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Classroom script for Mother's Day “The kindest lesson. You look into the eyes, openly and directly. So that you can be proud of me

Class hour script for Mother's Day

Target: 1. To promote in students a sense of love and a caring attitude towards their mother.

2. Develop initiative and creative abilities of children, create conditions for the manifestation of talents.

Teacher: Hello, dear guests! We dedicate our class hour to our mothers.

Teacher: On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need our mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

I want to start our class hour with a parable about a mother. - A parable about a mother. The day before birth, the Child asked God: “I’m very afraid!” I have absolutely no idea what I should do in this world? God answered: - I will give you an Angel, he will always be by your side. He will protect you from all troubles. - What is the name of my angel? - It doesn’t matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom"

Parable of the Mother (presentation)

Teacher Your mothers are all worried,
From dark to dark.
Everyday work
Shops, running around.

Mom cooks, mom sews and drives the car. And mom pours coins - not at home - at work!
Women need to be able to do everything in the world, so how can they keep up with everything? Tell me children?

    Maybe, like in the TV series, they hire housekeepers,
    So that they wash the clothes and make the bed.

    They cleaned the house and went to the store,
    We played with the children all day...

teacher(surprised). And for mom?

    And for mom a limousine!
    Let my dear one rest,
    Travels everywhere with dad...
    Well, enough talking
    One can only dream about this.

    Our mothers shouldn't
    Live like in these TV series.
    Life for mothers, although not honey,
    But things are moving forward!

    They give us warmth and affection,
    Their smiles are bright.
    Our mothers are simply a fairy tale!
    Warmth warms their soul.

    They get up without an alarm clock,
    They will read the book
    They'll sing a lullaby,
    They caress you gently.

    Our friendly family is apart all day:
    School, music, friends, there is no room for boredom!

    Only in the evening people gather in the apartment.
    Mom is a fairy in this world, we sit with our mouths open!

    The hiss and whistle of our old frying pan pleases the ear,
    And as many as ten hands are reaching for the potatoes and herring!

    We all adore our mother – we eat all of dinner.
    So as not to tire her, we quickly go to bed.

    Who will feel sorry for women? Who will help them in everyday life?
    Grandmother often gets sick. She is often unbearable.

    But it’s very easy to help: taking out the trash is a trifle,
    Should you wash your shoes? By the way, it’s not that stressful.

    And washing dishes with hot water is beautiful!
    It’s easy for your brother to run to kindergarten for your sister!

It’s not difficult to help mom, do you help your mothers? Let's see how obedient children really are

Scene “What happened?”

Vitya diligently sweeps the floor, singing “A grasshopper sat in the grass.” A dressed mother comes through the door, bags in her hands, keys in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes and, fearfully dropping his keys, asks:

Mother: Vitya? What's happened?

Vitya: Nothing!

Mother: Like nothing! Why are you sweeping the floor?

Vitya:(humming to a grasshopper) But because he was dirty.

Mother:(undressing) Vitya, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a bad grade for behavior, and the second to last time was when they wanted to keep you for a second year.

Mother:(looks around the room) You wiped off the dust (he says this in surprise and fear).

Vitya:(proudly and joyfully) Wiped it off!

Mother: Myself!

Vitya: Myself!

Mother:(scared) Vitya, what happened? Tell me what you did?

Vitya:(cheerfully taking off her hat and coat) But I’m saying nothing! It was just dirty. I got out!

Mother:(suspiciously) Why did you remove your bed?

Vitya: Just! I removed it and that's it!

Mother:(tying his head with a towel and sitting on a chair) Vitya is telling the truth! Why am I being summoned to the school principal?

Vitya: Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine! (sits down opposite her) I did my homework, had lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

Mother: Myself!

Vitya: Myself!

(mom faints)

Vitya:(frightened) Mommy! What's wrong with you? Now I’ll bring you some water (he pours water. There’s a knock on the door. Vitya opens it. Three classmates came).

Classmate:(noting in the journal) Well, Glebov! How was your day of helping your parents? Cleaned the apartment?

Vitya: Help Parents Day! Help Parents Day!!! Look at it!

Classmate: Lucy, first aid kit!

Lucy:(taking out a first aid kit) How nervous all mothers are (dripping valerian)…

Shame on you Glebov! What he brought his mother to! I couldn't tell you that it was only for one day!

Mother:(raises his head with interest) And tomorrow everything will be as before!

Vitya: The old way, the old way!

(Mom faints again)

What do they have in common? sunlight and mother's love

Teacher.(The sun of maternal love is attached to the board).

Teacher. What is our sunshine missing? (Not enough rays). We create the rays of the sun. Each group is given rays, children write on them the character traits of their mothers and attach them to the sun.

Presenter 3. A mother loves her child with all her heart, whether it is weak or strong, calm or loud, cheerful or sad, the mother understands him in both joy and sorrow. When it’s good, it will share the joy, when it’s bad, it will comfort you. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

But how our children treat their mothers, they will read their essays.

(to music)

Now we’ll play and entertain the guests!

How many nights have you, mommies, spent at the cribs! As soon as they heard the child's voice, they jumped out of bed. And I think it won’t be difficult for you to recognize your child by his voice. Do your children recognize you by your voice?

Thank your mother for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her. Your mother expects attention, cordiality, sympathy, and a kind word from you... And if it happens that you inadvertently offended your mother, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. The wrinkles on your mothers’ faces appear because you have upset them in some way. Mom will definitely forgive you.

