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Ventilation systems for winter gardens from the company “Estok. Glazing of winter gardens

Microclimate of the winter garden

Weightless in appearance, the transparent structure serves as an organic continuation of the room, significantly expanding its boundaries and influencing the internal climate. The microclimate of a winter garden differs from the climate of a regular room. Thanks to new materials, as well as modern engineering and technical capabilities in the field of ventilation, heating and shading, the winter garden can be turned into an ideal relaxation place.

For a comfortable stay in the winter garden, thermal balance is very important. Therefore, think through the ventilation and heating system in advance and carefully. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Rising upward, it gathers under a glass roof. This thermal flow creates natural ventilation, similar to the heat flow in a fireplace, but this is not enough to maintain a normal microclimate in the winter garden. Fresh air is important in the winter garden. For ventilation, the necessary elements are opening windows and hatches located in the roof plane. They can be lifted using manual opening poles and remote controlled electric lifts. In some winter garden designs, ventilation of each individual part and each connecting point is thought out. To ensure the recommended tenfold renewal of the total air volume to reduce humidity and cool in hot weather, it is necessary that the area of ​​the opening windows be 1/6 (1/5) of the total window area.

In the cool season, you will need to heat the room. Therefore, the winter garden must be equipped with a heating system. Heat transfer processes in glazing under the influence of sunlight are based on the property of glass to transmit short-wave radiation, which heats objects (floors, walls) in extensions. When heated, these objects themselves emit long waves in the infrared range. Thanks to glazing, this energy is no longer released outside. In this case, not only direct solar radiation is useful, but also radiation from the sky covered with clouds. The use of solar energy for heating premises means the most efficient use of radiation that does not exceed the temperature limits of comfort (30°C). Heat must be accumulated in the floor and walls, warm air must enter the premises of the house itself, with which the winter garden must be connected through doors and windows. In this case, the method of operation is of decisive importance, since all the above parameters must be constantly adjusted. For heated winter gardens, special heat-protective glass is recommended. Sun protection involves the use of external shading systems or internal shading.

A winter garden is a rather complex organism. It must meet such characteristics as structural safety, protection of the internal space from cooling and overheating, and high resistance to atmospheric influences. Only professionals can provide a comprehensive solution to these issues.

Since the glass shell almost instantly transmits changes in the external climate into the internal space, it is fundamentally important to include special devices and devices in it, with the help of which peak climatic loads could be quickly and effectively leveled out.

In winter, the temperature and humidity of the outside air do not undergo sharp abrupt changes throughout the day. The stability of the microclimate parameters inside is maintained by regulating the power of the heating system and variable thermal insulation elements (roller shutters and blinds), closed at night to save additional heat from the sun entering the winter garden during daylight hours. The main negative factor in winter is a possible drop or increase in the humidity of the internal air, which is unfavorable for people and provokes the occurrence of plant diseases.

In summer, the outside air temperature is characterized by high amplitudes throughout the day. On hot summer days, the difference in outside air temperatures between daytime and nighttime in Moscow reaches 15 - 20 °C. The share of solar radiation falling on a horizontal surface (roof) at 48° N. latitude. (Moscow), in July it is 877 MJ/m2; on a vertical surface (wall) - 398 MJ/m2 when oriented to the south, and 197 MJ/m2 when oriented to the north.

On a hot sunny day, an accumulation of solar heat occurs inside the winter garden, penetrating through the glass walls and roof and causing an increase in indoor temperature due to the “greenhouse effect”. Many plants do not tolerate temperatures above 27 ° C, and many have bright sun that burns their leaves. Obviously, the high temperature inside the winter garden is completely unacceptable for humans.

To regulate microclimate parameters in winter gardens, they are used, which include a group of devices controlled from a single remote control, programmed manually or using a computer. In Russia, such system solutions are still relatively little known, but at present they are gradually occupying a certain niche in the market for smart window technologies.

The most famous winter garden ventilation system in our country today is the SI-WIGa-Bus-System, produced by the SIEGENIA-AUBI company, installed and operated at a number of private facilities in Moscow.

