the main planets in birth horoscopes are placed favorably and are connected to each other by harmonious aspects, then the couple can expect a cloudless future. In this case, the Aries partner will try to show the rarest self-control and prudence, and will follow the balanced and pragmatic advice of the Virgo zodiac. Virgo’s partner may also show uncharacteristic qualities, trying to please her loved one. She is unlikely to interfere with her Aries’s dominance in their romantic union and will end up “nagging” because of the broken rules. Partners will be able to become a harmonious couple under one important condition: they need to emphasize all the advantages of each other and look past the differences that exist between them.

For Compatibility of zodiac signs Aries and Virgo, the most important thing is to show the will and desire to communicate in the same language. And this will make it possible to overcome all the differences that divide partners and fill romantic relationships and marriage with the fullness of pleasant and tender expectations. Having made sure that Aries has much more spiritual wealth than it seems, the Virgo zodiac will learn that her main purpose is to be his reliable support. Aries partner will do everything to respond to this important decision for him with generosity and gratitude. For his part, he will help Virgo find the edges of his own vulnerability and give practical advice on how to eliminate them.

When your beloved person has an understanding look and you hear the beating of his heart in time with yours, then sensual love and common success are those indescribable advantages that Aries and Virgo partners are able to receive. But only if both want to be under the same roof.

The relationship between Aries and Virgo will never be simple. Representatives of both zodiac signs are quite demanding and uncompromising, and the difference in the worldview of these people further aggravates the situation. If Virgo depends on Aries in some way, she will be able to overcome herself and recognize his leadership, but Aries will under no circumstances allow himself to be remade.

ARIES man and VIRGO woman

Even with the most friendly attitude towards each other, psychological tension will always be felt between Aries and Virgo. A representative of a fire sign is impulsive and hot-tempered, and next to a Virgo, these qualities can double in him. From the outside, what is happening looks rather strange - his companion is calm and restrained, it would seem that she does not deserve the man’s irritable reaction. However, in the conflicts of this couple, there is a share of guilt on both sides, because both Aries and Virgo do not make concessions and hold the line until the last.

♈ + ♍: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION- As long as Aries and Virgo lovers limit themselves to infrequent and pleasant meetings and each of them continues to live his own life, nothing threatens their union. The problem is that representatives of these zodiac signs only want a serious relationship, so they will get close quite quickly, and at the same time they will learn a lot of new things about each other. Those character traits that each of them initially attracted to their loved one will very soon cease to seem so beautiful to them. A neat and self-sufficient virgin will begin to irritate Aries with her pedantry and stubbornness. Looking at her behavior, the young man will decide that his beloved is completely indifferent to him. The girl will also have a lot of complaints - Aries tries to dominate in the relationship, but since the Virgo does not need protection and does not like when decisions are made for her, she can accuse her beloved of tyranny and despoticism.

If this couple does not break up in a short time, it will no longer be easy for Aries and Virgo to part, but their relationship will not become calmer. Constant quarrels will become a habit for lovers, and they will never begin to look for compromises. Compatibility is very poor, but oddly enough, there are many such pairs.

♈ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- In marriage, Aries and Virgo compatibility is even worse than in an open relationship. The spouses do not have agreement in everyday life - the virgin diligently cleans and puts everything in its place, and her husband can quite calmly live in creative disorder. There will be constant reproaches from the wife about this, but Aries will still not become more careful.

The Virgo woman is a homebody, and her husband is sociable and likes to spend a lot of time outside the home. Quarrels in the family will be due to the fact that the wife is trying to make her husband more domestic, and he will insist on going out together and meeting with friends. The spouses do not agree to spend leisure time separately from each other and constantly conflict about this.

The intimate life of this couple may be interesting to both only at first, and then only due to the novelty of the sensations. A passionate Aries man has a higher need for sex than his wife, and if a Virgo is in the mood to read a book or watch a TV series, no romantic atmosphere created by her husband will awaken in her the desire to be alone with him. In addition, Aries expresses his feelings quite emotionally, but the Virgo woman acts rather coldly, and this hurts her husband. If nothing else unites this couple except sexual attraction, very soon the spouses will decide to divorce.