1. There are many mothers in this world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.

2. On mommy’s cheeks
Two magic dimples -
And when she laughs
The light is so radiant,
That snowdrops are growing,
Blooming right before our eyes
Mom my sunshine
I am her sunflower!

3.Mom can do anything:

Sing, write a picture,

And we are also together with my mother

We love to dream together.

When we go to visit in the summer,

Let's read new books.

We feel good together with mom

Travel together.

4.Mom only has two hands

Like two white wings

How many things has she done?

To do with early morning.

Here I ironed the shirts,

She made us soup.

Dad and I are surprised

How did mom have enough hands?!

5.My mother has golden hands.

My mommy's hands are not simple.

Mom will cook delicious pies,

Knit mittens, scarf and socks.

Mom also knows how to console

And solve even difficult problems.

My mom and I were just lucky.

Mom doesn’t grow old in spite of all the years.

Teacher: There are many good people living among them, kind words about mother. They are passed on from generation to generation. Let's read proverbs about mothers.

    (Children collect proverbs on petals and glue them to the Chamomile, read in chorus).

- It’s warm in the sun, good in the mother’s presence.

- The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.

- There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

- Mom is a sacred, most precious word.

- Mom in the house is like the sun in the sky.

- Mother's affection knows no end.

- Mother is the head of every business.

- Mom’s hands do not know boredom.

And the kids’ hands don’t know boredom either, these are the wonderful gifts they made for their mothers.

Larisina's sketch

Giving gifts by children

Poems read by Ksyusha, Azalea and Ira

Children sing the song “My Mommy”.

    Teacher: Guys, we have a small picture. But we still had three leaves that we didn’t use. We will write on the clouds about our love for mom.

MASHA, Milena - Congratulations

Teacher: No matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons they come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.
Thank you!... And may your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often!
Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together.

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  • Cultivating love for mother, respect for elders,

  • Instilling spiritual and moral personality traits in second-graders, feelings of respect, compassion, kindness and tenderness.

Presenter. Mother. Each of us has our own mother, mummy... When we were just born and did not yet know how to speak, my mother understood us without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurt. Mom's voice cannot be confused with any other voice. He is so familiar, so dear. Mom is the giver of warmth, love and beauty.

Everything that surrounds us in this world begins with mother.

Child :

I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know.
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,
For this, dear, I love you.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around!
I love you, mom.
You are my best friend!

Presenter. On the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. This holiday also exists in other countries of the world. Only each country has its own date for it. You say: “What about March 8?” March 8 is International Women's Day. Of course, no one canceled it. It’s just that, unlike the holiday of March 8, on Mother’s Day only mothers accept congratulations, and not all female representatives.

Child: Well, everything is ready for the holiday!

So what are we waiting for?

We are now for mommies

Let's read our poems.

1st child.

Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

“Beloved mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

And so that the smile does not leave your face.

The guys and I will entertain you!”

Ditties for mothers are performed

1. We both write and read,
And we compose ditties,
And on the holiday of all mothers
We will also dance for you!

2. Who said - like ditties,
No longer in fashion these days?
It's just a matter of fashion
If people love them?

3. Mom writes an essay
And it solves the equation.
It turns out that “5”
Let's receive it together.

4. If necessary, we will dance,
If necessary, we will sing,
Don't worry our mothers,
We won't get lost anywhere!

5. Mom asks Vasya:
– What are you doing in class, Vasya?
He thought a little
And he answered: “I’m waiting for your call!”

6. They sang ditties well,
Okay and okay.
We would really like everything
So that you clap for us.

2nd child.

What's the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What's the most important word?

His little ones babble in the yard.

On the first page it is in the Primer,

It is said everywhere with a smile.

It will never be misspelled.

Whisper it quietly, say it loudly -

The cherished word of any child.

What's the very first word?

What is the brightest word?

What's the most important word?

All children. Mother!


Mom, mommy... How much warmth this little word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

It's November. And suddenly we are talking about mom. This topic usually appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?

During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound- the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of “Mother Heroine” was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1997, the State Duma adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November. (presentation show)

3rd child.

To mothers, to the closest people.

We smile sweetly sometimes.

But to say that we love them.

We don't have enough time!

4th child.

She teaches us patiently

Work together and be friends,

Do everything joyfully and beautifully

And love your homeland.

This is how it is, from time to time,

I've been standing on this for a long time:

The one who loves his mother, probably

He loves his homeland.

5th child.

Happy holiday today

Congratulations to mom,

I'm holding you tight by the neck

I hug my mom.

The most beautiful

My mommy!

Obedient all day

I will, I promise!


Isn't it time for us to play?

You need to wind a thread onto a stick.

You can call it the “Motalshiki” competition.

The “Winders” competition is being held.

For the competition you will need thick wool yarn in two colors. To make it easier to see, it is better to take yarn bright colors. Pieces of thread 5-6 meters long in two contrasting colors should be folded in half, connected together with a loop, and the ends tied to planed sticks. Thus, we get a two-color thread with sticks at the ends. 2 participants take the sticks in their hands horizontally and, on command, to cheerful music, begin to quickly and carefully wind their end of the thread onto the stick. The player who runs out of his color thread the fastest will win.
You can take a thread of the same color. Just mark the middle by tying a piece of candy. Whoever gets to the candy faster is the winner.


