home · Other · How to get rid of fruit moths in dried fruits. Fruit moth: how to get rid of the annoying pest? Description of the appearance of the pest

How to get rid of fruit moths in dried fruits. Fruit moth: how to get rid of the annoying pest? Description of the appearance of the pest

There are several types of food moth, the most common is the cocoa moth, who likes to wander around “her” places only at night. It looks like a small butterfly, no more than 1 cm in size. Her color is inconspicuous, from brown to gray with small dots.

The insect lives for several weeks, but during these days it produces large offspring. Reproduction occurs only when there is free access to water. The kitchen moth does not eat food because it does not have a developed digestive system. Its larvae eat food.

Development goes through three stages: laying eggs, intensive development, and birth.

What does a food moth look like, photo below:

Harm to humans

The main harm caused by kitchen moths is damage food products . If she “visits” the product, it can no longer be eaten. It is also not recommended to put up contaminated groceries for sale.

Insect-infested products sometimes end up on the secondary market. After such a purchase, a person runs the risk of bringing food moths to his home.

Food moths cannot cope with clothing fibers due to the lack of enzymes in her stomach and intestines. She eats everything that a person eats, only cardboard, polyethylene, fabric and paper are added to this food. Actually, she eats these “products” to get to the most delicious things.

Preventive measures

  1. Purchased bake the cereal in the oven. Set the temperature to 60 degrees and leave the bulk product in the stove for 15 minutes.
  2. Use glass or plastic containers with a tight lid. They will allow you to visually monitor the occurrence of food pests.
  3. Order, cleanliness, regular ventilation, wet cleaning inside the lockers, the use of essential oils - all this will repel food moths.
  4. More often carry out inspection of bulk products, seasonings, dried herbs and dried fruits. These steps will allow you to timely detect a malicious pest.

No matter how clean the kitchen is, the housewife should be more attentive to bulk food products, since at the most inopportune moment moths can appear in the cereal and make it unfit for consumption.

Useful video

How to deal with food moths, medical advice:

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Methods for controlling and preventing fruit moths

Get rid of food moth It is possible and it is not so difficult to do. Food moths can appear in any home. Tiny insects fluttering around the kitchen are not so harmless - they can destroy most stocks in a short time. Chemical and traditional methods struggle.

What is a fruit moth?

The food moth is an inconspicuous gray butterfly, up to 9–10 mm in size. This is a nocturnal insect that can most often be seen flying around the kitchen in the evening. During the day it hides in secluded places. An adult lives from a couple of days to 3 weeks.

Use in the kitchen chemicals for the fight against insects is extremely undesirable, since there is a risk of poisoning products, and through them people

Food moths prefer to live in foods: fruit moths occupy dried fruits, flour moths occupy cereals and flour. Fruit moths can happily live in herbs, tea, nuts, and seeds. Many people mistakenly believe that the pest eats food and thereby spoils it. In fact, the adult does not eat anything.

She uses food supplies as storage nutrients for their offspring - simply put, the moth lays eggs in dried fruits or flour, and the hatched larvae begin to feed on the food.

If there are moths in dried fruits and cereals, first of all you need to check all the contents of the cabinets and get rid of all food packages where they were found

The scale of sabotage

It is the larvae that cause irreparable damage to kitchen supplies. They gnaw holes in dried fruits and seeds, gradually turning them into dust. In addition, larval excrement and chitin accumulate in products. As a result, the products become unfit for food.

To repel insects in the future, all surfaces of the cabinets can be wiped from the inside with a vinegar solution.

Distribution routes

Fruit or food moths enter the house in several ways:

  • with contaminated products;
  • through ventilation holes from other apartments;
  • from the street through doors and windows.

Food moths prefer to live in foods: fruit moths occupy dried fruits, flour moths occupy cereals and flour.

How to get rid of moths

If there are moths in dried fruits and cereals, first of all you need to check all the contents of the cabinets and get rid of all food packages where they were found. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse the cabinets soapy water with the addition of vinegar.