♈ + ♍: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- Communication between an Aries guy and a Virgo girl is acceptable, and quite peaceful if they are relatives or work colleagues. Sincereness will still not arise between these people, but each of them will treat the other with respect, because they see in him a responsible and serious person. Taking into account the difference in perception of the world, the less time Aries and Virgo spend together, the stronger their relationship will be.

VIRGO man and ARIES woman

The Virgo man, one might say, lives according to a schedule: he plans and thinks about any actions in advance, and even possible surprises are always foreseen. The Aries woman is an impulsive and spontaneous person; she likes adventures, fun, and extreme recreation. These people will never become two halves of one whole; there are too many contradictions between them. Each of them perceives the distinctive features of each other’s temperament as character flaws, so at best they simply will not quarrel.

♍ + ♈: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- A Virgo guy will like an energetic and optimistic Aries girl, but there are not always serious intentions behind this interest - perhaps he perceives her as a pleasant exotic adventure and a way to unwind. If this is so, the relationship will not last long and no one will suffer.

If we are not talking about a fleeting connection, an Aries girl will be very flattered by the attention of a Virgo guy: he is polite, serious, strong in character and stable in his opinion. The first time after meeting will be very pleasant and memorable for this couple. The idyll in the relationship will not last long and the lovers will begin to quarrel over any reason. According to the Virgo guy, his chosen one is not careful, responsible and stable enough. The Aries girl will demand that the young man accept her as he loves her, because his constant criticism will offend and irritate her. It is unlikely that the Virgo guy will change his behavior tactics, because he is serious about re-educating his beloved, so she will either have to endure constant reproaches or decide to put an end to this relationship.

♍ + ♈: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- The motive for entering into such a marriage is most often either the love of an Aries, or the material dependence and cold calculation of a virgin. If the spouses are young and do not know each other well, most likely they will divorce after a few months of marriage.

The Virgo man is dissatisfied with his wife as a housewife, which he constantly talks about in a sarcastic manner. After work, he rushes home, he has a very narrow social circle and does not often need to meet with friends, which cannot be said about his wife. The Aries woman is sociable and loves social society, therefore the reclusive lifestyle that her husband imposes on her does not attract her at all. The spouses constantly argue, each continues to follow his own line to the last, their showdown begins to go further and further. When mutual insults and accusations begin, it will be too late to save the relationship. Aries and Virgo can say too many unpleasant and humiliating things to each other, after which the desire to be together will leave this couple.

♍ + ♈: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- These people have nothing in common at all, but in the absence of mutual obligations they can communicate calmly. Even if a Virgo guy is younger than his friend, he will generously give her fatherly advice and instructions. The girl ignores these words and is not offended, because the girl behaves without malice. In any case, this couple is too far away, but they can take turns helping each other out, and therefore will try not to spoil the relationship.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Aries are in the element of fire, and Virgos are representatives of the earth sign. Virgo and Aries: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. At the very beginning of dating these signs, one cannot do without difficulties. Aries considers himself the master of life. The owner of high intelligence and high self-esteem, it is very difficult for him to get along with people. Virgo makes too high demands on others, not forgetting about herself.

In this union, the earth sign will take a leading position because he is a man of his word.

Charming a priori. She is like a magnet that attracts everyone to her person. Only by being head over heels in love can an Aries girl get along with a man; she will be a good partner, with a compliant and flexible character. Only excessive pride can harm her.

Has timidity in character, which often interferes with achieving an ideal relationship. He sees every representative of the fairer sex as an ideal, but when he is convinced of the opposite, he is very worried. The patron of Mercury has a romantic nature, and can carry this quality throughout his life, if Virgo’s heart is not broken by an insidious seductress. Virgo conquers women's hearts with sensuality and fidelity. To achieve success, Virgo will need the sensitive guidance of her spouse.