The kids coped with the task very cleverly! And now mothers will show their skills.

The game is repeated, only this time mothers participate.


Now it's time to return attention:

Let's continue our competition.

Moms, who is strong and dexterous here?

Show us your skills!

We have prepared this competition especially for mothers. The competition is called "Venicobol".

A competition for mothers “Venicobol” is being held.

2 mothers are participating. You need to snake the balloon between the pins using a broom and come back. The mother who completes the task faster wins.

Presenter. Look outside the window, guys... Although it’s November on the calendar, winter has already fully come into its own. Until recently, the trees under our window were in a beautiful golden outfit. And now all the elegant leaves lie under a layer of snow. What do they think about, what do they remember, lying under their fluffy blanket? How in early spring tried to hatch from dormant buds as quickly as possible? Or about how merrily they rustled under the warm summer sun? Or about how smoothly and tenderly they twirled in the autumn waltz?

Girls perform "Dance with Autumn Leaves."


We need to continue the celebration.

We will sing, dance, play.

Which one of you guys wants

Decorate your mother?

The game “Decorate Your Mom” is being played.

To play you will need hats, scarves, handbags, eye shadow, lipstick, beads, clips, combs, hairpins, etc. Several couples participate in the game: mothers with their children. Mothers sit on chairs, facing the audience. At the signal, the children begin to decorate their mother to their liking. Be sure to prepare napkins so that mothers can clean themselves up after playing, since children usually try to use everything in their arsenal.

Presenter. The guys tried very hard to decorate their mothers as brightly and variedly as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful.

And the mothers all smiled.

This means that our efforts were not in vain.

To really cheer you up.

They should be invited to the Waltz.

Children invite mothers to "Mom's Waltz"


Now pay attention, kids:

I still have a game.

Now I want to know:

Who likes to help mothers?

The game “Feed Mom” is played.

For this game you will need 2 jars of yogurt, 2 teaspoons, 2 napkins.
Two couples participate. Mothers sit with their backs to each other, sideways to the audience. The child sits on a chair opposite his mother. He has a jar of yogurt and a spoon in his hands. At the signal, the children begin to carefully feed their mother. The first couple to eat the yogurt wins.

We tried today for our dear mothers,

We sang, danced, joked, laughed.

And it became warm in the hall,

From warm smiles, shining eyes.

1st child.

Our dear mothers.

We ourselves admit it.

Which of course we are not always

We behave well.

2nd child.

We often upset you.

What we sometimes don’t notice.

We love you very, very much.

Let's grow up kind.

And we will always try

All children. To behave!

Children sing the song “Mom will understand everything”


Love your mothers!

Love the beautiful and the kind,

And just family, without any fuss,

Love those who are strict and harsh.

Love them just like that.

Without any excuse.

Without a mother, life is nothing,

And mother is the universe for us!

Our second grade is happy to congratulate

All mothers on the whole planet.

They say thank you to mom

Both adults and children.

To the song “Mama” by O. Gazmanov, children come up to their mothers, hug and kiss them, and say words of congratulations.
Then a tea party with the mothers.

Municipal educational institution Gapkinskaya secondary school

Classroom script for Mother's Day

"The Kindest Lesson"

conducted in 2nd grade

Class teacher: Zolotareva E.F.

"My angel is my mother"

Presenter 1 (slide1)

“My light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth:

Who is the wisest in the world?

Loved and kinder than everyone?”

Presenter 2

The mirror answers him:

“All the girls here are beautiful,

IN that, of course, no doubt!

There is only such a word

What is more expensive than dear!

This word contains the first cry,

The joy of a sunny smile,

This word contains a moment of happiness

Dear and very close!”


This word is MOM!

Presenter 1

Close your eyes, listen

He lives in you so dearly.

Even when you become an adult,

You will always remember your mother’s eyes, mother’s voice, mother’s hands.

Presenter 2

You couldn’t speak yet, but your mother understood you without words,

I guessed what you wanted, what hurt you.

You couldn’t walk, your mother carried you in her arms.

And then your mother taught you to talk and walk.

Mom read you the first book.

Presenter 1

Hello, dear guests, mothers, teachers, guys!

Presenter 2

Today we are gathered in this hall for a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. It is celebrated in last days autumn, paying tribute to maternal work and selfless sacrifice for the good of their children.


On this cold autumn day it is warm and sunny in our school. Not just a simple sun is shining, but a magical one( 2 slide), and every ray illuminates the proverb and gives it to our mothers. Listen to them carefully:

1. The sun is warm, the mother is kind.

2. There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

3. The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

4.The bird is happy about spring, like a mother’s baby.

5. Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot falls, but it will soon melt.

Teacher: 3 slide

The day before birth, the child asked God:

I don't know what I should do in this world.

God replied:

I will give you an Angel who will be next to you.

But I don't understand his language.

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What is my Angel's name?

It doesn't matter what his name is... you will call him: MOM.

Presenter 1.

A mother can do anything!

She is the beginning of life

keeper - protector of Home, Life, Love, Soul and high Spirit.

All of you sitting in this room have one thing in common - you are MOMS.

Presenter 2

Happy holiday to you!

I believe that a woman is

Such a miracle

What on the Milky Way

Can't find

And if “beloved” -

Holy word

That is three times more sacred -

"Woman - Mother"!

The teacher asks questions:

- Tell me, guys, what qualities do your mothers have?(children from the audience speak)

Kindness. Every mother who loves her child has this quality.(4-5 slide)

Our dear mother!