To repel insects in the future, all surfaces of the cabinets can be wiped from the inside with a vinegar solution, especially carefully treating the joints of the walls. There is no need to spare money. It is best to use a strong vinegar solution - essence. To avoid chemical burns, handle surfaces using rubber gloves. After this, ventilate the room thoroughly for an hour.

Exist effective means to combat moths - Raptor moth traps. Aeroxon and adhesive tapes. When installing traps, care must be taken that they do not come into direct contact with the products.

Food moths can appear in any home. Tiny insects fluttering around the kitchen are not so harmless - they can destroy most of the stock in a short time

Adhesive tape helps mechanically get rid of adults. Gradually there will be fewer of them, and there will be no one to lay eggs.

How to properly store food ()

Folk remedies

The use of chemicals in the kitchen to combat insects is extremely undesirable, as there is a risk of poisoning the products, and through them, people. That's why many people are looking for alternative ways struggle. There are many folk remedies for fighting fruit moths. You can use several methods at once or choose one that works most effectively.

  • Moths do not like the smell of garlic. Therefore, you can place peeled fresh cloves of this vegetable in your cabinets. It must be borne in mind that gradually the moth gets used to it and stops reacting to such an aroma. Then we need to move on to other methods of scaring.
  • In the same way, the smell of lavender, wormwood, peppermint, catmint, oregano, and sweet clover will repel insects. You can hang bunches of herbs in the kitchen or place bags of these aromatic herbs in the cabinets.
  • Bay leaves and cloves also help get rid of moths. You can put laurel leaves on top of jars of cereals. Then the insect will not lay eggs in these containers.
  • It has long been noted that the smell of citrus fruits repels moths. Do not throw away the peels of oranges and tangerines. It should be dried and the peels should be placed in jars and bags with dried fruits, cereals, flour, and simply placed on the shelves of cabinets where food is stored.

Fruit moths easily adapt to odors and stop reacting to them. Therefore, you should not immediately use all of the listed means - it is better to use them in turn, periodically changing one to another.

How to prevent moths from appearing

To prevent insects from multiplying and spoiling food, you need to take a few simple measures.

  • All products should be stored in hermetically sealed containers or tightly tied bags. In this case, access to them will be closed and the insects will not be able to lay eggs and will soon disappear, even if they flew into the house.
  • You can place pots of fragrant geraniums on the kitchen windows. This indoor plant has a pungent odor that most insects do not like. In houses where geranium blooms, food moths rarely appear. In the same way, you can plant lemons on the windows, the smell of which moths cannot stand.
  • It is necessary to periodically audit stocks and ruthlessly get rid of suspicious packages. For preventive purposes, cabinets should be wiped with a vinegar solution from time to time.
  • It is best to cover all windows and ventilation holes with nets.

If you follow all these rules, the moth will disappear in a few weeks.

It is possible to get rid of food moths and it is not so difficult. A useful habit - closing food and periodically cleaning cabinets helps you forget for a long time about what this unpleasant creature looks like. This article will tell you how to defeat grain moths.


Ecology of life. Life hack: Moths in the kitchen are not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs. This means that in order to eliminate pests forever, you need to deal with them comprehensively - find and eliminate the source, clean the furniture/ceiling, throw away everything that was infected and process potentially infected products.

Moths in the kitchen are not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs.

This means that in order to eliminate pests forever, you need to deal with them comprehensively - find and eliminate the source, clean the furniture/ceiling, throw away everything that was infected and process potentially infected products.

Food moths come in different types. Most often in the kitchen of a city apartment you can find: flour moth, a little less often - cocoa moth (very similar to clothes moth) and the southern barn moth (fighting it is more difficult than others). Where do they come from even in the purest kitchen cabinets?

Tiny, almost invisible eggs end up in the kitchen in packages of cereals, cereals, biscuits, dried fruits, flour, spices and other groceries. Then, within a week, they hatch into food moth larvae, which subsequently pupate and turn into moths.