The meeting can take place at one of the events of mutual friends at the dacha. The lively Aries lady will attract attention due to her activity. As soon as she appears, everything around begins to boil. Virgo will pay attention to a beautiful girl who is constantly in the spotlight and is difficult not to notice. Initially, timidity and slowness may scare away the Aries lady, but after talking for a while, she will dramatically change her mind, striking the object of her adoration with intelligence and enlightenment. But Aries knows a lot about smart representatives of the stronger sex.

To continue dating, both signs need to demonstrate sensuality and care for each other.


Having excellent taste, Virgo will take the initiative to organize a date. He will be able to surprise the sophisticated Aries lady, who felt Virgo’s loving gaze on her and decided to dazzle her chosen one with a breathtaking outfit.

An impulsive person will rush to speed things up and invite Virgo for a cup of coffee, but by doing so she can only alienate a romantic young man who prefers sweet courtship. A good alternative could be a date in nature.

Both representatives of the fire and earth elements are very ambitious, so it is better not to start a conversation about feelings, otherwise, after the first date, the compatibility of the Virgo man and the Aries woman will not continue.


Depending on the depth of Virgo’s feelings, you can count on the duration of the love relationship. The Aries lady is flattered by the attention of a charming and attractive partner, but she should not take a leading position; Virgo will not resign herself to the role of a henpecked woman.

The compatibility of Aries and Virgo in love is like a fairy tale, the continuation of which depends entirely on the mood of the partners; with the correct prioritization, a happy life together is possible.

The initial impression of prosperity among those sponsored by Mars and Mercury may turn out to be deceptive. An Aries girl should avoid flirting with members of the opposite sex. Otherwise, this will lead to disagreements, and a break in relations is possible.


The relationship between young people cannot be called ideal. It is very difficult for wards of diverse elements to achieve harmony in relationships. But even in the most hopeless situation, consensus can be achieved. The parents of Aries and Virgo will come to the rescue, although this decision will be difficult for them.


But oddly enough, difficulties will only strengthen this union.

Aries is an excellent wife, Virgo is an exemplary husband, but not in alliance with each other, but if they decide to unite their destinies, it is worth gaining endurance, since trials will lie in wait for them from the first days. Trivially scattered socks or a tea bag can cause a big scandal. In alliance with Aries, negative qualities will certainly appear in a calm young man.

The birth of children can bring harmony. It is better for Aries mother, with her inherent rigor, to engage in the education and development of intelligence; with the right approach, there is every chance of raising future child prodigies.


The stars say that friendship between Virgo and Aries is possible, even despite their different temperaments. The girl is a lover of noisy games, and the boy prefers to sit with a book, but this will not prevent them from finding mutual understanding and becoming good friends.

Virgo, as a rule, in such an alliance is led by a groovy and pretty commander. She will be a protector in a skirt. They will not let each other offend, be it a fatal temptress who wants to break the heart of a young gentleman or a scoundrel who wants to fool a fiery girl with a head.

Sponsors of Mars and Mercury can carry their friendship throughout their lives, and even in retirement, Virgo is capable of hitting anyone who dares to offend the old Aries woman with a stick.


Virgo wants to run a business on their own, but Aries' intelligence and charm will not be superfluous. The stars promise such a partnership to achieve good results. Virgo takes business very seriously; he will make every effort for prosperity and development.

Aries can be protected from absurd waste by the prudent and prudent approach of Virgo. Business lady Aries is impetuous in her decisions, and Virgo does not want to take risks; in such a situation, disagreements are possible. Virgo must thoroughly calculate everything before making a decision, and at the slightest inconsistency the deal can be cancelled.

Intersection as competitors between Aries and Virgo is excluded; their principles of doing business are completely different.

Compatibility between Aries man and Virgo woman

Proud and stubborn, and the desire to be right in everything sometimes develops into tyranny. But it is precisely these qualities that captivate many women, and they are ready to do anything, which a man often takes advantage of. It is very easy to find a common language with Aries. He is a witty and interesting conversationalist. Despite leadership qualities, many Aries lack strength of character; they need a partner who will delicately direct the energy of fire in the right direction. Aries make good husbands.