These gentle lines are for you,

The sweetest and most beautiful,

The kindest on this earth.

Tenderness. This property of the soul can be seen in the mother’s gaze, heard in her voice.( 6-7 slide)

There is the most tender word in the world:

It is pronounced by children in infancy,

He is remembered in separation and torment -


Wisdom, the ability to intelligently solve various complex issues and give wise advice.(8-9 slides)

Mother! What a good word!

Mom is ready to be there all the time

In times of misfortune she is always there,

He will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.

He will share hopes, console, and understand.

He will confidently go through life next to him.

You can always trust her without looking back,

It’s not difficult to trust her with any secret.

Both day and dark night, children wait for their mother's love and affection. For this, children pay their mothers with gratitude and tender love.

Mother's love... it gives strength to the weak, helps those who doubt, and inspires many to heroism.

Listen to the poem “My dear man,” in which you will find out what children are ready to do for you. 10 slide

My dear man.

“You, daughter, are 9 years old

And you’re already big,”

My mother tells me every day,

Braiding pigtails.

And I want to cuddle up to her,

Hug her around the neck.

And I quietly whisper:

“You, mom, are the cutest of all!

When you lie down to rest,

I'll sit and sit.

Wake up - I'll see you again

I surround you with care.

I'm ready to sing for you

Knit and embroider.

You are my gift, a talisman,

And we are together forever!

And we are not afraid of thunder, storm,

My dear man.

Turn off computer.

Teacher . A mother's happiness is the happiness of her children. That’s why she can sometimes be Strict and demanding, because she understands her responsibility for her son or daughter and wishes them well and happiness. Mom is the child’s first teacher and friend, the closest and most faithful. And when her child grows up smart, healthy, well-mannered, the mother will be the happiest in the world. Therefore, let's promise mothers to be even better.

Children's promises:

1. We promise, we promise:
First things first, high fives.
Receive in lessons.

2. Drive carefully downhill
Don't tear new trousers.

3. And don’t fight, don’t swear.

4. Do not hit glass with washers.

5. Do not climb into the attic.

6. Eat porridge - so be it.

7. You, mothers, understand us
You, mothers, forgive us
We are such a people - boys
It's hard to change direction
But don't talk about us like that
Worry a lot!

8. We often upset you,
What we sometimes don’t notice
We love you very, very much.
Let's grow kind
And we will always try
To behave!

9. Is there a dad in this room?
Ten, five, at least one?
We want to tell you ourselves:
“Better help mom!”

10. Feel free to cook borscht,
Wash floors, wash dishes.
Mothers are not afraid of any kind of work.
Sew, knit, fly.

11. Why our dads
Won't they learn to do laundry?
Moms and dads together
We must be equal in everything!

12. How to find words worthy,
How to say without unnecessary phrases,
That we are very grateful
That we love you very much!

A song for our mothers.

And now let’s go to “Visitors to a Fairy Tale” ( 11 slide, etc. )

Game “Guess the flowers based on the tasks.

How many of you used to tell fortunes using a daisy as a child? Would you like us to tell our fortunes now? We offer comic prediction. Select an envelope.

Mothers are given envelopes with the following items:

button – you will buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
candy - a sweet, sweet life awaits;
kopeck – you will be a very money person;
Bay leaf – great success in work;
thread – a long road to distant lands, i.e. a journey
butterfly – this year you will be lucky, you will flutter on the wings of success through life;
heart - love;
key - new flat;
book – new receipts to the savings book, electronic card.

You all know that our country will soon host the Winter Olympics. We will cheer for our athletes. And they, in turn, will set records.

Do you know that our mothers are real record holders!!!

Mothers who are not qualified cooks cook more than 500 types of a wide variety of dishes during their lives;

On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of their sick children;

They also wash mountains of laundry. If you add up all the washed laundry, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus;

If you fold all the towels they have ironed, you will get a belt for the entire globe;

Mothers also sing songs, read poems, knit and sew;

They are happy and sad... most often because of us, children;

And mothers cry. Mom’s tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called the Ocean of Sadness;

And being a mother means seeing the happy faces of your children, and if the children have grown up and moved away, then waiting for them.

But the most important feat of a woman is the birth of a child. This is sacrificing oneself for the sake of continuing life on Earth.


Peace and happiness to your home, your family!
Peace and happiness to the land you walk on - Woman!

Girl. There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Vividly marked throughout the centuries.

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms!

Boy. May the sun forever applaud her,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms!

A mother who holds a child in her arms is full of happiness and love, but at the same time, anxiety. She wants only the best for her child. She worries about whether she is doing the right thing in a given situation. Mom prays to God and the Mother of God that they teach her how to be a good mother!!!

Presentation “Woman with a child in her arms!”

Boy. We wish you to always be happy, Where there is happiness, there is beauty, And a woman with a sweet smile is More beautiful than spring itself!

Girl. We wish you health and joy,

Mental strength in reserve,

Thank you, dear,

For everything she did for us.

For tireless worries,

For a world of family warmth,

May God grant that you are always in everything

And from now on she was the same!

Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice.
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,
“Thank you” for everything I say to you.
Live, smile through adversity,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
Let's illuminate yours with love life path.

Saying “thank you” is not enough.
We are all in your debt.
God bless you, mom,
A big wish from the bottom of my heart.
Your warmth, your goodness,
It always surrounds us.