Overheating of the winter garden due to exposure to solar radiation.

The integrated ventilation system SI-WIGa-Bus-System includes a group of devices designed to perform specific functions and controlled from a single central console. At a specific construction site, both the entire system complex and individual devices can be used, purposefully grouped to solve specific problems. The system is very easy to install and operate; individual blocks are connected to each other using a regular telephone cable.

The main element of the system, its “brain center”, is the central control unit AEROTRONIC, which, as a rule, is mounted inside the winter garden on the wall of the main house, to which the winter garden is adjacent.

The AEROTRONIC unit contains sensors that read the temperature and relative humidity of the internal air, respectively, in the interval t = 0 .... 50 °C and f = 30 ... 80%. In accordance with the functional purpose of the premises (winter garden, cafe, premises for cultural and domestic purposes, etc.), critical values ​​of controlled parameters are programmed that determine the boundary conditions for comfort in the winter garden premises.

When any critical value occurs from the programmed parameters: temperature (for example, tcrit = + 30 ° C - the maximum permissible temperature for plants growing in the winter garden) or humidity (for example, fkrit = 60% - the maximum permissible humidity for humans ) or a programmed critical combination of temperature and humidity (for example, t crit = + 25 °C at fkrit = 60%), a signal is sent from the AEROTRONIC unit to turn on the fans and open the dampers and valves of the AEROMAT type air supply devices (see chapter 6), located on the walls of the winter garden and roof exhaust devices AEROJET or AEROSTAR.

When the supply and exhaust devices are turned on, the winter room is intensively ventilated in forced ventilation mode for a certain period of time. Ventilation will be carried out in continuous or intermittent mode until the values ​​of the controlled parameters reach the lower value programmed on the AEROTRONIC control unit.

Scheme of forced ventilation of a winter garden due to a group of wall and roofing devices. Air is removed from the top - the most overheated zone of the room.

If necessary, the SI-WIGa-Bus-System system can use windows controlled by remote opening electric drives as supply elements, and a weather station unit can be installed on the roof of the winter garden

AEROTRONIC Wetter-station, designed for reading outdoor climate parameters and equipped with a device for measuring wind speed, a rain sensor and a solar radiation sensor. Using the AEROTRONIC Wetter-station unit, the integrated operation of supply and exhaust devices and the roof shading system is carried out using additional sun protection devices

Weather stationAEROTRONIC Wetter-station.General view.

1 - device for measuring wind speed; 2 - temperature and humidity sensor; 3 - rain sensor; 4 - solar radiation sensor, oriented to the four cardinal directions.

Automated control over the degree of exposure of winter garden surfaces to solar radiation and shading of the winter garden roof with awnings

In case of hurricane wind or rain, the weather station sends a signal to the AEROTRONIC control unit, which in turn sends a signal to close all open hatches and windows connected to the AEROTRONIC Fenstermodul distribution unit.

The solar radiation sensor reads data on the presence of direct irradiation by solar rays of any of the walls of the winter garden, depending on their orientation and the position of the Sun on its trajectory at a given moment in time. The signal is sent to the AEROTRONIC control unit, from which a command is sent to close the awning (shading) of the winter garden on the side exposed to direct solar irradiation. The opening and closing of the awnings is controlled using the AEROTRONIC Beschattungsmodul distribution block, to which three awnings can be connected.

Additional sun protection devices can be made in both external and internal versions. In particular, the figure shows a variant of internal shading - using a sun awning. Sun protection structures, as a rule, are made of composite fabric materials, the basis of which is made of interwoven fiberglass threads, with a shell based on PVC or acrylic. As with all composites, fiberglass in this case provides the tensile strength necessary for mobile curtains subject to frequent changing loads, and PVC provides resistance to UV solar radiation, protecting the awning from fading. The interweaving of the threads is carried out in such a way that 10 ... 20% of natural daylight penetrates into the room, creating a soft shading effect.

The Siberia company can offer you:

The winter garden is used as a room with natural light for placing indoor or exotic non-winter-hardy plants. Winter garden ventilation solves the following problems:

  • supply of fresh air;
  • exhaust air outflow;
  • temperature and humidity control.

