home · Networks · Mosquitoes don't let you sleep at night. How to get rid of mosquitoes if they don't let you sleep peacefully. Seven proven and successful ways to get rid of mosquitoes, approved by scientists

Mosquitoes don't let you sleep at night. How to get rid of mosquitoes if they don't let you sleep peacefully. Seven proven and successful ways to get rid of mosquitoes, approved by scientists

When I served in the army, there were quite a lot of mosquitoes in our forested area. We took records that were designed to be inserted into devices that were plugged into an outlet and simply set them on fire. Wave this smoking plate around sleeping place in the room and after 5 minutes you hear mosquitoes begin to buzz wildly and then fall to the floor with a thud. Then until the morning everything is calm, although the smell of course is not particularly ...

I just read about some interesting and not entirely simple method. However, it is argued that this small device extremely cheap to create and shows fantastic results. Approximately the same ones are used by the US military at bases in areas at risk of malaria. This trap does not require the use of poison and effectively kills the next generation of mosquitoes before they can bite you. According to some reports, after 6 weeks of use the device shows 98% effectiveness!

To be honest, I don’t believe in the effectiveness of this method at all. What do you say?

Here's his description...


The trap is like honey for mosquitoes. For them, avoiding its sweet smell is like asking a child not to eat candy.

After all, mosquitoes look everywhere for stagnant water with a moist, dark area around it to lay their eggs. To increase the likelihood of having offspring, they do this in at least 10 different places in a short time.

Mosquitoes can't help but lay eggs on the wet black sock on the edge of this trap. Once the eggs hatch, the tiny larvae will begin to crawl down through the screen into the stagnant water and eventually develop into live mosquitoes that are too large to fit back through the screen. You won't notice anything for a while as the process takes a week or two. So keep the trap filled with water and after 6 weeks you should see dead bodies lying underneath the net. This marks the beginning of the mosquito genocide.

Typically, 4-6 such traps are required per half hectare: fewer in urban areas and more in rural areas. Once you see your traps are full, simply remove the screen, discard the dead mosquitoes, and then refill with stagnant water. They can be used endlessly.

So, how to make such a trap.

Step 1: Prepare the necessary materials. Here's what you need:

1. Plastic container. The larger its volume, the better. It is desirable that it be black.

2, Black socks.

3. Silicone-based glue or just silicone sealant.

4. Metal mesh.

5. Wire with a diameter of about 1 mm.


2. Wire cutters

3. Scissors

Step 2: Drill holes in the container

Drill small holes at the top to allow the wire to pass through. Below, at a height of about 80% of the height of the container, drill holes with a diameter of about 6 mm. They are necessary so that the water level does not rise above metal mesh, which you will insert later.

Step 3: Glue the sock to the container

Apply silicone or silicone glue to the bottom of the container you just drilled, then take the end of the sock and press it into the glue.

Step 4: Cut the Mesh for the Metal Screen

While the glue is drying, start making the screens.

Using top part one of the containers as a template, trace it on a sheet of metal mesh. The easiest way to do this is with chalk.

After that, use scissors to cut out beautiful perfect circles.

Step 5: Cut the Wire

While you're still waiting for the glue to dry, start cutting off pieces of wire. The length is at your discretion, but usually half a meter is enough to hang the trap.

Step 6: Is the glue dry? If not, you need to wait!

Step 7: It's time to pull on the sock

Once your glue is dry, take the sock and stretch it over the container, pulling it all the way to the bottom. The socks are very stretchy and come in different sizes, so just stretch it according to outside walls to the bottom of the container.

Trim any excess at the bottom, making sure the sock isn't so tight that the adhesive is pulled out and mosquitoes can't get through the fabric cells near the drainage holes, and then glue it to the bottom of the container.

If you have a black container, then it is not necessary to pull the sock all the way to the bottom, because this increases the evaporation of water.

Step 8: Insert the Screen

After the glue has dried, carefully insert the metal screen into the top of the container. The goal is to apply pressure to place the deepest part of the screen just above the height at which the larger holes are drilled.

The tiny mosquito larvae must be able to crawl through the screen to the water below and then hatch and become trapped under the screen because they will become too large and die/drown. If the water level is higher than the screen, the trap will not function properly.

Step 9: Insert Wire

Once the screen is in place, insert the wire into the small top holes and then screw the ends together.