We cherish your love sacredly.

You caressed us, you understood.
We say “thank you” to you for everything,
Live longer without knowing old age.

Let your dreams be calm and easy,
We love you very much, dear,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!
Today our whole family
We are celebrating a big day.

We praise all women

Thank you,

For beauty, for kindness and for tenderness.

Do you remember - we love you very much,

And we will try to live up to expectations.

We praise you, whose name is Woman.

Peace and happiness to your home, your family, your family.

Peace and happiness to the land on which you walk, Woman.

After all, the earth itself rotates

Only because you walk on it.

Our mother is our joy,

There are no words for us that are dearer,

So please accept my gratitude

To you from loving children.

Slide “This is for you mommy”

Present. Song.

Last slide (leaving the hall)

For Mother's Day “The kindest lesson”

· 8 grades Dear mothers! Today we have invited you to an evening dedicated to you. The first word a person utters is “mother.” It is addressed to the one who gave him life. Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero, all the pride of the world comes from Mothers!”

· 8 grades Every second three people are born in the world. And every mother lives with the child’s breath, his tears and smiles. The mother introduces the child to the world and humanity. She puts words into his mouth native language, in the head - thoughts, in the heart - feelings. She fills him with strength.

· 8 grades The mother no longer lives her own life, but the life of her child. How to appreciate all this, how to return at least a piece of the warmth and love that our mother gives us.

· 2 classes Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOTHER in the world.

· Who is the cutest person in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

· Reads books in the evening

And he always understands everything,

Even if I'm stubborn

I know MOM loves me.

· Never gets discouraged

He knows exactly what I need.

If suddenly drama happens,

Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - MOM.

· 4 classes My dear boy! You are doing well at school and have probably already learned a lot about the world around you. But do you know where the sailors got their strength? Do not you know? Then listen.

· Once upon a time, people lived on the Black Sea coast. I don’t remember what their names were now. They plowed the land, grazed and hunted wild animals. In the autumn, when field work ended, people went to the seashore and organized happy holidays: they sang and danced around huge fires.

· They also held games that ended with throwing arrows - arrows of happiness. If a young man wanted to become a hunter, he shot an arrow towards the forest, if he was a shepherd, he shot towards the herd, and if he was a plowman, he shot towards the field.

· The king of the seas and oceans, Neptune, emerged from the depths of the sea to watch these games. This is a very scary king, his eyes are large, white, like bubbles, his beard is green - made of algae, and his body is blue-green, the color of the sea.

· Neptune was sure that no one would dare try his luck at sea. But one day the young men came out to the fire and suddenly turned towards the sea and, as one, they all shot arrows there. How furious Neptune was!

· The pride of the people I am talking about has always been women - strong, beautiful, never aging. Women, looking at their sons, thought: the king of the sea could really bury their children at sea. The women thought and thought and decided to give all their strength to their sons.

· The young men, taking their mother’s strength, approached the very shore of the sea.
In order to keep them away from the water, Neptune threw a huge wave, but the young men resisted, did not bend and did not run back. But the mothers became weak after that.

· Have you seen, my boy, weak women? If you ever meet them again, don’t laugh at them; these women gave all their strength to children like you. And listen further. When Neptune saw that the young men had withstood the onslaught of the heavy shaft, he laughed wildly and angrily shouted to the women: Let your sons resist my strength here on the shore, but at sea I will tear their hands!

· The women thought again: yes, the king of the sea can do this, he has strong veins made of Manila herbs. While they were thinking, the daughters of the sea king came to the surface of the water. They, like their father, were ugly.

· Women, give us your beauty; for this we will get strong Manila grass from the bottom of the sea, we will make veins from it for your sons, and their hands will be as strong as our father’s.

· The women immediately agreed and gave their beauty to the daughters of the sea king . If you, my boy, see an ugly woman somewhere, do not turn away from her, know that she sacrificed her beauty for the sake of her children.

· When King Neptune found out about his daughters’ trick, he was very angry, threw them out of the sea and turned them into seagull birds. Have you heard, my boy, how the seagulls cry over the sea? They are the ones asking to go home, but their cruel father does not let them back and does not even look at them. But the sailors always look at the seagulls and can’t get enough of them, because the seagulls wear the beauty of their mothers.

· The young men, feeling strength in their farts and strength in their shoulders, finally went out to sea. They went out and disappeared. Mothers wait and wait, but their sons do not return. Neptune appeared again in front of the women and laughed loudly and loudly. His laughter even caused waves to roll across the sea. You can't wait for your sons now! They're wandering. You forgot that there are no roads or paths at sea.

· Let there be less light in our eyes and let the stars shine even brighter over our land, so that our sons can find their way to their native shores along them.

· As soon as the women said so, the stars immediately shone brightly in the sky. The young men saw them and returned home safely.

· That’s why, my boy, sailors are strong and invincible: their mothers gave them all the best they had.

· 6 grades I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Finds its own music...
This word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
This is the spark of the first consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
This word will not immediately deceive,
There is a being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it. Get up!
I pronounce it: Mom!

· 5th grade, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this little word that names the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

· 5 grades During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, that it was necessary to heal the most terrible wound - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. On November 1, it was presented to Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region. In 1997, the State Duma adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November.