These conditions are necessary to create a microclimate favorable for plant life.

Proper winter garden ventilation

The following winter garden ventilation standards are accepted:

  • temperature 10–20°C (depending on the type of plant);
  • humidity 50–70%;
  • maintaining the soil temperature at 20°C (for most indoor plants).

Stuffiness should be avoided in the warm season and overcooling of plants in the cold season. In turn, excessive humidity can destroy plants and lead to the formation of condensation on the walls of the room, which can significantly reduce the service life of the structure.

Types of winter garden ventilation

Ventilation of the winter garden can be natural or forced.
Natural ventilation is carried out due to natural air exchange, which is ensured by opening/closing vents or other openings. The main disadvantage is that you have to open/close the windows manually. The plants will not be protected from excessively warm or cold air - the ventilation standards of the winter garden will not be met.
The forced ventilation system is based on the installation of exhaust devices in the roof and air supply devices in the lower part of the room. Air exchange and climate control are carried out by electric fans. A significant disadvantage is that this requires significant ongoing energy costs.
It is worth noting that installing an air conditioner will not solve the problem of high-quality ventilation of the winter garden, since heating or cooling the air alone is not enough: it is necessary that the air be suitable for the life of plants.

Solar ventilation systems

There is a way to organize proper ventilation without the cost of operating the system. For this purpose, equipment powered by sources of publicly available inexhaustible energy (solar) is used. There is no need to figure out how to accumulate solar energy - similar devices have already been developed and sold in Russia. Installation and installation are carried out without difficulty. Such collectors are common throughout the world (mainly in Europe, USA, Canada).
The energy of the sun's rays is accumulated and converted at any time of the year, and high-quality ventilation of the winter garden using equipment running on an alternative energy source is carried out autonomously in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Poorly air-conditioned conservatories are very hot in summer and too cold in winter. Using appropriate sun protection systems, ventilation and heating, you can easily get rid of such problems.

When sketching a conservatory, it is necessary to chart the course of future indoor climate conditions. In principle, the height of the extension must be planned taking into account its aesthetic perception. Because: the higher the structure, the further the warm air rises, and the cooler it is near the floor. In this case, you cannot do without an effective ventilation system: often, as a rule, the ventilation surface accounts for about 10% of the glazing area. This is just a theoretical value, because the calculation of ventilation parameters depends on many factors - the height of the ceilings and the placement of the structure relative to the cardinal directions, shading and use. By the way, doors may not be taken into account in professional planning of a ventilation system.

In special cases, mechanical ventilation systems are required when air movement is carried out by fans. This applies, for example, to winter gardens with very low ceilings, which become very hot in the summer. Fans are usually mounted in the gable area, in a special ventilation outlet in the roof ridge. Ventilation devices operate from AC power or from 12-volt solar panels and are automatically controlled. Winter garden heating radiators can be connected to the central heating system of the house without any problems. At the same time, the heating boiler must be powerful enough, in addition, it is recommended to install an additional temperature sensor. To calculate the required heating power, you should take into account the correct thermal expansion coefficients of the roof and facade. This is the most common source of error because a flat glass roof has a higher thermal transfer coefficient (= higher heat loss) than the side surfaces, even if they are made of the same material.

Ventilation windows on the roof

Important: fresh air

A good ventilation system is as important as good heating. Because: in the summer, when it’s really hot, you can’t do without fresh air.

Fast air exchange is ensured by exhaust valves located in the roof and ventilation windows installed in the side walls. The microclimate is also influenced by the height of the building: the higher the ceilings of the room, the more comfortable the air temperature in it.

As soon as the outside air temperature becomes 5°C colder, the so-called “chimney effect” occurs: the warmest layers of air collect under the roof and can evaporate directly outside. At the same time, fresh, cool air enters through ventilation hatches or openings.

Sunny summer day: when the sun is mercilessly hot during the hot season, a good ventilation system ensures a comfortable microclimate in the winter garden. Doors to adjacent rooms should be closed to prevent it from getting too hot.