In this material you will find step by step instructions about how to get rid of food moths, what preventative measures to take to avoid their reappearance, and how to save food if it’s a shame to throw them away.

Step 1. Looking for the outbreak and contaminated products

Moth eggs look like small white clumped grains, similar to semolina. The larvae first look like small whitish worms, and then they grow to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another clear sign of food contamination is cobwebs, as in the photo below.

Oatmeal infested with moths

To get rid of food moths, the first thing you need to do is:

1. Inspect kitchen cabinets and products. Inspect all supplies stored in kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also products already contaminated with larvae and eggs.

    Don’t forget to check unpacked groceries as well, because moths easily eat through cardboard, foil and polyethylene.

    Pay special attention to the edges of the lids of the jars - there may be moth cobwebs on them.

    Remember that not only groceries can be contaminated, but also animal feed, bird seeds, fishing bait, that is, almost everything that is not stored in the refrigerator.

2. Inspection of the ceiling. The ceiling, ceiling skirting boards, the edges of the wallpaper and the base of the chandelier. Moths love to hide in dark crevices and corners.

3. Inspection of cabinet tops. Here you can also see moth cocoons.

By the way, if you doubt whether there are moths in your kitchen at all or, say, whether you managed to get them out after cleaning, then inspect the room at night - adult moths will gather around a burning chandelier.

Step 2. We carry out a total cleanup

1. Eliminate the source and products showing obvious signs of contamination. Once you find which product has become a source of insect spread, wrap it tightly in plastic bag and throw it away immediately, or better yet, burn it completely.

2. Clean thoroughly. Empty kitchen cabinets and remove the shelves, and then vacuum them and the inside walls of the cabinet, Special attention paying attention to corners and crevices.

A vacuum cleaner (without an attachment or with a small attachment) will attract hidden moths and prevent unnoticeable eggs from remaining in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you should ask your friends for one. The main thing after the procedure is to throw away the bag or freeze it in freezer for 3-4 days.

3. Wash all containers and jars. This can be done with a vinegar solution or laundry soap. The container containing the contaminated food should be frozen for 3-4 days or heated in the microwave for 5 minutes.

4. Vacuum the ceiling. If you find moth settlements on the ceiling, ceiling skirting boards, tops of cabinets, near the chandelier, and also under the edges of peeling wallpaper, then vacuum these places as well.

Step 3. Kill the adults and set up traps

How to catch adult individuals that have already scattered into the corners of cabinets and kitchens? Males (by the way, harmless, but fertilizing females) can be caught using glue trap(photo below). The principle of its operation is simple - a trap treated with female pheromone attracts males and “catches” them, and without males, the moth, of course, will not be able to reproduce. Thus, pheromone traps will help prevent the reappearance of insects.

Glue trap

Females will have to be killed using traditional methods - with a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper, since they fly poorly and slowly, this is not so difficult to do.

Step 4. Process potentially contaminated products

So, you've thrown out the source product and items that show obvious signs of contamination, but what about the rest of the supplies that appear clean on the outside or were only slightly contaminated?

The easiest way is to throw them away, but if you wish, you can save potentially contaminated food in the following two ways:

    Having previously sifted and sorted out the cereal, flour or other product, keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter time) at least 3-4 days.

    After pouring the product onto a baking sheet, heat it in the oven at 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before warming it up, of course, you need to clean it.

Keep in mind that the first processing method, although longer, retains all the vitamins and nutritional properties of the food.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

1. New or cold/heat processed foods (including pet food) should be placed in glass, thick plastic or metal containers/jars with tight-fitting lids. This will protect supplies from penetration by moths and prevent them from escaping outside the container. Let us remind you that cardboard, paper, foil and cellophane bags are easily eaten by it.

How to properly store groceries

2. In the fight against moths in the kitchen it will also be useful folk recipe– storage of products with natural repellents:

    With a couple of leaves bay leaf;

    With peeled but not cut garlic (a couple of heads is enough);

    With orange peels.