· 5 grades I spent hours looking at Madonna,
What immortality gave to Raphael,
On the eyes...
Is it not from them, the bottomless ones,
Even hard souls brightened
Didn't take his eyes off her until
Throwing a haze of clouds over your shoulders,
Like a dreamed miracle,
Madonna stepped towards me.

· 5 grades A beautiful young woman with a child in her arms easily steps on the clouds towards her destiny: in order for people to be happy, Mary had to give them her son - little Christ - to suffer and suffer. Joy glorifies the greatness of a woman who is capable of making sacrifices in the name of a higher duty. Maria is the ideal of motherhood.

· 5 grades Without knowing any fatigue,
No peace every hour
Day and night dear mother

Everyone is worried about us.
She lulled us, fed us,
She sang to us by the bed.
She taught us first
Kind, joyful words.

· 8 grades With eyes wide open,
Sweet dream, trying to overcome,
I lie and think about my mother,
She's not there, she's on duty at night...
Mommy, beloved, dear!
Your dear image is before me,
I remember you cheerful
Young, beautiful and simple.
You've already turned a little grey,
But the eyes still sparkle
You take on any task -
Young as many years ago.
I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day.
Why do I love you, my dear?
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,
I love you, mom. You are my best friend!

· 000. There is no greater grief for a child than the loss of a parent. There are about 1.5 million orphans in our country, more than at the end of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. In peacetime, parents are lost not only because they died from illness or died in a disaster, but also because because of vodka or drugs, unfortunate parents abandoned their children.

· 7 grades Night. Old orphanage.
Small children in cribs
They sleep in a quiet, serene sleep,
Not knowing who is responsible for them. Only one boy at the window
Lies with open eyes
“Where is my mother, where is she” -
The words were mixed with tears. How difficult it is for a child to understand
That mom doesn’t need him anymore,
And here is only a clean bed
Both breakfast and dinner are on time. He fell asleep and dreamed again,
That he is loved and obedient.
And mother's love
Stronger than human indifference.

· Every child needs warmth, love, and maternal care.

· 8 grades In the house she is busy with good deeds, Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning here
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house.
What from this kindness,
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
It's mom, mom, mom!

· 8 grades Mom embroidered, embroidered,
Creating happiness and comfort.
In the evenings she sang like that,
Like now they probably don’t sing...
Mom embroidered for a long, long time,
I tried to put my soul into the song.
I didn’t spare my little heart,
And she forgave others all their sins -
Will go to sleep when on a towel
Red roosters wake up.
Then he pats his daughter on the head,
Then he looks into the cradle: “Sleep, son!”
And so he will put an end to the song,
It's like he's tying a knot!

· 8 grades In the town above the steepest
I know everyone inside out.
There's no better place for me -
My mother lives here!
I will come to her with failure -
We'll discuss everything until the morning,
And life will appear differently
In the light of her goodness.
Believing mom like a miracle,
There is no one dearer!
Whatever happens, wherever I will be,
Let's save the light!
My path does not go straight,
Sometimes I do the wrong thing...
Mom scolds her son
He will regret it like no one else.
Not the most holy mother,
Mom's life is illuminated.
If I'm worth anything,
She's all about mom!

· 11 grades Parents love their children unconditionally. It is after years that restraint and rigor come. But there is a meaning here too. After all, if mom cares who we are friends with, who we hang out with, it means she loves us and cares about us. She can scold us, “spoil” our nerves a little - so be it. This is for our own benefit. And this is clear to every smart person.

· 11 grades Hello mother! Again I dream of your song.
Hello mother! Your tenderness is as bright as memory.
This world is not so golden from the sun, -
It is filled to the brim with your kindness.
You are weakening - your strength is draining into me.
You are getting old - your years are disappearing into me.
All the same, despite any years,
You will be young for me forever.
There are many good people on earth,
There are a lot of warm-hearted people.
And yet the best on earth -
Mother. My mom.

· 11th grade How often do you hear the words that you didn’t have time to say everything and do everything for yourself? loved one. Only in the bitter moments of life do you begin to realize that there is no more valuable person in the world. Mom will save and help, mom will endure everything that others cannot bear.

· 11 grades Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

Before parting at the door

Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend

Don't rush, don't rush,

And to her, standing at the gate,

Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence,

In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.

For them we are forever kids,

And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder

Don’t be annoyed by their care,

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation

And we are on a boundless road

Without mother's kind hands -

Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly

And don’t be shy about lofty words.

Don't offend mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

· 11 grades Mom is crying, the house smells of valerian...
We often worry our mother about trifles:
Sometimes you spend the night with a friend,
But mother is not sleeping
And he thinks maybe
What trouble befalls my son,
She is not sleeping.
A minute is like an eternity
Passes before her like a question.
Mother will cry
And she seems to feel better...
What if she doesn't have enough tears?
So that life does not burn us through the years,
So as not to cry out of remorse,
Forever nowhere and never
Don't make mom cry!

· 11 grades In difficult life circumstances, people remember their mother. And it happens that a tender heart is literally torn from the surging feelings of guilt, pity, love, and words are difficult to utter. And every mother waits for these words. Listen to what words poets find for their mothers. These lines contain so much tenderness that you can almost physically feel the warmth emanating from them.

· 9 grades O. Bergoltz, from besieged Leningrad.
I take care of myself, dear,
Don't be afraid, I'm very careful:
I defend our city
With everyone together as best I can.
I protect myself from captivity,
The most shameful thing on earth.
Your blood is blacker in my veins,
Dictates - death, but not captivity!
Don't be afraid mom, I won't chicken out
I won't retreat, I won't run.
The soul you nurtured
I'll keep it undefeated.