Sunny spring or autumn day: In spring and autumn the sun is intense enough to heat up your conservatory. Now, as needed, you can open ventilation windows or use free heat to warm adjacent rooms.

Sunny winter day: Sunny winter days delight the owners of winter gardens: the walls and floors accumulate solar energy, and the winter garden warms up without additional heating. In addition, by opening the doors, you can heat adjacent rooms without spending a single penny.

Cloudy winter day: with cloudy skies and sub-zero temperatures in the conservatory, close the windows and turn on the heating. Since winter gardens are not heated as much as living spaces in the cold season, the doors connecting the winter garden to the house should be kept closed

Sliding doors for winter garden

Some manufacturers offer winter gardens with sliding systems that save space and make the winter garden stylish and beautiful. Such designs are especially appropriate if a terrace is adjacent to the winter garden.

Depending on the size of the ventilation hatches, a complete exchange of air occurs literally in a matter of minutes. The air flow must be well dosed, so in winter you should open the windows from time to time to replace stale air with fresh air. It is precisely when there is a strong temperature difference that an unpleasant draft occurs.

Sliding systems allow free access to the winter garden both from the side of the building and from the outside. The entire area can be used for garden parties.

For hot summer days: proper shading

Sun protection is important, because with frequent ventilation, the air temperature in a sunny winter garden in summer can reach up to +40°C. Deciduous trees growing near the winter garden create excellent shade in the summer, but they cannot replace a technical solution. Although shrubs in front of ventilation windows keep the air cool, it is still only a small contribution to air conditioning.

Shading with pleated curtain system

Internal and external shading for the winter garden

In most cases, the internal sun protection system looks quite aesthetically pleasing. Typically, internal sun protection systems are represented by such types as elegant blinds, roller blinds or roller blinds. However, a warm air cushion is formed between the glass surface and the sun protection system, so this form is recommended for use with good ventilation. Interior shading can be used in any weather, allowing up to 60% of the sun's energy to penetrate from outside to inside. There are design solutions for any roof shape, including the roof surface.

With external shading, up to 80% of sunlight is reflected. The external sun protection system must be very durable, as it is exposed to atmospheric conditions. A very popular type of external sun protection system is awnings, designed to protect glass roofs from direct sunlight. Dense fabric retains solar heat and shades the side walls of the winter garden. It is best to install automatic control so that the sun protection system automatically unfolds and retracts in bad weather. In addition to special awnings, roller blinds and rain blinds are used today.

Tip: any blinds - whether internal or external - have one big advantage over other shading systems: the mechanism for controlling the position of the aluminum slats allows you to maximize the use of the sun's energy depending on its position and reflect direct "hot" rays. At the same time, diffused, rather “cool” light penetrates through the cracks.

Schematic representation of external shading (left) and internal shading (right).

Electronic climate control in the winter garden

The summer holiday period is a real test for plants: the air temperature in the winter garden can reach up to +70°C, while sensitive plants get burned already at +40°C. Climate control, which is active even when no one is home, will help solve this problem. A small weather station and sensors connected to the winter garden send weather signals to the computer in real time. Based on these data, the computer regulates the air conditioning in the winter garden. If the air temperature is too high, small motors open the windows. The sun protection system is also computer controlled.

Tip: Make sure that the air supply valves do not become entry points for thieves. Much more reliable than glazed windows are flat sliding ventilation grilles in the floor area.

Electronic climate control works even when no one is home.

Pleasant warmth in cold winter

The most popular option for heating winter gardens are heating convectors located along the continuous window front. Flat radiators do not interfere with the use of the winter garden; they can be built into the floor and covered with a grille. Typically, such radiators are installed along glass walls so that thermal radiation warms the surrounding surface. At the same time, with such placement of convector radiators, condensation will not appear on the glass.

You can create an optimal heating system in a winter garden by combining several types, for example, additionally using a heated floor system. A water heated floor system requires a coolant with a temperature of maximum +45°C.

In order to avoid heat loss in winter, good insulation is necessary. In addition to the usual floor insulation, you also need to insulate the heater’s chimney using dense insulating materials.