If you have drilled the holes correctly, the wire can be pulled through the container and the concave screen to keep it in place. This is not necessary, but is helpful for the longevity of the trap's use.

Step 10: Go to the pond and fill a bucket of stagnant water.

Now you need stagnant water. Mosquitoes are more delighted with it than children are with sugar. Clean fresh water won't work, so make sure it smells bad.

Dip the trap into stagnant water and pull it out by the wire. Excess water should flow out through the 6mm holes under the screen.

Add 1 or 2 pieces of dry dog ​​food to the water to keep it stagnant even after heavy rain.

Step 11: Hang your trap and start killing mosquitoes!

All is ready!

Hang your trap wherever you want, preferably in the shade and without wind. Trees and shrubs - good places to place it.

Rainfall will continually add water to the trap until it is filled with dead mosquitoes. However, if you live in a windy area, place it in the sun, or use a small container, you may need to periodically fill the container with stagnant water to keep the trap moist and working.

1. If you have mosquito poison, add a drop or two to the water inside the trap (make sure it is out of reach of children or pets before doing this). As a result, the female mosquito will die soon after laying her eggs. The poison's effects usually don't last long, so you'll need to do this every few days. Make sure the type of poison you choose does not repel mosquitoes, otherwise the trap will not work.

2. If you have garden led lights or fence lights, place these traps on them.

3. If you live in rural areas on the big plot of land and you have access to mosquito poison, making a death trap is even easier. All you need is a black bucket of stagnant water. Place a piece of wood or even cardboard in a bucket and then add poison. All mosquitoes that arrive to lay eggs will die, as will their larvae. Keep in mind that the most strong poisons mosquito repellents are banned in most countries of the world due to their long-term impact on the environment.

Due to the fact that this year the summer was very hot and at the same time rainy, a lot of mosquitoes bred, as these are ideal conditions for them. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is almost impossible to be on the street in any way. evening time, not during the day. However, these insects bother you not only on the street; if they get into the house, then you are guaranteed a fun night. In this article we will talk about the main methods of exterminating mosquitoes that have entered your home.

To catch a mosquito, you must first detect it, and this is almost impossible to do in the dark, of course, if you have night vision. Therefore, turn on the lantern or lamp in the room and wait for the bloodsucker to appear, after which you can inflict reprisals on him. However, keep in mind that these squeaking insects are not attracted to the light of LED flashlights, sodium lamps or yellow bug lamps. Last option designed to repel them, not attract them.

Sometimes a mosquito circles in the air for a very long time and is very difficult to catch. Or in your apartment there may be stretch ceiling, which can be damaged if you suddenly decide to smear the bloodsucker who sits on them. In that case, try using powerful vacuum cleaner, which will easily suck in an annoying mosquito and kill it forever in its belly.

Lie on your back and leave one part of your body bare to attract mosquitoes. Wait until he sits down and free hand slam him. The problem is that while you wait for him, you can simply fall asleep, and wake up already bitten.

It is easiest to kill a mosquito on the wall, so wait until it sits and spread it softly. As practice shows, mosquitoes like to sit near the ceiling, so you may need a chair.

It is not always possible to kill a mosquito with your hand. Therefore, you can use available means for this: a rolled up newspaper, a rolled up towel, a slipper, a fly swatter.

Try turning on the light in another room

As you remember, mosquitoes fly towards the light. Therefore, if you really want to sleep, but you can’t kill the mosquito, then try turning on the light in the next room, where this harmful insect can fly away.

You can try a special trap to catch mosquitoes, which is quite simple to make. I haven’t tried it myself, so I can’t say anything about its effectiveness.

Folk remedies

There are several types of oils that mosquitoes really don't like. These include: tea tree oil, cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus, cedar oil.

Also, mosquitoes are not happy with the smell of elderberry, chamomile, peppermint - these plants just need to be brought into the room. Elderberry and mint should be fresh, but dry chamomile will do. Moreover, peppermint can be grown at home in a pot.

This may be the simplest remedy, but at the same time, it may not be entirely safe.

Don't rely on ultrasonic repellers. As practice shows, they are ineffective in controlling mosquitoes.

Don't let mosquitoes into your home

And of course, you won’t have to fight these bloodsuckers if you block their path to your home. It is very advisable to hang special net curtains on the doors, and install Mosquito nets.