· 9 grades Beautiful mothers- there are many of you in the world,
You look into the eyes, openly and directly...
No matter where the road takes you,
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.
We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone upsets her so often...
And a kind mother forgives all this,
A beautiful mother forgives all this.
Without bending stubbornly under the load of worries,
She does her duty patiently...
Every mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Oh, the faith of our mothers,
For an age that knows no measure.
Holy trembling faith
In us growing children
She is like light in a birch forest,
Nothing in the world can erase:
Not one in the diary,
Neither the neighbors' angry complaints,
Mothers are such a people -
Let's sigh
He takes a long look at you:
“Let them go wild. It will pass,”
And again they believe, believe, believe.
Only mothers believe this way,
Demanding and patient.
And they are not loud,
They don’t honor this miracle.
I just don’t care about the year
Their faith is reverent and tender,
But we don’t always
We justify their hopes.

· 8 grades Mom, dear mother...
The warm wind strokes your hair.
I love you, Mom,
More than anyone, more than anyone in the world.
Do you want me to go to the field, mom?
I’ll find wildflowers there.
If you want, mom, I will become like this,
So that you can be proud of me,
How proud I am of you now!

· 8 grades Not my great-grandfather's house -
Standard apartment,
But so many winters have passed,
Which means it doesn't matter
I have a corner
In the midst of a furious world
Among thousands of windows
Dear window!
Well, hello, mom, meet me,
Let's warm up some tea.
I'll fall asleep soundly -
How sweet this dream is!
Burn, don't go out, flickering fire!
I am a boy, a youth, a son,
And I will remain like this
While the mother is laying
Palm on my temple.

· 2 classes We are growing up, but the place of mother in our lives remains special, exceptional. If we bring our pain and joy to her, we always find understanding.

· 2 classes There is a bright shelter on earth,
Love and loyalty live there.
Everything that we sometimes only dream about,
Nestled there forever.
That is the heart, mother.
It's so gentle, right!
He is destined to live by your joy,
Bear the yoke of your sorrows.

· 2 classes Motherhood is a whole world. A mother's happiness is the happiness of her children. The mother is the child’s first teacher and friend, and the closest and most faithful.

· 6 classes There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked throughout the centuries.
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms!
May the sun forever applaud her,
This is how she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms!

· 3 classes How to find words worthy
How to say without unnecessary phrases,
That we are very grateful to you,
That we love you very much.

· I love my dear mommy very much,
I give her warmth and affection from my heart.
I want my mother to be happy
And she never knew grief.

· For affection, kindness, care
I want to thank her
I wish I could collect all the flowers
And give it to your dear mother.

· Live, smile through adversity,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love

· Let it be good, let it be beautiful
In your life there will always be -
Good morning, clear sky,
Well, never cloudy days!!!

Gifts for mothers.

Class hour on the theme "Mom's eyes"

Yulia Gennadievna Malysheva, social teacher, MBOU “Secondary” comprehensive school No. 3", Perm region Alexandrovsky municipal district, Yaiva village.
Description: Class hour on moral education for students in grades 8-9. This material can be used in preparing an out-of-class hour dedicated to the topic of motherhood, as well as during calendar holidays such as March 8 and Mother’s Day.
Target: Forming a value-based attitude towards your mother, the person who gave you life.
Preparatory work. For a day or two, ask the children to write question No. 1 on one quarter of a regular sheet of paper: “When are your eyes sad?”, on the other No. 2: “When are your eyes happy?” Take the leaves in envelopes to the mothers and return them to the class teacher in the morning.

Progress of the class hour:

Teacher: Her eyes, from birth,
I will never forget,
Tear, smile, awakening,
And mother's gentle hand,
I’m growing, looking for salvation in the eyes,
And help will be there as always,
I'm a reflection in her eyes
Will always help, say yes,
Your hands are already tired
Gray hair like an old man,
Your eyes have seen a lot,
Everyone looks at me the same...
Teacher: Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the class hour, where we will talk about the person closest to us - our mother.
Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which we use to call our dearest and only person. Close your eyes, listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. Mom’s voice is clear, like a talkative spring stream.
Her hands are like rays of sunshine that touch your cheek, and you feel warm and pleasant.
And what eyes...
Teacher: Guys, let's look into my mother's eyes. After all, by looking at the eyes you can tell a person’s mood, his well-being, his attitude towards what he sees and hears. Sometimes you can read peace and tranquility in your mother’s eyes. When you look into these eyes, your worry and anxiety go away, you believe: everything will be fine, because your mother is nearby. And sometimes these eyes darken, like the air darkens before a thunderstorm, and the eyes turn into eyes, menacing eyes, because the truth emanates into them and through them, and you recognize yourself as small and sinful, and you are ashamed of your despicable vile act.
Let's think about the question: When do mom's eyes become sad?
Work in micro groups.
The teacher reads mom’s leaflet No. 1 and asks the children to mark what they didn’t name and what mom is sad about.
Teacher: Now let's think about the question: When are mom's eyes happy?
Children work in small groups, then speak in groups.
The teacher reads mom’s leaflets No. 2.