Translation: Lesya V.
especially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

As noted in previous chapters, large recreational spaces behind panoramic glass walls, glass-roofed atrium courtyards and winter gardens are an integral part of modern architecture. In such premises a special, specific feeling of visual contact with the environment is provided, and the adjacent park or forest area becomes a unique element of the interior. The microclimate conditions formed in the winter garden must meet the requirements of human comfort, as well as provide conditions for the life and growth of exotic plants grown in artificial conditions.

The room, located behind light translucent fences, has a minimum level of protection from negative factors of the external environment: the glass shell almost instantly transmits changes in the external climate to the interior space. Therefore, when designing a winter garden, it is fundamentally important to include special devices and devices with which it would be possible to quickly and effectively level out peak climatic loads.

In winter, the temperature and humidity of the outside air do not undergo sharp abrupt changes throughout the day. The stability of the microclimate parameters inside the winter garden is maintained by regulating the power of the heating system and variable thermal insulation elements (roller shutters and blinds), closed at night to save additional heat from the sun entering the winter garden during daylight hours. The main negative factor in winter is a possible drop or increase in the humidity of the internal air, which is unfavorable for people and provokes the occurrence of plant diseases.

In the summer, an accumulation of solar heat occurs inside the winter garden, penetrating through the glass walls and roof and causing an increase in the temperature inside the room due to the “greenhouse effect”, which occurs due to the differential transmission of thermal radiation with different wavelengths by the glass.

In natural heat exchange, each body emits thermal energy. In this case, the wavelength of the radiation depends on the body temperature. Glass installed in the external building envelope is exposed to two-way thermal radiation coming from the Sun on one side, and from the internal surfaces of the room on the other.

The absolute temperature of the internal surfaces of the room is close to the absolute temperature of the Earth's surface (for a given climatic region) and averages 293 K (20 °C). In this case, the maximum thermal radiation is in the range from 1600 to 2000 nm. The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6000 K. Its thermal radiation falls in the wavelength range from 300 to 2500 nm. The spectra of thermal radiation from the Sun and the internal surfaces of the room (conventionally, the Earth) are shown in rice.


Rice. Accumulation of solar thermal energy within a closed glassed space. Overheating of the winter garden due to exposure to solar radiation

Ordinary window glass transmits ultraviolet radiation, visible light and short-wave infrared radiation from the Sun well, and, much worse, long-wave infrared radiation emanating from heated surfaces of the room. Heat, therefore, cannot escape outside and accumulates within the enclosed space (Fig. the room overheats.

Many plants do not tolerate temperatures above 27 ° C, and many have bright sun that burns their leaves. Obviously, the high temperature inside the winter garden is completely unacceptable for humans. To regulate microclimate parameters in winter gardens, automated systems are used, which include a group of devices controlled from a single remote control, programmed manually or using a computer.

Automatic winter garden ventilation system SI-WIGa-Bus-System produced by the enterprise "SIEGENIA-AUBI", allows you to ensure an effective ventilation regime for the winter garden premises, with priority - in the summer, when the winter garden requires the most intensive ventilation. In addition, individual elements of the system can be used to organize winter ventilation of the room.

Integrated ventilation system SI-WIGa-Bus-System includes a group of devices designed to perform certain functions and controlled from a single central console (Fig. At a specific construction site, both the entire system complex and individual devices can be used, purposefully grouped to solve specific problems. The system is very easy to install and operate; individual blocks are connected to each other using a regular telephone cable. The main element of the system, its “brain center”, is the central control unit AEROTRONIC (item 1 Fig., which, as a rule, is mounted inside the winter garden on the wall of the main house, to which the winter garden is adjacent. In the block AEROTRONIC sensors are installed that read the temperature and relative humidity of the internal air, respectively, in the interval t = 0 ... 50 ° C and f = 30 ... 80%. In accordance with the functional purpose of the room (winter garden, swimming pool, gym, etc.), critical values ​​of controlled parameters are programmed that determine the boundary conditions for comfort in the winter garden room.