Mosquitoes are quite insidious and agile creatures, capable in some cases of breaking through all obstacles! Even if you have protective nets on your windows, and you use others, as practice shows, several mosquitoes still manage to sneak into the house and cause nightly tyranny with their buzzing and bites. In this article we will look at how to catch a mosquito in a room and kill it with improvised means.

Attracting with light

Mosquitoes, like many other insects, are attracted to light, so if you hear a buzzing noise at night, there is no point in operating in the dark. Turn on a flashlight or lamp, so a spot of light will appear in your room, which will help you quickly find a mosquito in the room, and you can swat it.

To successfully and correctly kill a mosquito, you need to know that they do not fly sodium lamps or LED lights, as well as special yellow insect repellent lamps. They are best used as protective night lighting.

Vacuum cleaner

How to kill mosquitoes at home if they are in a hard-to-reach place? A fairly original method, which is nevertheless very effective. If you notice a mosquito in the room, it is much more convenient to try to kill it simply by sucking it into the vacuum cleaner. The main thing is to sharply point the vacuum cleaner hose at its victim so that the mosquito does not have time to fly away. By the way, this method will perfectly help destroy mosquitoes that have settled on the ceiling or at the top of the walls, where you cannot reach with your hand.

Be the bait!

How to kill a mosquito at night in the dark? If a mosquito makes its attack at night, when you have already gone to bed, and you do not feel strong enough to wage a full-fledged fight, you will have to take a risk. Roll over on your side and cover your entire body with a blanket so that only one half of your face remains unprotected. The main thing is to place your hand in a comfortable position so that at the right moment you can quickly take it out of cover and strike.

Then you just need to listen carefully for a while. The mosquito will fly around and its itching will tell you how far away it is. After flying a little above you, the mosquito will understand that it is not in danger and will land on the open half of your face, most likely on your cheek. Focus will help you feel its bite. Wait another second and strike sharply and confidently. Enough to kill the insect, but not enough to injure you.

Trap in a glass

If you do not want to destroy mosquitoes, but still do not intend to tolerate their company, try this, the most humane method. Mosquitoes most often sit on walls. Find the location of the mosquito. If you can't find the mosquito on the wall, lean one side of your face against the wall so you can see it in a different plane. This way you can better spot the bloodsucker.

Take the glass and slowly approach it. With a sharp wave of your hand, cover the mosquito with a glass and slide a piece of paper under it so that the trap can be moved. And then decide the fate of the prisoner at your own discretion, you can simply release him onto the street.

There are many ways to help you quickly catch a mosquito in an apartment, but most of them come down to simply swatting with improvised means; we tried to tell you more interesting and original options. Catching a mosquito at night is not difficult if you use your imagination.

Hello, dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”. Summer has come, and with it merciless mosquitoes, so today I want to talk about how to get rid of mosquitoes at home. Wherein Special attention I want to point out folk remedies from mosquitoes because chemicals mosquito repellent is not suitable for children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating women, persons allergic to chemicals protection.

1.The easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes is to use a protective mosquito net. On sale are mosquito nets for windows, cribs, and ventilation holes. This method of protection is ideal if there are small children in the house.

2. A reliable and proven way to fight mosquitoes are chemicals - fumigators and repellents. Fumigators (Raptor, Fumitox, Reid, Mosquitoll) destroy mosquitoes. They are ideal for indoors. Among fumigators, it is better to give preference to models with liquids rather than plates. It’s better to light the record with a match, put out the fire and carry it smoking around the room. Do not use special outdoor spirals or sprays indoors under any circumstances. Repellents (Deta-prof, Taiga, Mosguitall, Off, Gardex) mosquito repellents can be produced in the form of aerosols, sprays, pencils, spirals, bracelets, scented candles. Repellents are ideal for use outdoors. If you want to find out which mosquito repellents are better, then watch this video and you will get the answer to your question, and also get acquainted with the interesting Thermosel device. It is suitable for both fishermen and summer residents, and will also help you out at home if the electricity is accidentally cut off.

Eight traditional ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes

1. An attack by bloodsuckers can be prevented by essential oils eucalyptus, anise, cloves, basil. Soak cotton pads in oil and place them close to your sleeping area or use an aroma lamp.

2. Cut off excess elderberry branches and place them in a vase with water. The smell of fresh elderberry perfectly repels harmful insects.