Mysterious and fickle, she is endowed with good manners, smart and beautiful. These qualities make her the subject of admiration for an army of fans. Virgos always strive for perfection; only stubbornness creates an obstacle. Virgos are optimists, they easily overcome failures and then persistently pave the way to success. The Virgo wife is the ultimate dream of many men; she is kind, fair, reliable and damn sexy.


It is almost impossible for Aries and Virgo to meet. Aries has a lot of interests and prefers to relax at fashionable resorts. The young Virgo prefers to remain silent about her hobbies; she is indifferent to luxury and prefers to relax modestly, focusing only on the beautiful surroundings. The stars still know a couple of places that will suit both wards of Mars and Mercury.

During an acquaintance, Aries should not be sprayed with eloquence; a few routine phrases are enough so as not to alienate the gentle Virgo. The girl needs to show determination, since Aries will not pay attention to the shy one. The deceptive coldness of Virgo will only create excitement in a fiery man, and he will rush headlong into courtship. If the sponsored Mercury shows interest in Aries, then there will be flirting and jokes, so Aries will not be bored.


According to Aries, in war all means are good, tricks and deception are not excluded, but with Virgo it is better to be straightforward and immediately say about your sympathy. It is better to plan a date in a calm and cozy small cafe, although Aries himself would prefer a popular restaurant.

Aries should slow down his pressure, since the shy Virgo may simply not cope with the excitement and disappear, but Aries will have to try very hard not to embrace the sweet beauty. Despite her modest disposition, the young lady will come to her first date in a stunning outfit that is carefully thought out. All attention will be directed to Virgo, and Aries will be no exception.

Even if Aries didn’t have time to take care of his appearance, it’s not scary, because for Virgo, the main thing in men is intelligence and inner core.


Compatibility between Aries and Virgo in love relationships develops at lightning speed. But even without quarrels, in this case, Aries needs not to torment himself with jealousy, but learn to trust his chosen one.

Friends of Aries and Virgo will be against such love, but you should not pay attention to the opinions of others. Aries often doubts, thanks to prudence and the ability to persuade, Virgo is able to direct the potential of her fiery lover in the right direction.


The primacy in the relationship between the Aries boy and the Virgo lady will constantly pass like a relay baton from one to the other. The main thing is not to focus close attention on each other and not to bother with the advice of others.

Those sponsored by Mars and Mercury need to regularly appear in society, visit exhibitions and theaters, this will allow them to escape from unnecessary worries and get to know each other better. Aries is already fully armed and ready to propose. Virgo is very perceptive, she does not want to make a mistake in her choice, so she is in no hurry to give a positive answer.

Virgo will harass Aries for a long time with her checks. In order to obtain consent, Aries needs to say goodbye to his past and set priorities, only in this way will he be able to prove to Virgo the sincerity of his intentions.


The ceremony for Aries and Virgo, at the request of the bride, will be held in a close circle of only the closest people. The Virgo woman treats her chosen one with respect and will become an ideal wife, a good housewife and a caring mother.

To overcome the upcoming problems, the young couple should compromise. Children born in marriage will become a link between parents, and as a result, mutual understanding will come to the family. Aries dad is responsible and enthusiastic, Virgo mom is a source of new knowledge, thanks to which children receive an excellent upbringing and good manners.


Aries and Virgo will make good friends. Aries is quick and lively, he will become an excellent protector for the quiet Virgo. The girlfriend will be jealous of her friend's love affairs. But Aries will be able to convey to Virgo that no one can take her friendly throne.

Perhaps the Aries man and the Virgo lady will be able to maintain friendly relations in adulthood, even if fate scatters them to different cities, they will definitely organize a meeting. Such a warm relationship will not be to the taste of the spouses of Aries and Virgo, but they will stop at nothing.


Aries trusts only himself; he firmly believes that no one can handle business better. The only exception may be Virgo, whom, it seems, he can trust; he simply cannot find a more reliable employee. Virgo’s phenomenal intuition will play an important role in concluding lucrative contracts.

Virgo is a hard worker, she will spend 24 hours a day at work, but she will also demand decent pay for her work, and if Aries turns out to be a miser, then her partner can quit in no time. Only because of their indecisiveness, Virgo often loses a profitable chance of employment.