When any critical value occurs from the programmed parameters: temperature (for example, t crit = + 30 ° C - the maximum permissible temperature for plants growing in the winter garden) or humidity (for example, f crit = 60% - the maximum permissible humidity for humans ) or a programmed critical combination of temperature and humidity (for example, t crit = + 25 ° C at f crit = 60%), from the block AEROTRONIC the signal is sent to turn on the fans and open the dampers and valves of air supply devices like AEROMAT located on the walls of the winter garden and roof exhaust devices АЭROJET (see section 6.1.2).

When the supply and exhaust devices are turned on, the winter room is intensively ventilated in forced ventilation mode (Fig. over a certain period of time. Ventilation will be carried out in continuous or intermittent mode until the values ​​of the controlled parameters reach the lower value programmed on the control unit AEROTRONIC.

1 - central control unit (AEROTRONIC)
2 — air supply device (AEROMAT)
3 - roof exhaust device (AEROJET)
4a and 4b - weather station
5 - control unit for opening and closing windows
6 - control unit for opening and closing shading awnings
7 - shading awnings

Rice. Scheme of forced ventilation of a winter garden due to a group of wall and roofing devices. Air is removed from the top - the most overheated zone of the room

Rice. AEROTRONIC Wetterstation weather station. General form.
1 - device for measuring wind speed
2 - temperature and humidity sensor
3 - rain sensor
4 - solar radiation sensor, oriented to the four cardinal directions

If necessary in the system SI-WIGa-Bus-System windows controlled by electric remote opening drives can be used as supply elements (see section 6.1.1), and a weather station unit is installed on the roof of the winter garden - AEROTRONIC Wetter-station (item 4 Fig. and Fig., designed to read the parameters of the outdoor climate and equipped with a device for measuring wind speed, a rain sensor and a solar radiation sensor. Using a block AEROTRONIC Wetter-station integrated operation of supply and exhaust devices and roof shading systems is carried out using additional sun-protection devices - awnings (pos. 7 Fig.

The wind speed meter is a classic anemometer equipped with an impeller in the form of a Robinson cross. In Robinson's cross, four hollow hemispheres are fixed at the ends of the cross, convexly facing one way. Under the influence of wind, the cross rotates because the pressure on the cup facing the direction of the wind with its concave side is greater than the pressure on the cup facing the convex side. Unlike a standard anemometer, the wind sensor installed on the roof of the winter garden is equipped with a tachometer machine that converts rotational energy into an electrical signal.

The rain sensor is capacitive. The electrical capacitance of the sensor is formed by a system of two flat combs protected on top by a thin layer of dielectric. When water gets on the surface of the sensor, the interelectrode dielectric constant changes, which leads to a change in the electrical capacitance and is recorded by the corresponding electronic circuit. The sensor is heated to remove moisture from the surface in order to bring it into working condition for subsequent measurements.

In case of hurricane wind or rain, the weather station sends a signal to the control unit AEROTRONIC, from which, in turn, a signal is sent to close all open hatches and windows connected to the distribution block AEROTRONIC Fenstermodul (item 5 Fig.

The solar radiation sensor reads data on the presence of direct irradiation by the sun's rays of any of the walls of the winter garden, depending on their orientation and the position of the Sun on its trajectory at a given time (Fig. The signal is sent to the control unit AEROTRONIC, from which the team leaves to close the awnings (shading) of the winter garden on the side exposed to direct solar radiation. The opening and closing of awnings is controlled using a distribution block AEROTRONIC Beschattungsmodul (item 6 Fig., to which three awnings can be connected.

Additional sun protection devices can be made in both external and internal versions. Sun protection structures are usually made of composite fabric materials, the basis of which is made up of interwoven fiberglass threads, with a PVC or acrylic-based shell. As with all composites, fiberglass in this case provides the tensile strength necessary for mobile curtains subject to frequent changing loads, and PVC provides resistance to UV solar radiation, protecting the awning from fading. The interweaving of the threads is carried out in such a way that 10 ... 20% of natural daylight penetrates into the room, creating a soft shading effect.