Bay leaf to protect flour from moths

3. You can also place one of the following on the shelves, either: lavender sprigs, birch leaves, geranium, wormwood, rosemary, laundry soap or strong-smelling essential oils. For example, fir oil is suitable, which you can moisten a cotton pad with and leave it in the closet.

Remember that these folk remedies will scare away adult moth, preventing her from laying eggs in products and on shelves, but they will not affect the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly place a package of contaminated cereal on a shelf with lavender, the moth larvae will not die in it, and the butterflies that appear later will no longer be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why it is necessary to combat domestic pests comprehensively.

And a little more about prevention

The following tips will help you avoid the recurrence of moths:

    Try not to let food sit for more than 2-4 months and, of course, do not store supplies that have passed their expiration date.

    Store foods you rarely use in the refrigerator.

    Buy dry foods in small quantities so you can eat them within a couple of months.

    Buy groceries only from famous manufacturers and, if possible, check the quality of goods in the store. To be sure, freeze freshly purchased cereals, cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits and other products for 3-4 days (in dry form).

    Animal food, such as bird seeds or, say, fishing bait, should not be stored in the kitchen. published

This might interest you:

If dried fruits have larvae that look like small worms, and the product itself crumbles before your eyes, then this means that fruit moths have tried. There is no need to hesitate: it is necessary to physically eliminate the pest, treat the storage area and take measures to reduce the risk of re-infection by an uninvited guest.

Description of fruit moth

The fruit moth is a small and unremarkable butterfly: the length of its body is approximately 1 cm, and on the wings gray and the body there are horizontal stripes, slightly different from the main color. It is easier to notice the pest in the evening, because the insect is characterized by a nocturnal lifestyle. Active years begin in the dark, while during daylight hours the insect prefers to hide in secluded corners, and you can see the fruit striped moth only by accident, for example, by opening a cabinet with supplies where it is hiding.

The life of an insect is short: it lasts on average 2–14 days. The female dies after laying eggs in food. Soon, voracious larvae will hatch from the clutch, which harm the food. Adults do not feed, so they pose a danger only as continuers of offspring.

Damage caused

The problem with fruit moths is that they use food as food sources for their larvae, so they lay their eggs in jars, storage boxes in kitchens, pantries and other storage areas. The emerging larvae begin to feed intensively, gnawing the food available to them. Fruit worms are especially common, but the larvae can also eat nuts and others.

In addition to applying products mechanical damage, the larvae of fruit moths leave chitinous scales in dried fruits, shed after molting, and toxic waste products. They are dangerous to human health, because if they get into digestive system cause poisoning.

How do fruit moths get into the house?

Fruit moths can appear even in a clean house where no others live harmful insects. There are several ways to enter a home from outside, for example:

  • through open door, window or window, a butterfly flies into the room in warm time of the year;
  • through the ventilation system;
  • when purchasing contaminated products: if you buy dried fruits with larvae, the worms will infect new supplies in the cupboard, and then turn into adult butterflies that continue to reproduce in the house.

Therefore, everyone can face the problem of damage to dried fruits by insect larvae. The risk is especially great in the warm season.

Methods of pest control

To save your supplies, you need to know how to get rid of fruit moths in your home. Fighting insects is not easy, because you cannot use the most effective means - chemical insecticides. They are toxic, therefore the treatment of food with pesticides is strictly prohibited: this can cause severe poisoning in humans.

Therefore, it remains to use harmless means. Traps and adhesive tapes designed to kill flying insects can help reduce the number of adult fruit moths in your home and prevent them from laying eggs. They should be placed near where dried fruits are stored, for example, near a cabinet or pantry.

But such means do not guarantee safety from the pest.