Teacher: The word "mother" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with dreams, accompanying all life.
Teacher: Guys, have you ever tried to describe your mother? What image comes to your mind when you mention the word “Mom”?
Vocabulary work
1. Work in micro groups. Compiling a dictionary entry for the word “mother”.
Children: MOTHER is the soul of the family, of the home.
- Gratitude itself;
- a storehouse of wisdom and patience;
- organizer of good weather in the house;
- keeper of the family hearth;
- gentle sunshine for children and husband;
- companion in joy and sorrow, child and spouse
Teacher: There are a lot of popular words about mother, sayings and aphorisms. outstanding people about mother. Listen to how famous people talked about mom.
Appeal to authoritative opinion.
A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.
Balzac Honore de (1799 – 1850)
Happy is she who is proud of her title of mother and looks at her children as her best adornment.
A.F.Romanova (1872 – 1918)
Teacher: And now I propose to listen to one parable.
Working with the source. Reading a parable.
The parable of the mother who did not have an eye.
All my life I have been ashamed of my mother. She was missing one eye and she seemed ugly to me. We lived poorly. I didn’t remember my father, and my mother... Who will give Good work, like her, one-eyed. And if my mother tried to dress me better and at school I was no different from my classmates, then in comparison with the mothers of other children, so beautiful and elegant, she seemed like an ugly beggar. I hid it from my friends as best I could.
But one day she took it and came to school - she was bored, you see. And she came up to me in front of everyone! As soon as I didn't fall through the ground. In a rage he ran away wherever his eyes were looking. And the next day, of course, the whole school was talking about how ugly my mother was. Well, or so it seemed to me. And I hated her. “It would be better if I didn’t have a mother at all than someone like you, it would be better if you died!” - I shouted then. She was silent.
Most of all I wanted to leave home as quickly as possible, to get away from my mother. And what could she give me? I studied hard at school, then, to continue my education, I moved to the capital. He started working, got married, and got his own home. Soon the children appeared. Life smiled at me. And I was proud that I achieved everything myself. I didn't remember my mother.
But one day she came to the capital and came to my house. The children did not know that it was their grandmother, they did not know that they had a grandmother at all, and they began to laugh at her. After all, my mother was so ugly. A long-standing resentment overwhelmed me. She again! Now he wants to disgrace me in front of my children and wife?! “What do you want here? Have you decided to scare my children? - I hissed, pushing her out the door. She remained silent.
Several years have passed. I have achieved even greater success. And when an invitation to an alumni meeting came from the school, I decided to go. Now I had nothing to be ashamed of. The meeting was fun. Before leaving, I decided to wander around the city and I don’t know how I came to my old house. The neighbors recognized me, said that my mother had died, and handed me her letter. I wasn’t particularly upset, and at first I wanted to throw the letter away without reading it.
But he opened it anyway. “Hello, son. Forgive me for everything. For not being able to provide you with a happy childhood. Because you had to be ashamed of me. For coming to your house without permission. You have beautiful children and I didn’t want to scare them at all. They are so similar to you. Take care of them. You, of course, don’t remember this, but when you were very young, an accident happened to you and you lost an eye. I gave you mine. There was nothing more I could do to help you. You achieved everything yourself. And I just loved you, rejoiced at your successes and was proud of you. And she was happy. Your mother".

Tasks for discussion:
Teacher: What is this parable about? What was the most important thing you learned from this parable?
Children's answers.
Teacher: Many of us, looking into our mother's eyes, cannot always express words of love, gratitude and respect. Sometimes it's easier for us to pick up a pen and paper and convey our feelings through words.
I suggest you take paper hearts and on one side write words of love and tenderness to your mothers, and on the other side ask for forgiveness for the act with which you offended your mother or upset her.
After class, when you come home, give these hearts with a hug and kiss to your moms.
Teacher: Mother…. There are millions of them, and each one carries a feat in its heart - maternal love. Everyone, if there is even an atom of humanity in him, will say: “ Best mother- my mother,” for there is no limit to her tenderness, no matter who she is, no matter where she lives, no matter what blood makes her heart beat. If as much good as a mother’s heart radiates would radiate to everyone around her, evil would die under the pure, powerful ray of the sun. You all know the words from the song: “Let there always be a mother, let there always be me.” And the words of the song do not deceive us: mom will always be there, but she won’t always be there. That is why it is necessary now, from today, to learn to love our mother so that this love saturates her and our hearts and binds us with such close ties that would be stronger than death itself.
Teacher: And in the end, I want to wish you guys, think more about your mothers, take care of them, love them. Their love for you is deep. Every mother dreams that you would be good people. And let only tears of joy appear in your mother’s eyes for you. And I would like to end our conversation with R. Gamzatov’s poem “Take care of mothers.”
I sing of what is eternally new.
And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in the soul
Protects his music.
And, not obeying my will,
It rushes towards the stars, the surrounding area expands...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - the orchestra of my soul.
But when I say, like for the first time,
This is the Word-Miracle, the Word-Light, -
Stand up people!
Fallen, alive!
Arise, children of our turbulent years!
Arise, pines of the centuries-old forest!
Stand up, straighten up, stalks of grass!
Stand up, all flowers! And stand up, mountains,
Lifting the sky on your shoulders!
Everyone stand up and listen while standing
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up! Stand up everyone!
As the forests rise with the new dawn,
Like blades of grass rushing upward towards the sun,
Stand up, everyone, when you hear this word,
Because in this word there is life.
The word is a call and a spell,
This word contains the soul of existence.
Teacher: Thank you for your attention!