3. The best mosquito repellent is tomato leaf. It is enough to place two pots with tomato bushes on the window, and mosquitoes will not even fly to the windows. Do not think that this method of protection is only suitable in the country. Tomatoes can also be grown in a city apartment. The Balcony Miracle tomato variety is ideal for growing indoors. It is compact, no more than 60 centimeters in height, does not require tying or pinching, can be grown in an ordinary pot, and can bear fruit for 2 years. Here's a harvest of up to 2 kilograms per bush and protection from mosquitoes at the same time. Although there are other varieties indoor tomatoes(“Room surprise”, “Arctic cherry”, “Mikron-MK”).

4. Reliable protection Vanilla will provide protection from insects. The best option place a vanilla bean under your pillow, wrapping it in paper napkin. If you can’t find a pod, then dilute vanilla powder in warm water (1 teaspoon per liter of water) and sprinkle the furniture with the solution, after pouring it into a spray bottle.

5. Attach to ceiling lamp thin strips of foil: when moving under the influence of the wind, shadows will walk along the walls and ceiling of the room, which will scare away mosquitoes.

6. Hang yellow curtains on the windows, which mosquitoes cannot tolerate, and unwanted guests will not fly into the apartment. This advice may seem strange to you. However, health advice American army conducted an experiment on the effect of paints on mosquitoes. We took several boxes and painted them in different colors, and then they counted how many mosquitoes they had and settled on them. The results of the experiment showed that the maximum number of mosquitoes settled on blue boxes, then on brown, red, only 2 on white, and yellow boxes were completely ignored by mosquitoes. Hence, yellow pushes them away.

7. Dry and arrange the leaves, stems and flowers of Caucasian chamomile (pyrethrum) around the house. Where there is this smell, a mosquito will not even go - it has been tested for centuries! After all, as it turned out, Caucasian chamomile is one of the most ancient ways to combat this insect. You can also buy pyrethrum powder at the pharmacy and sprinkle it on strips of paper coated with starch paste.

8. Among the plants that fight bloodsuckers, wormwood, thyme, and wheatgrass perform well. Collect fresh plants in bunches, tie them with thread and hang them in the most different places Houses. Geranium flowers will also help repel mosquitoes. ABOUT beneficial properties you can read about this unique plant here.

How else can you get rid of mosquitoes?

Mosquito trap

Human thought does not stand still in matters of mosquito control. To protect himself from uninvited guests, people came up with mosquito traps. They can be either thermal or water, as well as ultraviolet, but all this requires significant financial costs, so it is better to use proven methods of protection against mosquitoes.

Dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”, I hope that the information on how to get rid of mosquitoes at home was useful for you, and you also learned about folk remedies for protecting against mosquitoes. Perhaps you have your own methods of protecting yourself from mosquitoes, tell us about them in the comments to my publication.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

With the arrival of warm days and nights, a problem arises that not only creates inconvenience, but also causes insomnia and terrible bites on the body. In the apartment, no matter how carefully you insulate it on hot evenings, pests make their way and with the onset of darkness their buzzing fills all the rooms without exception. It’s not possible to quickly get rid of such a problem, but the itching at the site of the bites and the terrible squeaking prevent you from falling asleep? This is a common thing, both for urban areas and for settlements, where among the riot of beautiful nature there are especially large insects, capable of tormenting residents of houses all night long. How to kill a mosquito? Did we kill the mosquito or not? How to build traps for them at home? You and your loved ones have thought about all these questions many times. So, what to do with the onset of heat, how not to spoil the long-awaited summer vacation? We hasten to please you, there are a lot of ways to fight mosquitoes and one of them will be to your liking.

Mosquito bites can ruin the most wonderful summer

Insect mosquito problem

Problems associated with the increasing number of insects in summer have existed since time immemorial. Our ancestors fought mosquitoes in the apartment in their own way, mainly using improvised means and folk recipes. Fragrant herbs, decoctions and dried leaves of wormwood served as some kind of amulets against annoying pests. With the development of technology, opportunities have increased, and mosquito control at home has become a little easier. But distrustful buyers to this day prefer to resort to the advice of grandmothers, destroying the bloodsucker “the old fashioned way.” The time-consuming method, although it clearly demonstrates the results, is ineffective and leaves much to be desired. There are a couple of significant factors that you can consider to significantly reduce your mosquito problem. First, check if there is stagnant water or high moisture in the basement, because insects moisture loving they will multiply there. Protection on the windows would not hurt, as a precaution - mosquito nets, screens on the doors. Recent studies have shown that mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat, and therefore personal hygiene in the summer is of particular strategic importance.