First actions

As soon as larvae are noticed in food, you need to immediately take measures to prevent other food supplies from being damaged:

  1. Anything that turns out to be infested with pests must be thrown away without regret, because such dried fruits are unsuitable and even dangerous for consumption.
  2. It is necessary to treat the jars in which the food was stored with a vinegar solution.
  3. Also, vinegar essence is used to treat the shelves and walls of the cabinet with affected dried fruits. If there are eggs or larvae left there (they may be in crevices and hard-to-reach places), they will infect new products that they put in the cabinet.

Thorough treatment with vinegar essence should be carried out with gloves to avoid chemical burns to the skin of your hands. It is better to leave the vinegar on surfaces for up to half an hour to ensure complete destruction of pest residues. The substance has bad smell, so you need to leave the closet to ventilate when open window until the excess aromas disappear.

Folk remedies

Throughout the history of human struggle against pests, methods have been developed. They are simple, easy to use and, most importantly, safe for health. After all, this natural products, the smell of which is unacceptable to most insects.

When using folk remedies to combat pests, you need to remember that insects gradually develop immunity. Therefore, they should be changed periodically: this way the result will be better and the dried fruits will remain intact.

Effective against fruit moths:

  1. Lavender. The grass has a strong aroma, which is not tolerated by all moths, including fruit moths. Therefore, fabric bags with dried lavender have long been placed in closets to protect clothes and food supplies from this insect. Alternatively, you can use dried mint and lemon balm, which also have a rich scent.
  2. Bay leaf. A few leaves placed in the closet will repel the pest. But the effectiveness of laurel is lower than that of lavender.
  3. Citrus zest. It is saturated with essential oils, which also smell strongly. Aromatic substances quickly evaporate, so the crusts must be constantly replaced with new ones.

All types of pelargonium (geranium) contain a large number of essential oils, which creates unfavorable conditions for the insect.


To reduce the risk of fruit moths appearing in your home, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Store food tightly closed banks so that the butterfly cannot get there.
  2. Check the status of supplies regularly.
  3. About once a month during the warm season, wipe the inside of the cabinet with a solution of vinegar essence.
  4. Physically destroy moths that have flown into the house.

If you don't follow these simple rules, then you can skip the moment of infection. The pest will be detected only after it has spoiled an impressive amount of dried fruit.

The fruit moth is a pest of human food supplies, preferring dried fruits. It infects them and turns them into dust. But folk remedies together with preventive measures are able to prevent moth activity and save food from insects.

The fruit moth got its name from its habitat in natural conditions– she prefers fruit crops.

An inconspicuous butterfly can make many stored foods unfit for food in one or two weeks.

Fruit moth

The pest multiplies quickly, so there is no need to delay its destruction.

The butterfly is active mainly at night, so it is not immediately noticed.

Most often, housewives discover the presence of moths by opening a package with bulk products. Worm-like larvae that have crushed food supplies into dust are clear evidence that there is a fruit moth in the house.

Appearance at different stages of development

Moth eggs are microscopic in size, invisible to the naked eye. The larvae of fruit moths hatching from them have a translucent cover of a dirty white color, reminiscent of small worms.

Fruit moth larvae

The anterior end of the larva is dark in color. They reach 5-8 mm in length.

At the butterfly stage, the moth remains modest in size - about 1 cm in length and no more than 2 cm in width, taking into account the unfolded wings. The color is inconspicuous, faded gray, with a faint beige-brown tint. Dark transverse stripes stand out on the body and wings. Expressed external differences Males from females are not observed.

Life cycle of a pest

Life expectancy ranges from a week to a month. The female lays eggs, the number of which can reach hundreds. They are impossible to detect due to their tiny size. On average, after 3 days, the larvae hatch, distinguished by their gluttony and mobility.

After 10-14 days, the larva forms a cocoon and turns into a pupa. After 2-3 days, an adult fruit moth emerges from the cocoon. Its lifespan is from 3 to 14 days. During daylight hours, it hides in secluded places, preferring to fly at night. The butterfly does not need food. After laying eggs, the female dies.

Why is a butterfly dangerous?

Most often, fruit moth larvae are found in dried fruits; fresh fruits are useless to them.

For developing insects, dried fruits - optimal food. The fructose they contain is easily absorbed by the growing larva, and the calorie content of such food promotes rapid growth.

But the butterfly is capable of destroying not only fruits. The same apple fruit moth can lay eggs in cereals, crackers, even in tea leaves.

Moth larva in figs

The larvae will grow safely on this food and, in turn, will give birth to offspring.

The larvae are very mobile. Having hatched in one container with food, as they grow, they are able to crawl into neighboring ones. In search of food, they can take over the entire grocery cupboard. But the danger of larvae is not only that they destroy food. Even if they did not have time to gnaw them noticeably, then during their stay in this nutrient medium the larvae leave remnants of vital activity in it. Due to their toxicity, these residues, in large quantities, can lead to human poisoning.

Ways to combat fruit moths

It is necessary to look for a way to get rid of fruit moths in an apartment at the first sign of its appearance. This is a labor-intensive process, which is complicated by the fact that we are talking about the disinfection of products. The use of insecticides is highly undesirable. There are many folk methods for repelling and destroying moths, but they help with a small number of insects.

It is necessary to destroy all individuals, at any stage of development. The first step when moths are detected is to conduct a thorough inspection of the food cupboard, looking through all containers, shaking out not only dried fruits, but also cereals, dry herbs, even cocoa powder and tea.

Dried fruits

If you find larvae or spoilage of food, even partial, you need to throw away the entire contents of the package.

After reviewing the products, the cabinet should be completely emptied and thoroughly vacuumed, especially hard-to-reach joints and crevices. Then the shelves are washed with soapy water.

Soap solution

After cleaning, the food storage area should be treated with a moth repellent - a folk one or, in case of severe infestation, an industrial one.

Traditional methods

Advantages natural remedies are well known: availability, safety, low cost, ease of use. To repel the winged pest, drugs and plants with a pungent odor are used that fruit moths cannot tolerate.

To prevent the pest from appearing again, it is recommended to wipe the inside of the washed cabinet with vinegar before returning food to it.

Table vinegar

Particular attention should be paid to the cracks in which the butterfly likes to hide. Containers that will be stored in the closet are also wiped with vinegar. Then the cabinet is ventilated for 30-40 minutes, after which the food is returned to it.

After the moth is destroyed, the following is used to repel it:

  • Garlic. Fresh cloves laid out on the shelves will prevent butterflies from flying in. For greater effect, the teeth can be slightly cut. As the cloves dry out, they should be replaced.
  • Zest of orange and other citrus fruits. You can put fresh zest on the shelf. The dried peels are placed in a container with food. But essential oil evaporates quickly, so the crusts need to be renewed.
  • Laurel leaf. It can be either laid out on shelves or placed inside. Its smell quickly disappears.
  • Lavender, mint, lemon balm, wormwood. Sachets of these herbs, whose aroma is intolerable to most insects, are placed on grocery shelves. Bunches of herbs, both fresh and dried, can be hung in the kitchen.
  • Geranium. It can be dried, but it works more effectively if grown in pots.

Understanding how to deal with fruit moths traditional methods, you should remember about the property of insects to develop immunity to them.

Laurel leaf

Therefore, it is necessary to periodically replace the repellents used. But if there are a large number of butterflies, folk remedies for fruit moths will not help.

Industrial products

Insecticides as a remedy for fruit moths are used in extreme cases, because due to increased toxicity they are not recommended for use near food products.

Raptor from moths

Example of using a sticky trap

When using tapes, it is necessary to prevent their contact with food products.


Fruit moths can spoil a large number of products. To avoid its occurrence, it is necessary to store products in tightly closed containers, periodically checking the contents. It is also useful to place plants with a scent that repels moths in the grocery cupboard. Compliance with these simple rules will protect food supplies from pests.

Video: How to get rid of moths in the kitchen QUICKLY AND FOREVER