Mosquito net minimizes the entry of mosquitoes into your home

Desperate fight against mosquitoes

If we killed the mosquito, there was only one less bloodsucker in the room. Despite the prevalence of this method of fighting insects, the result is temporary, and also takes a lot of time and effort. Using a vacuum cleaner is another way to pump up the muscles in your arms and get tired faster than even one mosquito gets caught in the trap. A noisy electrical appliance will only scare away insects for a while, allowing them to hide in a secluded place, and then return at the most inopportune time for you. An effective and popular mosquito killer in an apartment is an electric fumigator.

In hardware stores, starting in spring, you can find an electric fumigator of any convenient type, color and filling method (plates, liquid).

Small electric fumigators cope with the task of “killing a mosquito” quickly, and they are easy to buy, therefore inexpensive useful remedy is on the list of prudent housewives. An alternative to this type of protection against insects are aerosols (directly attacking mosquitoes), special aromolists (when burned, they release odors unpleasant for mosquitoes) and essential oils (mainly coniferous, eucalyptus oil). Then the “we killed the mosquito” method will not be needed.

The mosquito coil burns, releasing odors harmful to insects

Folk remedies for killing mosquitoes

Not in all cases there is a reliable assistant at hand, and even if we killed a mosquito, there is no guarantee that its relatives will not disturb your sleep. Therefore, it is worth resorting to advice collected by experienced ancestors.

Proven remedies made quickly:

  • bird cherry leaves laid out on the windows and at the door (exclusively in the house);
  • the smell of tomato seedlings on the windowsill;
  • aroma lamps with the addition of essential oils (tea tree, which can be used as a compress on the skin affected by the bite);
  • a bouquet of fragrant lilacs;
  • branches of live geranium (in winter the plant can be pleasing to the eye in an apartment);
  • homemade ribbons (paper strips coated with gelatin glue, dipped in chopped basil).

If we managed to eliminate mosquitoes in the house, put lilacs and geraniums on the windows, cunning mosquitoes can still get into the house. In this case, a mosquito lamp will help, attracting the attention of bloodsuckers, but not letting them into the house.

It is also recommended that when using a fumigator with plates, add a couple of drops of essential oils to enhance the effect. At home, prepared mixtures will help you sleep soundly at night and not worry about insects during the day. When using a chemical-based insect killer, it is worth ensuring sufficient ventilation of the entire room.

The aroma of bird cherry will repel mosquitoes

Fighting mosquitoes in natural conditions

When you get out into nature from home, the last thing you think about is the bites of pestering mosquitoes. Forewarned, forearmed, and therefore, it’s worth thinking about fighting mosquitoes thoroughly and in advance. The means at hand that can protect you are juniper thrown into the fire; its aroma repels mosquitoes and creates a pleasant atmosphere around. Heated camphor will also contribute to the fight against mosquitoes, the smoke of which is absolutely harmless to humans. A decoction of wormwood or a commercial anti-bite cream is yours, but in the case of children, it is recommended to opt for natural helpers. The smell of tobacco has long been a known mosquito killer; insects cannot stand it. tobacco smoke. Among the more modern ones it is worth mentioning ultrasonic repeller and spirals that burn at night. Their main advantage is their range. The area you choose for your vacation plays a significant role, so think about this moment in advance so that you don’t have to play the “we killed the mosquito” game. Avoid swamps and adjacent areas.

Artillery in the fight against open areas (not in an apartment) is compact systems, attracting mosquitoes and then destroying them completely. When the system functions correctly, mosquitoes do not react to people, do not bite them or bother them.

Basic principles of insect warfare

Allergic reactions to bites are a common reaction of a weak body to an external irritant. Proper treatment of bites and wounds after bites has important. Popular among people is a lotion made from vinegar or chamomile tincture.

You can find an analogue of such products in a pharmacy, but you should find out about the composition of ointments and lotions. Remember, it is easier to prevent danger than to deal with its consequences later. An invasion of mosquitoes in an apartment cannot be prevented, but you can fight them off. Among the many means and methods of struggle, choose the one that suits you, taking into account all the features of the apartment and family members. Folk recipes or proven electric, for home or walking fresh air– protect yourself and your loved ones.